Watch Out For Grandma | Storybook Brawl

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hello and welcome back to more storybook brawl we've been aggressively ranking down so uh let's let's try and do the opposite here um i'm gonna take i love said drak but i'd like really never play with grandmother and this is like the perfect hero to try and power level with so i think i'm just going to try out this character i've played with her i've played with her before but like i think literally one time um so let's see what happens uh i want to take genie's wish but i think i'm gonna take bad billy gruff i could see locking for genie's wish the problem is i don't want either of these characters so i think i'd rather just chance it on getting something better because generally genie's wish is good if you get like the early cat that requires spells or the cinderella but if you're just using it to like hope to get a good spell for one it's not amazing um it's good on turn three though because then you can hope to try and get like any medium anymore or whatever all right well we get um something there okay we could take the humpty and then cast the spell to make it a seven seven we're already at 50 health so we don't really need to take like too many precautions because you do get an extra like essentially two to three uh free game losses with grandmother just because you have more health i think i'm going to roll and i can take the chicken and then roll and i like shrink spell i think i might just lock the lonely prince has high upside med mim plus uh the black cat is a good combo i think i should have switched the order of my units but wow three three oh right because they're mad catter okay i was like how did they do that um yeah this is gonna be pretty nice we do this and then we just get like all of these this one this one we sell the chicken this one this one and now we are fairly strong uh let's put him here and then this here so we have a two six four one four four yeah on turn three that's really good let's just hope we don't face any dragons that would be that would be unfortunate oh wow they went all in on their arranged unit unfortunately we don't have any slay characters but that's okay oh adventurer is really good in a position like this she's also a princess to go with the frog prince so i like that um i really want to take this pollywoggle [Music] so i'm just gonna do that this is the maximum greed but like our comp i think i want to make this even stronger because extra toughness on a 5-5 is so much better than extra toughness on a 2-2 because it does more damage per hit so like you're trying to basically maximize the total damage dealt by the character over their lifetime and so giving a two power unit a longer lifetime you know maybe it's gonna hit three times instead of two that's going to do six damage if this character hits two times instead of one it's going to do 10 damage if it hits three times it's 15 so like that's kind of what you're trying to maximize here and usually that ends up being just trying to make these stats as like equal as possible so you want like high attack and toughness on the same unit oh they're getting in there with the wobble and we missed our adventure sleigh unbelievable and there's a chance see look at this eight toughness instead of five allows this guy to survive an extra hit oh we actually lose this fight no oh man that was unfortunate i was going to say it was going to win us the game but it clearly did not uh i think we're still reasonably far ahead plus with grandmother you do want to race so we're just gonna take wish upon a star and i could just sell pollywoggle for humpty dumpty to just make sure we win this fight i think i'm going to do that actually i think i really do just want to guarantee like we are winning this fight we're getting the extra experience we're going to hit like level four and a half and if if if adventurer slays two then we're just like really crushing all right adventure do your thing i believe in you we're gonna attack first no come on all right at least we killed that i think we have a fairly good shot at winning this fight as long as they don't snipe my frog nope we actually lose still ah that's super unfortunate i thought we were strong but adventure just never does it fairy godmother is definitely helpful though can we be strong now i don't know let's find out um yeah let's do that and just put the trojan donkey around here and then i don't really want to sell bad billy gruff just yet i guess i could find a zero cost so maybe it is better to sell and roll i can turn one of these into an evil character i would kind of prefer the other one that turns uh evil into good but i guess that costs one gold uh i don't think i want any of these i could have tripled a pig by now but i think that's okay we are at least a little bit ahead of some people we just like not getting any adventurously has been particularly brutal i also feel like maybe i want to do this because getting the extra toughness on the black cat actually doesn't matter too much and yeah getting the toughness on both of these does matter like the donkey is the thing you want to have toughness on art adventure no come on stop i guess there was no possible way for adventure to slay their board is really strong but princess peep is very good for us okay that goes there we lose that but the donkey has huge toughness oh chupacabra that dude can slay they get their peep i actually really want chupacabra to get a sleigh here goes there he actually will and i think that will give permanent buffs to my guys even though he was a summoned character all right we are starting to win fights you love to see it turns out fairy godmother is a good character still no adventure slays but you know what we can give up on that or can we you will fight and you will win i believe in you uh we definitely want princess peep if we can get it uh probably better than baby root i will have to play down a character if i do that though so [Music] probably not yet yeah i think i'm just going to lock for the peep and then people actually i can sell black cat and baby root i think i do want to do that black cat baby root princess pete like this that seems better to me then i don't have to lock if i get the adventurously i'll hit level five and then i don't have to buy all these level fours uh sheep and wolves clothing would also be probably better than frog prince i could make that switch but i think this is fine as long as adventure attacks first and they don't kill my donkey right away all right you know what that's fine we get an adventure sleigh we have this giant sheep and this donkey's about to go off oh honestly getting vulture was pretty good there too okay all right we're getting there grandma we are getting there um we can true love's kiss that's okay i mean adventure is about to be obsolete so we could even move off it now um but we do kind of want to race to six because of their grandma's ability um what else can i do getting a court wizard would be pretty good friendly spirits okay i think i'm going to roll lance lance is very good right yeah i think i want lance a lot and i think i want good which in the north it's just better than mad men for the most part well i can do like yeah the problem with goodwill to the north is it would be running like front line i think or i can like frontline a fairy godmother because this this witch basically i'm gonna use it for like one turn something like this so i just have two fairy godmothers i'm really just trying to make sure lancelot gets i'm even gonna put him here we're kind of taking a hit this turn probably giving up on adventure i don't think it's likely to slay and i want to put this somewhere around here i guess i could put the donkey here something like this that way the donkey gets the buffs that kills that donkey down oh that's a really big spell weaver all right valence hit his thing so even if we lose this bite it's not a huge deal we have a ton of health and our characters are ridiculously strong lance might even get a slay off here no not enough attack seven three okay crushing it we get a level five treasure which is our first treasure and ooh monkey's paw is pretty good in comps like this i could just get rid of my support now yeah let's do that and now we can really try to race to we could start really hard to race to level seven if we want um we're level six we'll see if that ends up being necessary though okay i'll speculate here because the level three treasures are fairly good okay well that's there's a lot of good stuff going on here uh we're gonna buy her sell mad men and i don't think i'm playing the frog prince or i could just give up on this adventure i think that's probably just better start planning for more late game stuff fancy pants is good telltale quiver is pretty good if we do get like court wizard robin hood but i think i like fancy pants because we can combine that with uh oh i can back roll these oh this actually looks pretty nice now uh we can combine fancy pants with like buying good boy next turn or the turn after hopefully and that should be pretty nice they kill the the peep we get one fewer thing but that's okay we're hoping to make lancelot really big although we're kind of running into the problem where our sheep have like too much toughness that we don't get lance a lot boosts but we are like dominating we're not level six yet but we're about to be so like ancient being a 626 is pretty legit i kind of want to go up to exactly 40 health but there's not a whole lot of point in doing that oh i keep yeah i forgot about fancy pants that's okay though um so i don't need an adventure i think i'm just gonna keep rolling and trying to find something good we are likely to win so i guess i will take spinning wheel the extra gold cupid is good i can go for a frog prince triple friendly spirits alright keyboards like kind of awkward with our current comp but i could see it being good but i'm gonna look for more oh the nutcracker i think i want that over the donkey we're just gonna try and get a treasure off of this fight yeah that seems good we could be like maximally greedy go for a treasure here we have a 10-10 chicken oh my gosh and we're about to get plus three plus three to our whole team plus we're about to get good boy hopefully all right that's a good start that happens we get a slay here they have so many tiny units another thing come on just hit it hit this one okay we need one more hit there no uh we were close i think we might even get a slay off with yes okay that's good because now we can true love's kiss the lancelot if we come across that and we're really looking for a good boy baby bird is pretty good too all right i'll buy baby bear it's not a huge deal that we like miss out on the uh fancy pants buff get the the chicken for now triple the fairy godmother get our level 4 treasure ring of rage is actually fairly decent with what we have going on we can we could feed the kraken and roll a bunch just get rid of the donkey yeah donkey's not long for this world so we'll just do that now and then we have a bunch of chickens so we could if we do find a character we're interested in like the green knights pretty good uh let's make sure we actually do this correctly now we have fairy godmother all of these things in the front line do i want the green knight he's pretty big let's do that oh yeah they have a herc that's not fair but we're gonna get just so much toughness here we get a level four treasure taking down the storm king yeah we are they might have a hercules but the rest of their board is just non-existent wild growth um sort of each ball cast a random spell do you like a tree in your shop permanently double its health i think i'm just gonna skip we're really just digging for a good boy or something of the sort friendly spirit is fine because right we should be level six faster than most people so we should be capable of finding it before they do i sold all of my chickens there's the good boy all right and it gets plus two plus two so it's going to be a uh well when i get rid of my extra character it's gonna be just huge um we take another fairy godmother but i mean honestly we're just doing pretty well here and this is a 1729 i think that's not super necessary i'm just gonna keep rolling we're really just looking for like at this point more good boys um true loves kiss to maybe upgrade lance into a better level six if we're going to be greedy i guess i might as well transform this into something new okay sure but uh this is looking as long as our good wood dies in a timely manner our squad's just gonna be ridiculous no no they have medusa okay they killed that that's fine lance gets a sleigh the other medusa is a little bit scary because i don't even know if our good boy is going to die but i don't even know if it matters our statue is doing work over here they didn't even have to kill my good boy we're just too strong without it and we have 39 health that is ridiculous ooh green knight number two is really nice um and we're probably gonna win so i could take for glory i think i'm just gonna take for glory oh there's a herc uh i like hercules a lot sell this four or five uh i would have to give up on lancelot to grab hercules but he's just gonna like be so big and give me a level six treasure hmm yeah i think that's how i get i have 39 health this guy is big but hercules is going to flip and become even bigger and he's already a 32-29 like that's just ridiculous all right yeah we'll run hercules less chance of winning this fight but maybe they kill my good boy and then we just go off and then we have like outs to get a lot of level 6 treasures which it will just you know plus 100 sword would be unseen [Music] all right opponent show me what you got we have 39 health to mess around with this is not it well you know what good wood down i think we just well it depends dormant gained is pretty big i think we're probably fine but he could be problematic that goes there hercules slays oh he has two damage left uh we actually do lose this fight so unfortunately but we're getting stronger every turn all right tripling green light is huge spear of achilles evil eye double your support bonuses ivory i will give your characters plus two plus two at the start of each fight i would normally say it's too late for ivory owl but we are gonna do like a bunch of fights i think spirit of achilles is still better though and we're gonna get rid of fancy pants and then i could bring in court wizard this guy was ridiculously big by the way um i could bring in court wizard i could just buy the spell to do 30 to something random i think i'm gonna do that and then we're just looking for more good boys and echo would be pretty good things like that and i could also it could be possible that monkey's paw like i'm better off without monkeys paw and just running a full squad we can see about that okay good boy down we should be winning this i would hope we killed that one that guy's really big yeah we got this easy the the plus five every time the attack is ridiculous and also just the green knight is so big they didn't die oh the sinking sword is really good do that instead of the ring of rage and then we can give this a more attack double cupid is interesting we're playing against the ghost i think we're just gonna roll hard for good boy oh we could get really greedy in true love's kiss herc i don't think that's necessary i'll take this baby bear instead it's just like so the reason for true love's kissing herc is like he has some buffs and if we turn him into like a robin wood or obviously upgraded good boy echo would be pretty good those are all great but there's so many bad hits like a lordy and then suddenly our squad goes from having this like giant 100 100 to pretty much nothing i think i'm also going to put baby bear in front of the green knight now um because uh do i want that yeah it's like more toughness over more characters so we can do that oh man that medusa is scaring me okay he killed that one that's fine that goes there and she didn't steal my good boy okay that would have been quite disastrous and it's funny medusa's like not even that good against us because we have uh so many buffs that medusa like transforms them into an o6 but then they get like plus six plus six and then doubled so anytime they try and medusa and they just die mega morph seems pretty strong at this stage of the fights and then we're pretty much just rolling for uh triples good boy i will lock for that um probably just gonna replace herc i think or we could have good boy replace fairy godmother at this point i think she's a little bit obsolete she's really good with the baby bears and stuff though so i don't know we'll see i think this was the comp that had all of this sleigh but we do have double attack now which i don't think we had previously oh and we pick morph the oni king perfect and they kill their good boy i think that's pretty much over yeah killing that is unless the pumpkin king gets some ridiculous hits this game's over which it did not oh it did get baba yaga plus the chupacabra one of my favorite things in this game is when the pumpkin king puts out like squad with synergies like when you get basically baba yaga with sleigh in front of it but uh our comp is ridiculous and we locked for a good boy all right let's take this dude roll into another no uh i could pick a new hero but i actually like my plus three plus three buff so that's fine um croc bait is good with good boy if you have berenstein but i just haven't seen any of those uh at this point i think herc might be the worst unit so let's just okay it was worth a try so now we just have double good boy baby bears and things of that nature maybe getting rid of hercules wasn't great but i think the upside like there was a chance that it went really well for us and i think that would have been good um we're a little bit weak to medusa now i think next i i mean i could see replacing fairy godmother because she is a little weak to medusa but i think we have 30 health like we can lose a couple fights and try and find a way to beat this opponent but i think double good boy even if they snipe one with medusa like we'll get another oh this is just the dwarfs comp okay oh they do have a lot of upgraded tripolis that could be problematic but never mind we have some big uh some big things going on that goes there that goes there that goes there yeah game over gg's opponent ggs oh they had the magic sword plus 100 that's where all the damage came from okay well that's a pretty good win for back to where we started when we were aggressively ranking down we just were in front the whole time never really fell behind and yeah i think pretty good 38.95 all right we got to get up to 4 000. that's my objective and then i don't really care anymore see you guys there if you made it this far into the video you're clearly enjoying the content so if you want to help support me being able to make more content there's two ways to do it the first is free and very easy just following me on instagram uh you get you know to see cool stuff like this cat made out of trees or this dog that's an island some very interesting or trippy videos like this one which it's not for everybody the other one is just going to my store my cell art like the ones i've shown so there's a lot of cool stuff there you can shop the collections and see things like this i'm selling t-shirts and i would really appreciate it thank you
Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 2,756
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: auto chess, autochess, auto battler, autobattler, free, budget, steam sale, cheap, game, strategy, combo, storybook brawl
Id: uSxPspr-gxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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