Of Course We Puff Here | Storybook Brawl

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hello and welcome back to more storybook brawl well i'm just gonna go on a speech about how i'm trying to rank up but let's take trophy hunter i just like i feel like i pretty much just have to auto pick this character because the things you can do with it are so sweet like one of the best things is good boy trophy hunter so like you get a giant good boy you slay with it and then suddenly your good boy is like you know 100 100 and then you can keep slaying with good boy because it's big and it just grows exponentially i think this is the closest thing you can get to like true exponential growth and i'm just a big fan um what i want to start with i do like starting with chicken i think in general that's fine it keeps you open and it makes it basically makes you like slightly worse early right we could take a 2-3 um and then like we would win a little bit of the early fights but it makes you slightly stronger later on because you can trade your units off easier actually you know what i'm convincing myself i want to be strong early i i don't know if i can afford to take the health it's i mean that's a bit of a chicken right i can take it change my mind and it's not a huge deal woohoo run in the back row pollywoggle respectable uh okay you know what let's make make some big bad billy gruffs oh no let's start oh i have a cracker in my mouth i'm sorry i'm secretly eating between rounds and that's why i was cutting for the editing definitely no other reason but we're good we're good um we could take double chicken this could be like the best of both worlds let's go for the greed nice we get double chicken and one of them's fairly big this is actually a pretty good setup we have two pairs a lot of them have three toughness which is really important early on and then we have double chicken going into level three meaning we can like suddenly trade this for like a much stronger unit this is a good position to be and i have time to get the cracker out of my mouth or like drink some water and stuff so that'll be nice all right we're all good eating between recording is something that i almost never do but sometimes i do and you i guess now you know three four on the three three three three on the three one oh this is like perfect we're kind of stomping people like losing five health this early is pretty big and having a comp that doesn't rely on supports is really nice uh i do like sandrack in fact we could be like very strong right we could go send track into this and then get this so that like pretty much anyone who [Music] actually want the two to no we'll put this here pretty much anyone running like a bunch of one ones is just gonna get wrecked by falling stars if sandra gets a slave we can keep pulling ahead and like this toughness boost makes our actually i think i want to distribute the toughness i have a three four and a three six because having three attack is fairly common so i want to like minimize the number of characters that die to it although i guess i'm gonna have uh one damage but then that's even more important because this will go down to effectively two toughness so putting up to four makes it so that you know you need at least three power to kill this that makes sense you'll see what happens in the fight and then maybe it'll make sense there oh we got the slay off uh hey as long as that goes there wow they're like quite strong the upgraded princess and then getting the double buff from that is pretty big uh there's a dark wood creeper i always love me a dark wood creeper i'm gonna take this just to make it a one four and there's another vampire yeah i think that's worth selling for here we can roll again i will probably triple the bad billy graph oh and there's a wicked witch in the west too so we can get rid of this really bad baby root in fact do i want to play down a unit to trade baby root for wicked witch of the west because i can sell the chicken and baby root uh it could be worthwhile in fact i think it kind of is just worthwhile so i'm gonna do that and then next turn we have bed billy gruff plus luna's grace to go off that way and the the reason behind this is like we want to get the vein fires growing faster and we want darkwood creeper to do stuff too and this kind of helps with both each one goes there ah man they get the attack off with the thing and they kill my thing oh all right well we're definitely losing this fight we were strong for like a hot second but their daggers plus the bonus they got just makes that very difficult ring of regeneration secret stash i feel like this is actually fairly good to get early on just keeping yourself alive is very important um i can take a spell weaver i can lose grace but now that i bring a regeneration i think ooh like this falling stars is great with what i currently have and then i can take sleeping princess just because it's big i end up in this comp so often i guess i want to take this because with falling stars the donkey will give us a character and that'll be good for like exactly one turn but we're about to hit level four which is where trophy hunter like comes into its own there's a lot of good uh level fours like the one that when it dies slay um friendly spirit the one that when it dies gives its power toughness is something else you can start comboing those and then if you have like baba yaga plus grim soul um grim soul will like attack and slay get two sleigh triggers um because it's doubled from the attack and then get two slave triggers from dying and then you get four slay triggers and then if the thing that you're triggering slay on like is to the right like you could just do some ridiculous stuff hopefully i can show you but we'll see oh well we got med mim okay there board is really strong like what is happening we're getting absolutely wrecked we were so strong for like two seconds all right well we get another falling stars which i like uh there is a puff puff which is unironically kind of decent um yeah i want this here and i'm willing to sell the donkey i think this queen is gonna be fairly strong here and then we'll just see like puff puff is the long-term dream if i find another puff very quickly in the next like couple turns um i could see transitioning to pumps otherwise you know we'll do other trophy hunter things or you know we could get romeo juliet there's a lot of stuff but i think taking the queen short term gives us just a little bit of a boost because she's gonna get like one two three at least four buffs so she's gonna be like an eight eleven um and then with the falling stars it's gonna be like a 911 which is really big i'm still not sure if i wanted the secret stash versus ringer for generation it feels like the regeneration ring like long term would give me more healing but i oh no i do have to survive until there don't hit the puff okay not the end of the world i get two sleighs and if they don't kill my puff here no wait where did that oh they summoned that with mordred that's pretty disgusting actually okay okay that killing that was good we still take a huge chunk of damage though oh there's another puff okay and a friendly spirit and then we triple the vampire of course uh i guess we're going to get off this dark wood creeper and the witch oh wait we have double puff put this here we still want the vane pyres uh the queen is kind of awkward now so we can replace it with the friendly spirit or i can sell the queen and then try an eenie meenie miney moe into the vain fire okay that works out really well i guess and here we get uh crystal ball oh no ben moon bed moon is what we want we get to do this and this uh something like this we want this puff to slay so when this does it's gonna get a buff every time one of my things slays they get plus almost two permanently so like uh if puff puff slays it's gonna get a boost in addition to it's gonna get like three different boosts really oh that's bad that's bad okay i don't even get to slay off my vampire but this does get a sleigh and the puff gets a sleigh okay okay i'm down to six but we are trophy hunter puffing there's another puff come on i believe we need another puff oh grim soul double grim soul uh yes this can work right this has to work puff puff the evil mage how do i buy this other grim soul the problem is i need to survive like more fights but we're like we're turning the corner here we're getting stronger every time one of these things slays it's going to get much bigger uh i don't know how to do this i guess the answer is for now i don't oh there's another puff and another grimacel please let me survive you know what i'm actually gonna sell this billy gruff right it's a seven seven this is a five two you know let's tell the witch buy this health just like every tiny chance we could have of surviving let's go for and do something like this in fact i guess i want the puff to go first we can like backdoor the vampire because if the puff attacks and slays it's just gonna get really big okay come on puffs another slay another puff trigger please kill the ranged yes okay that goes there oh my gosh am i still gonna die no i'm not dead oh that's really close all right we're at three we're at four honestly i'm just gonna use the end here to gain some life uh i think i'm just gonna because i just need time i'm just gonna buy this and use the end to gain life and then we just roll looking for more puffs and things uh we could go [Music] hmm this triggers a sleigh i mean i kind of just want all the puffs front line running friendly spirit last is a little bit awkward but i really want the puffs to get their sleigh attack so i think something like this does make some amount of sense because we want them to get as big as possible because we we really need to turn this corner and get the puffs up to like 30 30. we need to find another puff puff as well because only having three is not the best i might actually regret my decision to go with the end for life gain i thought it would go up higher i'm only at eight and that's not like basically if i lose here i'm still probably dead okay that didn't kill my puff they were hercules and i didn't get any puff slays oh no no all right i think we're dying here unfortunately that didn't even get a sleigh and they're just gonna range down ah there's no justice in the world you try and puff and this is what happens eighth place we were so close everyone was just so strong all right we're gonna go again i believe it's how am i supposed to turn that down i think if we literally had like one or two more turns we would have been like quite strong but that is the plight of puff puffs also just the plight of trophy hunter but i can't not take him because if it works out it's so sweet okay we're gonna do this uh what's the character we want the best probably pants shadow paint shadow's good track is good i think parent shadow is probably the best the early game strengths aren't anything but humpty that was the worst option other than humpty but we'll take it we'll take it you really are hoping to hit like evil characters on turn one with pans or i guess turn two is more important so you can like double character so we'll see if hopefully we can get two characters next turn and also i guess the benefit of pan shadow is you are a little bit more likely to triple stuff just because you have more units so i guess that makes crafty a little bit better oh nice okay so we get to go bad billy gruff and i can take baby root i can turn baby root into an evil i character i'm gonna do that mostly because we're going to be stocking up on evil characters so just like getting them now like increases my chances of doubling or tripling and maybe could make this crafty do something who knows but we're playing as the cursed king which is basically panned shadow but better although you do take damage every turn so it does add up oh my gosh well at least we get to crack one of their humpties ah we could do the humpty gambit ourselves um what do i want to do here i guess we're gonna go cinderella plus baby root and we're gonna have like a three six a six five and then two two twos i don't wanna take double humpty i think that's bad especially considering we just played against someone who got humpty so like the chances of getting the triple are just much lower oh actually in situations like this i really like putting my tutus in the back row because of specifically baby dragon and we got him yeah i was gonna say because basically my comp could fall apart pretty easily if the baby dragon attacks my baby root but because the dragon almost always has two toughness just putting tutus in your back row to like decrease the chances of them sniping just your baby root is really nice we're not really seeing evil characters but that's okay i guess because now we have lucky we can get like do i even want prize pick i don't even know if i do i think i'm just take lucky and roll and that works kind of nicely so i can take this we can buy another minotaur we're gonna put this up here we want the minotaur to go last to increase these dudes attack uh do i want to do anything else like sell this crafty or a chicken yeah i think i like doing that uh okay their board is not super strong they just changed heroes how did they change they must have been peter pants right cause i thought it was all a dream is like a level six spell i actually don't understand how this is happening but we did win so i guess we'll take it uh yeah i'll take a spell weaver now and take the one cost princess and transform her oh that's excellent oh my gosh all right we get to do that we get to do this uh i still may run this baby route somewhere like here and i still have three gold left over that's quite good uh let's roll crafty doubly no all right i'll sell for the spell weaver uh i feel like this is actually just better than running well i don't know seven toughness is pretty big i think for this turn we are going to oh seven five versus six five ranged is definitely better we can make that switch uh yeah for this turn we're gonna run the baby route but we're hoping to replace these labyrinth minotaurs or like triple them so they take up one slot and things will get easier that way oh doing two to everything is pretty brutal and we hit the wrong unit but that extra toughness gives us an extra attack and kills the frog so i think it was worthwhile but early game of ella with the tree the corrupted heartwood treasure is just a force to be reckoned with ooh we get to triple the spell weaver i like that we also get a zero cost dragon i guess power or bad moon i'll take it well the problem with treasure map is we're about to hit something with cinderella i'm just going to take power orb because it's quite strong uh we're playing against mad catter so we're unlikely to get the spinning gold stuff but i just want cheap spells and i want to kind of maximize my chance of getting one okay how am i doing this the stag is pretty good i could run something like this yeah that seems about reasonable that way we're just hoping the stag attacks giving this three attack makes it into a three seven or four seven which is pretty good and we just gotta hope that mad counter isn't too ridiculously strong but we'll we'll see we also really have not been taking advantage of pants shadow no oh that's so bad all right that's fine we attacked there that attack's there ugh yeah but they have this broccoli which is just huge at least we killed their unit that decreased the amount of damage dealt to us that's pretty good okay what are we doing here well we can get a one cost of romeo we can get a one cost med mim that is a three four due to power or plus two labyrinth minotaurs i could buy the scam cats i guess i start there fountain of youth piggy bank secret stash uh plus one health would be nice that would make it much easier to get rid of the baby root so i guess i'll do that i don't think i'm strong enough for piggy bank but i'm not quite weak enough for secret stash so we'll just take the small boost here the chupacabra i can run chupacabra and try and buff up my spell weaver the tube is just such an awkward unit in general that you don't like necessarily usually want to run it but i guess getting it this early and cheaper is kind of nice we could do something like this oh sporco's good fill these two for sporco 94125 i don't like this but i don't really have the time to switch it yeah i don't like running the deer front line just by itself but oh i'm not even supporting it with the wicked witch yeah that's really bad that goes there all right these cats better do some work what do they have oh book of heroes that makes sense that goes there we do win this fight but we definitely could have positioned better because we we have this deer in front of the wicked witch which is doing absolutely nothing well we can find wizards familiar for free i do like the toil and trouble spell i'm gonna sell this i think the witch is what we want um the weird part now is like i guess i just do this with sporco in the back i'll get this spell because i do enjoy it um there's a vampire if i want to keep going slay but i don't really i'd rather just have chupacabra boost up my ranged units so i don't think i'm going to take that another spell weaver is tempting i could also move into court wizard stuff but i think i'd rather look for like pairs or triples yeah so let's sell the dragon for another sporco and at this point i could see just running sporco instead of i could do something like this maybe this is a six seven now our background is like a bunch of range units and if chupacabra gets to slay then uh we're giving these like making our sporcos much stronger this feels like an okay comp okay and we give sporco a boost but they did do two to everything which i don't like no big donkey no okay we killed bing donkey and we get a sleigh but the vulture is like really big same with the pig uh i think we're just dying here yeah upgraded vulture is unbelievably strong okay we can roll uh this is pretty good actually let's sell this i think i like this unit it works well with the sporco stuff and it helps the queen of hearts so i can do that a lot of humpty dumpty's going around okay tripling sport goes great that frees up the back row slot which we actually needed a uh i guess i'll go with reduplicator because that will let us summon two five five sheeps which actually is pretty nice and then i can do something like this and i will even sell the lucky to make my spell weaver stronger or my sporco stronger i guess sparco yeah this feels like an okay comp uh [Music] you have the queen the thing goes last yeah this feels reasonable and as long as we free up a slot by something dying this will summon two sheep and there'll be six sixes uh plus buffs they have the mummy what the heck is this comp oh my gosh all right well double german gand mummy what is happening how are people getting these ridiculous boards so quickly i actually don't know am i dead potentially no we go to four what is this comp okay well we are behind i'm scared of the cursed king now when we're playing against davella who's like the highest ranked i guess i triple this plus two attack until i lose a brawl is that more important i think i like this we're gonna do that instead of found a view because basically if i lose a ball i'm dying so this just means my characters have plus two attack uh we can give monster extra attack i could take monster book it's pretty big but i'm really looking for something like spawns units like another sheep and wolves clothing or something so let's roll roll yeah i don't want that oh that's pretty good i'll buy this 15 11 i feel like that's got to be just better than the queen and honestly i'm in dire situations here so we're just gonna buy this spell and put neon sea tear up front so that this can stay back and give everything a boost and then if we get to survive we do get to level five i don't know if we're gonna be able to beat this avella uh maybe no ah that's so bad that tree is so big okay we kill the tree we killed that that dies that survives no we lost the attack no oh we were at 11 attack and then our guy died and shrunk our team ah we can never catch a break oh well well whatever this was fun see you guys next time we were close right like we did everything we could if you made it this far into the video you're clearly enjoying the content so if you want to help support me being able to make more content there's two ways to do it the first is free and very easy just follow me on instagram you get you know to see cool stuff like this cat made out of trees or this dog that's an island um some very interesting or trippy videos like this one which it's not for everybody um the other one is just going to my store my cell art like the ones i've shown so there's a lot of cool stuff there you 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Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 4,016
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: auto chess, autochess, auto battler, autobattler, free, budget, steam sale, cheap, game, strategy, combo, storybook brawl
Id: DK98RQ1Sl9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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