Breaking Out NOOB, PRO, HACKER Safest PRISON!

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oh today i'm gonna break out of three different prisons i'm gonna break out of a noob prison then i'm gonna break out of the pro prison which this one's a little difficult and then if i have the skills i'm gonna break out of the hacker prison this thing looks insane watch through the video and see if i can break out of the hacker prison in order for me to go to prison i'm gonna need to rob the noob's house so here i am in the noob's house steal the noob sponges that is my objective good protection by the way all right now where's this dude's bathroom is this for real his house are you kidding me this is this is this man's house all right well there's the sponges we have stolen the sponges and oh the noob would join the server oh no no no no no no i have been sent to noob prison now i need to break out of the noob prison i wonder how i can do that what's in this chest the plan well would you look at that there's literally a plan of how to escape the new prison call noob and ask to go to work go to the work area find a lock pick what this is so easy i'm gonna break out of this prison in less than five minutes all right let's call one of the noobs oh wait here comes a noob here he comes oh go to work and don't even think about stealing the tools all right buddy thank you mr noob aren't you the same new buy robbed this is also your prison huh oh my gosh you don't have security guards ridiculous okay so here is an axe and here is a pickaxe so wait you want me to go to work and mine all this coal and get you ores oh wait what is this i found the lock pick i can't take the tools out of the working area so i'm gonna throw that but oh it didn't detect the lock pick all i gotta do is break into the power building now that the power is off sneak the pickaxe out of the work area and use the pickaxe to break the front gate this is so easy so i turn off the power which is the security system so now i can grab the pickaxe and take it out of the work area and then i can just break the front gate and look at it prison escape ever now we're standing in front of the pro house and in order to go to pro prison we gotta steal something from the pros house right what exactly am i gonna be stealing today i gotta steal his food from his kitchen the defense here has definitely been increased i will say food i'm gonna steal all of his steak and i am not gonna get away from it the pro has joined the server hello hi pro okay well here i am i am now in pro prison boys wow this this prison has definitely gotten a major upgrade i'm not gonna lie in this chest i got some bed sheets used to cover up barbed wire i can also call for an hour of free time an hour of free time that means i have an hour to escape this prison okay i need to find something to help me get out of here oh my gosh look at this place this is ridiculous how am i supposed to get out of here there has to be a way to escape this i found a long stick in this tree i wonder if i can use this stick to steal the key from the guard it's right there oh i got it oh flip okay well i have a key i have no idea what this key goes to these are all the prison cells now guys remember i only have an hour to get out of here so i don't have a lot of time uh does it work on this door see if it works oh it worked all right where do i go now uh this one's locked this one's locked so this one's locked it's the only one that's open let's go to the gym i guess we are in the gym right now and we are not supposed to be out here i wonder if i can get in this room as well will the key work yes it worked let's go what is this this is a trampoline i can move the trampoline all right come with me buddy let me see where could i put this trampoline i could just take it with me there's a ladder right here all right come on line it up right about there oh yeah oh yeah that's gonna work yes we made it on top of the roof oh my gosh boys okay i need to look out for the guards make sure there's no guards on here so far so good we are clear look how far away the walls are they're all the way over there how am i supposed to get all the way over there i can cover the barbed wire with the sheets yes let's go let's go let's go all right i gotta hop down here ready oh all right be quiet be quiet unspeakable there's a truck here what if i hop in the back of the truck and just wait oh let's go boys we did it we escaped the pro prison we're stepping up a notch in order to go to hacker prison we have to steal something from the hacker's house and make him angry we're standing in front of the hacker's house you guys can see security cameras everywhere this is definitely a hacker house we need to steal his diamonds from his bedroom okay so i'm guessing his bedroom's probably upstairs what is this this is a bath that's a bathroom oh my gosh this house is huge is this oh there we go we got 64 diamonds boys and i'm gonna purposely get cots on the way out hacker where are you oh he's actually hacking i am coming for you oh no oh no this is not good boys what have i gotten myself into i am now in hacker prison oh my gosh there's a guard right outside of my room look at that how the heck am i gonna get out of here what have i done boys i i think i've made a mistake excuse me guard where is he going i made a mistake no this is no this is not good okay what's in this chest we have a magnet that can be used to steal keys so let's see if we can use this magnet when the guard comes back here comes the guard ready gonna use the magnet oh i got the keys i need to wait for this guard to walk back and then let me see if i can find like a storage closet a security area something should we try to go upstairs should i try to go this way okay the guard is literally right there i don't know when this dude's gonna turn around bruh uh let's go this way what's in here what's in here come on give me something good give me something good what do we got oh my gosh there's another guard down there and another cord on the other side the guard is now coming back flip okay look at that noob of a guard this dude might be a hacker but he hired some new guards i think we'll be able to get past this guard i just gotta wait for him to walk the other way there he goes he's walking the other way just gotta stay right behind him but i don't know what i'm gonna do when he turns should i try to hide in another prison cell i should all right here we go come on let me in let me in let me oh the key doesn't work uh is he about to turn oh i think i might be dead [Music] no flipping way no way dude i mean he is a noob to be honest okay storage lab dining hall cell block c2 we need to go let's go to the storage room that sounds interesting maybe the storage room has security in it who knows okay oh i can get in this door as well oh wait i can steal a guard outfit what is this a laser cutter that way is locked so i guess we're gonna go check out the dining hall okay a guard is going the other way okay we're good oh this way is locked as well what the heck oh come on please work oh oh it works what oh my gosh okay there's a camera right there hopefully no one's watching the cameras otherwise i am screwed wait i have the guard outfit on oh i'm good let's go check out the dining halls it's the dining hall oh my gosh this place is huge bro can you believe i'm locked in this place only guards can go through don't say so myself i am now a guard that's one way to sneak out of prison you'd be disguised as a guard they'll never know what's in this dispenser some spray oh i'll grab three bottles of spray i don't know what this does i'm not really seeing much more that we can grab in here i wonder if there's a way we can sneak out by going this way we use the laser cutters what else we got over here okay there's really not much it's literally just a dead end okay nothing down here oh we should try to unlock that other part that we thought was locked but now we have the laser cutters genius unspeakable all right there we go this is what we need to unlock i don't know where this goes but i think this is another cell block i wonder if there's anything valuable upstairs in the second cell block well there's no prison guards on this second cell block probably because there's no prisoners in here so this place is useless there's nothing over here there's no way i can break out of these cells if i was to break into one of the cells there's no windows there's nothing this this place is literally a bunker i ain't getting out this way i gotta find a different way all right let's wire through these fences right here i think i may have found us another way can i use my key oh i can use my key what is this what are those oh wait are those invisible lasers maybe that's what the spray is for oh flip look at that boys i'm so glad i decided to use this okay oh the lasers don't even reach that far these are some weak lasers my guy look at that look at that okay so we need to go around this way don't touch any of the lasers this is some weak security system my guy look at that what the heck oh these are moving oh oh flip what about these oh my gosh look at that i'm so glad we have this spray otherwise i would have been caught i would have been dead okay i'm not seeing any more lasers what do we got here what is this any more lasers no deploy experimental items should i press that button let's go ahead and uh press this button i don't know exactly what it does oh cannon controller emerald play button and rocket boots boys i might have hit a jackpot here okay so i have rocket boots let's go ahead and throw these on oh my gosh okay i'm gonna keep those i want to keep my guard outfit on for now we also have an emerald play button subscribe to unspeakable guys come on if you guys have not clicked that subscribe button yet you got to right now if you don't click the subscribe button you're going to miss out on all the crazy content that we do like this in the future so be sure to subscribe and then we have a canon controller what is this i guess this is the canon used to break through the door remove cannon place cannon shoot the cannon yeah let's shoot the cannon go for it let's move the cannon and see if we can place it right here what the flip look at this thing okay wait hold on okay so move cannon and then place cannon there we go now i got the cannon focused on the door let's see if i can shoot it oh i literally just gotta blast my cannon it's got like a red dot sight on it see the laser is so cool thank you so much canon i'll see you later coms towers on the roof okay so i need to find out a way to get to the roof oh wait i have rocket boots look at this boys literally flying up to the roof are you kidding me oh my gosh is that the comms tower that might be it is this it i think this is it press this button connecting to orbital relay magnetic interference uh uh take off the boots maybe move out structure range to activate teleportation sequence what the heck is going on uh so you want me to fly out of here should i should i go in here what is this okay let's try to fly out and go down this way error again you know what forget that i got a better idea what if i just blow up the front door or i could just fly over hopefully um no one suspects me just placing a cannon right at the front door isn't that right this prison is huge dude all right so let's move the cannon let's place it right here and uh there we go now we have a laser cannon at the front door let's go ahead and shoot it yeah it worked here's the teleportation pad activating teleportation sequence does that mean i escaped the hacker prison yes let's go we have escaped the most secure prison in minecraft if you guys want to see me do this again all i need you guys to do is leave a like and click that subscribe button i want to give a shout out to ukuleles and tom 2000 for making this awesome minecraft map i'll see you guys soon in a brand new video peace i got freedom now i'm gonna go explore the world kill some creepers be a minecrafter
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 3,697,697
Rating: 4.8842354 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: LwbkVNKUOo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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