Inside London's Most Dangerous Town 🇬🇧

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for the last couple of days I've been hanging out here with all the tourists in Camden but as much as I'd like to kick it with all the weird wonderful and funky people in Camden town it's time to get down to business jump on the tube and head south to an area that not many tourists head to a place in London that has some of the worst crime statistics in the entire city a place that is recognized as if not V most than one of the most dangerous places in the entire city of London so join me folks let's jump on the tube and let's see how the people live far away from the tourist center here where there is a real struggle with crime and danger in every day of their lives let's go memor memor memor [Music] I don't have a gun no I don't have a gun no I don't have a gun memory and we're donating to get you drunk yeah that's a cause that I can get behind you know know you're heading out in the sticks in London when you have to takee the overground are you are you security mate Security in Costa yeah I've never seen Security in Costa what why do I need Security in a coffee shop maybe the manager not the best okay okay yeah I'm used to it in pubs but not in a coffee shop wow welcome to Cen in South London now I go all around the country and I show you a lot of places that have problems but many people in the comments are telling me that if I really want to see places that have got problems dangerous rough areas then I should come to London and many people have said check out Cen now cuden has some really unwanted statistics it's really high in the London area when it comes to a crime rate in general also for violent crime and knife crime and it's become in the last few years synonymous with knife crime so I'm here today to see what cen's like I'm wandering the High Street but we're going to check out some of the areas we're going to talk to the people in croen and see if it really is as dangerous here in this part of South London as people say this let's check it out bless me did you drop P yeah you just dropped him on the floor down there thank you thank so what's life like in C well it's pretty tough bro pretty tough you know it's rough it's there a lot of trouble you know I mean but this is the worst road you can be okay what's this Road West Quon is Landon Road West Quon outside the station like most places in any uh City centers this is this is where you know all the bip whatever yeah so I I read a lot of like statistics about crime violent crime knife crime is that all prevalent here yeah is a guy a young young boy 13 died over there he died yeah he couldn't even get to the hospital he tried to get the hospital himself yeah yeah he's got got over there name Jermaine Co Jermaine Co never I've never met him 13year old boy I'm 62 bro come on next month I'm 62 years old you would believe it so are you born and bred in this yeah born down the road here from James to marage hospital before May Day a may die Hospital right they call it called in Universal hospital now they call it may die as a joke like may day may die you know but no there you know it's not most places my man not most places I can imagine like Manchester Liverpool anywhere in this country brother yeah I mean I go all around the country and I go to all different areas from Seaside towns to City centers from you got originally I'm from the Midlands yeah yeah prom something like near there yeah country yeah pretty much I've been W okay I've been R about been what's your situation at the moment well um I lost my job I was a postman my two disc shoulders I had my finger cut off like uh in December I'm never going to work so you're on four fingers yeah I'm never going to work again cuz I've got no p on yet I don't care I work I want to see the young people work yeah come on man I'm 62 next month yeah so so do you think because of the obvious crime in the area do you think that puts people on edge like walking around like at risk of stabbing things a lot of people lot people we know each other around here we know where to go you know where not to go I imagine you know anywhere where you go any this country you know where not to go you go down this certain times of night you could you could get in trouble yeah so in daytime it's okay but after dark it's sketchy yeah definitely yeah and that's the further you go down this road F you go down the worst it gets from it's the way it is M yeah yeah I see some around you w believe them so would you I mean like people on my channel they said like be careful in Cen like you'll be right just wandering around you wouldn't tell people not to come here no no never never we're good people yeah Good People Mate so you've been here all your life 62 years so so have you seen it change a lot over the years wor yeah that was my question has it always been this dangerous no no no this is somebody I was in the bricks and riots yeah 1980 I was a telegram boy 16 178 years old this is getting old that R really yes you do you see civil arrest on the horizon this this High Street could be like round Road okay that's me person you know I mean hope hope we don't come to that because there's some good people here you got loads of different nationalities you know everyone mingles and it's all good I don't want anyone to get in there did they Jesus so what's life like in croen in 20124 why' you say that it's a lot of trouble people fighting all yeah yeah I mean I mean there are like really bad violent crime statistics is that a real thing is that something that people feel threatened by yeah yeah time stop the step somebody St really yeah do you feel safe in the streets yeah like you know it defend though cuz like for yourself you can defend yourself like you know if visitors come to croon like whatever the dangerous areas you going to go everywhere but you know you have to be take care have you got money for me you talk to me I haven't spoke to you I'm speaking to him yeah well that's my bit yeah okay so you are speaking to me okay yeah what's you want to know about C what's Cen like these days oh rough rough very rough s yeah I can imagine being on the street there's a lot of buildings been built we got no house no house yeah how long have you everything here how long have you all been on the streets like this tell how long you been on years almost years really 4 and a half years is it dangerous dangerous yes year people C people they stab even kids going to school they stab you ask me there a girl who stab remember that girl a cofin pass you feel in danger danger yes of course you want to know how and leave like leave your house Andress and come on a leave street with us yeah you will know no I understand M yeah yeah you want to leave with us come leave with us I popped a QR code on screen folks for those of you that are watching on TV that aren't signed into your YouTube account you can hover over the QR code with your mobile device and you can click the subscribe button because it really helps to make the channel grow and for those of you that are signed in and please do it folks really helps you live in croon what what's life like in croon in 2024 uh I can't swear you can if you want yeah why' you say that well I've lived here all my life it's changed tremendously so when did you notice croin changing if you've lived here all your life I would say within the worst part has been since the last five six years yeah and even before that it was going downhill but it's it's just not my Cen anymore yeah yeah it's so different and I mean years ago I'd say to people oh go to cro it's a lovely place you know you can get people to help you so you used to have a good sense of community back in the day but now feel nothing no I don't feel it's any where near that it's got some really bad crime statistics very much so do you feel that living here yes I do I mean to be quite honest I don't go out after about sort of halfast 7 8:00 at night even though at the moment it's still light at that time but in the winter time I I wouldn't go out after that time cuz I'd be too frightened yeah scary place after die yeah 100% okay okay this is a memorial here to one of the victims of nice Prime here in cyon young lady I read about before I came here unfortunately was stabbed to death which just shows you how dangerous it is for young people if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time here in croen so you live in Sutton you come in to shop in croen for you said the African shopping yes most of the African shopping and they have mostly the Halal food okay this is Ramadan for we and we hope very soon we will pray on Wednesday yeah and it's a nice to meet you man yeah yeah Cen is a nice place but if you know how to move in it okay yeah if you don't know you cannot live in Cen yeah it's got really bad crime statistics and people say it's a very dangerous place I was living here before 3 years up there they put me someplace I don't want to talk about it but I manage my life with all my disability I can go around yeah nobody talk to me nobody har me they are good some of them so you lived here for 3 years and you I just moved to you didn't feel in danger when you lived here people say it's in danger but for me it's not in danger because I'm polite to everyone yeah the way you talk to people the way you live but if you want to be has for anyone then you will be has also they will has yeah you see I see many things but it's not my problem don't be angry when you get angry you will get a slap so I don't need a slap life will give you a slap you're angry and I cannot throw on see the problem enjoy your shopping my friend thank you for talking have a nice day and you my friend I love your camera thank you yeah of course it's not all doom and gloom crime and deprivation here in croen there's been a lot of highrises built and the jobs that come with those off office blocks over the last few years and one article that I read before I came here said that it's becoming quite a popular place for people to come and live to commute into Central London to work there because it's a more affordable option so you know there there is obvious crime and problems here but at the same time maybe it's a place that's on the up and a place that's more affordable than the ridiculously high rents that people have to pay in most other parts of London I will say that considering it is an area with incredibly high crime statistics I've hardly seen any police in fact thinking back I think I've seen one police car all day since I've been here you would think we're in a place that has such obvious problems with violent crime that there will be more police on the streets and that to me is worrying the community here those that abide by the law and definitely deserve Farm more police presence to help them feel at ease like things are under control police count number two all day so what's life like in croon 2024 2024 yeah I me I seems is okay for me that place is very good yeah yeah and we get everything that we want so I don't have any problem about that place yeah yeah it's got a reputation and um the crime numbers are really bad and it's a dangerous place do you experience that okay you know me from work to house from work to house I don't go out to mongle or to run things with them you get me so you think if you running the wrong crowd yeah I hear about that but you know to see it physically I've never even appear or to go closer to watch those kind of things another positive thing that cen's got going for it is this cool little Street Market I don't know if it's on every day maybe if you know croon you can drop in the comments whether this is a daily thing I hope it is but look amazing fruit and veg fish behind me there more exotic veg there so this is something good this is something good for the community here in croen that you don't see in many other places around the UK anymore [Music] what did you chat to me about the the market store time mate you haven't got time too busy making money one question is business good is trade good is this here every day as well yeah every day yeah from CH yeah you don't see that in many places in the UK anymore I don't normally comment on empty retail units I normally leave that to my mate wandering tney but this is the shopping center I think it's called The White gate center here in croon and this part of it at least is basically all closed up there got a toy shop down there but pretty desolate pretty uh sad retail offer here in the shopping mall here in croon it's been by far the most difficult place that I've been to in the UK yet trying to get Street interviews many people are not happy talking to me on camera and people definitely seem not at ease when I talk to them about things like violent crime and danger in the area there's definitely an edge to this place it definitely is dangerous and many people are telling me that it really does change after dark there's no way I'll be walking around with this little action camera trying to get interviews from people after sunset folks there's no hiding from the fact that Cen is a rough place I wouldn't even say that it has an underbelly of danger and crime because you don't have to scratch below the surface here to hear the stories about how dodgy it can be but on the flip side the people that have spoke to me today I've met some quite engaging people especially some of the older people who say that it was a much more Community friendly Place back in the day but there's a lot of investment too here by the overground station you can see the highrises glistening behind but of course that's not the true story of cuden I'll put a link in the description below for all the different places that I got the crime statistics from and I think if you look into them do a little bit of reading you will see the evidence that this is quite a dangerous place so folks thanks for watching thanks for coming along with me to what is without doubt if not the most it's definitely one of London's most dangerous areas I hope you can see that there are good people that live in these areas but they do live under the shadow they're quite a lot of danger and quite a lot of crime until next time folks
Channel: Wendall
Views: 611,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: London, Croydon, Crime, Danger, Streets, South, England, Britain, UK, Broken, AntiSocial, Gangs, Police, Youth, Homeless, Law, Lawless, Homelessness, Interview, People, Social, Society, Multicultural, Diverse, Real, Life, Poverty, Deprivation, Deprived, Boarded Up, Shops, Destitution, Decline, Camden, Camden Town
Id: e0bvDL3wCUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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