Princess Catherine: Love of the People (2024) FULL DOCUMENTARY | HD

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[Music] the life of a royal is one of immense complexity to uphold tradition and maintain a strong social standing are values upheld not only by the family but the nation the queen was respected around the world she had given a lifetime of service and her Devotion to duty was an example and inspiration for us all the passing of Queen Elizabeth II brought light to the impact an individual can have on the world her prosperous and significant Reign is one which has left many wondering what may become of the members of the Royal Family today we glimpse into the future of a remarkable woman Princess Catherine is adored by millions for her grace compassion and unwavering dedication to [Music] Service Such a special time I think any any parents I think will probably sort of um know what this feeling feels like it's very special one whose royalty and influence are of international Intrigue from tying the KN with with Prince William and swiftly making monarchy history in the form of their firstborn and third in line for the throne Prince George Alexander [Music] Louie in 2024 Catherine faces one of the most difficult periods of her royal life so far with a recent cancer diagnosis for both herself and the Monarch she needs support and warmth from the public now more than ever take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind messages of support for Catherine and for my father especially in recent days it means a great deal to us [Music] all actually went bright red when I met you and sort of scuttled off feeling very shy about meeting you we've obviously we have been going out a long time and you know it just seemed a natural a natural step for both [Music] born the eldest sibling of three Katherine Elizabeth Middleton was born in barkshire England raised by their mother and father Michael and Carol Middleton she is probably a good example of one of the best things that the royal family has done for years both of her parents are from highly different backgrounds they found love was in the air as they met at Carol's occupation as an air hostess and Michael's job as an international dispatcher it was on Michael side that a glimpse into British aristocracy was already prevalent born into a wealthy family from Leeds West Yorkshire and Carol side a decidedly workingclass group of coal miners and builders I think the ways the middletons have been integrated into Royal life so to speak has been quite seminal and unprecedented often girls would marry to the royal family and their in-laws would sort of be ignored or shoved away actually the queen has actively embraced the middletons inviting them to things like Royal Ascot well the middletons are hugely interesting because they've been more instrumental and influential um than any other family that's married into the house of Windsor and what they did is what good parents have always done they've invested in education it cost them a lot of money they sent all of their three children to good schools uh in the case of Kate to malor school which is one of the top public schools which means private in British terms schools where she did quite well she first became aware of Prince William of Wales while studying at the University of St Andrews in Scotland the pair shared several classes during their studies and soon became friends at the University they shared rooms to start with and then shared a cottage with some friends and as they said you know by their own account they said that they were friends first and then the romance began it wasn't until 2002 after Kate's appearance in an exclusive fashion show fundraiser that William became more and more intrigued by Miss Middleton especially the dress she was wearing that evening it seems that the Royal Family were protecting William it's it's about William to start with but then William and Kate when the relationship began because they did a lot of their early courting in in St Andrews at the Queen's estate in balm moral away from prying eyes lots of privacy lots of time to develop the relationship particular picture of in that respect she's quite reserved but you know this is the same girl that when she was trying to pull Prince William she you know she was wearing a sea through out dress and and sacheted down a a catwalk so and she is quite you know that quite a bold thing to do um so she can't have been too shy or backward coming forward in that respect I think when it comes to William and Kate's relationship what's great about it is it's based on friendship first they were friends at St Andrew's University before they went on to start going out with each other Kate at the time counselled William in changing his course he didn't like what he was studying and she encouraged him not to leave and go back down to London but to stick with it and do something a little bit [Music] different she is a very a beautiful young woman who's very intelligent and rather polished the romance was in bloom a relationship which was held closely Undercover mostly due to the prince's extreme distrust of the press however a slip in their cautious approach led to Kate being caught by Paparazzi while on a royal family ski trip leading to an immediate response their relationship became the subject of intense scrutiny Prejudice and tabloid [Music] attention rumors spread that Middleton was certainly more than a close friend some tabloids LED with headlines suggesting she was being groomed for a potential position of royalty [Music] what you have with William is a guy who has learned lessons and there's really nothing any of those gray suited men from Clarence House could genuinely tell William that he doesn't already know about the press and he understands the media he understands that as a royal you're never going to be elected but that doesn't mean that public opinion isn't incredibly important at all times there were highly disre they were almost never seen together they were even with their friends they didn't allow any gossip to start people speculated but there was nothing uh definite which proved that they were an item and I think the fact that she was discreet and that she wasn't blabbering on about um her her love or her her her regard for Prince William I think that stood her in good stead they are an incredibly downto Earth couple um I remember meeting them together as a couple for the very first time on the day the palace announced that they were getting married and um a few journalists were invited to go to St James's Palace and have a cup of tea with them well it's not an offer you get very often so of course we we jumped the invite and um took tea with them and I think everyone was terribly nervous um not least William and Kate I mean it was the first time they had met the British media um you know I'd seen them at nightclubs before I'd spent my time you know watching them at Polo matches and charting this amazing relationship um but the first time really to actually sit down and talk with them I remember Kate being very nervous but incredibly sweet and kind um and interested in what we were doing and how we were covering the story um and they they both just seemed so well matched you could see it in their body chemistry even at that stage um and on a moment you know FR with nerve they were about to meet the world's press all the paparazzi and the photographers rather were waiting next door to take their pictures um but even under that sort of pressure they gravitated towards each other I remember William having his hand in the small of Kate's back you know guiding her making sure she was all right and I think that's what you've seen over the years you know he has wanted to just make sure that she is comfortable that she feels confident and and happy in what she's doing and as he said in that engagement interview and I think it was such a a poignant and important thing that he said that he he waited so long to propose not because he wasn't sure I think he probably had been sure for a long time but it was so that he could give Kate the opportunity to see exactly what married life would be like and get out if it wasn't what she wanted you're obviously going to enter this family William's mother was this massive iconic figure the most famous figure of our age is that worrying is that is that intimidating well obviously it' be um I would love to have met her um and and and she's obviously she's an inspirational woman to to look up to you know it's a wonderful family the members who I've I've met have achieved a lot and you know very inspirational so um yeah I do there's no pressure though because there's no pressure because like um Kate said you know it's about carving your own future um no one's going to try and you know no one's trying to fill my mother's shoes and and she what she did is fantastic um it's about making your own future and your own destiny and and Kate will do um will do a very good job of that and then of course we saw her first speech as a duchess um and you know what we saw there is a very beautiful young woman with notes in front of her who couldn't say more than four or five words without looking down again to figure out what she was going to say next H it was a very stilted performance and she was widely criticized in the Press but again you have to remember that this is a young woman who is not running for public office and she wasn't even born into a royal family she's coming in from the outside and she's trying to make everybody happy even though it's not necessarily her own natural gift to stand up in front of people I would wager that that's probably the hardest most challenging aspect of her role as William's wife is the public speaking component today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun for many this is a home from home a Lifeline enabling families to live as normally as possible during a very precious period of time what do you do is inspirational it is a shining of example of the support and the care that is delivered not just here but in the children's hospice movement at large up and down the country I mean it's very difficult I think for anybody who's come from the outside of the raw family um to a full on public figure to be brilliant at public speaking straight away Prince Harry seems to have got it almost instantly he's he's an excellent oror and he does it with natural charm and fun and a degree of wit I think that there's no doubt that Kate was very nervous when she started her role um as a duchess and speaking publicly in her role as the um patron of the East anglian hospice she had to make a public speech I thought it she did very well but it was a little stilted a little disjointed I think she would probably um admit that she was more than a little bit nervous when she had to make it um but in time I think she's improved um she's undoubtedly had some help I would think from external advisors I mean princess Dina herself used Peter settlin to help train her in public speaking in fact she used to have marbles put in her mouth to help her speak more clearly I don't know if it's gone to that extreme but she certainly has improved um she's certainly more confident the couple's official engagement was announced in November 2010 during a vacation to Kenya where William presented Kate with his mother's engagement ring Williams decision to give Kate his mother's engagement ring um for for out outside observers we might look at that and say that wasn't a great marriage really on the grand scheme of things I think what it means for William um is a far more sort of intimate has a far more intimate meaning and the ring gives us all permission to look again at this Union particularly because Charles and Diana's marriage went so bad and began we now know on such Rocky foundations you know it may be that we're imagining it we're just hopeful and optimistic but it looks like this one is different it looks like this one is very much a personal choice of the two people involved clear and simple and I think people will people would have inevitably made those comparisons private privately I I felt on the day when he when when it was obvious that was the ring he'd given her I felt that was his way of taking control of that narrative and taking control of that story that's what I think it was the couple then announced plans to live in North Wales where Prince William was stationed with the Royal Air Force well before I started search and rescue I had a little brief uh introduction to it and it was immediate to me um I spent 3 hours flying with the guys and it was totally apparent to me straight away how important the job is and the skills the guys employ um the flying aspects the the general airmanship you need to to have around you and all the wits you need to survive the weather and whatever sort of situation you're thrown into um it definitely is Advanced flying and it's rewarding so it put the two together and it's a fantastic job pretty rich coming from a ginger so I'm quite happy to P's a good looking Ginger both after the official announcement of the pair's engagement it was 6 months after on the 29th of April 2011 that the marriage was to [Music] commence the marriage the ceremony the wedding just actually puts a seal on what everybody has been aware of for a long long time to my mind I think the basis of the relationship is respect she has never been a dog's body or a dmat she's always fought her Corner uh somebody said to her aren't you very fortunate to be going out with Prince William and she said no he's very lucky to be going out with me sir maybe we just ask your reaction to the wedding please sir obviously it's thrilled thank you very much practicing for long enough I think people will recognize that this is a a royal couple for the Modern Age it's interesting that in planning their wedding they have decided to do it their way they haven't been completely tied up in royal red tape they've insisted on having a degree of control over what is a state occasion but is also a very private time for [Music] them so in very many key areas I was pleased to see that Kate Middleton decided not to stay at Clarence house within a Royal Palace before her wedding she decided that she would stay at a hotel with her parents with her parents paying the bill for the hotel for her leaving from the hotel from her parents or with her father in a car and going the mile to Westminster Abby she wanted to assert herself and she was saying in effect my family are very important in this too and I'm not going to have them forgotten this is when the English the British come into their own we have all the equipment we have the household Cavalry we have the wonderful carriages we have those ancient rolls-royces and there's great Spirit here a spirit I think you could say was evocative of 1981 and the wedding of Prince William's parents Charles and Diana there's a real enthusiasm for it the biggest decision for any bride is her dress and the public was desperate to find out what Kate would wear her choice a dress designed by Sarah Burton a fact that remained a secret until the big day what my opinion of the dress was that it was uh youthfully Regal it was Modern with a classic twist to it which was fantastic because I didn't want Kate to sort of lose touch of Kate in the whole pageantry of this occasion and I think uh Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen did a Sublime job I think the the lace was so effortlessly executed it was almost as if she had like a white tattoo all the way down her arm [Music] I thought the skirt was just enough skirt for a venue like the Abbey I think you know to have something Slimmer with a long train she might not have filled that space with the with the sort of um ease as she did with this dress but I thought she looked very very beautiful very Exquisite seriously polished well Royal sources tell me that the Royals indicated very strongly to Kate that they would prefer her to wear her hair up for this very special occasion however Kate had her heart set on wearing her hair down with long flowing curls which is her favorite way to wear it and actually Williams favorite as well they ended up compromising on her look she had kind of a half up half down so from the front she had an updo from the back she had the long flowing curls she wanted oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Prince William looked fantastic in that some royal blue red uniform very unusual match the red of that carpet that went up the center of Westminster Abby he looked marvelous and the white gloves when he was waving at the crowds he looked at The Dashing Prince if only he could have ridden up to Westminster Abby he would have been the perfect perfect Prince wouldn't he I thought William's choice of of the red was fantastic I mean Kate's heart must have gone on pitter patter completely when she saw her prince standing there and I caught that glimpse of Harry when he took a a he took a a sidewood glance at seeing Kate while William turned the other way and he said to his brother she's beautiful and that was really really Charming between the two boys um you know how wonderful was that you know what got me was I looked at the father you know Mr Middleton and I thought to myself you know all those many years ago he had a little girl and look what happens you know how you know the twists and turns of [Music] [Applause] Life tying the knot at Westminster Abbey in London all eyes were on the most important Royal Wedding since that of Charles and Diana Kate was met by Queen Elizabeth shortly before the wedding in which it was conferred that her royal title would be Catherine her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge once you married into the royal family you became a windsor and that was that well it was different when uh Kate and William got married and and when William asked Kate um to marry him he made it very clear that she wouldn't have to um leave her family behind her once she married in to his family promised her that they'd always stay a part of the family and they have done um whether it's joining the queen at Ascot or being on an important barge within the Queen's Fleet at the Diamond Jubilee celebrations um being the first visitors to go and see Prince George when he was born even before the Future King Prince Charles all of these things are very significant because they're William's way of saying you are part of this family and we are going to include you I think Kate and William have a good chance of making this work they are both very committed to the monarchy and making kind of a a united front whatever personal problem problems they might have Kate has proven herself to be a team player she's proven herself to be discreet she's also proven that she's willing to put her own interests behind the interests of her husband they've seen each other through a variety of circumstances and William seems to be doing a much better job of preparing Kate for Royal life than Charles did for his mother so Kate has a a support system in William she has a support system in her family which Diane also didn't have and she has a man she's known for 8 years and she spent an awful lot of time getting to know I think they've got a good [Music] shot given the history of previous Royal weddings the question was how sustainable the relationship between William and Kate was going to be however it was clear that this was not your average pairing their romance and Longevity as a husband and wife showed no signs of stopping it was inevitable that when moving into royalty Kate would have her fair share of comparisons to the late Princess Diana becoming Duchess of Cambridge left fans of the monarchy curious about how she would settle and show similarities to William's mother people are always asking me well how alike is Kate to Diana um and I always say that there are actually incredibly different women um they look very different you know Dan was blonde beautiful and leggy Kate's beautiful um and leggy and brunette they you know they they look very different they are very different people and I think particularly in the early stages there was um there was a desire largely by the press to to sort of see how Kate would live up to Diana's image and and I remember William saying that there was no expectation that these were big footsteps and no one expected Kate to fill them and I think what Kate's done which is so commendable and you really have to take your hat off to her is she's forged her own identity within the royal family she hasn't tried to emulate Diana um you know she's a style icon but I'd say she's quite a reluctant style icon she's wanting to put her stamp in other areas her work with hospices her work with mental health it's quite interesting actually Kate's perception in the UK she's not necessarily seen as an icon like Princess Diana was and I think that's because Diana was a had had fraes and faults as well Kate hasn't really put those out there she's almost too good to be true sometimes and I think a lot of younger people find the overwhelming privilege that she has and the fact that she may be stuck around too long to marry Prince William as both seeing a little bit um against her whereas around the world where I do a lot of work for other uh in other countries that that there's none of that attached to her and they just like her for who she is or the perception of who she is I think in the UK when she was dubbed weighty Katy it didn't do her any good at all and um that was a little unfair because it's not her fault that her future husband took so long to pop the question and I think where Diana here I think she would approve of Kate Middleton she might feel slightly like some mothers do oh dear I don't want to lose my son to any woman you know but I think she would approve she would see in Kate Middle and some admirable qualities and she'd feel that she her son would be safe with her I'm sure of that I think she would approve of it immensely and I think it was very telling that he chose to give Kate Middleton his mother's engagement ring and he said I want my mother to be part of this to be present I think it's really important that she doesn't look anything like her I was thinking that the other day when I was looking at the at the engagement pictures she's a beautiful woman she's developed a style that's very classic it hasn't changed CH dramatically over the years but it's just a classic more groomed version of what she always was it seems to me whereas Diana was that she was that cultish teenager wasn't she who didn't have a sense of style wore clothes that were 20 years too old for her to start with she really got it a few years down the line you know that was her you know her huge one of her huge successes was fashion but I think Kate Middleton's a different a different life story Al together and I think that will be the Bedrock of how she copes with that comparison because there is no comp comparison to be drawn I think that's the ultimate cushion on which she can fall when this kind of thing starts there is no comparison because their backgrounds are entirely different the their sort of psychological history is entirely different their domestic history is entirely different it'll be a whole different narrative with Kate I think humanitarian work played an important part in Princess Diana's life both at home and abroad her interests were reflected in the organizations of which she was a patron or president with her impact on such admirable work it was seen fit that from Kate's turn from fiance to Duchess she would also hold a pivotal role in similar [Music] contributions so Kate set out her store that she wants to support in the first instance children so she's supporting some hospice Charities each the East Anglia children's hospices she's equally decided to be a volunteer Scout so supporting children out and about enjoying country Pursuits as she does and actually she's been ahead of the curve on most of the choices that she's made she's put children's hospices on the map and she's also done a huge amount of good um for mental health um it's another cause that she's very much behind so she will know how important she is as a patron to those Charities to put them in that International Spotlight and she won't want to spend too long away from them Prince Harry has also supported many Charities over the years the conservation of wildlife promoting sport amongst the young and Healthcare across all nations Kate has had to put in a great deal of work to do the same the princess and her brother-in-law Harry have a long history together in which he has gained support confidence and most of all a [Music] friendship later on William Kate Harry and Megan worked together to bring about change Under the Umbrella of the royal Foundation working with Charities organizations and projects including heads together the Invictus games and United for wildlife however Harry and Megan soon separated themselves from the foundation as well as the family rumors began swirling about a rift between the couples and William and Kate had to pick up more Royal duties to bridge the gap Left Behind setting aside discussions about Royal family friendships and charitable efforts the nation was consumed with one burning question after the marriage of William and Kate when would the world witness the arrival of a royal baby for many the wait was filled with anticipation until the duchess's pregnancy was officially announced in December of 2012 obviously there have been an awful lot of anticipation of as when Kate was going to announce that she was pregnant I mean fact I think the announcement was uh suggest tested for about 6 months beforehand everyone was writing in the papers that she was pregnant the palace had put out the official announcement as she was on Route um to the hospital uh because she'd had problems with the pregnancy and it was felt that William and Kate didn't want to even tell the queen or Prince Charles that she was pregnant until they were absolutely certain everything was okay so that's what happened there was huge uh celebration over the birth of Prince George I remember broadcasting for numerous International networks outside Buckingham Palace of course it was the great Kate wait I mean we didn't know when this little baby was coming along um and when he did it was a a hugely important international news story so when news broke of Kate actually having given birth I think at 8:34 in the morning on that Saturday the Press obviously instantly started speculating will she leave today and thinking as a mother I thought yeah she definitely will because you don't necessarily want to hang around hospitals too long even if they are the Lindo wing and private and offering all thrills um equally there's a sense I think if you have a second child that you want to get back to your first so people sort of looking at their watch she's thinking can she do this can she have a baby by breakfast and be home at Kensington Palace for tea um and when we got wind of the fact that Kate's hairdresser had gone into the building we knew oh hang on you know she's going to make an appearance um and uh in vintage Duchess of Cambridge sty she turns out in high heels and looking effortlessly elegant even though she's given birth um just hours early earlier which is a testament to her and how she's able to cope not only I think in the Limelight but just in this with this pressure of having to present herself in a certain light and I think you know hats off to her um whether you love or loath monarchy um any uh mother out there will say that it was a pretty good effort to look so good um within hours of having given birth to your second child I think well the birth of Prince George was really like a national celebration it felt like a national holiday there was excitement in the air all around the country it very much reminded me of the feeling uh of the royal wedding day when William and Kate got married everyone was universally happy everyone was constantly checking the news feeds on their phone and on the television in order to see waiting for William and Kate to come out from the hospital for the first time holding the new baby Prince uh I have several friends actually with news organizations who were standing outside the hospital that day waiting hours after hour for William and Kate to come out and actually they came out quite a bit later than expected because typical uh William and Kate's uh strategy fashion they were greeting and thanking every single member of staff at the hospital personally for the very smooth birth um they wanted to make sure they thanked everyone from the uh cleaner to the Midwife to the surgeon uh to say thank you very much so they they did actually take a long time to emerge for it was and I'll remind him of his tardiness when he's a bit older so I know how long you've all been sat out here so hopefully the hospital and you guys can all go back to normal now and we can um you know look after him so well he's got a good pair of lungs on him that's for sure uh he's he's a big boy he's quite heavy but uh we're still working on a name so we'll have that as soon as we can but uh it's the first time we've seen him really so having a proper chance to catch up with the arrival of Prince George the Royal reaction was that of warmth and confidence in both William and Kate unearth a new chapter of their [Music] [Music] legacy shortly after the birth of the prince it was surprisingly announced that another royal baby is on way congratulations how's C feeling uh she's feeling okay thanks it's um it's been it's been a tricky few days week or so but obviously we immensely thrilled it's great news um early days but I'm hoping we just s settle down and she feels a b better in 2015 it became known that The Duchess was expecting her second child and to the joy of both William and Kate the pregnancy came with fewer complications than their first they happily announced the impending arrival of Princess Charlotte and once more the world paused in excitement as the monarchy celebrated the prospect of a baby sister for their son it was a great cause of national celebration of course a little sister for Prince George the daughter that Prince William had always wanted the granddaughter that Charles had always wanted but actually historically a really important little girl because she will hold her place in the lineage of succession the Antiquated male primogeniture laws were Outcast um just before Prince George's birth in case he had been a little girl now had those laws not been changed and had the couple or other couple to go on and have another child that may be a boy well Charlotte would have lost her place in succession with the laws being changed she will hold on to that position she is the fourth in line to the throne and no little boy born Hereafter will take that place away from her so she's historically very very important well Charlotte's birth certainly does herald the dawn of a new era for girl power in that we have a girl in a prominent position at a SE the senior end of the royal family obviously with be used the Queen the ultimate exponent of girl power on the throne um but we Face the prospect now of three kings in line um so we're not going to see a another woman on the throne for many many many years so how lovely to have Charlotte in this role bringing up the rear she's rather unkindly called the spare to the air as Prince Harry is but as he has proved himself it's a role that you can make your own and um I'm sure all ours will be on Charlotte in fact they'll probably be even more SC scrutiny on her because she's female but um yeah I mean how great to have the the pitter patter of pink feet in the Royal line of succession they're very much Hands-On parents I mean William made it very clear um when George was born that he wanted to be a Hands-On parent he took time off to spend with George and and Kate they didn't have a nanny straight away um they were very anti having an extended um staff to look after their children look after them but I think as time has gone on they've realized they do need that extra help they can't just rely upon say Carol Kate's mother and and other members of the family they do need that because they're very much in the public eye um but William in particular wants to be a Hands-On parent Kate too doesn't really want to pass on the responsibility of motherhood either but you know when you're in the royal family when you're in the public eye it's very very difficult to to do everything and I think that even Kate and William have found that and so they are now realizing that it's important to have the extra help that they require [Music] on the 23rd of April 2018 a little brother joined the Royal fold Prince Louis Arthur Charles became the third child of the couple and the fifth in line to the throne the public was delighted to witness William and Kate's family expanding in recent years Kate has taken on more responsib abilities as her children have begun to grow her efforts in bringing awareness to addiction made an extraordinary impact as she launched the taking action on addiction [Music] campaign addiction is not a choice no one chooses to become an addict but it can happen to any one of us The Duchess also made huge movements in launching one of the largest early years research studies in the [Music] UK from supporting William in the earth shop prize to wowing at the no time to Die James Bond [Music] Premier Kate has made a place for herself within the royal family built on hard work and commitment as William has said we have heard time and time again in the course of our work how talking can help heal hidden challenges that we can't deal with alone it's clear Prince William found something special in Kate her considered approach to her work and her Hands-On parenting style paints a picture of a new kind of Royal in her continued support of William she has earned respect and admiration from both the public and the family after some difficult years through the height of the Corona virus pandemic Kate organized the Royal carols called together at Christmas in 2021 an event of Hope and Christmas spirit she surprised everyone with her own performance dazzling the public as she played the piano alongside the singer songwriter Tom Walker [Music] can I think that Kate Middleton will be the people's princess she won't be condescending to the Ordinary People she will be her own self but I think there will be a lot of people who can identify with her and her background and where she's come from and particularly as she succeeds in the job I think they will warm to her they will see that she hasn't gone out in order to get a prince they'll see that it's been a mutually uh arrived at relationship I think she's wanting to establish a unique identity for herself in the British royal family she's the future Queen um and she's going to be her own type of future Queen buckham Palace has announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II the longest reigning monarch in British history her Reign lasted for 70 years from post-war austerity and the end of Empire through the expansion of the Commonwealth she helped preserve the institution of the monarchy during times of massive social change at her coronation the queen repeated her pledge to serve her people and fulfilled it throughout her reign with a combination of skill and a sense of [Music] Duty after the passing of Elizabeth II we witnessed the couple take to the streets both Kate and William stood as their own individual figureheads greeting and conversing with the British people to celebrate her late Majesty's Legacy [Music] well this is a desperately sad day for all of us here in this country but also across the Commonwealth and and the world because the queen was respected around the world she had given a lifetime of service and her Devotion to duty was an example and inspiration for us all I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be deed deved to your service and to the service of our great Imperial family to which we all belong the new King Charles III proudly announced in a televised speech that his son and daughter-in-law would now carry the titles of The Prince and Princess of Wales today I am proud to create him Prince of Wales to whistle Cy the country whose title I've been so greatly PR pre to Bear during so much of my life and Duty with Catherine beside him our new Prince and Princess of Wales will I know continue to inspire and Lead our national conversations helping to bring the marginal to the centerr where vital help can be given a role which Kate has since turned into her own as she continues to devote her time to good causes [Music] [Music] Charles will be the 40th Monarch to be crowned at the Abbey the latest in a lineage reaching back to 1066 but in a service with Charles own contemporary twists will be a moment that confirms the king's contract with the people as he is called to serve them and in the religious part of the ceremony to serve God on the 6th of May 2023 British history witnessed a significant moment as Charles III the longest serving Heir Apparent was formerly crowned [Music] King the Archbishop of Canterbury administered the sacred anointment with holy oil while dignitaries from both the church and the royal family pledged their [Music] allegiance this coronation symbolizing a new era for the monarchy held immense importance not only for the nation but also for Princess [Music] Catherine alongside her husband Prince William Catherine played a crucial role in The Majestic procession adorned in Royal robes and wearing pearl earrings once owned by Princess Diana she radiated Grace as she arrived at Westminster Abbey throughout the elaborate ceremony princess Katherine ensured that her three children remained composed particularly her eldest Prince George who had the honor of serving as one of the king's page boys following the service the Wales family joyfully joined the carriage procession waving proudly to the cheering crowds gathered to celebrate this historic occasion for his majesty the king and her majesty the que he he [Music] the Princess of Wales has been a steadfast support for King Charles III throughout his Reign so far however 2024 has so far proved massively challenging on a personal level for both princess Katherine and her beloved father-in-law in January the Princess of Wales and the King were admitted to the London Clinic Hospital doctors treated Charles for an enlarged prostate whilst Kate underwent major abdominal surgery for the Monarch the procedure led to a shocking diagnosis Bucking Palace has released a statement uh revealing the news that Prince Charles has been diagnosed with cancer now they have not specified what particular type of cancer it is they say was discovered when he was under treatment for uh a benign enlarged prostate yes this news coming as quite a shock to those who even in the hour since we heard the development have come to Buckingham Palace we spoke to one family who said they were so surprised so shocked they just wanted to come and show their support because it was only a week ago wasn't it that the king emerged from hospital and we knew that he was recovering well that's what we'd heard from Camila the queen who had been carrying on with her public duties as normal although the type of cancer has not been revealed the news sent shock waves across the country and the world actually my mom phoned me and says why turn the news on uh King Charles has uh cancer and I went mom what and then yeah and I'm just turned the Telly on I was just like whoa you know it's just a big shock the king took a break from Royal duties for a few months while undergoing treatment but he remained deeply touched by the Public's reaction to his condition we're all we're all behind you the country is behind you I know because I've had so many wonderful messages and cars and I can imagine me to tears but well I can imagine but I said everyone is behind you and uh it's also it's been nice to see the spotlight that it's Shan on the work that Charities do as Charles battled with his own health issues questions surrounding the whereabouts and well-being of Kate began to swirl across social media and the Press on the 29th of January Kensington Palace shared an update stating that the princess had been discharged from hospital a week later William returned to his public duties for the first time since his wife's surgery leading an investure at Windsor Castle on behalf of his father and attending a fundraising Gala for London's air ambulance charity in the evening I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind messages of support for Catherine and for my father especially in recent days it means a great deal to us all Prince William continued to attend engagements without Catherine arriving solo at the baa red carpet on the 18th of February and sir however later in February Prince William missed the service of Thanksgiving for his Godfather King Constantine of Greece for a personal matter which immediately sparked a press frenzy Keen followers of the royal family took to social media to speculate about Catherine 's whereabouts having not seen the princess in public since Christmas Day post after Post article after article presented new conspiracies and rumors on Katherine's disappearance from public life Kensington Palace continued to shut down the growing chatter on the 10th of March Kate marked Mother's Day by sharing a photo of herself smiling with her three children the image was the first official photo of the princess in Monday the photo of Kate and her kids was picked up by several international news agencies including the Associated Press roers Getty Images and agents France press those agencies later retracted the image saying it may have been edited by the Royals prior to its release they've misled the public by putting an image out there that was manipulated and it's gone and fueled a whole load of speculation and conspiracy about Kate and her health I mean the Princess of Wales is an accomplished photographer she said um she edits photographs she might have been editing family photographs you know all the time for all we know the rumors consequently spiraled out of control and on the 22nd of March princess Katherine was forced to address the growing concern in a video statement to the public the Princess of Wales appeared sat on a bench in the Windsor grounds Catherine revealed the devastating news that doctors had diagnosed her with cancer the princess went on to state in January I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous the surgery was successful Kate said however tests after the operation found cancer had been present my medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment describing the impact on William and their three children princes George and Louie and charlot Kate continued this of course came as a huge shock and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young [Music] family messages of support from the public began pouring in and voices across social media called for people to respect the family's privacy at such a difficult time all day in Windsor where on Wednesday the Princess of Wales recorded her personal and Powerful video there was sympathy and support from the public I was just so shocked because it's been all that speculation about her and I've felt really sorry for her cuz she must have been under pressure to perhaps come out and say something it must be horrible it must be her parents must be absolutely terrified I've got a daughter so I know how I would feel if it was her when the news broke yesterday we broke as well and that's why we feel sympathy and just came here to see Prince Harry and Megan The Duchess of Sussex said in a statement we wish health and healing for Kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace both Prince William and Princess Katherine revealed that they were enormously touched by the well wishes and warmth the royal couple continue to remain private about the diagnosis and treatment at this time with the princess only returning to Royal duties when she is ready the last few months have proven difficult for both Katherine and the royal family as a whole however with the love of the people the princess remains a steady constant during an unprecedented time for the modern monarchy Catherine's commitment to Defying the odds has GR granted her the respect of many proving herself to the world as she nears ever closer to the position of consort hand inand with her beloved regardless of what lies ahead Princess Catherine will undoubtedly continue to be a Beacon of Hope and joy for people everywhere [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 169,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queen, queen elizabeth, queen elizabeth ii, elizabeth ii, prince charles, king charles, charles iii, prince charles iii, king charles iii, prince andrew, prince edward, prince philip, princess diana, diana, diana spencer, prince harry, prince william, princess meghan, meghan markle, princess kate, kate middleton, fergie, royal, royal family, royalty, royal wedding, royal marriage, documentary, royal documentary, full documentary, royal doc, royal docs, by royal proclamation
Id: aE4vXkgdoUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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