Daniel Radcliffe's Struggle with Alcohol Due to the Fame of Harry Potter

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That is clearly on camera

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/that_username_is_use 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
I read something that just struck me you described not being able to do something that your friends were able to do like go to a club at night club and go dancing right and the way you described it was that everyone wants to see how Harry Potter dances right and what I took away from that was that every move you made was scrutinized and there must have been a pressure associated with that and I imagine that would feel like everywhere you went you were still around the same people that knew you in high school that wouldn't let you grow and move on or something I mean nobody consciously obviously doing that but though in your head yeah I mean I think there's a it's one of the reasons I love being in spending time in New York is there like no one really gives us that like about who you are like I can walk in places and no one cares and it's great in London there's like a sense of like some English there's a sense of like familiarity ownership almost yeah particularly with like super like rich upper-class people who will just like grab you like you are this oh come here say hello to my friend it's that familiar oh yeah not always but sometimes god you've probably had some of the awkwardness moments in history yeah but there is like an awareness I really struggled with particularly in my like late teens when I was like what I was going out to places for the first time where you would you would like feel I think again it could have largely been in my head but you would feel watched when you went into a bar when he went into a pub and then you know in my case the quickest way of forgetting about the fact that you're being watch was to get very drunk and then as you get very drunk you become aware that all people are watching more now cuz now I'm getting very drunk so I probably drink more to ignore that more and let you know so it gets into you know you get into it can like it can affect your psyche and you sort of have to yeah and I think I did start something as yeah that has there is no blueprint for starting young and working stuff out right and that's why like whenever people like having a go like Justin Bieber a drag racing cars or whatever I'm always like yeah but you know I don't know like stuff could be super crazy for him right now I don't like it this is it nobody because unless you're on that side of it there's no way you can understand quite now how kind of overwhelmed it's possible to get in it or to you know and it's also it's the eggs part of the thing is the expectation that you should just be delighted all the time you know you have a great job you're wealthy you should just you don't have a right to ever feel sad or to not be like excited about the whole thing but all the time and I think that's a that's a pressure as well because if you suddenly start to feel like man if I'm if I am just feeling some human emotion of sadness does that mean I'm doing this wrong does that mean like I'm not good at being famous or not good at you know living my life but the thing I'm so lucky about is that I I love it and I ultimately love the work and that's the thing I'll always go back to but there are some people who like don't love it and then get trapped in it and then some in some cases you've become the breadwinner for your family or the home and so an infrastructure of people is relying on you to keep doing this job that you might have gone into when you ate and now hate but now there is you would be letting so many people down if you didn't do it so I was just like very lucky that I loved it well that's a good point so when you found yourself in that situation of oh I'm just gonna drink and try to forget about it and then I'll drink more cuz I can't forget about it because I'm how did you sort of pull yourself out of that spiral cuz that was probably the fulcrum in your life where it could have gone either way yes I think so I mean you know it took a few years and it took a couple of attempts but I think I have been just unbelievably lucky with the people I've had around me at certain times in my life and I met some really key people some of them actors some of them not who just gave me great advice and really cared for me and ultimately was my own decision like I woke up one morning after a doctor and I going like this is probably not good um and I don't miss it generally like now at all like I free and I know and that varies for some people some people really still do and some people like don't and when I want to think of like yeah like the the sort of chaos I used to invite into my life I'm like I'm really much happier now and I think there was some part of me that was like actors have to be like crazy cool drunks like I have to live up to this image that I have in my head of what it is to be like a famous actor or something and then at a certain point it becomes about like who are you actually like drop if you're dropping all pretenses like what makes you happy and like even at the lowest point I still loved my job so much and I love going to set and there was never a day where my own would affect how I was on set and I would just like there was never a point where I was like I wish this hadn't happened to me I wish I wasn't how I thought like that just didn't happen hey folks thanks for watching if you like what you just saw then why not subscribe click right here for lots more off camera and if you want to see the hour-long version of these conversations I'm going to give you the secret link here it is off camera comm check it out [Music]
Channel: theoffcamerashow
Views: 2,667,310
Rating: 4.9280586 out of 5
Keywords: Off Camera, Sam Jones, Daniel Radcliffe, talk, show, interview, conversation, tv, television, movie, film, cinema, theater, stage, perform, act, entertain, Harry Potter, Swiss Army Man, Equus, Miracle Workers, A Young Doctor's Notebook, Kill You Darlings, The Woman in Black, drink, drunk, alcoholic, dance, night club, pressure, public, critic, New York, city, London, England, awareness, watch, bar, pub, forget, Justin Bieber, drag race, expectation, perception, sad, celeb, emotion, trap, advice, chaos, happy, set, job
Id: FfCsVPJsw-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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