'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' Unscripted | Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint

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it's quite fun welcome to Moviefone unscripted i'm daniel radcliffe I'm here with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint to talk about our new film Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix we are going to ask each other some of your questions and so we're going to make up some of our own so I'll start with the first question if you could play one of the adult carriers in the film who would it be and why that's really hard Wow well if there's guy obviously I dream to play um Snape because I just think it would be really cool to play yeah like the bad guy but I didn't think I'd ever be as good as him oh wow oh I'm Brittany Thomas great good character like a lady do a lot with that students will raise their hands when they speak in my class it is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge would be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all is what school is all and house theory is supposed to prepare us for without them there is nothing out there dear how would you imagine was to attack children like yourself oh I don't know maybe Lord Voldemort okay I don't you know what your favorite scene is there's so many in this one I liked all the the fighting stuff with the wand and all that like the one requirement stuff is really good I'll see ya often the heat on that set yeah that was yeah it felt like we were in the center of the Sun lights everywhere yeah it was filmed on a on a set with loads of mirrors and so they they had to have a fireplace loads of fireplaces in the room so that they would be reflected in every mirror and so we were essentially burnt alive for three days that's not great okay make it a powerful memory the happiest you can remember allow it to fill you up keep trying Seamus George your turn now expecto patronum so Rupert is Fame you imagined it when it would hold on it would be when you first audition for the movies and that's from Rebecca and sorry English oh cool I don't I I mean I don't really feel sort of famously I just just sort of getting recognizing that it's I'm finding that quite hard to get my head back no everyone's door is really nice and I think they really like knew we were gonna be famous on me like first doctor ding I didn't get like when we were auditioning it really occurred to us it's like a kind of like this is what Fame will be like or we just wanted to do the films of that yeah thinking that far ahead no way you know I don't think we had any idea I still don't think very far ahead yeah what is the most outrageous rumor you've heard about yourself I have already been that many outrageous rumours about me I guess just like every week I'm attending a different school or yeah I'm yeah like that was like rugby more bro like be Dale's like you literally five or six different schools which I've never even set foot in so uh I was quite amusing um I also like lesser different films that and apparently I'm going to be a witch again I've never heard of yeah apart from Matt I've it's pretty much been I keep being called Emily Watson yeah which is quite annoying I mean they're still doing that five years on my career Emily Watson at the height put a premiere last night I'm like no Emma come on yeah there's something really like outrageous III somebody said to me last night apparently you're going to Princeton it's like I'm flattered that you think I would get in right I was gonna be an oompa loompa in Charlotte Archie I don't know didn't I had quite take that what is the most extreme thing a harry potter fan has done what is the most touching good question from Melissa and junior okay right the most extreme thing - if understand that was probably the girl I don't know if you're aware for one we went through you know whether we wait what's that now this is a girl who who was for the whole time when were in New York promoting the fourth film was holding a big sign saying mrs. Radcliffe is here and but then she tried to hurt we pulled up at some traffic lights or stoplights us there America apparently and and we pulled up and stopped there and then her car pulled up next to us and she tried to climb out of the window of her car and through the window of our car without touching the ground but she didn't get it I don't think so I don't know we drove off most heartening you know I think generally we all will get great letters from sort of all over the world some are bizarre but some are really really sweet and we got some particularly from Japan we have some amazing letters from there which are just lovely and very very generous of spirit yeah love kids from the make-a-wish Foundation as well yes as well which is amazing yes if you could choose to be one mythical creature between the choice of scent or a mermaid or I already know why else because I'm only don't you oh yeah cuz I was younger like literally you know you know everyone has their own like Disney Princess which is well actually you won't know like yeah oh nice like young girls like cheese one which they're like oh yeah like a spire to be in my mind was always Little Mermaid and oh my dad what can we for saying this but for my fifth birthday party he dressed up as king Titan blue and yellow fish oh and your brother boy you did this to human you on your face / everyone dressed up as a character from The Little Mermaid it was amazing it was the best like 5th birthday party ever that's why I think okay I already have a costume so I'm sorted this is from Olivia from Los Angeles CA does anyone know what there's a letter that the state has California Oh Oh check you out okay okay cool I'm impressed okay if you were forced to confront a boggart what would it turn into I already know they aren't your ancestors yeah well it's the same as wrong it's a spider I think yeah I've never actually seen you with a real spider I had to stay away from it was have you seen Tom and Jerry when Tom and Jerry are running around and the maid is jumped up onto a chair well I can imagine I can imagine I remember we were in makeup once on the second film and a spider came in and you did get up on though yeah I would actually cry if one came near me I got a monkey man cuz you'll say like calm and collected and just like you never like show you're like I can't imagine I've got a really good peripheral vision I can see them for my miles let's remember that yeah the thing was in the ministry and there was this tiny little spider Oh God you know that was incredible it was a good 20 feet away every purchase or it's scuttling along and I'd really like no I obviously you know I don't wish anything bad on you but I would really like to see how you respond I've never it's actually quite a serious Danny Matt Danny in Madison in WI and I don't know where WI is I don't know what that is in England that's Women's Institute um do you think rock do you think pioneer mom will ultimately get together both it I think we can address that to both of you well yeah yeah I think we're we're pretty convinced range film has been like a subtle yeah hint of it sorry I don't know I think we have to wait the seventh book I'll tell ya no I don't think I definitely think it's gonna happen and I'm hoping it's gonna be it's gonna be really awkward though yeah I don't wanna think about I find you'll be find you'll just be cool about it it's gonna be strange but you'll get through oh yeah where we yeah a thousand times yeah I'm sure after like five times for kissing here where they knew we're just the nervousness or the awkwardness will hopefully maybe one of us will die so that's what we appreciate that so thank you to Emma Rupert moving forward and to you for watching and sending in your questions please check out our movie Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix when it comes out in cinema [Music] that's one that you saw want you to board that the fellas let's come back no I'm not very close it was Robert - reading stuff like that I'm really crepitus also was amazing goes there
Channel: Moviefone
Views: 2,935,769
Rating: 4.966723 out of 5
Keywords: 2007 films, 2007 movies, David Yates, emma watson and rupert grint, Fantasy Films, fantasy movies, harry potter 5, j. k. rowling, moviefone, unscripted, daniel radcliffe, Emma Watson, rupert grint, moviefone unscripted, unscripted interview, emma watson interview
Id: 5yOJFJHqAms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2012
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