The "Wendigo" Diverging Evolutionary Pathway In Dark Was The Night Explained | True Story Explored

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the concept of something in the woods just beyond our light of our campfires when Humanity had a little more hair and a little less technology is something that is prevalent in all cultures across the planet and with good reason too because likely there was animals such as bears and large cats would be less inclined to approach a fire at night with a bunch of people around it however tread too far into those woods and you would likely get grabbed whisked away into the darkness and ever seen again as you become a cautionary tale to the next group of youngins to abide by as Humanity continued up its technological scale however eventually we started clearing woods and creating open spaces for our homes our homes became sturdier able to withstand most animals outside our dwellings became larger as well as with camps growing into Villages which grew into towns and then cities over time humanity began to realize there was nothing Supernatural in the woods just animals as it's always been but still the stories persist about other creatures out there lurking in the darkness and despite how far we've come and exploring and owning this world I would wager a lot of you are like me when you look out into the tree line at night through a window you wonder if there's something staring back when you go to sleep do you ever think about what's outside of the walls of your home separating you from what's stalking in a small town in Maiden woods and Upstate New York a logging project to clear out materials north of a small town surrounded by Woods would start having pets and horses disappear over the course of a few nights as the sheriff began investigating what is happening eventually he wakes up to find the evidence that something has been stalking the town and its inhabitants getting closer and closer and even leaving Footprints from its late night activities right outside his own home which is actually based on a true story believe it or not but what exactly is this creature and where did it come from well let's discuss that in today's episode what versus this episode is sponsored by Factor the holiday is coming up I bet you're a lot like me you're going to consume untold amounts of calories fall asleep in front of the TV a lot and say well if I would be eating Thanksgiving leftovers for the next week why go to the gym then with all that said you're gonna start to feel sluggish and tired December is also trashed because you're just gonna be napping after work that sounds like you because again it is me then Factor may be what you're looking for Factor offers 30 4 mils per week and up to 36 add-ons like smoothies juices snacks and more to keep you going with choices like Protein Plus keto vegetarian and healthy eating in general you can keep on track with your goals and feel better by eating more nutritious Foods I personally go with the high protein meals seeing as I'm doing more weightlifting lately it helps fuel me to keep me working out and make the most of my lifts so if that sounds like things that you would be into then by heading to forward slash roanoke60 and using Code roanoke60 you can get 60 off your first Factor box today all right let's get back to it we kick off our story in the Deep Woods looks great for hiking apparently even better for logging the crew is working for the day and as they wrap up and head out for the weekend everyone starts clearing out the foreman is waiting up at the front as the crew begins leaving as one of the loggers Drives By he tells the foreman that Jesse's crew is still out there he gets on the radio calling over to them but Jesse has got problems of his own it seems the radio is on the ground and the equipment is scattered around indicating that Jesse and his crew likely aren't having a good time as the foreman continues to call out Jesse gets to the radio but can't get a word out before getting got the former then heads over to the site and gets calling out but gets no one hearing radio static he spots Jesse behind a tree with the radio only it isn't Jesse now actually I guess it's part of Jesse as he rounds the corner he's got an arm off might have to blur that out but the humorous boat is completely exposed blood begins dripping on his shoulder as he looks up and spots what's left of his worker as with normal people this prompts to form into GTFO at this point because no thanks as he gets back to his truck it's clear that something is hunting him his truck doesn't start either because of course I mean why would it and here's heavy footsteps behind him he looks back as something breaks through the window tearing him apart in his truck if this truck's a rocking don't come and knocking we now head over to Maiden Woods nice town you have your church your Main Street a sheriff crying at the playground with a dark past you know all the standards Eden's Deputy are heading over to a horseery someone actually told me what these are actually called in the video nope but for the life of me I cannot remember anyhow we see how many people actually live in Maiden woods and it's set at 2 43 although it should probably be set at 2 42 so it's a real small town and it's actually kind of a dream of mine to live in a town like that but my wife completely hates small towns basically she's a mega nerd ducking on the wife aside as they head to the horse farmer the guy is upset because he had 23 horses yesterday but now he has 22 today the sheriff says there's no truck tracks maybe the horse just got loose the owner continues yelling about missing horse 88 but the deputy says he definitely just left the gate open which the sheriff agrees as he looks out and spots the daughter now if the ancient texts hold true to date a farmer's daughter you're gonna either need a 1969 Mustang or a 67 Impala I mean I guess you could go with a 68 Dodge Challenger if you're just like a mega nerd but you also have to be okay with getting a shotgun blasts in it otherwise it's just not going to work but then they head back towards town so now we meet the sheriff's family now borderline estranged family his son Adam and his wife-ish Susan we also get some backstory on the deputy it seems like he was up in New York but left for some reason does all law enforcement in town have some horrible backstory that plagues them the answer is yes as Paul talks to his estranged wife Susan she brings up how she's been getting therapy and they could go together but Paul says he's not the one that left and he takes off and heads home that night as Paul makes french toast for his son he starts asking down our questions about Lynn's mom coming home and is this about Tim you know the type of questions kids ask because there's actually no filter there and it makes you question your whole existence sort of like if a kid says you're ugly you're actually probably ugly it's a brutalization sort of stuff but as they sit there the kid spot something move across the window and here's where old dad has got some terrible advice for his son as he goes to take a look his son wants him again to go outside and check it out but to take the force multiplier as well Paul says that he doesn't need to take it because he's gonna go back there and prove to him there's nothing to be afraid of out there okay weird Flex because Bears absolutely do still exist at this latitude and I'm fairly certain black bears actually are up there there is a lot of things to actually be scared of in the woods because to be scared of something is to respect the possibility that you could absolutely get bodied by something so he heads out and calls out to whatever it is but as he walks around he also gets spooked because he hears something but it doesn't sound like a human as it sits high up in the trees cracking branches he then heads back inside and puts his boy to sleep as he spots his other son's bed like bro it's probably time to mourn my dude but he heads out and then goes to sleep the next morning as he's getting ready for work the deputy comes inside he asks if Adam is still asleep because then he asks Paul if he's been outside yet he motions for him to follow him as they exit out the front door looking at the ground there are massive tracks all around the house as Paul follows them he sees that some of them appear that they were looking in his window at night the spacing is wrong to be a horse and it also appears that this thing is on two feet they continue following the tracks as apparently they go all throughout town and now it's story time because this is actually based on supposedly real events in the town of Topsham England I'm pretty sure that's how you say it in 1855 an event took place known as The Devil's Footprints between February 8th and 9th during the night in 1855 after a heavy snowfall a series of hoof-life marks appeared in the snow these Footprints most of which which measured around 4 inches or 10 centimeters long and 3 inches or 7.6 centimeters across with between about 8 to 16 inches apart mostly in a single file were reported at more than 30 locations across Devon and a couple across Dorset and I'm pretty sure there's gonna be an English guy in the comments like that's not how you pronounce it uh USA baby it was estimated that the total distance of the tracks amounted to between about 40 to 100 miles or 60 to 160 kilometers houses Rivers Haystacks and other obstacles were traveled straight over Footprints appeared on tops of snow-covered roofs and high walls which lay the footprints path as well as leading up to and exiting drain pipes as small as four inches about 10 centimeters in diameter also if it sounds like I'm saying centimeters weird I bit the hell out of my tongue the other day and apparently that's just a word that causes me to use that part of my tongue so what are the name of all that is Holy is that well likely it was actually a prank with some remembrances being off but still highly interesting so back to the movie so the town is obviously a little spooked by this the sheriff and Deputy follow the footprints into the woods of Fairways back as they do the tracks abruptly end the sheriff looks around and spots claw marks on the trees but no other sign of the creature Paul at this point calls for the forest rangers they inform him that no animal that they know of would match that description but he would appreciate it if they would come check it out they think it's a prank so they elect not to help great use of our tax dollars as Paul leaves the station we get more backstory the Padre is there to discuss how his dog has gone missing and that Paul also needs to mourn and the church is there but everyone is down to follow Paul as long as he leads them correctly Exposition as a deputy works on paperwork he also finds a picture of Paul's other son Paul is now being questioned at the gas station by the townspeople Jim is a little upset as there's a lack of action he questions Paul about why they aren't hunting this thing down right now and I get it but they don't even know what they're dealing with yet Paul keeps trying to calm Everyone by saying it's obviously just a prank bro but Jim thinks it's the deputy because he's a city guy stirring things up okay then walking outside we actually do get some real information though Earl Flags down the sheriff and asks if he's been in the trees lately Paul tells him about the prince which Earl responds there are no animals within five miles of the town like they all just got up and vanished Paul asks why they would do that to which Earl says that usually means there's a new predator in the area as they can sense it there so they nope data there heading back to Susan's mom's house he talks to Susan and she starts asking about where he is mentally and Paul ain't doing so hot bro that's the sort of like white knuckling through horrible stuff that you probably need to talk about but as Paul and Adam drive through to Paul's house at night Adam freaks out saying he saw something he yells for his dad to stop as Paul looks out and then spots an animal running like something that we I don't know about you but I normally wouldn't see he then chases it as it climbs up into the trees he looks around and hears a metallic rustling finding the halter for the number 88 horse going back to his truck his son is gone so he runs into the house as the kid was hiding because he heard something outside of the car and also noped out of there meanwhile at a bar Donnie is having a few drinks as he talks to Earl Earl asks Donny how much does he know about the woods and this place he then tells him a story about the spirits in the tree and how previously back in the day the trees were Disturbed the spirits came for every man woman and child he then goes on to tell them about a boy that went missing when they found him he was 30 feet up in a tree you know probably not good stuff the next morning Susan and Paul meet with Adam's teacher to discuss a horrible word that he said embrace yourself for it he said pecker I know Pearl clutching abound but as they talk the teacher gets upset because obviously Susan and Paul thinks that's funny because it's really not that big of a deal so the teacher way oversteps and mentions help Adam needs to stop referring to his dead brother in the present tense which activates the mama bear instincts of Susan as she shuts the teacher down faster than a babysitter's boyfriend when the car pulls up which honestly she deserved that so Susan and Paul leave as she tries to hug Paul but he's gotta posts up it doesn't hug back that was awkward so Paul drives over to the graveyard where his son is and spots a deputy waving at him Donnie goes to talk to him as they start hearing a bunch of birds they look up as apparently a mass migration has begun and the birds are noping out Donnie and Paul go to get lunch as they discuss us what Earl told Paul it's not a migration as they were flying North not South but the animals are all going missing Paul still doesn't believe there's a monster in the woods but as Donnie brings up the boy they found in the trees Paul says it wasn't monsters it was humans it's yup pretty much I mean I mean in this case it's probably monsters but uh humans are also monsters bad things happen because people let them happen now Ronnie back to humans are monsters some humans are monsters others are really good that night we also see Paul is considering divorce with Susan as he's open to petition so yeah again Paul ain't doing so hot as previously mentioned we get some more backstory on Donnie at this point he became a cop because he spent so much time bailing his old man out of jail that he figured and why not become one which prompts Susan to tell Donnie about what happened apparently Paul was supposed to be watching Tim they had a kiddie pool which then Tim's like kind of slipped and then hit his head on the bottom and got knocked unconscious and subsequently drowned now fun fact depending on what your definition of fun is that almost kind of actually happened to my brother apparently it was at some party I was super young my dad was holding me and my brother went missing for like two minutes old man got a feeling he may have fallen into the pool dropped me ran over there to find my brother at the bottom of the pool looking up so pretty wild stuff so at this point I think the theater knows this crap happens all the time watch your kids around water all it takes is a few minutes of not noticing anyhow Susan doesn't blame Paul but he blames himself hence the depression so as Paul sits there not having a good time he's hallucinating his son running around which is pretty standard actually high amounts of stress will trigger that sort of like how you see a dead loved one's face in a stranger when you're walking down the road Source scenario but he gets a call from the horse farmer guy the horseery the horse keeper what is he called anyways he talks about how last night someone was banging on the side of the barn Paul calms him down but as he does something then jumps and breaks the light Paul goes to check it out as he spots an animal run through the hay and jump the fence he doesn't know what it was because it was too dark and he only saw a leg he says that they will come back in the morning and check it out so now it's morning they find claw marks all over the side of the barn as something was clearly trying to break in as they look at the prints they find that there's actually and I'm not sure the best way to say it but basically three hoof points making contact with the ground so these aren't horse hoof prints as Paul looks up he finds that there are no natural animals that would actually possess this however there is one and it's kind of funny because it calls it a windiga but when you actually click on that link it just says there is no Indica it's a windigo maybe it's just a local thing I don't know anyways I literally went to that link so basically they're saying it's a windigo Paul drives way out of town and finds that there's actually still animals there but they've been torn apart heading back into town it's time to have some lunch with the family Adam starts asking when they can go home together you know right in the gut and Susan says it's complicated to which Adam's like oh do you still love each other and Susan doesn't know but Paul finally answers yes we do still love each other but it's not that simple which gives Susan some hope and then just completely destroys it just remember you can't take away something from somebody that has nothing you have to give them something first to take it away anyways this does give Susan hope that they'll be able to mend the relationship that night things are about to get way worse a weather system is moving in and it's going to start dumping snow the deputy goes to the gas station to drink coffee near the squirrel and hit on the attendant Paul is patrolling around where he finds a deer in the road he goes to check out his body and move it out of the center of the road but Finds Its disemboweled as something is moving in the tree line there's not believing in like there's monsters with no evidence but considering what Paul has seen you wouldn't catch me outside of that Cruiser something then lunges at Paul as he heads back to the cruiser he looks down for like half a second and then looks up seeing the deer carcass is completely gone and something's in the woods he heads back to the bar to talk to Donnie at this point Paul begins telling Donnie that the deer looked older like they couldn't keep up with the younger deer and that the horse didn't just get out of the gate along with the claw marks the claw marks in the deer sort of confirmed to him that you know what maybe there is something out there despite only seeing glimpses of it you know three or four times the deputy confirms that hey we find things all the time that we didn't think were alive but actually are as Paul and Donny go to leave we get this absolute clown known as Jim once again so let me ask you something you live in a small town would you start picking a fight with a sheriff about his deceased son and how he couldn't protect him so how can he protect the town like bro what is your angle here get hit with a police baton in the face jeez what a jackass the next morning is the last bit of deer season and some Hunters are in the woods looking for the deer however they become the haunted at this point as something is moving around in the trees as an attack begins a hunter gets one shot off but it doesn't sound like much back at the station we finally figure out why Donnie came to the small town looks like he took some lead to the meat suit apparently him and his old man were shot together his life was going well and boom derailed so he figures maybe he just wasn't where he was supposed to be maybe here is where he was supposed to be to protect people who knows because back out of the road as Paul returns to where the deer was he sees the blood is still there at mile marker 5 and here's that there's something else in the woods again but he starts hallucinating that he's hearing Tim as he calls out for him but then a hunter grabs him telling him that something is behind him then go back to the station the hunter tells them about the attack and how all of his friends are gone there's no need to look for them which I mean that's not suspicious at all Paulin still doesn't understand how this animal could go unnoticed for so long this would mean it knows how to hide and may even know that humans are a threat because of that it's intelligent earl now calls Paul and Donnie as they get there and spot the other Hunters up in the tree and Jim is an absolute idiot I hate Jim Jim is basically Amy Paul tells them to get out of the woods right because it's pretty much for their safety well Jim protests saying it's the last two weeks of hunting season bro their bodies literally torn to shreds pulled up into trees and these guys were armed you really want to be out in those woods for deer like what are you even thinking nothing nothing could possibly be what you're thinking Paul issues The Ore to get everyone in their homes before nightfall Paul calls the forest rangers once more to which they finally agree to come out with two dozen men and 24 hours to hunt down whatever is causing the issue but now the storm is moving in so the roads are starting to close the town is now completely cut off as apparently most of the town has chosen to leave to not be trapped there as just a few choose to stay kind of reminds me of 30 Days of Night To be honest with you but Susan calls Paul to tell him thanks for taking Adam and that she loves them call back man Donnie now arrives with information but Paul puts together that the logging operation caused this creature to be flushed out towards them as it continues to push South Paul then gets knocked on the door and it's Jimmy boy Jim John jimaroo Jim has a trail cam that he's been using in the forest that he keeps for bucks something comes by and knocks over the camera but in one frame we see a hominid-shaped creature Paul keeps the picture as Donnie mentions how the cell service is down which always happens in a storm and not a good time for these things to be wandering around because it's finally entering the town as Paul continues to look for pictures he hears something trying to break into his home they run up to the bathroom to hide from this thing as it begins walking through the house looking for them Paul calls out to Donnie on the radio as he starts heading back to the house we're getting a look at his feet with three claws which can either be curled up to walk on or outstretched in attack mode as Donnie arrives it scares the creature away as Paul goes to check with Adam locking the door creature run past Donnie knocking him down as he takes a pot shot at it Paul and Donnie now gather up the townspeople to stay in the church or really what's left of the town he starts telling them about the logging camp and the bodies and the trees the next morning the forest department will be there and have Rangers crawling all over the woods looking for this thing they just need to survive the night and they'll be good to go I feel like a more defensible location would have been better maybe a bar less Windows thicker walls head to the Winchester have a pint and wait for this whole thing to blow over sort of scenario so Paul looks through some pictures of what his son has been drawing family friendly sort of stuff as Donnie then sits with Earl talking about hope he gets up and then goes talk to Claire as he finally makes his move Paul tells Susan he can't protect these people because he couldn't protect him as it finally all comes out he seized him and he feels like he's going crazy so the reconciliation begins between him and Susan as he finally stops being a weirdo and actually hugs his wife but it's short-lived as this thing has arrived at the church thinking quickly he asked the priests about the shelter in the basement it's jam-packed full of stuff but it sure beats being out here they head down there as the creature breaks in upstairs Paul kisses his wife hugs the kid and goes off to do Paladin activities you know battle class in a church trust me it works Paul tells Jim to hold the door handing him a force multiplier as Donnie and him Ascend the stairs then the power gets cut because of course it does but moving through the door has been broken open and they can't see much continuing on so too does the creature knocking over chairs climbing walls but Paul tells Donnie to stay there and don't let the creature get around him as he heads to the back of the church to confront the thing heading into the Sunday School area is clear this thing is back there however outside another Shadow appears in the kitchen Donnie then heads in there finding the prince and the flower as he gets grabbed by it but he lets out a shot near his left ear Donnie is like 149 deaf in that ear now the creature approaches him as he lets out some more shots tagging it Donnie has been cut but he's alright and tells Paul to go get the creature and that'll be fine so now Paul begins to hunt the hunter around the corner well there it is he attacks it as it grabs the force multiplier stopping him from hitting it directly Paul then runs off and starts hiding underneath the pews to get the upper hand again as it begins walking by he unclips his sidearm as he hears it and kicks the pews Paul lets off a shot as the thing climbs the wall behind him and jumps down squaring up and look me in the eyes and tell me this thing doesn't look like a Goomba for the Mario movie or at least related to it somehow Paul then lets out a few shots hitting it but it continues its attack he's able to get his knife out and gut it ending the creature in the process limping back to the group with Donny they managed to overtake the creature and all's well they get everyone out of there to come out of the shelter telling everyone that you know it's safe so now we have a big happy reunion as everything is gonna be fine so it ends on a happy note or does it examining the body Donnie comes to the horrifying Revelation that wait a minute I took a chunk out of this thing's shoulder how did it heal well that's because it didn't panning to the outside of the church the place is crawling with these things literally and that's where it ends my guess is they are completely screwed unless they head to that choke point earlier and just keep firing so where to begin I think we need to First establish does this creature appear to hail from our realm of life or is it something completely Supernatural on this channel I have been known to occasionally cover things that really are supernatural creatures so it wouldn't be too far-fetched but I actually don't believe this is anything more than a naturally occurring species at least in this universe the running theme throughout this movie is How Could An animal hide for this long without us having some eventual run-in with it but the fact is we already have as Earl was telling Donnie back in the day Europeans arrived and took over the whole area they were told about the dangers in the woods but refused to adhere to the warnings because of this every man woman and child in that town was wiped out the thing to know about Upstate New York is also the woods are quite expansive and despite the country's largest city being located in that state there are huge swaths of land absolutely covered in forests and actually have some pretty good hiking trails but is fairly dense and with few towns in between in fact the state itself is covered in force up to 61 percent with roughly 18 million 600 000 Acres of Deep Woods because of this is it possible that something has gone unseen in our more modern age and now I have to ask the question why does this channel start sounding more and more like Ancient Aliens on literally the heels of what I've just said clearly I would have to say yes it has apparently gone unseen but given that in the movie there is already store worries about this creature existing man had really already come into contact with a species several times before hence the warning to stay clear of them all throughout human history exists stories that were actually there to serve as warnings to others in fact arguably that's where most of Humanity's Fairy Tales come from they are simply there to serve as warnings to children and I guess people in general about literally the people and events that we may encounter in the world that we inhabit of course usually they are bolstered with some ethereal aspect and that causes them to be more easily remembered but enough of the Mythos of these creatures the takeaway is this I don't believe that they come from a different planet or are entirely Supernatural what I do believe is the people living in these areas prior to Europeans coming over already knew of a dangerous animal living in the woods using trees to move around and Hunt that could overpower man and they are the creature that are called the windigo because while modern lead being flung into the body most definitely hurts imagine trying to take these things out with like bows in close combat it would almost appear Invincible given their hides and counter-attack abilities speaking of hides to figure out where they may have come from we must first discuss why these things are even so dangerous in the first place and thankfully the movie they did it correctly there's a lot of examples of the foot to analyze which we can extrapolate to the hands as well and for all new people I'm required by law to tell you I am in no way shape or form a dude in defeat it was a meme we just leaned into it and now the whole channel has become a giant mean from the drop what can you do anyways apart from that we see with the feat that these creatures actually have two abilities first is the attack mode and second is traveling mode which I will go over momentarily but first the creature has what appears to be four toes but really these are going to operate much like a hand does and this is what's known as a prehensile foot three of the toes are used for grasping whereas the fourth toe appears to be more of a dew clock anyways chimpanzees and many other Apes have been known to have this type of foot which can be used for grasping and walking as well typically tree dwelling animals will need this Arrangement as if they do not want to fall out of trees then it becomes appropriate to have extra grasping limbs the reason humans lost our prehensile feat a long time ago is because we collectively started standing up more to see over Tall Grass as well as travel greater distances and our feet needed to change shape to accommodate walking as opposed to grasping this is a major indicator to me that these creatures are not Supernatural in origin but actually have a distinct evolutionary pathway given their adaptations to the Natural World given that the foot is prehensile the creature has adapted in a way to move around on the ground as well in order to chase prey and because of that they needed to have a way of actually getting their claws out of the line of fire as this would dull their claws and in general make it more difficult to run like imagine running literally in scuba gear that's what these claws would do to them the adaptation to the feat is when the creature is covering vast distances they will curl up their claws underneath the foot and sort of run on the knuckles of them in doing so this creates the three-hooved pattern that we have seen in the snow and when they were first walking around the town the second adaptation is when it's time to move in for an attack the claws will uncurl and move forward allowing for the creature to walk on the balls of its heat for a time so that the creature can then eviscerate anything that it needs to attack along with this this animal will have a back claw around the heel of the foot much like how again other animals have dew claws such as mammals birds and reptiles the foot is also fairly elongated and continues up into a digital grid structuring of the leg the legs are fairly muscular from calf thigh region seeing as these creatures are able to run and leap vast distances almost in the blink of an eye this would make these legs incredibly powerful on them like with the rest of the body they are covered in a thick green scaly hide that is difficult to penetrate with anything but a powerful force multiplier but if you only had like say a force enhancer AKA a spear it's very unlikely that you would do enough damage to actually slow this thing down if you went for its legs moving up to the abdomen while we only see it for a moment we can assume that since Paul was able to gut the thing much like with any other animals with scaly hides the stomach is a weak zone for the body the abdominal region also appears more live than the rest of the body suggesting that this thing may actually have more vertebrae than we do as humans this elongated appearance means that this creature is also a lot taller than man as well likely somewhere in the range of two to three feet taller than a human when standing fully upright or about 0.7 to 1 meter taller the musculature build heading up to the thoracic region is fairly pronounced as well with the shoulders being swole goals moving down to the arms we see they are built in the same way as primates are with a bicep and tricep clearly visible but unlike humans and like with primates the forearms are longer indicating that they are definitely living up in the trees the hands are stocky given how long the arms are but they are powerful and likely they also rely on the claws to a degree to make up for their more stocky fingers which is why they tend to leave claw marks in the trees whenever they begin climbing they have three fingers and one thumb like appendage meaning that they have the same amount of toes to fingers which may actually indicate that these creatures are purely reptiles rather than potentially amphibious the head of this creature is fairly interesting but again it looks goomba-ish it has a forward-facing head meaning the muscle holds up the the skull as opposed to Bone holding up the skull like with humans and this sort of shows that while they may be as smart as an orangutan or chimpanzee they are not as smart as humans but that's sort of the issue isn't it these creatures while not able to outsmart humans given how powerful they are and their hunting abilities can overpower man even when he's armed because of this it gives them an edge over our species and if there's a perfect storm of scenarios that renders a small group of people fighting them it's probably game over for that small group of people however if a larger group of homo sapiens were to come into contact with these creatures and actively know about them it's likely it wouldn't be much of a fight at all and this would result in the capture or neutralization of this species on the face exists forward-facing eyes which as always typically denotes a predator but is not 100 steadfast in the ruling while forward-facing eyes give you binocular vision and allow you to focus on movement if you take something like a gorilla for instance it also has forward-facing eyes but it's not exactly a hunter just figured I would continue to make that distinction non-hunting animals can absolutely have forward-facing nuts the teeth of this creature are absolutely massive when it peels back its armored lips several Jagged teeth can be seen protruding from the gums again this thing is full Predator so these are used to bite down and inflict massive blood loss leading to shock given the shape of the teeth it may be similar to other reptiles and that they have a tremendous bite force as well to snap bones like Twigs which could also lead to further shock the overall structure of this creature is an animal that prefers to live in the trees but will come down if the environment is Disturbed leading to bipedalism they are larger than humans can run faster and in general have no issue tearing apart anything that it deems prey on top of that they appear to be social Hunters coming together as a pack to attack an entire town but what's most interesting is their intellect that is shown when they scout out the town first looking in Windows and getting a feel for what the prey is doing as opposed to me see me eat evolutionarily speaking how do these creatures come to be what they are well evolution is a funny thing it's not so much an order of secession like some people tend to believe which I'll never understand just because the new newer thing evolves doesn't mean the original Branch isn't even still there or didn't split her off to make a new different version from you so to understand their evolution we have to kind of take a look at our own mammals when we first came around roughly 178 million years ago basically just a rat essentially a reptile had a mutation where its scales became hair in fact if you look at mammalian hair it looks almost exactly like plated scales anyhow this hairy weirdo that produced milk and engaged in viviparous reproduction took off due to their smaller stature when earth started having really horrible times around 66 million years ago they were able to Scurry back into their burrows for survival one of the interesting things is we don't give early mammals or reptiles in general enough credit for their social ability in fact there is something known as Triassic cuddle which is a fossil showing a brewmastega which was a really old amphibian with eyes on top of its head and a thronexadon pretty sure I said that correctly which was a reptile like mammal covered in hair basically something not so great was going on and the Brew mastega ran into the burrow and cuddled with accident on for safety as the burrow was then filled with flood waters taking them both out basically animals are pretty social no matter the species well that's not true cats aren't really that social but cats can also be fairly social just remember that but anyways there's a reason I'm launching into this with humans as mammals evolved over time this created primates which were highly social creatures living in troops till eventually humans would Branch off from Homo erectus and then ultimately became Homo sapiens now we're covering millions of years in time in just a sentence but the key to our intellect and ability comes down to three things really actually maybe four potentially one depending on what you believe time luck environmental pressures and protein Humanity stood upright to see over grasses moving our skulls backwards onto our spines due to the changes in landscape going from trees to large savannas Humanity has lived during a relatively peaceful time frame on our planet except for that one time where we almost went extinct and there were only like 2 000 of us left on the entire planet living on a coastline eating clams for survival that was really not an ideal time accompanied with luck is the time frame we have lived because does it's been relatively quiet on this planet with no major impacts from space or massive diseases taking us out or anything of that nature we have had time to evolve finally protein this allowed us to have larger brains and continue to grow them which unlocked cooking to release even more nutrients all of these things came together to make Humanity unless your thing is that we were created in which case there's really only one thing that led to us regardless of what you think is the reason what led to us the Ultimate Reality is Humanity absolutely dominates this planet as a result no other species on this world at any point in time has had the ability to deep fry the planet or leave it as we so choose to do and I mean when I say leave it can't really leave it large scale but we have left it and that's the important part now all of this also can apply to these creatures but on a different branch of life if within the last several millions of years we can go from quadrupedal to semi bipedal to fully bipedal then it stands to reason that another creature could do this as well in fact potentially less time would be needed based on the fact that they aren't likely fully bipedal right now just mostly I believe these creatures are from dark was the night are reptilian as you probably have gathered by now given the scales teeth and Claws it's likely at some point Earth's history these creatures were on a similar pathway as mammals were considering reptiles back in the day were also quadrupedal this would mean that eventually one of them stood upright which obviously happened because as time progressed we had dinosaurs who were archosaurs which is basically just a larger group of reptiles this in turn would cause them to have their head upright then over time they evolved on a separate pathway sort of like primates did but retain their reptilian traits because of their stature not being much larger than a man this would require them to band together in order to hunt down larger animals that existed not so long ago much like how man had to do this could also mean that they were actually endotherms believe it or not for a creature to survive this far up north more so with Earth having just come out of a real ice age and the subsequent little Ice Age actually not too long ago it does hint that they are warming their bodies with their metabolism which is time for some new lore did you know that basically it's hypothesis size now that dinosaurs were mesotherms not quite ectotherms but not quite endotherms either they relied on both the heat from the environment but also on their own metabolisms which heated their bodies as well this is why things like T-Rex could live in colder climates as they also retained heat with their feathers because I believe it's hypothesized that T-Rexes actually used to live on Ancient Antarctica as it was moving south and literally became a lost continent like how awesome would it be to have actual access to the seventh Continental land mass on Earth we kind of got screwed with the time frame we're in right now but back in the day there used to be a rainforest on it and then it started getting colder and colder and colder and now it's just a giant Glacier anyways the reasoning behind man not knowing about these creatures or at least recognizing them on a large scale is because geologically speaking humans only arrived in North America roughly 13 500 years ago and that was on the west coast it took time to migrate across the continent to where these creatures lived then when people did come into contact with them they told stories and warned one another about these things in the woods and to avoid that area then rough roughly only 250 years ago Europeans came through and started spreading out but even present day while areas are height and we have satellite images of deep Force here in the U.S we don't know 100 of what's out there given how they look and their wariness of humans as the interactions seem to be minimal unless we barge into their territory we don't see them hiding in the trees and they appear to want to avoid humans for the most part possibly understanding what we are given their increased intellect and it's not like there aren't tons of stories anyways about things in the woods and I also just have to point out humans make a ton of noise all the time so it's not like these things couldn't hear us from a mile away however once clear cutting their actual hunting space and where they were living well I'd probably be pissed too if someone came and cut apart my house while I was here writing this script or at least recording it now this forced an interaction from these creatures of Legend likely they are the last few of their kind because more interactions were not that prevalent it's possible at some point there were more of them but through humans cutting down four this is kind of move them over time and led to less of them existing ultimately the entire concept of these creatures isn't really as ridiculous as you might imagine because remember during the early years of homo sapiens Neanderthal enzas was running around interbreeding with our species as well meaning it's entirely possible for different branches to yield similar results but still strikingly different plus the final nail in the coffin for me is how Paul was able to take these things out which completely shows they are clearly natural born and bred animals using a standard knife and eviscerating it completely halted the chemical reaction of life if this thing was truly a windigo that involves burning it and then like bring it to a churchyard and using silver which in this town they would have just been totally screwed a wendigo interaction also leaves you mentally vacant plus they are excellent hunters and in no way shape or form are fearful of other humans this is simply something that could be compared to a reptile version of a primate and Humanity really hasn't categorized yet into a species list and because of that I motion we call these creatures the average New Yorker but anyhow I want to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed then leave me a like would be fantastic and appreciated and if you enjoyed enough subscribing is free and get you updated on when I post we are nearing 800k Subs which is awesome I really do appreciate the support I'll drop my Twitter Discord patreon and channel links I'm actually doing something different with Roanoke games for like the eighth time not live streaming all the time but posting gaming stuff there we'll see how it does of the course like the next year or so but anyhow speaking of patrons I'd like to thank mine real quick first huge thank you to our two astronauts Lipsy Genji and Wesley a Weaver Jr thank you very much guys I'd also think our astrophysicist desk dancer and Phoenix as well as our scientist Countryside limbo and to the rest of my patrons I thank you as well your help goes a long way towards keeping this channel going and is greatly appreciated all right well that's gonna do it for me I hope everyone enjoyed and we'll see y'all in the next one
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 799,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural wenigos, Wendigos, wendigos in woods, Dark was the night, Dark was the night movie, dark was the night creature, dark was the night wendigo, roanoke gaming, Roanoke gaming movies, Dark was the night review, dark was the night explored, dark was the night explained, wendigos explained, Dark was the night true story, dark was the night topsham england, topsham england prints, topsham england devil footprints, the devils footprints, wendigos true story
Id: XjL0wFJf8f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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