2001 EVOLUTION Alien Cells Explored | Just Straight Up Nuke It From Orbit

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all right so I think I fixed my mic but there might be some popping noise because my mic probably just freaking sucks so the thing about like Jesus you know what we're keeping it in there the thing about life is Humanity doesn't really know all that much about it in the grand scheme of things we are a speck of dust orbiting a speck of dust making up an average sized Dust Bunny on a planet completely composed of well dust yeah that analogy is really one of my better ones but the point is the universe is pretty big you can hear about it all day and still not grasp just how large of an area it actually is and with that vast amount of space comes the potential for different life forms to crop up we humans along with everything on this planet are carbon-based organisms our metabolism is perfectly adapted to the oxygen atmosphere which there is a debate on if oxygen actually takes us out because it's kind of poisonous but anyhow this was supplied by the first cyanobacteria that came about which interestingly enough would cause its own Extinction event because organisms around the same time were not oxygen metabolizing creatures but even that there shows Wildlife here has a pretty good run with some low points like giant asteroids crashing into the planet not everything required the atmosphere that we have right now to support life in a testament to man's arrogance also known as building cities in a place called Arizona where it has quite literally gotten up to 128 degrees Fahrenheit or 53.3 degrees Celsius a meteorite would crash land on Earth because it had the right stuff that's how you could actually tell the difference a meteoroid is in space a meteor burns up in the atmosphere and a meteorite has the right stuff to hit where was I I asked it would hit Earth and Garner the attention of a firefighter in training mainly because his car got destroyed as well as two professors at a local community college each time they return to the crash site it seemed like a rapid form of evolution would be taking place far out classing life on Earth Generations would pass in just a few days allowing for life to alter and change rapidly from a single cell to complex multi-cellular life so in today's episode let's discuss what this cell is how the fire helped Inspire its rapid adaptations and ultimately what this would mean for life on Earth but first is sponsored by nordvpn are you sitting there like some sort of huge dork right now completely exposed to the dangers of the internet apart from someone you don't like disagreeing with you seems like a bold strategy cotton let's see how it plays out for him but why do that when you could protect yourself today use the link in my description or adding to nordvpn.com forward slash Roanoke you can sign up for a hugely discounted plan of two years and get an additional four months for free and with her 30-day money-back guarantee that means there's no risk if you don't like it you see it's not just all Reddit mods out 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description or going to nordvpn.com forward slash Roanoke you can pick yourself up a two-year plan with an additional four months for free at a huge discount today all right let's get back to it we kick off our story as with most things a look at a meteor floating through space and becoming a meteorite as it descends then begins breaking up as it enters the atmosphere deep in the desert a 1973 Buick Rivera is driving through which I imagine is like driving your couch if it's anything like my 67 Impala great Vehicles horrendous on gas mileage it is a man named Wayne still in total firefighting gear that way you know he's a firefighter you know I did some firefighter training back in the day there's absolutely no way I would be wearing that for longer than I had to the irony of putting on clothing that keeps you warm to fight fires is not lost on me seriously though we would wear this stuff during like winter training because it's basically a winter jacket although you know I guess it is a desert at night anyways he heads to the back and then grab has what appears to be a CPR dummy heading into a small shack he places it inside and lights it on fire he's attempted to practice for his upcoming firefighting test and this seemed to be the best way to do it as he rescues the dummy he looks up and spots that a meteorite is coming in fast taking off a completely wrecks his car punching a hole through the Earth's crust and into a cavern below we now jump over to the most realistic part of this movie A tenured professor or at least I can only assume he's tenured because he gives everyone an A on their research papers except for like two of the guys who are talking about jail cells instead of regular cells is disgusting how he's only making 17K a year well something to remember this was back in the early 2000s now I don't know they're probably making like 60k or something but at least he's in Arizona and just for your references C's get degrees later on Professor block gets a call about a meteorite Landing in the area as he walks out it starts looking more like an Internet situation forming with a student as Ira busts in to break up the potential heading to the landing site the cops have already turned up and are attempting to turn over the classic 1973 Buick Riv because of this Wayne misses his exam but is taken back by the cops descending into the caverns no PPE no containment cops getting pictures of the meteorite you know real caveman mentality IRA and Harry are down there to get some samples from the meteorite but as Ira looks on he spots it covered in something growing on it so basically looks kind of fuzzy that would be an immediate heads up to not be standing close to this thing and breathing the air around it as they hit it it begins leaking fluid to which they grab a sample bring it back and then cut it open in the lab as Ira looks into the sample Harry ends up leaving for the night but when looking however he spots life clearly moving around on the slide this life however far outclasses anything on Earth in terms of mitotic abilities as he runs a sample analysis the creature has 10 base pairs in its DNA but reference all life on Earth has four base pairs adenine guanine cytosine and thymine he runs off to tell Harry who's invested in coaching the women's volleyball team he isn't paying attention can't say that I would be giving this discovery the attention it deserves in that moment either is that a boomer thing to say probably as they head back to Ira's office he locked the door and then shows Harry something has changed the creatures which were originally single-celled are now forming multicellular organisms the rate at which they divide is exponential and as a result they are evolving millions of years in just a few hours meanwhile back at Wayne's firefighting tests things don't go so well and as a result he has to wait another six months to retest meaning that he's going back to work at the Country Club Harry and Ira now head back to the meteorite but this time with the rest of the class which is still also a horrible idea talk about an exposure event on a massive scale and this could actually quite literally cause anaphylactic shock in people because your body wouldn't be able to identify what it is and it just turns into a huge issue anyways heading back to the cavern a form of plant or likely more to be fungi life has begun growing on the cavern floor and has begun producing a fog higher levels of methane and ammonium have begun building up showing that this life form is not using oxygen for their metabolism as the fog clears flat worms have already begun forming as Ira brings it back up into the oxygen layer where he's at the creature ends up expiring due to the incompatible atmosphere grabbing the glass container they are able to scoop up some of its air and keep a few of the flatworms later on they begin splitting showing that this species reproduces asexually which can create a whole host of issues for the life form which we'll kind of get into later at this point IRA and Harry start taking this way more seriously as clearly this is their key to fame meanwhile back at the Country Club Wayne starts finding these flat worms all over the place coming up from a crack in the ground as he tries to go and check out where they might be coming from and grabbing chemicals he sees a new life form of swimming in the water tank as Harry and Ira head back to the meteorite site military has beat them there as they pull up they get asked who they are one soldier walks up aggressively asking if he is the IRA Kane which he starts trying to pull out his Force multiplier on him for some unknown reason which will become known soon enough another Soldier grabs him and then they allow both of them through which you would think after like that takes place they wouldn't but hey what do I know as they pull up to the site the government has actual PPE when dealing with this stuff which is way more intelligent than these professors have displayed as they meet General Woodman they had both worked together in research at the Pentagon the Miller Bros have been monitoring their computer and oh thank God the CDC is here Allison scolds Ira as clearly this is a majorly dangerous situation to not involve anyone else it's alien life nobody has any idea what this thing could actually do so they get relieved to the site which spawns a fight over it so they decide to put their faith in the judicial system bold strategy and then take this thing to court it has been two weeks that they have been kept away when the truth finally comes out Allison calls Ira's competence as a scientist into question because he created a vaccine for certain bacteria known as bacillus and thoracis a highly potent bacteria with a 20 lethality rate however with proper treatment and early antibiotics being administered prognosis is extremely good however what's better than that is just preventing it from taking you out in the first place now something to be known about vaccines is say if you get the polio vaccine you actually can still test positive for polio the original design is basically to stop you from getting the detrimental issues associated with the disease making that information what you will so here's what I don't get Ira developed this vaccine then they ran tests with the military after it clearly had to LEAP like major hurdles to get to that point but it unfortunately didn't go as planned which resulted in an IRA being let go and being shunned as a scientist having the side effects being known as the Kane Madness this resulted in him being where he is now heading back to their lab they realized they actually got hit while they were in court someone came in and took all of their data experiments and equipment so they decide to break into a military installation what could go wrong heading in you're able to successfully get past a lot of personnel which remember if you need to get into anywhere the key is to look like you actually belong there and then nobody will ask questions easiest ways to carry a ladder with you nobody will ask what you're doing there and if they do you can say you're just there to fix something getting into the airlock area they put on PPE well finally which they are spotted by someone watching the security security footage however they are allowed to continue and then enter the cavern system walking in things are a bit different complex life has begun flying everywhere and it can only be assumed at this point the cavern is completely devoid of oxygen necessitating the PPE many different forms of life have formed a food web as everything eats everything else back up on the surface security goes to talk to Dr Reed and ask if she authorized a walk through so as Ira continues to smack talk her she's listening to the whole thing as one does but as they go to grab their sample mosquito-like creature begins attacking Harry Reid and her team came down at this point to confront them and while they confront one another the creature enters Harry's suit fairly easily which kind of begs the question how this didn't happen with anybody else as Harry turns up his oxygen he realizes actually entered his body so taking him to surgery they find is in his leg Under the Skin I'm not sure if this man has ever been to medical school but the doctor immediately says they're going to need to amputate the leg just cut open the skin but things get worse when it goes for his unborn Prodigy luckily for him however well depending on how you you ask it goes for his colon because of the methane flipping him over they're able to pull it out of him saving him from a fate worse than death later on at a party at a country club party is going pretty well as a man sets up a picnic on the green he spills virtually clear champagne on his pants so he does the smart thing and walks over to a muddy Lake in order to clean off his pants now yes genius as he calls out to a woman he's setting this whole thing up for a creature emerges from the water and then drags him back in she runs back to the party to tell everyone that he's gotten got which kind of puts a damper on everything back up on the surface Allison is questioning IRA and something that would be way too casual for what he just did this is like someone murdering somebody and then taking them to Denny's to discuss it which I mean I guess it happens to Denny I you know it's expected to happen at Denny's but then they are let free which is interesting as they head back to the college waiting on them is Wayne somehow he was able to get this creature out of the water no explanation on how he pulled it off but he was concerned enough to bring it to professors laying it on the table despite the fact that it was water dwelling and apparently choked out which is supposedly how he was able to get it I don't know I really don't understand it either meanwhile all over the town the worms are showing up from underneath the ground at a friend Gathering they follow the trail of orange to the closet as a creature comes out this thing is having trouble breathing and as she reaches out for it its tongue comes out biting the woman it however isn't long for this world as it crashes out due to metabolic issues Ira at this point goes to Allison to tell her that the creature is sitting in his lap the military and CDC are already all over it and now IRA and Allison start orbiting one another because plot demands it across town Wade and Harry are getting breakfast as Iris shows up Wayne asks if this is an alien invasion which now Sarah Silverman tries to flash Ira about wanting his shirt back and the cop boyfriend gets a call over the radio from the woman who called the cops over the animal attack officer Johnson lets them go in and check it out to figure out where it may have come from under the house is a fissure where the worms are able to crawl up through to form this creature as they look across the hillside a ton of dinosaur looking animals are just getting bodied all over the ground Perry now has an idea they must be using the cavern system to get further and further away from their point of origin most of them are trying to breathe as one sits up and then spits up a creature from its gullet as they look at it it hatches from the sack and this one appears to be able to breathe the oxygen in making it different from the rest which would be horrible news for Earth and a nightmarish ecological disaster fought abound the thing gets up and flies away as the thing also needs to be taken out immediately as it flies to the friendly Skies of Arizona it ends up at a mall Harry Parks the Jeep like a total tool which is the second most unbelievable thing about this movie about how reliable this Jeep is but they break in to the force multiplier stash Store and Lock and Load Brides of Christ so apparently an alarm hasn't been raised yet as one woman is shoplifting she opens the door to what is basically a flying Velociraptor and she gets grabbed Wayne starts making noises to draw it in which doesn't work and I say it doesn't work because I guess it's not loud enough but the thing starts flying through and as it flies through it kind of starts looking back so then Wayne gets on the PA system to get it to come back with his singing again I have no idea why it would come back to just singing but hey maybe we'll figure that out as it flies down Ira is able to hit it in the back knocking it out of the sky except it really isn't done yet so they have to double tap the thing now the media is in on it so thank God for that they all start talking to everyone they can about these weird looking creatures that are starting to pop up all over the place to the point that the governor finally gets involved the governor wants to know how bad the situation is Allison has put together a graphic where in two months if they don't get this thing under control than the entire United States and everyone in it is going to go extinct again not a good thing that these things are freely just evolving the general has an idea though they're going to Napalm the area to take out the animals Ira objects saying that they have no idea how they may respond to Napalm but as they talk the aliens have evolved into a primate stage with bipedalism being present the creatures are breaking the cameras as they begin their attack on everyone else as the elevator comes up it appears that nothing is in there as a few of the alien Apes jump out of the pit and start attacking everyone they still respond to lead being put into their bodies so at least there's that this gives the governor the motivation to give the general everything he needs to put the issue to rest which I'm not really sure a governor has that Authority kind of seems like a federal issue IRA and Harry then are pushed out which finally prompts Allison to take their side as she abandons her post saying that she's leaving the CDC and the real money is in the private sector which is absolutely true less political as well but would they want a disgraced CDC scientist the answer is yes Allison also got their research files and samples it's just so bizarre how Cavalier everyone is about this so we get a blast from the past some early 2000s Grunge music set to a giant Montage of everyone evacuating in the military securing the caverns as we get back to the college everyone is partying out in the courtyard not great time for that but as I discuss how to take out the aliens Harry is smoking a cigarette and throws the lit match towards the sink which lands on the sample once it does it turns into a cancerous mass they now realize if they drop Napalm on this thing it's going to do just that Allison calls a general who then ignores her Paul as Ira looks at the back of Allison's shirt and figures out there may be a way to subdue this alien growth without having to use fire which won't work I kind of feel like nuclear fire would still work however basically because we are carbon based arsenic destroys our body by interfering with the phosphate binding sites in ATP resulting in the formation of ADP arsenate which blocks metabolic pathways basically it stops your cells from processing energy which leads to your expiration because these creatures are nitrogen-based organisms then by using the same method that would mean selenium may work to disrupt it sort of like arsenic does to us does that work well it's a little more complicated than that but hey it's worth a shot they only need 500 gallons of the stuff luckily Head and Shoulders uses selenium for dandruff so it's actually really easy to come by I'm pretty sure this is just one giant commercial at this point for Head and Shoulders like I really think they came in and saved the budget you'll see what I mean in the end Wayne at this point Jack's a fire truck to administer the selenium heading to some abandoned Silver Mines they begin setting up for their attack heading into the underground Cavern area they walk through finding the walls highly acidic Governor now has shown up to oversee the napalming process back in the mines the trio then head in as Wayne goes outside to charge the line but the Napalm has started early this instantly causes the cells to go rapid growth due to the fire exiting the mine they managed to outrun the fire but with this thing growing from underground it starts breaking apart large areas as they look on everyone runs to the fire truck as the creature emerges from the ground as Cancer's blob begins making its way towards the town as everyone also starts kind of just running for their lives it's survival of the fittest and the simplest organism is the strongest the creature then immediately begins to divide to make more of itself just sort of a macro version of the Single Cell organisms from earlier so the selenium plan is still the idea they charge the lines and then headed up to spray up its blowhole in doing so Harry then gets sucked in momentarily while administering this giant enema the creature immediately begins responding in a not so pleasant manner but they are able to pull Harry back down climbing back down the ladder they take off escaping the creature and as they do it continues to build internal pressure before finally exploding showering the place in Alien goop so everyone is pretty jazzed about this and they start handing out medals left right and Center Wayne becomes a firefighter and Ira and Allison head back to a fire truck to hook up because why not so we do see later that one of these things has survived so that's still really not a good thing but then it legitimately becomes a commercial for Head and Shoulders again something had to be up with the funding towards the end of this movie because it comes out of nowhere but all's well that ends well and the alien menace supposedly is crushed with again except for the Containment Breach that is just flying around but who cares about that so this one is going to get potentially a little complex and I'm hoping I've already drunk enough coffee to keep the line in order but the first thing we need to understand to draw the differences between earth-based organisms and the alien ones is to figure out our own metabolisms as this is critical as to why these creatures are dropping as soon as they touch our atmosphere humans have something known as an oxygen-based metabolism along with every other animal on this planet add to the plants as well because making CO2 utilizing oxygen during the oxidative phosphorylization pathway and building sugar from carbon now sometimes people get a little confused about how nitrogen comes into play with plants but it's not so much that they are using it for their metabolism but turning it into molecules that can be used in the process nitrogen itself the nitrogen floating around the atmosphere is known as N2 this type of nitrogen is extremely non-reactive and this is because the nitrogen is triple bonded to the other nitrogen making it exceedingly difficult to pull apart and requiring a lot of energy to break those bonds because of this fact and two for the most part is not a part of our metabolism but it still does serve a purpose and this is why we are oxygen-based organisms because the O2 in our atmosphere is extremely reactive and as such can be used in our metabolism to produce adenosine triphosphate or ATP which is caused by glucose reacting to oxygen now there is a point to me launching into metabolism discussion because first it's highly important to understand why animals from another world wouldn't just crash land here and be like Oh dope this is awesome I could breathe year as well the second is because I've had people ask how I know other animals don't just breathe in the nitrogen that's in our atmosphere as it's not really a biological question but a chemistry one it just would take too much energy to break the into bonds to actually make it a reliable form for our metabolism however I can hear you now but wait a minute Roanoke Iris said in the movie that these things are nitrogen-based organisms and if humans are oxygen based and we breathe in O2 wouldn't these organisms breathe in into and that's a fantastic question viewer you get the title of big guy today so there's a critical component that is mentioned when they descended into Caverns for a second time with the class in order to check on getting the meteorite out of the cave as they walk through a fog has appeared on the floor and just really above the floor where underneath existed flatworms as IRA and Harry talk about it they postulate that it must be ammonia amongst other gases that they breathe in as they bring one of the worms up it immediately expires as the oxygen-based atmosphere is toxic to it sort of like if you dunked your head in that gas it would be toxic to you so what does this mean mean exactly well it means that there's way more science to this movie than you'd expect and someone actually did their homework for a comedy movie because even the way that they take these things out makes sense it also should be known that ammonia is critical for our bodies and there is also something known as the nitrogen cycle in the soil that helps plants thrive on nitrogen itself so it's not like it's something completely shunned by plants and animals here on Earth but the question is how do you even get ammonia well the compounds in our atmosphere are all there you just need something to convert it to balance the formula for ammonia production you need into which there's an abundance of it in our atmosphere you also need H2 which can be gleaned from H2O and this will give you NH3 now how do we know there's a H2O in abundance helping to create this scenario well because ammonia typically is lighter than air however in the presence of moisture it will form heavier than the air Vapors which allowed for it to settle on the ground once the ammonia covers the area as it is heavier it will push the oxygen out of the environment now the thing about ammonia based organisms and their metabolisms is likely it couldn't exist on Earth and for all intents and purposes it can't due to our atmosphere that said if it Formed Elsewhere on a different planet what would that type of environment look like well for us incredibly hostile but this may explain the mitotic rate that these creatures experience which we'll get into momentarily and this will also put to rest that I could hear you saying if a creature can breathe in into and then convert it to ammonia in its body and use it then it's technically breathing it in too but for the ammonia to exist within its body it's going to need a certain set of circumstances that is not going to happen on Earth or at least largely on Earth a planet where these creatures hail from is a place that would be the end of any oxygen-based organism's life as it stepped foot there without a massive amount of protection and not just from the atmosphere but the pressure and temperature ranges as well for ammonia to exist as a liquid a few things must be satiated it either needs to be really cold or the pressure needs to be really high because these creatures can exist in our atmosphere spheric pressure I will assume that the planet has to be really cold liquid ammonia needs to exist at a range of negative 33.6 degrees Celsius or in the Lord's units negative 28.5 degrees Fahrenheit at around 25 degrees Celsius the ammonia will start to boil and this is about 77 degrees Fahrenheit basically you would likely freeze because imagine Earth cycling through a temperature range where we're like oh well liquid water can exist there because it's 199 degrees Fahrenheit like for liquid water to boil that would basically totally eradicate life nothing would be on this planet so the same could be said for the ammonia Planet the temperature is likely extremely low so what does that mean on Earth well that means these creatures completely lucked out it appears that based on what everyone is wearing in Arizona at the time the meteorite hit it's probably late fall to early winter and that's based on the fact that the jeep has no cover on it because of that the temperatures have dropped to the point where the creatures will have ammonia in their cells almost literally boiling the second they exit the cavern but the oxygen is still highly toxic even in the cavern itself it's roughly about 62 degrees Fahrenheit like most cave systems and it can also maybe get into the 50s which means they're just barely on the edge of not boiling over but this has another effect which could explain these creatures growth rate we see Generations pass in hours not years typically for the homo sapiens race it's agreed upon about every 20 to 30 years we see a new generation come around which means that we have reached the point where enough genetic material has been passed along from previous to subsequent to Warrant a new designation with this species again several Generations appear to be able to exist within the same hour instead of years and that means changes are going to happen rapidly for reference the dawn of civilization began 10 000 years ago and that was only 400 Generations back so if we take this and say maybe four generations exist per hour based on we see flying dinosaur alien spitting each other up and growing before your very eyes means in 100 hours 10 000 years have passed although I will say it's likely more than that so that's just a few days and seeing as IRA and Harry were blocked out for about two weeks time was accelerating quickly for these creatures now something to note that's a generalization this is because the time needed to go from fungal-like growth to a complex primate species would need to be thousands of generations not hundreds and even on our level that would just not be enough time to pass because believe it or not Earth itself is exceedingly old however it does seem possible with these creatures but then that begs the question how well something to know about ammonia and heat is there's more energy than an oxygen bonds so here's my thinking on this as we all know cooler temperatures slow down cellular activity with ammonia the cells have obviously adapted to the cooler temperatures on their home world if they were on and they may have lived out very natural lifespans due to these temperatures slowing down chemical reactions in their bodies meaning on that world it would have progressed much slower overall however once landing on Earth the added temperature spikes allowed for the speeding up of chemical reactions of their life this coupled with the method of reproduction being asexual would cause General to pass exceedingly fast also because of the increased energy that can be extracted from NH3 as opposed to oxygen this was able to fuel the cells entering an absolutely ridiculous state of mitotic division due to the environmental changes eventually however this would result in a massive change one creature in particular after coming into contact with the oxygen atmosphere and several of its Generations meeting they're in before it would develop an oxygen tolerance and in turn likely gain an oxygen metabolism like we have this has the added benefit of slowing down the cellular growth of the creature overall and there is less energy to be gained from an O2 environment and by switching over metabolisms cells also likely became more apt to deal with higher temperatures as the creature was no longer in ammonia-based organism I think at this point we probably have a pretty good idea of their metabolisms but something we haven't discussed yet is how they even started and for that we look at our own evolutionary pathway and where we branched off as you know we belong to the eukaryota branch on the phylogenetic tree of life like the Chads we are bacteria and archae branches get Get Wrecked but the thing to note about us is that plants animals and fungi are all originating from the same Branch further down but what's even more interesting is our Branch splits with plants way before the animal Branch split with fungi so what does that mean it means fungus as we know it has similarities to animals that make us closer to it than it has with plants basically fungus is creepily similar to animals in some respects and can have things happen that almost seem like Behavior I know right the thing to know about fungi is mind-blowing because despite us thinking well it looks like a plant it has communication breaks down meat and responds to its environment pretty well now obviously there are differences between animals and fungus but it's just incredibly interesting to think about and remember a fungus is something that can also control animals such as with cordyceps fungus manipulating ants anyhow the reason I'm drawing this comparison is because of what's said by Ira when he brings down the group he mentions how not to eat the mushrooms and I think he's spot on when looking at the organism on the ground they are extremely basic basically worms now we know with fungus they will put out hyphen which branch out a lot like Roots do on Plants however just like plants they are rooted in place that said I would say this given how much time can pass so quickly I believe it could be possible that the fungus potentially being more closely related to animals on its Planet may have some of this hyphy section off to become worms now on our planet you're talking about billions of years of evolution to accomplish this but with this species that time passes quickly and I'm also not suggesting the hyphy on fungus created animals animals were doing their own thing by the time fungus came around but remember plants fungus and animals again all come from the same Branch a common ancestor split to form all three but originally it was all the same that common ancestor creating these three branches I guess I have to designate this when it split it created plants and then it created the branch that was going to create fungus and animals and then that Branch split which created animals and fungus there we go now we're all up to speed it being a fungal-like species also has other benefits that allowed for survival as the meteor crashed into Earth I remarks how the meteorite looks fuzzy almost then cracking into a liquid comes out and it's clearly seen to be a eukaryote cell this common ancestor continued to grow to become the fungus creating an environment as it changed eventually it would continue to grow until it finally split into the animal Branch with the fungus providing the atmosphere for itself to breathe as well as the newly formed animal Branch all of this creates an interesting situation that mirrors life here because this is a fungus and it Reliance on ammonia for its metabolism it may have a similar process to what fungi does here in fungus on Earth ammonia is generated either extracellularly or within the fungal cell as a byproduct of protein and amino acid catabolism now clearly the ammonia has nothing really much to break down in a Barren Cavern this may indicate that the meteorite itself holds much of the initial nutrition that it needs in order to survive but once branching out and absorbing nitrogen from the atmosphere as well as water it was able to survive and create fruiting bodies once again considering the animals were on this same Sigma fungal grind set they also utilized this compound for their own metabolism but with life comes the other end of the spectrum death so the next question becomes how did selenium work against these creatures or was postulated to work as well as it did well first and foremost selenium sulfide is an anti-fungal compound that works extremely well we know that in some ways it inhibits the actual growth of a fungus but hilariously we aren't sure how it actually does it clearly it's disrupting some sort of chemical reaction leading to the cells to not properly divide leads the chemical reaction of life being halted and this is what makes Earthbound fungus succumb to in evolution the concept was put forth because if you go down to and over to the right one from a carbon-based organism you get arsenic arsenic is a fairly Insidious element that will interfere with the binding sites at ATP resulting in ADP arsenic which then clogs up the metabolic pathways that require ATP leading to your cells to run out of energy and for you to expire due to oxidative stress basically not a good time the same concept can be applied to these creatures going down to and over to the right one you get selenium from a nitrogen-based organism by binding to nitrogen this would induce nitrogenic stress into the metabolism of these creatures and disrupt their entire metabolic system this would result in them suffocating to a degree within themselves now would this cause a giant creature explosion at the end I'm about to talk through it because it appears to have been caused by a buildup of gas within the body which actually says to me the selenium nitrogen bond isn't as strong as you might believe but it does appear to be strong enough to cause the metabolism to bond with the nitrogen to the selenium which then causes a buildup of the hydrogen gas within the body as further up the chain some of the elements of the metabolism were still working separating the hydrogen from the oxygen concerning water Vapors so it actually does make sense thanks for hanging in there took me a while but I finally worked that out so to round this thing out we have to talk about fire for a moment as clearly that causes a completely verging pathway within Evolution when this species is exposed to the Open Flame it's clear that something that would have not happened in their home world with such cold temperatures there'd be really no need for fire plus you would you know explode the whole planet so it would be like us sitting around a nuke trying to stay warm it would just destroy us so what exactly is happening here for this species to get to Earth it's clear it was in the soil of its home planet at some point it was hit by some sort of asteroid or Celestial body that glassed the surface and flung pieces of the crust into the sky with enough force that was able to break the gravitational bonds of its Homeworld and drift through space due to the even colder temperatures than normal the cellular activity would decrease further allowing for the single-celled organism to survive through space until entering our atmosphere once doing so the glass was reheated and overall the temperature of the meteorite would be increased shocking the cells back into functionality and with it their evolution once striking Earth they would have landed in an environment where liquid ammonia may have been able to exist may have been able to exist allowing for them to start the process of evolution of all of these creatures at an increased rate however all of that said with the second application of fire things change it's clear that they finely tuned Pathways become different and this appears to me to be a result of genetic damage when a cell is consistently exposed to things like radiation heat chemicals or any other thing that's not so great this causes this genetic damage if you didn't know which a lot of people don't seem to things like high occupational heat for instance have led to statistically higher chances of developing breast cancer many how these things damage your genetic coding and create cells that are out for their own Survival not a teamwork survival this is what I believe happens to the giant cancerous mass at the end remember that as minutes pass so too are like hundreds of generations of cells so even with the cells coming into contact with the heat for just a moment it damages that line of cells which quickly the cells behind it will divide even faster probably more so quickly than the original version because they now have become cancerous and this causes them to outpace the fire allowing for the outer area of cells to be burned away but for the new deeper cells to keep dividing allowing for it to survive the Flames this however doesn't stop once the fire has ended though because it's cancerous and broken it will keep dividing hundreds of generations every few minutes until finally the genetic profile is stabilized at this point this caused the creature to stop growing larger and instead start entering a new form of mitosis to begin life once more essentially in a few minutes millions of years have passed and life restabilized once this happened the metabolism because of how quickly it just pushed itself to build up a large amount of gas this means that the introduction of selenium then released the hydrogen at a rapid rate causing to literally burst from the gas builds up something to note though this amount of cellular activity would create an insane amount of heat that would have caused it to go cancerous to begin with just have to put that there so life at this level would be interesting talking about watching creatures entire lifespan rise and fall right before your eyes but what's more interesting had maybe another week pass the prime mates would have been creatures humans could have actually communicated with but the issue is with something as smart as us that is going to out reproduce us it could have been an issue which brings us to the final Point asexual reproduction this species was screwed from the drop despite them having 10 base pairs and us having four all it would take is for one disease to wipe them out and this is because with sexual reproduction and meiosis genes are scrambled to a degree which makes it difficult for any one disease to wipe us all out however without sexual reproduction even with the extra base pairs in their genetic coding the recombination of genes wouldn't be there meaning that if any disease got a foothold there would likely be no variability to allow for survival now a case could be made though that they could just out evolve it but that case sort of gets shut down if there's no new incoming information so the out evolving portion wouldn't work too well the only thing I could see however should they have some sort of recombination mechanism in their own cells this may be possible given how they do change over time and that would be their only way of countering any issues that may arise but anyhow I want to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed the league of life would be great and subscribing is a great way of tip today than when I post I'll drop my Twitter twitch Roanoke games Discord and patreon links in the description and speaking of patrons I'd like to thank mine real quick first huge thank you to our astronaut Lipsy Genji as well as our two astrophysicists desk dancer and Phoenix I'd also like to thank our scientist Countryside limbo and our residents deis Rivera hoplong douche boy and Trey windenal thanks guys to the rest of my patrons I think you guys as well your help goes a long way towards keeping everything running and is greatly appreciated all right so that's gonna do it for me I hope everyone enjoyed and I'll see y'all in the next one
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 687,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Evolution, Evolutino 2001, evolution seann william scott, Evolution movie, evolution movie 2001 full movie, evolution movie trailer, Evolution movie Seann william scott, Evolution movie bird, evolution movie bird call, Roanoke Gaming, Evolution Movie explored, Evolution 2001 explored, Evolution epxlained, Comedy movie, Exploring series, Alien Life explained, evolution 2001 aliens, alienators evolution continues (2001), evolution alien dog scene, sigourney weaver, movie clip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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