CORONATION Treasures Discovered! We can't believe we FOUND these!

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in this week's video it's all about the coronation of King Charles III no we're not invited as all of our ancestors in the past had however since marrying into this aristocratic family I've been searching for the coronation robes and coronets for years your mom said it's in a chest in the house and you know what to be honest I've never looked in any of these chests and finally I found them freaking out right now that we found this plus there's new life at mapperton that will melt your heart hello here we go [Music] I'm in the hall right now because I've just had a conversation with my mother-in-law who has told me that she thinks that the coronation robes for obviously the upcoming coronation which aren't being worn this year um are in a chest in the house now of course for the American and me I am way over excited Beyond excited and in fact I can barely even hold my um uh this enthusiasm inside of me but I want before I go looking in the chest there are like dotted around the hall there's that chest there's that chest there there's a chest just over there and so there's all these chests and she just said I don't know it's I think it's in one of the chests in the house but I need to find Luca to see if he's excited um as I am about this uh and hopefully oh my gosh if we find these coronation robes I am literally going to scream from the top of my lungs if we find these rubs I have by the way since I've married into this family I have been asking about these robes like do other coronation robes that exist and the answer I always was getting was yeah they're somewhere in the house they're somewhere in the house but there wasn't a reason for me to go look for them um until now because there's a coronation happening on the 6th of May so I need to go find Luke right now [Music] what are you looking at because I have exciting news but are you looking at me in a mint room Lake what they've done so where is the where is the league coming in well so what's happened before I tell you my exciting news is do you see how Darren's put that black sort of um bit of whatever it is because we fixed the leak that was coming through the ceiling on top there on the lead roof but what's happened water's coming through the stone and then down into the window and you've seen that before on the other side where it would drip through so I mean this is Julie's greatest project yeah you've put so much I know I'm an effort into this and I can't bear the idea that water is making its Wicked way into the minimum but it hasn't damaged anything but by the way your mom has just told me so that there are coronation robes and you know I have asked about this you know this for a while and I've always always told they're somewhere in the house coronation robes or they're somewhere there's somewhere and now that there's a coordination coming up I'm desperate to find these robes the American in me and so she said she thinks she's not sure that they're in one of the chests in the house so we have to go look now we're going on a coronation treasure hunt do you know something what like I I remember these roads what we used to take them out as kids and have dress-up parties I don't think we treated them very well no I don't think so I hope they're still in good shape right so your mom said it's in a chest in the house and you know what to be honest I've never looked in any of these chests well there's three there's three possible places this this one there's another there's another chest here yeah um and then there's a taller chest with a couple of drawers okay well wait no they could be in here they could be could be I see velvet can you hold that can you hold that can you hold that see like bits of velvet well that looks like a very moth eaten dear cushion cover wait I recognize this I think this is in the drawing room well I found part of them what what oh you did you did you did she gets very over excited oh my gosh so that that is Lucas I haven't you know I didn't know that this was look how fragile this is so this is the waistcoat that would be worn under the robes oh my gosh you guys you guys you guys so excited so you're holding on to that yeah by the way do you think that this can be repaired well everything everything can be repaired yeah well good it's so fragile that we need to be very very okay I'm gonna I'm gonna put it here Luke so we've got two more chests oh my gosh that one and we've got this one so and now we go into this WOW extremely ancient here I'll hold it hold it sure hold it hold it I'll hold it looks as though okay I've got it you look with two hands it's got some again some lovely silk curtain material I need to reuse that for the channel there's lots of cushions to be made I'll say well wait there's a big plastic bag these cushions look this one this one here here here here here here what's in there a lot of this I think comes from hinching bro I'm sure it does it can be it can be turned back into into other things if it's not in here are there any other chests in the house that you can think there's one upstairs there is one upstairs okay oh lots of black plastic bags okay I'll hold this this one that has a lot of lace lace yeah that's nice this could be a what is that something to be worn what a petticoat perhaps what is this what is this well don't you think these might be are you holding this yeah I am holding this what is this here we go look at this no no no what very slowly um these could be albertas I think they would have been worn things on your head I think it goes on your head yeah oh you think it's a bomb it yeah I think it's a bonnet it's a sort of Bow Peep Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep is it a bonnet am I right we've got some sheep there you go yeah it's very fetching is it a bonnet Chris how does it look s so good wait wait okay wait what is that there you go yeah put it on me these could be Alberta's there's a lot of these oh my gosh look at all this lace here we go here we go there we are Julie we can get oh my gosh take that off isn't her take that Little Bo Peep wait wait wait wait wait wait what how come we've not seen this no no no no this is this is really really precious that was Alberto's I bet okay is a parasol No wait wait let's see if we can open it up you can it's it's come off over there I feel as though that there you go look at this there you are with your parasol I know twirling away by the bank so I need to take this out I need to get this repaired and now oh I've just felt something just felt something I just felt something I just oh my gosh oh my God Judy's gonna be so excited she's gonna pop be careful careful careful okay careful because that careful because that has been wow that is is the family yeah they're bent a bit so I would be super careful this is the Coronet how amazing and I do remember having these as a child playing with them and playing kings and queens well why okay there's a little one what is this and and that would be the countess's Coronet so these are going up these are not going back in okay oh my oh my goodness so this is the counters for this well I don't know to be honest here we go this is oh my goodness the band or the it's like a sort of apart from a bathrobe that would go around your waist and I think these are gonna have to go on display and then after they go into display look oh my gosh the robe oh my gosh oh my gosh show you what let's lay let's lay did we fight sweet this is crazy there it is whoa look at that that is quite something isn't it oh my gosh okay oh my goodness okay there you've got Earl of Sandwich there sandwich now this is in rather better condition than the other one than the waistcoat well you say that I think and there's some bits there but it feels like it's me so you've got the inside the silk lining it's got a pocket gosh it would be fun to find something in the pocket is has disintegrated on that side and on this side and then looking around this way you've got the Velvet and um in it's incredibly heavy and you can imagine wearing this for hours on end as an elderly peer of the realm first of all you'd be incredibly hot and it would be weighing you down and secondly incredibly difficult to walk because you've got this long train coming after you oh my gosh I don't know how they manage I'm just an R right now so what I think I should do is because we're the house is open to the public right now we do three tours a day five days a week I'm going to put this all of this up in the west room I think that's the best room to put it in and then people I'll put a rope around it it also means people can see it before the coronation yeah which is fantastic I know I don't want to get too over excited so I sort of want to like bring it down a bit be a bit British about it it's one of her greatest dates ever British very British like it's great we found it but actually secretly inside I'm freaking out right now that we found this okay I'm Gonna Take It [Music] I'm just packing up everybody because I am about to head with my suitcase to film lots of bits for the coronation so I'm here in London I'm on the go all the time and we um love working with ag1 they have been uh one of the sponsors for our channels and we love being open and honest with you guys about who we work with ag1 is fantastic and they have these amazing travel packs which I absolutely love but ag-1 is just like filled with so much goodness so 75 minerals vitamins pre and probiotics Whole Food Source nutrients and you just need it's like one scoop or once a day every day is all you need so I am getting ready to go I'm gonna put this in Shake It Up and yeah and especially traveling around London get a bit like crazy so this helps me with my energy ag1 helps with gut health uh hormonal and neural support and you know you guys know I love it for the healthy aging Luke why do you like it well you've forgotten one absolutely key thing which is the microbiome and the Wonders that it works on your gut we've teamed up to provide you with this amazing free gift offer so click on the link in the description below to get a one-year supply of vitamin D3 and K2 Plus five of the ag1 travel packs free with your first purchase so I'm gonna head out and I'm going to take a pack with me and I'll see you all on TV at the coronation [Music] now this is a time of year when there is a lot of new life at mapperton wouldn't you say Claire uh yeah there's a lot of new life at the minute we started lambing on Easter Sunday this year Lambs we've got lands they're popping out everywhere but not just lands we've the horses have come we've got pigs coming but you're right today it is about the Lambs and remind our viewers what sort of lands and sheep we have here so we've got some Jacob sheep here yeah they're a rare breed sheep we've got some Shillings up there so they're a year old they were born this time now Shillings yes um and they're all girls so they'll come into the flock next year yeah and then up here we've got the mums with their babies mums and the babies so the oldest ones are what eight days old now eight days old now jumping and skipping they're lovely now are the mums responding well to the Lambs they are apart from one from one yes and does does that mean that Claire is having to be mum I am at the minute but we've got to find him in a minute what because Mom is really ignoring him and what is the name of your your baby lamb he's called Theo he's called Theo because he's got three spots three spots bo3 spots I think that's pretty decent name for Atlanta I think so yeah yeah we've got all these wonderful new lands when did they arrive um so they started on Easter Sunday uh very apps so proper Easter Lambs yeah we were hoping to have some out in the North Stable block so that the visitors over Easter could look at them but sadly they they didn't quite come early enough yeah so Easter Sunday followed by Easter Monday and then we have a bit of a quiet spell Chris film some he did you were there just the right moments didn't you I got how did you feel about that Chris well it was quite a new experience we're trying to turn Chris into a countrymen you see so the Lambs all came out no no drama um I had to deliver too you had to deliver too yeah that means what reaching in and pulling out with a long glove yes yep yeah but you're quite good at that aren't you yeah how many lambs have you delivered the last two years I might have had to do three so maybe five so far okay not many I mean this breed is really really they're easy going they just look after themselves and they just pop out Edwina popped two out yesterday afternoon yeah I think we've still got six to lamb six to come yeah we've got six views over there so the ones that are still tonight kind of hang out together great well let's get in and go and have a look at Theo now Claire I think I can hear Theo three spots he's seen me oh my goodness look there he is there he is oh my goodness look at this extraordinary scene go on Claire come on little boy come to Mommy and is that his mother there that is his mum and she's rejected him she just come in come here not feeding him um she came up to him just now didn't when he started bleeding and why would a mum not feed I'm not sure I mean when I found him yesterday she'd walked off with um the the little girl and Theo was cold and sad underneath the tree he really wants his milk doesn't he he does now is he he's a greedy boy is it a bad thing that we're giving him human scent and does that mean that he's more likely to get rejected he'd already I needed to do something otherwise he wouldn't be here we've got these lands at mapperton they've been here for decades but we've got a new job for them this year yeah they are they are going to become part of the rewilding project I gotta hold him he's quite cool now oh hello here we go so we're we are um we're going to be planting in the orchard uh traditional Orchard up at cultley and as part of the requirements for that we need to graze the grass around the trees right with the Jacobs so there'll be maybe five half a dozen of the years going up there later on this year when we make a start on the work up there yeah um and they're just great grazers they will keep the grass nice and neat in the species-rich farmer days as well right in the meantime I'm going to try return where's mum gone over there Theo to his mum and um which one is it it's this one yeah let's um let's hope this goes well here we go come on Theo come on Theo here we go here we go mum here we go oh off you go there he's a bit wobbly isn't he uh he's he they're always a bit drunk after they've had some some milk they sure are yeah yeah is that is that just the sort of shock of of um all of this nutrient everybody's having a good pea so glad he didn't do that on me well all I can say is that Theo is lucky to have such an expert mum here if not over there because um look at him I don't know where he'd be without you he's very handsome and these long back legs yeah [Music] [Music] now one thing that Claire doesn't know is that we've made a decision on mapton live and that is to select certain animals to feature over time on the series and little Theo Theo three spots is one of the lucky first animals so Theo is featuring today but we're also going to follow his life story over the coming months and possibly years and we'd love to know what you think you know if you're a Theo fan already we're rooting for him I mean he was a bit wobbly wasn't he after his milk but I think he's got a long and prosperous life here at mapperson and I hope you're all going to join in and follow his journey over the coming years [Music] right Jeff see if you can see anything that's um little different about this room yes I I think that it's quite obvious isn't it a very big red gown these are the coronation Robes of the Earl of Sandwich and what you can see here um is the Velvet The Omen and then the Earls Coronet which has the eight baubles on the top and I don't know if you can see Jess but um it's sewn into the top it says Earl of Sandwich it does indeed yes I uh I I've been sewing labels in for my kids for school but that's a that's a much fancier handwritten label um and this is important but it's also interesting because for this coronation I don't know whether people know but for the first time the King has asked that peers do not wear their coronation robes he wants people just to wear a suit so these are consigned to history now um this is a is a much smaller Coronet here but this one here if you look at it it's actually quite heavy yeah hold on and it's rather magnificent it's not encrusted with rubies and diamonds and but still very surprising but it is isn't it yes I mean a little bent I think I think maybe an ancestor of mine has sort of bumped into the odd sort of low doorway or something and I'm rather intrigued to know whether it would fit so here we go um well you're missing you're missing a piece there so maybe don't put that at the front where are we ordering this hey are you all right so there's missing a kind of fleur-de-lis yeah it's come off oh no well we're gonna have to get that repaired yes anyway what do you think um as part of the tour do you think people will like it I think definitely people love seeing actual things that have been worn that's the great thing about it being a family house is uh people really like to feel that people were living here um and then what we do is tell the parallel story of your family and this is is evidence of that it is indeed yeah Jess we better get out of here and um and anyway longing to get feedback as to as to what people think but I think it's all rather fun yeah great thank you let's go all right thank you [Music] So today we're gonna be putting these guys out for the for the week so they're um so we're still waiting for the starting to get castrated um so what we're going to do is because we've got some really nice weather next week we're going to turn them out so they're going to be outside um in a little Paddock and so they're able to have a role have a pick of grass enjoy life a little bit and then we'll bring them back into the barn and for him to be castrated when he's sort of next booked in and then once he's fully recovered then we'll take him over to Copley and that's where they'll live for the for the duration so I think what the plan would be is we if we if I get you and Meg to go and stand at the top gate up there and then I'll just stand back open the gate here and let him walk up hopefully when they see you guys they'll turn into that Paddock where they're going to go to and then we're just going to shut the gate and then that'll be them so that's the plan [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] nice foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 174,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapperton, mapperton live, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton estate youtube, mapperton house and gardens, Julie Montagu, Luke Montagu, american viscountess, mapperton house tour, mapperton wedding, mapperton rewilding, mapperton tour, mapperton pool, Mapperton Live pool, mapperton christmas, mapperton gardens, historic house UK, rewilding, earl of sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke
Id: mweI_rSloRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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