THE CURSED Human Monster Explored | Why Does it Look Like a Werewolf With Mange?

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so your son has gone missing other young offspring have turned up gutted and completely shreked by an apparent wolf in the area and all just a few weeks after you had an atrocity just completely committed against a group of people who were known for curses and magic do you a bury your head in the sand and ignore it two say you're actually seeking vengeance against the people you literally had hunted down like animals because somehow them retaliating is their fault or d go and give yourself up to the curse so that you know not everyone in your employment has to suffer well if you chose two then bro what is wrong with you in jolly old england back in the day when apparently it wasn't so jolly but really just a cutthroat af place i suppose a town would be besieged by something that was believed to be an animal as whoever was associated with the land owner and the land began to get got this would obviously begin frightening people as an answer was looked for ultimately a pathologist who had been tracking the group he would then go to their last known location who was a land owner named siamus what was actually out there is worse than you could imagine so in today's episode we will talk about what this creature is how it was created we're going to have to have a little bit of suspension of disbelief because there are supernatural elements to this movie and ultimately why the sun may have survived to be normal at the end so first things first i'm going to switch it up if you haven't actually seen this movie i want you to go watch it it was really good and a great horror movie then i want you to come back here so i can afford to feed my family this month but obviously spoilers for this movie so as per usual up on screen you will see a time stamp you can bypass the summary and head there but by just cited examples within the science portion there's always going to be spoilers and fair warning it is like 20 to rent but it was worth it for all others choosing to stay let's get to why you shouldn't just be a casual ass clown to groups of people as surely there was more diplomatic ways of handling this situation or hiring mercenaries works as well oseamus you never fail to disappoint also i just want to point out in the last video yes her name is siobhan we can all rejoice now and also i've been calling him cms just to make you upset i know his name is sheamus and lastly yes it's about world of warcraft i started to guild if you play on gradualist west coast server i'm trying to get to rating status it's called onyx guard yes it's a completely edgy name we need people of any level so we're gonna move on now okay we start off the cursed in 1917 in the somme as soldiers get ready to climb out of the trench gas is dropped on them that immediately begins burning everyone man i'll tell you that looks freaking terrible but as they begin their run through no man's land the germans open up with their standard exponential force multiplier taking out soldiers and droves one captain is immediately wounded to three shots to the abdomen is brought to the medic tent where everyone isn't looking so hot by the way this movie is not afraid of cutting off limbs and if i want to afford my house some of this may have to be blurred anyhow as the captain is put on the table he begins singing nursery rhymes to himself because again he's been shot three times in the abdomen so i'm thinking maybe he's going into shock so with no anesthesia the doctor immediately begins pulling two bullets out of his guts now if you ever hit the guts with a bullet you have about 15 minutes till bleed out roughly unless you hit the abdominal aorta in which case you will bleed out in about 30 seconds and really that's not getting fixed so basically you have time to get right with god at that point but judging by their blood released it's not looking good but as the doctor pulls out the third bullet it shattered as it hit something in his abdomen he ends up finding a large silver bullet remarking that that's not a german round and we now meet a woman named charlotte she's going to check on someone who looks at a photo before turning back around to see a kid named edward teasing her that he has her book she's now young and we learn this is 35 years prior to the war that was supposedly the war to end all wars but really it just made us better at warring so whoops that's kind of a classic humanity move meeting the whole family we have edward and charlotte which are the kids sheamus outside hunting rabbits and isabel taking a bath i have no idea why sheamus comes in and looks at her taking a bath and just looks like a disapproving father this part is honestly a little bizarre but hey it's the 1800s so who knows what cultural norms they were i think maybe she's pregnant i don't know that's what my wife said so i'm not sure but now we flash over to a group of romani people hanging out on the land the matriarch of the group instructs a man to make the silver ready as a storm is coming hinting that she has knowledge of the future because indeed a storm of turd ferguson's are coming the man melts down the silver forming them into teeth to create something that appears like an animal's mouth then the woman curses it later that night the elders of the land are meeting as the kids sneak in to see what's going on they are discussing the people on the land they have claimed it as theirs sheamus asks is there any validity of this claim and the padre says there is some validity but it goes back over 80 years so they can change the records in their favor good lord what a bunch of douches they did try to offer them money to sell it but they refused so instead they will use that money to hire a group of mercenaries assuming that just the threat of violence will clear them out but we all know this is probably gonna go south quick the next morning the group rides out to clear them as one man begins arguing which caused an engagement of force multipliers this results in basically everyone getting knocked down regardless once the encampment is burned some of them are dragged off to some fate while most are dragged off to a trench that they have just dug while this is happening sheamus and the others take a picture as a trophy so like you know douche olympics gold medalist right here the matriarch and second in command dude are found and then pulled back to the captain of the mercenary band where the guy then spits on him because of this they make an example and cut off his feet and hands good lord and then they raise him up like a scarecrow now i'm sure they were trying to make an example of him but like everybody's already gone so who are you making an example for anyways the older woman is then buried alive with the teeth after the man who caught her told his captain that she tried to bite him back at the old sheamus homestead the kids are singing with their mom and having a great time but as they are told to go to bed at like 7 p.m charlotte has a dream of digging in the mud with the scarecrow whipping its head around and staring at the drone flying by so we now jump over to an inn the man coming in tries to get information from the innkeeper but he's told to sign in and tell him where he's been where he's going and why he's here basically england is in the grips of a cholera outbreak currently which is just absolutely destroying the surrounding area with most towns shutting down the entire town and not allowing outsiders in which if you didn't know cholera nowadays is completely survivable in first world countries the basic key is just replacing electrolytes that are lost to the absolute buku amount of water that's going to be coming out of you so drinking gatorade through the infection and drinking as much water as possible will keep your electrolyte levels up as well as keep you hydrated and that's really it that's how you survive cholera it's pretty wild isn't it something that has plagued humanity in groups for so long trance by gatorade so now you know the number one way in order to survive cholera and considering we're probably gonna blow ourselves up here in the next 50 years you never know when you might need that information anyhow food and drink is included with the room at the end which is how i wish it was now but as he sits there the town lieutenant comes up to see what he's been doing is clearly they know one another or at least know of each other the last pathologist got got by cholera but back at sheamus estates edward has a dream of finding the scarecrow and digging through the dirt as well as finding the teeth before looking out into a field and seeing the romani matriarch approach but now he's sleepwalking and ends up outside i've been there i've done that and it is not fun the following day as the kids play timmy gets the group together and makes them swear not to say anything about what he's about to show them because his family will be kicked off the land he talks about how they're all dreaming about the scarecrow the fire and the tea timmy goes to dig it up and then actually does find the cursed teeth he's compelled to put them in his mouth and immediately attacks edward biting him in the trapezius muscle charlotte then runs back and gets her dad and grandfather they carry edward back and get the doctor and would request the room be dark as the light is hurting his eyes probably not a good sign so now we hear a few things from the doctor that's actually pretty interesting first he believes it was a wild animal that attacked him which is pretty standard second he has a fever which indicates the immune system response is active and third the wound is definitely infected which means there's a biological catalyst to what appears to be happening to edward also my boy got the 1800s morphine so he's about to feel really good however later that night he isn't doing so well charlotte has dreams about the scarecrow again and timmy and the bite before the scarecrow grabs her head and she's awoken to edward hyperventilating in his room she goes to check on him and sees that he has these tendrils beginning to surround his body seamus gets up and only finds blood in his bed and an open front door he runs out to find him before organizing a search party the next morning to look across the wider area but of course he is unsuccessful as he's not looking to be found later that night mommy dearest sits at the table crying as they all eat you know real downer stuff but back at the end lieutenant and the pathologist discuss the remaining and i'm sure my pronunciation somebody's like no it's romani or something like that i don't know i'm gonna say romani it's gotta be romani as charlotte goes to the church she ends up spotting timmy who's apparently been plagued by nightmares and says he doesn't remember what happened after he was digging he pulls a page out of the bible mentioning judas's silver and how the teeth must be made out of it he hands charlotte the page of the bible and talks about how they will all pay for the sins of their fathers timmy gets found by the maid and then takes off out of the church before spotting edward buck nude in the wilderness yeah you know i'm not sure i'd follow him as he heads out into a field something is approaching that just straight up destroys his arm as he's going into shock he heads into the woods before finding an abandoned shack with edward hot on his tail before ultimately being attacked by the creature later that day the pathologist who i guess i should actually just say his name now it's john mcbride goes to sheamus house sheamus tells him things have gotten worse since they sent for him they take jon out to the abandoned shack where timmy was attacked jon concludes it was a wild animal but he knows something else is amiss because he finds a page of the bible torn out with underlying passages he comes out to tell them that it was a wolf seemingly john elects to stay for a few more days to find out what's actually going on john begins asking sheamus what he remembers of the day edward went missing talks about how his son had a bite mark on his neck and after that night he hasn't seen him since jon asks isabel is it possible that edward just ran away but she knows he wouldn't just nope out of the family band like that jon then begins retracing edward's steps as he looks out over the creepiest landscape i've ever seen he then says they need to board shut the lower windows as a precaution because you know standard precaution for when your child is missing you wouldn't want them coming back as john sleeps that night he has the same dream everyone else has about the scarecrow except he gets some context of people digging a mass grave but also finding the teeth and the old woman below before ultimately seeing his family with the scarecrow you know three spooky 5b stuff after that calming night's sleep he gets up and decides to wander around the house later that night we begin to see some interesting things taking a sample from the door and putting it under a microscope we see his blood cells actually have pseudopodia using his own blood he puts a few drops onto the glass plate and checks the tendrils of the red blood cells begin attacking the normal red blood cells and absorbing them into themselves as he looks through he hears thuding before looking back to the slats of the barrier and who caught the child his back he tells sheamus to fetch a force multiplier because again they don't want that kid back jon says that he's going to hunt the creature but they also need to gather the elders to make sure that they are under armed guard before coming as he needs to tell everybody to basically just stay in their homes later that night the elders in the land meet to discuss what is attacking everyone and john mentions again it's consistent with a wolf but one elder appears to not believe him because he's a pathologist he goes on to mention how he's dealt with a beast like this before but it required the deployment of the army and he needs to confirm that this thing is here he tells them all to stay inside their house and board their windows shut early the next morning a group is tasked with harvesting a crop they're all pretty nervous and they just start discussing hey we should probably stay within eyesight of one another and watch for anything well anything is coming the group gets attacked pretty quickly ending two men before the woman is bitten on purpose to be infected it looks like she takes off from the fields heading back to the settlement where people grab her and take her in the group then convenes at the field pulling all that was left of the two men into the center of it probably just to be used as fertilizer at this point heading to the woman's house they find her bed empty and bloody handprints leading out to her window john says that they need everyone out here to limit their exposure as he and his people are being hunted then flashing over the woman she's not looking so good she's talking about needing water and then falls into a river and is completely wrapped up with tendrils i mean what kind of movie is this again anyways she begins turning into one of these creatures that is hunting everyone at this point the people decide that it's probably good to just go to the church and lock the doors that night john and isabel have a drink as they can't sleep which did you know before the invention of electricity people used to go to bed as soon as it got dark wake up around 3 am possibly even midnight hang out and then go back to bed a few hours later it sounds terrible but as they talk isabel begins dropping truth bombs about what's happening but then is stopped by sheamus who clearly is ashamed of what he's done i guess you could call him a sheamus john informs him tomorrow he will set traps to catch the beast and set traps he does heading back to the abandoned shack jon finds the scarecrow and immediately begins building a spike trap and setting bear traps as well he gets some images of his wife and child being lowered into the ground but also the woman who recently was infected is shown with tendrils coming out of her back so that's probably not good but somehow jon fell asleep during all this not it could not be me with a man wolf pig thing running around but as he awakens he realizes the creature is basically there with him as it jumps to attack he uses bayonet to transfer its momentum into the spike trap which morally wounds it before he takes it out with a shot heading back to the house he brings the creature into the barn in order to do an autopsy to make sure it was the right wolf thing and i gotta tell you taking these things out it's not like it could really be the wrong one even though he cuts it open and he reveals it's the wrong one but you know get rid of as many as you can so cutting it open it reveals that it was the woman who was infected earlier yells at the caretaker there to basically take her out as they never come back the same as they were as tendrils begin sprouting again from her back and finally the man takes a shot inning her sheamus asks is this the fate that befell his son and sorry my dude but you kind of earned this one seamus then says that he is the one seeking vengeance for what this thing has done to his family and you know i'm not sure those stack up evenly my dude the next morning grandpa and grandma are sent out to a more safe area as the family chooses to stay charlotte is upset but hey you know i'm sure they won't get completely destroyed in the woods just out of eyesight just don't even worry about it now john is curious as to who is buried in the field isabel shows him a picture of sheamus as he took as a trophy at the conclusion of annihilating the romani people they now need to find this creature so a whole group and a pack of like 50 dogs ride out in order to hunt this thing down while jon stays behind and asks charlotte what she knows heading to the church charlotte shows him the joss john tells saul to send for the army immediately so they can contain this thing and why is everyone working when there's a murderous wolf human hybrid on the loose who knows the maid then goes outside like a giant nerd to get the laundry and realizes you know something is here whoops she gets bitten in the arm and abdomen but released because the hunting party is on its way back she heads into the servant's quarters cleans herself up but that's a mega infection now utilizing the skills of a blacksmith john is able to melt down the jaws made out of judas's silver to create silver bullets sheamus enters the home and finds the maid isn't looking so well considering cholera is ransacking the area i'd probably say be a little more concerned about sick people but jon heads outside to light fires in varying distances to keep an eye on the field as the maid goes to give everyone water she heads into the kitchen as jon spots blood on the sheets in the distance he walks in asking if anyone is missing and then asks where the maid is she hears this but sheamus tells jon he thinks he should leave john basically tells him that he's here to help and accuses sheamus of knowing about the romani claim to the land but sheamus says he's lost his son so that somehow equals out to the whole group being obliterated what a turbo douche jon spills the beans about likely what has happened to isabel as this sparks a fight that night charlotte doesn't want to be alone so isabelle stays the night with her as the maid is hyperventilating with tendrils coming to embrace her sheamus can hear her screaming in the vents as it turns to growling he goes and grabs the force multiplier and begins walking around the estate and checking on his daughter and wife jon now heads inside leaving his forced multiplier with the special bullets outside brilliant why do they always do that like i said that thing would literally be glued to my hands as sheamus goes to check on anise he finds that her bed is actually empty however as the candle's flame shift he realizes that she's actually been turned into one of those things and then is attacked and bitten jon had already put the kettle on likely coffee as sheamus struggles with the beast he now ends up taking it out with a shot but he's going to turn now also the house is on fire that sucks john heads downstairs hearing isabel screaming he tells her to find charlotte and get out of the house chasing sheamus to the bar and isabel goes upstairs and finds charlotte under the bed hiding finding sheamus he's sitting there covered in oil and sitting in a pool of it as well he talks about how he sees the flames and he deserves this and yada yada yada so he lights himself on fire which arguably has to be the worst way to go now ladies and gentlemen edward has entered the building isabel and charlotte go to escape but see edward coming up the stairs looking for them they are able to escape as some horses run by on fire which made my wife sad all three of them immediately run away from the burning building before ever realizes that they aren't there they then spot just beyond the reaches of the house and clearly in the front yard grandpa and grandma did not make it i mean they just they didn't go very far at all edward then finds him next to the carriage but it appears scared of the silver bullets and keeps its distance they then begin a tightly packed run to the church with edward on their tail the whole time they bang on the church door until finally they get let in timmy's dad suggests that they go outside and find the creature and then fight it jon says that they have to wait for daylight so that they can have a clean shot plus the military's supposed to be there in the morning but you know we can't just have a happy ending here that would be crazy as everyone sits down to catch some sleep john tells isabel what she wants to hear rather than what sheamus actually said that night however as isabel goes to pray for mercy against the creature she hears edward outside calling to her she's overcome with mom brain at this moment and opens the door letting the creature in as they aren't able to stop her in time the creature begins biting and throwing people around like ragdolls before isabelle finally gets his attention and tells edward enough it comes at her and jon tells her to get out of the way before being forced to take the shot through her which then enters the abdomen of the creature taking it out as well as she lays there her son exits the creature really just as ejected from the creature but he appears gone just as isabelle passes her son then comes back to life which she never actually sees by mere seconds big then we see that the captain who had the silver bullet in his guts from earlier was actually edward man i bet you guys didn't see that one coming did you well the captain does not make it so even after all this he still doesn't have like a full life that's because war is quite brutal so back in the past jon is a real stand-up guy and decides to adopt the children considering their orphans now he tells edward that it's really not his fault what has happened so he shouldn't blame himself then we see the woman visiting him at the beginning is by his side when jon finally bites the dust apparently the curse line has also been permanently broken as no more bullets had been used in his entire life so the first thing we need to get out of the way right out of the gate is there is clearly some supernatural aspects to this but there's some definite evidence to point to a biological one as well concerning the supernatural aspect which can't really readily be explained is the dreams or really the nightmares everyone seems to have all over the settlement now a case could be made as it always could that magic is simply science we don't understand yet i mean bring someone back from the dark ages into the current era and they would assume that everyone was a witch give a caveman a dorito and he would probably be ousted from the tribe seeing as his incoherent ookaduka screaming about cheesy doritos of the gods would probably drive everyone crazy you know things like that but i see only one possibility concerning how everyone may have the dreams that they have but to understand how it could be a potential we must first talk about the biological infection associated with the curse so taking it back to where the cursed i suppose curse begins getting to the teeth these are obviously not normal teeth but i believe they serve as a delivery method for an infection rather than the things actually causing the infection themselves from what it looks like to me the silver teeth are set within the jaw bone of some form of animal now the strange thing is that it is melted down later or potentially when the blacksmith is attempting to melt the teeth to create bullets the jaw bones surrounding the teeth had to be broken off possibly i simply missed that but if the teeth are set within a jawbone that could potentially explain what we see later but i also think it's probably something else again here's another supernatural element to a degree but when timmy finds the teeth he is compelled to put them in so the question is at that point why i think it is predicated on prior exposure to the actual cellular infection almost like a protozoa parasite infection that appears to be ransacking the entire settlement again stay with me on this one we are about to test the boundaries of understood cellular activity taking it back to the romani we know the teeth were turned into silver which was judas's silver specifically or at least that's what's hinted at if you are not really familiar with judas silver it's basically cursed because that's the silver he accepted in order to backstab jesus one could say not a pro gamer move to betray your friend like that but what's interesting is the romani appear to have the silver with them and they've used it previously before as stated when the matriarch tells him to go make the silver ready again a storm is coming after denying the offer by the elders to leave the land because the silver has melted down and turned into something else i believe the process would destroy any biological material that may have been associated with the silver itself and considering they already had moved from another town that actually had an outbreak that means these teeth were once again melted down and reformed into coins to be melted back down and reformed into teeth to me personally this clears the teeth of being the actual infection point again i'm also hesitant to say that the jaw would be the infection factor here as the jaw does appear to melt down once the blacksmith and church destroys it it could be wrong somebody uh mentioned this in the comments but there is one more vector in which the infection could spread that i think is overlooked because of the simple fact that humans are superstitious the romani themselves if they are melting and reforming the silver all this time then the common denominator that doesn't change amongst all the interactions would be the people themselves and who is actually delivering the bite to start the infection process the older woman and potentially even the guy who forms the jaws i also believe there are some clues as to this happening that may even indicate how the infection spread beyond just the teeth so let's back up even one more time the movie itself is giving us clues as to what's going on and how things can be explained in biological terms if you look hard enough for them i mean really explore the space looking for them because i didn't even realize how to find them until i sat here with my third cup of coffee wondering how it was able to potentially connect beyond something like well it's a curse roanoke that's just what curses do because that's just lame so i would propose this first the main point of infection is spread by the older woman as maid mentioned by the man who grabbed her after she made a break for it once her settlement was attacked she tried to bite me she was not successful as she is likely more frail but something does happen that is interesting the man spits on the captain now transfer of diseases can take place in a lot of ways really and back in the 1800s and before the advent of antibiotics as you can see in this movie or at least it's mentioned a lot that there was already another disease going around which i've mentioned how to survive earlier and that is cholera the whole movie is alluding to this disease throughout it and much like how cholera is lethal unless you have gatorade on hand back in the day and even in some countries today it's still seen as a death sentence but that's the point i think the movie is trying to make a connection between the cursed and the current cholera outbreak going around and i believe the medium by which the disease or at least a form of disease travels uses the same lines as cholera we see after the captain of the mercenary group is spit on that the old woman and man run to the woods trying to escape then everyone begins having nightmares or the same nightmares after that they see the scarecrow more than anything but also occasionally see the woman pointing at them or their family being taken away by the scarecrow into the woods because of this we can conclude that the entire settlement is infected with the curse which happens quite quickly after the field was closed but not so quickly that word doesn't seem to have spread or crops didn't have time to grow we see that the group is being buried and the field is just essentially short grass at this point nothing has been planted or at least the grass is shorter and the dirt would still be disturbed because of this we can conclude that at least a couple of weeks or maybe a month or two has passed since they have been buried and the grass has sprung up also if i remember correctly john says that he's been on the trail of the romani for a little while now and it went cold a few weeks prior and it took him a while to find the town where he ended up so when the woman is found while not in what would be normal stages of decomposition at least in the dream she is in some form of it which again takes time with all this in mind we can conclude that it's not the next day that everyone has the same dream but instead took a while for it to spread to the settlement however once it did spread to the settlement everyone was infected with the same visions and dreams we also see throughout the movie there is an emphasis on drinking water it's subtle for sure but the way everything kind of like pans around water being poured into glass i believe the movie is indicating that something is actually wrong with the water much like with cholera that is moving in the water from town to town striking fear in people as they never know if they're actually infected or not i believe that there is a literal biological infection in the water that took time to get to the settlement however it's not like the infection the woman has instead the infection came from the man now we have to use a bit of imagination to fill in the gaps but when the woman and man made a run for it we know that in the woods there is a river very close nearby potentially i believe the water may have actually been seated with the infection from the man at this point and it's also possible that when he spits on the captain that contains enough of the cells responsible for infecting others and when the captain goes home to clean it off water is then infected as well either way i believe there is an actual tangible contamination taking place that allowed everyone weeks later to have imbibed the cellular organism which has now induced the same nightmares now clearly where it becomes supernatural is human brains are quite complex having the same nightmare for everyone in town seems a little odd no matter what sort of infection it is people just don't link up like that in that capacity typically and likely it would never have gone down like this however should this microbe exist that took time to incubate in the waterways and subsequently the people who drank it then this could lend credence to the idea that this is really just an infection overall in both the man and woman had it using teeth speaking of the woman she appears to really have a different form of infection or a different way of delivering it while potentially they could be the same say if the man had bitten someone using the teeth maybe he could have inspired the same sort of outbreak i also believe it's possible that everyone after drinking the water is infected with the same disease at this point but upon delivery to somewhere else say like the bloodstream directly rather than just say your stomach the effects are much more detrimental to your body which you may say sounds strange but this outcome is quite common so let's take a trip into immunology so there is something that i fear more than any disease on earth well except for maybe prions it is known as a brain eating amoeba from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh concerning the absolute inability of humans to clear this amoeba it disgusted me i craved the eosinophils and the certainty of antibodies what is known as nigleria fallery is located down here with me at least in the great state of georgia within the rivers ponds lakes in our water basically all over this amoeba mostly slips by unnoticed but every year it sounds like we get at least one person or like one or two people who's unlucky and ends up with this thing entering their brain and just absolutely destroying the three pound chemoelectric anxiety meat now the question is why is this well typically they are either immunocompromised really young or not from the area so what does this have to do with anything well it's based on prior exposure to this pos amoeba how it works typically is if you drink the water down here in the south the amoeba will enter your stomach it will either be destroyed by the acid or your body will find it further down the intestinal tract ask if has a loyance be causing a parasitic infection and then destroys it because it does not once destroyed your dendritic cells will take pieces of it back to b cells and remember the infection then if you get water up your nose from a lake pond river sewer system faucet whatever your body will remember the parasite have an immediate response and destroy it before it can enter the brain so it's pretty great but that's the point of all this i believe once the infected water is actually drunk by those in the settlement their body destroys it as they are cells which leads to no further interaction such as changing their body however if a person is openly bitten in the cells directly into their bloodstream of a person it's a completely different ballgame which is why the teeth are necessary again it's not the silver at least in head canon that's causing disease it's an actual infection but the question now becomes what in the name of judas priest is this infection well as we have seen with john when he's looking at it under a microscope every cell that is infected appears to have multiple pseudopodia all over them this would make the cells more mobile and as we see they are able to latch onto other cells with these arm-like protrusions pseudopodia for your information is typically a temporary protrusion of the cellular membrane that can be used to reach out and grab other cells or nutrition in the area in order to sustain the cell by utilizing microtubules and intermediate filaments basically they can help the cell with movement and feeding where we see this most prominently featured however is within the infected blood cells of a person these pseudopodia are more common in the protistic kingdom but have apparently arisen on the eukaryotic red blood cells using these protrusions they can grab non-infected cells and pull them in for digestion but on top of this it extrapolates outwards too so with the cells so with the body long tendrils and filaments exit the body during the late stages of infection when they go from human to whatever this thing is which wrap the host in a protective sac and form a new morphological beast around the person which now we have arrived at the actual creature as i think we have a fair understanding that this may be a biological infection so let's talk about the creature and potentially where this infection came from so first things first the morphology of this animal is a lot like a wolf in some terms but with a complete lack of body hair much like a human skin pigmentation also matches the original person who was infected which considering they are all british it's essentially pasty white sorry my dudes but i hear the sun doesn't shine much out there the creatures will walk on all fours longitudinal lines run the length of the body because the creature itself is nothing more than a covering of tendrils coming from the person which obviously is fairly interesting these tendrils appear to take on specialized roles as well potentially taking direction from the actual genetic information from the person which means that the pseudopodias of the infected cells are absorbing and incorporating dna from the human cell and in some cases like with the person themselves it likely appears that they are replacing the human cells although there could be a difference between the person who is infected by a bite from the alpha versus a person who's bitten by the original fangs the creature will take on once again the appearance of a hairless wolf with a smooth face and large teeth as well as claws which indicates that if a human were on all fours the placement of the claws in general would be where the fingernails are the tendrils will form together with a connective tissue between them once the process has begun completely encasing the human inside to use them as almost as a template for genetic information but again it comes at a cost which let's go over it appears that there are two variants of infection peers the teeth infection and the tendril infection those who are bitten by the teeth will receive the pure form of infection and remain themselves within the monster but should silver be introduced into the actual body of the creature then the tendrils will die and the person will be released in their natural form now it's possible that the key is luck when edward monster face was hit with silver it went through his mom which slowed it down then through the monster's tendrils which slowed it down then into his own gut at a glancing blow which left the silver in his body i've discussed before my dog soldiers video so i don't really want to rehash the entire like thing that i said but the point is is if you didn't know silver is cytotoxic and has cytotoxic effects by binding to certain proteins which is quite interesting as i would propose that the same proteins responsible for the tendrils and the pseudopodia among cells themselves may be affected by this silver bullet if that is the case that could mean that while the cells are replacing a person which is why they really don't come back the same after they're freed from the tendril monster with the introduction of pure silver into the body it may subdue the proteins to a degree in the infected cells that have replaced the normal human cells forcing them to act like normal cells or at least allowing them to act like normal cells which again considering they are taking the genetic information may compel them to do this then that raises the philosophical question if you replace every cell in a person with a copy of their cell are they still the original person which if it's phrased like that it sounds strange but i think we all know our cells do this all the time most of the cells are not the same cells they were 10 years ago i know someone's going to say actually and that's why i said most neurological cells immune cells etc they're all really the same cells they're like rider dye cells but okay moving on i think i actually just kind of disprove my point about the two variants so i think it's the same variant the only difference between edward and the maid who was infected or the woman in the field that just got a regular dose of lead edward likely would have expired as well if he took the full force of the silver round and exited his body but because of just the right circumstances of the speed of the silver bullet the location of the bullet and likely the protective sack adding repair mechanisms and his mom standing in the way the silver from the bullet subdued the cells enough to behave like normal cells which in the end saved him while others expired summation yes there are absolutely supernatural aspects what the cells would have to do to actually inspire the same dream in everyone's head night after night would likely not be easily done talking about literally pulling the same neurons in the same order over and over again or releasing potentially a chemical that would inspire this without affecting their waking life just does not seem possible but where it becomes biological is how it spreads from the jaws of timmy who was instantly taken over with his either bloodstream turning colors or the nerves turning colors which knocks them out so just that something quickly enters the area and again potentially this could have been nerves firing along those lines with such force that it knocks him unconscious but he's taken over and able to bite to edward being bitten and showing that his infected cells now have pseudopodia which would indicate a conversion taking place as well as the doctor saying that he had a fever again this points to the immune system aware of something within the body and trying to attack it and then to others turning into the same beasts once they are infected showing this disease can quite literally be passed to one another person to person if introduced into the bloodstream to finally the cytotoxic effects of silver poisoning the cells to a degree to stop them from using specific proteins which allows for the presentation of symptoms within the host such as the tendrils on a macro scale and on the micro scale the pseudopodia all of this comes together to me in a way to suggest a cellular disease such as a supercell invasion of the body that does actually appear to have a cure or at least a treatment to stop symptoms and give the person a long-term normal life but if not administered in the right way they will permanently be changed and the tendrils will reform and the creature again will live if the person is removed from their meat mech and then not administered silver quickly
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 755,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the cursed, the cursed movie, the cursed ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, trailer, clip, end scene, werewolf, review, spoiler, cursed, foundflix, Roanoke Gaming, The cursed movie, the cursed movie monster, the cursed explored, the cursed explained, The cursed monster scene, the cursed all monster sightings, the cursed monster shack, the cursed monster person, the cursed camp scene, the cursed 2022, the cursed trailer, horror movie, scary story
Id: BcIw5m7m1OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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