ANTLERS WENDIGO EXPLAINED - Possession and Mutation Explored | How a Human becomes a Wendigo

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once upon a time humans used to be massively terrified of what was out in the darkness waiting for them actually you know what scratch that put anybody in the woods at night and then they hear a weird noise everybody's terrified that's why when i go camping i sleep in my forerunner but whether it was just you and your family trying to survive or potentially you had a group of people if you were lucky stories would be passed around about preachers waiting just outside where the fire was casting light biting their time until someone was foolish enough to walk out there and get bodied and then really just turn into a man which in some instances these stories would talk about monsters who would lure people out trying to sound like family and friends in order to gain their ear and also their trust so that they would go investigate the sources of the noise and ultimately meet their end however one creature in particular is one that on the north american continent still inspires fear out in the woods and should you meet it considering humanity as a whole has become quite ballsy that would likely be your last meeting of anything ever in a small town in oregon coal is back on the menu boys and the governor has installed a program to restart the coal mines in order to ramp up production to get the economy to pick back up again known as mountaintop mining these coal mines would be delved into in order to extract the resources humanity need power our technology that said these mountains are home to a twisted spirit corrupted by the windigo after resorting to cannibalism so as you might guess it's probably not good when this law was enacted this would inadvertently push people who may have been using the mines for other more nefarious reasons to run into this creature and kick off a wave of infection so in today's episode we all saw the thumbnail we'll be discussing the movie antlers as well as i'm going to do something a little different considering this channel is logic based for the most part we will also talk about what happens to the human body biologically during the transformation the wendigo induced psychosis and ultimately how you might be able to take out and survive an entanglement with a windigo because if you didn't know these creatures along with skinwalkers are just about my favorite type of cryptids in existence as long as it stays within a minimum 1 000 miles away from where i live alright let's get to it so we all know my nonsense i'm about to say by heart but up on screen you'll see a time stamp if you want to bypass the summary of the movie and get to how you actually could maybe survive a windigo attack as well as what happens to the human body and there for everyone else let's talk about why if you enter a mine and you hear some kind of animal that you can't identify your next best option is to leave immediately and don't try to go exploring to figure out what the name of all that is holy is that eight foot shadow in the corner over there but it's really too dark to see so let me go poke it with a meth stick i mean it just never seems to turn out to be good long term so we open up our story to a reading in one of the first nations languages for your information this particular language is known as ojibwe basically getting everyone in the mood of we keep stripping the earth for natural resources and because we are literally cracking up the planet an evil spirit has made its way not necessarily out from underground but has essentially been released for all intents and purposes which historically also isn't great panning across the oregon landscape it pretty much looks like washington as we all move into the industrial complex we see a kid as super bored and hitting the metal bars near him with another metal bar now if you haven't been that bored before waiting on your old man to finish up working it's an experience let me tell you as he sits there he ends up hearing a hal and then breaks off heading towards the truck his dad comes back outside and starts talking to him about how they're finishing up now he's looking a little messed up concerning his face but he actually seems to like his kids so that's interesting heading back inside he puts on his gas mask before entering a completely blacked out mine shaft prior to entering he hears something growl but says ah screw it what could possibly go wrong walking with the swagger of heisenberg after his first successful deal he meets up with his partner in cooker in the back but seriously those dudes like i don't know he just walks like a caveman like why is he walking like this anyways they're cleaning up the area apparently a little upset that they don't have to move to another portion of oregon i mean i would be too but this appears to be the perfect location so that kind of sucks as they continue to gather their gear the cooker hears something else in the mind as they remove their masks which is not a good plan they continue to hear gurgling and growling before pulling out the force multiplier and going to investigate moving further in they find bags tied to the roof of the mind before realizing they are somewhat cornered by whatever is in there as it begins its attack they let off a few rounds to no avail before it jumps back to the truck the kid hearing this goes to investigate but clearly does not want to go in there but he does anyways and then we get the title so it's not three weeks later and we meet a teacher named julia and she talks about how storytelling is a way for humanity to pass along information or lessons she asks if anyone can give an example okay so i'm all for engaging the class with a topic but when one kid raises their hand bro just call on them then ask a second question that involves others instead this teacher of the year just completely ignores this little girl raising her hand and that's definitely a great way to inspire curiosity and wonder in children about the natural world am i right so she asked a bunch of random kids getting to lucas he isn't very interested in answering and as a little girl answers it's apparent big red next to him picks on him for some reason lucas begins his nice rain-filled walk back home passing the nice lab his father is set up in the mines before walking along a lake and finding a skunk he picks up a rock and then heads home what did he use the rock for we'll find out entering his home is completely dark one of the doors has several locks on it and as he goes in to listen he doesn't hear and he eventually enters it before flashing back over to julia eying some jimmydore pretty hard pretty sure i mispronounced that so we'll go with the bombay actually currently doing a dry january myself i actually fill her on that as she heads home we get some exposition about reopening the mines because what has the earth done for us recently anyways i mean honestly let's just switch to nuclear already as julia starts walking around her home she stops to where the office of her father used to be something doesn't look good with the flashback so now we meet paul meadows her brother off shift he immediately goes to bed julia then pulls some pictures off the wall and then goes to bed herself meanwhile lucas is not having a restful night's sleep he's instead cutting apart the monkey doll thing and hear something move around on the other side of the door that's locked as it starts smacking it to open up the next morning we have this weird interaction paul is looking for his medication julia moved it for some reason and he wants her to leave it where it is so he can find it i have the same issue with my wife i left a pen on the floor next to the entertainment center a few weeks back if i ever needed it my wife had the audacity to move it and i couldn't find it when i did need it most so i feel paul on this anyways julia overcompensates by saying that she's going to be moving out as soon as she can and i mean i don't think it needs to be brought to that level but okay so we are back now at school julia asked lucas to read the story but instead he just drew pictures he mentions bears and how big bear and little bears and sides turned black after they came home so baby bear had to take care of them pretty creepy also interestingly uh just as a roanoke lore there was this kid back in middle school who drew stuff like this and he actually got pulled out of class and i didn't see him for like another four years which is very strange anyway so lucas apparently put the dog crap in big red's bag to which big red responds by smearing on the glass of the school's door then try to push lucas's face into it i mean the one who lost here is the guy holding the poop bag on the door is all i'm saying also where are the teachers the doors open up and this is clearly something that you might want to break up right so lucas goes to the nurses with julia she sees wounds on him and decides to jack his medical information and call home while calling something behind the door is furiously moving and upset at the phone noise and we see behind the keyhole that there are human eyes but they look fairly wild after the missed call julia heads out to her car and then decides to start following lucas concerned teacher but there has to be a less creepy way to do this don't just exit the alleyway and stand there that's gross okay so he's looking at the ice cream store and she asked him if he wants ice cream as i start talking about ice cream being a vegetable she mentions lucas's brother he asks how she knows about him and she says that teachers know everything then she asks about where his mother is which she bit the dust a while ago so there goes that line of questioning she keeps pressuring him about his family asking how they are she asks about his father and what he does and he says that he has to go and then tells her not to follow him next time what a chad heading home he follows vultures circling which did you know more often than not this just means that they're actually riding air currents doesn't necessarily mean that something down there has gotten got this time it does as he starts collecting the shmeet julia now pulls up to lucas's house there is a pretty good looking 3rd gen camaro underneath that tarp which considering unfortunately how much it rains in oregon it may seem counter-intuitive but putting a tarp on a car actually traps evaporating water underneath which will absolutely destroy the frame there's really no good way apart from a garage concerning storing a classic in oregon as julia knocks on the door to lucas's house it opens up several seconds later but it's strange because the door back there is still locked up but she stands there and then hears some really strange noises coming from inside and she does the smart thing and nopes out of there before learning about what's going on hopefully other people will follow that line of thinking but probably not later that night julia gets scared by paul who apparently is mr stealthy julia apologizes to paul for skipping out on the whole fam damily back in the day but speaking of family lucas is now going to feed his dropping off some seasoned meat his father goes to attack it first and starts consuming aiden is also there who appears to be looking rather sick and also starts eating the food that was brought lucas sets another lock on for the night and then calls it okay so then something horrifying happens julia is getting accosted by what i imagine is her father and then the dudes on the bed laying there no thanks again paul scares julia and this time from a hallucination julia asked paul if lucas's dad frank has been caught with anything julia tells paul she heard something strange at frank's house meanwhile back at frank's house aidan tells lucas that he's still hungry and whimpers beyond the door so lucas just straight up puts on some noise cancelling headphones the next day roadkill isn't enough lucas is setting up a trap for small game when a hunter happens by frank's original business partner julia now goes and checks on lucas's desk to see if there's anything weird well she finds a bunch of weird drawings and books on hunting she brings it to the principal and the principal says they can't diagnose any issues personally julia then goes to the store to get some bombay probably before running into her brother she asks them what's going on and he says that they found part of a man the other half is back at the mines paul leaves to go to the corner at this point back at windigo homestead aiden tells lucas that their dad says god is dead lucas gives aidan some human food which immediately the kid starts bleeding and then coughing up that blood and also a little bit of side tangent there was a native american back in the day i totally forget the name who said that he could actually cure windigos by feeding them animal grease and animal fat but it would have a lot of the same things happen they would start coughing up blood and ice pretty interesting so we also see that frank is glowing in his chest so this has to be totally blurred but frank's partner isn't looking so great the coroner mentions how the ulna bone of the forearm has human teeth marks on it so he has no idea what took this dude out with this information from julia rather than getting the cops involved the principal decides to go check out the glaring red flag home herself completely defenseless i hope she survives meanwhile at school lucas is carving something under his desk like a true weirdo entering the home the principal is immediately met with a stink that should have alerted her to just nope out of there and call the cops but you already know how this is going to go hearing crying beyond the door she calls out to mr weaver and then unlocks the several locks in the door now ask yourself how could anybody have locked themselves in there i mean i guess you want to go check on the sun but then why call out for mr weaver the galaxy brain on this one walking upstairs she sees the kid is sitting there assuming something has happened she's immediately attacked by frank who's not looking so good and he ends her and then immediately starts chowing down at this point lucas is bonded with the windigo as well and starts stabbing himself with the carving frank is now undergoing a bit of a transformation with the chest glowing and the limbs contorting before something begins exiting his mouth back at the mine as the cops begin entering they find some type of antlers and they ask a man named warren if he's seen anything like this before and he responds that he hasn't as paul radios back to his people on the outside he's getting some interference before he heads out himself meanwhile lucas is now heading home but oh no it's big red lucas tries to avoid a fight before turning around and seeing the creature in a tree he does the smart thing and takes off running his big red is turned into big dead he runs home and then finds that the principal has been eaten by his dad but also finds that his dad has basically been gutted he follows a trail of blood to the window and then finds whatever it was has escaped he cleans up the mess and then hides as paul and his partner show up seeing as they don't have a warrant they can't really enter the premises the next morning clint's mom or big dad's mom has shown up filing a missing person report julia is upset as one of her students has gone missing now she's paying attention to what that kid is doing then she returns back to the old frank farmstead where she finds that the car of the principal is out front and tried to be hidden underneath the tarp the cops are there now and they find the principal looking worse for wear before finding frank's body it looks like something burst out of him and the flesh is charred julia waits outside and stops lucas from going in then takes him to the hospital the doctor mentions how there are signs of a psychiatric crisis here and the wife confirms it as well my wife not his wife julia says that she needs to help because this is her student and he has nowhere else to go paul says to stop putting her past on the kid because she didn't have anywhere to go either i mean he is trying to help but julia has pretty much made up her mind so it's time to sign some adoption papers from papa windigo but speaking of papa wendigo we finally have some backstory on what happened frank came home and realized that he was sick with something he realized that he was starting to lose his grip on his sanity well as much as a meth dealer can have so rather than paying the ridiculous price of healthcare in the united states he opted to put locks on his door and tell his sons to lock him in and not open it however it appears as though aiden eventually went in there and contracted the same disease so lucas was left all alone yep that sucks julie at this point doesn't know really what's going on but decides to bring lucas drawings to warren warren being a native american himself asks if the kid was native and is confused when the answer is no he grabs the antlers from the cave and says he has a book he mentions how these things belong to the same thing essentially a hunter went up in the mountains and was starving and then ate his companion a long time ago this turned him crazed and made him have an insatiable taste for human flesh the natives the area were able to trap him under the ground and when the mines were built this freed him paul remarks that these are just myths but this myth is basically stacking bodies currently he goes on to mention how you can only take this thing out by taking out its beating heart but that will really only send it looking for another on the drive back home paul gets a call saying that they found big red's body basically he's been almost eaten completely in half and this is starting to concern paul just a little bit he goes to talk to julia but says that there must be a reasonable explanation julia requests that paul take her to go pick up lucas at this point and this kid is looking rough that night the deputy pulls up outside of paul's house to keep an eye on things while paul continues to try to figure out what's happening inside of the house julia attempts to talk to lucas while the deputy keeps an eye on things outside while out there he ends up hearing something in the woods so this guy knows people are getting eaten in half and then goes to check on it like a total giga chad lucas then goes on to tell julia that he needs to feed his dad and that will make him love him kind of a strange statement he then hands julia the book of drawing saying that his dad is coming for him to take him to the mines just as a screech is heard beyond the woodline the deputy clearly doesn't know what a defensible position is and decides to walk around out there anyhow although windigos can't open doors so how defensible is defensible calling back to paul he alerts him that something is there as he goes to check in the shed julia then takes lucas and attempts to hide him lucas talks about seeing his brother to which deputy then finds him in the shed of course as he says the kid is in here the windigo hits him through the chest with the antlers taking him out paul arrives now and begins to search the property putting on body armor smart man he finds a deputy in the shed before being attacked himself however the windigo is unable to hit any important stuff though is only able to knock him out after smacking into the boards behind his head and i'll tell you an antler through the bicep looks painful as crap so now player 3 exits the cabin julia heads out there not smart and takes a look around also approaching the same shack she finds paul but he's still alive just bleeding she moves him and then wraps his bicep it's actually amazing that it didn't hit the brachial artery i mean you bleed out in like 30 seconds if that gets hit lucas gets nabbed at this point so julia goes to find him in the mines entering the mines she sees bags tied up to the ceiling obviously this is a little strange so she continues moving through the scent begins to get to her as she finds animals strewn amongst the old mining gear spotting lucas and aidan she sees the windigos snacking on something having a face over its face it stands up and then smacks her down thus ensues a massive waste of ammunition popping a flare it scares the creature as fire is its weakness she is able to get in some jabs before going after the heart of the creature it rips out the pole as it appears to have missed but lucas is able to stab it a few times to bring it down for good as julia rolls it over to finish the job she removes the heart of papa wins in front of lucas not traumatic at all before hearing aiden start yelling remember destroying the heart only sends it to find another which it now has pretty much taken over aiden as she approaches she tells lucas it isn't her brother anymore and eventually he relents she hugs aiden which i wouldn't be doing the same before stabbing him in the back ending the windigo curse as there's nowhere else for the spirit to go or so she thinks after the fight paul asked julia what they need to do with the kid considering the kid has nowhere else to go she says keep him as paul starts coughing we see he begins to cough up blood as he's been chosen next on who wants to be a windigo ah god that was a lame reference the dad jokes are getting worse maybe i've been possessed by the dad spirits alright so it's time to learn way more about windigos than you ever thought possible because in reality who knows what's out there and there does seem to be a lot of stories about them so i bet you all didn't know i actually do love cryptids and i've always wanted to talk about them i really had no idea how to incorporate them into this channel but with having just covered krampus and pumpkinhead way back in the day screw it let's jump into some supernatural aspects and possibly some that really do look like a disease then we will wrap it up by telling you how to actually survive a windigo attack for all those who may be out in the woods one night just going to say humans are persistent hunters but windigos are more persistent so let's first start with the transmission of the windigo spirit and how it impacts humans physically as well as psychologically because this aspect of it does appear to at least quasi have biological roots the concept of the wendigo and the resulting psychosis is something in humanity that has its basis and potentially natural drives within everyone typically undesirable traits to the group as a whole were warned against in stories as if you indulged in them the windigo spirit would come to you during humans evolutionary history cooperation in preserving your specific group is something that would be held with the utmost importance seeing as your survival and the survivals of others hinged upon this this is why homo sapiens are highly social creatures which is why we were able to out-compete neanderthals due to their lessened social ability as we formed larger and larger groups of people working together became pretty much the name of the game however invariably other disorders would seem to arise within our species selfishness and greed for one thing have been with us since the beginning but many people would overcome this to put forth what they needed to the group to be accepted and maintain the protection and benefits of cooperating with the group however those who would only take and never give would ultimately be ostracized from any type of group that formed and sent out into the wilderness to be on their own where if anyone was presented this fate at least back in the day they would likely perish due to the fact that it's just a giant cluster out there with animals taking out animals this is why believe it or not most humans have no issue working together or helping a group and why it's so easy to spot those who do not seem to fit into that group in more enlightened times supposedly now for instance we know that there's typically neurologically something different about these people so we do not ostracize them into the wilderness and they are allowed to exist within society but they typically have fewer connections than normal that may be socially abandoned but still benefiting as a whole from human society things like sociopathy for instance where they really view others as a means to an end wind up in this category of people as those who do not suffer from sociopathy would almost detect that something is off by the way i've seen this stupid tick tock trend where it's like oh i'm an empath at a party and i recognize the person has sociopathy and nobody else does yeah that's just rooted in narcissism empathy in the human species is very common uh people always can usually tell when something is off and if you think you're special because you're oh i'm empathetic you're actually just narcissistic i'm sorry that is just the most annoying trend i've ever seen in my life anyways however that's today with basically accepting most people into the group back in the day warnings were given to those people as nobody had a clue about neurology or how the brain would function so the concept of the wendigo began to form anyone exhibiting behaviors that are selfish greedy lustful basically in it for themselves rather than the group could be infected by the windigo spirit one such example is those engaging in acts of cannibalism should a person choose to eat a companion this is seen as the most self-serving act of all which will absolutely get you infected by the windigos spirit for the last several hundred years we actually have something to refer to this and it's called when to go psychosis and this has been argued up until about the 1980s which even still it has not been completely settled as to why it afflicts humanity several reports ranging from people butchering their families and consuming them to just things as simple as getting stuck out on a hunting trip on a mountain and then having no other choice one of the more interesting aspects of the wind to go psychosis however would have to be the jesuits report after being in a situation where they had no other choice but to resort to cannibalism back in 1661 and actually to read you an excerpt from that what caused us greater concern was the news that met us upon entering the lake namely that the men deputed by our own conductor for the purpose of summoning the nations to the north sea and assigning them a rendezvous where they were to await our coming and they had met their death the previous winner in a very strange manner those poor men according to the report given to us were seized with an ailment unknown to us but not very unusual among the people that we were seeking they are afflicted with neither lunacy hypochondria nor frenzy but have a combination of all these species of disease which affects their imaginations and causes them a more than canine hunger this makes them so ravenous for human flesh that they pounce upon women children and even upon men like veritable werewolves and devour them voraciously without being able to appease or glut their appetite ever seeking fresh prey the more greely the more they eat this ailment attacked our deputies and as death is a sole remedy among those simple people for checking such acts of murder they were slain in order to stay the course of their madness so yeah that's pretty interesting in the movie antlers it's pretty clear it was the greed of man to reopen the minds that released the windigo spirit as made mention in the beginning where humans were stripping the land of materials in order for their own gain to be achieved however ron plays wrong time a bunch of meth dealers or makers were in the area the thing about pursuing that lifestyle is you are literally creating a poison which others will buy to their own detriment to support yourself so the windigos spirit at this point doesn't really care what form of greed or self-serving reason it is it just cares that it exists thus the two dealers were the first to enter their own possession by the wendigo or at least one of them was from here the windigo spreads much like an infection does the first thing i want to point out is the indigo spirit just needs greed to be in the heart of man to take hold however what the dealers were hearing in the cave system sounded alive and very much so corporeal meaning it has a body which seems to throw an issue into this whole movie but does suggest this is an infectious disease potentially which means containment and possibly curing it may be on the horizon but let's first talk about the minds and why i believe there was already when to go there first and foremost the actual growling and clicking that can be heard in the mind system the spirit isn't known to make these noises but an actual person infected is is also mentioned how it was trapped there seeing as some hunters on the mountain a long time ago were contained as made mentioned by warren this says to me that they were not in fact dealing with a spirit but something physically attracted to them which is going to have to be a literal physical wendigo this would also imply that even though they have essentially taken out the windigo that they know about that was plaguing them and even with paul having physically been infected by it there is still another one out there infecting i believe this has some merit seeing as frank's partner was quite literally torn in half and brought out in the woods while frank isolated himself and was still very much so in control at the beginning so that problem is absolutely not solved as of yet moving on to the actual infection let's discuss for a moment what happens or seems to happen anyways to the human body during the infection process why antlers seem to follow a different pathway concerning what an actual windigo looks like when a person has been infected by the spirit this induces wendigo psychosis as mentioned previously which ultimately will result in their transformation into the wendigo but the windigo spirit seems to rely on greed or some misd to actually manifest itself properly whereas an infection by wendigo seems to take a different pathway a much more pathophysiological outcome if you will when a person infected with the wendigo disease bites stabs or in any way causes a person to bleed it would definitely appear to me that something physical enters their body a type of microorganism not yet identified by humanity this may even be the spirit that we hear about concerning back in the day we had no concept of germ theory back then or what even caused illness in the first place this disease entering the body would not result in the wendigo we see concerning antlers but in something else entirely which let's go on a side tangent real quick to make this distinction the windigo we see in antlers is not so much the generalized real depiction of windigos that originated within the north americas as told by the legends of the first nations now a little bit of caveat to this there are a ton of different ways this thing has been suggested to look but the generalized accepted way that they appeared was kind of like the ones from until dawn those wendigos in particular are more in line what we see as what the native americans used to talk about their skin was ashen their faces and eyes sunken against their skull their hunger was completely ravenous and they craved the flesh of humans completely forsaking their own humanity they would appear long and lanky with claws and extended limbs they were larger than your average human and had strength far beyond what you would expect them to have which by the way we will definitely be talking about the until dawn windigos in the future but these wendigos appeared humans somewhat but also behaved like animals now the windigo we see in antlers actually has its roots inspired by european cultures mixing with first nation folk tales you see werewolves is something europeans have feared for a very long time coming over to north america these cultures would mix and combine to change the look of the windigo into something that we see in antlers instead of being tall and lanky the windigo is still tall and emaciated somewhat but instead of having like a wolf's head it has a deer's head again the caveat to all this is different peoples of north america had different ideas of what the windigo actually looked like but more often than not it did not have antlers all right moving on because of the changes we see when the infection enters the body it would appear to me first thing that it does is begin to change the body in a way to create a growth from within this would suggest that the actual infection process is viral seeing as it has to change human cells into team wendigo we get quick glimpses of what's happening concerning frank the body does attempt to put up an immune response but it appears largely unsuccessful from the drop this would imply that the virus has a way of sidestepping the human immune system and this can take place in several different ways the first is the destruction of the cd4 and cd8 t cells once the virus enters the body it would begin infecting these cells meaning no immune response could actually be launched however i think something else might be going on as well as it enters the body now again this is all supernatural or at least it is perceived to be but kind of one of the things you can think about is bring somebody back from the 1400s and turn on a tv with a remote and they will accuse you of witchcraft typically what humanity doesn't understand is always seemingly supernatural assuming it to be a hypothesized virus in mind it would likely hit in several ways concerning more than just the cd4 and cd8t cells instead it would likely interfere with the production of interferon upon your infection the virus enters your regular cells implants genetic coding that is then transcribed into your dna and then changes the fundamental functioning of the cell this would be step one cell realizing it is infected typically would call out for its destruction to the immune system by producing something known as interferon however should this be blocked the immune system would not understand the extent of the attack or know that it's already completely saturated with the virus on top of this the virus may also infect dendritic cells which report back pieces of the virus in order for antibodies to be made which if you didn't know your body has the ability to make antibodies to every single virus known or unknown in the world possibly on other planets because of the laws of physics which is just awesome anyways blocking this critical interaction the body would continue to have cells hijacked by the virus and would not respond in time any response would likely be nothing more than the innate response which unfortunately is not very effective at large-scale infections the innate would quickly be overwhelmed in a few days and with the adaptive immune system never having been activated this would lead to the infection pretty much running rampant this is why at first physical symptoms manifest as something like into a cold paul began coughing up blood for instance which is really bad cold which hints at destruction of the blood vessels within the lungs something the innate upon activation of its inflammatory pathways is capable of producing or when frank started dealing with his wendigo infection he was shown to be shaking and having body aches again the body is fully reacting to something infecting it but eventually it is overwhelmed once the innate has been depleted and the adaptive never having been activated due to critical areas lost by the virus a new phase of infection would be entered so again original wendigos involve the body of the person transforming which i much more prefer that lore but in antlers these wendigos present differently from this depiction after infection the hijacked cells appear to congregate in the middle of the chest as seen with the bioluminescence there it would appear to me that the heart and lungs would still power the body but a type of cancer which would be the windigo itself would begin to grow these are essentially human cells with the extra coating of the windigo in them as this mass continues to grow it produces chemicals within the body obviously as we can see and continues to grow acquisition cells from the body as well as new incoming meat would continue to grow this mass until it begins to take shape like an embryo of sorts it's clear at this point that the behavior of the person is also altered the brain of the person seemingly suffers heavily concerning damage to critical regions associated with control but some areas are still functional impulse control in the frontal cortex would be destroyed likely through issues associated with immune response such as you guessed it it's everyone's favorite symptom meningitis or the inflammation of the meninges this brain damage would cause a person to eventually fall back on their instincts as higher thought was lost as other areas of cerebrum were also impacted this would also cause a person to be sensitive to light which is seen as it apparently causes immense pain but also experience extreme hunger as the hypothalamus was kicked into overdrive forcing them to eat anything all stemming from the requests of the body being controlled by the windigo fetus within their chest and stomach region as the infection continues to progress eventually more pronounced symptoms would occur within the body the stress of growing this thing would result in hair loss as all nutrition is directed to the embryo the skin does turn ashen and gray as blood flow is likely being also directed to the growth within the torso and abdomen area until ultimately they lose all their humanity due to this infection and will attack and eat other humans in order to satiate their starvation because they are quite literally starving due to nutrition being directed elsewhere it's like having tapeworms they steal all of the nutrients that you would be getting we also see blood vessels destruction in the later stages when frank is having black veins run all over his body and pronounce bruising and then we can also see the earliest symptoms with paul as he coughs up a bit of blood showing that the infection is starting to impact his meat suit once the body has been used up and the embryo has grown enough eventually it will exit the body by bursting through the mouth neck chest and abdomen the growth of this creature not only produces light but this light appears to be associated with heat as well considering the burst point is charred and hot to the touch once the creature exits the person at this point ceases to be in the windigo has come into the world the window however is still loosely human the cells themselves have been converted and changed from human which means that human dna is still at play but another competing form of genetic coding has resulted in changes that are clearly seen and i guess what could be considered the offspring this combination results in a chimeric beast part human part animal which let's discuss morphology for a moment shall we now it's hard to see in a lot of ways and i don't want my editor having to work three years to use the same footage over and over again to get the point across but essentially the wendigo stands around 90 inches tall which is seven and a half feet so three inches taller than master chief and full mjolnir armor because i love that metric and speaking of metric that comes out to 2.28 meters tall the windigo has digital grade structuring and despite looking like a deer it does not have hooves but instead walks on the balls of its feet the windigo is very live looking having lanky but muscular limbs and in several areas the bone can be seen from the vertebral column which extends through the skin the abdominal area is completely sucked in seeing as growth has made it appear very emaciated the torso is large roughly twice or even possibly three times the size of a human torso in circumference this implies that the creature is growing within the human body and that once it exits it's almost like a juvenile form but then grows quickly from there the more it eats which is actually how the first nations would talk about the windigos they would grow in science proportional to what they ate meaning that they were always hungry and never satisfied causing them to become more ravenous and what they needed to consume the arms are quite literally the length of an average adult male with the hands being over a foot in length tipped with razor sharp claws this can easily slash a person likely in half which is probably what happened to the meth dealer the neck area is fairly interesting due to the bone growth and how quickly this creature must grow to allow for its size that quickly it can almost be compared to a form of bone cancer at this point there are a set of ribs that protect the neck of this beast and all over the back of the neck a mismatch or webbing of bone exists the antlers come from this bone growth itself and can be used for stabbing and ramming like we saw with the deputy in the shed however they have difficulty piercing armored individuals such as when paul put on his body armor but due to the random formations they can hit other areas such as the arms of armored individuals the skull is deer like in some respects or maybe even canine although i would say it is more dear like seeing as the teeth are flat in some areas and then sharpen others but this is very clearly inspired by the human dna component of us being omnivores intellectually the wendigo is not something to be trifled with having come from one of the smartest species on the planet it still seems to possess and retain some form of this intellect with your more accepted wendigos coming from the same body they still have the ability to speak and taunt humans before moving into the actual meat of why they're hunting with the antlers when to go it definitely still retains some form of this intellect but seems to have lost the ability to taunt humans with its speech instead preferring to growl and click to herd humans into certain areas it appears to have retained some memory of his children though seeing as frank appeared to love his kids and so the windigo actively searches for lucas once it has been set free this results in big red getting completely eaten alive when picking on lucas which the lesson here is don't pick on people or a windigo will come and eat you but it also shows that wendigo did not harm lucas and instead wanted to take him back to the mines which lucas understands later on as julia tries to hide him in the house now an argument could be made that the windigo just wants more infections which obviously could be the case but the other side of that coin is if it really just came down to infections it could have literally taken anyone back to the mines but instead chose to bring back frank's sons and then just ate everyone else it came into contact with so now let's answer what i promised that i would how do you even survive an encounter with either the antlers when to go or one where you decide to go camping on top of a mountain for the night and thought ah this would be a good idea despite everyone saying hey you know there's a windigo up there to which you probably just told them yeah but it's just a stupid myth well for the most part you're absolutely boned like i mentioned earlier take humans persistent hunting and extrapolate that out to something several times faster than you several times stronger than you and several times hungrier than you this coupled with the fact that windigos still retain a lot of their human intellect means that their hunting ability is far beyond that of a normal animal and rivals or surpasses humans at least in capabilities but should you basically just be the dutch of the group fighting predator and somehow get lucky enough to survive the opening confrontation there are several things that you can do to help your chances even if it's just by a fraction first you have to know your enemy when it goes even being close to them can induce psychosis in your brain case they can make you hallucinate react overly aggressive and in general mess with your mental capacity meaning you are going to have to attempt to think clearly despite your brain misfiring think like isaac clark with the marker that's basically what a windigo does to your brain this is your brain on when to go kids but the key is to attempt to stabilize your thinking and not forget what's on your tail it is said the longer a windigo is after you the more vacant your mind will become like a form of dementia so no matter what your time is limited on how long you can remain functional concerning neurological activity so the key is to try to get this thing off you quick if you meet it and run away and survive then your fate is sealed as insanity cannot be treated on top of this any people with you are capable of being altered by the windigo psychosis because they are human just like you this means that if someone mentally may be weaker they may turn on their friends and family and begin butchering everyone they know leaving themselves as easy game for the windigo and your bodies as a nice snack coupled with this the windigo can stir up snowstorms and tornadoes when close which it can use to slow you down or trap you which once it gets close you might think that you can fight it well i hope you have some silver handy hand-to-hand or force multipliers are also off the table as well in most instances these things can easily tear you apart like literally pull off your arm in front of you rip off your legs from your pelvis or even grab your head and show you a nice third person view of what your body looks like the only thing possible to put these things down for good much like with werewolves actually and even then there's an entire ritual you have to perform it's going to be silver you have to stab their heart with a silver knife or pull arm or axe or anything that is going to get deep enough to pierce its heart once it has been hit the creature is officially wounded with that said you still have to deal with the wendigo spirit you must remove the heart of this creature cut it up into pieces place it in a silver box and bury it in a church yard but wait there's even more than that to stop it from regenerating even without its heart or maybe you just were sloppy and missed a piece you literally have to dismember it salt and burn the body and then bury only then will the creature be officially put down anything short of this and i mean anything the spirit will jump to others and it'll basically respawn causing the hunt to begin again the insanity you suffer at this point is permanent after taking out a windigo there is no recovering just baseline symptoms that will always be present till you drop this is not to say with all this that the wendigo does not have a weakness which you can exploit when it goes have very poor eyesight because of this if you stand still it can't find you but it will still skulk around the area and if it bumps into you you're done also if you accidentally make eye contact with it it does not matter how still you stand it will instantly recognize you as human and take you out so how do you survive with all this your best option would be obviously don't go walking around areas known to harbor legends about windigos but if you've already done this and it's on your tail first strike is the best option if you are out in the open it will toy with you at first decreasing your ability to think actively search for it at this point but be ready to fight and probably expire if you do when you find it aim for the heart if you do have a force multiplier or if you have a spear or stab it this will wound the windigo giving you a chance to do the next thing you need to do which is fine silver if you already have silver on you then congratulations here's what you need to do if you are near like a store or home or building raid for anything you can but you need to melt the silver down and make it sharp fix it to a spear you're probably not going to create a bullet out in the wilderness but just know that while you've been doing all this the windigo has likely completely healed meeting it again go for the same space though odds are of you pulling this off twice is not very high once the heart is stabbed it'll be mortally injured as silver is its weakness cut the heart apart and then conduct the ritual as mentioned before one of the issues you'll have to contend with while this is happening is the windigo spirit will stay trying to possess you this will continue to have an impact on your thinking but as long as you realize the corporeal wendigo isn't on you you might be able to power through everyone at the church is going to think you're a raving lunatic when you show up with a heart in a box also so good luck with that so it's best to find a cemetery with a church attached because this is hallowed ground and will destroy the windigo spirit once you manage this you will be free but again your baseline neurological levels will remain distorted begging the question is it really worth surviving an attack at all also remember to get this done quick because if you don't the physical windigo can be remade in another which the spirit will be attempting to find so the clock is ticking considering how much it takes to survive at when to go attack the luck the missing swings it not tearing you apart immediately you happening to have silver being close to a church and finding the windigo quick enough to put it down before you completely lose your marbles i hate to say it but you may just be screwed on that one unless there's like an active government entity who's willing to throw resources at it but then again they'd probably just be really waiting until you expire and then trap the creature or just straight up using you as bait so basically not looking good
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 1,187,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Antlers movie trailer, antlers monster, antlers movie, antlers full movie, Roanoke gaming, Antlers foundflix, antlers wendigo scene, antlers review, antlers 2021, antlers explained, antlers wendigo explained, wendigo sight, wendigo sighting tiktok, wendigo stories, antlers ending explained, antlers monster explored, antlers movie scene, antlers movie review, antlers wendigo, antlers monster reveal, antlers monster scene, antlers wendigo transformation, movie reviews
Id: NE_gzDBy4zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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