We Bought Back our LOST Antique Family TREASURES

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oh my gosh [Music] one more mile to go everybody pass it on one more mile to go [Laughter] buy back two everyone sees the camera and they start running again you'll find out what happened it was like but you're Clara get them get the Baileys Welcome to mapperton our family home and estate endorse it in the southwest of England Julie and I took over running mapperton a few years ago from my parents the Earl Encounters of sandwich it's a lot of work but also a lot of fun this place is full of fascinating stories extraordinary people and endless repairs so please join our family on this journey of a lifetime as we put all our efforts into preserving This Magnificent part of England's heritage foreign [Music] so much going on so much in this episode one of the key things that we're going to reveal in this episode is the story of how we've recovered some Family Treasures that were lost and came up at auction yep but are we going to win the auction right so you've got to stay tuned and we just want to say one of our patrons notified us about this auction that was happening in Canada we are about to bid on something we may not get it and we won't be upset if we don't but we're going to try to get it here it goes oh dear okay is it 600 yep that's what you bid that's what I bid I'm winning there's a competing bid I'm winning okay okay we're winning come on winning fair warning fair warning oh my god did we win it is exciting oh my gosh fair warning come on okay oh my goodness you um you're amazingly Lively because Julie has just come in from the most exhausting thing imaginable I he didn't do it obviously um so he doesn't know how exhausting it was but it was I was he somehow coerced me into well don't don't give it away don't give away because that's coming up but I'm really sore and it's not because of yoga in fact need to do lots of yoga now before we get into both of those things we should give some news from mapperton so what's been happening this week I know what's been happening this week astonishingly we have had to take down the second Eagle so the first Eagle that you'll have seen in the previous episode which blew over in the storm we took it off and then this week we've noticed that the second Eagle is in equally bad shape and as a result we've had to take that off the eagle is being picked up by this enormous tractor to go off and be repaired but of course the really frustrating thing is that it's proved not just to be one Eagle but both Eagles that have gone and they're so heavy we reckon they weigh I don't know half a ton each that we need this enormous machine this loader to pick each of them up drop them in the Lorry and then off they go to a specialist [Music] and they are heading off down to Devon which is where there is somebody who is able to restore these kinds of lead sculpture so but it's an hour and a half away I mean to get somebody it's not it's not there yeah no and then we've also had a week where we've been looking at trees that are unsafe on the estate and there was one particular ash tree that was very close to the road and so we had the wonderful the wonderful team go out um with their chainsaws and bring it down [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hey but we must Forget before we go too far ahead um historic house which everybody's really enjoying which is kind of I mean I enjoy it so what is it yeah the thing now is it's it's not just historic house word of the week it's historic house quiz of Julie of the week right so so sorry we saw one yesterday actually and it is fully oh okay you don't know this one too I do know this one and the only reason I know this one is and I had no idea when I first moved to this country but I do know what a Folly is because my other channel American VI Countess I visit other historic houses and some of them have Follies so what is it funny so Folly is like a almost like a structure on the estate um quite high up that you could just sort of peer out at and it was usually yeah it's not bad it's basically a building that serves no practical purpose that's right but is out there in the landscape for aesthetic reasons for quirky reasons um it might be a tower pretty much what I said you didn't eat it really well it yeah it might be um something that looks like a temple and it was very popular uh in landscape design in the 18th century in particular but we've actually got a couple of Follies here you probably don't think of them as Follies but um in the gardens we have we have two grottos one on either side oh yes and in a way those are those are follies okay because they're not really serving a purpose they're just there as interesting structures all right so so um we should get straight in uh to the episode uh before we do remember always to subscribe and like if you possibly can it doesn't cost anything to subscribe so please do subscribe down below it massively helps us so please do subscribe and also if you'd like to become a patron we have a wonderful community of patrons you can go to patreon.com forward slash mapperton live and all the proceeds that come from our patrons go into supporting this hugely important part of England's Heritage and you have such a great time with our patrons as well and we are about to go and write Christmas cards we are to our patrons foreign this this for me is probably one of the most exciting uh heirlooms of the your family the sandwich family that I've been able to really retrieve I mean I thank you to one of our patrons who really put us on this and I was really nervous so what happened everybody is one of our patrons told us about this and said I'm not sure if this is part of your family but you might want to look at this and I said oh my gosh we have six of these somewhere else and we so we didn't have the full set they were sold probably at the 1957 content sale uh that your grandfather held in 1957 when the family uh house was sold as well and these ended up in Canada and it took a lot anyway we we won the auction which was a miracle okay we're winning come on winning fair warning fair warning oh my god did we win it please no warning please let us win is exciting oh my gosh fair warning come on but we don't really know what we're gonna discover so this is a kind of unwrapping of a lost treasure of a real real knife and I'm gonna I'm gonna cut through the top here look it says border force it took me you have no idea so much red tape to get this sentence from Canada I kid you not but we have that really exciting moment where we won the auction it was I was like screaming and finally I was screaming these have arrived oh my gosh and it's the original box by the way it said it was the original box so no take the whole box out yeah yeah the Box yeah yeah let's get that off [Music] oh my gosh some things look at that we do have some things so that looks like it refers to a much earlier so you here will you read that that's six goblets of John Montague for 25 pounds well here's this there's more there's more everybody oh no no this is it this is it here you I get nervous okay and it's so fragile here I think no I think this is a certification it's another it's from the same um antiques dealer wh Burnett in London yeah I'm fascinated by it he's like putting it away like it's it's just amazing to be as fascinated as you right here we go oh look here are the goblets oh my gosh wow they need to be cleaned they definitely need a bit of a clean and I think we can safely say that this um carrying case is not from the 1700s no but that's okay they've safely arrived and they're not broken but they have J s j m s and they have The Carving the engraving of the um coat of arms on the side and JMS stands for obviously John sandwich the fourth earlier sandwich so put those on there exciting thing is we've already got six of these and it's been so frustrating because when you have a dinner party of more than six people we've never had enough glasses so some people have to have old glasses with these and the existing six that means we will have 12. we will have twelve do you want to bring those out I'm going to bring out a couple of the other ones and we'll we'll have to compare them right and while he's away I do find this actually really fascinating because what it does is it talks about um sandwich like why the earliest sandwich was named the earliest sandwich and it talks about uh that it was once a navigable channel for ships Bound for London made it a famous port in the time of the Saxons who probably settled here when the sea receded from the Roman part it talks about the King Edward Confessor this is fantastic sandwich and then it says here that John Montague IV Earl of Sandwich oh sorry um can I just read this really quickly no no this is this is not interesting it is so interesting you can just tap it into Wikipedia you'll find the same thing that's not interesting this is interesting right here we go we've got two glasses from the glass cabinet here at mapperton over here and we've got two glasses next to them that have just arrived from Canada and the question is are they the same well I really hope so I think there is no question but that they are identical they were produced at exactly the same time for the fourth earliest sandwich but they need a really good clean what I think we need to do is clean one of these and see what it looks like so I might just go next door okay and right so why he does that I am so excited about this I love this um so look Julie yes yes I've now cleaned this glass I'm getting quite frightened of dropping it because it's a bit slippery and we can't take the sticker off yet but if I put that next to come on there can you tell the difference I can't think exactly isn't it brilliant that we've now got 12 of these we're going to have 12 people to dinner no for Christmas we are having 12 of us for Christmas this will be the first time for Christmas that we are going to have a full set I know it's going to be so oh my gosh it's so exciting I'm here in the woods at Mapleton this is called 10 acres with Ben out today we have just been collecting a Christmas tree for the house but you're gonna have to watch the next episode to find out how we got on with that it was quite fun wasn't it it was quite fun yeah very eventful I thought we'd take a time to thank our sponsor for this program and that is le chamo le chamo make the most extraordinary wonderful warm country Footwear and I'm wearing a pair of their boots here at the moment Ben's got a pair on these are kind of go-to boots for kind of everyday outdoor yeah and it's you can't tell this but it's freezing here at mapperton I mean the temperature is is almost at zero and yet they've got this wonderful lining that uh keeps your feet really warm yeah the near Primus is always nice to put on the near Prem and it's makes a lot more comfier as well but I have you got me the walking boots as well yeah they're so comfy yeah and they're your regular sort of regular yeah yeah day in day out tread around the beaver enclosure with them on and they can handle the water perfectly so um thank you for being our sponsor please do support our sponsors we've got a code for a discount for from lushimo you've got lots of time before Christmas to think about getting your loved ones and Friends a wonderful pair of these wonderful Wellies so um please see down below in the description for details and with that I think we shall now head back to the house head back to the house [Music] thank you [Music] thank you right we are at mapperton for the start of something entirely new that we've never done before and it is called the mapperton muddle but mud isn't perhaps the right word for things today um yeah it's frozen solid so we're white star running and we are we are organizing a half marathon and 10 kilometer race foot race over some very tough Terrain in and around this part of the world um yeah Mapleton model will be a new race and uh I think it's different because it's a winter race and you don't really get we win marathons in half but we weren't quite expecting temperatures of minus four were we no I was expecting it to rain like it normally does and uh yeah Beach from the East too I think do you know that I've just looked at the radar and there's some snow about to arrive in an hour's time it's going to snow not much but a little bit very festive now the mountain model in many ways Claire started with you because Claire is a super Keen Runner yep I do like my running and we met Andy and Gemma at White Star three years ago now and it's taken us three years to get to this point because of covered yes of course because we scheduled it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] Nicole I've just met up with it's Raymond and Raymond I'm really surprised not to find you in your running shoes and you're like crap I've done all that Luke in your past now is the time to buy a more sort of slower life a slower life yeah yeah I I I used to run a lot years ago did you yeah Runner cross-country and things at school did you I didn't know that yeah around for all kinds of things you should love it yeah but now we've sort of slowed down now and you watch other people enjoy yourself don't you you do you'll notice I don't have my running shoes and even Julie Julie at one point said she thought she was going to get the Lycra on and come out it's a lovely day though isn't it to be out and actually it's quite it's quite warm it's it's not too bad isn't it it's quite warm I haven't looked at the forecast and there's some snow coming what today you believe that yeah oh so I hope they don't all get stuck on the roads otherwise we'll be uh actually here well it's it's on its way coming from the West yeah so heading over this way we we will see that there'll be the strong ones in the front and then they'll get slowly weaker and weaker and weaker and then yeah the stragglers yeah summer be finishing by about Tuesday some will be walking like this yeah buy back Tuesday we'll still pick them up on Monday afternoon we'll have a good day we'll look after them thank you okay all right good boy foreign car park is filling up it's amazing and um Christmas hats so we can certainly work out what time of year it is um but what's so nice for me is having so many people who's probably never been to Madison coming here for the first time and uh and getting to enjoy the countryside and it's our last event it's our last happening before Christmas in fact that's not quite true we've got a bit of reef making coming up as well but it's just Splendid to be doing something completely new something that Claire has been working on for all these years and which can finally happen but I think most people here don't know that it's going to snow [Music] foreign has arrived for the mapton model I have indeed have you been here before I've been so Martin to watch my son racing down here but not well this first race is this your first this is the first race for this this is the first time exactly yeah yeah and how far have you come today um Goldman Stone oh that's not too bad no not really not too bad yeah yeah are you doing the 10K or the half marathon half the half yes how are you feeling about that um fine just take my time it's going to be slippery and bumpy but it should be quite hard do you think do you think having a hard Frosty surface is helpful or uh no not if it's lumpy I just just take care all right well it's going to be beautiful brilliant yeah it will I mean that's with the sun though it might be a little bit of snow on the way I'm really excited about that okay yeah it's a beautiful area lovely to meet you anyway you're welcome thank you all right hi there what's your name my name is Denise Denise welcome to mapton thank you where have you come from not too far I'm in pool so only well pool is quite far that's decent icy roads or sort of okay lovely yeah yeah and have you heard that it might snow with that'd be great if it did do you think that's good yeah of course but what about your running it's all part of the experience and have and having Tomatoes before I haven't been here but first time here and definitely would come back when I'm not dressed and 10K or half I'm doing the Half Marathon today yeah yeah yeah yeah and have you taken in that it really is sort of up and down like that that is all good is it yeah yeah and where in the pack are you going to be I'm probably going to be to back but that's where the fun so go get warm exactly my goodness everyone's excited it's just brilliant [Music] foreign amazing news everybody Julie had decided she was definitely not going to run right because I don't want anything to get away in the way of my yoga this irrational fear I have that I'm going to injure myself but I've been done pressure no pressure you've been completely changed her mind and she's gonna run he's completely tried to change my mind now he has peer pressured me the only problem is I haven't got a Christmas pudding outfit for you what are you gonna wear I don't know if I have anything I'll have to go look everything you need to be a bit festive okay we'll go no but I'm gonna wear this hat maybe you're not gonna run this she's gonna she's gonna wear I'm not going to wear no I'm gonna wear I am going to wear a shimo sort of walking shoes walking shoes because I just think that the running shoes are actually made for like pavement and this is going to be not on paper and there's another snowstorm coming yeah can I walk some of it you could definitely could she walk some of it what do you think yeah Chris yeah I mean you might come live yeah apparently you get a medal even if you come last she's doing it for the medal we've heard that they're probably the medals are amazing metals are the thing I mean how much is a 10 I don't you know I don't do kilometers I'm American so what is it in Miles everybody so 10K it's six miles yeah it's about you know it's a decent distance and it's not like flat it's kind of up and I don't want to put you off because I think she's made her mind up they're leaving in half an hour come on okay thank you Claire is a serious Runner and it's snowing slash raining what is this please [Music] thank you foreign foreign track where people have been coming up for about I don't know almost 800 meters a real vertical incline and it's got to be said I can't see that many people running it well actually these are how's it going how are you feeling good we ran all the way too yeah we cheated look at this amazing so I think after here they're going round into hook Park and uh because this is the this is the half marathon so it's a it's a serious run uh and I'm hoping we're going to see Julie coming up here at some point look at that everyone sees the camera and they start running again all right everybody Claire what have we just done hi we're just assistant really bad in my grandma we said a mile so I've got what 5.2 I don't work in kilometers everybody miles to go 5.2 miles to go it's a bit slippery there's snow on the ground which I'm going to show you in a second and it was a bit muddy at the beginning but we've done it it was clear she really wants to go in front of me because she is a runner she's being kind and staying with me and these are the old barns but you probably remember we'll eventually convert Visitor Center over there seven bedroom holiday light here and you can't really visualize that it's going to happen but they're nice oh goodness I got that on film this is what I just slipped on so it's walking time ice right here just FYI okay Claire how much further it's almost to go we've done the rest have we okay well that was pretty bad okay four more miles to go okay I'm going out of snail's pace because I quite like it I can do it at this pace Claire's basically walking while I run you are it's okay that's true be careful okay are we miles four yet almost miles for everybody nearly careful of the mud all right got somebody cheering us on hooray amazing okay all right Claire what mile are we on okay nearly four and a half so we've got two miles left would you say yeah two miles left all right right behind me Iron Age for it I'm only pausing so you can see but it's pretty Sensational and we're a mile almost five gotta get going enough with the video all right one more mile to go everybody pass it on one more mile to go one mile to go everybody there's a little bit of Baileys here Bailey's I'm having a Bailey's there's a food spread because we've got a mile left a mile left cheers everybody [Music] Claire get the Baileys oh my goodness look at this spread way it was amazing yeah whoa my left have your Baileys cheers [Music] I'm really well good I made it all because of Claire thank God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Claire my amazing running partner has motivated me there's more than 6.2 miles somebody's saying it's six what 6.61 there we go we're coming to the Finish [Music] I'm just texting my kids to say I did it but let's be honest here the only reason I did it is because of Claire I'm just gonna literally I know you're not gonna be like no no yeah yeah it was Claire is like a serious Runner what did you do in September to try something what's it called an ultra marathon which is how long it's just under 30 miles okay so Claire a few times this was just six point something miles and Claire was like not only motivating me for like motivating everybody everybody and it was she was kind enough when it was too steep I was like I've gotta I've gotta walk I'm sure it just irritated everyone but I ran would you say I ran 90 of it I think you run more than that more than 90 especially in those boots yeah these are like bricks everybody I ran in bricks but I actually quite enjoyed them they protected my ankles and I didn't want anything to happen to my ankles because of yoga yeah but did you Claire was never out of breath it was good it was really really good and it was beautiful I'm so pleased we did it it was beautiful now we've got to go get our medals [Music] fantastic yeah I don't need food no we just wanted I just want a medal oh yeah thank you oh oh wow these are beautiful yeah I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure yeah I'm sure thank you thank you this is so lovely can I all right okay okay if you insist I'll take a cider if you insist look at these cheers we did it we did it and we said we'll we'll toast to our cider later these are beautiful oh my goodness anyway um thanks everybody for again watching this episode it's free to subscribe to our YouTube channel all you have to do is hit subscribe it is free huge thank you for those of you already subscribed and of course to our mattress and live patrons do comments down below if you've done a 10K or if you've done it what's it called eclair what do you do your crazy runs the ultra if you do an ultra marathon or anything down below let us know what you do um but again feel free to come because we're doing this again next year aren't we Matt pretend model will be happening again next year so stay tuned for more details if you want to come and run [Music] foreign
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 80,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapperton, mapperton live, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton estate youtube, mapperton house and gardens, Julie Montagu, Luke Montagu, american viscountess, mapperton house tour, mapperton wedding, mapperton rewilding, mapperton tour, mapperton pool, Mapperton Live pool, mapperton christmas, mapperton gardens, historic house UK, rewilding, earl of sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, lost treasure, treasure, antique, antiques
Id: sNY_XomTuIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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