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just when you guys thought it couldn't get more protected you know what speakable there's no way I can get more protective than this like there's no possible way ya back you see that thing right there world's safest bunker 4.0 baby if you guys haven't seen a world-famous bunker 1 2 3 or negative water negative to all the other safest minecraft house bunkers I've done in the past then I'll leave a link in the description to all of those but guys this is going to be our last safest house video because um honestly if we keep going after this it's just going to get annoying how safe these houses get like this one is already annoying I mean this one is upgraded with cannons and villes falling giant zombies oh my gosh just so you guys know let's see kind of how these safest houses have advanced today we have the safest minecraft bunker in history this features a ton of different levels of security and this thing is absolutely insane oh my gosh so you guys can see a ton of different walls deploying a bunch of laser beams fire TNT arrows gust you guys probably see a lot of explosions a lot of colors a lot of laser beams fences TNT oh yeah those are kind of how the houses have progressed now you think those houses are insane you literally have no idea what this house is capable of doing first let's give a nice big ol shout out to Euclid EES for making me this amazing Minecraft map he has made all of the maps so if you guys would like to go check him out I will leave some links in the description this map is specially made for on speakable now let's go ahead and fly all the way to flip in here wait there's a oh look oh wait there's like invisible blocks right there what oh yes oh yes oh yes I haven't even started yet there's already protection on the base alright so check this out this is how many different attacks we have oh hold on let's just count how many ways there are to defend this house 1 2 3 or 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 32 / 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 different defense mechanisms and we're gonna turn all of them on right now I'm gonna try to fly out of here before everything turns on I don't think I will be able to nope the invisible walls already here okay so just oh my gosh guys let's just take a moment just to look at this thing like holy flippin moly first off we literally have turrets or its surrounding the base there is turrets surrounding the base we got skeletons there's there's giant zombies there's all these other things that we're gonna go over oh my gosh let's just go over everything one by one because it's so flippin and let me out of your place alright so guys we're gonna go over every defense mechanism one by one so the first one is this iron right here you probably look at your layout were you talking about right when you step on this boom and VLEs just pouring on your head now if you run across it really fast you won't get detected by it like if okay so if I was just to be like OOP run across it really fast you know you'll be fine but if you were to stand there just for a second all these anvils kill you so quick let's do a little test right here and boom jump on it just for a second oh my gosh I'm just gonna hit by one eh almost dead I'm almost dead already oh no no no no alright let's move on to the next one which is this green path right here so we would jump on this it's going to give us an extreme jump boost and you can land back on it it's kind of hard to land back on it like you really can't cuz if you shift like you can't you can't you can't land on it you have to land on this which is gonna kill you from fall damage and then after you land on this all these are special particle effects are gonna kill you like this look at this okay boom boom oh I'm dead oh there we go so let's say like oh I want to run across this oh I get flown up in the air okay I'm gonna try to hit shift and try to save myself no I died from that it's literally impossible the only way to get around this is you have to you have to build over it you literally have to put in there's an invisible wall right here so it's not like you can jump over everything that's not an option so the only way to get over this green wall is literally just to build over it cuz like you can't you can't avoid you know die from fall damage typical and that's literally only the second layer of defense like there's so much more all right so this next thing over here is the rainbow kind of particle effects things basically you get killed by magic so right when you stand on this thing give it a second to detect me Oh boom boom boom oh I'm almost dead so it takes about four three to four hits and it will kill you really really quickly and then after that we have this huge invisible wall goes literally all the way to the hilum it so you can't build over this invisible wall it's barrier blocks so you can't you can't break them when you're in survival mode you can only break barrier blocks when you're in creative mode but anyways so this is a maze so you have to here's the entrance is the little blue path right here there's like there's a blue path on each side there's one there and then there's one like on the other side there's only four total but anyways you enter this blue path and you have to try to figure out a maze now there's no damage in this maze you're pretty much safe in this maze if you're in this maze and you're only on a half heart you should be fine like you'll be safe but you have to find your way through this maze and I think there's only one way to get out of the maze so you might have to go through literally this whole entire thing so yeah that's the maze bar but let's say you get past the maze part next we have charged creepers that literally spawn everywhere yeah just a bunch of charged creepers that spawn everywhere oh my gosh and then we have the oh the Withers okay we got the withers and we got the inter Dragon's fire breath just raining down on its like crazy right next to us we have the withers and then every corner of the base we have a giant zombie with some pretty good armor oh and you think that's all we're not even close to being done boys next we have a fence this is an electrical fence if you break it with a pickaxe it is going to strike lightning right on you and then we have our crazy Chomper things I still don't know what to call these things these things will eat you up pretty crazy and not only do they eat you up but right when you stand on Sol San you're going to have poison and slowness 3 so good luck moving across this big boy yeah and let's say if you think that was bad right when you hop on here these turrets are gonna start freaking automatically firing at you you're also going to get blindness I'm sorry I'm talking so fast there's literally just so much there's there's so much there's so much to talk about there's so much so every time you stand on Sol San you're gonna get poison and slowness 3 and every time you stand on in stone you're gonna get blindness so even when you walk over here when you walk on this so and again you're gonna get you're gonna get the poison again but anyways these turret things are pretty cool they're freakin insane they have observer blocks right here so they will know when you walk in front of them when you walk in front of them they're just gonna flippin you know what I mean you also got skeletons this is probably the weakest defense are these skeletons um but you know they might kill you you know who knows and then on this wall right here you have all these shockers that are gonna hit you with those annoying levitation effects so good luck with that and then right on the other side you have a big obsidian path and throughout this whole entire obsidian path you literally just have T and C spawning 24/7 never stops and then after that you got a little bit of fire with the magma blocks under it and I apologize if it does get laggy the closer I get to the center of this house the more laggy it gets so it might get a little bit like here and then you have these guardians that are surrounding the base in a full 360 keep in mind I also have poison on right now every time you step on Sol San you're gonna get poisoned and these guardians oh my gosh will I tell you they are so annoying and then after the Guardians you got a lava moat that's rough sorry Bert you have a lava moat that surrounds the base and you have these laser beams some people say these laser beams don't do anything before I thought these laser beams didn't do anything but they actually do right when you go over them you will get instant damage and oh boy is that thing hard does that thing heart yes it farts it hearts down it hurts that's what I meant to say instant damage that hurts if you're on three hearts you're dead insta damage is gonna kill you and then you'll fall into and then your body will fall into the lava so that's great and then we have pretty much cacti surrounding the base we have a ton of cobweb surrounding the base and then all through this we have these flippin arrows we have these dispensers that are constantly firing arrows 24/7 you guys can see all these arrows flying out and again I do apologize for the lag and then up here we have some defense mechanisms we also have an elder Guardian that is going to display mining fatigue three on you good luck when you have mining fatigue three in Minecraft you basically can't break anything it will take you about 50 ish seconds to break a sand block I kid you not and not only you have mining fatigue three but the mining fatigue three keeps regenerating it will keep coming back so good luck with that let's say for some reason you get the mining fatigue 3 often by the way if you have milk buckets it doesn't work cuz right we drink the milk the mining 50 comes right back so now that doesn't work well let's say some reason you know there's not mining fatigue we have regenerating obsidian it does take a little bit that's only because it's laggy but look if I click the subsidiaries generates full weight you guys are probably like oh well if the facility regenerates just build over the wall you can't there's an end portal and if you fall into the end portal the only way to get out is either kill the Ender Dragon or die so I was shut good luck and by the way there's even more defenses once you get inside this thing so let's say somehow we get inside this thing let's say somehow we do get inside I don't know how we just let's just say we get inside ok and speakable got inside oh my gosh there's so much lava yeah even if somehow you do get through the obsidian wall that look it already regenerated you'll still be be surrounded with lava but guys I do apologize for the lag it is extremely lagging here but you have the ultimate defense in here and I find them where they accidentally went through the portal well this is awkward yeah so if you go through the portal you're gonna spawn back on the outside of the base and you got to go through all of it again oh my gosh nope nope nope nope nope oh my gosh this obsidian regenerates so fast that I can't even get through it legit I can't I can't I can't go through it oh my gosh it's regenerating so quickly I can't I can't fly through it okay I got through it oh wait did I turn it off what'd I just do oh my gosh I broke the thing and it turned off all the defenses what this is awkward but anyways the thing that's on the inside there's two killer bunnies they're adorable they're my pets so if you mess with them you're gonna get the killer bunnies well let's go ahead and flip this thing again and just oh my gosh it's just crazy like how does the Minecraft base even get this defensive like it's physically impossible to get into here even if you like you have mining fatigue three I don't think you guys understand how bad mining fits in Korea is it takes you about 50 seconds just to break us and a block a CERN the block could you imagine what it takes to break obsidian oh wait you can't break the obsidian it regenerates how do you get any ways it's the killer bunny this is one of number two there's two killer bunnies in here that's probably gonna be the thing that finishes you off if you get inside the space there's another one right there but yeah so no way there's a third one okay must have had babies alright let's turn all this stuff off alright and it does kind of reset pretty quickly so give it a second probably another three two and A one and [Music] watching you reset is actually pretty cool it's just slow there's just a lot of stuff to do you guys gotta understand it well it will take a second oh there we go and those things are still eating if those things are they still like sand okay there is one more thing I got to show you guys and it's the huge pirate ship on top of the base I'm gonna turn everything back on let me see if I can fly out of here real quick before everything starts spawning oh my gosh this thing is just insane like I didn't but there's a huge pirate ship on top of this base and it's really really cool so in these chests you have infinity I'm breaking three flame and power five bows you have a ton of them there's two chests full of them so if you want to defend your base you can easily just sit up here and just shoot well let's say huh maybe I want to go down to my base there's actually a teleportation right here you can stand on this and you'll be beat I'll put it down into the base so let's say huh I need to turn off some defenses you know maybe I need to turn off the cobwebs so I'll turn off the cobwebs and then I can go teleport back up there guys I'm so sorry for the lag Oh up here it's a not as laggy but you can see I turned off the cobwebs so yeah you can toggle certain things so the base doesn't have to be full defense mode 24/7 like let's say if you only want the obsidian wall on and you only want the lava moat then you can just turn those two on you know so you don't have to have all this stuff on 24/7 which is really nice about the base but let's go ahead and go in here and let's flip that lever and turn everything off cuz oh my gosh this is getting laggy I do apologize for the lag guys I have dedicated a friend of mine craft a pianist but guys with that being said hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video um if you guys want me to do something cool like this like with a 4v4 youtuber battle or a 2v2 youtuber battle on this map or maybe I have a pretty good idea what if we got me and moose and maybe shark or something on this map and we gave ourselves full protection diamond armor and we tried to enter the base with no one defending it like we just tried to get in it is you know best as we could I think that would be really cool and if you guys want to see something like that and be sure to leave a like on this video because it's gonna let me know that you guys want to see something like that you know what I mean so what that being said um this stuff should go away yeah it's just the chunks aren't loading in or anything but oh my god chose Euclid he's done an amazing job on this map it is insane I honestly don't know how can it get more defendant than this what else do you do like like seriously what else do you do but guys with that being said I want to thank you all so much for watching have a safe and fantastic rested a leave a like on this video if you want to see me moose and shark try to enter this base in another video and we will catch you guys later in another minecraft video of a safe and address your back [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 6,340,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Id: 5J20V8PGgig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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