This Happens When The Bullied Person Takes Revenge! - AskReddit

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as a society we're just in love with abandonment so we abandon our most vulnerable every chance we get a child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth what is an example of this that you've seen i worked in an office for a fortune 500. one of our longtime team members g worked as a level 2 employee for quite a while she was good enough to be a level 3 or level 4 employee but never took the offer because she was a single mom relied on public transportation etc her friend p started at the same time she did and was a level three working up to a level four p and g were all good until p discovered that g made more than p because she was constantly getting merit raises and performance bonuses one day g made an honest mistake our client just switched to a different protocol for billing and she accidentally did it the old way it was a no harm no foul situation but p went to the level for employees and senior management and suggested that gb fired they all went to hr who said that while there was no valid reason to fire her they could move her to a worse team that would basically guarantee her failure gea realized what was happening and secured another job we were going to be off for four days for christmas and g quit thursday by leaving an after-hours voicemail gee knew that the message wouldn't be received until monday morning so she sent out an email to the entire building time to be sent at 11 59 christmas eve the email detailed how p was having an affair with her brother-in-law while her husband was deployed how one senior manager took this job because he was fired for embezzlement and lost his cpa license and how one of our male level three employees requested a transfer because our married department manager was harassing him we got in at 8 hr and it got in at 9. it was a show monday morning quite a few people quit that day and to think it all could have been avoided this could be applied to my soon-to-be ex husband he has mommy issues he has daddy issues he has sibling issues basically his parents divorced when he was in grade school and no one really ever parented him from that point forward his dad left his mom in my opinion has no sense of accountability and can never be wrong about anything so not exactly a great role model she restarted her career after the divorce and left him in the dust my husband never really healed from the aftermath of his parents divorce i can understand my own parents divorce negatively affects me to this day in some ways though my parents are the polar opposite of his they are extremely involved in giving i think the more my parents involved themselves in our lives the more he realized what a parent was supposed to look like when our baby was born and my parents worked to be helpful and bond with him i think it almost showed a giant magnifying glass on the abandonment issues he had buried and run from his whole life he cracked this year ran away with someone threw me and my loving family away but briefly got the attention he was yearning for from both his bad absentee parents in his time of crisis that didn't last too long he burned our marriage and the life we had built over 10 plus years to the ground he felt so sad and wanted me to feel as badly as he did though any warmth he enjoyed from doing so quickly dissipated he regrets everything saw this happen with my little brother he is autism and even though he was diagnosed around the age of eight a lot of people didn't know how to deal with him or didn't want to take the effort to learn how to deal with him this includes teachers other children's parents and even one of our grandmothers what made it even worse is that i was the child prodigy who would get nothing but amazing grades and started getting into art at a very young age and being really good at it i got all the praise had he basically got nothing my parents didn't do this on purpose i would steal the spotlight so he just started getting in trouble just so he would get any attention he started fires vandalized stuff and even from a young age he would go to the main road to throw rocks at cars and such if he didn't get caught he would tell my parents what he did himself there's actually a video of him at my birthday where he told our mom he wanted to show her something only to flip over a very large container of laundry detergent when she arrived with the camera he's 25 now and thankfully he has a really nice girlfriend that actually helps him get over the whole negative attention is also a tension thing my uncle he was always the black sheep of the family but turned out he had been carefully planning his future from the start he got a full ride to his dream college got a really well-paying job got married and now has a child who is a few months old my grandparents his parents always thought he was a disappointment as he was their only son he knew this and they verbally abused him for a while about how he never lived up to their expectations turns out his parents and all four of his sisters ran themselves into quite a bit of debt and he only found out as he was nearly done with college they came to my uncle for help after he found employment and he basically gave my whole family the finger and said for them to help themselves i'm literally the only one of any of my cousins or siblings who bothered contacting him years after this whole ordeal at the time i was too young to understand what the hell was happening let alone travel by myself so i contact him via facebook messenger and his wife is a lovely woman his daughter is so cute and gorgeous and he is still the same strong kind-hearted man that i remember my parents know i'm on contact with him and they just don't care i'll be staying over at their house for a little while next week and i'm so glad i was able to meet my little cousin kid went to school he was in special behavioral classes and then was put into our class in fourth grade my teacher was hard on him one day the kid had a tantrum and through a chair he was sent back to the special classes which probably destroyed him he continued on and in high school was one of the freaks always wore a trench coat in texas mind you was into nerdy things i talked to him sometimes but wouldn't really call him a friend more just nice to him he would be reading an ad book and we'd chat about that my uncle got me into rpgs in 11th grade school went into lockdown for some unknown reason found out he he and dead in one of the school bathrooms heard he wrote letters to faculty and friends prior to doing it my brother my family wasn't loving i coped it with my venturing out and exploring on my own i would leave early each day and explore nature only coming home for food my brother coped with the lack of love with intercourse drugs fighting parties and theft he had a super distorted view of needing love and he really acted like if he wasn't getting love then the world deserved to burn he went into prison in his teens he got out in his 20s tried to be good for a year but couldn't find his concept of love so he started burning the village again went back in got out years later tried to go clean and this time found love but he pushed himself too hard to be lovable he developed a super personality built on meth he did drugs to keep up lost his love and started to burn the village down again the last time the local sheriff sended the cycle he wasn't going back in during the road chase they filled his windshield with bullets and he veered off a cliff and died in the dirt it was the headline of the local news i think i may forever compare my life to my brothers how could we be so different we had the same parents and endured very similar pains but i didn't choose to burn down the village i chose to distance myself and survive he went nuclear the village didn't have a chance throw away because f these guys i worked at a very famous family-oriented company for almost 15 years i was damn good at my job but refused to brown nose or play dirty office politics so i stayed pretty much in my original spot for a long time because of this i became a pretty regularly used advice platform for other employees on how to handle workplace issues and because i valued my integrity i never reported red flags to management but always encouraged the person to do so on their own behalf eventually a few key people remembered how i helped them and circumvented the usual cronyism to bring me into their teams for big name projects it was a nice change and i appreciated the chance to stretch then i started getting systematically bullied and harassed by the in crowd who had decided i was unworthy of being in their presence i ended up going to therapy about it to help develop tools to deflect while desperately looking for a way out eventually i got another job and handed a sort of manifesto to hr when i turned in my 30 days notice racism harassment blatant favoritism theft all with dates names and supporting evidence basically an hr nightmare because they couldn't control what i did when i left including going to the press my departure gave them 30 days to ask me questions interview me whatever but it never came thing is i also sent that novel off to the eeoc they opened an investigation with the company and the moment they did all hell broke loose see the people who were too afraid to come forward before now had an out they weren't snitching they were complying with an investigation per company policy so suddenly scores of people were testifying to hr about the horrific things they had been subject to some people were fired others demoted a few got off scot-free but i sleep like a baby now i got a police call to go by a school i arrived and i see a teacher holding a small kid back and the other kid who looked like he just got hit by a bus his arm looked backwards his face was bloody he had hair ripped out was on the floor as paramedics took him to the ambulance i arrested the kid while i had to question him he said and i quote i wanna be noticed it haunted me as i sent out a report to do a background check on the parents turns out the kid was being neglected and at school teachers reported that others would push past him and shove him and not even notice him he was smiling as he then said people finally looked at me it's been so long since that i felt horrible as i passed the case to a different person as i couldn't handle it i'm not sure it applies here but that's the first thing that came to mind when i saw this i work with kids who have mental health issues many of them have attempted to end themselves ran away self-harm or have an addiction of some kind by their mid-teens they always have some kind of traumatic family life that's pushed them to that problem one thing we see again and again is the poor kid who comes in after the guardian has belittled them and told them what a piece of garbage they are for years eventually the kid starts acting out which the adult uses as proof that he or she was right all along about the kid being an awful piece of human excrement one kid i worked with was in and out of treatment programs for a couple of years and had exactly this kind of parents father was always on the road driving a truck and checked out when he was at home mom was personality disordered and extremely emotionally and verbally abusive one day while his father was on the road this boy murdered his mother with a hammer while she slept in then he kept her body in the house for a few days violating the corpse before stuffing her remains into the trash can and leaving them on the curbside for pick up i guess i would maybe count to this i cut my relatives out of my life when i was 19 they had spent my life tormenting me and treating me like dirt with me gone there's my aunt my uncle my grandmother and my dad my dad being the youngest at 58 years old now no younger generation to take care of them my aunt would be prepared for that but my dad and my grandmother were banking all their hopes on me caring for them in their old age so much so they would make fun of me for how incapable i was of domestic tasks for example i didn't learn how to use a washing machine until i googled it at 19 but when i asked them to show me they always made excuses your school should be teaching you that you should know how to do that figure it out i'll show you some other time they never would show me though they liked having evidence of what a horrible incompetent and lazy person they saw me as they also didn't want me to be able to live independently because that would make it easier for me to move out which would mean i wouldn't be at their immediate use i also lied and said that i was required to live on campus for the first year when i went to university i wasn't planning to cut contact yet but i was desperate for a taste of independence my aunt gave me my birthday money early so that i could afford the deposit i felt awful because my aunt was actually the only one who had ever stood up for me but keeping in contact with her would have been too complicated and i'm certain she would have put some pressure on me to mend things with the others not even a month after i moved into my student accommodation i got into an argument with my dad and finally stood up for myself i cut contact and with that i was expecting to become homeless once finished my first year and my lease finished i was too mentally ill to complete my studies and hold down a job at the same time as luck would have it everything turned out fine a lot of bumps in the road but i graduated didn't end up homeless and i'm now working in the health care system i don't exactly regret cutting contact but i'll admit i should have done some research on my options for homelessness instead of hoping for the best i nearly destroyed my life one of my best friends in high school had a few really crappy boyfriends she is very bright excelled on the debate team and is really attractive but her mom was a serious alcoholic and was always getting into new relationships and then breaking up which i think passed some attachment issues onto my friend when we were seniors she was talking about all the losers she'd dated been mistreated by and how none of them were going anywhere in life she said something to the effect of i'd love to be there when they inevitably get locked up for drugs or something she got a law degree moved back to our town and is now the county prosecutor any number of multiple murderers arsonists terrorists etc as a society we're just in love with abandonment so we abandon our most vulnerable every chance we get instead of providing an environment in which everyone can flourish we focus on degrading and reducing each other so that we can lie to ourselves that we are the best because we're at least bad it doesn't stop us from being bad or from turning the world to a bad place a trucking company i used to work for treated me like i wasn't even human i was working 70 hours a week and making just barely more than i did in 40 hours as a dishwasher they constantly threatened to fire me for refusing to drive in one dangerous situation or another they ignored small problems on my truck until the problem left me stuck on the side of the road then they blamed me for not reporting the problem it was common for them to give me eight hours to go 500 miles in a truck that's limited to 63 miles per hour then blame me for missing the delivery appointment i noped out when news broke about this company committing huge amounts of stock fraud and now the company doesn't exist anymore i still occasionally see repo companies posting rewards for their trucks and trailers or fenced in lots full of them and it feels pretty satisfying i feel bad for the 3000 truckers they abandoned but not for the office staff who took every chance they could to screw me over i am burning down my community right now that is my neighbors are messing with me trying to weaponize the bylaws of our hoe to construct a spiteful road on my property for their driveway fire safety they call it 25 000 in unnecessary legal expenses i call it so i let my home and know that if they allow this don't stand up forcefully for me in court then i will use that same power to demand a 60 road down the entire hoa literally forcing neighbors i don't know to move their homes i am being treated poorly feel unwelcome in my new village so i am enforcing my rights and burning down the neighborhood it will cost 25 landowners 1 million dollars to make up for messing with me some may literally lose their homes and afterwards their property values will be much lower but i told them what would happen if they did not support me give them a chance in december our age quit my job my boss was losing her mind i worked in a small office of about eight to nine people in my time there i saw 11 people come and go from various positions one day when the boss and her sister the vice witch were out us employees all had a discussion about how bad the work environment was getting micromanaging no autonomy or flexibility etc etc really not a good place to be in general we pinned it down to being mostly due to the behavior of the vice witch one employee agreed to take one for the team and discuss it with the headwitch they had which completely twisted everything that was said and took it as that employee telling on everyone else for having this conversation she had individual meetings with each one of us she blasted us about what was said and she was insistent on finding out who started it she didn't buy it when we basically all said it was just a fluid discussion that was had not some planned meeting called by one person after the individual meetings we had a meeting with all of us where she told us it was absolutely unacceptable that we had this witch session and if we didn't like it there she would accept our resignations immediately she expected loyalty and if we weren't loyal we weren't welcome we tried to reason with her in the meeting telling her it was just some general concerns we had and we agreed one person would present them to her but she was having none of it no solution for the problems that were making all of her employees upset it was all about her and her sister no concern for her indentured servants as we called ourselves i should have quit then and there when she said that she'd accept our resignations but i didn't i did start looking for jobs though i had an interview one day and i texted in sick i had quietly let one of my co-workers who i thought i could trust know about the interview when i texted my boss i got the response good luck at your interview i expect loyalty not silly games so i went to my interview it went well didn't end up taking the job though not a great fit i got home and wrote up my letter of resignation and emailed it told her i would not be returning and would have someone collect my personal items for me in the email i told her exactly what i thought of what she did i was in the middle of a lot of projects this was for an e-commerce company so i can see a lot of what's being done by checking out the website i can see a lot of stuff got stalled or restarted completely it definitely set them back and the person who i'm pretty sure ratted me out about the interview was running off her butt and had a lot of late nights at the office from what i heard i still am friends with one person who works there and is desperately looking to get the hell out she said they now have daily affirmations of the bosses choosing that they have to recite three times daily on mondays they receive a sheet of paper with the week's affirmations printed out i only wish she had tried that stuff while i was there she would have gotten a piece of my mind thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the radio 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 141,916
Rating: 4.9260225 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts loners, reddit loner, marginalized, marginalized people, marginalized reddit
Id: f6KK5nk0xj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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