The What If? Game ft. Daniel Radcliffe

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I love GMM! And Daniel Radcliffe! I'm so happy!

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/InadLeWolf 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2014 🗫︎ replies

"I just fired my old best friend so that's actually quite good"


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/RanShaw 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2014 🗫︎ replies

Hmm, don't love that show, but Daniel Radcliffe is way too cute. So two thumbs up!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TeddyBear_Squabble 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2014 🗫︎ replies
what if daniel radcliffe was on good mythical morning let's talk about good mythical morning welcome to a very special episode of the show we are not in our studio we are in the YouTube space la well it kind of looks like our studio it does if somebody did a lot of work to make it look that way it is a two dimensional version of what might be two dimensional always just realizing that some questions lots of questions but this is this is a special time for special guests yes okay we have a very special guest you may have already seen him since he was in the teaser yeah I didn't I heard him he is known for a series of very low-budget indie films that were made a few years ago and he's but he's really turned a corner in his career he's an up-and-coming talent please welcome to the show Daniel Radcliffe oh yeah bring it in pull it into there get in I hate it thank you all the way I nice you know you're there when your belly button is located a be an exact place you sounds a little bit sad you're going said I did it wrong because you're gonna have to awkwardly make eye contact with me okay so they make eye contact with link right very well yeah yeah it's like I'm the bull boy in a tennis match yeah but you got it you've got a good a good swivel hang okay good thank you I I will my neck up okay so you got a new movie coming out called what if what is uh what are the chances that we would invent a game called what if that we would now play with you like a million to one yeah 100% really yeah I thought it would be something to be slimmer than that no there it's pretty much guaranteed huh yeah because we basically invented the game so people will watch this and then go watch your movie oh well that was nice of you thank you you're welcome you go watch the movie we do what we can okay so here's how what F works we have been sending this a series of what-if questions from the mythical beasts our fans and you're gonna take these out of here out of the good metal morning mug you're going to read the what-if question and then link and I each have prepare to then answer well very loosely I might change mine depending on what you say if you go first right we will give a then ants because mine is going to be better than yours so he has to adjust to what you can write and at that point you make it you can ask as many follow-up questions as you want to each one of us you're the judge who's got the best answer and even round Co and the winner of the the most number of rounds will become your honorary best friend right oh good good good actually have a misfired my old best friend so that's actually quite good really yeah sorry no actually you know opportunity opportunity knocks yeah yours right here only wants them feel free to drink the question now you just whichever one makes contact with your lip okay you've done that before this is healthy a great question how I've made a lot of life decisions Austin Moore trod who by the way should be in Arthurian legend or what if you had the ability to fly but you had to poop your pants to do so oh okay who's gonna go first on this one I would like you to go first oh good okay I see how it is you had the ability to fly but you had to poop your pants in order to do so well I would be a superhero my suit would be an adult diaper okay and I would be called the brown Hornet you can't you can't poop tell him he can't poop or ask him maybe there a chance if you have a diaper on oh yeah hoping to do keeping a diaper then the diaper is my pants well technically no but no okay it's a white easyto okay Nick no except he can't change his answer I have a white speedo I'm whooping it and then I fly they call me the brown Hornet yeah I'm what kind of crime to you solve uh clean up stuff okay you know I clean up crime that's why that's just Logan yeah like you said I crap on took a crap on crime I wiped you up yeah okay you take a crap on crime ha ha let's hear links only oh yeah I guess that's like a working motto for McGruff that was rejected I'll take a crap on crime it's like I'd have to leg on crime alright link what you got over here oh I should again what if you had the ability to fly but you had to poop your pants to do so oh yeah I remember when you first of all I would take I would take that right now I would take except that power um but I would always land at a pants too I answer I'm sorry I'm gonna go to him I just for just for logic and and and like seekne and and yeah it was it was quick don't worry okay oh so I got to be quick no no I know don't have to be quick no you don't have to be quick all right doesn't that I like I like multiple any arrests huh three before drink that's it I took the early lead huh how do they taste by the way you know paper um Curtis Bibb all these people have wonderful names I'm missing obviously answers Austin Moore true Curtis Bibb what if everyone had no contact with humans until the age of 16 and then right before they went out into the world they were forced towards Silence of the Lambs Forrest Gump and Titanic and make their assumptions on humanity based off that he hasn't got a question mark by assume he meant as a question yeah question okay alright well that's a loaded gun first I don't take um what if I think I think society would be a better place I mean I think if if people were just leery of serial killers sinking ships and and shrimp then the world would be a better place that's all you need to know okay kindergarteners just that to be the curriculum thank you you're so if you were to gain some sort of office tomorrow the first legislation you would pass would be to enforce children towards Silence of the Lambs what house my office decorated um with lots of lectures of you and and have a letter oh um okay so yeah it's a pretty yeah no it is Paula days no I liked it I like that but okay I think back to kindergarten part but everything else works everything else works uh okay I would say uh that everyone would have a disdain for fava beans a love of shrimp yeah and a fear of large boats and all three of these things are good when you think about him in conjunction so you just stole my answer no but I'd already said oh I went again no you said a hatred of shrimp he did that was we missed the whole point they've made a restaurant based on the movie where people enjoy shrimp is that a hatred of shrimp let ask him if he is there Silence of the Lambs restaurant where they serve fava beans pop in yes I ate at Bubba Gump shrimp company two weeks ago yeah I got the shrimp special a cane was for most fried one was garlic grilled and another was cold boiled I enjoyed all three and I think the movie for it okay well what it worries uh you know what just in the interest of fairness and make you like you me slightly less I'm gonna give to oh um I was liking you too much yeah okay I can like you guys already going out of it oh whoa that's it this is a good question Oh Jeremy Rand um what if azam be bit a vampire Jeremy okay this is you first okay the zombie would apologize because it would clearly be an accident zombies are attracted to living flesh a vampire is another undead or dead being and and the vampire would be like no problem because you would heal because they have a very quick capacity for healing and it would be just a little brush-off it would be like cool what happen again so there's already bumping into somebody up I know somebody wouldn't apologize liking it wouldn't come out he wouldn't be able to hear it okay that's that's okay well would vampire blood not to make a zombie vampire though if he got a bit a bit got in there vampires do not have a circulatory system that is function eating just like a zombie they do not have a functioning circulatory system k okay no like you know you know you know that's the only thing I have is a digester Toughman know I believed him he said it really well he does that a lot okay it doesn't mean much um get you now um zombie bit a vampire I would just think it would become a zombie but that's not my answer okay okay is little on fact zombie becomes a vampire a bit spikes of vampire and it makes the vampire human no no I'm gonna I'm gonna just do this now um okay okay through one more link you got a chance to all right come on I got a chance to only time yeah let's make this one sudden death hahaha no this means nothing I'll be like a trio okay III venture you see there you or both we can let Daniel best friend Club it's been closed for 30-something years it's time to open it up pick it going you didn't drink that one Tindra now and you only drink it you're probably the other one what this is this is very good I just I want to know everything you have to know about it Spencer ray asks what if you woke up one morning married to a pineapple an ugly pineapple but you loved it I I'm gonna put the clarify I love the fact that someone was thinking that yeah somebody was hurt someone named Spencer I hope that Spencer is in fact at this moment married to an ugly pineapple who he loves and was just like hoping somebody else's in a similar situation and this was his way of telling us I would I would make it my life's goal to devote myself to research to promote the lengthening of lives of pineapples okay I mean they don't have a short they don't have a long life I got a really short life right if I loved this pineapple I'm gonna do everything I can but it's an ugly link Apple I don't care okay I love the pine checking I'm gonna do everything I'm committed to this pineapple for the life of the pineapple yeah actually for my life so I want the pineapple to live as long as possible when which is more than like a couple of what will you do after the pineapple dies we bury the pineapple well if I succeed the pineapple will outlive me and if possible mmm if you were to bury the pineapple would you just not grow yourself another pineapple wife that would be there like the baby I don't know oh but I don't be there's one of our children to segue into my answer okay there is one advantage to being in a relationship with a fruit and that is that it is short-lived you are have to be faithful to the pineapple for a certain amount of time and then after a while the the pineapple will rot away and then you can move on to other fruits yeah and maybe even women but but not if you don't want you don't want to extend that this is not a good situation there's no emotional connection you don't think this is the exactly the exact wrong way to approach it you want the pineapple to die sometimes we find out what you do love it you're happy when it dies though you know pick whoever you want but I am really out right now I know you know what you you went a little bit callous with that you with your last answer there like you the provider was you did love the pineapple and you decide no that pineapple means nothing wrong I can I can hate it I can love it so no no no no I'm late now we're all three you have to be best friend oh and you know what happy here it is you're gonna have to bestow this on both of us friends metal touches it to get okay guys yeah you think you were you know what you can wear it you bunch up I'd be my own best friend it's just a what what putting music in post you I don't think this has been you can wear it though as like I don't think this has been sized for two men there isn't Gutter Helmet my net his hair is so big oh it's yeah it was its best well three all right Iraq who's best best friends we may have to cut you out of that thanks for liking and commenting you know what time it is hi I'm Annette I'm Anita and I'm Sofia I'm we're from England and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you check out Daniel in the movie what if come in a theater near you August 8th and click you can go ahead and give that a good good risk spin there or just give it a moderate okay I mean you know this dance are still the same click through to good mythical more where we chat it up with Daniel DJ at a middle school dance hey mister DJ yeah Mike mom wanted me to be in spinning some tunes more my mom wanted beating this necklace with you because you're the chaperone and I really got a crush on Cheryl which one is Cheryl she's the one she's over there well could you play Tom Petty's free fallin I've got a special move I want to try on Cheryl are you sure during the brochure let's not Cheryl over here no I sure look at her she's she's getting in here that Cheryl's old her brother Dan hey Dan hey he doesn't what's up nothin you want to spin some tunes while I dance with this kid and Cheryl because we're kind of in a necklace together okay yeah yeah see that tell him tell him I'm cool let's go do it alright keep your hip keep your keep your hands where they should be boy and you play some free fallin I'll play chomp a she wanted to be friends and that's all she wanted I was like well I'm not into friends now when I'm looking at now when I'm after she also did say I like link
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 10,460,916
Rating: 4.9693241 out of 5
Keywords: daniel, radcliffe, harry, potter, Daniel Radcliffe (Celebrity), Harry Potter Literary Series (Award-Winning Work), Game, what, if, what if?, movie, star, famous, relationship, relationships, poop, flying, pineapple, love, romace, friend, zone, zombie, vampire, wizard, J. K. Rowling (Author), Talk, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, dan radcliffe, daniel radcliffe, gmm, rhett, link, good mythical morning, harry potter, harry potter game
Id: ICI9iY1_d7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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