"WORST HOTEL EVER " I stayed in this LOW-BUDGET hotel in BLACKPOOL.

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so here I I'm once again back in Blackpool we're going to be staying in another low budget B&B I think first one's a hotel and when I say first one that's because tomorrow night I'm still in Blackpool as well so I'm going to be doing two videos from the same weekend now if this is sort of stuff that you do enjoy please do consider hitting that subscribe button it helps my channel a lot what I'll do is I'll get to where I want to be first and then I'll bring you back I've got a bit of a walk so I take it this is where the fun begins I just had a message saying they wed back to the hotel till 4:00 and I got a booking confirmation at two so now I got to go to another hotel across the road one what I will be staying in tomorrow night and then uh that's tomorrow night story and then got to go there and I think they're going to let me into the one that I need to be in I'll have to bring you back water right so as you walk into the room this is what you see blue bed with a red bottom and white sheets so here's a lot like the uh England flag or Union Jack Flag in it and then we've got these two bookcases or CD racks at each side of the bed I do seat point of them what you going to put on them cups of teas maybe maybe mobile phone some charges uh plug sockets you on overhead bedl light what does work it gives a little bit of light off recording you got your light switch what theyve cut down to make fit look at the messiness there your fire regulation things you got to follow you got your uh Fire Security system there like to done a bit of boxing in there and doing fancy painting around it there there's a lot of stains on the wall already you can see all these stains and anyway next thing you come to is a big mirror on the wall what got the massive crack down it yeah then basically it's a very very small room anyway you've got like this wardrobe set I've already put my uh Co in here you get one Co hanger that's very nice of a minute see what's in drawers not but they don't look very dirty either so yeah bit of dust but bit cleanest I've seen some of them so my bags on this little stand here and then you go here yeah see all it's a lot of pencil marks on this one but once again fairly clean Bottom's a little bit grubbier they don't make no difference there walls all marked up there stains all up and down walls another cupboard there this time we got two CS is't that nice and on top you get like this little vase with some fake flowers in is it Dusty y very very dusty check out my view some sort of drain pipe going over there another one here some rooms there one here here there's another one up there there's a couple more there and then there's one right there so I'm going to be honest with you first impressions it's not too bad I've been in worse and I can say that hands on heart I'm just going to get my bag off relax a little bit I'll show you what the room's like in this little but here we have an on Suite so what it feels like is it feels like because I turned up on time and the lady had to go pick her kids up from school it feels like I've been punished a little bit and I'm not staying in the the one that I booked into instead I've been put into this one this is a c hanger look still for the price I'm not going to complain it don't seem a bad room when I walked in but to be honest with you now I'm looking around I'm starting to see bits and bats there's my on Suite bathroom what I'm struggling to shut the door with right let's give you a little room tour so you walk through the door once I've locked it anyway looks there's another shower room over there we'll go look at that in a bit yeah as soon as you come through the door I will lock it if I can there we go you've got your fire safety stuff there two towels on the bed a hand towel and a giant bath towel they do smell fresh that is good to smell nice fresh towels the beding looks fresh the room smells all right even curtains are are clean what can I say maybe I don't know may paint the walls a bit you know cuz the walls are very dirty that's round about it but everything else is fresh the bedding the towels the curtain and I will say curtain because you only get one curtain you don't get another one there should I show you my bathroom I like this and I know it's some it's it's it's stupid okay but I like it they give it some toilet roll a nice little picture on a shelf empty something probably just to make the Shelf look a bit better ouch bang my arm on that then that's how small this bathroom is we got some more toilet roll here so plenty of toilet roll I like that for elderly people to open Lift yourself off a toilet get your bin even give you some bleach and it's half full ATP but bleach is bleach toilet seats it's all right is it fresh they've bleached it before I've come back look of it so the sink does have hair on it this hairs hairs hairs all this stuff here is just like dust a lot of airs in the sink these cup holders or soap holders let's say could be a bit cleaner C toothbrush so much missing from there the cup Tower loader you get a nice little mirror could be a bit higher cuz if I'm putting it right to my face there you go this should go up a little bit I'm going have to be kneeling down tow holder there got spotlights what work both of them got your fan you come in here and there's your shower it's just like turn around and it's in this own little room I don't know how to open it Al we got to go this way so you're opening the shower door to facing your doors you're coming in another Spotlight that's working now the ceiling looks a weird pattern I don't think it's dirt I just think it's the pattern of it the shower 's a little bit of a a dinky thing in it the size of that yeah easily movable yeah it's a very basic shower bit of mold of in tail grout there but for the price I'm really not going to complain about this one yeah it's a little bit gry there is it but it's not like some of them that are been in Let's test the shower who that shower's got in fast but it's also leaking out from it I'm not sure how I get it to hot wow now it's going stupid yeah not see we getting any water from it water all it's slowly picking up its heat very very slowly yeah we're getting some heat not a lot only if I can push it in and let slow it down and get some hot water yeah there we go now we're getting up water so turn that off so at least I can get a shower later on so that's a good thing in it STS are night absolute nightmare close this door yeah Show's a bit out of control with water chucking itself out in every direction going but long as you're getting wet and you get a water don't really matter does it if you see the dust up here I will be wiping top of that down later on so you can just see how dirty it is with the cleaning stuff that I bring right let's show you the tea and coffee stuff so you get in one two coffees two tea bags couple of sugars that's it and four milks teaspoon cups don't look too bad at least the matching cups I don't know why but it bugs me when I go to these rooms and the C put matching cups out your little Kettle it looks a bit small that it wow lid fell off seems to be somewh there I don't if it's a sticker or a St why scale there I'm not too bothered about that though and then you get in your TV some batteries what someone's being chewing about looks of it stupid idea is it chewing batteries let's turn it on here there we go TV's turned on does it work so far so good channel five oh there we go turn that off don't want copyrighting on it so at least we know the TV works I hope the radiator's not on no so it is time to do the bed test look I think going about beds are they comfortable are they uncomfortable it's just one of the things that the cat please everybody one night they might like someone who likes a firm bed next night they might have somebody in here what likes a a soft bed let's say so the cat pleased everybody with that the pulls not seem too bad and they don't seem this seem very clean wow let's check the matter there now that's one's going to say me how can you be picky when you pay such little price well the point is don't matter what you pay if it's their business they should want to keep some sort of cleans of the room and by God that mattress is dirty and I mean dirty if I want to talk them out just protect R and the sheet I would never have noticed but we have to do a bed book test don't we you've definitely got to do this o I think I found something special think I found some here it's actually a Wayne scale for drugs Jesus this just tells you what goes on in these rooms also I just found some tin file what is burnt so this is being used as a crack then on it drug taking all the evidence is there wow now just after finding that stuff the room were up here and now it's you know what I mean yeah I know the cat help who comes in the rooms with the habits and stuff I'm just glad this bedding smells nice like it's fresh bedding but I just don't now the woman didn't see that when they clean the beding you know take the so I'm a bit finger now made's a little bit everywhere I don't know when to change the bedding how they never seeing that waying scale it clearly under the bed under the matter slps here let's have a bit more digging around see what we find so what I'm going to do is on the way out I'm going to give this to the lady at the reception just in case some cheeky get comes back and ask for it back I'll let you know what she says about it so they have a shower room is quite nice actually we got like a little step up into the shower just a little bit of molding corners but the biggest lumps there I can see is there and the shower is better than the one I've got in my room showers behind your screen there but this is what I like they make it look quite hly with the uh mirror Seaside effect and I put some little fish because for the price of this hotel for the night it's not too bad really actually it's pretty good apart from this I'm going to go give it to the lady I'm not going to be funny about it I'm just going to say this were in my room can I leave it with you please there's quite a lot of information stuff here that you can do that's quite good to see think you leave your keys in there in the morning and some more stuff what to do when you in Black pool welcome to the white moon Hotel so very very nice lady in reception I've told her I found in the room she's going to go change all the bedding even though I told her it's fresh so I'm really happy with that she really has gone out of the way for me but it's always good right I'm going to have to go get something to eat anyway so see what I can find to eat right so I'm back in my little room being to McDonald's I someone ringing me oh it's this place hello right so that was the uh owner she got told about the uh little way scale things now they have changed the for me you can see that there it will blue last time so they have changed the bedding she wants to know would I like a room change so she's going to come to the front door I'm going to go have a chat with her where going to come my door here I'm going to have a chat with her see which of room she's got available for me right I'll see you in a bit then right so I've been moved rooms because she didn't want me staying in that room at all that night cuz she says it's got to have a hell of a good clean now I won't be too bothered but let's just bear in mind what's happened tonight they've put me in the wrong hotel that I booked for it says go to this one you get the keys I thought you meant the keys for the other one came here the white moon uh yeah you're there for tonight fed okay they put me in the room 50 50% all right and then I find the way scales and the crack paper let's say go report it give it back they come up and say we need to move your rooms Fair do okay but when they put you in a room completely different to what you want I pay for an on Suite I get a sink it's just not an on Suite now that is not the worst part of it the room is just crazy bear in mind 25 for the night for an on Suite I get a shoe box I'm unhappy but the point is it's getting late now and I'm not going to argue the cas about it I just know not to come back here again so I think I'll show you around this room this is second room from the same Hotel on the same night with all the mess up I'm very unhappy honestly I really am it's really cheesed me off so you come in there's your bed get your towel pull off the bed sheet will look like someone's just climbed out of to be fair giant stains if I can get out where from light with camera oh that made me jump see it big cluster of air oh come on and I'm not joking it look like somebody have been shaving the in the bed there's that many hairs there look at all these hairs but that's disgusting blood stain there it's probably the worst of it the bed why has it got this thing over it here kind like this curtain idea it's been fastened down by some rope Wonder M has got load of like bits all over it I don't think it's bed bugs but no doubt someone will say they are it's everywhere on this bed to be fair I wonder know what this is for think it's just to make the bed look a little bit better put these sheets back over I have to clean this sheet look at the St of that Jesus how dirty did they need to leave a room then you get a shelf a kettle it's very small at least lid stairs on this one full of water I will be changing that water if I want to drink TV remot and some bit of tissue paper don't know why that's there a mirror uh well it is a mirror but picture as well TV look at all these wires all the wires and it goes up here up there and through a all in the ceiling there what's all cracked microwave get your wardrobe what my coats in you do get a a spare puller you might be using that sweet wrappers and 25p D are a little bit dirty what's this a bit of cardboard got some shove in here probably Fe soaps and stuff he so dirty in there you like enough room for a little refrigerator or maybe a I don't know some else can go in there hot pants chipping away it's a fact there's the microwave but where's the plug socket for the microwave I can't see a plug socket there wow does that mean if you want to use your microwave you have to bring it to the only two plug sockets in the room and you need one for your TV and one for your Kettle maybe I don't know what do we get here one two three four milks two coffees what's this stuff sugar we get five sugars six sugars and two tea bags and then you get your sink it's got a nice PE Bear right there oh this is just dirty as well bit clad in there to go around your sink and you get a mirror do get a a random light just stuck in Middle wall does it work oh yeah it does turn that down a little bit more so you can pointing at your bed Cas you want to read a book or something oh these curtains are mashed up or blinds get stay of them I think that's just the view from where I were earlier yeah yeah look at these they're all mixed up and battered ones just sitting here need come across this tacky carpet what is definitely not been ued for a month you can really see all the dirt on it yeah tacky carpet these are all dirty around here so good news Daniel we've got you another room you can go in there get you out of this one I would have preferred just to stay in the other one to be fair why did they have to change me but I'm going to give it a deep clean from what I found in there I could understand that but in another way why just do it in morning cuz theyve just dumped me in this room it's an absolute mess it's not a mess it's not a mess he's 25 what more do I expect let's just get down to the video let's do a bit of cleaning so I need to clean this uh bed do cuz if not I'm going to be getting my sleeping bag out because yes if I'm in these rooms and I don't like the mattress or the quilts or whatever I do bring a sleeping bag as a last result so that could be something what I want to get into tonight here's my sleeping bag I don't see the point of having this microwave oh put some tape on it there wow it's got mold on it just there you guide if in case of a fire does the TV work I've pressed the button about half an hour ago and there we go so we do have some TV for the night bbc1 so for all you people who going about me wearing gloves and doing cleaning and bringing cleaning equipment with me I think this explains it on it look at the state of that big thumbs up for the pink rubber gloves I've gone and dropped it all that dust Let's uh lock the dust up wow I'm not doing basically I'm not going to do anything too crazy getting right into it what I'm going to do soon is going to use a UV light see this staining on the mat just the carpet the walls up see what we can pick up with this UV light and then this here is them sticky rollers I'm going to go over the bed with that get any airs out that big clump of air god that just imagine getting that in back of you for Jesus let's keep clean just stuck up on my wipes sooner or later not too bad oh there slipped it buddy sink that slippy look I can't expect miracles 25 for the night but at least I can bring some to make it a little bit cleaner for myself for my own piece of mind yeah if you like what you're seeing please do hit that subscribe button and let me know what you think about what I found in the room earlier I wish it would have just left me in that room to be fair oh my God that dirty already n this bed is just minging look at all that already we shouldn't have all that let's see if I can get it off here oh I don't want to be touching this really right so I managed to get it off so now I'm just going to go over carpet a little bit going to get right into it people a this carpet not being overed oh my God I'm going to stop doing this Jesus by God that's horrible this room has not been cleaned wow I feel buy sick yeah 25 that is what I keep telling myself the bed is just absolutely revolting and just going to throw that over there for now the top of the bed don't look too bad so I'm going to have to get to sleep back out but first of all I need to do the UV light cuz this is where I think we're going to see some stains right so even those a lot of airs could be a dog or something maybe maybe someone of a dog stay in here been a lot of a uh it's not stained do get a lot of these black marks what's that what's that there brilliant I've dropped it look at that in a minute yeah doesn't seem to be a lot of stains the whole mattress seems very clean Boo by God what a mark on that wall headboard a few few stands on this board here like that one there it's not as bad as some of these places that I've been in quite a few stains down the wall there yeah there's a sneezing stain well I hope it is anyway wow like I completely struggled to find a plug socket here how's that possible PL sockets there look at all the handprints here I just struggle to miss it like that wow this is the wall what we've been looking for look at all these here whoa there's some stains people that is one hell of a long stain that's that's that's not normal that's something with a little bit of running texture to it yeah it's everywhere look the whole Wall's covered in it look at it down here Jesus it's like a light bulb fairy lights even the oh my God let me move my stand out let's start with the door look at all the marks people and it gets worse for me look at all these this is disgusting all is just everywhere's just covered the sink is the sink oh right me kicking M stand over the sink's the sink God this place is a mess look at the microwave microwave just covered with everything going can even imagine don't what's going on with the ceiling ceiling's cracking a beauty there I don't think you can see the crack maybe you can but yeah it's cracking so it starts from here and goes around there all the way to the window and then to the edge of the wall there wow so let's look at this wall I do like look at these these light up yeah the Wall's got a lot of unwanted marks like say look at state of that that is a mark and half not one over there but right these curtains are just as bad you know someone's wiped their hands on them when they're being in bed on a good time that's a surprise we do have hot water nice little air freshener out of my bag so I'll just leave that there so we have hot and cold water tonight so I get a quick wash before I go to bed right so I've had to bring out the sleeping bag and I've thrown the bed sheet on the floor as you can see right there everything I own is off the floor I don't want nothing on the floor there's my trainers that's round about it all right so good morning people it's nearly 8 in the morning it's just going to get light soon hopefully and I can leave now I'm not saying that to be nasty I just can't wait to get out of this room I did end up sleeping in the sleeping bag all night look I know what people are going to say it's better than living on the streets I get that it would be nice for a homeless person to come and sleep in a bed it's a nice warm room I get all that don't get me wrong but these places do get stayed in by British working people as well and people who come from overseas to come to Blackpool it is a famous place in the UK is it so it's a very popular place as well so what I what what I'm trying to say is people in the UK who are on a minimum wage or they might be on the benefit system and stuff and to come to blackf for a little treat with the kids for the weekend or for the partners or by the themselves and then they're saving this money up to book a room for the night Β£25 is a lot of money to some people you know and when they come somewhere like this and they come into the room and they see this you know look at the carpet when I put that roll on it look at all the airs on the bed some people could be very disheartened but they come to this room looked forward saved up worked hard and then they get this little bit of grimness what you don't see on booking.com or any of the sites the rooms always look brilliant on there that's I get what people saying about the omers but that's the reason why I like doing these videos to show people people exactly what the rooms are like that's and and that's all I'm going to leave it as people may comment saying that look it's better than living on streets gosh what more do you want but people don't have a lot of the money to stay in the big beautiful ones and they come here to treat yourself and they need to know the truth what these rooms are like now look at that the curtain's about to fall off anyway you get a microwave where you can't plug it in you'd have to put it on your bed to plug it in how dangerous is that right I'm going to end this video now anyway so thanks for watching if you want to see more you can hit here by subscribing to my Channel please I'll sh another video up there for you but most of all thanks for watching this I do appreciate it
Channel: The hotel hunter uk
Views: 88,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst hotel in Blackpool, blackpool cheapest hotel, white moon Hotel blackpool, the hotel hunter uk, worst hotel, worst b&b blackpool, where to stay in Blackpool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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