How I Met My Viscount - My Life Marrying into the British Aristocracy: Part 1

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hi everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel if you're joining me for the first time i'm julie meltzeke american vicente and i have a whole series on english country houses great estate stately homes castles but as well i do vlogs like this from time to time a lot of you have asked if i could do a video on how i met my viacount how on earth did i meet my husband with this really long title viacount hinchingbrook and it's really um i just wanted to tell you just a little bit more about sort of like how i married into the aristocracy but i think that obviously has to start with in one sense how i met my husband so and how on earth did i end up here um a girl from illinois well i had moved over to london um for my job and i was working in london and i went to a drinks party but not because i was actually one of the guests and actually neither was my husband we were both invited to a drinks party by uh two of our friends well my friend i was invited by and his friend he was invited by and they happened to be mutual friends they were actually working the party so it was their kind of uh company if you like um drinks party they were launching um they were launching a shoe to be honest so they were launching i mean i can tell you it was it was a jimmy choo we're rather embarrassed about it now it was a jimmy choo drinks party launching like some new shoe so uh but they our friends were both working for the company jimmy choo so they said to both of us individually separately come to this drinks really quickly i'll be if you come at this time i would have finished work and then we can go to dinner afterwards what happened was both luke and i arrived and they were incredibly incredibly busy [Music] so they said okay we're so busy we're gonna have to stay here a little bit longer oh luke this is julie julie this is luke why don't the two of you um talk to each other because technically we actually weren't guests it was almost almost like we kind of you know gate crashed if you like um the the party so we ended up speaking to each other at this drinks party and when both of our friends came up just said okay right we're done we're done doing our shift you're working um we're ready to go for dinner one of them said but why don't the four of us go out to dinner since we were all going out to dinner separately anyway so the four of us went out to dinner and that is really how um it started both luke and i realized that we lived we lived a street away from each other in london and that this uh what joined our street together was a cinema he had started his film school he was very much into film i had a monthly pass at the cinema so i could go unlimited times in the cinema and our first technical date if you like was actually going to the cinema and we just met at the cinema and that is how i met my husband and really the rest is history but i will tell you something very bizarre about that date that i found really strange that british people do that i'm certain americans don't so when we both arrived to meet at the it was a very casual date to me it was five doors away from my house um the cinema was to meet at the cinema he asked me if i would like any ice cream and this and i was like uh no but i'll have do they have like buttered popcorn and he was like no no everybody gets ice cream i'm like ice cream like why would you it's freezing cold in england all the time why would you have ice cream but it's true if you've ever been to um uh go to see a play at and the west end and there's the break the intermission there's you know people coming out with tubs of little mini ice creams and everybody's eating ice creams it's the same thing in the cinema they have ice cream instead of popcorn but of course they do have popcorn but you can only get like sweet popcorn or sweet and salty popcorn or salty popcorn there really isn't this like amazing buttered popcorn so that was kind of the first well that was the first date and one of the strangest things i found was eating i by the way i said no he did he have his ice cream um i didn't have anything so when did i find out that he was a vi count well it was months after we were dating i'm not even kidding you so about three months into dating i always thought of him as luke montague and i still think of him as that today but i had not knew nothing about the titles and that might surprise you but it's really really true we were on a ferry on our way um over to the isle of wight and um he was paying for the tickets and he pulled out his credit card and his credit card said by count hinchingbrook but i looked at that and i literally said why on earth does your credit card say viscount hinchingbrook and um he looked at me in somewhat horror and said no it's not pronounced that way it's pronounced by hinchinbrook so of course i looked at him again in sort of disbelief saying why would it be vi count and not this count when it's spelled exactly like discount right so he then on the ferry ride over which is about 40 minutes had to explain to me his family's illustrious past and that is where of course i learned about not only the first earliest sandwich where the title uh firstly presented itself and was given to the family by charles ii because edward montagu was a great naval officer he was head of the admiralty and he used to be fighting for the cromwells he was part of the cromwellian army and then he switched side and be switched sides and became a royalist now of course the favorite snack that we all eat the sandwich was named after my husband's ancestor but that was much later on and that was the fourth earl of sandwich and the rumor is i'm going to give you the truth here so listen closely the rumor is that he it was named a sandwich because the fourth earl liked to gamble and so at one of his late-night gambling sessions he asked his butler to bring him a piece of roast beef but put it between two pieces of bread so that his cards wouldn't get greasy i'm going to tell you the truth right now so get ready we believe and we've been told and we are obviously his ancestors is that he was such a great politician and of course head of the admiralty and um very very busy that he was working at his desk all of the time that sometimes he didn't eat and leave his desk and eat lunch in the dining room or elsewhere and so he asked his butler to bring him uh roast beef between two pieces of bread so he went to get his papers greasy that you've heard it here first um now that doesn't mean that he didn't gamble and didn't also of course have that sandwich next to him when he was gambling but we believe that the true story comes from the fact that he didn't want to get his very important papers greasy thank you all so much for joining me here and i hope i answered your questions on how i met my vi count uh aka my husband and of course do leave any questions or comments down below and i will definitely be sure to answer all of them um any other questions that you have about how i met my husband hopefully um this all makes a little bit more sense be sure to subscribe to my channel and do check out um the other videos on my channel not only just um the vlogs that i have but of course the american vi historic houses series as well thanks everybody
Channel: American Viscountess
Views: 496,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meghan markle, prince harry, julie montagu mapperton house, julie montagu american aristocrat, julie montagu yoga, julie montagu wedding, meghan markle ellen, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton house, american viscountess show, american viscountess youtube, mapperton live youtube, viscountess julie montagu, what is a viscountess, british aristocracy documentary, viscountess hinchingbrooke, viscount hinchingbrooke luke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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