Building A Modern House In 1 HOUR!

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so picture this you just spent hours building your dream house in minecraft the outside is perfect the front yard is perfect the backyard is beautiful but you have one problem look at the inside of your house it's ugly it's hideous you don't know where to put things you're lost and confused that is exactly what we're doing in today's video we have the inside of this beautiful house and we're gonna be turning it into an absolute masterpiece by the end of this video this entire place is gonna be completely transformed i want you guys to follow along because if you can take some of these build hacks and put them into your own minecraft house your friends are gonna think you're some sort of wizard let's start off with the first thing right when we walk through the front door this wall right here what do you put here you can put many things honestly but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put some clothes you're probably like unspeakable what the flip why would you do that just wait it's gonna look beautiful we're gonna start with placing two shulker boxes we're gonna put armor stands on top of the shulker boxes then we're gonna get some crimson trap doors and layer them all the way that's not what i meant to do just like that no no yeah there we go i don't know why it was so hard to place that there we go now we got all our trap doors now you're thinking yo this thing's looking ugly bro stop it wait wait wait wait we're gonna throw two more shulker boxes on top you know what another thing i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna turn these armor stands to make them face each other like this there we go okay okay okay okay now it's time to put in some of our armor i'm gonna drop in some diamond and some iron and to top it off some two glow item frames we're gonna do blackstone slabs throw them in there like so i'm gonna get a little more fancy we can throw some crimson signs in there as well and look at that a beautiful entrance piece oh wait one more thing one more thing one more thing uh-huh yeah now we're talking next thing we need in this entryway is something on the ground here these floors look great but oh boy are they boring i'm gonna show you guys something cool right here we're gonna dig down place some water and then drop down a coral block so it can stay alive and not die then we're gonna go ahead and surround that in carpet and voila you're done that's it i'm just kidding we're gonna go ahead and circle around this boy like that we're gonna do the same thing on the other side here check this out voila you got a design that looks kind of like that right go ahead and dig up all this wood place down some wool so far it's looking like some christmas colors but we're gonna give it a little bit of a spice by putting the glow lichen block on here and voila you have yourself a beautiful rug to walk into i actually really like that that looks good the next thing we need is a fancy staircase there's actually no way to get to the second floor right now so right here is where we're gonna build a staircase what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna place two pillars right here this is gonna be the start of our stairs and then i'm also going to dig this up a little bit so we can get up here okay so this is where we're gonna start throw down some quartz then i'm gonna throw down another layer of quartz this one's actually all gonna go all the way to the wall there then we'll do another one right here and then this is where we actually start the stairs going up we might have to delete this block as well i'm gonna do i'm gonna do another one of these stripped crimson blocks going all the way to the ceiling here and then we're gonna do some glow berries yeah don't eat them don't eat them there we go how cool is that a very simple elegant staircase i love using quartz slabs for staircases because oh boy do they look good we have this big blank area over here and it needs to be taken care of first off we need to set the mood for the room so we're gonna use this wall to build a tv and a fireplace and some shelves first thing you want to do is you want to find the center point of the wall so i think it's about right there yeah okay it looks good and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna build something like this our fireplace is gonna go right here we're gonna drop in some soul sand and then light that boy on fire blue fire because blue fire is cool we're gonna go ahead and continue this wall out we're gonna go all the way to the other side of the wall and then we're actually going to cover this up so the fireplace looks kind of hidden down there yeah i like where we're going with this we're gonna do something a little fancy on the sides do a little bit of that a little bit of that i'm gonna go ahead and dig in the wall here and replace that with bookshelves okay okay gonna do the same thing on the other side now it's time to make our tv we're gonna throw some black terracotta blocks up here with a button to turn on the tv tv obviously needs some speakers so we're gonna drop some end rods skeleton skulls on them just like so so those are our speakers and then we can get a little fancy with some other decorations all right so i'm gonna throw a flower pot here a crystal here and then two flower pots on this side we'll throw a cactus in this one a flower in this one and then an orange tulip in this one and there you go you have an entertainment wall look at how good that looks but but but hold on hold on we need a sofa okay you're obviously gonna need some chairs so i got you guys first thing we need is a coffee table we're gonna place down some of these deep slate slabs these are really cool then we're gonna put some snow in the middle we're gonna build it up about three times just like so so that's your coffee table now it's time to build that couch we're gonna use some stairs we're gonna use the stripped block from the nether we're gonna go sideways with it here and then another two blocks of stairs now keep in mind guys when we're building all this stuff you can use whatever block you want for all these slabs you could use wood for this you could use whatever log you could use a different color stairs whatever fits your house do whatever you want then i'm gonna place these black stone buttons on the other side and then for the best part are you guys ready we're gonna be putting down some snow look at that and then another slab here we're gonna go a little bit higher about three times high oh that's four three one two one there we go and look at that that is our couch that is our modern couch we're gonna repeat the same thing on the other side here i'm actually gonna shorten this i don't like the size of this sometimes you build and you adjust which is completely okay there we go and boom voila we're gonna go ahead and place those buttons on the other side as well oh the button came off that one there we go and boom we have our living room just like that wow that living room looks good your friends are gonna walk in here and be like breath did you uh did you go to minecraft building school or something nah nah i just watched unspeakable bro and to give one more bit of spice to this living room i'm going to delete all the blocks around here and then put water all around it now you're probably like unspeakable you are crazy what are you doing go ahead and put water all around and then i'm going to put slabs and this is actually going to keep the water underneath so we can do a bubble coral fan for a rug there we go that's going to keep the coral alive that the water's right there and that looks good another cool thing we're gonna build is a lamp we have a lightning rod and then some end rods we're gonna drop some signs on it and look at that so we got a nice little lamp in the corner of our couch i think the ceiling needs something as well so i'm gonna place down some slabs here i'm going to make kind of a kind of a rectangle shape on the ceiling just like that there we go we have our little rectangle and we're going to place some end rods in the middle just like that for a cool little light nice little modern light we got in the ceiling that looks so good and this corner where the window is i'm going to build a really cool table we're going to start off with placing down some trap doors probably i can speak about what are you doing flip up the trapdoors okay there we go then we're going to put some warped blocks in the middle just like so okay okay i'm gonna put two big warped plants on the side i love these warped blocks they look so good in almost any house we're gonna throw a mushroom there finish off the trapdoors close them up and you got a cool little table in the window this living room this is it moving on into the kitchen oh my gosh do we have a lot of work to do here we gotta build an entire kitchen a dining room an island for the kitchen a coffee machine on this wall we got a lot to do but we're gonna make it quick all right so guys follow along and this is gonna be the most epic kitchen you've ever seen starting off with the kitchen we're gonna build some simple blocks right here you can use whatever blocks you want then we're gonna go up two blocks and we're gonna build the second section of the kitchen we're gonna space it out these are gonna be like our cabinets up top now we're gonna use some sea lanterns on each side pretty simple design and then we're gonna drop a bunch of trapdoors on top for some extra detail when in doubt put a trapdoor on something it looks beautiful look at this we're gonna put trap doors underneath as well and then we're also gonna put trapdoors on the front but only two because these are actually for the stoves and then we're gonna put buttons next to them more buttons up top as well these are basically gonna be your buttons like your handles for the cabinets and then we're gonna place down two campfires and on top of that we're gonna put load stones so these are actually our stoves and as you can see the campfires add a really nice smoking effect gonna throw some pressure plates on top of those and then some black stone walls this is gonna be like our oven vents right here yo that looks so good look at that let's throw a cake over here we gotta definitely have some food in the kitchen and a brewing stand now for extra detail throw some water bottles in the brewing stand make it look nice go ahead and throw some sea pickles to the side i love a seed pickle next to my brewing stand and a flower pot with a nice lily inside now we're dropping some signs on the oven and we're gonna we're basically gonna place dot dot dot o o o these are like your button knobs you know when you go to the oven and you have like a bunch of knobs that is exactly what we're making right now with signs and then we can dye the signs and make them white and then use glowing ink sacs to make them look brighter and glow that's a little hack for you and there we go over here in the corner of the kitchen we're gonna build the fridge now the fridge is very very special we're gonna go up with some gray blocks and throw some iron doors on top and then we're going to use a loom we're gonna throw a gray banner in there we're gonna pick a very specific light gray plate banner you're gonna throw it in there one more time and then we are going to get this banner right here throw it in there again and we're gonna get this banner so we're basically making really really specific banners for this refrigerator same thing for this other side we got the light gray banner throw some more light grey dye in there and then we have the light gray banner with the creeper face then we have the light gray banner with the blue on the side so we're basically making it look like an h and boom there we go so we have our completely custom banners just for the fridge we're gonna drop down a normal banner drop down that first custom banner that we made and then the last custom banner that we made and boom look at that we literally just made a fridge that has an actual handle and then as you can see on the side we have a cup with a dispenser for water next thing we're gonna build is an island in front of the kitchen we all love an island it's a really really good entertaining space so we're gonna drop down some blocks right here again use any block you want any type of staircase any block you want for the island it's totally up to you i'm just gonna use these same blocks so we'll kind of match the kitchen then we're gonna place some smooth stairs just like so and then we're gonna place two more and then we're gonna put slabs to the left and right and it's so beautiful look at it we're gonna place down two two of these these are going to be actually our bar stools that we have out here i'm gonna put down a lever here this is actually for our sink and then a button on the side and another button on that side there we go all right and now it's time to get detailed we have our kitchen island but we need to spice it up a little bit so we're actually gonna make plates for whoever is sitting there so we're gonna go ahead and drop a red mushroom block in there and then lime glazed terracotta in the other one and then we're gonna place a bubble coral fan which basically acts as our plate a very very fancy plate we're gonna drop a flower and it's okay if the bubble core flange turned gray that's actually good the plates look good when they're gray and then boom there you go look at that we got an island and it looks wonderful the next thing we need in our kitchen is a dining room table this dining room table is gonna be absolutely beautiful it's gonna have a lot of glass on it so the middle the middle we're gonna place some blocks and then around it we're gonna use this white stained glass and just go all around the middle of the table and then we're gonna cover the top of it with this light gray carpet this is pretty much going to be the top of your table but leave that middle block open super super important and voila you have a beautiful table and then for the chairs we're going to use this black polished stone we're going to place them all the way around just like so and then for the back of the chairs we're gonna use a crimson trap door for the backs of all the chairs look at that dude oh that literally looks so good we're almost done just got this last chair here there we go okay what all right now for the fancy part we're gonna take out the loom we're gonna throw some lime dye in there and we're gonna get a big magenta banner that looks like this and then for this banner we are actually going to throw it on the front of all of our chairs so that way it gives the chairs some character other than just the plane trap doors that looks good all right now for the table itself of course we gotta have a fancy table so we're gonna throw it in rod there on each side then we're gonna go ahead and throw a candle on top we're gonna do three candles you could do one if you want totally up to you and then of course you gotta light the candles i mean come on and then to top it off we got a lantern with some chains we got a really fancy light we're actually gonna hang for a chandelier this is a really cool chandelier you don't have to put this above your dining room table honestly you could put it anywhere it's a really cool chandelier so you're going to drop down a couple chains just like so we're going to drop lanterns on the chains and then we're going to put signs around the lanterns all right and the last sign boom there we go you don't have to type anything out on the sign and then boom look at that we have our dining room table with our lights that looks too good to be true we are now going upstairs where this room is going to be a gaming room and then over here we're going to have a bathroom and on the other side we're going to have the bedroom the bedroom i'm actually super super excited for because it's going to be really cool and we're going to throw a closet over here as well let's start off with the office first off we have some pretty plain walls over here very boring we need a cool shelf to spice it up we're going to start off by doing one of these and then one of these and then one of these zen and then one of these voila and you're done just kidding gonna go ahead and do one of these and then one of these and then one of these okay so that's a normal shelf but we want a fun shell go ahead and do one of these and then one of these and then one of these voila we have a fun shelf with a fun shelf becomes fun items to put on the shelf we're gonna throw some candles over here some bamboo over here and voila that's your shelf now for the fun part of the room let's make a awesome gaming desk with monitors we're gonna throw quartz blocks on the side and we're then we're gonna throw stairs and then we're gonna flip these stairs upside down just like so so this is the basic part of your desk now this is where it gets complicating making the actual screens for the monitors we got our loom with our light blue banner and our blue dye we just go all the way down to the bottom and we're gonna pick this one right here then we're gonna throw the banner back in throw down some black dye and pick this one with a frame around it okay you see how we're making a monitor you got me you got me then we're gonna throw it in one more time and we are going to pick this one right here now it looks like two monitors we're gonna take this banner and we're gonna place down one two three we got a triple monitor set up here and then we're gonna place down some gray carpet to cover up the bottom part of the banner and yo look at that but hold on we're not done yet here's our keyboard and here is our mouse throw some in-rods on the side with some turtle eggs for our speakers voila voila i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding these are not our speakers these this is just a lamp it's just a lamp it's not a speaker that is an ugly looking speaker and then we got some extra room on the side so what if we just go ahead and do something like this and that and then we can throw some stuff over here too and there we go we got a computer setup this looks so sick now if you want to go even further you can make an awesome custom computer chair but this room has got me pretty satisfied we could also throw a rug down here so if you want to take some inspiration from down here definitely throw a rug up here let's go to the master bedroom because i'm super excited about that we have an awesome bed to build now we're getting started on building the bed here so we're gonna build up the sides of it with some blocks we're gonna throw down three blocks in the middle and then some stairs on the side so it's gonna be kind of like the headboard of the bed another slab over there and then some black stone we love the black stone these new blocks are awesome and then this is actually our bed here we're going to use snow for the bed itself that pink part is kind of like our pillow ah yes very nice throw down some lime green wool it's kind of like imagine if that was our blankets just laying on the side of the bed that's what i'm envisioning there then we're gonna do some deep slate tile slabs going around the bed are you kidding me this thing looks so good we're gonna throw some extra slabs here these are actually going to be really cool shelves that we're going to put on top of the bed we're going to put down a ton of stuff look at that look at that oh it looks so good all right we're going to throw down some carpet we're actually going to get kind of fancy with this carpet i want to do a bunch of different colors i want some something exciting here throw down some red right here do red all the way down the other side all right now for the small details we got an in rod with a sea pickle on top this is kind of like our lamp actually it looks like a pretty cool lamp we're going to throw a flower pot right here and then another flower pot some warped roots some crimson roots for that flower yeah okay let's throw a creeper head in there too dude that is a very nice looking bed all right so in this little indention in the wall we're gonna make a sick closet this is just gonna top off the rest of the room we're gonna go ahead and do some deep slate tiles up top just like so simple enough then we're gonna drop in a shulker box one on each side different colors you can do the same color if you want and then some more deep slick tiles in between we're gonna throw down two armor stands this is where we're gonna put our clothes and then two more armor stands in the middle and then these are gonna be kind of like our glass doors think of it if you have some closet doors that open up these are basically what these are and then of course we need door handles so that's what the iron bars are and then boom there you go this is the bedroom does this not look absolutely insane i also threw two little chairs over here in the corner with some flower pots and a lantern dripping down on them i think this looks so good is this not the ultimate bedroom my favorite honestly is the wardrobe it's so cool you can come in here pick your armor for the day and then get going before we go into the last section of the house the bathroom i did say i laid down a carpet and it makes this room look so much better we're starting off here with the bathroom sink the toilet and the cabinets this is actually a mirror we're gonna build right here with some ice and then we're gonna do cabinets on the side of it guys i can't tell i can't wait to show you this bathroom it's gonna look so good all right let's do some buttons here for the sink then we're gonna drop in some crimson trap doors on top then some crimson signs we're actually gonna drop in some lines here that actually look like handles look at that oh the detail then go ahead and do some glow squid and some white dye on that and make them shine yeah look at them handles all right now we're getting really fancy we got some glowing item frames that we're gonna put sea lanterns in and these are actually gonna be our lights for our mirror how cool is that then we're gonna drop in another glow frame with a banner and then another banner in front of the sink here and then some amethyst crystals another flower pot this bathtub is gonna be pretty big i'm not gonna lie it's gonna take up most of the bathroom but it is going to be a show-stopper we're throwing this black stone all around it i figured this block would look pretty good for a bathtub now we're gonna throw the staircase all around so it kind of looks like the tub is caving in like a normal tub would and then we got our lever over here and then we got an in rod up top with an iron trap door then we're gonna throw some other trapdoors on the side these are actually gonna act as shelves we're gonna put things next to the bathtub yeah i like how this is going all right now we're throwing in a black stone wall because we're actually going to kind of enclose it kind of like a shower we're going to add some glass right here okay all like this then we're going to add some more slabs kind of your steps to get out of the bathtub then we're gonna do the same thing on the other side with the glass all right i'm gonna keep building this and add some small details i'll catch up to you guys in a sec when it's done all right are you guys ready are okay i just finished the bathroom are you guys ready to see it i'm literally so hyped about this voila look at this place so we finished up the small details put water in the tub and wow it looks so good in here we also added this really cool rug we added a towel robe right here with a lightning rod added some stuff in the window seal we got our toilet with of course our plunger and toilet paper and then here is the sink looking oh so good i think this house turned out so so good if i should customize more houses let me know by leaving a like on this video maybe i should customize one of y'all's houses i think that would be pretty cool what if you guys sent me one of your houses and you needed some help with it so unspeakable comes in and it completely transforms it thank you guys so much for watching until then i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 420,183
Rating: 4.916101 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp, bulid hack, mansion, million dollars, interior, build secrets, building help
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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