The Most Disturbing Haunted House of All Time: McKamey Manor

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hello everybody today we're going to talk about what is considered by many to be the most disturbing horror attraction you can find and i use the word attraction loosely it would be more accurate to call this place a torture chamber a torture chamber that is so intense that despite a twenty thousand dollar reward for anyone who can last eight hours no one has done it and that is of course the once friendly haunted house now turned nightmare fuel mckaney manor as mentioned mckaney manor was once your standard halloween attraction but over the years through a story we'll break down today it earned a reputation as the most controversial haunted house in the world those who travel to mckaney manor are subjected to abuse of every kind and the bizarre nature of its existence attracts just as many critics as it does followers mckaney manor also has youtube channels that chronicle these experiences for lack of a better word and by piecing together these videos accounts from participants as well as accounts for mckamey himself we can put together the whole picture and understand the story conspiracy and secrets of the most infamous haunted house in the world i'll go ahead and give a content warning now there will likely be disturbing images as well as some video segments throughout i'm gonna try to keep it separated to just the non-graphic depictions however as you're gonna see that's not an easy task and at the very least abusive situations will at least be talked about so if you don't like the idea of people being tied up be waterboarded buried alive all at once which would be understandable then you may want to set this one out and while you're doing that i'll be here suffering and if you're familiar with mckamey manor then some of the stuff i said in the intro about the twenty thousand dollars and calling it a haunted house and all of that may seem controversial but don't worry we're gonna get into all of the mysteries and lies in a minute i just have to set the stage for everyone who's not familiar to it don't worry we'll get to the juicy stuff in a minute there's a few things i want to point out before we get started for one if you didn't see my last upload i am working with the director and writer of the scp overlord and scp dollhouse films to bring you all stalker shadow of the zone we currently have a kickstarter up to fun the movie and at the time of recording you guys have donated over 90 000 with over 1 000 backers i am blessed beyond measure to have made it to this point you guys have brought this to a level that i never could have imagined and thank you all for that we're still not done though we still got a ways to go the link to my video explaining it as well as the kickstarter itself will be in the description and there's a lot of cool backer tiers that hopefully you can get something cool out of so if you donate or share thank you so much for being a part of this and hopefully we can make something great together the other thing i want to mention is to the manual reviewer who's going to be watching this video because youtube has decided to manual review pretty much everything i put up and they also like to demonetize things that follow the community guidelines so i have to then go fight them on twitter to get that turned around i would like to re-emphasize everything that you are seeing is not only within community guidelines but any depictions of violence are fake or absolutely necessary for the sake of the educational aspect of this video my audience has been incredible and has continued to show love support and engagement in spite of the restrictions the videos receive but nevertheless please stop demonetizing my videos during their most important time of growth and then reinstating them afterwards and to everyone watching thank you so much for allowing the channel to continue to grow and do well in spite of these shortcomings you all are fantastic and i couldn't do any of this without you so above all else thank you for being here i also want to give a massive thank you to jay aubry as he not only made a great video about the mckamey manor that inspired me to make this one but he is also helpful in sourcing some clips that i couldn't find and i highly recommend that if you enjoy this topic check out his video on it as well i also want to thank louis lane primic and several other people who i'll mention throughout the course of this video for also making fantastic videos about the manor that really helped in research and again if you enjoy this video then you'll definitely love theirs i'll link them all in the description below so if that sounds interesting to you then stick around as we break down the nightmare of mckamey manor but before i talk about something that let's be honest will probably make your day a lot worse let's talk about something that will make your day better like today's sponsor raycon earbuds at half the price of their competitors with the best package and audio quality you can buy it's no secret why raycon earbuds have over 50 000 5 star reviews with a design that can amplify your sound while isolating outside noise and a design that also lets you toggle an awareness mode so that you can be aware of your surroundings recon earbuds are not only useful but thanks to the oil rubber design of the earbuds themselves they are also very comfortable while you're wearing them and it's thanks to that sleek design that whenever you wear your raycon earbuds no matter what you do or how you turn your head or activities you go about your raycon earbuds will never fall out on my recent beach trip i wore my raycon earbuds while i was by the pool on the shore and not only did the battery life last me all day they were so comfortable i would forget i was wearing them and that's because no product is suited for your day-to-day activities like raycon earbuds raycon earbuds offer a 32-hour battery life with 8 hours of play time on top of that the earbuds themselves feature a large push button on the side that you can use to pause your music skip through songs turn up the volume and even take a call between its comfort design and accessibility there's nothing that can make your summer better like the raycon earbuds so why not start making it better today because today if you go to the link in the description at buy forward slash windagoon you will be able to get your raycon earbuds for 15 off that is right you can get 15 off your order and start experiencing the raycon earbuds today that is by raycon dot com forward slash windagoon to get in on this deal while you can thank you all so much for watching the video and thank you so much to raycon for sponsoring the video it really does mean the most hope you all check them out link is in the description and we are back to the video we're gonna go ahead and get into it but as always thank you for watching now to understand why a murder dungeon got so popular in the first place we need to take a step back and see where it began and to do that we need to look at the guy who started it all russ mckamey from a young age russ always had an interest in halloween and entertaining people because of that haunted houses seemed to be a natural fit in college russ pursued his interest in theater as he had always dreamed of becoming a sort of showman and this interest followed him everywhere he went when russ was in the navy he would even throw these halloween haunts on the ships he was stationed in so whenever he made his way back to his house in san diego he began to host what are called home haunts home haunts are exactly what they sound like someone setting up a haunted house inside of their own home now the majority of home haunts are along the line of something called a boo haunt there's a lot of terminology in the haunted house fandom abu hunt is exactly what you imagine you walk down a hallway with some cobwebs and then a skeleton says boo and that's kind of the vibe because naturally if the person who's hosting the home haunt doesn't have a lot of time or money to invest in what they're doing the attraction will probably be relatively basic now i for one absolutely love haunted houses i think it's so cool to get a group of friends and just walk into some random guy's house and hope that he's not going to kill you now obviously high budget horror attractions are going to be the ones with the more spectacle right they're going to have the better effects they're going to be longer they're going to have better planned out scares but living in southern appalachia there's not a ton of those to go around so the majority of haunted attractions i go to are ones that businesses or individuals will set up on like a barn at the back of their property and to me those are always the most terrifying like whenever you go to a big high budget place and yeah while the effects will look objectively better whenever a scare happens you know that the place has signed all this paperwork saying that no one will be injured and they have all these osha regulations and they're going to make sure that no one can get hurt on any of the equipment but whenever i show up by myself at some guy's house who doesn't have a mailbox and i walk behind his house into a barn that says enter here and some teenager runs at me with a hockey mask and a chainsaw i know how to turn off a chainsaw i don't know that he knows how to turn off a chainsaw and that's what living's all about i mention all that to say that at least in the beginning it seems russ was closer to the latter example he would have the scary hallway set up throughout his house with maybe a couple zombie or skeleton mannequins thrown in here and there and whenever you walk into the backyard a couple of kids with fake chainsaws chase you around to the front yard again something basic but to set all of this up and invite strangers into your home you've got to love what you're doing and for those who know where the story goes and thinks i'm being too nice right now i'm painting a picture we'll get to that but if you're like me and enjoy haunted houses then part of what you enjoy is probably the thrill of it turning dark corners not knowing if you're going to get jump scared or running through the woods hearing chainsaws behind you part of the thrill is to get a little adrenaline rush and then immediately overcome it but as soon as you overcome it the next question is can i go further because just like with any other adrenaline junkie we're always looking for the next scare the next big thrill and people would say the exact same thing to russ so he decided to oblige them now as i get into the timeline of events they're a little foggy the majority of record keeping comes from short mentions on the mckaney manor youtube channel as well as interview clips from russ and participants so i'm fairly confident in this but it'll be fine it seems in 1995 that mckamey manor either began or began in earnest as seemingly after only a year or two of normal home haunts russ decided to kick it up a notch each year halloween became a bigger ordeal instead of preparing a week in advance he would prepare a month in advance instead of being open on halloween weekend he was open all of halloween week he began to hire more actors when kids from the local high school wanted to come scare people on halloween week and each year the scares got more elaborate and from the footage i've seen he built some pretty awesome haunted houses however people kept saying the same thing make it more scary so russ wanting to be the entertainer couldn't resist he went from building props to complicated machinery instead of a scary mask flying at you a giant spike wall would drop down from the ceiling stopping just before it hits you rooms went from creepy hallways to these completely transformed environments and by 2008 it went from open for one week to the entire month of october with a constantly rotating staff of actors inside in all honesty the guy built a fantastic haunted house the production level he was reaching rivaled companies that do it full-time however the primary thing that set those companies apart from mckamey manor was audience retention and i mean that literally it's pretty common nowadays for someone to be touched or shoved or maybe even grabbed inside of a haunted house but in mckamey manor it was more like an abduction again the information i'm going off of is around 2008 because that's when the youtube channel started uploading and from the videos that we can find it was uh a lot people were grabbed and had fake blood poured on them people got locked inside of a coffin thrown into vats of freezing water and one clip i found russ is explaining how he built this metal cage where you get handcuffed to the side of it and then repeatedly dunked in water over and over which is like one or two steps away from an execution it's around this time that watching the footage from documentaries and videos uploaded to the channel that people who were just in it for the halloween spirit started to bow out and i mean for good reason no one wants to go out for a night on the town with the boys just to wind up in a guantanamo bay sequel however it seems that russ was developing a dedicated audience because those people who just wanted it to keep getting more and more scary were getting exactly what they wanted and it seems that it was great for business as well as at this point people were traveling long distances to come see this final boss of haunted houses so for several years the house continued to operate as a standard haunted walk through where you're occasionally locked in a coffin but as the years went on the experiences became more curated from the videos it looks like it went from being placed in cold water to being thrown into it and maybe dunked a few times for good measure you weren't just handcuffed you were blindfolded and pushed around a few times as well they started incorporating things like tarantulas and making people eat live bugs and a lot of this is still within the realm of the fear factor kind of thrills that you may expect from a place like this however one of mckamie manor's claims to fame was that there was no way out once you got into that house you were not coming out until they were done with you and depending on how much they wanted to do to you several of these walkthroughs could take hours and it created this very harsh divide where people came out of the house either swearing off the entire city of san diego forever or coming back the next day to do it again and it was in this niche of people who couldn't get enough of the torment that russ found an interest so again he wanted to go bigger it's also during this time that looking at clips of mckamey his interest becomes less in the haunted house itself and more so in the presentation of it like whenever he gets asked why do you do this why do you torment these people he always says it's for the footage because the footage is what his fans want to see [Music] sure i don't stop the show because i got to see you active in moving hands moving arms moving so now he's not only upping the stakes for everyone else but for himself which i mean he was always doing that but it was more apparent now around 2014 2015 again the dates are a little foggy he decided to build a completely new facility on a farm located around san diego just before he was finished with the project he was ordered a cease and desist essentially the city was hassling him on paperwork and they were going to charge a bunch of fees and it wasn't even for sure if he could get the certification to continue because as you could imagine the state wasn't really on his side like sure a haunted house was no problem but whenever people start to get cuts and bruises after attending it caused people who were unaware to raise an eyebrow and slowly this mob of critics began to form against mckamey as a matter of fact it was an angry resident who tipped the city off to his new project so mckaymie now fed up with everything decides to totally reinvent himself instead of one month out of the year being dedicated to a haunted attraction mckamey manor began a new project called the chamber and if you're familiar with any of the stories of mckamey manor the chamber is probably what you're thinking of instead of happening for one month out of the year it would happen every weekend of the year this seems to begin around 2015 or 2016. to get in you had to contact mckamey directly and every event was dedicated to one person or group of people at a time and instead of a haunted house it became what i can only describe as systematic torture this was done through an escalation of violence where initially participants were blindfolded and sometimes gagged before they began to be sweared at and shoved around then the shoving would escalate to slapping as they rotate between being waterboarded having their hair cut off forced to eat disgusting things and tied up and submerged in any sense you could imagine this was when the manner was at its worst for one this seems to be the maximum intensity that the violence reached they may have been harsher on single individuals that we'll talk about later but by and large this was the most intense that it got across the board and two and more importantly this violence was not yet common knowledge see mckamey manor had built up this reputation as something that's definitely an extreme haunt again see the homemade hate box but that's still a far cry from showing up to a place and getting pummeled and spit on for half the day so tragically people came expecting a haunted house and ended up in the chamber an example of this is from the youtuber gabs i'll leave a couple of her videos in the description but she was one of these people who expected a haunted house and ended up with more than she bargained for and just as i mentioned earlier there was no way out see mckamey manor isn't the first extreme haunt believe it or not there's like a ton of these they're not as advertised or popular to the general public as your normal haunted houses but extreme haunts have their own developed following blackout for example is famous because everyone involved the actors and participants have to strip completely naked and then survive and while that concept is terrifying to me and you hopefully the common through line with all of these extreme haunts is they all have a safe word regardless of the scenario regardless of how intense it gets if someone wants out they always have the opportunity to get out mckamey manor prided itself on being the only extreme haunt that did not have a safe word now you're probably asking yourself at this point how is any of this legal because from my description it sounds like an assembly line of assault and battery which it is and the way it's legal is kind of nebulous for one russ mckamey never charged money for mckamey manor all the way from its beginning he never charged any money the price for entry was you had to bring a 50 pound bag of dried dog food because russ was very active in local animal shelters and had several dogs himself which if nothing else is one golden lining in this filth so because of that it wasn't a business where russ had to supply goods for payment it was russ who had a home and you who were presumably coming there on your own accord and while he mentioned that there was some hassling he received from the fire department regarding safety inspections he didn't have to follow the guidelines that most businesses have to follow like you know the geneva convention the other detail is that anyone who came to the chamber had to sign a waiver and if you've been to any haunted house or really any amusement attraction you've probably had to sign a waiver saying that if you're injured or killed that your family won't sue or the business does not hold liability and just because i signed that doesn't mean i expect them to kill me but at mckamey manor that was a legitimate option and mckamey's waivers would say things like hey you may be pushed punched scratched waterboarded that essentially removed him from liability there's a couple fantastic videos about the legality of mckamey manor's waivers see i'm not the only crazy one we're all into this stuff one of them was by lisa miller who again i'll link in the description but a point she made in that video was the difference between negligence and gross negligence in other words if a waiver is designed to remove responsibility that responsibility is normally for things that are expected to happen the example leisure used is if someone slips on a wet floor and a haunted house they would probably have a right to sue because that's not to be expected in a haunted house whereas at a water park they probably couldn't because at a water park the floor is likely to be wet and according to that weird stringent of legality at mckaney manor you're likely to get beat up now if you're also asking yourself how can it be legal for a group of people to just beat up someone i point you to legal eagles video which will be in the description that addresses that very topic it's fairly common for people to beat up someone or get beat up and it all be above the board the example that legal eagle used was fighting events if you've got a boxing fight and someone punches someone else the cops don't rush the stage and arrest that guy although that would be funny because it's agreed that within the sport it's acceptable to hit someone so on that same technicality as long as people aren't getting pushed to the brink of death on purpose which is even hard to prove in itself then there's a solid chance that mckamey manor is legal now everything i just said has to do with the legality side of it that's not addressing morality but again russ wanted the show to go on and it kept going on now during this time people who were upset because they participated under false pretenses began to threaten legal action so russ began to tighten the hatches he began to screen people who wanted to come to the manor and participants would have to get an approved doctor form saying that they were in good health and even provide proof of medical insurance it seems that russ was trying to cover his bases however one base he couldn't cover was the state of california i will be cold in the dirt before i snitch on someone for tax evasion but around the end of 2016 it seems that russ was being hassled by the state for some late fees so russ packed up everything and moved to summertown tennessee according to him tennessee just so happened to be a land away from california that had available property so he moved everything east and decided to boot his operation back up so to promote this new location and get people invested he announced that there would be a twenty thousand dollar prize for anyone that can make the full trip at mckamey manor it seems that the reason russ added the twenty thousand dollar prize is because of tennessee state law according to tennessee law consent can be removed at any time the participant desires so even if a waiver is signed the person can remove their consent from the waiver in that moment the only caveat being after the event or deal has occurred they can't remove consent after the fact but that means for anyone in mckamey manor it is state law that they have to have a way out so reluctantly mckamey incorporated the safe work however if you don't use that safe word and stick it out you could win twenty thousand dollars and despite moving across the country and having to completely shut down his original operation at this point the mckamey manor was more popular than it ever had been the haunt had changed and we'll talk about that in a second but now it was a haunted house that you could win twenty thousand dollars for only eight hours of your time but now that the reputation of the house had began to go around people began to look at videos that mckamey had posted of how awful the chamber could be and then the manor became this pinnacle of endurance that you could win an insane cash prize if you were strong enough to conquer it it was at this time that according to mckamey there was up to 17 000 people in a wait list to get into the manor because remember they're only doing this once a week and as you could imagine a lot of people want it on board i've got my own theories about that wait list but hang with it for now it's uncertain exactly when this process began but at least by this point the entire experience was individualized mcgamie would interview a participant ask what their biggest fears were incorporate them into the scare so because of that every experience was completely different now another secret that mckamey kept very closely guarded was that of the waiver it was also around this time that the waiver got longer much longer according to people who went whenever the chamber first began it was just a couple of pages that pretty much said hey we can beat you up right well the new waiver that listed every possible outcome of what could happen to you at mckamey manor was 40 pages long see again you weren't supposed to know what was going to happen to you whenever you step into it so mccaine didn't want people to read the waiver online and figure out all the possible tricks he could play at the manor so the only way to see the waiver was to sign up and then have mckamey hand it to you in person that was until the version leaked online in the past couple years now it would be insane for me to sit here and go through a 40-page waiver and list off all of the possible nightmares you could experience hey so we're going to sit here and go through a 40-page waiver of all the nightmares you could possibly experience now we're not actually going to go through the entirety of the 40 pages most of it is just legal ramble and i hereby state and blah blah and we're not here for that kind of nonsense we're here for the torture stuff now a couple things i want to note before we get into it for one i am not 100 sure that this is the actual waiver i'm like 90 sure it is because it leaked online and after taking the waiver and then cross checking it with screenshots from participants that leaked online as well as video clips of people reading the waiver aloud in person with russ it seems to match up and several journalists who received the actual waiver and talked about it corroborate a lot of the stuff seen here so i'm pretty confident in it but again a big allegedly over everything i'm about to say i'm also going to include a link to this waiver in the description so if you want to check it out or follow along you're welcome to the text has been shrunk a bit so it compressed down to 23 pages but like i said i'm pretty confident in it it would also help if i explained how the tennessee location worked so that some of the statements in here make more sense the stuff i mentioned earlier still applies where you have to contact russ individually and then you get put on a wait list and then you have to go through all the screening but once you had sat down with russ and signed the waiver you were then told to meet at a pre-designated location where you were then blindfolded thrown into the back of a van tortured for a while in the van while you made your way to the torture location and then if you could last for like four or five hours at the summertown tennessee location there was supposedly another location just over the state line in alabama that no one ever made it to i'll explain how i feel about that alabama location in a little bit but for now that should catch you up for what this waiver's talking about like i said a lot of the form in the beginning is just legal stuff like a general release accidental death and disability except for the third clause that says participant agrees that if the police are called or appear on scene that participant acknowledges that this is just a game which according to russ was something that happened at the tennessee location a lot a bunch of legal stuff mckamey manor has the right to video footage you testify that you're doing this on your own free will blah blah the details start at 17 where it says participant fully understands that mckamey manor is an extremely physical and that participant may will leave mckamey manor with bumps bruises cuts and other possible injuries including possible broken bones participant understands that injuries are never on purpose at mckamey manor and participant is fully aware of the risks and takes full responsibility again like i said earlier you may sign something like that like a rock climbing facility but you know at the rock climbing place i don't think breaking my femur is their objective participant was warned numerous times about the intensity of mckamey manor by the owners and other members of the crew and that you really don't want to do this participant agrees and understands that your life in reality is not in danger and this is just a game is that a fact participant agrees and understands that during the tour and participant is in the van they will not be secured by a seat belt or other safety device i i can imagine someone getting this far they're like yeah i'll be water boarded punched scratched even stabbed but road safety that's the real killer participant understands and agrees that they realize they are not being tortured and this is just a game really participant understands and agrees that they are not being beat up slugged or actually physically harmed you will be roughed up but no one is here to hurt you knowing that the kami manor is very rough and not for the meek participant will have bumps bruises possible black eyes swelling of the face etc that one's just an outright lie there are people who are paid to hurt you participant understands and agrees they're never being held against their will we'll get to that 26 is interesting participant understands and agrees that they are aware that this is a live theatrical show not reality which is being performed specifically for participants and other guests russ talks about that a lot how the justification for this whole thing is that it's a kind of play or theater and it's interesting that that bleeds over into the waiver as well participant fully understands that by signing this waiver they're giving mccainey manor permission to keep nothing off the table except sexual or inappropriate situations because that would be wrong everything else imaginable can and will happen inside of mikami manor you are aware of this and are giving full permission for any action that may happen inside of mikami manor participant agrees to and has full knowledge that if selected to visit the barber participant may leave mckamey manor completely bald including eyebrows that's something i forgot to mention shaving people's hair and in some cases making them eat it is a big pastime for these guys mouse traps will be used oh yeah this one participant agrees that if selected they could be buried alive under 12 feet of dirt and rock to which they will have a limited amount of air and that they will have to figure out how to escape and they could possibly breathe in a significant amount of dust dirt or foreign objects that may cause death if participant does not breathe properly or hold their breath at the right time like yeah getting buried underground that's traumatic and all but i like how the waiver specifies the correct way to breathe what three times and if you'll notice at this point there's a lot of misspellings a lot of incorrect grammar a lot of weird detail and i'll talk about that at the end participant agrees to partake if selected to participate in a height stunt that involves walking a plank 25 feet above ground without a safety net partisan agrees they will come into contact with poisonous animals what if they're venomous huh is that covered in the waiver participant agrees and acknowledges that they are responsible whether they quit an activity or not for bringing all the equipment and materials back to the van you're laying there like teeth missing broken bones and it's like hey you you're gonna help me carry this back cause i've got like a bad knee and my doctor really said i shouldn't be lifting heavy weights so i mean you sign the waiver participant acknowledges and agrees to be submerged in 60 feet of open water participant acknowledges and agrees that their breathing apparatus will be removed and that it is participants responsibility to make their way to the surface on their own if done incorrectly there's a real chance of the participant drowning or receiving decompression sickness the bends which could cause permanent injury or even death where's this guy getting 60 feet deep pools and 25 foot what was that like an aerial circus where you have to walk without a safety net and also same as the live burial thing it is a lot of description on how to not die there's mentions of the save phrase that we'll get to more specifically in a minute there is a clause that says participants understand and agree that they will absolutely gets cuts severe bruising and or swelling due to open hand striking on their face and other physical contact a clause about electrical stimulation because of course and then clause 39 is interesting it says participant understands for this specific show only the participant is being offered a safe phrase it is up to the participant to use this phrase due to their weakness if they feel they need such a weak precaution as a safe phrase and then a yes or no check indicating if the person wants to say phrase or not now from watching the way that russ discusses this phrase whenever he's going over the waiver with someone he highly implies to them that they need a safe race even though the waiver kind of accuses them of being weak and pathetic if they choose to have one but all of that's void because if you'll remember part of the state law is that he has to have a safe phrase so why if it's required is there even this clause asking if you want one or not as a matter of fact whenever someone refuses a safe phrase in person russ makes them have one anyway so what's this purpose of a clause calling someone weak if they're going to get a safe phrase whether they want it or not and we'll get to that come into contact with raw sewage lovely and then clause 41 participant agrees that their entire tour will be viewed by a live audience in las vegas the philippines and or thailand and that they will act appropriately that clause is a whole can of worms but we'll get there throughout the 40s there's a lot of stuff about accidental injury but 50 says participant fully understands and agrees that once participant enters mckamey manor there is no quitting unless serious physical or psychological injury is present but again the waiver seems to contradict itself at points because here it's saying that there's no stopping unless it's absolutely necessary but in another part it says that a safe race will get you out of it participant fully understands and agrees they may be crushed in a pit by various objects anyway participant fully understands and agrees that they may be fish hooked which may inadvertently cause rippage to the mouth area is rippage the word i guess for those who don't know being fish hooked is when someone grabs your cheek and like pulls it from the inside which is actually something that happens a lot oddly enough at mckamey manor not in normal day-to-day life hopefully participant fully understands and agrees that if they are selected to visit the dentist that they may have a tooth extracted without novocaine and will not hold mikami manor libel ignoring the use of the word libel threatening to pull your teeth is something that russ liked to do a lot participant fully understands and agrees that they will be participating in various medieval torture devices such as knife throwing while strapped to a spinning wheel shackles chains give it cage stalks the rack etc this place is just a big carnival it's got a giant pool it's got elaborate air stunts and now someone's gonna throw knives at a spinning wheel participant fully understands that they may be bruised by paintballs that's where i draw the line 64. participant fully understands and agrees that mk ultra mind control may be used mk ultra mind control okay participant understands a nail may pierce their hand i guess rust is on to crucifying people now threats of fingernail removal and then participant fully understands and agrees that medication may be given that induces hallucinations or sedatives given in a pill form or by hypodermic at mckamey manor's discretion tattoo and piercing choking may occur and vomiting may occur participant fully understands and agrees that mckamey manor will use humiliation tactics such as name calling those monsters participant fully understands in degrees so they may be in an enclosed chamber with live animals which may include mice rats roaches tarantulas millipedes centipedes snakes spiders potato bugs worms larvae snails slugs grubs crickets etc mentions of being drowned in a toilet lovely participant fully understands and agrees that when they are taken hostage in the first moments of the tour that it is extremely physical and daunting and participant will receive bumps bruises possible strains or broken bones black eyes etc and participant will not hold mckamey manor responsible or liable that's like the third time it's mentioned you're gonna get a black eye participant confirms that they have never been arrested or incarcerated for a felony why do you care you're like a conversation away from a couple dozen charges but if a guy ever smoked the devil's lettuce then he doesn't get the privilege of getting beat up by me tragic i know participant confirms they are not wanted by law enforcement owners and actors may vary participant confirms that they are not involved with law enforcement and are not part of any mckamey manor's sting operation participant fully agrees to continue the tour and challenges themselves during the mckamey manor experience even though at a specific moment in time participant requests the tour to stop and to leave mckamey manor participant agrees to have the tour continue no matter what participant may say at any time of their panic state of mind again more contradictions with stuff that was mentioned earlier moving on another mention that there's no stopping until they say so participant fully understands that at many times during their tour they will be in a panicked state of anxiety in which they will feel they will drown and that they may die participant completely gives permission to mcgamey manor to put themselves in those situations i like how it reads as if the sentence is going to end with participant recognizes that these situations are fake or whatever but instead it just says hey you may drown that's cool right more clauses saying you don't want to do this there's a mention that the participant will not take legal action as well as one that says the video footage of the participants time in mckamey manor will never be handed over even through legal action but that's just completely not true because if he is subpoenaed to hand over the tapes what's he going to do be like um well the waiver clearly states continuing on and yes it's a different time of day don't worry about it release a videotape and informing the participant that they will receive no money for it or a copy of the waiver even if legally requested which again doubt more stuff about you're not getting out until we say you get out that's like the fourth time now participant having spent time with russ mckamey and other staff of mckamey manor and through other people and what participant has read know that russ mckamey and the staff of mckamey manor truly has my best intentions at all times really participate fully understands and agrees that russ mckamey and the staff of mckamey manor run a very clean and positive show no sexual or religious situations and even that cussing from the participant is not allowed inside mckamey manor remember war crimes are acceptable but no swearing in this christian minecraft server more stuff about being crushed in a pit and eating gross stuff this is all standard at this point participant agrees that they will be in very close contact with fire surrounding their entire body with the real possibility of getting burned or possible death participant agrees that if they are selected they may participate in a stunt involving a liquid such as quicksand and it is participants responsibility to remain calm and stay on top of the quicksand there is a possibility that drowning may exist you know how like when we were kids we would watch tv shows and like quicksand was a reoccurring theme so if you're like me you would game like all right if i'm ever in quicksand i'm supposed to spread my body out and blah blah but we grew up and quicksand is like not the daily occurrence we once thought it was well see that's where life tricks you because it was actually preparing you for mikami manor he's got all of it stashed up which now that i say it out loud this guy does kind of strike me as a cartoon villain all right now we're just off the wall participant agrees that if selected to participate in houdini's in houdini's chinese water torture apparatus which will include being submerged upside down by your ankles with the straight jacket in a cylinder with live more ray heels there is a real possibility of drowning if participant is unable to control their breath being put in a pit with rats participant agrees to participate in a high-speed barrel roll where the participant will be inside a 55-gallon drum as the barrel rolls down a severely steep mountain it is participants responsibility to secure themselves inside the drum in order to not receive serious injury the drum will end in a 10-foot pond now notice that too that there's nothing about how the pond is related to the waiver it's just informing the person signing it that they will then be underwater this might be my favorite of the entire waiver participant agrees that if selected they will have to swim 200 yards underwater in a makeshift sewer system with several obstacles and traps blocking their way it is participants responsibility to hold their breath while navigating the underwater maze we're leaving the realm of a whorehouse and entering like doofenshmirtz contraptions now this one's an important point that'll come up later participant acknowledges that even though participant has decided to quit the tour talking about the safe word the tour will from that point slowly ramp down to continue with the illusion for film purposes this may include roughing up participants head underwater choking actors harassing participants slapping until the walk of shame begins as russ explains this clause in person he sets it up as if it's to keep the movie going for those watching uh but we'll talk about what that actually means in practice in short it means you're not done until they say you're done 23 and 24 are saying if there's any items on the list that are completely off limits and from testimonies of people who like talk to russell went through the process apparently you get to pick like two scenarios that are completely off the table like if you have a super fear of suffocation or something similar but you supposedly can only pick two so i want to ask you all out of everything i've mentioned and other possibilities what's your two no-gos what are the two out of everything i mentioned the two things that are too far for me i think it would have to be the swearing participant acknowledges and agrees that they will receive hundreds of welts from a paintball gun i don't know why the paintball gun had to come up twice participant will be given a safe race if participant uses this safe race the tour will stop slowly come to a stop but harassment yeah that's how that's worded shoving etc will continue until participant completes their walk of shame again lining up with the thing that was mentioned where even though you say the safe word they pretty much decide when it's over participant acknowledges that even though they have quit the tour participant will still be hooded until drop off and even though participant is in the ramp down mode their hair may still be cut lovely participant acknowledges and agrees that they are agreeing to participate in mccainey manor's extinction for up to 36 hours which mckamey manor is permitted to continue with the game at any point in that 36 hour window out of all the stuff i've seen i haven't heard of a game coming close to that long nine and a half hours is the max but yeah a day and a half of this torment sounds fun and after that a bunch of basic signature confidentiality blah blah blah fun parts over so to go ahead and let the cat out of the bag now that we've gone through that whole waiver of all the stuff that can possibly happen to you i'll go ahead and tell you the waiver's fake and no this waiver isn't fake on the internet i'm pretty certain it's the one mccain is using i mean as russ uses it it's a farce for one any lawyer could tear this thing to pieces not only is there contradictions between a safe word and it ends when they say it does but there's so many grammar mistakes and misspellings that there's no way this would hold up furthermore for several of the topics mentioned that's not how a waiver works like yeah as i explained he could probably get away with the hitting and a lot of the constraints that happened to people during the tour because that's within the reasonable lengths of an extreme haunts waiver but when he mentions like shooting you up with hallucinogenics you can't do that just because it's on a piece of paper again physical violence is kind of a gray area but you can't murder someone by suffocating them with a plastic bag or shoot up hallucinogenics into them and just say it's okay because there's paperwork like if i was caught smoking marijuana and the police show up and they're like all right you're under arrest and i'm like huh not to worry officer i have a waiver you can't just do crime because you and someone else agree that you should so if it's fake then what's the point of the waiver and the point is just like the majority of everything else mckamey does it's a scare tactic think about it you have signed up to take on the most extreme haunted house that has ever existed so much so that you get 20 grand if you can make it through it so you talk to the guy you do skype calls and then you meet him in person and then he sets down and hands you a piece of paper that says you're going to have hallucinogenic shot into you that your hair is going to be shaved that you're going to have teeth removed people are going to be watching and betting on you from vegas as if it's some kind of dark web red room i mean come on the stuff about walking on a 25-foot platform and like jumping into a 60-foot pool this guy built this stuff in like a shed the entire point of it is to manipulate you into thinking that anything you could imagine can happen and whenever you watch the actual videos it's clear that the majority of the abuse is just getting dunked in water or getting slapped around and that's it now i'm not saying that to minimize those activities it's still horrific that that happens especially because as mentioned earlier several people signed up to this not knowing what they were getting themselves into but here the manipulation's going the opposite direction you think you're getting yourself into these extreme life or death scenarios and while it's certainly imaginable someone could be killed at mckamey manor they are just asking to have someone die or have a heart attack what happens if someone dies during their tour a waiver won't mean anything we have had one heart attack for real seven years ago we had a heart attack it was good stuff it's not going to come from houdini water escapes it's probably going to come from drowning in a bucket or something lame it also lets mccamey counter a lot of the arguments against him online as i mentioned the most atrocious thing is the idea that someone can show up and not know what's about to happen to them so now if he goes the complete opposite direction anytime someone enters with the criticism like i don't know don't beat people he can point and say well they agree to all this slapping and cutting a few times shouldn't have been a big deal and it doubles down on the manipulation of having the participant feel that they signed up for it which true while some people i do think legitimately knew what they were doing and then did it of their own accord i mean a lot of people come back for a second or third visit i would also venture to say a lot of people who signed up for it probably aren't in the greatest shape of mine and this waiver could be seen as a false justification for russ's actions now it was around this time again the same period of time when the manor was as popular as it ever had been that the tractors of the manor were also as popular as they ever had been there were website petitions to get this entire thing shut down to this day there is a subreddit that is consistently praying for this man's downfall and a lot of the behavior russ has during this time period of 2016 to 2019 is kind of a counter to that one of the details of mckamey manor that gets brought up a lot is russ's facebook group he has a facebook group that at one point had over 20 000 members who pretty much just worship the ground the guy walks on like he has these massive fans of people who have never been or have no interest in going to the manor but i guess from what it looks like to me people have kind of interpreted russ being attacked for you know good reasons as some weird form of cancel culture which is kind of a false equivalency but i won't get into all of that i'm here to talk about you know the weird torture stuff but as the critics were building the weird torture stuff started to change it's in my opinion again watching videos of rust and testimonies from even people who worked at the manor that during this time he started to get kind of bitter or at least more bitter than he had been and a lot of the videos and content that he produced was made as a middle finger to people who didn't like him one of the best examples of this is in one of the final videos uploaded to the original mckamey manor youtube account there's two youtube accounts he claims the first one was hacked or something there's a video titled portrait of a mole which is this six hour video and you guys thought my videos were long where mccamey says that someone who signed up to come to the manor was actually a mole from the haters on facebook who was trying to get the inside scoop of what happens at the manor now this is weird for several reasons for one the idea that someone thinks this guy is running a torture dungeon so they decide to sign up for the torture dungeon but also what would they need to come in to expose russ talks about that a lot how he's afraid of sting operations but everything that he does which isn't even as bad as what's listed on the waiver is uploaded to the youtube page there's no need for someone to experience it firsthand to have evidence of what he's doing regardless in that video he kind of interrogates the guy whenever they're going over the waiver to figure out if he's a mole or something and he sets up this whole narrative where he says that the guy was meeting a contact the night before he showed up to meet russ and that they were putting together this whole plan to take him down so once they get him in the van because if you remember they transport people from the van to the summertown location as they're torturing him in the van after about half an hour the guy taps out and uses the safe word well in the video russ makes the point that this guy doesn't deserve to get let off easy so even though the guy used the safe word they continue to torture him for like three hours to the degree that when he comes out of it his face is red and swollen and it looks like this guy was one of the worst cases i've seen out of everything through the manor and then at the end of the video russ posts videos of this guy his name's jeremy where jeremy says that he's going to take legal action and that it's true that he was a hater who was looking to take down russ this entire time but from everything i've looked up and been able to find this never amounted to anything other than this angry video that's only seen at the end of russ's channel and supposedly was posted throughout russ's facebook group but the facebook group as you could imagine is guarded like a gate for some reason d'angelo wallace made a fantastic video where he managed to get in and see a few of the things they talk about and it's weird to say the least now this whole scenario felt fishy to me for one it's weird that this jeremy guy as i mentioned would go through all this for proof and it's also a bad idea if russ is trying to prove his innocence that he would show that he was breaking the law on camera by not letting the guy leave and continuing to beat him up for a while essentially saying oh you don't like the banner well we'll continue with the assault and battery until you change your mind well along that train of thought and i can't confirm this but there's a bunch of people online who say that jeremy was paid off by russ and that this whole scenario of him being a hater who came in from outside to try to expose him was just something that russ made up for the cameras like i've talked about a lot before a lot of what russ does is for the showmanship of it that's why throughout the waiver and throughout all of his interviews he talks about the importance of capturing good footage and this also again ties back into the psychological warfare that he's playing on everyone outside of the manor because now if you're someone who hates it this is supposed to instill fear in you that you won't mess with russ because he's a real dangerous guy again as if you couldn't catch that from the hundreds of hours of torture videos this whole smoke and mirrors tactic is something that russ uses a lot not only on people outside of the manor but people who are participating in it as well remember that thing in the document about mkultra will be used on you well that's a very stupid way to phrase it russ does use a lot of manipulation tactics for example in the document it mentions how if you are chosen to see the dentist you will have a tooth pulled while there's clips of people supposedly having their teeth pulled on the youtube channel but whenever you watch these clips you can clearly see that they have a fake tooth as a prop however the participant thinks that their tooth's actually been pulled i mean think about it you've been roughed up you've been blindfolded you read on a waiver that you're going to have your tooth pulled so whenever you feel a plier go into your mouth and then see a guy holding a tooth you would logically think that you lost a tooth he does the same thing when it comes to fingernail removal or eating a lot of disgusting living animals although trust me there's a fair amount of real gross eating too just not the extent that he says like for example remember that detail in the waiver where it said that this is going to be live stream to people in vegas that comes from accusations he was getting online where people were saying oh i bet the way he makes his money is it's in these dark web red rooms which for one aren't real and two if you watch the mckamey videos he's recording the whole thing with like a gopro and a walmart microphone there is no way this guy is live streaming the footage and then taking live bets to see how long this person lasts but as long as rumors started up that he was live streaming them overseas he just leaned into it and started saying yeah and not only that but they bet and then give me money to do certain things to them and blah blah because it all leads into the illusion or the show of the scare in a lot of the videos i watched the tennessee location he would get people in these big trenches of water and mud and tell them that they have to find their way out because there's crocodiles in the water this guy doesn't have crocodiles in the middle of tennessee it's again all just a farce to encourage the show and another aspect of that manipulation is the twenty thousand dollars remember the twenty thousand dollar reward only showed up after he moved to the tennessee location and from there the entire show was completely different however that insinuation of money got a lot of people interested however it seems like that was fake as well the longest guy who ever made it at mckamey manor was a career marine by the name of russell j now the video of russell was uploaded to the youtube channel in april of 2016. this is right on the verge of whenever the manor would have transferred from san diego to tennessee so i'm not a hundred percent positive this was after the money was on the table but according to a lot of the people who talk about this and are more enveloped in the research of it than i am this was after the money became a deal so in russell's video he last about nine and a half hours through the entire experience theoretically he only has half an hour to go and he will be the first person to complete mckamey manor and get his 20 grand and while in the video it looks like russell's in a bad place i assure you pretty much everyone who's in mckamey manor for more than 10 minutes looks like they're in a bad place he seems to be doing pretty well he's still cognitive he's still talking and even though he's shivering he says he's good to finish out while russ decides that this is unacceptable and the guy's got hypothermia and he just ends the show russell is continually saying that he's fine and he can keep going but russ calls it off and then whenever you look at a lot of the other shows russ puts on that seems to be a common occurrence remember how i said that at the tennessee location there's supposedly a second location in alabama that you can make it to if you can survive the entire what four or five hours or half the night at the tennessee location well no one's ever made it to the alabama location and while russ would have you believe that's because the show's so intense that's because he always calls it off anytime someone makes it for a few hours and again while not doing the best can keep going russ always cuts it off stating that they're going to fall apart soon or they've got hypothermia or some other arbitrary excuse so it the show doesn't have to keep going it's in my opinion as the opinion of many others that he never intended to give out twenty thousand dollars he never intended for there to be an alabama location and he never intended for it to be any more than gross food bugs a lot of bruises black eyes and punching and water torture which again very bad but not the spectacle he makes it out to be megan selling of the nashville scene did a very long article where she was present while a couple of people were going through the tennessee location and she did a fantastic job interviewing russ as well as the participants and getting a feel of what the manor is about and she ends the article on the note here's the thing there is no twenty thousand dollars there's no cayman named ralphie there's no quicksand like mud that will swallow you whole and mckamey will certainly never slather your body in flame retardant gel and lock you in an incinerator somewhere in hudsville alabama none of that is real what mckamey has is a story a good one fiendish and fascinating it's the promise of impossible adventure it's the opportunity to break free of your personal boundaries your mundane day-to-day and embrace the opportunity to surprise yourself by testing your limits and all it costs is a bag of dog food and maybe your eyebrows no one has ever completed a full mckamey manor tour that's not for lack of trying it's by design a full stay lasts about 10 excruciating hours mckamey says and no one has even made it to the supposed huntsville portion of the show mckamey knows what will break people and after stringing them along with some fake blood gnarly props and a silly afternoon of wall sits and elton john's songs he can simply pull out what's needed to shut the show down when he's ready for it to end which doesn't take long mckamey says the average time spent at the summertown mckamey manor location is just eight minutes i had to ask has anyone gotten the twenty thousand dollar prize or any money oh megan surely you jest mckamey says with the laugh of course not and they never will because it's so mentally and physically challenging but it will be the most exciting thing you've ever done again mckamey would have you believe it's because the man is so terrifying but in actuality it's just not there so there is no mind control there is no alligator maze there is no 25 foot drop it's just a guy who knows how to use a little bit of suggestion and a lot of violence in order to make you think whatever he wants you to think so once information like this started to come out along with russ's growing anger towards the supposed haters things that the manor started to taper off for one even employees who revive rest aside for a long time started to say that they were tired of him and that he's become too malicious with his actions at the manor i was actually an actor i've known russ for a couple years um and i used to be an actor but it it kind of the manners changed can i please be interviewed show you it's so amount without you interrupting um i used to do it for the love of the haunt for the love of scaring people and it just got a little out of control um i think russell was kind of busy that's not true [Music] i think he's he's sadistic and he's sick off his knocker yeah he's crazy and you keep us here and you blackmail us so it's [ __ ] [ __ ] that's not true that's not true i used to defend him because he's such a nice he he came off as such a nice guy but then we all have our crazy sides and we all have our crazy sides all his actors i'm just a little afraid to be honest and especially with all the haters and death threats and bomb threats and all the legal stuff i'm kind of worried for my life and while we can't be sure exactly what led to it it seems by 2019 or 2020 russ was running the entire show by himself in interviews he did whenever coveted lockdown started he explains that there weren't really any restrictions he had to follow because it was just him what's been different with the kovid world are you still operating oh yeah still still operating it's not really any difference for me because it's a single one-man show it's just me i don't have actors so i don't need to worry about them and then whenever you watch the videos from this time period it goes from a torture maze to like weird manual labor like it's just rust telling people to carry heavy objects and that's it but russ still kept up the idea that this was the great mckamey manor with all of its tear and horde to boot when in actuality watching the videos it's just sad not that the manor fell apart i think that was a service for humanity but more so watching this play out of just a guy in a field with a barrel for some reason but the facebook group was still going and russ was supposedly still taking on new attendees which by the way i feel like the wait list was fake as well reason being every account i've heard always has some story where they heard about the manor they applied that week and then like two days later russ would say something like hey the person who was doing it this weekend dropped out do you want to do it which like that's not how a wait list works if there's 17 000 people in line you don't jump to the front because someone backed out i think that the wait list was to encourage this feeling of fomo and get more people on board when in actuality russ was just taking whoever he can i have no proof of that i just think it's very convenient that everyone who asked to come on board was able to do it in like a week or two anyway the show continued and the final remnants of what the show was which we're getting to that can be seen on the mckamey manor website where he goes over all of the requirements how terrible everything will be and essentially reliving the glory days so as the last hurrah to see where this ended up at let's take a look at the website hi so it's daytime again don't worry about it because uh who needs sleep when i have you all so whenever you come to the home page of you're presented with this where it says mckamey manor presents descent there was a lot of phases to it especially after the tennessee move that i can only kind of describe as movies like when you go through the new youtube channel you can see that how a lot of them are called mckamey manor presents extinction presents and then there were none presents desolation or at least the trailer for it so as far as i know descent's just referring to a film project at the bottom it says playing on netflix dark tourist episode 8 and haunters the art of the scare i watched haunters art of the scare a lot of the information you see from the early days of the manor in san diego come from that movie and haunters covers a lot of home haunts with a focus on mckamey manor which a lot of people are mad that it was included or considered a home haunt at all you know with good reason and then dark tourist episode 8 is like one of the last pieces of outside media from the mckamey timeline because it's about a tourist who comes to the us and tries out a bunch of spooky stuff and the episode ends with him going to mckamey manor and he's doing the tour with one other guy and it looks like it's just mckamey hosting it with maybe one or two other people helping out and well yeah it's still bad it's again not the grand spectacle that the manor is made out to be online when you go to the contact information this is profoundly sad this picture here of mckamey as a kid with a frankenstein is kind of heartbreaking but i'll talk about that here in the end also the layout of the site is cute you've got like this neon colored weird chalkboard font and then all of the important text is blue on a like yellow brown background with no border but the requirements to get in we've pretty much gone over all of them at this point uh 21 and above or 18 to 20 with parents approval which imagine your parents signing off on this now son you may not be old enough to drink or buy a handgun but if you want to join the military or sign up for chinese water torture you have my blessing completed sports physical and doctor's letters stating you are physically and mentally cleared if your doctor signs off on this you need a new one pass a background check be screened via facebook facetime or phone proof of medical insurance sign a detailed 40-page waiver and pass a portable drug test on the day of the show to my understanding there are some drug tests that you can test on the day of with a urine sample but for the vast majority of drug tests it would need to be sent off with a lab so the day of drug test is just again another scare tactic also speaking of the facebook group it seems in a lot of the haunts that happened later in the mckamey manor life cycle you had to do homework in order to be allowed on and i want to restate earlier i said the wait list was fake and more specifically what i mean by that is i don't think it was 17 000 people i think during the peak time of the manor there was at least a few people in line as seen from a lot of the interviews he conducted but there was also this period of time where you had to like do these weird on-camera tasks for facebook like in the portrait of a mole video i was talking about the guy had to dress up in a bunny costume and go around in public and like get kisses from random people and then he was supposed to show up to meet mccamey in that bunny suit and then he ended up doing the tour in the bunny suit a lot of people are told to do it in weird costumes just side note so i guess these were done for either mckamey and the facebook groups of amusement or to prove loyalty or something desolation has its own tab as you can see on the youtube channel it is the last video that was uploaded or at least the trailer for it so again i guess another film kind of project of sort of greatest hits collection lovely as a matter of fact it seems like the last update for mckamey manor was done at the end of 2019 because that's not only when the last videos were uploaded to the youtube channel and on the site as well it also says desolation's coming soon which on youtube was the end of 2019 but on the warning section it's hyping up the 2020 release of mckamey manor new for 2020 mckamey manor presents descent the next evolution in interactive survival horror theater understand that each tour will be different based upon your personal fears and can last up to 6 hours each guest will be mentally and physically challenged until you reach your personal breaking point it even says at the bottom here you will be tested to your very core if things become too much you can always quit if we let you i like how it's still taunting you on the sign over here not recommended if you are pregnant claustrophobic have seizures heart or respiratory conditions or are a big wimp it seems from some of the videos that he had workers for time to time near the end of the manor's life cycle but again not as much as it used to be oh my word there's a merchandise page is this gonna give me a virus is that the merchandise computer virus oh they have a red bubble of course they do is this just his face it is okay fellas imagine you pull up to the event wearing this shirt you should be arrested on principle most of these are just like shots of people being tortured this is so bizarre because like not only is it about like an incredibly dark subject matter but like the black text over just this color so you can barely read it it's just like some meme dump i don't know this is a weird alternate reality to be in on location hours the last update again is for 2020 where it says they were still doing one show per week oh there's a frequently asked questions perfect the times keep changing too because sometimes it's a 10-hour trip sometimes it's eight in the last few it was saying six i also guess every year it wasn't just the movie that was titled it he would also revamp the design because here he's referring to descent as the name of the haunt itself like the seasonal scare within mckamey manor is mckay it is mccain manor handicap accessible yes i guess you don't need to walk to get thrown down a ditch now that i think about it maybe it has to be because you may be unable to walk coming out we do not allow foul language pushing vulgar behavior weapons of any kind smoking drugs alcohol etc we have a list of rules that must be adhered to and a waiver form must be completed for your own safety and the safety of the other guest violation of these rules means you will be asked to leave so no bad words as you're being pummeled photo gallery that i cannot show on youtube and then you have a list of a ton of the movies and youtube movies and then finally a message of you really don't want to do this with a picture that i cannot show on youtube so as we see the last time that the website was updated was late 2019 early 2020. so what happened to the manor after that who knows legitimately it looks like it just kind of disappeared from what it looks like it seems the facebook group is still up but there's been no activity on the youtube channel no activity on the website and according to all the people i've seen who are trying to figure out what's happening at the manor there's been no word from mckamey since according to people who live near the area apparently he just stopped doing it some people say that perhaps covid caused him to lose business and he couldn't afford to keep it up because while again he didn't take money for it there were a lot of people who would donate to him for hosting the event but according to russ other than that in his retirement fund there wasn't any other way he was making income and i'm not gonna dox the guy or give you hints as to track him down but some people online with some pretty decent evidence have said that it seems mckamey is now working at a business so if he's doing that it seems that perhaps the rumors are true and the manner's not hosting any more haunts it would certainly explain why the website and youtube channel are dead now and also while i was trying to figure out what happened to mckamey recently i came across this interview with jason blum or bloom whatever the guy who runs blumhouse the big horror movie production company and in an interview he said this oh by the way you have something new that you're working on that we were talking about before the show can you say what that is yes i do it's called um um i'm going to forget the name i'm going to forget the name of it it's a haunted house that a guy this is a real haunted house that a guy um it was an attraction and you had to fill out all this paperwork to do it and it was like x-rated times 10 and it turned out the guy was actually kind of actually torturing people and has been arrested for it yeah and it's a can this is a real story this is a real story rise and fall of mckamey manor and you do have we have we have no rights to do this so the lawyer said don't don't don't announce it i said i don't care i am announcing it because we're gonna get the rights i have found absolutely no evidence of this i searched through state records and arrest records and while those aren't always foolproof at least on the civilian side of things i couldn't find anything and again the evidence that is present online points to a different explanation but whenever i heard that i was awestruck like what you're telling me this guy went to jail and i have to hear about it from the dude who's making the five nights at freddy's movie but it seems that the mccamey man are shut down not with a big bang or a grand show but instead just a whimper and as to why we can only speculate as to a lack of interest or legal pressure or what have you but thinking about this entire story from the beginning to the end doesn't it just feel kind of bitter like from mccaine's perspective there's like this vitriolic nature to the whole thing like think about it this guy started out running a home haunt with his dad again something that i think is very cool and admirable and then naturally he wanted to go up in budget and make it scarier which again i think we can all get behind but at some point and i'm not sure where but at some point the reason changed it went from setting up cool scares and making sure families have fun to bragging about the physical and psychological damage that he causes in these makeshift contraptions and then filming the whole thing and plastering these disturbed faces on a t-shirt like it's a trophy and yeah while there's nothing wrong with scaring people i would argue there's something wrong with you know waterboarding someone in the back of a van you know call me crazy or whatever i can just imagine like whenever he started it out and hearing people say oh it could be scarier it could be scarier to the point where he's like alright so how about i take you to my house i beat you senseless for three hours you can't get out of it and then i'll go is that scary enough for you it just feels like a lot of anger and a lot of hate even aside from the violence that's clearly demonstrated of it just the whole layout of it like think about it this started out as a halloween haunt and by the end it has absolutely nothing to do with halloween instead of an october attraction it became this year-round event where instead of people being scared or getting spooked and then staying up at night because they're so freaked out it became this like fabricated endurance test and that's why i said whenever you go on the website and see the picture of a young mikami it just makes me kind of sad like you see that young boy who would grow up to become a theater kid and then someone who just got pushed too far to where they eventually lost the plot a lot of people say that russ is just evil and he gets off on it and he's a psychopath which for one that's not what psychopath means sadistic is the word you're looking for and for watching all this stuff i don't think it's a fetish thing maybe a little bit but he's clearly more of a showman than someone who is enjoying himself a little too much personally i think it's a control thing more than anything like making people do these weird stunts for the facebook group and wearing dumb costumes or having workers who swear like a sailor but then telling someone that they're not allowed to swear whenever they get there and a lot of the behavior and mannerisms he does during the haunts are to establish himself as the boss and place him in control maybe he was angry from the get-go that people didn't think that he was as scary or could live up to the expectations they had for him so maybe mccamey just decided to jerk the reins away and decide that he was going to be as scary as he possibly could and that's all that mattered but because of that he wound up in a place where he was tricking people to show up to a show that they couldn't get out of and once that gig was up and a bunch of people who didn't know any better stopped coming then he dedicated himself to yelling at the haters or throwing off any criticism and while yeah a lot of people knew what they were signing up for and i'm sure either enjoyed their time or at least don't regret it you could say the same for anyone who deals out any kind of suffering and on the individual level if i could ask russ mckamey anything i would just want to ask him from where he began to where he ended up was it worth it i remember last halloween i went to one of those aforementioned barn haunts in the back of some holler in east tennessee and i remember we had heard about this one on facebook so we go to it and we just pull into some guy's yard and there's no one else there so i was there with kayla and a group of our friends and we go around behind the house and there's this girl who has a little desk set up where she's got like an official waiver to sign and then a big barn with all these spooky lights that say enter here so i went into the barn not thinking much of it but it turned out to be a fantastic haunted house as soon as you walk in there's this piano that somehow like slammed all the keys whenever someone crossed the threshold of the door and then there was a bed frame where like freddy krueger ripped out of the bed and like dragged this girl into it and then you go out back of the barn and there's guys with tasers who will like you know shock them whenever you get close and make you jump they had a zip line set up where this flying ghost thing would swoop over your head when you weren't looking and then i remember at the end of it we were walking out and as is typical with a lot of these there was a chainsaw chase at the end and i was at the front of the group and i saw the guy with the chainsaw and he saw me so he knew he wasn't going to scare me so instead he goes for kayla who's behind me and kayla lets go and turns around and runs back into the haunted house so because of that everyone behind her runs back too so i'm standing at the exit by myself watching them run backwards the way we came and as i'm doing that another guy with the chainsaw he's got like a michael myers mask on he comes up to me and he like looks around my shoulders because he knows i came in with a group and he goes and i just go oh and point inside and he goes and turns around and starts chasing them with the chainsaw too so this place was fantastic so i pull up my phone to text my sister because she was doing haunted houses with a group of friends that night and wanted me to tell her if this place was any good so while i was texting her to say it was good one of the guys who was at the beginning of the haunted house comes around and sees me standing there on my phone so to him it looks like i'm just disinterested so he comes up to me face paint and all and goes hey what what was it not scary and i was like bro this was the best one i've done in forever and it was a great time and we all took a picture with them and it was great and lord willing i will be back there again this halloween because they deserve it i say all that to say that family and their friends or whoever was working in that haunted barn have more of the halloween spirit than it seems russ mckamey ever did and even though it's gone it's still sad to imagine to some degree that mckamey manor was seen as a pinnacle of horror to a lot of people for a long time but on the bright side for every mckamey manor there's a couple dozen barns behind someone's house with a bunch of people and halloween costumes who just want to be spooky and now that i say all of that out loud this would have been a good video to release in october but ship sailed on that one so despite it being poorly timed hopefully you still enjoyed this video and i just want to say thank you for watching this started out believe it or not as a very short project i was like oh mckamey manor that'll take like a day or two to research now here i am two weeks later finally recording but it's a very cool topic the rabbit hole kept opening and opening into more stuff and i'm very glad that i got to do this it's always been something that's been in the back of my head to cover because in like the internet horror crowd it's kind of infamous for you know good reason um so i'm happy that i finally got to go through with that and thank you all for sticking around this long if you have uh it's really encouraging that if you're watching now that you're willing to listen to a halloween video in july and that means a lot but i really like haunted houses i want to do some content related to that especially as we get more into the spooky season um but this this was fun i enjoyed it hopefully you did too um like i mentioned there are a ton of other fantastic videos not saying mine's fantastic there are a ton of fantastic ones on youtube about mckamey manor i've linked a bunch of them in the description the ones i mentioned earlier jay aubry lobby lane legal eagles video and all those others great stuff they'll be in the description again check out the shadow of the zone movie and if you can donate or share the kickstarter it would mean the world we really want to get it going and we really want to show you all we have to offer but i believe that should do it for now new videos on the way so stay tuned for that but for now i just want to say thank you for watching i hope that you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 4,475,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, childhood, trauma, Mary Celeste, Flannan Isles, Eilean Mor, Island, Lighthouse, Kaz 2, Kaz II, Leviathan, Kraken, conspiracy, theory, mystery, sci fi, true crime, unsolved, hysteric, hell, shootout, arg, arg analysis, murder, unknown
Id: aFjUMezv2bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 47sec (5087 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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