The Matrix Iceberg Explained

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when the matrix was released into theaters it paved the way for hollywood blockbusters to come the protagonist neo is awakened to the knowledge that the world that he has been living in is nothing more than a computer narrative and throughout the trilogy a simple yet thought-provoking question is presented what actually is reality from the bellatic performances of martial arts to its innovative visual effects such as bullet time the matrix shot a spotlight onto different entities in media by pulling inspiration from anime cyberpunk novels comics and many other forms of media but the tremendous success of the matrix was a double-edged sword with the often perceived lackluster sequels seemingly never being able to exist without the overarching shadow of their predecessor the filmmaking department was not the only revolutionary piece of the matrix the philosophical undertones presented through the films left many pondering the true meaning of the film questioning whether what they saw was truly reality even with the trilogy of the matrix ending many questions were left unanswered and answered questions was still being challenged with every scene being presented to the audience subtly relaying cryptic allegories with the fourth installment of the matrix series resurrections set to hit the cinemas at the end of this year it seems the time is right to delve into the theories and mysteries of the matrix priming ourselves to analyse whether the new movie will further strengthen leave open or completely refute these theories in this video we'll be going through a matrix iceberg charts an iceberg is a format that theories and mysteries can be presented in with the higher parts of the iceberg containing more simple and commonly known theories and facts while the deeper down the iceberg the theories have found the more complex and mysterious the theories become this iceberg was created by reddit user haggisman and it doesn't just cover topics around the original trilogy of the matrix there are many other elements of the matrix franchise referenced the canon of the matrix franchise is not strictly defined but we can suggest that canon would follow the works of the creators and directors lana and lily wachowski there are many short animations and comics which invited other artists to paint their own interpretation to the matrix universe and these can be loosely placed within the matrix timeline but more majorly there are three video games that had their plots written by the wachowskis enter the matrix further the stories of niobium ghost following their lives before the event of the matrix reloaded the path of neo pretty much follows the plot of the three films with the main difference being the final fight between neo and agent smith the wachowskis here actually explain this in a short speech before the final boss fight meaning the rest of the game should be close to true canon and the last game is the matrix online which was a massive multiplayer online rpg and this enabled players to inherit the storyline of the matrix with the events of the matrix online taking place after the event of the trilogy while the script for this game was written by comic book writer paul chadwick the first nine of the ten chapters of the matrix online had input and was verified by the wachowskis an open question for us to consider is whether the fourth film of the matrix which is assumed to happen after the trilogy will stick true to what the matrix online presented even though it was considered a true matrix story by the wachowskis it had limited success so many people who will watch the film will be unaware of the events of the game so if the matrix online events are indeed true they will have to echo them in the fourth movie somehow because of this whenever i mention events of the matrix online or theories about the new matrix movie i will display a spoiler warning along with a time stamp stating where in the video you'll be able to skip to for some spoiler-free viewing in saying that there have been some rumors the new magic resurrections is just a continuation of the first matrix film with a press release from warner brothers stating that the matrix resurrections is a continuation of the story established in the original matrix film so there have been some questions with not only the matrix online's narrative but even if the last two of the matrix trilogy movies will be part of the resurrection storyline i think that the matrix 4 will have to acknowledge and utilize the law introduced in all of the movies in the matrix trilogy with characters introduced in the later movies like naobi and from a more crucial law perspective the merovingian making appearances in the matrix 4 so surely their origins will have to be recognized now that we've taken our red pills let's drop down into the rabbit hole of the matrix iceberg [Music] the first layer of this iceberg is mainly examining the other tones of the matrix so if you want to skip to a more theoretical examination feel free to skip to the next layer the matrix can be interpreted to reveal many hidden journeys and stories these are known as allegories with the most commonly known one of these being plato's allegory of the cave plato compares the lack of education in individuals to that of prisoners being chained to a cave being unable to turn their heads all that they can see is the wall of their cave these prisoners watch shadows on the wall giving names to them but they don't realize that there is a fire burning behind them and there are in fact puppeteers behind the prisoners casting shadows onto the wall of the cave the prisoners believe that the shadows are reality and do not realize that it's not in fact an accurate representation of the world if an object like a chair is placed behind them and casts a shadow on the wall the prisoner could say that's a chair but their chair is referring to the actual shadow they are looking at when in fact the real definition of the word chair is out of sight behind them there is no spoon plato's work public explains the prisoners who are free from the cave will come to understand that these shadows on the wall are in fact not reality at all and this is what philosophers are aiming to do having their ambition to understand higher levels of reality the matrix is the embodiment of plato's cave plato's cave details a prisoner who is freed being dragged outside of the cave initially he is blinded by the light and is confused resisting being let outside but as time went on he adjusted and was able to see things around him discovering that life outside of the cave is much better than his previous life inside of the cave when he goes back into the cave to share his discovery with others he is ridiculed and met with violent resistance choosing the red pill in the matrix is like being a prisoner pulled out of the cave being plunged into the real world this is not the only philosopher's view expressed throughout the matrix the sense of an external world is heavily insinuated through similar veins of thinking to that of french philosopher rene descartes descartes goes on a philosophical journey in which he doubts the entire existence of the external world quessy jones links us to the matrix with neo doubting his own existence yeah i know this never happened you don't exist take arts ponders how often has it happened to me that in the night i dreamt that i found myself in this particular place that i was dressed and seated near the fire whilst in reality i was lying undressed in bed neo also asks a similar question you ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming descartes speculates that if we can feel awake during our sleep then it's quite possible that we could be in a sleep state for the entirety of our reality this proves to be true in near's reality with the red pill leading him to discover that his whole world was in fact a simulation designed by the machines in descartes case his doubting of reality leads him to conclude that god the external world and minds do indeed exist which leads us to another allegory presented through the matrix the messiah not only was the matrix film deeply profound on the philosophical level many drew a deep spiritual connection from the matrix movie some such as matrix fans user mark turner saw constant christian symbolism through the matrix mark suppose that the truth the reality of the matrix is a metaphor for the holy spirit as through our own powers of intellect we struggle to understand or even accept the truth the website the matrix matrix's messiah movie explores this christian symbolism at a character basis detailing that parallels can be drawn between the christian messiah jesus and the matrix messiah neo the first parallel we can draw between jesus and neo is the name neo's real name is thomas anderson ander is greek for man and combining with son this is the son of man jesus was often referred to as the son of man even his first name thomas could be more loosely linked to the disciple doubting thomas neo was always doubting never truly believing that he was the one neo is later killed by cipher a member of the nebuchadnezzar crew and in a similar vein jesus was portrayed by judas who is a member of his disciples but the christian allegory becomes a bit more clouded here as while jesus was the target of betrayal with judas in their matrix he didn't actually betray neo who was jesus the agent instead wanted cypher to portray morpheus both neo and jesus sacrificed themselves to save the rest of humanity and they were later resurrected jesus was resurrected after three days and three nights in the heart of the earth but neo is resurrected in a much shorter time period curiously three days is seemingly represented through neo dying next to room 303 with the number three having a special meaning there are many other comparisons that can be compared between the matrix and christianity with the movie seemingly becoming less subtle as they progressed however js lawani sees more parallels to buddha as opposed to jesus with the matrix the bald orphan with the spoon is paying homages to buddhist monks and their philosophy of sanyata neo like buddha had his eyes open to the truth and realized that everything was an illusion and then spent his life reducing the suffering of others there were chaos themselves stated in an interview that they were influenced by buddhist ideas but on the other hand in the path of neo they did state the sacrificial christian imagery that was also portrayed in the matrix perhaps the many different undertones of the film helps people from all backgrounds to enjoy the movie and in turn led to its popularity 9 11 passport expiration date in the first matrix film when agent smith is interrogating thomas anderson a photocopy of neo's passport can be seen the passport has an expiration date of september 11 2001 which is the exact same day the september 11 terrorist attacks occurred as the movie was released in 1999 this is a strange coincidence most likely though this was derived from his original birthday on the 13th september 1971 with him obtaining a passport a day before he turned 20 and the expiry of this contract happening after 10 years as a matter of fact the september 11 attacks did actually leave a lasting impression onto the matrix trilogy the matrix in theory book explains this the original matrix movie has neo morpheus and trinity acting as freedom fighters attempting to destroy the matrix of 1999 but when the sequels were released in 2003 the original narrative would have been rejected by many especially americans and many thought that this kind of story would undermine the american civilization so the part of the sequels changed with the movies focusing on saving zion with the matrix as a whole being downgraded in importance spoilers for the matrix 4 but perhaps the press release stating that the film would continue the first film story is actually meaning that the plot could be reversed back to destroying the matrix as opposed to saving zion now it's time for us to question reality and theorize deeper at the surface layer of the iceberg smith is the true one theory within the matrix there's a special piece of code that is carried by a randomly selected being this being is known as the prime program the one the one was prophesised to destroy the matrix end the war and bring freedom to the people at face value neo is seemingly presented to us as the one but is there more to it than meets the eye matpat over at film theory theorises that neo isn't actually the one but it's agent smith but before we dive into this let's determine what we know of the one morpheus states that the one will be born inside the matrix they'll have the ability to change whatever they want and they will destroy the matrix thus ending the war bringing freedom to the people as the matrix ages humans continue to reject the matrix introducing anomalies the one is the sum of all these anomalies with their purpose being to reinsert their prime program at the source resetting the matrix and restoring order on the surface neo is presented as the one throughout the film neo does seem to be the one with him sacrificing himself to end the war between humans and machines and through this reunites himself with the source but matpat states that as the one was prophesied to have been born inside the matrix it cannot be neo as he was born in a harvest pod by the machines on earth matpat also outlines the specific wording of this quote when the matrix was first built there was a man born inside when the matrix was first built neo doesn't seem to be in the previous version of the matrix that we know of with the architect stating that the matrix in the films is actually the sixth version of the world matpat speculates that agent smith could have been around since the start of the matrix with both neo and agent smith also being able to change the matrix and both bring destruction to the matrix so they both seemingly fit the description of the one the theory concludes that during the final battle between neil and agent smith the victory is only due to agent smith controlling neo who is jacked into the matrix from the source due to this agent smith inadvertently returned his code the true prime program to the source resetting the matrix matpat does go deeper into this theory so definitely check out his film theorist video if you want to understand his points in more detail but i'm not entirely convinced that this theory is fully sealed as morpheus said the one was meant to bring freedom to our people would suggest freedom to the humans mort bianca counters the film theorist with his exact point saying that smith's intention was actually to crash the matrix leading to the end of both machines and humans being a rogue program exclusively thinking about himself as for the battle ending when agent smith controls neo after the first movie a part of neo went to agent smith so potentially the sum of neo and agent smith are the sum of the one and to further these counter arguments we've been focusing this theory on the prophecy quote of the matrix explained by morpheus morpheus and zion believed that neo was the second incarnation of the one whereas the architect explains that he was in fact the sixth so this prophecy is not entirely without its flaws the magic explains suggests that the one is just a lie created by the machines in order to absorb the anomalies and give the illusion of choice improving the matrix each version they further the previous anomalies while being absorbed by the matrix could have their reinserted code being morphed into a simulator program now a potential spoiler for the matrix resurrection this could mean that the neo we see in the new matrix movie is actually a simulation of the previous one ultimately though the ones representation in the trilogy's timeline has way too many signs to ignore that neo is in fact the one from trinity becoming in love with the one to even the matrix online blatantly referring to neo as the one it's pretty much a closed case as for who the previous prime programs were well that's a different story merovingian is a previous one theory there are many exiled programs in the matrix with many of them being smuggled in by the merivinjian the oracle stated that maravinjin is one of the oldest of us coming to the matrix a long time ago the mayor of indian himself has stated that he's been around for many iterations of the matrix telling neo that i have survived your predecessors and i will survive you kik strickland speculates that the marabindian was the one in the previous matrix the wife of the merivinjian tells neo the merivinjian used to be like him could that mean that maravindian used to be the one he does seemingly hold a lot of contempt towards the oracle perhaps because he has been lied to or manipulated to in the past there does seem to be some underlying subtle connections between the merivinjian and neo as when neo is at the mobile avenue station he is wearing the exact same outfit that the mirror vinjin was wearing in the matrix reloaded but in the matrix online the kid writes a blog hinting that the cyborgic french gangster of mirovinjian is an operating system this leads people who just know to believe that miravinjian is not actually a previous one but could rather just be from one of the previous versions of the matrix the merovingian is a trafficker of programs within the matrix but perhaps he could be more broadly defined as a trafficker of information an operating system itself could be described as a transferring of information between programs and the computer hardware and the meri vinjian stresses that it's his business to know it's also the oracle's business to know knowing the future the oracle also explains program deletion maybe it breaks down maybe a better program is created to replace it happens all the time and when it does a program can either choose to hide here or return to the source the maravindian shows great to test for the oracle perhaps this was not because of her deceiving him while he was the one but it was actually because the oracle replaced mirabinjian causing him to become an exiled program this theory is more legally termed as the nightmare matrix with this version of the matrix actually being the second prototype this matrix is supposed to be the origin of the merovingian and his wife the architect explained that the nightmare matrix was made to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature these grotesque parts of humanity could have been materialized in nightmarish creatures such as vampires or ghosts the creatures that survive deletion of this version of the matrix became the exiled henchmen of the merivindian now let's fabricate further into the body of the iceberg we've gone through some interpretations earlier in the iceberg but there's still one more interpretation of the matrix that at the center of the matrix a trans allegory is being portrayed this allegory has been heavily explored by netflix film and to some extent confirmed by lily wachowski stating that at the back of her and lana's minds they were most likely pushing these points at a subliminal level one of the characters in the matrix switch epitomizes this analogy switch was originally intended to be a male in the real world and female within the matrix with actor belinda maclaurie originally auditioning for just switch's matrix form but warner brothers made the decision to cut this gender changing when entering the matrix with lily stating the corporate world wasn't quite ready for this kind of message but further remnant of a transgender story can still be seen through the matrix the red pill and blue pills in the film are ways of defining how individuals view their reality and this could be a symbolism for hormone therapy andrea long shoe theorised in her book females are concerned that the red pill is actually estrogen being reflective of the common red color of the pills back in the 1990s so upon taking these pills the individuals transitioned from one identity in neo's case thomas anderson to neo his chosen name it's supposed with this analogy the agents are representative of the transphobic in the world agent smith only ever refers to neo as mr anderson with emphasis on the mr dead naming is the use of an individual's birth or former name with other person's consents often rejecting a person's identity agent smith in this case could be purposely rejecting thomas new identity as the one and he refused to believe that neo could in fact be the one the rabbit hole in this allegory does go slightly deeper and i do encourage you to check out netflix film's twitter thread that i'll put in the description if you want to read more about this allegory xylem simulation theory the zion simulation theory more commonly known as the matrix in a matrix theory such that the real world which the city of zion is a part of is in fact another matrix the matrix was inspired by jean-paul rillard's symmetra and simulation and the real world is described by morpheus as the desert of the real in reference to bod willard's work the matrix reality is so much more engrossing compared to the real world of zion with cypher really pushing this point home with the restaurant scene of him eating steak board rillard also theorised that the often depressing and ironically alien nature of reality results in humans losing hope and enthusiasm we can also see this through cypher who rejects the real world to stay in the more confident world of the matrix ignorance is bliss but as the film progresses design itself feels more and more like a hyper reality with the technology advanced city becoming increasingly harder to determine whether it is indeed reality what if the world of zion was actually designed by the machines to be a despairing and desolated version of reality in order to position the matrix as a much more desirable choice neo himself is able to utilize many of his powers in the world of zion he's able to destroy and control sentinels which could be explained by neo having a connection to the source with the power of the one extending all the way back to the source which is what neo felt when he touched the sentinels but nier was also able to see a code of sort in the real world while he's blind and agent smith himself is able to override bain's mind completely in the world of zion neo could just be seeing the movement of the machine constructed source in the real world but the explanation for why agent smith could seemingly take control of bain's mind seems a bit more complex valorum suggests that agent smith could have just been inside baine's implants the humans that were born for the matrix have implants all over their bodies with some implants going directly into their brain these implants could have been advanced enough to be able to hold the virus of agent smith and allowed him to puppeteer bait himself this would also explain while during neo's fight with bane when he's blind he can only see agent smith in front of him being the code representation of the real world ultimately though design simulation theory if proven true in the matrix resurrection would pretty much discard most if not all of the value of the previous trilogy's films with neo-sacrifice watering down to being a useless act of heroism blipstein carries these thoughts furthering that while zion is indeed completely controlled by the machine having been destroyed at the time of their choosing many times before there are many hints around zion primarily its asymmetrical structure that alludes it was not created by a machine at all but it was carved by many tribes of humans following the announcement of the matrix resurrections another theory similar to this has emerged and this part will contain spoilers about information in the trailer of the matrix resurrections so skip ahead if you need to but this theory centers specifically around the scenes with neil patrick harris his character seems to be a machine controlled therapist prescribing individuals like neo with blue pills in order to prohibit them from awakening and seeing reality through the use of a red pill but what if the rolls were reversed basket of pizza suppose that perhaps blue pills are actually medication to keep individuals sane and healthy while a red pill will act like a drug sending the consumer into a trip resulting in them seeing a crazy world that includes robot insectoids and underground cities zion does seem to have a party atmosphere perhaps the matrix world is indeed a normal happy world when neo feels out of place this results in him sinking to drugs taking his mind to an alternative world where he fits in while this fan theory could certainly be proven i feel that it would be like the cheap getaway excuse of it's all a dream and will probably leave a bitter taste in our mouths so this will most likely not be the case before we enter the last layer of the iceberg i'd like to mention the concept that i believe was missing from the iceberg humans is a power source many theories and questions surround the idea that machines use humans as a fuel source for all their machine needs more vs explains that the human body generates all the electricity through their body heat but that doesn't really make sense as humans consuming foods to produce heat is just less efficient than burning their food in the first place it's rumored that the wachowskis originally had it scripted that the human's bodies were not batteries but rather processes for the machines where their brain to be able to make computational decisions and calculations this concept was later changed as in 1999 computers were just starting to make a large impact in the world and it was figured that the older audience would not be able to grasp the concept of processes so they changed it to the simpler form of batteries so unfortunately this dummy down of the plot did allow potholes to seep in from what we can tell at the surface but what if the script wasn't just a simple change from a processor to a battery what if the underlying structure and intention of the matrix was changed as well even though we are led to believe that machines won the war and enslaved the humans as a poor form of power they are giving humans a much better life than what they want to be in in the shell of what was left of earth perhaps the humans actually won the war against the machines but kept some machines alive reprogramming them not only to think they won the war but also they needed to keep the humans alive as a source of fuel ultimately though it seems like the humans being battery for the machines had more to it than meets the eye lana wachowski relays the statement that humans wouldn't be able to power a system to like saying a car battery wouldn't be able to power a car with the energy of the humans being related to another larger energy source and we do need to remember that this is indeed morpheus telling us the facts about the humans being batteries perhaps he doesn't know the whole truth or he's even misinformed now let's get deeper and reach the source of the iceberg the matrix online the following few theory discussions contains potential plot spoilers for the matrix resurrection the matrix resurrections is seemingly taking place a while after the original trilogy but likewise the video game the matrix online was also taking place after the trilogy also having the guidance and approval of wachowskis lana wachowski is also returning as a director of the matrix resurrections so perhaps looking at the plot of the matrix online could reveal or at least guide us in the direction of the plot of the matrix resurrections at the end of the matrix revolutions neo seemingly sacrifices himself to defeat agent smith ending the war with zion but in the matrix online the oracle stated that neo had the foresight to realize that the world would one day be in need of his omnipotent presence again so he's put the fragments of himself inside the matrix which could then be used to once again bring peace to the world this leads to many individuals rushing to gather nearest fragments which they could then use for their own purposes these purposes could seemingly be watered down into three factions the zionites the machines and the mayor of indian the zion knights were set on protecting humanity including all of those that were blue pills the machine faction on the other hand sought to protect the balance of the matrix both of these factions had radicalized sub-factions the zionites had e pluribus neo or epn a cult-like following they were dedicating to continuing the work that nier had started and were led by kid splinter factions of the epn often used weapons such as code bombs to forcibly awaken the blooper population the cypherites were the other group of radical red pills and they were violently against the idea of awakening blue pill humans following sarva's impression their ignorance was bliss and splinter factions of the cypherites would attempt to forcibly reinsert red pills back into the matrix the cypher ice were led by kryptos who was a zionite captain during the war against the machines but he had mysteriously disappeared re-emerging no longer a red pool activist but now a blue pill wannabe it later emerged that during this transition kryptos became under control of machines with many zionites viewing this as a direct violation of the truce between the machines and zionites by neo this was one of many fractures in the relationship between zion and the machines they both tried to maintain civil relationships with the machines even creating agent pace a more friendly agent to act as a liaison between the machines and zion but this tension never eased [Music] the machines never returned the physical remains of neo to zion which plagued morpheus's mind consuming him with a thought the machines were intentionally holding onto the one's corpse like the extremist factions morpheus embarks on a personal terrorist campaign using code bumps to force the red pill onto people without their consent but this resulted in the blue pills going insane dying in the process and if left unchecked this had the potential to crash the entire matrix system thusly morpheus became a wanted man by all the organizations with some players rushing to defuse morpheus's bombs in order to protect the truce while others were fighting to protect the bombs themselves but morpheus's destructive streak ultimately led to his own destruction a powerful program known as the assassin successfully tracked down morpheus and entered his life this assassin was alluded to have been sensed by the merovingian with the leader of the exile surviving efforts to end his reign and slowly built up his influence aiming to achieve his complete goal of getting rid of the oracle once and for all the maravindian was also encouraging the use of corrupted exiles which was destabilizing the structure of the matrix potentially accelerating towards another reboot after morpheus death niobe created a faction to bring justice to morpheus aiming to bring down the assassin and once discovering the sinister plot of the merovingian him as well during this time the zionites who had lost their trust of the machines and were convinced that the truth was only intended to last seven years began to construct a new zion secretly stockpiling emp devices and preparing for a war the machines discovered this and saw this as a break of the truths and immediately ordered that no more awakenings were to be allowed which definitely ended the truth between zion and the machines the complicated intertwined stories of the matrix online were unfortunately never completed with the matrix online being shut down before the narrative was complete due to a repetitive and buggy gameplay coupled with a low player count when the matrix online was shut down in 2009 there were less than 500 active users still playing the game but the matrix online could still provide answers for some questions in the matrix resurrections while morpheus does seem to die in the matrix online there is room to explore that he could indeed not be dead a fractured broadcast appeared later in the game seemingly originating from morpheus himself stating that neo was still alive and he was being held hostage in the machine many people believed this was indeed the real morpheus with the bulls that were used by the assassin to kill morpheus not actually killing him but just jamming his transmission preventing him from broadcasting within the matrix but others theorize that these transmissions were made by a digital clone of morpheus created by an exiled program called the general the general's vendetta was to reignite the war between zion and machines so potentially he was using morpheus to help enact his plan yet this is not where this theory ends this fabrication of morpheus is supposed to have managed to gain some awareness of his past self being able to fight back against his orders and to become a new alternative version of morpheus this could be the morpheus that we see in the matrix resurrections trailer being an alternative exiled program are the morpheus we knew of in the trilogy there's another unfinished story in the matrix online that i'll cover in this video and that is of sarah edmonton's it was revealed during the matrix online that both neo and trinity's bodies had not in fact been recycled which is when the machines liquefy the bodies to feed the human battery still plugged into the matrix so this raises the question as to what the machines had actually done with neo and trinity's remains which of course leaves an opening to a connection to the matrix resurrections sarah edmonton was a woman who had mysteriously awakened from a coma and escaped the hospital early in the matrix online saga not much is mentioned about this character but curiously sarah edmonton's is an anagram for thomas anderson so many agreeing with morpheus that neo is in fact still alive thought that sarah edmonton's was in fact a reincarnated neo but the sarah edmonton subplot was abandoned as change in the writing team led to a loss of the idea of what sarah edmonton was actually meant to be so this mystery might unfortunately be forever lost in the deep chasm of the rabbit hole oligarchs in the animatrix short the second renaissance the original war between the machines and humans were betrayed during this time there were actually humans that sided with the machines thinking that the machine should have rights ian kemp questioned if there is any evidence to suggest if humans were ever fully isolated from the machines during the machine war in the magics online there are a group referred to as the oligarchy a group of people who sought to forge a treaty with the machine they secretly contacted the machine and detailed to them how to remove some of the original human control systems in their programming and with the machines finding this information to be accurate they came to rely on the oligarchs for guidance with the oligarchs themselves receding the aid of machine science in return the oligarchs appeared to have been human beings prior to the first machine war but over time as their human bodies began to deteriorate they transferred into robotic vessels having the ability to override code and defy the laws of the matrix the remaining oligarchs in the matrix online have lost their moral sense and become insane often fixating on the idea a true transfer of their consciousness back to a human host similar to what happened with agent smith and kryptos but what they also uncovered was that neo and trinity were in fact a machine experiment of translating human dna perfectly into machine code and the program that created them was sought after by the oligarchy to be able to transfer themselves back into physical bodies but the oligarchy would ultimately fail at this with a resurrected trinity becoming the key to rebooting the system once and for all removing the oligarchy control this could be a reason as to why trinity along with neo can be found existing in the new matrix film yet while trinity and neo are in the new matrix film i don't think the oligarchy will make an appearance this was an incomplete storyline made during the demise of the matrix online being pushed by writer rarebits who had a much weaker connection to the rochowskis than the original writer paul chatwick did but who knows maybe this extra ingredient of crazy is just what the writers want for the new matrix film so that brings us to the full awakening of the completion of the iceberg i hope like me you open your eyes to the full reality of the matrix and saw more of the complex dimensions that make up the franchise let's hope that matrix resurrections and hopefully more movies to come keep adding to the depth and meaningfulness of the matrix that have already gotten so many of us in growth to begin with if you want to absorb yourself in more matrix content i recommend having a look at neomatrixology whose channel is dedicated to everything matrix thanks again to hargest men for making this iceberg charts they also have a youtube channel called awkward gm gorban where they post videos to do tabletop rpgs send them a comment if you enjoyed this iceberg i'm sure they'd be happy to know that someone was inspired enough to make a video on it and finally as always thank you all for making it through this video i'm really enjoying creating these iceberg videos and it's amazing that there are people like you watching these if you have any suggestions for what videos i should do next iceberg or not feel free to make them in the comments because who knows maybe i'll make a video about it i mean that is how this video did originate after all i hope to see you all again soon [Music] you
Channel: natiscool
Views: 220,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matrix, Resurrections, Revolutions, Reloaded, Neo, Thomas Anderson, Trinity, Carrie-Ann Moss, Morpheus, Agent Smith, Agents, Source, Matrix Explained, Video Essay, Iceberg, The Oracle, The Merovingian, The Architect, Oligarchs, Sarah Edmontons, Assassin, The Matrix Online, Battery, Processors, Zion, Switch, Nightmare Matrix, Perfect Matrix, The One, FilmTheory, MattPat, The Machines, Zion Simulation, Reality, Philosophy, Narrative, Jesus, Judas, Plato, Allergory
Id: _E57vEeRtMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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