Operation Frontline Booty | Storybook Brawl

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hello and welcome to more storybook bro it's actually been quite a while since i've played this game it's like a little break over the weekend and stuff but we are back at it uh let's look at horde dragon muerte looks kind of weird looks like pixelated or something uh maybe i'm just closer to my monitor or something i'm in a new recording setup too um it's temporary but we'll see anyway we got dragon or loki um i love dragon level 7 treasures are just fun i'm i'm a big fan of getting uh what's the one like the most ridiculous game i've ever played was when both people i think it had mirror mirror which is the one like when a creature dies you get a one one uh that's the one that was the most the whole thing looks pixelated well i'm recording this one and i'll fix it for later so i don't know we'll see what's up with that i'm gonna take three blind mice though aha i've fixed the pixelation it was just set to the wrong resolution that makes quite a bit of sense so problem solved i guess and we got it okay okay um we can roll we can take the chicken i guess we can take the chicken and roll that just kind of makes sense to me looking for another three blind mice because getting a level five treasure is pretty ridiculous i actually will take the role to try and do that we could take a paulie we're playing against the cursed king so it's unlikely that they're gonna have a creature that polly can slay so i think i'm just gonna stick with this team for now oof oh man we actually could have potentially slayed with polly but that's a strong team okay there's the second blind mouse there's also mad min which kind of helps i could try and get greedy and go for eeny meeny miny moe but hitting crafty would be pretty bad so i think we're gonna play it safe why the mouse i could buy the mouse and then eenie meenie miney moe it's plus one plus one so i could have a four three dragon because right now mad mim is good but yeah actually let's do this okay that yeah i pretty much needed something like that for my team to be good because getting the extra one power on mad mim early is pretty nice because a 1 4 actually does matter i can survive in dragon hit and things like that but just having an o3 like because normally what's gonna happen is you're gonna get down to like a two two versus your one four and then oh yeah look at this uh yeah exactly this right they kill that and because med mim has attack we just easily win this fight but if he didn't have attack we wouldn't so i think the greed paid off now let's just find our third blind mouse oh there's adventure very early and we can cast the book spell or we could do something even better which is get baby root to make adventure a 4-4 um yeah i kind of like doing that let's do that and i actually am going to lock because well i could sell the chicken and get a baby dragon it just has an extra point of power yeah i think i'm gonna do that as well because that then i can move it like this because i want the pair of baby dragons getting level three treasures off two drops is pretty strong with wardragon and i think i like the book because buffing up adventure is gonna be good too we'll see i don't know locking for pairs is maybe a bit too aggressive but not so bad yikes all right adventure we hit their 2-2 with my five power that attacks there this is about as bad as it could possibly go so well we killed the upgraded wow wonder walls super high rolling they got forking rod that's gonna be tough to beat um all right as long as we don't fight wonder waddle we should be okay we could take the tree the baby dragon and then roll there's another adventure but i don't think doubling there's another baby dragon i could do one damage to everything this increases the chances of adventure slaying but now i have to run it like this i can run this here oh this is a 2-5 i didn't even realize okay i did that all wrong this is a little bit better and then i can lock or baby dragon triple hopefully for a treasure we're playing super greedy for this turn because i bought falling stars not realizing if i moved adventure over it would die but we'll hope this works out and merlin just don't have too strong of units in the front okay okay we get the sleigh that's important um also decreasing their toughness by a lot is pretty important um so that one damaged everything did kind of matter we take damage but it's not like super amounts of damage we're only tied no we're still beating the cursed king okay so now we can triple the baby dragon get crystal ball and then turn it into an upgraded level three which is a doubly that we put here as an eleven eleven and then we can get black cat we're playing against uh jack's giant so i don't think adventurer really is gonna get there um i think i just have to take like this black cat well 10 damage to a random back row enemy no our team's gonna be weird for now we're almost certainly losing this we're going to go out with style all right jack stein don't be too strong you're lo you have 36 health though so we killed their lucky we have four women kills their cat that survives this kills that thing which doesn't get an attack okay goes there just don't that goes there we barely lose i'll take that against the the number one and we have crystal ball so a good sign all around uh this is kind of bad we just hit level four you know what we could do the old switcheroo this is such a bad idea let's do it it's a horrible idea but you know that's why i play the game for opportunities like this uh we could sell modem for sporco i guess the problem is i kind of need oh this is this is so stupid um plus two plus two so let's begin with two five i think my team is a bit weak for adventure i could just take wish upon a star and then hit level 5 next turn i could sell the pair of blind mice or i could just roll this is a 22 tripoli because we are boosting up my baby roots i love it and we sniped their dragon what could possibly go wrong they only have an 11 3 ranged unit oh yeah oh yeah that dies that can't even slay and then we just lose the shadow assassin right as we drew it up all right we need to stabilize now we need to do some things um another heart okay wait hang on this is actually getting more decent now we can do it like hmm i think the adventure is not for us but this is getting interesting now mono trees comp uh oh the nutcracker do i sell for that i think i do um what do i sell i want this in the back i want the nutcracker here so let's sell i know this is bad i know we need tripoli but this is more fun so one two three four for the nutcracker and i want him to get all of the buffs i think and now we can put tripoli as a 211 actually this is not so bad we have a 211 to go with our darkwood creeper who i think actually this does need the buffs we're going to get buffs off toil in trouble so if we hit tripoli that'll be good and then if we survive this round we can start going crystal ball with tripoli oh yeah 8 17 everything gets an attack this is not a terrible composition we switched into it's super janky but it's not horrible uh that going there we might die i'm attacking that thing i think we die here but you know what it was gonna be good we're gonna do another one because that was unfortunate i think we're on the the brink of greatness the old doubly front row support team we were just like a turner too late for that to actually get through hello and welcome to more storybook brawl oh we get new gepetto um which is a character to trial loki i love sand dracula let's just oh i just love sad dracula too much it's i don't think it's the greatest hero but it leads to some ridiculously fun snowballing things and i think with the new vampire it actually gets a lot better because now we have a three cost character we can start snowballing with rather than before like i think the uh you needed a forecast really so yeah i think this is great uh this team is pretty bad although rainbow unicorn with said dracula is actually kind of sweet because if you can get a sleigh with your unicorn like let's say they have a tutu and round one they attack first and then you slay them you go to a two five and just having two power on the rainbow unicorn is actually pretty good in the first like three turns in the game just because like it now can kill i think three two twos which is you know most characters at this point are two two so being able to kill three two twos with one character or one slave is really nice uh we are going to lose this because they buffed up their guy but if it was a 2 3 i think we would have tied or something um here there's a couple things we can do we can take baby root we could take eeny meeny miny moe i think i like doing that the dragon was the worst of the options but it's still a fine character having a dragon get buffs off said dracula's pretty good and i could take baby root to like let our characters attack more or i can roll i think i like baby root actually making this into a 4 6 and this into a one eight seems pretty good and again just having more turns for our characters to attack oh yeah see look at that double sleigh that was a two then we bring in the baby root and we could bring in cinderella [Music] yeah i guess because we have free roll we might as well oh i love happy little tree in these situations but we are about to hit level three and i don't really see the need like it's great if we had gotten it earlier i think it basically does what rainbow unicorn does but better at least with um san dracula but i think we're just gonna let our team be and hope to hit like a vampire or something like that another option could be the uh sherwood sure shot ranged ends up being pretty strong with uh attack boosts oh yes knight how did they get a vain oh they're peter pants okay well this went pretty terribly but at least our unicorn got to slay okay there's our vampire so we put this here put this here and i guess i want to put this here and what do we do we're playing against potion master so we're not super likely to win so i think i'm just gonna take the baby dragon um instead of getting spinning cog or whatever just having a more full board makes sense to me and a 3 7 vane pyre i don't know how likely this is to slay so maybe i'm supposed to have the 66 attack first i kind of like that better because then with the three seven they could have like a unit that attacks and then gets damaged and then we can attack and kill them it just seems reasonably unlikely that they're gonna have like a three toughness in the front okay well we do kill their main attack source and we get a slay on our unicorn and we do win the fight think if i done it the other way around we lose so that worked out for us i guess uh there's an inventor i don't really have any way to boost the adventures attack currently so i don't love that i could take the prized pig of course i'm taking the prized pig there's another vampire um at this point i'm kind of just off cinderella i think i'm going to go for [Music] double vane pyre put this here we're plinking dual fennel like we just need a couple slaves with these and then they're going to start being good enough to do some crazy stuff i also maybe like this type of situation because then a dragon attack snipes their back court and then the vein power gets in yeah let's try that because if they have a baby root killing that's gonna be quite good all right i regret my decision the one character they had that the vain fire could have attacked and killed suicide so uh yeah this is um not good for us to say the least royal comps are everywhere i feel like the the level three cost prince arthur is just too strong probably that's really good for us and i'll go for a triple baby root why not perfect book of heroes whenever your good character attacks and kills an evil character uh i think i have to think dancing sword and now we're gonna do this and i could lock for wicked witch of the west as well i think this unicorn in the front is actually a bit better because it's just a five five yeah this seems okay it's not great our comp is super weird but it's okay i am however getting the feeling at least from these couple games that royals are just way better than everything else because everybody's running royals and i'm getting just obliterated by them okay at least romeo's dead but like i'd have nothing that can stand up to this because the prints are they're just buffs like you basically yeah i guess i'm just playing this wrong i think royals are just the comp to play because you just take like a prince arthur early and then you get like cinderella upgraded from quests or whatever and then suddenly you're getting plus four plus four on all your units as early as turn three and that's kind of messed up what can i do to salvage this um i mean sleeping princess gets pretty big i can do something like this to get a 10-10 and then i can run a 6-6 i guess princess p is probably just better in that situation [Music] because she's now on 9 and then i could get rid of this vampire and run this dragon [Music] yeah i think actually we're effectively giving up on the vampire dream and we ourselves are transitioning into royals i guess i could take puff puffs though i do love the idea but i think this is like our strongest comp forward and that gives us our best chance of winning which i like and we're playing against dragon who has not lost a single match let me guess they're playing royals okay no they're on slay interesting i'm actually a bit surprised by that however they not lost a single match their complex pretty bad i guess the queen of hearts does a good job of stabilizing in some spots but hey we finally got a slay off our vampire no we didn't want that to attack there no all right well we do tie so we'll take it we will take that turn an evil character good and give it plus four health permanently uh we can go for princess p i guess another frog sure uh let's give this the buff and i guess lady of the lake is pretty strong do i have any chance of actually tripling the dragons maybe prized pig is not really where we're supposed to be but we can go like why's the pig is just weaker than some of these so we're gonna take lady of the lake 9 12 this is going to be like a 10 14. when i put this in it's just going to be even bigger i mean our comp is decent now i guess i kind of want to switch it like this and maybe i do want the vein power attacking first here's a 9 18. yeah okay i don't hate this current composition at least one of our princess peas is huge no oh my gosh all right all right vampire got a sleigh this went down that got a sleigh this gets a sleigh court wizard goes there this attack's there that dies and we kill them okay no we don't we talk okay well not so bad um i don't really think we have any attack boosting for pollywoggle lightning dragon is pretty good with sand dracula so that is something to look at but i think it's it's just okay with sarah dracula there's another lady of the lake which is pretty good to put back here because now our princess peas they are pretty big um i could just give up on this unicorn and i think i am just going to do that because we're just looking for triples of our strong characters the nutcracker it only needs to get four times we're playing against loki could put it here as a 521 at that point i guess i kind of want it here okay and there's triple princess p i will lock for that she's not amazing but she's fine this is a 1013 and this is a 10 13 so they're identical i think i'm going to triple this so i guess i want that one to run first but yeah we're going for greed and getting a level 4 treasure off the nutcracker because where plankins loki who was the lowest ranked but they have this giant cinderella and they just instantly kill my guy okay oh look they're playing royals this royal situation is actually very out of hand we're gonna take a ton of damage here because not only it's basically gilded harp all over again right because not only do you get um oh there's a wild growth i'm nowhere near anywhere capable of being able to take wild growth but you know what it's something we just hit level five i could get a level six by casting masquerade ball i think i i mean i could join the army and get prince arthur but everyone else is already doing that so it's not gonna be super helpful there's a juliet oh lancelot i like that let's sell i'm just kind of off these dragons we're gonna play lance a lot put this over here um the one benefit of whatever happened last round is our opponent did uh have two things that did one damage to everything so the nutcracker could get there is there anything we could do that's stronger than this 10 8 10 13 versus 5 15 because i do need to win this fight right they have a peter pants is pretty strong i'm probably just gonna lose to royals we'll see what's going on we'll check we'll check the meta we could get a good hit off deck of many things too because not only do we have to win this fight but we have to win the next couple fights ooh they're playing dwarves okay well that was pretty unfortunate 21 yeah we do lose this man okay we are getting stomped triple upgraded plus dracula's saber on uh tripoli is pretty brutal as well so i don't think we were winning that one well that's an eighth place oh no oh man that's unfortunate let's do another one why not
Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 3,872
Rating: 4.8195491 out of 5
Keywords: auto chess, autochess, auto battler, autobattler, free, budget, steam sale, cheap, game, strategy, combo, storybook brawl
Id: TyqbYk4P6Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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