Waiters Share WORST First Dates They Ever Witnessed (r/AskReddit)

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waiters have read it what's the worst first date you've ever seen I work at a country club that is up to its ears and old money that users said old money to make more new money the membership fees cost more than a year at my university to say money is not an issue there would be an understatement anyways I was serving a young couple and the power imbalance was phenomenal she was the daughter of one of the board members in the entire staff knew her read her father's club account was major money and the gent well he wasn't a member and certainly looked like he was just the average broke college student he was wearing plain but nice clothes and she was dressed to the nines in fashion the date seemed to go smoothly enough nothing out of the ordinary until she gets up and leaves the table before I have brought out the bill I bring the bill to the counter knowing it is well over $300 worth of food and drinks all things she insisted on ordering - two bottles of top-shelf wine neither finished two steaks when he asked for the chicken and she insisted on him eating steak like a man and he solemnly goes to pull out his wallet and starts tearing up apologizing that he won't be able to tip I mean I've never had a customer cry over not being able to do and he further explained he was a server - and that she didn't know he wasn't rich and she left because he had told her about his scholarship I was flabbergasted and kindly reminded him that of this Country Club we do not take credit cards nor cash we only charge two accounts and sir her father got a hefty bill rest assured he signed a handsome tip to me in her name Club policy is that the registered guests may sign for their host member given that the members have invited them it was entirely satisfying last I heard her father cut her off I can't help but smile at all the life lessons she is learning like working to go on dates I have seen everything from crying to catch up on Kim's being thrown the only obvious first date I ever noticed is as follows above average looking guy sits down and says he is waiting on his blind date to show up and I tell him I'll keep my fingers crossed the girl shows up a half hour late and she is not attractive she was probably 120 pound heavier than what he was looking for and her face I got a no well look from the guy when she was in the bathroom he didn't say anything to me just had his dinner every time I refilled the glasses there was conversation with both people smiling at the end of the meal he paid the whole tab and tipped well after they said their goodbyes I caught up with the guy I had finished all my tables and wanted to know if he was seriously okay with being set up with someone so obviously not in his dating demographic so I asked how his Nealon date was then asked if there would be a second date he laughed and said not likely I told him that's what I thought but they seemed to be having a good time he told me that girl probably hasn't been on three dates where the guy actually paid and was genuinely nice why wouldn't I be a gentleman my friends are dicks but she did nothing wrong and deserves to be treated like a beauty every now and then edit you can't blame him for acting appropriately according to his genetics we can't choose our genes all we can do is be decent to one another okay so I have been a bartender and a waiter over the years and have witnessed a couple of really sad ones a couple crazy ones and one that was just brutal this one was the best of them all I thought good-looking dude fit clear shaven kind of looked like Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel but younger 24 had to card him and slimmer sitting at the bar going on about how he had a date with this girl that his best friend was crushing on hard that his friend just refused to ask her out because she was into him instead he was really getting into his story when she walks in and he clams up like someone shocked him she was by anyone's standards dropped down dead good-looking and killing it in a little black dress and high heels it was really that rip the record kind of moment anyway she comes up and the do the little kissy huggy greeting and she hoard as a tequila shot with a lime he does one with her and they banter about getting that out of the way and move into a little more intense banter and out of the blue this dude whistles at me shocked honestly as the bar is pretty empty he whistles at me again while I'm looking at him trying to figure out if he really just whistled at me like a [ __ ] dog yo man more shots disappointed as he really kind of seemed like a nice guy I go to pour him a shot and let him know I'm not a dog he does not need to whistle to get a drink sure sure man no worries just keep and eye out we are gonna get lit yo I retire to the side bar real quick and one of the other guys working that night starts to talk to him while the girl goes to ladies room when she gets back he whistles at the other bartender again and shouts hey man where are my shots pronto this guy starts just hammering shots not crazy but pretty damn quickly as well at least five girl only did the one and is sitting there sipping at her wine the dude we will now call you starts to get a bit sideways nothing big just loud laughing at his own jokes talking over the girl every chance he gets he then announces that he has to piss on a rock and walks to the back the girl looks mortified and sad she is texting away like a mad man then I hear him in the back rise in some cane and out he comes with a dude under his arm they sit down and he starts talking to different girl at the bar he is not really pissed drunk but well on his way and says something out loud to the other girl about gay people and walks outside his friend follows quickly after and the girl is left of the bar alone five minuets later the friend walks in sits down has a drink with the girl I hear him say that he put him in a u bar and sent him home they walk to go to the place the other dude had reservations for the Matt I honestly thought hell yeah good for you dude about 30 minutes later yo boy walks back in sober as a day he is born sits down waved me over apologizes for whistling at me give us 20 bucks and buys us a shift drink for when we get off I was off at this point and sit down to have mine with him he lets me in on his game he did it all for his friend got one half drunk played the fools and called him to come save a day honestly said he is a better man for her than me she is really just not my type I was stuck between noir and impressed they all came in about a month later looked all buddy-buddy the trio of them that [ __ ] whistled at me again but I admit it was funny I work at a popular chain restaurant and served a couple that had met that day of the grocery store he picked her up for the date later that night and when I offered them to try our drink specials for the night the women explained that she on some loony pills that she couldn't drink alcohol with meanwhile the man ordered a Long Island and that was the beginning of the awkward tension she told him in front of me that it was unfair for him to be drinking in front of her when she couldn't he disregarded this and was ordering drinks from the time they got there while they were waiting for their food she went to the bathroom their food came out and she was nowhere to be found eventually after the man was almost finished his food he asked me to check on her in the bathroom to see if she was all right so I walked in to find her standing at the mirror and told her that a date was wondering about her and their food was at the table she then went on a rant to me about how it was unfair of him to be drinking without her and how he doesn't want to see her offer pills and how she can't be with a man that will do that to her but he gave her a ride there so she couldn't leave without him I suggested her taking an uber home she informed me that she didn't have her wallet with her so she was stuck she told me to tell her date that she just had her period really bad and didn't have a tampon I told him what she told me to and at that point he was finished his meal and just patiently waiting for her she eventually came out and started arguing with him over his drinking problem and started to get defensive and mad about her touching him in bath room after making a huge seemly stormed off and left her there he had already paid their bill before she got back so now this crazy woman was stranded at the restaurant with no wallet at midnight she started wandering around the restaurant asking every table for money asked every server for a ride home and following people to their cars on the way out of the restaurant wanting a ride my manager eventually kicked her out for soliciting and then called the police because she was trying to get into when ploys cars with them posted this before couple is on a first date on Valentine's Day I was working at a fine-dining Mexican spot in downtown Los Angeles they come in have a reservation and sit down I felt bad for the guy because he was just clueless as to how much of a douche he looked like his outfit just didn't match and he looked messy the young lady was a beautiful woman in her late twenties I approached them and start to talk to both of them he cuts me off to ask questions like what are the specials do you have anything special for Valentine's Day what's good here it was clear he'd never been to a fine-dining restaurant before but hey no big deal I can help the guy so I thought I assure him we do and do my spiel not to be a douche that I was good at what I did so these people just had to sit back and relax I would make sure they enjoyed their meal the woman is looking at me attentively and trying to get him to let me talk every dish had a question actually every ingredient had a question followed by arrived never had at have you is it good who I set them up with the prefixed Valentine's menu and were set for food I am walking by the table to set up between courses and he's just shooting down everything she's saying she went to college he would talk about how school was dumb she liked the squash in the appetizer he would make comments about why we didn't just use potatoes she would complement the ambience we had a classical guitar player he would keep saying this place isn't that nice it was so their meal is over and I thank them for coming in she's literally about to thank me and he says hey boss can we get the check we are gonna go have some real fun I wasn't shocked but the look on her eyes screamed oMFG I'm so sorry I drop off the bill and could see him a bit flustered when we looks at it there were tears - the prefixed meals and they got the lowest one and a single round of drinks so his bill was a little over a hundred dollars still really good deal for what they got you can see the lady is trying to pay for some of the bill but he refuses he gives me his card and I run it I drop it off and she immediately thanks me profusely he seems upset with me I am assuming over the bill and says yeah thanks they passed me on their way out and he thanks me again a bit more genuine this time and the woman has been lining it for the door he extends his hand to shake mine and when they meet I feel something in his palm it was cash this has only happened to me a couple of times but you close your fist put it behind your back and thank them again I knew what was coming so I walk over to the table I open the checkbook and there's a zero on the tip line I open up my hand and there's an old crumpled folded five-dollar bill I'm assuming he folded it up at the table told her what he was going to do and she was embarrassed so she left as soon as possible I start to laugh it's not a big deal I'm going to make up for it later and even if I don't it was a cool story I start to tidy up the table and a twenty dollar bill falls out of the ladies napkin I appreciated it but felt bad for her I remember thinking dude you should have caught her when he was in the restroom empathized with her and asked her if she wanted to grab a drink after she was a really good-looking older lady not older in general but I was 21 at the time I doubt there was any fun had that night of that guy still probably tells the story of the stuck-up [ __ ] that never called him again after he took her to a really fancy dinner I'm late to the party but I've got one when I approached the table only the gentleman was there he ordered a cocktail for himself and a glass of wine for his date who he says is in the bathroom he was clearly very excited to be on this date and was really eager every time I came to the table he was probably around fifty years old and a little nerdy but seemingly a nice guy the date finally returns from the bathroom after about 10 minutes and does not look well her face is pale and she seems to be in a bit of a fog they order an appetizer and a couple salads before their meal and she is barely touching anything she disappears to the bathroom two more times before they order entrees and is clearly drugged or sick or both she is also much younger than this guy probably thirty I sure so and so I'm starting to get a little weary of the situation the guy says that they had a bottle of wine at his place before they came to dinner and that he thinks once she gets her entree that the food will make her feel better so they get their entrees and again she barely eats any of it I'll let our manager know that something fishy is going on at this table and when the woman went to the bathroom again the manager asked one of the female waitresses to follow her and check on her the waitress comes back out after a while with the woman and walks her out of the restaurant inhales a cab for her obviously thinking that some sort of date rape event had occurred I asked the waitress what had happened apparently when the waitress entered the bathroom the woman had the wig she was wearing in her hand and was washing her face after she had just vomited the woman tells the waitress that she has cancer and has been going through chemotherapy and that the wine she had earlier had made her sick she was really embarrassed and didn't want to tell her date about her illness what was even more heart-wrenching was that we had to lie to the guy and say that the woman felt sick and asked to get a cab ride home of course he starts to think that the woman was just uninterested and walked out on him he was so big wildered and said that they had been hitting it off so well and he didn't understand why she would do this and how sorry he is for putting us the staff through this we couldn't break the news to him that his date had cancer and this was the reason she had gotten so sick he finished his dinner and we can't half of his bill but goddamn was it hard to know the reality of the situation not a waiter but the other day I was out had dinner with my parents and there was this group sitting nearby it was three women and three men and we spent the entire dinner trying to decide if this was some kind of triple blind date or possibly the prelude to an orgy who knows a work meeting or what given that they were having the kind of getting to know you talk that you usually have on a first date I'm still leaning towards weird group date this one dude who was wearing a three-piece to admit range Italian restaurant while everyone else was wearing the more casual range of business casual told the other fight as well as the entire restaurant due to how loud he was about his upbringing how rough his childhood was how his parents never loved him how he got into drugs as a teen how he became homeless how he finally turned his life around and got to this point etc we were there for about an hour and a half and this dude only shut up for about twenty minutes total everyone else at the table looked so terribly bored that I'm surprised no one got up and left if that was a date I'm guessing he did not get a second one from any of them as a bonus my brother accidentally made what looked like a first date very awkward we were at a sushi restaurant that was fairly popular for first dates and these two teenaged girls were sitting at a table nearby they weren't saying much to each other but they looked like they were enjoying themselves my mom leans over and quietly asks the table so are they friends sisters or lesbians we all kind of look and finally decide that they're probably on a date and go back to our me or my brother gets up to go to the bathroom and passed by their table on the way back and says very I'm pretty sure that they're lesbians there's no way that they couldn't have heard and I kind of glanced over and saw them awkwardly not looking at each other kicked my brother as hard as I could and told him to shut the [ __ ] up so sorry if my [ __ ] brother ruined your date guys I waited tables in noob your report and Marblehead MA for almost ten years I have a few of these stories bigwig dude in Marblehead is a regular at our midscale seafood restaurant he's older sixties comes in every now and then nice guy tips really well if you give him good service in the home it's a beautiful day in summer and he asks to sit on the deck says his date will be along soon sure right this way mr. rich guy bring him out to a nice deck table sailboats in the harbor warm Sun tell him the specials walking back past the hostess stand there is a ratchet young lady for those who aren't aware Marblehead is a very wealthy community in Massachusetts we don't have many scrubby looking residents lest they leak in from Lenore Salim sorry if you're from there Gail is clearly not from Marblehead she says she's meeting someone and I asked her if she's checked the pub seeing as there's no other 20-somethings in the restaurant site at the time she says she's meeting her uncle my face winces and I tell her I think he's seated out on the deck that was the first time I knowingly waited on a nice regular guy and his prostitutes lashes court the lunch wasn't terribly memorable except that it was clear that they weren't well acquainted he kept his hand on her thigh and she kept scrolling through her phone making facial expressions now and then while he was talking it was strange at a couple that was on a first or second date when I worked at a Mexican restaurant in Nubia report you could tell the girl was slowly losing interest as the date wore on after they finished dinner in the restaurant part they migrated to the bar area very busy weekend night lots of people margarita shakers clinking and Clank between [ __ ] chatter of bar patrons some random dudes start talking to the girl and it's clear that she's a little tipsy guy she was on a date with others some tequila shots and as they're doing it the random dudes keep making faces at her like why are you with that guy this goes on for about 30 minutes date guy keeps asking if she knows them why she's laughing at them etc date guy goes back to get more shots while he's gone random dudes approach girl and she starts talking to them don't know what was said during this time but when date guy returned [ __ ] went down girl said she was going to the strip club with the dudes still unsure which club there's two nearby tends a good one and kittens occur the litter box TM day dude freaked the [ __ ] out called her a [ __ ] and stormed out of the restaurant I've got more but I'm at work I'm too late but I don't care was a host at a steak house that has an Australian sort of theme to it I think you know the one it's Valentine's Day about three or four years ago and the place is packed to the gills I mean we had to break outs fold up tables for in between the walkways and outside packed these 14s on a double date walkin without a reservation bum off of them we are pretty full up for the next couple hours they're cool with waiting okay they must really love the restaurant to want to wait so long so after some of the restaurant clears up they finally get sat at a table near the bar area giving me a perfect view of them they order an ungodly amount of food for four thin people the leaders of the group love it I'm curious because the guys seem to be the ones ordering all of the food they are pampering these chicks like crazy and on a first date no less ordering expensive drinks three appetizers full-blown Big Daddy steaks the works everyone at that table is having a blast and these guys are all but guaranteed to be getting laid tonight come time to pay they give the waiter four or five gift cards for the restaurant waiter takes them the backhand immediately grabs the manager saying this just doesn't seem normal manager takes the cards gives them a once-over and decides they are fine to use but right when he is giving the okay the phone rings I pick it up and no [ __ ] someone is frantically asking if their gift cards have been used because they were stolen today my manager explains to the lady that yes we have them and the perpetrators are sitting at our restaurant we will handle them then hangs up I'm told to keep the teams there by telling them that our scanner isn't working while manager phones the police I go out there and keep these kids oblivious to the fact that they have been caught for about 45 minutes not very bright kids soon enough the cops show up and the look on everyone's face sit at all chicks didn't even think the cops were there for them and the guys just had this look at oh we [ __ ] up written all over them cops pull each person to one corner of the room and ask for individual stories these girls just thought they were going on a Valentine's date with two seniors that asked them out earlier that day I suppose upon further investigation the cops determined that the boys stole the cards boys went to jail right after we closed her I've never seen someone go from these guys are so amazing and sweet to what a bunch of dirtbags so quickly I was working at a fine-dining restaurant on a packed Saturday night all of my tables were easy and moving along of their dinner experiences as expected except for one the bar table of two gorgeous people on a first date now the gentleman I recognised vaguely he was the CEO of a local company and I've seen him in before a typical guest for business dinners the lady I also recognized as a local and drop-dead gorgeous socialite I've seen her with friends on several occasions I knew none of them by a name basis okay it was easy to tell that it was a first date off the bat he arrived first waiting for her to arrive for about 15 minutes and seemed unusually on edge once she arrived they studied each other intently it was a bit frustrating for me because I couldn't move the table along as usual they each nursed a glass of wine for about an hour and every time I swung around to check in with them they wouldn't take their eyes off one another seems to be a great first date right well after about two hours of that I'm still busy tending to other tables I'm cashing out another table from behind the bar I glanced up to see a blonde lady sitting at the bar very visibly distressed not a typical scene here but I'm busy so I keep tending to tables by the time I get a chance to check back at the bar table with the lovebirds no one is there I had no indication that they were through or even wanted a check even more perplexing their wine glasses weren't even empty I glanced around the restaurant trying to figure it out when I spotted him he was now at the bar sitting with the upset blonde lady socialite lady is nowhere to be seen it's not another ten minutes until my gossipy manager giddily tells me what happened blonde lady is CEOs wife she was probably tipped off by a friend that her husband is on a date with a woman roughly ten years her junior wife doesn't want to make a scene so she parks at the bar gets a pin at grizzy oh why is it always a pin at grizzy oh and waits for her time to strike socialite finally gets up to use the restroom wife swoops in to yell at husband once he's alone at the table then she spins around and goes right back to the bar apparently she demanded that CEO get rid of his date I transferred the check to the bartender because by this time all of my other tables were pretty much finished and I didn't want to have to deal with that nonsense here's the craziest part the CEO and wife continue sitting at the bar order more drinks and by the time I was headed out the door she was no longer crying but they both were laughing and seemingly having a good time together both CEO and gorgeous socialite still patronize my establishment but I've never seen them in together since that Inn students thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 6,582
Rating: 4.7741938 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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