The WORST brides EVER!

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bridesmaids of radito was involved in a british little wedding what happened picked 400 bridesmaid dresses destination bachelorette that cost over 1 200 insisted on a super expensive spot for the bridal shower registered at william sonoma i was a rally rally broke as rowley rowley college student with limited funds but managed to pay for all this crap and give a gift bonus points her husband forgot his entire freaking tux and didn't figure this out until a few hours before the ceremony a few minutes before the ceremony when she screamed at me for like the 500th time that day i snapped and told her either she cut her crap or i was getting in my car and going home she cut her crap the rest of it went fine friend asked me to be a bridesmaid in her shotgun wedding that was to take place in a little over a month she has a sort of semi-expensive dresses and they had to be altered to a certain length shoes had to be ordered toenails had to be painted neutral color and fingernails had to be french manicure we weren't allowed to paint our own nails we had to get them done at a salon hair had to be done professionally by her hair stylist and we were not under any circumstance to have bikini tan lines visible mind you this was right after summer i lived in an area where beach attire was usually the only attire and everyone had visible tan lines i eventually had to tell her that i could not afford to have everything done professionally with such short notice i would be happy to do my hair in makeup my hair was so short i couldn't do an updo she told me her mom could pay and then i could pay her back that was the final straw i sent an email to her telling her i could no longer be in her wedding she was pregnant about to get hitched and now i was adding to her list of problems i value the friendship and told her such but just couldn't do what she was asking i hadn't heard from her for years until one day she sent me a message asking for me to buy from her mlm campaign ffs i was in a wedding where the bride planned two separate bachelorette weekends for herself and got mad at anyone who couldn't slash wouldn't spend two three-day weekends at roughly 500. each away from their husband slash kid jobs the week leading up to the wedding the temp for the big day was forecast to be a high of 10 f february wedding any u.s bride was insisting on outdoor photos without coats because we can't hide the dresses everyone including the photographer tells her hell no dave she pitches a fit when we refused to do more than one quick photo afterwards she stopped talking to 75 of the bridal party because of their refusal to accommodate her outrageous demands to this day years later she still complains about how her bridesmaids ruined her wedding the short story is that she lied she lied to the venue about the number of guests that were attending effectively packing us like sardines she lied about having a day of stuff that meant that all the dates of the bridesmaids spent the day hanging flowers running to get kegs and waters pouring the champagne for guests setting up the entire venue the day before she lied to the hair and makeup personnel about the number of people who were obtaining services in order to get them to come to the site this forced guests to get hair and makeup done in order for the bride not to have to be charged extra she lied to the catering about the number of guests this caused them to run out of food and alcohol all in all i think her lies saved her 1500 but cost her close friendships as her attitude toward the whole situation was indignation instead of being apologetic not a brother maid but a witness to one the bride got walked out on by her entire bridal party except her maid of honor of course it was because no one loved her and everyone wanted to ruin her day not because she ripped a brita maids dress from the neck down in an open area because it was too white it was the dress the bride insisted on all the maids wearing it was a best friend of mine who was very frugal so i figured she was going to have a reasonable wedding and bachelorette party i had shared my monetary concerns with her too that i worked and went to school and couldn't take off much time she didn't have that many friends so it was only me and one other girl as bridesmaids she asked us to hand make all her decorations for the wedding i put in 15 hours a week hand making decorations all outside of working and going to school full-time then she planned a week-long bachelorette party out of town also asking us to foot the bill not to mention our dresses which i wanted to find something affordable but she picked designer matching dresses that we had to pay for never worn it again been trying to sell it online i spent nearly 1k on the whole ordeal not to mention i did her hair and makeup for free for the wedding i just felt largely taken advantage of and unappreciated we are no longer friends because we ended up working together after the wedding and she tried to screw me over at work it all makes me very reluctant to agree to be in someone's wedding again even someone i thought would be considerate of everyone else's budget and time my wife got roped into doing the photos for her step-sister's wedding normally my wife would charge between four thousand dollars and six thousand dollars for this and we were flying across the country to attend this wedding mostly out of family obligation so bride was getting an amazing deal over the course of six months bride becomes incredibly hateful on social media constantly starting drama was [ __ ] in her savor dates changed venue and location several times we knew it was going to be a crap show but we'd committed so we bought our plane tickets and planned to come week before the wedding bride goes totally psycho and posts nasty awful things about half of her wedding party including my wife so we decide to cancel the photography and not attend the wedding wasn't worth it anymore bride's own mother was so ashamed her her behavior that she didn't attend either all total they had eight people of their wedding and only got cell phone pictures we had a nice little vacation and visited a lot of friends in the area bride was blonde all bridesmaids except for me were brunette she asked me to dye my hair brown for the wedding because she wanted to be the only blonde i suggested that instead i just give up my bridesmaid spot thankful to this day since i heard the dresses and bachelorette party cost all the other girls more money than i make in a month not a bridesmaid but my mom was a wedding photographer for many years long story short the father of the bride had a heart attack and as he was being carried out on this fetch of the sobbing bride yells how could you ruin my wedding like this i'm watching events unfold one friend is getting married in the beginning of the year her former best friend has been super jealous ever since friend a got together with her man and has been actually happy so we'll call her b and it will become apparent as to why got with a guy early in the summer within weeks she gave up her lease and moved in with him i think three weeks it's been less than six months and they got engaged because they got engaged a few weeks ago b got engaged last week b just had to set her date before a she has to get married first the only planning she has done she has reserved a crappy party room in a rundown municipal building she could wait save money and have a decent wedding on a budget but no the bee has to get married first so she can rub it in a's face that she's happier god damn it my money is on be announcing her pregnancy at a day's reception my dad had the audacity to die six weeks before the wedding and she couldn't understand why that superseded her wedding details for me i met my husband at her wedding haven't spoken to her since not a bratazilla story but i was in three weddings in the span of one year and one interesting thing i noticed was that there is always one bridesmaid that the bride stops being friends with after the wedding you can start to see which bridesmaid it's gonna be about halfway through the engagement i didn't make it to the wedding i was best friends with the woman literally we did everything together she assembled her wedding party and didn't invite me she threw me my bachelorette witnessed my marriage etc i found out later i wasn't invited because i was overweight and her mother thought that would limit bridesmaid dress choices and throw the wedding photos off at least i know dodged a bullet shout out to the buzzfeed and the plea editors trawling the thread for their next article bride started crying because the tablecloth was the wrong shade of purple so she thought the whole wedding was ruined never mind that she was marrying a nice man all her friends had flown in for the wedding her family was all their etc etc but no the tablecloth was the wrong shade we spent an hour consoling her and fixing up her macube while the guests waited my wife's best friend is a florist by trade gifted her services to decorate her friend's wedding big cost savings wedding goes as planned all is good afterwards bride and bride's mom get pissy at florist friend who didn't give a gift in the wedding card didn't even cover her slash husband's plate let's conveniently forget the 1 000 in floral products gifted to the wedding it's a rift that never healed between them since i was almost in a british hilla wedding i had an ectopic pregnancy baby attached to my tube which then burst and i almost bleed to death she got engaged shortly following my topic when she asked me to be her bridesmaid she told me that i would be required to wait to try to have another baby until after her wedding in 1.5 years not because there would be a small child at the wedding not even because she didn't want me fat at her wedding but because if i lost another child it would take away from her engagement and wedding i was so shocked i just declined and have never spoken to her since this isn't exactly what you asked for but i had a bridesmaid who brought a lot of negative energy to our wedding she was my husband's sister she had just broken up with her boyfriend for the umpteenth time so she was pretty jealous and resentful towards us in the days leading up to our wedding it didn't help that she stayed with us for a whole week before our wedding most of our family members live out of town she treated us like crap the entire time when she wasn't ignoring me and having her around just added a lot of unnecessary stress a couple nights before our wedding she got wasted and cried to my husband about how it was supposed to be her wedding going by her logic she's older so she was supposed to get married first she then proceeded to tell my husband that she could put together a better wedding than ours for only 200 at the wedding a few of my family members overheard her and her best friend who we graciously invited even though we didn't know her well complaining about everything and bashing our wedding we had an unconventional wedding ceremony on the top of a mountain and then had our reception at a luxurious log cabin by a river we had only 85 guests and we had long games and a bonfire in addition to the usual wedding stuff myself and her best friend kept saying that our wedding was cheap and tacky most of my husband's family members showed up in jeans t-shirts flip-flops baseball caps etc even though we didn't tell anyone that the dress code was casual we suspect that myself told everyone to wear casual clothes we are a little upset that no one bothered to double check with us i've had colorful hair for years now it's quite the investment i'd go to a salon to get it done and buy high quality products when my best friend asked me to be herma my hair was neon pink three weeks before her wedding she requested that i color my hair to a natural color i was shocked she offered to give me 100 to get it done lol i had just gotten my hair done a plum slash red color quite tame in comparison to what i've done in the past if i had just randomly went from brown to lime green out of nowhere i might understand her frustrations but at this point i hadn't seen my natural color in like three years i never changed my hair we got into a screaming match at her bachelorette party and she wastedly revealed that her mom hated my hair and would not stop wishing about it we cried and hugged in the club bathroom and all was well her mom didn't speak to me at the wedding and i'm okay with that granted i'm 25 and just getting settled into my career but my best friend expected me to spend over dollar signs okay on her bachelorette party this was to fly to a resort and didn't include food slash activities slash etc granted she and most of her friends are in their 30s but there was no way i could pull that off on top of everything i had spent just being in the wedding i participated in everything i could but heck no i couldn't drop that kind of money bride insisted we bridesmaids make all the decorations but got mad because they weren't up to her high standard all of this a month before the wedding because she procrastinated the whole thing wanted to plan the bridal shower herself cause she thought we were incompetent during the bachelorette party we went to a decently fancy restaurant and bride was mad because her little sister bridesmaid who helped with nothing only ate simple foods so we should have just went to mcdonald's to this day she keeps saying how she wants to do the wedding over again because of how horrible everything went there is so much more to this but i'm already borderline exposing myself we are still currently friends by saying all of this haha it was not a good time and i myself don't want to have a wedding after being a part in that disaster edited for proper grammar a friend of mine in college was getting married at 19 because she was super conservative christian and she wanted to have sex between the time i agreed to be a bridesmaid and a couple of months before the wedding i lost some weight she got super mad at me because she wanted to be the skinny one on the stage and threw me out of the wedding party oh well my mom was the bride she didn't have bridesmaids but i her daughter was going to walk her down the aisle i've had purple or blue hair for quite some time and i checked almost a year in advance with my mom that it would be okay for my hair to be blue for the wedding checked again every few months every time i was told to stop insinuating that she was a british ella of course my hair was fine two weeks before the wedding my own mother threatened to disinvite me from the wedding if i didn't fix my hair so i went and got it done came home and my mother told me i was shallow for changing my hair to keep up appearances psy getting it re-died back to blonde cost me over three hundred dollars edit one extra tidbit for you guys after getting herring my then boyfriend and i were looking at rings ourselves and i picked one out that i said to him this is myring she promptly asked to try it on despite already having hers and said oh this is nice maybe i'll ask for it for my push present oh boy tldr high maintenance bff's wedding still gives me nightmares the last wedding i was in i considered the couple to be very close friends of mine i still love them very much but something about my girlfriend changed when she was planning her wedding she wanted this super fancy princess fairy tale wedding and it would have cost her bridal party y too much i think all in plus rings it cost them dollar sign 100k plus just some highlights demanded at least three four nights away for her bachelorette then an in-city bachelorette for everyone who couldn't make the expensive ass trip she was dreaming of we are in canada she wanted to fly to hawaii her wedding wasn't even in town nothing was ever good enough asked me to plan her bridal shower as more number two wtf how is that a thing because her more lived out of town and her sister couldn't delegate to save her life i knew she loved disney didn't drink and wanted to be a princess was a little edgy so i proposed a tea party with alice in wonderland theme she got upset that i asked the women to dress up the whole nine years with hats slash fascinators etc and said well alice in wonderland is my least favorite disney tale fml asked my recommendation for dinner because i eat out way too much for my wallets good i asked her about her dietary restrictions she was on keto for wedding weight loss and she's like it's fine this is the one exception and said she would be happy with the restaurant i chose i'm like are you sure because this restaurant takes a 200 deposit because our party is so large on my cc she's like i never change my mind i waited 24 hours to make that reservation she changed her mind i refused to plan anything further so one of the other bridesmaids stepped in with ideas for her in city bachelorette and proposed a comedy show as one of the activities everyone is very excited bride falls asleep we sat in the front i've never been so embarrassed wedding was out of town at a resort hotel she rents suites and cost is divided up amongst the rooms fair i rent two because i'm there with my sisters and last minute she asks if i wouldn't mind giving one up for one night because her henna lady needed to stay in an all-female room oh no b th can sleep on the couch i paid for these rooms names meme or number two makes me do work write a damn speech yet when it's time to introduce her bridesmaids she forgets she has two moss whatever i'm just being petty now i could go on and on and on i had calculated in the beginning if we did everything she wanted this whole wedding would have cost me three thousand dollars three dollars zero zero zero thank god the out of town bachelorette never happened i still have ptsd from this i can't even attend weddings without feeling terrified sorry this is such a long rant but i'll never forget the years of life i lost from this nightmare edit detail spelling a bit of a twist to this question i'm a bride with a british maid zilla i haven't officially picked bridesmaids because my fiance and i weren't sure what kind of wedding we wanted in the beginning we just wanted to elope then it changed to just having immediate family only and now it's a small but traditional wedding of about 60 people at every single one of these stages my friend was unbearable when i said we wanted to elope omg you current that's horrible my mom eloped and regretted it for the rest of her life how dare you not invite me and friends i could never do that to my friends it's so selfish and so that continued for about a month until we decided on the just family style wedding omg but you'll be so lonely you can't do that he has more family than you it won't even be your wedding you'll have no one there and hate it that also continued daily for a few weeks then finally fiance and i decided that yes we would like more people there we'll have a bigger wedding so everyone can come oh thank god you came to your senses so i show her a venue that we really like and it's a working ranch in the hills by our home that hosts a lot of beautiful weddings omg i hope it doesn't smell you better hope it doesn't rain or mudslide for sure lol there goes your deposit or my personal favorite you can only get married there if you take a picture with the ass so basically my venue choice is a big joke to her at this point i was getting really sick of her but then came the moment i found my dress i bought it with just my mom there and sent her a picture after i found the one oh you found it already it's pretty that's it no congratulations nothing about how i look in it no enthusiasm at all then a few days later i was looking at shoes to go with the dress and she asked to see what i was looking at so i sent her a link to some nice new block heels with an ankle strap those look so uncomfortable you'll hate wearing them you'll be standing and dancing all day i told her i could change my shoes for the reception but i'd like something nice for the ceremony and pictures omg why you can't even see them that's done let me send you something else she then proceeded to send me several etsy links to hundred dollar rhinestone converse which are expensive and not my style the shoes that i was looking at were 30 bucks i snapped after that i'll let her know that i didn't appreciate the constant negative response and push back to my ideas oh and she also told me she was going to plan me a surprise bridal shower and bachelorette so she can decide what we do because i have bad taste we are currently on a friendship timeout and in her mind i went nuts and ruined her friendship over shoes i was a bridesmaid at my father and stepmother's wedding i was 16. it wasn't so much the wedding day that was a problem but rather the prep and planning she spent eight months before the wedding trying to bully me into losing weight for the wedding pictures the closer we got to it the more aggressive she was eventually my dad got on the bandwagon too i started darting for the wedding but i was angry and miserable the whole time everything i ate was commented on if she was bringing home dinner she would always ask what i wanted and then reply with you shouldn't eat that before the wedding i had been wanting to get a haircut four months before the planning even started she insisted i didn't just in case it went wrong you know for the wedding photos i ended up getting a haircut and re-dying my very faded hair a week before the wedding she had a full-on meltdown and was screaming at me why because my hair was red and her bouquet had red accent flowers in it her overall color scheme was black silver and red she was furious that i was going to clash with the decorations in the pictures when we went to get bridesmaid dresses she brought her friends and very much ignored me the whole time she had one of the employees bring me a dress and when i peeked out to ask for a bigger size she lost her crap again we got home and she screamed at my dad about it who in turn went off on me for breaking my promise about losing weight the wedding happened i'm only in two pictures our relationship is a lot better now a few months ago she commented that she didn't know why our photographer didn't take more pictures of me okay i've told this before but here goes anyway i was asked to be a bridesmaid by a girl is known in high school but wasn't really friends with we worked together a few years later but we weren't really friends outside of work i said yes anyway i was there through all the planning went to wedding fairs with her viewed the venue helped the pick her dress anything she needed i was there anyway she was always complaining about her other bridesmaids how she only had her sister as her dad made her and her brother's girlfriend etc they hadn't helped out our showed any interest everything that could be booked and arranged in advance was sorted in under two months the wedding wasn't for two years but she wanted to be ready i agreed to pay for my dresses she was a bit stuck for cash we agreed ps 100 was reasonable as long as it was a dress i could wear again i found a few nice ones online for about ps80 she bought one for ps30 and it was awful china knockoff kind of thing she sent it back then i didn't hear from her for a few months i figured we had years still to plan and just waited for her to get in touch when she did she was asking for pictures of her trying on dresses so i sent them over and assured her again how excited i was so be a part of her special day she went a bit quiet and explained she thought i had dropped out i was shocked and asked why when i had been there every step of the way so far and she'd made no attempt to contact me she mumbled a bit and said she tried but i knew she hadn't anyway she said they'd all gone out and offered bridesmaid dresses if i went to get a fitting by friday impossible i was away i could still get mine i asked for a photo of the dress it was awful like a washed out pink nightie we'd all said we'd like a dress we could wear a bra in this one we couldn't at all and i'm the last person you'd see in pink so much for being able to wear it again but i sucked it up and asked how much ps 350 insane i was furious she'd basically cut me out of the wedding and then expected me to pay for such an ugly dress i couldn't even afford needless to say i wasn't a bridesmaid and didn't go to the wedding okay can i offer a different perspective i was the maid of honor for my sister's wedding my sister who has the patience of a saint was the calmest and most laid back of us all the bridesmaids though they turned into the zillas of the wedding i spent all my time before the wedding driving everyone around because they kept changing plans as to where to park their cars and who was gonna have what stuff and what car etc because the plans changed so many times at the reception i was so worn out and my feet were bleeding from having to run to all the different cars over and over again because the bridesmaids forgot who had what in whose car because as i said they kept changing the plan before so no one had a clear idea of the ordeal it was the happiest and worst day of my life at the same time man it feels good to rant about this she got mad at her mother-in-law for wanting to throw a second bridal shower for her planet send invites and everything for her bride does nothing walks in gets free crap leaves won't even go can't remember what idiotic thought process decided that demands a 20-something-year-old bridal party flies from seattle to her hometown of bumfrick nowhere west virginia for a weekend to do the bachelorette party won't help them pay for their airplane tickets they also have to fly back their a second time for the wedding a couple months later she's a freaking nut this was my sister's wedding so hold on tight my sister had 10 bridesmaids most of them were her sorority sisters from college they wanted to plan an elaborate weekend for the summer while most of them were still in school without jobs when i asked hey who will pay for this my sister got mad that i even asked when i also reminded all the bridesmaids them that our father who had stage four cancer wasn't doing so well and that maybe the bachelorette slash bridal shower should be close by they all flipped thinking i was being insensitive to the bride i was promptly asked not to be a bridesmaid to my own sister's wedding over these two things i was fine with this as she was a british ella and i spent time with our dying father he died two weeks after her wedding day that he couldn't attend because he was in hospice care one day before her wedding to me she put herself before our railing father and it still makes me mad brother of the bride checking in i was in the party because our father passed away i gave her away at the ceremony after the rehearsal everyone went back to her house before dinner our mother a master at baking was putting the finishing touches on the wedding cake while on chimo for breast cancer and barely able to hold the bag of frosting my sister notices some small detail is not good enough and is standing there red-faced screaming at my mother that she is ruining her wedding and her life about 20 guests are staring in disbelief i shouted at her hey you want to walk down the aisle with two freaking black eyes my aunt grabbed my sister by the arm and took her in another room for a chat that seemed to cool her down a bit the ceremony went off without a hitch the reception was fun the cake was beautiful no one mentions the incident now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 6,430
Rating: 4.8611112 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: ZM2WQXzWu8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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