10 Oink Games Reviewed In 10* Minutes!

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OINK!!!!! Love these games. Have to watch the video later but no regular Nine Tiles? I've found that to be a much better game than Deep Sea Adventure when playing with non-gamer folks (and something I personally enjoy more).

Nine Tiles Panic is also really good but that's definitely a gamer version of Nine Tiles.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wallysmith127 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Light incompetence :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jbaird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I own "Juice Box." My kids love it! You try to get the straw in without putting a purple spot on the carpet. Usually nobody wins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 98 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/danger_games πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think this is probably the funniest SUSD I've watched.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 122 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pharmacon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Deep Sea Adventure is a delightful and delightfully brutal little game, and crucially takes up almost negative amounts of shelf space. Seriously, I was shocked when I got my copy in and I saw how tiny it is, which is a huge deal when you have as many games as I do and shelf space is at a premium. The fact that it's a simple but competitive game that you can teach to anyone and literally fits in your pocket throws it pretty firmly into the "must have" category.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_Blinky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun thing to do with your eventual collection of bad drawings from playing Fake Artist: Use them to play Modern Art! Either put them into a card sleeve with a playing cards or Magic as a backing card, or scan them in or some shit if you have the effort

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GingerPow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The premise of β€œFake Artist” is just so funny to me. Makes me giggle whenever I think about it. I must get a copy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/0ldAndGrumpy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly, outside of the review, I'm just really, really happy to see these two doing a co-review again. I know they aren't as co-located as before and so these videos are more and more rare, so when we get to see them do a review together it always makes my day

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mikemountain πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I will always defend Deep Sea Adventure (aka The Drowning Game) especially as a delightful introduction to the tragedy of the commons.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hannibal942 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey man come look at this oh no Quinn's he shot the poor games no these adorable boxes come from a Japanese company called point games and they are trendsetters in graphic design and minimalism as well as a secret extra minigame where you see if you can pack each one back in the box how these are amazing I haven't we covered these before well the reason you know it's just that previously with these games being manufactured in Japan they were always a little expensive over here stock was a little low but now point our manufacturing in Europe we can make up for lost time in this video we will review ten-point games in 21 minutes are you sure it wasn't incompetence there was some there was some light in comfort speaking of light incompetence is there a reason why we said we would do 10 games and there are only eight on the table huh you're mistaken Matt there are 10 [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] in nine times panic each player is handed an identical stack of nine tiles and each round three different scoring cards are drawn and these are things like most curves most hamburgers in front of one alien or the hilarious most boys players then race to assemble a square town when each of you decides you're done you snatch the lowest available number how well you do in these scoring objectives affects your ranking and acts as a tiebreaker but be careful if your town is illegal that's not because you were trying to fill it with boys if you don't finish it in time or if the roads don't join up and this is a pretty illegal town as things go then this game gives you one hell of a spanking you will get zero points for all of the objectives zero so this is a frenetic game but one where players that are too hasty will go careening out of the race which is a delight but it's also a bit of a novelty you'll get it out you'll play your laugh you'll have such fun and then you'll put it away and slowly it will just slip from your memory fade away until you just sort of don't remember forget about it completely hamburgers aliens but then years from now you'll see it on a train and you'd be like don't do that game and then you go oh yeah we used to be so close we were lovers I always felt like the summer would never end but it did and now we're just strangers so buying ninetails panic if you one little chuckle on your way to the grave whoa there my lanky tamale there are better right games out there but there are also worse point games out there hmm what should we do next better worse worse worse worse worse worse worse moneybags is a game about the world's daintiest criminals dividing the take after a heist everybody gets one of these loot bags but can only hold it like this each round one player is the big boss and secretly divides the loot between everyone's bags then you go around the table and on your turn you can either since your bag shut for the round or steal something or nothing from another player once you've stolen from another player and give them their bag back they then buy wait alone have to figure out whether to change you and if they do there's an explosive reveal where both players pour that coins out and whoever has the most is eliminated now in theory moneybags is a fun game of instructing your friends to jingle their pouch over and over again an auditory game that's exciting in practice moneybags is basically what bag is the diamond in the game this is a weightless piece with a value of 10 coins that tends to define who gets robbed and who wins the game but nobody really knows where it is so in summary moneybags is too slow to be a party game too random to be a bluffing game and too expensive to be a light silly game awful do not buy this undies the coins that you pay me with yes and you've been working very hard recently so here's a bonus oh thanks Quinn's I'm gonna save up and buy a copy of moneybags why because then I'll get all these coins and I'll be rich and when I'm rich you won't have any control over me there are good oink games however a fake artist's ghost New York is not one of them because it's one of the greatest games ever made one player will choose a category say animals and then will write on each of these little panels the name of an animal and that's on all the tiles apart from one because one person will just get the word fake that person then will have no idea what the table is collectively supposed to be drawing then you take one piece of paper and then one by one every player will go around adding one line to this collective piece of abstract art trying to make it clear to all the other players that they know what you're drawing whilst also not giving it away to the fake artist who at the end of the game will have one stab at trying to guess what the drawing is if they get called out as being the faker this tiny box has all the electric tension of the resistance or spiteful but whilst those games can just be exhausting this is light and fun and bright and pink like a delicious juicy berry and as you play it more and more you'll build up this fabulous little collection of terrible pieces of strange art that you can keep in a box and they'll make you laugh every time you open it up and the more you play the bigger your gallery of previous games becomes it's also a drawing game where not being able to draw is fun and you know what else while you can hack this together at home with just some paper and pens you're not gonna ever be able to make something that's cuter and more convenient than the version you can buy did we get there the Queen's are gonna have to arrest you on suspicion over okay this really is not a crime anyway see you later quince looks like I'm mr. moneybags now Tommy Tommy todos that buying oint games can be a wild ride look we can see in this box we're gonna get a dice and some cards but look if we open the box the cards are tiny and the dye is massive I don't even know what's real anymore oh that is a juice box what I can tell you is that Tama tomahto is probably a game that didn't turn up channel translate well games using tongue twisters and syllabic play are a big part of Japanese culture this is one of them players take turns to roll a dice and elongate the tongue twisted by that much they then have to say it for example Matt Oh Tom I'm a toto if a player screws up then everybody else around the table gets the point on a thing they want and every instance of the word tomato you spell at the end of the game gets you a point but already we've got a thing here look the Japanese art assets haven't been changed in this edition so you still have motto for target and toe which is shown by a door also I don't know what this is like in other languages but in English it's just too easy here we go Matt otome Amato Toma tomato tomato Marmot Oh tomato Matt Oh potato oh did you draw the thing that means you have to do it backwards tomato potato motto tomato Toma Mar tomato tomato motto motto motto motto boom aah how old is this game for 6 plus our six-year-olds children yes are we being overly critical of a game designed for kids maybe quince this isn't a game that's just juice in soda is another hidden role game and it's another Punk minimalist masterpiece based on the game 20 questions or if you're English animal mineral or vegetable I don't think anyone actually calls it that apart from your family I love it as a name I love that it drastically overemphasizes health and people are going to choose minerals so each of you gets a role and these roles tell you who's going to be the person who answers the questions who's the player who's secretly looked at the word and then everyone else has to try and figure out this word using yes and no question is it a human yes is it celebrity yes is it math yes okay you can't because actually the way this works is you use the number to them and we're going to destroy this car anyway the catch here is that one of the people playing the insider knows what the word is and has to very carefully use a skilled hand to guide the other players towards finding out what it is because at the end of the game when the timer runs out if the players guess the word correctly then they win as a group but then they also have to point out the person who was the insider the person who got them there and if they get it right the group wins if they get it wrong with the insider wins and for a game so exquisitely simple it's amazing how thrilling and intense it can be compared to some of the greatest hidden role games out there available trying to help everyone else just enough but not so much that it becomes obvious but not being so useless that you just don't get there is an incredibly stressful and wonderful thing and as for the cherry on the cake if when it comes down to the vote at the end for who the insider is the person who actually got the word right is the person who breaks the tie which means it's always in your interests as the insider to be the person who goes as a tree but when you choose to do that is going to be incredibly crucial and if you do it too early you are going to look guilty as balls insider is a superlative little game in a hot box and if you buy any one point game it should probably be this stop if they buy any oint game I think it should be this next one alright I love this box I love this theme I love this game you know how are people described seeing a puppy and it's so cute this want to bite it it is a minor miracle that this copy of the game of mine is not covered in bite marks in startups players are investing in six different companies each of which has a number showing how many cards are in the deck and at the end of the game everybody wants to be the person who invested the most in a particular company because for every share you have the minority shareholders then have to pay the person who has the most which is awful but the way play works is very simply you have a hand of three cards on your turn you're gonna draw a card and then play a card either permanently investing in it or discarding it to the middle of the table the next player when they're drawing a card either can take any other cards that are face-up but if they want to draw from the deck they instead have to put a coin on every card they don't want money that will go to whoever finally takes that card and finally when the deck runs out the game is over but startups ends in a tense finale where the three cards you're holding are automatically invested in hopefully giving you a surprise majority I own dozens of card games that are more intelligent and involved than startups but I'm not sure I own one that's as light and sweet and Moorish startups it's like our first in French wafer it's actually become one of my favorite games to bring to the pub because play flows so effortlessly around the table your turns are so short and exciting and everyone is so interested in everyone else's turns and the random chance baked into the design feels like tense gambling as opposed to frustrating nonsense because the game is so quick and so sweet gosh the last time I brought this to the pub actually my friends all cheered when I poked it up from the table that's how excited they were this is one game that I would invest in is that because it's a game about investment in troika humans have discovered a new plant is the planet and they're all racing to try and discover stones mediocre stone what are you doing stones aren't very fun what are you doing I'm helping you to review troika I am experienced doing this i pleasant troika are trying to make little runs of numbered space stones on your turn you will first flip one of these central stones over and then you may either put one stone back or take a stone from the middle with the ones that are facedown staying secret from your opponents and there's other stuff but none of it gives troika the momentum it needs to escape its own banal gravity I mean it's fun having to choose between requirements and greed and it's fun sitting there being terrified for the entire round the number you need is in the hand of another player but is it enough fun well according to this letter we received from the UK's Department of fun it's a No Dogen has my favorite back of any oink Box last fun and also when a game starts players all have to decide on a name for each of the four microbes in the game so that's fun then the experience is basically downhill from there in Zygon players are each given an identical hand of microbes you start by putting one microbe on the table and then players have to put down cards with exactly one more or less microbe while saying the name of the microbe that appears or disappears it says if one of you screws up anyone around the table can shout Dogen and then you stop and see if they were wrong and if they were wrong they go to pick up all their cards I mean it's again fine you know but you can play better games with a normal deck of cards better real time goofy games like Egyptian rat screw or spoons or all kinds of other stuff are you two having fun yeah [Laughter] I hate this game Wow you can't say that you can't say that let me do Quinn's pates this game but that's because he's a chump and has no class deep-sea adventure is a beloved troublingly thematic game about divers plunging into the sea to recover treasure all whilst connected to the same air supply players take it in turn to roll the dice and then move that many spaces down into the depths hopping over people along the way then deciding when you learns of a space whether or not you want to take that treasure and and it's your collection replacing it whether there is nothing here hahaha tile the catch here is that at the beginning of your turn you will reduce the oxygen counter by the number of pieces you're currently holding and after rolling your dice you will also move fewer spaces by how many pieces of treasure you're holding which is fine when you're going down slowly to the depths but when you're trying to make your way back to the ship before the oxygen runs out well oh no you are drowning so the game is about deciding when to turn around and also when landing back on these empty spaces again on the way back up deciding if you would like to maybe leave behind one of the treasures you got before just in the hope of preventing drama nation sinka tude the final big wet cuddle of the sea h2o no it's in my mouth and lungs so deep-sea adventure does a lot with a little and a nightmarish calculation of when to turn around is superb get back to the boat too early you're giving your friends more oxygen but if you miss the boat and everyone else starts toddling back to the boat then yeah there's no way you're going to be able to leapfrog over anyone the way back and you are definitely going to drown this is definitely the most evocative of the oint games to date packing an awful lot of dark grim black comedy into a very small blue box but even though it's hugely popular I can completely understand why a lot of people don't really like it honestly I don't really like it it's not very good however if you set it up and say hey Matt you don't like to use the adventurer ya player it's not a great game but it's fun and I will play it and that stands for something I think that's the only reasonable thing with this guy why do you hate this game so much what because you've never won it and you deserve to win it flotsam fight like startups plays more like a breezy little card game than anything else but like startups I think it's worth the money even if it's not as good as startups you all play explorers who sailed around the world amassing treasures with disappointingly half-assed and sometimes quarter asked illustrations and you get ten cards each round but I know your ship is sinking and you all take turns putting stuff in lifeboats the way you win a game of flotsam fight is by getting rid of your hand before anybody else and the way you do that is on your turn chucking a card into a lifeboat and the number you put in has to be divisible by that number and has to be higher than all the other cards previously played so very simply I could throw this seven into the seven lifeboat and no there's loads of room for all the other cards I have in my hand divisible by 7 or I could chuck this 90 into the 9 lifeboat and be happy knowing that none of my friends will be able to put anything into it but if you can't or won't do maths don't worry because every card has written down the side all the numbers that it divides by the reason this gets very tricky and very thinkI very quickly is because you can only ever be loading a number of lifeboats equal to the number of players plus one so we've already got our four lifeboats here in a three player game and once players can't play any more cards you clear all the boats and start again but here's the really interesting thing the person who empties their hand first will get two points for winning the round but for the rest of the players its whoever has the heaviest card gets minus one point and whoever has the lightest card left will get one point so there's two different things are you angling to empty your hand or get rid of your big numbers there's a lot of really nice subtle card playing here just like startups but I just don't think flotsam fight is quite as exciting a start-up so I would definitely buy this second but still there's a lot of fun to be had here even if it's mostly from playing a card and every or one of your friends going ah ah because you just felt the lifeboat they wanted to it's you we gonna do the song it's a good game it's a good game it's a good lovely lovely lovely lovely game this is juice which it is and that was ten point games in 21 minutes wow what a treat if people want to see us do ten more we got loads of ten more we could do that just leave a comment quit why you have breath ten minutes isn't it quite small games it's all they make a huge difference hey what about big finale what if we ranked all of these Dame's games from worst to best in ten seconds that quiz I think that's gonna be a lot of trouble here we go so obviously worst is gonna be money bags you can't earn top games either it's between fake afters and insider yeah at Wars no startups of course it's the best no it starts as good as fake artists troika squarely in the middle it's the definition of average yeah my toss panic or for some point flotsam fight I think is better than this one that's gonna be very introversion the ninetails panic is maybe nice Logan down here at the very bottom and then okay well guys oh good 9 that day no no Tommy Tommy toad like oh my god oh yeah sorry hang on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait oh no duty if I should be hi Annie obviously that just sit over there I do that so that's our roundup if you've enjoyed this video you can click like you can click subscribe you can click comment there's all sorts of buttons on the internet and what we devised that you click all of them but finally anything some of these around I don't think this is that good and I think that that's better than the troika's might not move that around there so yeah we've got we've got God's here we've got maybe tier and we've got no no please I can't stand the tears thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Shut Up & Sit Down
Views: 326,053
Rating: 4.9537821 out of 5
Keywords: Shut Up and Sit Down, SUSD, SU&SD, Board Game Review, Review, Board Games, Board Gaming, Boardgame, Board Game, Gaming, Tabletop, Fun Games, Quintin Smith, Matt Lees, Nine Tiles Panic, Moneybags, A Fake Artist Goes to New York, TomaTomato, Insider, Startups, Troika, Zogen, Deep Sea Adventure, Flotsam Fight
Id: 2hcqQZWM5Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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