I Love This Character Already | Slay The Spire From Scratch #2

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hello and welcome back to more slay the spire my second run through getting better at this game we're going in as the silent let's embark i like this ability we're talking to the whale again oh i think honestly i want to remove a card from my deck and i just want to get rid of this defend nobody needs to defend that's a really good way to start i like that a lot all right so we have a merchant right away and i start with some gold this is a really really long quest um [Music] let's go to this one double caterpillars the curl up is my my nemesis i still the thing is like because i start with two extra cards i'm trying to get rid of these defends but i guess gonna play weak here and then he's curled up i can strike he's curled up again but i only need to defend once anyway so i may as well just hit this guy for damage and then just defend he does strength so i want to kill that one yeah increasing damage by three seems worth killing so we can strike this one and then just double strike this one nice wired potion deal 20 damage okay out of cardio deck apply three poison to a random enemy two times innate start each combat with this card in your hand i like that the fact that every single time i could just do 11 damage for free that seems insane you come across an inconspicuous pedestal with a shining gold idol you sure don't see any traps nearby uh let's trigger trap and see what happens become cursed injury i do not want that lose five max hp or take 17 damage let's just lose maximum hp now enemies drop more gold so we're trying to go here and then to the merchant but now i just backstab for 11 damage right away all right do this he's dead neutralize you and then we defend yeah cause strike star extract is 18. okay second turn he's not even attacking i'll get these defense out of here i could just kill him we'll just like super defend i guess lick hello but now i should be able to just no no it's all defense but you know what sometimes it just happens all right we neutralize you strike gold at a card draw three discard one apply five poison draw cards until you have six in hand um honestly i think i'm gonna skip i don't know acrobatics looks good i'm gonna do that one because there are some cards that like synergize with uh drawing discard i guess i go here because i kind of want to hit up this merchant i see a banana a donut and a box on closing inspection they're tied from strings there's a quiet cackling from above what do you obtain do relic become cursed regret at the end of your turn lose hp equal to the number of cards in your hand i mean i guess i just get my max hp back all right i got rid of my max hp then i just instantly gained it back all right mr merchant you can buy cars from the merchant oh you can buy these things whenever you play power attack and skill in the same turn remove all of your debuffs by three week choose one of three random colors cards to end your hand it costs zero draw two cards put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile i like that exhaust up to three cards in your hand and it costs zero oh okay add three shifts into your hand zero mana deal four damage exhaust at the start of your turn add a shift to your hand okay so the power card buffs you up i like that i think i'm gonna pay for the card removal service i'm gonna get rid of a deep end deals like damage apply three poison that being on sale is tempting mr merchant is tempting uh kind of like that but i can't afford it i guess i'll get this to make sure i can just do the most damage possible proceed when i go here and i can upgrade an item which i guess is going to be this one right deal 15 damage yeah just now every single turn i can do 15 damage okay i like that let's fight some monsters i guess sure oldest so can i just kill him like this seems very good i do that i do that i poison him then strike and then strike then he takes three poison damage at the end of this turn it gains three strength well it does die so that's good dead to poison oh okay this innate card is ridiculous what do we have to add tip power cards this card applies a power to use powers or passive abilities that remain for the duration of combat i think we're just gonna go for max damage here and upgrade a card and upgrade this even farther no you can only upgrade one time it appears okay so what do i want to do then you'll four damage apply two weeks seems good both of these are the same i think get a chest gold ancient tea set whenever you enter a rest site start your next combat with two things okay so we're gonna go to a rest fight so our our combat against the final boss is gonna give us a lot of stuff that's good before you lies an elaborate shrine to an ancient spirit in 100 gold gained 275 i'm just going to gain 100 gold i'm trying to like reduce the cards in my deck and let's go the massive combat direction that i could instantly regret it but i feel like we're reasonably strong now backstab he's going to attack me for 12. so i can do 8 plus nine is seventeen okay and then we defend i take two damage here but it's just better to not take damage i think if possible we're about to go find a bunch of bosses and stuff so i'm not about that uh so i could apply too weak and strike strike doesn't kill him [Music] i guess we can acrobatics and discard break and then i can survivor plus defend survivor's my favorite one and now we just killed neutralize plus split slash break break ah i only took two damage that's not so bad so your next turn prevents damage gain four block for zero is pretty tempting like four poison and too weak to all enemies but it costs two and this is like infinite block forever i think i do want that they're about to fight this big guy i just gain four block backstab plus we're gonna kill the one that's well can i kill it i could do 15 plus nine is 24. well i can't actually kill it so i guess we're just gonna get close and try and kill the one with the least health first we do that we backstab we strike and then we defend he's not blocking for nine but i don't like the double d buff it gave me two unplayable cards maybe i'm supposed to use the post oh my gosh oh no all right uh quick slash does eaton draws a card then i can strike and kill this one then i can neutralize this one i don't know why it did not oh artifact negates one debuff okay that makes sense i suppose and i defend and i take a bunch of damage once i shuffle my deck back in this is gonna get really problematic i just can't play that anymore all right well i can survivor and discard the dazed and then we're just gonna kill this one in the back but i think i think i'm gonna be in really big trouble it hits me for one and this just gives me two more unplayable cards okay well this isn't so bad i think i can kill this one so i can poison strike or let me see six plus six is twelve plus six is eighteen plus three doesn't do it sorry i'm actually going to throw this potion at this guy and then i can strike that one down and i can poison this one and then strike that not trying to get dazed because yeah this would get really bad really quickly i guess i want to do this first just to see what i'm drawing neutralize i like that okay and he's just attacking me so i only have too many i only have so many debuffs in my oh okay i have deflect strike strike okay i think we're gonna do as long as i get any attacking skill i should do this this reminds me exactly of playing dominion when you have a friend who has the witch and you're just like uh all of my deck is curses when you would deal die heal the 50 of your max hp instead oh that's great she's one of three random power cards to add to your hand it costs zero i like that oh okay gain five block draw two cards i like that one so this is the dude he turns into two different guys so if i can put him to 50 or lower then i think he's not going to attack me i think that's how it works let's hope that's how that works please yes okay i was like i'm pretty sure last time i did this there was uh i did enough damage where it split all right so i have deflect to gain some block like backflip here i've nine block quick slash u and i can't really acrobatics i'm okay taking one i think let's kill well let's poison this and the turn i guess the benefit of drawing through my deck is i always like get back access to the like really good zero cost cards i'm gonna take seven let's backflip quick slash this one deflect to get the last block and then i can strike oh we don't have enough getting weakened sucks at least i defend through all the attacks oh no right he died to poison okay so i gained a slimed exhaust but that's fine because he's pretty much just done for we do this poison you like he's gonna take three poison i think i should defend and then he takes poison i take two damage not so bad and then we just yeah strike strike i think this run is going a lot better than my previous one but it's really hard to tell and i need to start using my potion slots as well whoa zero mana deal four i'm on board also somehow we're like approaching the last boss oh question marks can be fights as well okay so we obviously backstab then we neutralize then i guess we're just gonna go survivor because now i can go poison stab into strike and then he's pretty much dead next turn and i could just save all of my power potions for the last fight now nice i can go slice quick slash get my gold get a strong card slice zero mana deal six yeah let's do that and i don't need to rest let's upgrade a card in our deck uh what do we want it to be zero mana deal nine [Music] eight damage and four poison deal 12 draw a card three seven block i feel like the free seven block is gonna be pretty important i'm gonna go for that one because like dealing damage is important but it seems like against the boss fights like getting free blocks matters all right mister dude what do you do this enemy's intentions are unknown well i get to do a lot of stuff deflect backstab slice slice uh yeah acrobatics just go to defend we are kind of doing some stuff here that was fun at least the next turn is not gonna be as fun because i won't start with two extra cards in hand but i don't like that i don't know what's happening what is this attacks for six damage six times okay uh let's backflip [Music] so i can go up to some amount of block but i feel like weekend will be more effective if i can hit it yes four times six much less scary still scary but at least beatable he takes poison damage he hits me for just a million damage oh i think i'd probably want to use a power potion here oh i should have used that to begin with i didn't realize power meant like upgrades whenever an attack deals unblocked damage apply poison he's only gonna attack for four okay i like that so let's do this and we can backflip and we poison stab and we slice i'm figuring this out let me do that that was seven poison okay so i was supposed to do that at the beginning of the turn because i think the power stays with me for like a couple turns he's gonna attack five by two he was much stronger before wow the power cards are insane i need to find some of those i don't know where you get them but i very much am enjoying them i'm shielded for seven i guess we're just gonna strike and then survivor he has nine poison now and the power stays with me what the heck this seems insane let me draw some cards discard i don't even have to discard i just go slice spike strike this is ridiculous oh no this seems so easy now i am getting burned but that doesn't really affect me right now we can deflect to gain some block what is this this antennae enemy tends to block and use a buff but he's just getting like infinitely poisoned get us that thing uh i guess i want to acrobat that's because i can discard the burn that feels good and i can slice and poison stab 17 poison seems good to me uh 11 by 12. so i can backflip block and draw two neutralize that i mean five by two is still a lot [Music] we discard this burn and then we strike and then i think i should be able to kill him next turn [Music] he's just gonna hit me for six and poison me let's start with acrobatics it's called a strike because i can go slice slice poison stab strike then he no he doesn't die oh i miscounted oh he goes to one that's fine we just kill him here so i don't know is that the end i got an achievement i get gold i get a card in my deck whenever you play card gain one block so that is a power skill kind of like whenever you play a card deal one damage to all enemies is that actually good in my deck though i think so cause that just stays forever ooh at the end of your turn you no longer discard your hand elites drop additional relics when defeated one pick up attain one potion no this seems like what i want because now i can keep the good cards in my hand okay so it doesn't end here we keep going and i fill my health up all the way okay this seems this makes way more sense i was like the complexity of my deck was like really bad but that's just the first stage sweet all right there was a little pause there um let's get to it where are we going there's a lot of enemies here i don't really know any amount of strategy of picking this whoa okay some cool things going on with this dude he's gonna shield but he's just gonna die never mind he has 25 shield he's not going to die and he has three stacks of artifacts you can't debuff him okay well that was an exciting turn how do you kill this i legitimately don't know how to kill this we acrobatics as i discard a strike can backflip and i no longer discard my hand so i can actually keep everything i want we end the turn and we just oh my gosh that is the dream i'm frail gained 25 less blocked from cards for five turns what no this seems unbeatable uh he's gonna hit me for 20. all right we're hitting this power potion oh poison is the way to do this let's get a power potion dexterity and food is blocked whenever you attack deal three damage back whenever you play a card gain one block i like that why did that go in my discard why did i go into my discard oh no i guess you can only have one power card per turn well that's not good um i mean we're gonna poison strike then slice hey i'm just gonna take a million damage okay this is well i got farther than last time but uh my hand is full okay so i was at maximum hand size it it appears i can deflect gain five block backflip i guess i need to play some stuff okay we're gonna do that we can backflip i'm guarded for eight i still need to defend one more we can quick slash the deal one draw card and i could neutralize him i guess i guess i could just do that next turn because i'm not going to take any damage this turn i want the debuff to last as long as possible yeah neutralize you oh it's negated okay what is this thousand cuts oh and then i'm frail um i guess we're gonna survivor i don't think i can defend against this we can discard a strike because i have like a million of these and then defend for like a very sad amount and then defend for like a very sad amount and then take eight this is what i wanted to do but i don't even have to do that now because i could just kill him deflect now he's at 20 out of 20. yeah we strike quick slash right oh that was way harder than i wanted but i do get a power potion back so now prepared is interesting because i never have to empty my hand so if there's a bad part i could just use prepared deal 12 damage if you have discarded card this turn gain two draw cards until you have six cards in your hand i don't know if i want any of these that prepares all right it's good it seems to be like there is a discard theme so i'm not bored with that a long line of hooded fingers can be seen entering an unassumed cathedral naturally you join the line and are quickly started by cultists what is ritual dagger deal 15 damage if fatal permanently decrease this card's damage by three i'm just gonna take the gold oh pleated armor at the end of its turn it gains 14 block receiving unblocked attack damage okay all right let's do this backstab get rid of your pleated armor thing quick slash neutralize i can deflect to gain seven block i can backflip to gain extra block i don't really need defend right because he's gonna kill me let's backflip to gain some cards i can strike i can slice and i can wait to prepared that might have been a mistake because i think you draw up to a full hand no you just draw the same amount of cards in return okay so now i don't think i can kill it that's prepared like slice more than strike i guess he's gonna be shielding a bunch so we can just like acrobatics and we can discard strike and then i can like survivor discarding and defend then play and defend to go up to 13. and i think i'm gonna wait to slice because i think he's just gonna be at nine defense permanently oh that's right i just wanna keep a thousand cuts in my hand so i could do this deflect to gain some block it only gains three block uh oh okay do that then i can yeah we'll slice slice and turn i really really really like not discarding my hand but i'm gonna take more damage here but now my hand is full but whenever i cast a spell he takes one so gain six block discard this strike let's do this discard strike i'm not doing any damage to him that's okay because i'm blocking his full attack now frail wears off now now now we're ready to do some stuff yeah neutralize you he's weakened we can quick slash i can backflip for five block and two cards but i think i just want to survive over here and get rid of uh defend because now i'm fully good and then we can poison him and then and turn i think the max hand size is like 10 you draw four or five every turn but now we can just like kill him i think right i have like slice slice strike strike nice okay we did pretty good there see what cards we have going on draw one card if you draw a skill game three block honestly i'm all about this deflect plus zero amount of cards when you can like fill your hand up seems really sweet i don't know this guy does a powerful negative effect not a fan backstab i guess there's really no way i can defend against it let's discard defend then we go strike strike end the turn perplexing glare which whenever you draw a card randomize its cost uh oh oh no wait that's actually pretty good whenever i play a card deal one damaged all enemies okay that's really sick actually um so now i can do this and do one well i guess we probably want to deflect seven block this is eight block i may as well just do this and discard the two cost strike hit with a quick slash yeah i can slice him then i can prepare to discard this strike and then i have eight and he's gonna hit me for eight receive fifty percent more damage from attacks for two turns okay well backflip costing zero is pretty nice so we can deflect neutralize you i cannot poison strike or anything because they're so expensive let's backflip and i have enough defense i can acrobatics to just completely fill my hand [Music] let's just hit him with a strike oh gosh okay so he's hitting me for 16 now when i get a free defend re-defend re-deflect that doesn't matter free strike i guess i can poison him okay not taking any damage still but i'm about to get really vulnerable oh no it goes away oh sweet nice nice okay he's gonna hit me for 22. that's a lot i think i need to try and quilt kill him here but all my cards cost like a million all right survivor is free so let's do that discarding three cost slice then we can do prepared discarding three cost slice uh i don't think i can kill him i could do two strikes for 12 that's not enough i can survive or plus defend against 13 on top of my 8 that's probably good enough this card expensive strike let's play this i take one damage that's not so bad really though like uh messing up my the cost of things is really kind of problematic can slice i mean i think i'm just taking a bunch of damage here yep taking 12. then quick slash that randomizing card cost absolutely demolished me the 11 damage next turn gained that absolutely absolutely so i can oh that's scary but they're all going to use buffs all right let's kill the weakest one if we can break strike strike twice and i don't need to guard yet i think he's gonna buff himself and then hopefully i can just kill him next turn yeah they're gonna get strong very soon so we need to kill them now they're all going to attack i can strike i think let's start with acrobatics draw three discard one oh a thousand cuts deals one damage to all enemies i'm going to take 18 right now but i have slice this card this defend then let's play oh play a thousand cuts then we can gain some block neutralize this one slice this one i have seven block um i should deflect again i have 14 i'm getting hit for 10. and i can prepared but i think i'm gonna wait because now they're about to hit me for a bunch but that's okay i think i can do some stuff we can backflip plus survivor yeah back flip survivor games and block goes up to 13 they're gonna hit me for 14. get rid of a defend and i guess i'm just gonna i'm gonna take one damage we're just gonna flying knee this guy and end the turn i take two okay two is not so bad famous last words okay they have 12 i need to kill this guy that 12 is ridiculous let's do eight damage draw a card slice was excellent you go to 13 uh we can i'm definitely gonna use this that hits it for damage poison strike does effectively nine oh back flip's good i like that game five black draw two i can neutralize i have enough block so i guess i neutralize here then i flying knee this one and then i poison this one yeah yeah yeah okay i take no damage he's poisoned he's very strong but so am i uh we could just kill him right strike strike kill him with a defense i took some damage from that fight but that's okay call this potion choose a color scanned card added to your hand deal six damage for each attack played this turn um that is exactly what we were looking for myth uh can i upgrade this oh my gosh i don't need the heal i have the the lizard tail thing uh i should probably visit a merchant though i think i probably need to buy something card removal yield four damage for each skill in your hand gain one artifact exhaust i could buy a potion at the start of your turn apply two poison to all enemies that's really good for going super defense i think we're gonna start removing cards i can remove quite a few um i don't think i like prepared i guess it's free which is good with a thousand cuts let me get rid of these defense i'm gonna replace them with backflips oh i can't remove another okay so we're basically just gonna replace the defend with backflip then and then start each copy with four plated armor oh that's good whenever you play ten cards draw one card just gave you blocks i want to start each combat with four-plated armor we're just going off okay let's go oh we just go straight to a bonfire i feel like an upgraded card is better than i upgrade this oh my gosh all right we're playing storm over here and we get a treasure chest we are getting so strong old coin upon pickup game 300 gold seems good uh do i want to fight a boss or do i want to go to the question mark i'm kind of scared of the boss so let's do question mark stuff a man with an eye patch and a devilish grin strides it to you hey there stranger interesting in advancing science i can make you stronger than any training or blessing get jaxed lose 3 hp gain 2 strength transform 2 cards obtain a special relic 30's combat with three strength at the end of your first turn lose three strength okay so now i'm just really strong at the beginning i kind of like that so now this is kind of a direct route just go this way i start with three strength and i can just do ridiculous damage so this now does 18 what do you do you're gonna block and you're gonna use a buff so i think oh oh wait why do i have five energy i don't know why i have five energy but oh that's right i got the the skill that gives me energy when i'm done okay well let's go a thousand cuts and we can backstab you then i don't need to deflect let's backflip deal 11 damage for each attack played this turn one attack played okay i can quick slash so finisher is gonna do 22 damage [Music] flying knee does 14 damage to kill this and i think that's probably okay if he shields for 15 he's gonna hit me for six by three so i need a way to make him weaker actually do i even really need to he's gonna attack we can deflect deflect uh backflip that seems pretty good i kind of want to save the three attacks so i have 19 block strike strike and then right this is gonna do eight for each attack played this turn let's just go big let's acrobatics and discard the defend because i keep all the cards in my hand next turn i'm going to just cast all of these slices then hit him with the finisher oh yeah slice place poison stab strike uh prepared discard this spit it with that hit him with the finisher yeah that's the dream weak potion apply three weak next turn gain two energy deal four damage to all enemies twice deal 12 damage if you've discarded a card game that i have like two things that discard cards this seems insane though um yeah i'm gonna pause it real quick and come back in a second all right we're back ready to fight this dude um we did armor spore cloud this is the one on death applies too vulnerable so you if possible would like to kill that one second [Music] but i think i mean we can do a whole lot here deal seven damage to all enemies twice that is pretty ridiculous um [Music] so i'm gonna get attacked for 18 damage here deep like deep like the 17 defense i guess i don't have to cast this turn one but it will do the most i think we are just going to kill this rat at which point i could just do this backstab is like major overkill it's acrobatics it's called this defend nobody needs defense uh now i can strike plus slice oh never mind i do like infinite damage this should kill it yeah it doesn't it's upkeep and now because i'm super strong we can backstab this slice this and then deflect deflect i'm not like super happy with that turn but i did kill the rat which matters 15. he's gonna use a buff and attack me for 15. okay okay uh i can defend and survivor to game 13. let's start with a quick slash draw a card there's the finisher can i kill him i don't think so oh maybe i can slice for six he's gonna lose four and then go to 41. and then i strike for six and he goes to 35 and there will be two extra attacks so this is gonna do eight times three is 27 so we'll go to eight so that won't do it so we're gonna play it more safe for this turn yeah i can't take 15 here okay good good job talking sense into me and i can slice because that decreases that by one oh you know what i keep forgetting that i have this like fleet mail thing 9x2 is 18. okay so i can block yeah so i i block four forever so we can just start with backflip oh neutralize is really good uh don't want to neutralize this turn i don't wanna yeah let's neutralize now he hits me for 12. i can backflip again and i have 14 defense and i can find me then end the turn i think we're going off i think we're doing it i want to get more ways to get cards out of my deck i think i might be able to kill him now [Music] yeah poison strike slice strike i guess we prepared here this card strike yeah this is gonna kill him so we strike then finish it [Laughter] all right give me a good card give me a good card prepared i still don't love at the start of your turn at a shiv into your hand is pretty good so i will do that i don't know if you can have more than one power but i imagine you can whoa upon receiving attack damage gains three block block gain increases malleable is triggered oh no resets the three at the start of your turn can i just try and kill this right now so if i attack him here he just gains three block and if i do this he gains nine block this is like the anti-storm card he gained six block is the 14 all right i mean that is 24 block okay it goes away good good now we just kill him oh right here's that stupid that's that stupid thing uh okay can i kill him yes neutralize wait i don't actually know if i can kill him 7x3 is 21. all right let's neutralize this guy oh i get it okay so it's only when he takes damage after the block goes away okay i can work with that i think so we can slice this four because i'm weakened strike does four wow this guy's like pretty annoying back flip so i have seven and he's gonna hit me for 15. so we can deflect and deflect is going to give me almost enough all right can i kill him strike does 4 but then he's going to gain 4 armor waste this for right i think i can just kill him strike this for strike there slice okay i'm glad i saw the line okay deadly poison applies poison this turn your next skill is played twice oh dagger spray obviously you get like ridiculous buffs in this game i start out very strong i did not get a dagger spray but i could just straight up so this guy's gonna block this guy's gonna block and use a buff [Music] all right let's kill this dude [Music] why need this dude and then just go strike strike i might as well use slice while i'm strong because he's not gonna do it like yeah i might as well just do the damage while i can we're not done yet he applies strength it said he was gonna block but maybe not all right let's neutralize you does it say not attacking okay all right well we'll neutralize you poison you dagger spray you draw some cards let's draw a card no oh that'd be so good i was supposed to draw sooner because i just attacked with dagger spray i didn't need to and this would do like a bajillion damage all right we can end the turn here he's not going to attack me it said what i see you're just going to summon other dudes sort of your turn add a shiv to your hand like that like that a lot um so we're gonna save up for the finisher for next turn so we can backflip and then this guy's gonna do something mean a thousand is going to be really good if i could cast that um just do prepared just for this defend and i have more strikes than i can actually cast this turn i think we just want to kill the leader and then end turn because we're gonna use the finisher next turn i have a nine plus four block he's gonna strength boost his whole team now if i don't kill them i'm gonna take a lot but we're gonna kill them i hope oh and we get a shiv too oh that's so good so this does four damage to all enemies twice so how do i do this deals eat damage yeah dagger spray like kind of scared i don't know if i should be but i am this is gonna do a lot of damage you know what let's just go all in on this guy this shiv splice deflect [Music] deflect finisher does not even kill him [Music] uh 12 times 3 is 36 and i'm only blocking 12-36 plus 8 wait am i just dead oh no 36 plus eat uh hang on let's use this colorless potion here you're gonna plug blonde reduce the skill cost of a random card in your hand to zero this combat doesn't super help so for your discord file in your draw pile and draw one card i guess i want to blind this guy but now i'm taking 93 is 27 plus eight is 35 and i'm blocking 18 of that which is not a lot let's just kill this dude i should have done this differently but i think we're okay i mean okay is relative we took like a million damage so he's doing 28 all right let's go doesn't really work right i don't like this i played this so badly uh okay poison strike does nine strike does six so that puts us at 15. shiv does four so that's 19. i think i can kill this guy poison strike strike shiv strike and we just hope that this guy does not summon more more gremlins during his turn which he's going to okay okay now we got this uh 15 times three i have to do 55 damage okay um can i do that much this does eat this does eight and then these two do more than eight but that's only like 30 something i can block in total five plus eight is thirteen almost seven is twenty but i'm still going to take ten damage if i do that okay so that's not great though what are we doing here let's get a power card what is intangible reduce all damage taken hp loss to one i guess we're gonna do this whatever you play why did i go to my discard what happened last time is my hand full like uh it probably i think my hand was full and then it just goes straight to my discard which is very frustrating one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so 10 is the maximum if your hand is greater than 10 then the potions just put it directly into your discard pile it seems all right we're going all out i would die anyway so let's do that i should have done this first but it's too late strike a quick slash dark hard and we will deflect i maybe shouldn't even deflected because i think he's just gonna kill me and then that's that oh yeah yeah this got used i'm at 20 and he's just dead blind apply too weak neutralize i was supposed to play this first but i think shiv actually yeah shiv shiv strike is not enough maybe acrobatics oh there's finisher okay discard defend finisher all right i played that really badly but we're we're learning whenever you obtain a curse increase your max hp by six discard your heart then draw that many cards that's pretty good but i think i just like poisoned stab it does a lot of damage i think i probably have to rest up and i don't have very good uh action items weak potion apply three week we can creature to deal 25 less of damage with attacks so we're going to start out with infinite blades i think i think we're gonna hit him with this okay infinite blades i like he has a lot of health that's acrobatics [Music] uh deflect will pretty much protect me so let's discard defend flying knee quick slash to draw a card backstab because it's good [Music] and then if i can prepared into the finisher that would be pretty nice here so i guess i do go for that no but i can trade [Music] these just deal 9 damage right away and this will just protect me do that and yeah we just want to get as much damage down as we can while we're strong at the beginning of the turn [Music] oh gosh frail and vulnerable he's attacking for 18. all right let's backflip [Music] there's the finisher uh poison stab you we're gonna save up the ships until we can just kill him with the finisher i think uh so right now i have three plus four seven defense right because i'm weak so i gain like no block from anything this is 10 defense if i go to defend again i'll be at 13. so i can really do right now this is with him being weakened as well oh my gosh all right let's go with i just have to take 13 damage here because we're gonna go with a thousand cuts and just hit him with a strike the next turn we have all of the shivs i'm taking a ton of damage but hopefully this finisher can do a bunch for us [Music] all right let's go for it uh yeah shiv shiv shiv is finisher xl itself it does not okay slice dagger spray does that do more than strike yes dagger spray finisher does eight times six damage we're still we're still not out of it yet oh boy what are you about to do my sir okay he's gonna hit us for a lot [Music] we can neutralize him wow that weakening him does a ton so i only take 18. i have two guard and this will put me up to devin guard [Music] yeah you know what let's play this turn really safe survivor discard strike deflect defend i take two damage this turn oh and i can poison stab him okay i don't hate that but i'm losing all of my free blocks he's only attacking for 13. which i don't hate uh i guess i'm kind of locked into using the finisher here but we can start with one two three four five six seven eight yeah i kind of locked in using the finisher here even though i'm weakened for only one more turn because i'm already using up the shivs um because i don't have enough hand size for my back flip i'm taking 13 i have five defense let's use prepared ooh backflips good just got a strike as i can backflip again oh i can deflect and then finish her okay i don't take any damage that's good [Music] and my weakness wears off as well which i like and he's not attacking me so we can flying knee i'm kind of getting this he's not attacking so we just want to like flying knee and then use like the bad ones like strike or we want to like dagger spray and i think acrobatics one two three four five six seven eight no i just wanted dagger spray again i think three four five six seven and i may as well just slice because i think i draw four per turn and if i have seven cards i just get fewer card draw oh oh oh no is this where i died 24 times two oh no i don't have any activated things okay if i want to defend this i need 24 defense i don't have any card draw except for acrobatics all right i think we just have to find a finisher here oh i i did that wrong that's right i wanted to right your mac i keep forgetting the maximum hand size problem let's do shiv shiv i think i'm dead i think if i had maybe not used up my maximum hand size thing i would be okay i guess we can prepared flying knee does more than a strike slice flying knee finisher does 40 yeah that's not enough ah it was a good run it was a good one but we made it to the second boss this time instead of the first boss in our previous run through so we're figuring it out i think this one the bane of my existence was maximum hand size that really messed me up a lot oh i can unlock new card double the enemy's poison deal seven damage if the enemy has poison deal seven damage again apply six poison when the enemy dies deal damage equal to its max hp to all enemies that seems very good but only if you're playing against a lot of creatures kind of like pain oh you just unlock all of them oh right that seems good all right thank you guys for watching i will continue to improve hopefully i'll figure out the maximum hand size thing i'm really enjoying this game so i will be playing it a lot you guys there
Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 3,069
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: steam, indie game, gaming, strategy, puzzle, lets play, slay the spire, sts, rougelike, rouge-like, card game
Id: pj1bA0FPepM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 21sec (4521 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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