The WORST RATED hotel in Scarborough - GRAND HOTEL.

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so tonight I booked in to the Grand Hotel in scabra the cheapest room I could find online and apparently my room does not even have a window W this is even worse this was ready to come off look at that got a little noisy one here people the bed problem is back this something you find interesting if it is please do consider hitting that subscribe button following the YouTube channel like lots of people have done nearly 13,000 people up to date look like somebody didn't want the tea last night cuz there's chips all over the floor just take a look at this size I didn't realize there's four fell statues there there and there's some more on the other side let's look at the size of this hotel there we have it the grand Hotel I'm in room 426 he said he's done me a room upgrade so I have a window but online I booked no window just to experience it see what other people been talking about with it so I do need to find 426 and I will say summer it smells very fresh like it's been painted recently even in the doorway a bit of wood to do a redoing there a massive stay there you can sort of tell where people are coming out of the doors you know where a lot of feet are getting scuffed on carpet this thing that likes it's had its days don't it wow this isn't very presentable is it I have not got a clue where I'm going here 26 going on there number just in case you forget they do punch it onto the key as well right used to be Sumit here that's gone oh this smells very nice in here very very nice smelling like I said I did book the room with no window but now we get the upgrade for the window we don't have a view but once again D these windows are so dirty bit of a visitor yeah look at the curtains again how dirty these curtains are this what we like last weekend when I were in scabra at the Royal Su St that we remember exactly the same stains all over the place tiebacks just sort of like you know not having the best day of his life same with this one well this is even worse this one ready to come off look at that stop messing around with Anna yeah got a little noisy one here people let's turn the light on we do have some lights light switches that's for bathroom there we go we'll have some light there this light should switch on somehow it's not touch lamps there we go it's going to give us a little bit more light see have screwed the bed to the wall so you're not disturbing your air NE wow just look at this it looks so presentable table's got a lot of wear on it but look at the dirty what people have been leaving it's dirty there but I think that's due to people like cleaning room air dryer you always get an air dryer don't you some cups clean okay you need really wow let's do a little dust test where we there it check that out people iron C hangers and a fan yeah it's a little bit worn here is it a little bit worn but this floor board wow the floor is creaky that's one thing I can say about this room the fly is horrendous towels check out these towels what can I say yeah everything looks brilliant let's check out these drawers part from him knows it him Tim so be nosy I tell you what that might as my prison day that in exercise yard look you m sell it's looking y empty empty empty wow how how can you complain about anything the matters always tells a secret though some saying to me just wait till you see Matter St then let us know what you think yeah B throw back to 90s in here I think it's got this bubble War paper it's got a pattern in it my mom used to love this cuz every couple of months she'd get my dad to repaint it so she never had to change the wallpaper it just changed the color all the time you can you can see the pattern in it we had this through out and wood chip there's a blast from the past in it wood chip wallpaper it would have fought it the light works fantastic cups of a carry back ground so you can have drink of water when you're brushing your teeth or whatever you use these cups for the plug in the sink is different so if you fill your sink up won't do it too much just Poky plug all you got to do is poke your plug look that I've not seen a plug like that before you'll never lose it once you've done put your finger down drain P the plug that water test let's poke the plug again hot water straight away wow by God that drain stinks soon as hot water hit that plug on that off it's very sewage smell that stinks that cannot be healthy that by God that stinks people so my hand towels here quick look at the toilet wow absolutely SP and clean have even done this oh that's see it's a bit of a banger so this here looks a little bit like the paint has just been splattered everywhere so it has got a touch of cream on the top of it even at the back of the toilet on the seat but from the the top part of it I think it adds to furniture that looks quite nice a bit of a pattern you know it P it's got it on this little lady bag thing as well it's not too bad I can't complaint used to be suit there or behind there this wall feels a bit damp oh there we go wallpaper's moving but here it feels slightly wet so I wonder if there's a problem within the shower take a look at the shower red so dirty and you've got marks up here I don't get what lies in the shower room got some soap here and some a bit of a tilt wow yeah it comes out but at 90 M hour look at all this here so horrible then we step into the shower look all that there can you see it that is like dirty Brown everywhere it's even on these walls here seems to be running off from there you can see how dirty it is guys so all this is just filthy you can use a shower r m if you want it's not too back I don't think yeah could be a bit higher mess around with that so number one is I got pked up and I thought I book into Hotel first and I parked in the center secure car pack place and I thought I got halfway down I forgot my bag I'll go back and get it but to be fair I don't think I need to get any cleaning stuff because this place is clean but one thing I do have in my pocket what I got out of the car anyway is my UV light so later on tonight we will have a look around but I will tell you something I'll be very surprised if I find much with a shv light because this room you can tell it's been REM modernized a lot right let's do what we all want to see the most and that's the bed then I'm going to nip out for a few hours because I'm meeting another YouTuber who does this sort of stuff as well on the channel on YouTube Sorry same stuff I do as on my channel it's not Adam W rooms either it's another YouTuber and we're going to be organizing a collaboration so there be me and him and Adam's Rotom rooms so there'll be three of us in one area at one time I'm going to see it is let's put it he's is's a decent Siz YouTuber for this sort of stuff and I'm quite looking forward to meeting him so I do have only 45 minutes left so one thing I'm going to do is pull the bed up let's see how dirty this matter is what I'll do is I'll keep it rolling I'll just turn it around that way and you can see it as I do it yeah I'm uh pretty excited as a person I'm 4 years old and I'm excited to meet this YouTuber what can I say what can I say I booked a double room double bed number window and I got double bed window upgrade apparently I don't think he recognized me from YouTube at what I do and things like that so I can't put it down to that the must just like to fill the best rooms up will have got the opportunity orless he did recognize me and knows what I'm going to be doing wow the pullers are spotless I really can't see how people still raing this the worst hotel in scabra at all su's still saying the bed's going to shock you D even a mattress protector get in there this just shows us starting to look after the places that's my phone that be that that I know that is I nearly slipped up them with the name yeah the bed problem is back wow let's turn this phone off well it is who I'm meeting but airplane Mod's on someone was telling me about this Mars I just knew it this something you find interesting if it is please do consider hitting that subscribe button and following the YouTube channel like lots of people have done nearly 13,000 people up to date has pressed that subscribe button and press the Bell so you get told every time I upload new videos and you can see things what I'm about to show you oh my God it just got worse from worse from worse this floor is starting to do me heading the bed by God people that bed is horrendous there's no excuses why they didn't notice this bed wow let me just show you yeah that is another lady problem 100% another ladies problem and the leftover plaster there's a bit of a drop there I get some but that is definitely a lady's problem theel cleaners cannot say they don't notice outl that this mattress just gets better got all that and then so much going on there but this is what I want to show you on the other side you can see the lady has had a problem it happens to every woman in the world and it's it's like the the realize what's happened and they flipped the mattress around trying to hide it I get it maybe embarrassment I do understand that that does actually go with the patterns on the mattress and there's some more here but this is like spill Cofe maybe but yeah I feel I feel I feel dead sorry for that lady because it must be embarrassing so I do know full well cleaners do not get enough time to clean these rooms as good as like to do I think uh a lady who has done this job before subscribed to my channel and says you get 20 minutes per room that's just not good enough is it but what I think is don't they have a checklist so just safe to go in at room window I'll say all right yeah mattress blood stain report that uh chair ripped badly report that TV not working hanging off at wall bathroom shower head off you know something like that they must have a rep part sheet really really must because people I've already said on this videos enough but the would complain about the bed being like that now I don't really have a lot of time tonight CU like I said I'm going to meet that YouTuber and then uh I'm going to meet some part for his family as well I think it's his kids uh and one of his grandkids they watch my channel as well so I'll be spending quite a lot of time with them tonight so when I do get back in then we'll get the UV light and then we'll have a little look we already know what's on the mattress so I don't need to mess around with the mattress it'll mainly be the walls and stuff like that and yeah I do understand cleaners don't walk around the V UV light what I do that's all I can say about and I love seeing the UV light footage and people do enjoy the UV light right I see what I can record up way out but I'm really going to have to get moving but overall I'm looking forward to sleeping in this room tonight I flipped the m over so the blood stain is back to where it were originally underneath where the marks are but yeah for might have seen on YouTube and talks about uh the way this place is it's not that bad and there's one thing I must tell you about as well is when I came in the door now has a lock on it so you can't walk in and out you got to press the door tell me your name and they let me in so I don't know if that's for everybody but I saw when I looking outside at the building I saw a woman and a Gentleman and a woman and a young kid they had to buzz and talk as well so they are trying to keep people out it was not meant to be in here as well what once again is a good thing so they really are trying but I think we should have a a tick list and a report sheet right let's see what I can show you I do need to get off it's now 10 to 7 I need pass and I've got a bit of walking to do and at least the radiator is clean in here as well compared to last weekend you can really smell tea is cooking for the people are eating in the hotel smells like School dinners wow I know it's a fire door but that is a nippy one that as much it's shutting you straight away just remember all my keys door key car [Music] keys stened I'm sick of looking around for things so I've worked out now soon as I get in the room if I put everything together then I know where everything is straight away cuz no down later on I start looking for stuff hey wow people listening to another YouTuber that does the same stuff as me is really fascinating really fascinating you think you know stuff until you listen to somebody with a lot more experience and then Mar things twig I'll tell them about the bed you like he won't stay in it and he told me to ask you guys I'm not saying who he is would you sleep on the bed the way he is is even though I flipped it over and it's got a mattr protector would you still sleep on it I'm going to have to do because by God I'm tired of all that walking I'm do need to grab some water for a coffee don't we best turn it on first so while kettle's kettle's boiling I'm going to uh do a little bit of UV light in the bathroom and there only one or two things that I can see and that is probably it that that is it really I'll quickly show you so the ceiling that's just condensation you know from somebody not closing the door and they someone closing the door sorry when there's shower on that's all that is condensation it's just everywhere on the seiling in it yeah that's all that conation a little bit on the walls but not that bad but even in shower it's pretty clean apart from where all that brown is see it there that's that brown what about earlier and you can see here where it's leading right up to the top so yeah the Taps and the lime scale is what's causing all this in the bath yeah it's not that bad though compared to some showers now that might sound crazy but it's the truth the floor can't really complain about that the toilet does have these normal stains that's just cleaning products give them a wipe down that'll come off there like bit of of dust Bin's a bit dirty but it's just a bin right let go check out the bedroom eh is that like a bed bug on the curtains I doubt it but somebody will say it's a bed bug what it is it don't want to come off but it definitely is a bug you can see it try to move there I didn't realize but the uh curtains had alls in do I expect there curtain are black right as well so side of the bed is pretty Grim quite a lot of marks there isn't there yeah there we have it we've got a runner ladies and gentlemen we have a runner a runner what am I talking about all right turn light out let's find rest of the stains right so on couples of stains I can see is what's on the bottom of this chair the walls are clean the carpet's clean we all know the bed's not clean look at that that is it really and uh T legs got a little bit but what can you see yeah the chair is the worst I think know what I mean that's got we got some it there we've got some m on the wall but that's round about it let's just push this chair back in yeah a just a few STS here there you go we got a runner ladies and gentlemen we have a runner it ran a bit and lost the will to live yeah there's no else I can show the handle a bit tacky but we all touch them don't we even the radiator is clean just shows you how recently what that upload uploaded PR H how recently what when they REM modernize your rooms this just makes me laugh here this is something I've seen a few times now to give it so many attempts one two three three attempts to get it into while and they still failed so you got your light switch that's that one oh that's a big light that's pretty decent and your TV so you can turn your TV off from here but TV don't go on off so that don't probably work Bo yeah I can't agree with this is the worst rated hotel anymore I really can't from the what I've seen downstairs live entertainment singing Abba I I I don't think it can possibly be the worse rated anymore you know this might sound crazy but it's 22 minutes past 12 and it sounds like just out there my window there's someone running around on the like top of another roof well good morning people 10 8 I've been up since 7:00 uh I can't find no wrong with my room to complain too much about aart from the matteress I will mention that on the way out because it does need sting uh I've read a lot of stuff online about this hotel they're still doing it up by sounds of it and that does explain why reception last night I saw massive rows of carpet and I mean biggest rolls I've ever seen in my life the bed very comfortable there's one major problem is this wherever you go there's a creaky floorboard and I feel sorry for the people downstairs for me on floor three right I'm going to stick some clips in now of parts of the hotel we're just on my way out look like somebody didn't want the tea last night cuz there's chips all over the floor public Bar let's take a look I do like these old pictures this is what the bar look like in 1940 wow all the gaming machines are turned off this is a nice B area look at the roof all the artwork is it artwork yeah I'm still say outwards it takes time to do this sort stuff do it but very nice very Grand obious you got your big bar there aren't you got your Banky out there imagine just sitting here having your breakfast looking out to the view of the sea there's an a posh little dining room in there you can't get into it it's got about 30 tables maybe wow look at the design work on this is it old has it just been remade definitely looks old it's like it's being freshly varnished or some it old firepl to just put a glass panel in it you get these machines Fit Kids encourage them to uh play the games to win a prime drink wow it is very very nice in here stairs this is where the uh entertainment were last night singing abber music wow look at the roof in here or the ceiling let's say I've been told off for calling a roof when it's a ceiling there's your main stage area very nice once again floorb are creaky in here look at that it's like the staircase to go Titanic in it let's take a little walk up these are wide stairs as well that's my foot I'm a size eight wow so much easier recording it morning time got some sitting area here Mar on is really nice wonder if you can go in here oh he doors open wow look like there's going to be some sort of wedding going on the summit and you've got a a leaky roof in your wedding venue venue area F trees well getting married and you've got the view of the sea in the background very nice right right let's leave this wedding area as you come to the top of bankon you get an overview of everything down there entrance you got your booking in there you got a bar but yeah there the grand stairs that I walked up there the carpets that I ran about earlier I don't think you'll be a to zoom in but you see carpet's there there's a lot of carpet is here sort of ruins view a little bit but it just shows the doing it up wow look at scabra old white dress is what ladies used to wear fellas have got hats on wow what a beautiful picture 1910 the bear see 1910 wow that even the castle look likes to be in good condition up there now that's uh a ruin but I want to go visit that oh we've all the entertainment going on last night I would not like to be in room 145 or 102 or 101 I don't think you would have got much sleep oh the stairs are that big I never fell down so that on my overnight stay in the Grand Hotel telling scabra still bad comments about online some good comments I'm going to leave a good comment now I need to go up that direction cuz I need to go into to the little town area and get my car and I fed in this bit of video of a little bit of a c view for you there we go got the arbor and stuff in that direction if you want to see more from me please do consider hitting this subscribe button here I'll share another video there for you so thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: The hotel hunter uk
Views: 11,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: km_20240407_1440p_30f_20240407_140825, grand hotel, grand hotel scarborough, worst hotel in Scarborough, worst rated hotel in Scarborough, the hotel hunter uk, Hotels in Scarborough, grand hotels
Id: qUdAgdrN2Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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