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and those are ruined anyways sorry I'm just so emotional because I've worked so hard to like preserve this stuff Welcome to mapperton our family home and estate endorse it in the southwest of England Julie and I took over running mapperton a few years ago from my parents the Earl Encounters of sandwich it's a lot of work but also a lot of fun the this place is full of fascinating stories extraordinary people and endless repairs so please join our family on this journey of a lifetime as we put all our efforts into preserving This Magnificent part of England's heritage [Music] what a week this has been at mapperton I would say it's been one of our worst yeah definitely but I'm one of our worst I'm protecting myself from the wind but also I need to sit down because I'm so exhausted coming up in this episode You Will discover why there is no longer an eagle up there we have lost one of our Eagles and we thought that was bad but then this morning we woke to a Biblical flood and storm Julie's been in tears I've been I've been carrying a mop and if that wasn't enough we've had the leak at Marsh farm so we've got water leaking in but then we've got water leaking out because people have not had water at one of the Farms here at mapperton because there's been yet another leak it's been it's been uh yeah I think it's it's been really hard and exhausting and today today I had a hard day so I mean I still you can probably hear it in my voice I'm still a bit sort of shaken up and I'm exhausted um yeah I'm I'm trying to not make light but to be a little bit more historical about things because this is just the nature of these places that sometimes this is not downtown everybody stuff happens and it's not fun no and um you know where we live is also somewhere that we work and it's also in deepest West Dorset which is getting more and more prone to Serious storms in fact I can feel the rain coming now we've just been clearing up um I thought we should have a historic house word of the day Julie can you face a historic household of the day okay today I mean I can I'll finish it I was weighing up two words today one was a really simple one lead historic houses have a lot of lead and today the lead has led us down at least particularly particularly um houses from this period there's a lot of flat roofs flat roofs are not great for leaks how did they cope with keeping the rain out they put lead down and then they have what's called lead flashing which is the join of the lead that points down and so when the rain comes down it doesn't leak but when the but when when the gutters are all backed up and the water is piling back up the gutter and the whole thing is flooding the water gets under the lead flashing and gets down into the house which is what happened today so but we've got so much going on at maps and at the moment um obviously we've been fixing the eagle we've got the leak at Marsh Farm we've got Julie getting ready for a yoga retreat at the same time everybody at the same time there will be another episode but another episode I mean oh my gosh it's um it's just been it's been non-stop now you said you really tried to cheer me up but at least yeah we did do one thing that was fun I taught Julie how to play conkers conkers was the greatest fun as a child in the Autumn or the fall as you say and it's quite a vicious game a bit like that croquet episode that you might have seen and I'm quite a competitive conqueror he was trying to cheer me up after so so we did at least you know with all the things going on there was uh there was that which was which is on this episode which is not coming up on this episode as well I think before we go into some of the content let's just say another big thank you to everybody watching to all of you subscribers if you're not subscribed press the button please we're really grateful it really helps really supports we've got so many unexpected costs now um due to the storms due to the eagle that it really helps us with our work here and um and then also just a huge thank you to our patrons to our mattress and live patrons who have been just absolutely incredible it's an amazing Community please do consider being a part of the mapperton live patreon Community have live q and A's we let them know uh even in more detail what's going on here and all of our patrons are just so supportive of what we're doing and especially now of what's recently been happening it's a lovely Community thank you to our patrons they also get lovely gifts as well yep what do they get these days tea towels magnets bookmarks bookmarks Etc limited edition prints yeah and a lovely community of of people all coming together to help us with this project and my goodness we need help on weeks like this I think I've gone crazy so I'm here with Raymond in front of the house and we've had a bit of an overnight catastrophe which is that the wind and the storm have finally got this um to the moment where the eagle which is one of a pair of eagles the first thing that you see is you come to the front of the house has fallen The Eagle Has Fallen I think that's the code word for something quite important but anyway Raymond it's not the code word for anything important here it's the code word for something fairly disastrous so what's the plan what happened is the um the eagle when it was made it's on a an iron Armature and so um the iron goes down into the legs which are bolted down to a plinth and the Iron's corroded away and it's just let go and the weight of the Eagles just pulled it away from being upright so so straightforward rusting of the central yeah the Armature Armature that holds the eagle up yeah so up up through the legs so what we've got to do is to rest the front of it by building a small square to make sure it doesn't fall and then we can get a hoist on it and lift it away as we saw the other one that's so first step is to make it safe and um and that's what we're doing now second step is get a hoist lift the whole thing off and then it's going to have to go and be repaired yeah and it this is yet another sizable mapperton restoration project and it's one of those things I talk about them in these videos that you simply can't predict you wake up one morning and suddenly something big has happened that's right Raymond we're lucky to have you Darren's going to be giving you a hand as well he's got lots of other gear lifting gear and things and we've got um a farmer on standby with a Manitou which will come and just with a what a man or two a Manitou a manatee I thought that was a an animal that lives off the coast of Florida you know it's a man or two not a manatee yeah okay the manitou's a huge big farm tractor with an extended arm it's got two teeth on the end two forks and we can get underneath it cushion it and lift it off and lift and lift it off that way and then where we're going to put it well we'll put it somewhere where very very safe right where we can work on it right lock it up as well I think I'm gonna have to leave you with your Mana too yeah well we haven't got him not yeah well later on yeah and because I can see we've got people looking to come into the Halloween trail so we've got to get out the way yeah and let them through anyway thank you Raymond all right on we go yeah okay all right [Music] I'll tell you what it is you've been so frustrated over the years you've just sort of taken off whacked it down enough times to just come to Pieces but I've got one of many and they all look the same they're all they're saying well we've got a little bit further I think it looks like actually a lot further because you've put up a kind of Timber brace to hold the eagle so that the eagle is not going to fall all the way to the ground that's correct yeah because we've put the brace in because obviously he's leaning forward and there's two brass nuts on the back side right which obviously I've now undone right hoping it was going to tip forward and it hasn't it hasn't which is good okay good from a health and safety point of view yeah but now we've got a dissect the Eagles by cutting his ankles you've got to dissect the eagle well we've got we've got to cut cut the ankles to lift the eagle down right and then obviously then we've got to figure out how we can take the plinth off right because that's been resin down to the cap right so we need to kind of the eagle needs to be out the way right so we can assess on how together so step one get the eagle off yep step two get the plinth off get the plinth off the plinth might have to be sacrificed but we might have to end up making a new plane rebuilding a plinth yeah it's beginning to sound expensive yes and you're you're feeling confident about that operation yeah lifting it down is not going to be anything could go wrong nope nothing can go wrong nothing can go wrong the lovely thing about Darren is when he says nothing can go wrong I really believe him yeah Darren thank you I better let you get old okay all right thank you cheers [Music] foreign [Laughter] part of the Armature of the thing right he was leaded in molten lead and that crowed it off yeah that's a foot on the footprint there that was on top of the Stone that iron Rod there was part of the Armature that went up through his leg into his belly sort of thing and up through to his frame this is really where everybody the damage is Right Raymond yeah that's right that's where his feet came out of his back of him his feet came out oh so this these bits go right up into the belly is that right yeah that's right and they go up through to that the breast up here and hold the wings so it goes right up it's like a frame inside yeah it's like a frame inside and you can see that someone years ago gone in through this Eagle they're serious see there's they've oh yes see he's had surgery before he has had surgery before um so how how how heavy do you think it is I expect it's probably nearly 200 right that's right 200 kilograms plus 200 kilograms 200 kilograms is like 440 pounds yeah this is about 200 and something pounds oh 200 something pounds okay nice looking fellow he's a good looking fellow isn't he yeah all right bon voyage but just for hopefully a couple months yeah I think it will be this week's episode is sponsored by Le shimo and today I am wearing my le shimo light explore seven inch now usually you see me in Wellies but uh today I've been working all around the estate at Keepers Cottage our restoration that we're doing there and various bits in fact you can probably hear lots of noise going on so there's lots of work going on but I love love love these boots and in particular the socks so these are the ultimate luchimo Comfort socks to go with your boots or your Wellies and what I love about these boots in particular they're lace locking uh as you can see that and they're made from environmentally friendly Terra care full grain leather and then come lined with five layer luchimo lcx technology which is and very important guaranteed to be 100 waterproof and breathable but then look at this everybody this is the ultra light Michelin OC sole which enables this incredible grip and traction and making it making them really suitable for the toughest of terrain which we actually have a lot of here at mapperton so we've got a discount code down below a special discount code for uh you can see mine are very very worn in I have worn these a ton we have uh but they are made more much more comfortable with the uh this ultimate Comfort sock and we've got a special code down below just for our subscribers here on our YouTube channel so do check it out I mean I have to say these make my feet very very happy last week we woke up to discover that one of the Eagles had fallen over because it had rusted away and sometimes that mapperton it feels like every morning there's a bit of trepidation because you never know what's happened anyway the eagle is is being repaired but this morning I got up and I've gone around to do the curtains and it's been absolutely pouring with rain but the rain ought to be on the outside not the inside but look at this oh dear oh dear we've got rain coming through we've got a huge puddle you can see the puddle that has been created all along this boxed area and actually down onto the floor because I've just come through and discovered that actually it's coming through part of the ceiling here where we have this bay window and I've had to take down a picture that was getting soaked and I've pulled up the carpet I've got towels everywhere and you can hear that the drips continue so the next stop for me is to go up and see if we've got some sort of flood up above on the lead Roof oh dear idea it's just absolutely never ending now the place where I think it's so I'm gonna have to climb out of the window now you can see that that drain is very full of leaves so it's possible that this all just backed up and the water got in under the lead flashing here it may be a simple clearing the leaves from the drain ah yeah you see it drains out through there and then down into that downpipe which you can just see yeah and then all the way down sometimes the water has backed all the way up in that see actually that downpipe is blocked I don't know whether you can see this if I zoom in you can see a little drip this is um actually at the top of the pipe is full so any more water that's going today it's just going to pour off the end of it which means the bottoms of these pipes have to be cleared and that is undoubtedly part of the reason so I suppose the good news is that a problem isn't too difficult to rectify I hope but in the meantime we've got major water problems down below uh this is Julie behind the camera obviously I'm a bit upset uh this is all of our kids like from when they were at Birth all their school stuff luckily most of it was in plastic uh containers so it's been saved but you can see the amount of water that Luke has already put up uh and I'm emotional because if I go in here this is where I teach yoga you can see there were some boxes that still got wet and had like letters that need to be dried out and then if we go into here this is where I'm drawing out one of our children's uh stuff didn't do so well and it's like all of his artwork so I'm trying to dry it out in here in this dry part of the cellar so I get emotional because it's the kids stuff sorry it's gonna be okay the pets are safe most other things are safe we're safe okay um I managed clear out the storage room here that I'm looking at I'll flip the camera around um so that's all cleared out I put it into where I do and teach live yoga I got quite emotional because I would see boxes that would say like this one down here they would say Emma and Jack are artwork and I just think please don't let it be another child's artwork because we know that that's just basically made with like construction paper and they're handled handwritten letters um to you you know for Mother's Day and some of those I already have seen from another child and those are ruined anyways sorry I'm just so emotional because I've worked so hard to like preserve this stuff and it was just such a bad storm last night and it's just gone through it where it could and so you know when you at least like plus I have to get ready for a back-to-back Yoga Retreat and so I have to clean all of the yoga mats um don't think those happen lead done but I do need to clean them and get the whole coach house ready that will be on another episode um so we have 22 people overall so I just have to get ready for that and this is why today was supposed to be that day and then the flood has just at the leak has just no and the flood has just taken up my life so but listen I'm counting my blessings it could have been worse it could have all been ruined it could have been much much worse and you know I guess my heart goes out to those of you who have had floods um I know all around the world in particular because I'm American in America horrible flooding where you've lost you know your all of your memories so mine's just you know really nothing to compare uh that to so but I am just emotional and my heart goes out to everybody else who's had to go through something emotional where things have been lost so anyway um onwards and upwards I still have a lot more to do down here but uh yeah it's the latest for me and down in the cellar so so I thought it'd be fun today if I showed Julie how to have a Conker fight because this is like a cookie this was not fun the greatest thing that we would do as kids this time of the year what the first thing is you're quite competitive though so you probably want to listen with first thing is is the first thing is you've got to find a good conquer okay so basically your conquer is going to go everybody what does make a good conqueror it's going to go on a piece of string okay and then you're going to flick it to try and break the conquer of the other person yeah it's just so you just fantastic fun you're just whipping and you sort of flick it as a technique so first thing find a couple of conkers because you probably need let's find three conkers each that we think we might want to use I would go for you could try a couple of different ones not really small so let's have a look oh look I got it I got a good one get it I got a good one okay right now we've got to go off and prepare them and get ready for the battle excited are these English she's not exciting not excited okay not excited all right right you Judy's got her conkers I think three I think you're feeling I don't even know what I'm doing she's feeling quite confident that she might actually win this yes because she's never played conkers before right okay what we need to do now yeah he's trying to steal that there are a couple of techniques here for hardening your conquer because if you think about it in a Conker fight where you're bashing one conquer against another the harder conqueror is likely to come out on top okay and so the question is what can we do to harden it and there are a few techniques really the first thing though is to select your conquer so oh do you only pick one well we're going to pick one out of these three okay okay so I'm gonna do this one I'm gonna do the do this I'm going for weight and size some people say yes one thing you can do to a conquer that is to boil it in vinegar okay we're not gonna do that we are we're absolutely doing that so in go the conkers well you do actually you know what you don't have to do that on your one you can just have yours just as it is mine he's going to be boiled in vinegar here we go it's like just it needs to kind of Stew there for a while now other people also put the oven on and our agar isn't working by the way and we put the Conker in the oven to bake it so I'm going for a combination of vinegar baked conquer what's your choice I'm just going to keep it as if we go for yeah I'm Gonna Keep It natural natural concrete yeah I'm not doing any special effects I've heard of another technique okay I came from our cameraman Chris he said nail varnish Ed my nails so have you not got any nail Bonnet no no maybe Chris has got some there right oh mine is boiling away look at this all right okay um and so so turn the oven off it's going to bake in the oven so I'm just just letting your boil we would then create a hole in it luckily here's a drill that I bought to do that this is like a dangerous game so I'm just going to drill your hole okay yeah so you've now got a hole through that and what we then do I mean what do children do do they have drills at home I don't know what we did we did something undoubtedly quite dangerous right then you need your piece of stream always cut away from you and we've got your piece of string we've got your hole and like he's he's having a competition with me but he's doing the whole thing for me well I know because okay it's really smelling vinegar yeah this is this is the smell I remember the smell from my childhood okay all right here we go here we go okay okay it's really boring there you go look now you can do this bit you've got to do a big thick knot on this end so that it doesn't Okay okay right I think right you do that I'm gonna have to put mine in for about half an hour so we're gonna have a pause for half an hour okay and then we'll come back and get my conquer okay see you in 30 minutes everybody okay that's what we do we do it right so I'm taking this out and I'm sticking it in the oven I'm ready to go here is a baked boiled vinegared conquer this is a fine conquer awful a champion Conker I'm getting ready a Conker ready for a contest just through my little drill certainly doesn't look any harder than mine drilling through it FYI well there we go these are ready now we've got to go and choose we've got to go and choose our contest let's go May the best conquer win so technique one of us has to hold the conquer like that okay and the other one has to go like this and you sort of flick down yeah so the longer your piece of string the less chance there is then I'm actually going to whack your finger so the whole time the wind the wind okay so I'm gonna go for the first the first one you ready yeah I hit it it was a good hit but nothing has happened right your turn this okay you'll go so I'm going to give it a good she's yeah you haven't got the technique I've never played this game I've forgot the techniques it's not how I want to say that's better that's better that's good that's good okay no no okay that was good you hit it okay okay hold it down okay oh that was nearly a massive strike but I don't see any damage at all I think we might be here a while everybody might want to fast forward here we go okay come on okay yeah it's just you're just going to get it's like a good up account okay okay you know [Music] you got it you got it okay this is what you played this is so boring there okay thank goodness he won do you know what I think we both oh did yours we both lost oh my God look at this this was a magnificent hit from me absolutely I mean destroyed her but you destroyed yours as well mine just happened to come off at the end so should we call it what do you call it we call it I call it a tie you call it a draw I don't know I call that a tie a completely no look at that look at that I don't know why you can't eat these anyway okay again next year no oh no so what did you think of the con well you definitely cheered me up so lost I don't mind it it was just sort of you know you didn't mind using croquet she doesn't mind using conkers no you cheered me up because what are we smashed your conquer what a week we've had so I think that was really uh for me that cheered me up and that's what I needed so thank you for doing that and making me go out and find a conqueror and play that match and lose graciously which is what I did mostly graciously not every week at mapton is like this we've actually got some exciting things coming up you've got yoga retreats this week so that's happening people are coming to stay so that will be a future episode when people come here to stay at mapperton it only happens twice a year possibly the next one and then we've also got more of Julie's fairy tale Cottage restoration very exciting how's the timeline on that great last night last time I heard all good it's coming up finished coming up soon coming up soon very soon thank you everybody and see you again back here next week thanks everyone
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 405,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapperton, mapperton live, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton estate youtube, mapperton house and gardens, Julie Montagu, Luke montagu, american viscountess, mapperton house tour, mapperton wedding, mapperton rewilding, mapperton tour, mapperton pool, Mapperton Live pool, mapperton christmas, mapperton gardens, Antique, Disaster, Restoration, Mappteron Restoration, Manor House
Id: kelzqgMHieM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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