She Actually Slayed?! Storybook Brawl

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hello and welcome back to more storybook brawl uh let's take the fallen angel this characters i don't think i've really played with them and they're very good uh the the buffs of plus two attack and plus two health to your whole team seems like not a huge deal but especially if you can unlock this in like the first couple turns like if you get fallen angel turn three and your whole team is just like plus two plus two that's very good uh this is gonna be interesting i can take wizard familiar and free roll but i kind of also like med mim i think the free roll is more important here oh this is pretty good we can then take cinderella well actually it's kind of awkward right because i want to take cinderella and then cast sugar and spice but i can't quite do that i could take sherwood sure shot and just cast sugar and spice i guess also you don't really want the wizards familiar in this type of comp because it's neutral so actually we're just going to do this and yeah i may have to give up on this because i forgot you know you really want to build out a board of either three good or three evil on turn three and taking a neutral character was the opposite of that but we'll get there we'll get there or dragon whenever you pick a treasure your choices are one higher so we should be stronger than them yeah range is so good like it is unbelievably strong being able to attack and not getting hit back okay uh this is somewhat tough because i want to cast the spell but i think i just have to take these two and then getting a third evil character will really help things going so i'm not even gonna lock we're just gonna look for evil and then good and i think taking this card was a mistake even though you know short term it's worked out for me i could lock for the kitty cut first because it will get plus two attack and then once i pair it with mad mim it's gonna get even stronger but i think i'd rather just wait and get good level three characters hopefully so we'll see we're fighting wonder waddle as well which is always scary okay five six goes there all right we win good good all right what do we got level three um okay so we have an evil character the problem is all these evil characters really kind of want to go with other evil characters which we could do right we could just take queen of hearts and then sell wizards familiar take wicked witch of the west and go that route um i mean the queen of hearts is already pretty good with just the black cat so i think short term she's fine now my whole team gets plus attack we can take humpty dumpty with a short-term boost you know what i'll do that let's just like make sure we continue winning fights he's also a good character and he's going to go away soon but if he does survive and we can get extra toughness on him that is a 15 16 frog that is a dead frog that goes there actually we do win this okay okay ooh we can true love's kiss the humpty dumpty i like that or i could even true love's kiss the queen of hearts get a random level four maybe that's even better okay not the best one to find it being neutral is pretty rough um so we want an evil character so i guess we do now want this and then we can put we could do something like this this is just a 6-4 that does nothing basically um i can sell this cat to get the lonely prince that's probably worthwhile actually because now everyone gets three toughness boost i don't want that i don't think that can trigger last breath but we're just running a back row copycat for now but i mean it's a pretty hefty squad we have oh and we killed the 10-5 excellent and we killed their vampire okay the upgraded thing just don't kill my humpty all right all right good good i don't want the humpty for too long but if you can get like two or three fights in with a humpty i think you're in pretty good shape oh okay let's go for that that flips that um this is better than this okay i like that um we could replace humpty dumpty with brave princess to try and get something going that way i don't think that's super necessary so i think i'm going to roll i just am really not a fan of brave princess basically it's another mad men we could go for the triple cast a spell but i think i'm just gonna roll [Music] and romeo is okay the support good witch of the north could do something i think i'm just going to take this spell um the hopes with the spell are that it weakens this is a six six yeah that's smaller than these oh actually yeah i guess this is fine because we still get a 3-3 cat um the hope with this is that it lowers the toughness of whoever we're fighting so that the adventure can get a sleigh basically it wasn't necessary but it definitely did help us it goes there we just trade cats and we definitely gonna lose the humpty yeah we didn't even get the extra kill that's fine we that was our first loss that's not so bad um okay so now humpty's gone we do need to find another good character or actually no we don't uh we can take copycat and go for the triple this is good if we find like a friendly spirit or whatever oh princess peep is fairly strong with what we have yeah let's do that princess pete put the frog here uh because the way it works is fallen angel's buff is just permanent so like even if you [Music] a character dies you still keep the buff so princess peep is just going to summon a bunch of 33 sheep i actually maybe want to run her last just to maximize the chance that we get all of the sheep out of her because it doesn't like we're not really banking on getting the madman buffs with her because it's just like 12 power and toughness for one character which is very good and we're hoping to get a slate to hit level five so i don't think we need this quart wizard so we're just gonna hold on to these and see you know is there any use for copycat if we get a good boy potentially that could be something fun to go for i get a sleigh we have a 60 chance all right nice um we're probably gonna lose this fight upgraded queen of hearts is very strong but we'll see oh maybe not we do get an attack with the ranger no we do well 16 these are all three threes yeah we do lose but it's very close okay baba yaga is interesting i mean it is just better than mad mim so i could make that switch because if we get one slay off with this adventure we just hit level six instantly which will be pretty sweet so we'll go for that uh we could take rotten apple against gwen we could like snipe i think gwen was running dwarves so we could try and snipe their door or we could keep rolling and try and hit good level fives i think given that we're like reasonably strong trying to hit good level fives makes sense cupid is quite a bit better than the sherwood sure shot but i would have to [Music] give up on my copycat dreams i think what i'm actually gonna do is just buy the trash can and then if we get adventurously actually that doesn't make too much sense to buy because we already have adventure baba yaga yeah i think that might have been a misstep because we don't like if we slay we're gonna hit level six anyway so we could have just had a cupid instead of the sherwood yeah that was a mistake all right there comp is very weird they did just snipe a bunch of my characters did they like forget they were playing no because they have books i don't know what's going on over there ah and we get punished because we do get the friendly spirit unfortunate um all right well adventure is no longer a thing we can go for friendly spirit stuff i mean we could still just run copycat friendly spirit i don't know how much i care about that the fairy godmother is okay she gives all your good characters pops i guess short term [Music] fairly okay with that we could do something like this maybe another friendly spirit another furry godmother i mean tripling her is a good like recipe for success so i'll just take that go for a level 4 treasure because we currently have zero treasures so you don't really need them to win but uh they definitely help push you over the like you know getting fourth place versus first place i think level five and six treasures really make a difference in that level two and three treasures can especially level three if you get like merlin's hat crystal ball and then i guess there's like literally one level four treasure that you care about which is forking rod point of sharon if you get it early can be good but the wrestle level 4 treasures are pretty bad oh gloves of thieving's actually pretty good too um their comp is huge what is going on over there we get all of our sheep they get all six toughness so there is a chance because there this goes here ah we barely lose okay that's not so bad though we're really just trying to survive until we hit level six and then figure it out from there uh we don't really care about princess peep i actually don't know what type of comp you're looking for with fallen angel but i guess we'll find out i don't think fairy godmother is going to be particularly great in whatever cop we end up in though [Music] unless we just you know transition into an all good or all bad squad uh three big pick seems very good that's just like a huge upgrade the vulture is also pretty strong yeah we could take the vulture i guess we're just looking for berenstein right let's just keep digging for that oh i could just take a new hero that actually kind of makes even more sense so this sell this try and grab a better hero krampus super pan potion master celestial tiger oh boy um i guess i take krampus i just gave my whole team a huge debuff but now i can run whatever squad i want i guess this makes more sense dragon's gonna destroy me yeah well they've been upgraded echo wood what is going on over there oh my gosh they also have dracula all right we are not beating this we're gonna take so much damage here we haven't killed a single unit uh we haven't killed this are we gonna die oh my gosh that was ridiculous all right well we gotta figure out our comp very quickly uh transform good unit into evil i guess i can wait brock lee is like fine i mean i honestly could be playing krampus with like robin foots and stuff i think i take this dude and then i just take a cupid it's like a super awkward comp but i feel like i kind of have to do this and i'm going to put this somewhere over actually i won't keep it in the back line i want this guy to go first and like attack or whatever but we want a really high toughness cupid doing stuff down the road this is a weird comp i don't know if i've transitioned properly i think i should have maybe like stayed with fallen angel because it was making my princess peep tokens a lot stronger and now my squad's kind of falling apart because instead of making three threes they're one ones and i just have like these dorky fairy godmothers in the back so this cupid really needs to do a lot of work because yeah this is what we're competing with we did kill their furry godmother which is good oh they have the tree of life oh boy that's gonna be tough we did kill their juliet all right cupid you need to like really do some stuff uh i don't think we're beating this tree of life right we're gonna like slowly get all their squad down low on health and then yeah and then that's gonna happen and they're gonna full heal everything oh man that was so close to a good game but we just got destroyed in the last two rounds we didn't scale up properly and yeah seventh place seems about right competition gets pretty fierce up there 38 36 now we'll get there eventually thank you guys for watching see you next time hello and welcome back to more storybook brawl we get mad counter i love mad catter it's just a fun character like rowling is normally pretty like rough because you're just kind of throwing away money and you're hoping to find something mad counter is a character that makes rolling additionally more rewarding which is kind of awesome oh we get to go like this then we get to lock and the next turn we get to get shrink spell into frog prince that seems like a pretty good start again i just made this whole spiel about rolling and that i'm not doing it but we're gonna have seven power on turn two and have uh cinderella be able to cast a spell as well and that's a really good start um depending on who shows up in this slot next turn we couldn't lock um i think tiny's pretty bad most of the time but there are some characters i would lock for limousines i i thought it was like a joke in like limes for a second i was excited ooh i might log for a pollywoggle i do love the wobble yeah let's do it lincoln's gwen who's pretty scary she's scary on turn three or level three then turn level two um because typically gwen oh off we'd attacked there we could have no we still would have lost with with them going first i don't think there's any way for us to win um we want to cast a spell but i don't have any evil here characters to target that's okay we can do like this that's honestly fairly decent and we still have a shot at pollywoggling them i'm not complaining about that bringing on uh k master 2007 i haven't been rolling at all with mad caterer which is like all the benefits that i was listing but you know what oh we can do it no wait there's still hope yes yeah probably waggle i mean we kind of didn't want him to slay but honestly getting shadow assassin does pollywog trigger its own shadow assassin that seems to be what just happened which is kind of awesome if that is the case uh we could dig wish upon a star it's pretty expensive and our squad is not necessarily strong enough to warrant it i think we're gonna roll oh okay we can go shadow assassin [Music] what do i do here i guess i take the princess cast a spell here and then lock or the shadow assassin yeah that seems all right um getting shadow assassins early and growing them is great and i think slay is a pretty good combination with mad catter because you frequently will find yourself you know getting like buffs on heroes that you want to slay with can i get another sleigh no turns out i probably would have been able to win it was all a dream anyway let's go with this we're going to buy the chicken because it's big and then we're going to roll we don't want crafty because i just run this giant chicken and i think one shadow assassin is going to be better than this random tutu actually i guess i can sell the chicken and cast a spell here that seems a little bit better because we do want to get the treasure off of this and this will like at worst case you can just turn the treasure back into two gold so we're basically like just deferring our gold until next turn um and you can only cast one spell per turn so it seems better i'm a little bit nervous about actually i think i want to do this maybe we don't really care about brave princess surviving the hit we just want her to win to get one slight so we'll put the toughness on the characters that like if tiny survives that's a lot better for us yeah that makes sense we just if we get a sleigh our comp is pretty strong if we do not get a slight our combo is going to be really weak got a good shot no actually we did not have a good shot oh wow the actual toughness on the baby route did matter that is like the biggest crafty i've ever seen though okay we killed that and the cat their team is so big this is ridiculous all right triple shadow assassin i do like that um i can't really take treasure map because i'm about to get a level two so i guess i just take cloak of the assassin and then we can boost this get a level two treasure uh piggy bank is interesting i have three gold i think i'm just gonna skip for gold honestly uh i should have taken spinning wheel that made no sense i completely just forgot spinning wheel was in there alright so now we get to go like this i could try and triple the frog prints i guess i'll speculate on that at least and i can do this so that we have a nine nine here that seems alright yeah spinning will just way better than skipping for gold there but we all make mistakes hopefully we can come back from it i'm still just like not rolling with mad cataras at all okay we get the sleigh they also do they're kind of going off but we should win this fight i think could we get another sleigh no that's fine though we have a seven seven shadow assassin though which is pretty big uh there is a chupacabra it's a fresh chupacabra okay that seems pretty good i don't really want to boost the baby root but we'll see i will give this the potion i just really want to make sure the brave princess slays and we could take the i say it's kind of an awkward spot right because we want the chupacabra to slay but we'd like want to support the princess i guess we'll just hope the 1011 gets there and i could take good witch of the north given that i'm running a sleigh build i actually don't see myself sticking with goodwill to the north for so long of course i instantly get punished for it but i guess that's okay there is a mermaid that's got to be good right fill this fill this get this mermaid now i can do this and now we can start going off uh do i want i want to do this probably not but there could be five eight seven eight four four you know what this is actually a stronger comp i think it's a ridiculous comp but it is stronger all right we get the sleigh perfect that's a giant shadow assassin this is also going to slay you love to see it we just got a 212 over here um we could run shadow assassin front line with the mermaid oh crystal ball or merlin's hat um i think in general merlin's hat is better first because crystal ball ends up being pretty bad although with sleigh characters crystal ball could be better right because you're trying to like buff off one specific unit like a german gand whenever you get that i couldn't see that being good i'm gonna go with merlin's hat though i think just in general like this ends up being a bunch of free gold which is pretty strong there's that don't want those another shadow assassin i mean that's not the worst it's also not amazing i think we can give this an extra buff adventure is good something like that seems interesting another adventure i will sell for getting adventure level two seems fairly strong and now we just like all in on adventure slays okay we get one there's no chance of getting the second one this gets us a sleigh we just have this giant 24-24 ranged character i should have uh swapped these i think but we do win this fight and level five sets us up for [Music] baba yaga which will be good none of these another mermaid i kind of like this mermaid and i guess i cast the spell here if we get like one slay off we're doing pretty good if we get two we're just crushing it nothing here all right tripling mermaid is really nice let's sell this triple this mermaid uh coin of sharon is pretty good with sleigh let's do that and there's another chupacabra he's kind of a weird character also i guess i want this i don't know do i want to like lock for the chupacabra i don't think so i think we're just gonna take this turn to be greedy and i could switch these bonuses but the problem is the mermaid is gonna go like last or the if we put the mermaid here right both of these are going to attack last although this does give this character slay so it gives it plus three plus three all right we'll do that that seems fine because now if we talk with chupacabra we're just winning um do i want to lock for this probably not i think as soon as we can we're going to pivot away from chupacabra so it'll just be there to boost our shadow assassin a little bit we are facing against gwen so i'm expecting to see upgraded uh princess white that seems to be like the character to target basically any good level three uh oh upgraded good boy also seems pretty reasonable i did hit the one thing that i could slay but we're just while they are strong oh my gosh wow upgraded good boy that's gross we do get this so we're kind of off these adventurers uh grim soul i guess helps i can do that i can buff all the characters i just bought but my team is looking pretty weird this is a nine-nine why is this so big oh because coin of sharon right right uh yeah let's well we have the other thing that's fine ooh lancelot that's a good one let's we can get lance here sell this sell this fill this and this get this guy we just have a random adventure um so how do i do this i want like something like this this adventure is really bad i think i want lancelot to attack first yeah our comp is kind of weak right now we're fighting against a pretty high ranked person oh they killed my worst unit perfect and i killed their best thing oh my gosh that went so well that did not go well oh that went terribly it goes there [Music] this is gonna like wipe my board yeah and then that happens all right well yikes thanks eric yikes all right we are now level six so we can get rid of this adventure um what are we replacing it with southern siren is a good unit that's definitely a power spike potentially that's a really big three big pigs um i could just run that because it's strong but it's not like the best thing long term i want to buff up this other siren i think i'm gonna roll oof there's a good boy doesn't really work for our comp there's an echo wood doesn't really work for our comp there's an oni king that it does work for our comp um we can sell uh i could sell the mermaid but i think the mermaid's good i guess at this point we just well now i do like this i think yeah i guess i sell the grimsel and bring in honey king and then our first attack will be with shadow assassin she'll get plus three plus three when she attacks and then hopefully lancelot will slay and then we have this like random chupacabra that's not very good all right you know what i'm pretty happy with this we'll see how it goes competition's getting fierce though no oh man that's a lot of uh that's a lot of mummies this is gonna be brutal we do get to steal their mummy though so we lose oh they kill our mummy then we kill their medusa mermaid goes there that goes there all right we win but just just barely oh my gosh everyone's going with mummies we need a german gander really fast all right roll another baba yaga pretty tempting plus 10 health is also pretty tempting i think i will do that uh this will just make lancelot slay instantly do i want that yeah it's just a free level five treasure and at this point do i want to keep the river wish mermaid it's just going to make the shadow assassin grow a lot this is a 3 6 versus this is an 8 11. um i don't think so i think because basically what we want with lancelot you want level five treasures when you're playing a slave build because there's the one that slay characters attack twice and once you get that if you have like shadow assassin mermaid you just go off so i think i like where i'm at currently because yeah this is like plus four plus four every time it kills something my gosh that's so big holy cow i do get to steal their fairy godmother and we're not killing the good boy but there's no way for me to not kill the good boy now yeah that's a lot of damage do i die no no oh come on i think i still get the top four maybe that died exactly we did get fourth place i will take that we were so close to popping off we were gonna get a level five treasure um lance was gonna get way stronger he'd get like plus eight plus eight from every sleigh so we were gonna pop off but i think we're just a little bit too slow this chupacabra was doing literally nothing so replacing that with something would have been good oh well thank you guys for watching and i will see you guys next time if you made it this far into the video you're clearly enjoying the content so if you want to help support me being able to make more content there's two ways to do it the first is free and very easy just follow me on instagram you 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Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 3,299
Rating: 4.8896551 out of 5
Keywords: auto chess, autochess, auto battler, autobattler, free, budget, steam sale, cheap, game, strategy, combo, storybook brawl
Id: C3xidpcnhCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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