The Wet Retirement Special: Black Fleet & Survive Reviews
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Shut Up & Sit Down
Views: 109,646
Rating: 4.956831 out of 5
Keywords: Shut Up and Sit Down, SUSD, SU&SD, Board Game Review, Review, Board Games, Board Gaming, Boardgame, Board Game, Gaming, Tabletop, Fun Games, Quintin Smith, Black Fleet, Survive
Id: ya3OjEtB_Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This is a reupload of an older video if I'm not mistaken. Still quality though.
Damn, they should add "reupload" to the title. I was like "wait, why doesn't he mention Tom?" at the 1:40 mark.
In the brief moments before I clocked that it was a reupload, seeing Paul lifted my hopes... before they were cruelly dashed on the rocks...
I think SUSD should advertise their older videos more often. They all still very much relevant today. It did be great to give old crusty games some love.
As a bonus, I would add a 5 mins new clip for a updated take. It would be great to see how the original review aged :)
I still very much love Survive - it just goes on so well with everyone. It's got bucket-loads of 'Take-that' (as well as giving it back!) but as it's pretty much the main focus, it just adds to the chaos. Lots of fun!
My original concern seeing the thumb nail and video title was "Oh no, Quinns is retiring from SUSD."
The muted autoplay on my phone which showed Quinns and Paul made me think Quinns was reminiscing and was retiring from SUSD.
Then I realized it was just an old video.
(P.S. Please don't go.)
ahhh that's why Survive was on the hotness today. i was like... huh, that's weird.
I bought Black Fleet a few years back because the board looked absolutely gorgeous, found the game to be a bit boring though unfortunately and traded it away.
Survive is available in Target 3 for price of 2 sale.