The Parasitic Symbiote from Sputnik Explored | How Xenobiology Affects Human Mitotic Pathways

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as an american i'm always wondering what the russkies are up to over there ah okay so pretty much an average day i imagine but prior to this horrifying reality which kind of seems tame compared to the bad timeline we currently are on right now in 1983 during the last major close call to our planet becoming a glass field two cosmonauts were sent into space for an exploratory measure were then returning home and were fairly jazzed about the idea shortly before their descent back into earth's atmosphere they would realize something was on the whole of their ship which would go on to break in and then infect one of the crewmates after attacking the other after being picked up by the russian government shortly after making landfall it would become apparent that one of the cosmonauts was much more of a security risk as the other appeared to be warm food anyways so today's episode we'll talk about what this creature that landed on the whole is how it interacts with the human endocrine system and why as always everything appears to want to go for the brain when it comes to people i'm just guessing something about the human brain must be pretty delicious okay so before we start i have finally moved and i have an area to stream in so that you don't have to see the hundreds of coffee cups i have on my desk it's pretty sweet you can find me on youtube under roanoke games and also on the purple channel under roadnote games i know very original so it should be pretty fun i'm just going to play horror games basically because that's what i like to do or maybe even world of warcraft because i'm a giant nerd all right so we all know the drill by now but for any of the new people on here there will be a time stamp up on screen if you want to bypass the summary of the movie then head there and we will get into the actual biological reasons for the attack patterns and target of this creature as well as physical morphology but considering the movie was released on demand like in russia in 2020 because the entire world was getting screwed to the wall odds are you might not have seen it so if you haven't definitely go check it out it's actually a pretty good movie but for all those others sticking around let's get into why when you find an alien creature as always your first instinct should not be to poke it and see if it's friendly again as with the blob ignore that eight portion of your brain that says hmm yes three oogadoogas with a long stick should suffice so we start off our story and i'm going to sound like cinemasins but holy lord there are so many production companies associated with this like everyone and their cousin was in on it so we start off with two cosmonauts returning back to earth one is singing nonsense their words not mine and they are on their way back to earth detaching from their craft and heading towards home they begin to talk about what they're going to do once they get there one mentions how he's gonna go take a shower and he keeps mentioning his wife so we all really know he's gonna go do and the other says that he's heading to and i'm gonna butcher this because uh you know what i just don't speak russian rostov to attend some business but he's really just mega vague about it as they begin their descent process they get knocked slightly off course for some reason but are able to recover why were they knocked off kilter well as they discover one of the cosmonauts then looks over and sees something out the window and then as the other looks he catches a glimpse of it as it heads up to the hatch on the pod it begins opening it as they slowly drift down into kazakhstan which i have to point out it said multiple times that they crash landed which i mean to me looks like a picture-perfect landing i mean maybe they were off course but i wouldn't call that even remotely a crash landing right anyhow they're found by a local on a horse as he approaches he spots one of the cosmonauts seemingly ended with the back of his head bleeding pretty profusely as he approaches the other cosmonaut he sees that he's wretching near the reentry capsule he turns around and shows that his eyes have turned black or even just bloodshot and his mouth is covered in blood as well as many grievous wounds indicating that you know something probably isn't right here we now head over to meet dr tatiana clemova and i'm literally just copying what they said so uh accent aside currently at a review board meeting she apparently held some kid underwater for a minute to cut off air to his lungs in order to help with his sickness now i'm sure there's a reason for this but it might just be my perspective as a former lilly scientist but what anyhow they present her with a choice admit what you did was dumb and take a slap on the risk or continue to defend your actions like a stubborn meal and have your medical license revoked well we all know how this is going to go choosing a path of most resistance so she says that she did the right thing and said that nobody else would do what needed to be done okay as a side note i really wish they'd give us more clues as to why the 17 year old had to be held under water for a minute i mean they mentioned he had psychogenic seizures but couldn't they just told him to hold his breath for a minute or something i really don't understand what depriving him of oxygen for a minute would even do if you know what she was trying to accomplish with this uh let me know in the comments because i'm at a slight loss anyhow communist's big brother is watching from above because of her answer it really has seals her fate sort of basically she's not leaving this story as a single carefree person you'll see what i mean later so now we meet colonel simdarov don't make fun of me russian pronunciations are not my thing that'll be the last time i mentioned that it's like the letters don't actually make the sounds that you think they would so he talks to her and tells her that he owns a research institution and needs her help she asks if that's an order and my boy here knows what the ladies like he says smart people don't receive or as well so it's more of a request and she can decline to which she comes with him as they take off in a helicopter and i'm guessing they fly the night maybe it would have been better with a fixed-wing craft but whatever works while flying there semi-trucks then begins telling her about the orbit landing media report and how it was scrubbed one of the cosmonauts has a severe case of amnesia and can't remember anything about his landing she asked where the nda that she has to sign is clearly because this is classified stuff but he mentions there are no papers she just needs security clearance and now we meet our cosmonaut once more constantin yes currently dr regal is attempting to induce a state of hypnosis on him in order to access those memories that appear to be lost while going over things with him constantine ends up instead cracking a joke about a whale and calling himself robert duvall he tells dr regal that he can't be hypnotized cosmonauts are mentally stronger than the average person dr regal leaves a safe room and tatiana then heads in to talk to constantine using a different approach she goes into what just seems like an average assessment she hands him some tea to which he grabs the cup with no issue he mentions how he wants her to call his mom and tell her that he's okay and that he will be home soon she says okay and then leaves the team outside asks her what she's doing because that was completely underwhelming and she responds with that the tea was incredibly hot it should have burned his fingers she suggests that he has ptsd of some sort and that his sensory receptors or even his peripheral nervous system may have been damaged in some way which is a valid conclusion given the circumstances she says that's her official diagnosis and then colonel synopsis says a helicopter will be waiting for her to take her home in the morning walking through the glorious serbian military-based landscape they end up passing some prisoners who have been sent there for hard work now if i know anything about communist russia back in the day that's maximum oof anyhow tatiana goes back to her room she realizes she has no phone access or radio fun place we see her back is also heavily damaged as it has a massive scar in indicating that something was wrong once upon a time as she tries to go to sleep she's just not feeling it mr krabs so she decides to go on a casual run at 1 am as she does are you all ready to see like the most like useless guard in existence she ends up running into a prisoner who helps her up on her feet but then starts feeling frisky so i see a guard in the back doing nothing i mean you know come take a look or something but they don't and another prisoner walks up and removes her from his grip but this was pretty much perfect timing because on her return colonel sanders arrives to her room glad to see that she's awake so we now get to see what's actually happening with this cosmonaut they shut constantin and god i know i'm butchering that but they shot him in his room with a glass barrier as tatiana watches on a heat camera as to what's happening the cosmonaut is then thrown to the floor as he vomits up this slug thing as it crawls across the floor its arms appear to rapidly grow in size and tantiana enters to take a look at it as begins squaring up with her getting a good look at it it has translucent skin and multiple eyes actually i'm not gonna lie to you this thing straight up looks like the uh later form of the alien life from the movie calvin and calvin came out before this make of that what you will the russians stole it tatiana then runs outside and has a crisis in the hallway while colonel saccharides goes out to check on her he says that the creature enters and exits constantin without harming him but that he doesn't know this creature is in him they want to separate parasite from cosmonaut but aren't really sure how they're trying to understand what happened in space he also tells her that the other cosmonaut perished upon his return she asked how and he says like a hero like okay it's not very clear is she in on the research of this thing or like what like just tell her dude he goes on to tell her though that she was chosen above others because of her propensity to take risks she obliges at this point and says that she needs all note and analysis on the alien she needs to have two sessions a day with constantin for an hour each and she needs free reign to do what she must he agrees and they begin attempting to save him the next day we get the lowdown that the creature emerged on the first night and attacked a medical technician they were unable to find a safe method of separating the creature because it has formed a bond with constantine at this point when they tried the vitals of constantine started dipping which ultimately would have led to his inn he's basically a spacesuit for this creature on this world but there are benefits his regeneration ability is well beyond that of a normal human he was able to recover from substantial wounds in only two days when the parasite enters his body it shrinks and inhabits an area between his stomach and esophagus and measures only about 30 centimeters or for everyone using freedom units which are best units that's almost about a foot but when exiting and absorbing oxygen in the surrounding air it can grow up to 1.5 meters or 4 feet 11 inches which i have to break away my wife is basically someone who has translucent skin and she's about 4 foot 11. it's really all making sense now and the best part is she watches like the first minute of these videos so she'll never even know that i said this but while incubating it also increases the diameter of both the stomach and esophagus by 30 which would likely cause tearing in normal circumstances but considering the healing factor this is accounted for in the parasites biology which we will definitely be covering that later on the parasite or symbiote as tatiana writes also exits at night at around 3 a.m and stays out for about an hour which we will also be covering why this is critically important not gonna lie the makers of this movie really did their homework concerning human biology as they continue to test constantin he mentions to the doctor that he has a tickle in his throat maybe he has a cold no bro it's just a giant parasite in your esophagus as tatiana later reviews the video files she assures regal that she's not after his job or nobel prize tatiana then calls an orphanage after learning that constantin has a son we now flash over to a kid trying to steal keys from a room child appears to have some form of injury but that doesn't matter because we're now jumping back over to the cosmonaut once more working out now you may notice this dude appears a little full of himself right well there's a reason which we will discuss in the science portion anyhow tatiana tells constantine the reason he's here is because the military thinks he's lost his mind and they can't have a hero running around who's lost their mind she accuses him of taking out his cosmonaut to which that freaks him out she then gets on the topic of his son which also rustles his jimmies a little bit and she says that he's a coward for leaving his son in an orphanage after they had him out of wedlock they being his girlfriend and him she then leaves and immediately requests an endocrine test be done in order to measure his hormone levels that way they can see what exactly the creature is feeding on pretty smart she also suggests he should be placed in a civilian population in order to get a clear clinical picture constantine is then brought into a ward with some beds a tv and people because after all humans are social creatures and without socializing you can start to go stir crazy which is an absolute real thing by the way it happened to me back in college i decided to stay in my dorm for a large portion of thanksgiving break everyone had gone home and i was quite literally the only person there as it was somewhat of a commuter school and everyone had just gone home by day five like legit paranoia begins to set in during the nighttime hours i sat in my dorm simply because i hadn't talked to someone in such a long time it's interesting how the mind can start to play tricks on you during isolation but regardless of that during constantine's stay at more populated areas he's able to rig up a tv to get a signal and finds that a report is being put out that he and his co-pilot had arrived home safely and were being treated at a government facility for their long time up in space this obviously freaks them out as that isn't true at all ah communist news stories always a classic remember kids never go communist which having said that once before i had a lot of people mad at me in the comments i mean i don't know what to tell you man this is about to get real but like go look up how many people met their end under stalin's rule that's communism turns out you could take the choice out of people's hands but you can't take the human greed out of a person who's ruling but in defense of just the absolute state of media anyways i mean capitalism's not much better with that i digress tatiana now shows back up to let him know that she needed to activate his almonds in order to make him upset because she needed to test his hormone levels stanton goes on to tell her that he wants to go get his son and his plan was to go once he got back he was going to do that as he really only learned about his son like a week prior tatyana then tells him that she will help him later that night tatiana goes and taps on the glass to get the creature's attention this time however it does not attack the glass to scare her begins mimicking her movement she lays down as dr regal continues to ask what she's doing and she sets up the town to like wait a minute dude and she ends up knocking over a toy constantin which gets the creature's attention this gives her an idea putting on the suit she gets them to open up the glass as she sets the toy down in the room unfortunately mr slime time is leaving slug trails everywhere which causes her to slip before she can reach out and touch him this causes the creature to turn away from the toy and then attack her they're able to save her by flashing on the lights and disorientating the creature but tatiana is injured in the process colonel suka blyat then goes on to stare down the creature as now he's pretty upsetting spaghetti at it for injuring probably the only person that knows what to actually do with this thing and it's because he has an ulterior motive how'd you know doesn't matter because the creature begins squaring up with him also ensuring it'll be a great time had by all anyhow he goes to check on tatiana later and she tells him that she thinks she knows what's going on her hypothesis is that constantin isn't actually fully unconscious that the creature feels the guilt he feels for leaving his son behind which is why it gravitated towards the toy they need to get him to moscow in order to fully separate them which now i officially know how to say moscow because i've heard an honest god russian say it but the colonel disagrees and i think we've had enough of the joke of different names at this point because really it was all a ruse to finally just say suka bliet anyways he says that they can't if he were to actually tell moscow what's going on they would order the termination of constantin every day he makes up reports to sin and inform them about what's going on but he knows he's running out of time before a board comes to check on what's actually going on again ulterior motives am i right later as regal watches the footage of tatiana being attacked and smiling like a weirdo tatyana knows that the footage has been altered she inquires as to why this is to which regal tells her to just go home she asks what they are feeding the creature which makes regal hesitate eventually however she's able to convince him that he should tell her and instead he just shows her and man the colonel was talking about being court-martialed this probably might do it getting into the back of whatever the russian equivalent of a jeep is she hides underneath a blanket and stanton takes his medicine from the orderlies and regal and tatiana then drive to a different part of the facility as constantine is being transported there heading into the building regal hands tatiana heat binoculars so she can see what's going on pulling a prisoner into a large cage in the middle of room they drop him off and close the door turning off the lights everyone begins waiting the creature then exits a door and enters the cage heading towards the prisoner it sizes him up making sure that he sees it before immediately attacking his head and it looks like tearing it off tatyana then throws up like a scrub in the truck which alerts one of the guards but he's not all that interested in finding out what's back there regal then drives tatiana back and starts telling her about the creature after attacking the medic constantine's vitals immediately improved they tried everything else from lab rats to pigs until finally they tried feeding a human to it regal says it's important for the creature to have the human see it before it attacks to create fear cortisol is released in high amounts when a person is afraid and humanity is the champion of fear baby it needs cortisol to survive or so it's proposed i think it's something else but we'll talk about that when we get to like the human endocrine system in a bit the next day tatiana then goes to check on constantine and tells him that he needs to go on a run with her and as she runs we see her shoes which will be important later the tatiana tells constantine that there's basically an alien inside him like does not ease him into it at all and he just takes it really well he tells her to meet him at 1am in his cell block after taking his pill he regurgitates it back up and crushes it also knowing what the lady is like he gets the nurse to come back to his room and watch a movie he gives her the tea that he crushed up his pill in and that knocks her out so apparently this dude's like highly desirable for russian women because like literally every woman loves him russian chad confirmed he now opens up the tv and steals a magnet and goes to meet tatiana placing the magnet on the camera he's able to lure the guard out to come check so that they can sneak past him when he heads back to his post once this is accomplished they head into the medical area where they find the bodies of the convicts slime time has been snacking on moving into another area and stanton admits that he knows about the creature he sees everything it sees and he knows he has a bond with it he also knows that the other cosmonaut is still alive but not so well he just wants to get out so that he can go get his son tatiana tells him that there's two more weeks of people dropping to feed this creature he gets upset saying why does he have to meet his end because of this which she just basically says uh it's dinner time anyways so get over it flashing back over the orphanage the kid now steals the keys and gets the box on the top shelf for some reason this kid is like highly interested in this box then heading back over to tatiana she heads back to her room but is stopped by a bunch of guards they take her to the colonel and now it all comes out you see for all those who don't remember russia and the u.s had like a huge beef around this time we were like seconds away from nuking one another in fact there was a russian soldier who literally stopped the apocalypse if you want to know how close we were to ending it all stanislav petrov had received a faulty signal saying that there were incoming nukes from the u.s heading towards russia back on september 26 1983. you see the u.s and russia had exchanged threats after the soviet union shot down a korean airline plane so things were getting pretty spicy anyways after the alarm came in rather than immediately let loose the dogs war petrov thought that there was something wrong the one defining factor was he thought there weren't enough nukes coming from the u.s so he suspected it wasn't real that's it that's what stopped the world ending from 1983 the amount of nukes being displayed because he knew the us would send everything well it was discovered a satellite had malfunctioned so by staying his hand nuclear disaster was thwarted in summation to also another russian chad so with stuff like this going on you can kind of see the colonel's point on why he was doing this his real plan is he wanted to develop something to counter the us apart from nukes he figured this could be it but he needs to fully understand it as victors aren't punished only if he fails is he screwed he thinks that he's convinced tatiana to help but now she has ulterior motives because she doesn't agree that this thing should become a deployable measure later that night the colonel tells tatiana that he will show her what they are doing there's no need to sit in the back of a car with binoculars he then tells regal that he knows he brought her last time as they go to feed the creature tatiana tries to stop them by saying she can find another way and the colonel declines she then enters the cage herself under the thinking that if she isn't afraid the creature won't attack and judging by her breath though i mean she sounds pretty afraid we also see the creature is now more formed after its feedings we also see constantine is in partial control of the creature and that it can hear as it has developed auditory abilities meanwhile mr clumsy convict over back there accidentally backs up into a fence and makes a loud noise which sends the creature into attack mode so she wasn't able to save the convict again the colonel says they need to work openly and he will take the heat fully should this thing fail because of this she now has access to everything which was apparently fairly critical at first they were operating under the idea that it may need cortisol after examining the other cosmonauts she determines that a small tumor was on his adrenal gland leading to addison's disease this essentially stops the body from being able to release cortisol which can lead to a whole host of issues she then begins discussing with regal and latin saying that they are escaping tonight as constantine needs to get to moscow and to a real hospital regal says it's crazy but eventually agrees to help regal then gives tatiana a syringe in the office area saying that if she escapes he was forced to do this if she doesn't he didn't know anything about it she then walks up to the guard and stabs him in the neck with a knockout drug owl tatiana then goes to get constantin he tries to tell her that she needs to leave because he's earned this punishment for abandoning his son she tells him his son's name and says that if they get out they can go get him anyhow as the guard patrols he ends up trolling right up to a body that they didn't hide and finding his comrade knocked out which kicks off everything regal at this point goes to call the board on the only working phone he moves a desk in front of the door and then begins his call the response team is now activated by the colonel take out tatiana but not constantine the colonel then heads back to his office and takes out regal for being a coward in his eyes and basically telling on him meanwhile back at the vehicle bay tatiana is injured from a shot and she throws a syringe over to constantine to knock himself out which then releases the creature creature then proceeds to exit and take out the entire strike team sent after them tatiana then loads up constantin and takes off leaving the creature to fight as they break out of the facility the colonel now heads in to actually like throw hands at the creature itself which unfortunately this is not independence day where we get to see will smith punch an alien as morning breaks constantin isn't looking so hot after the colonel's battle he lost his hand but gets some good shots on the creature causing constantine to puke up blood from his injuries sustained to the creature or maybe it just happens to be coincidental we'll kind of figure that out later dragging him out tatiana looks and sees oh lord the colonel has already caught back up to them tatiana says that she was mistaken and the constantine can't be separated from the creature as him and it have become fully adapted colonel basically i think tries to break her collarbone at this point or pushes his finger into like the bullet wound i'm not sure they release the creature so it'll go back into constantine but it ends up taking out the guards instead it then crawls back to the car and as the kernel turns around it basically slashes his head in half exposing those sweet sweet brains and then proceeds to crawl back into the throat of constantine healing both him and itself as the board shows up in the distance due to regal's calls constantine then takes himself out as well as the creature as they both need one another to survive and now we finally get closure on what in the world is happening with the orphan in the box as tatiana heads to the orphanage the kid inside finally receives the box that has been trying to get and it's tatiana's shoes inside so there you have it the calls were coming from inside the orphanage the whole time or really tatiana was the orphan she goes back to the orphanage to adopt constantin's son see i told you her carefree life was over after what has happened because once you get kids uh that's over talk about trading one parasite for another am i right nah kids are important to your genetic lineage remember for you to be here everyone related to you or directly related to you had to get some action so keep the streak alive so i think the first place that we should start with the sputnik alien is its physical morphology as there are some clues on its body that may indicate what its usual prey is based on how it hunts and the attributes its body has then we will move on to its actual food source and why cortisol seems to be critical to its survival because i would propose it's not so much the cortisol that's important for it but another effect cortisol has that would allow the creature to feed we know the alien's life cycle is one that is considered fairly parasitic at first while it is able to keep the toast alive it would appear that at the beginning of the infection it takes more from its host than it really gives back or really it's just embedding in its host piloting the cosmonaut like a meat suit literally it blunts the normal reaction by simply being inside of him but that isn't to say constantine doesn't have the ability to control his own body as the creature continues to grow there's a critical point where it switches from parasite to symbiote and this is likely characterized by the linking of the two consciousness but before getting into that let's first talk about the life cycle the creature goes through which will also give us a clue as to its morphology forming which will give its ability to hunt down the flesh of humans or at least hormones of humans when we first see it outside the ship it appears to be wispy even though we just catch a glimpse of it it may have just really been the tail clearly it is able to open the hatch to get inside at which point and attack the cosmonaut with addison's disease but he was deemed non-suitable get it non-suitable anyhow moving on to the next cosmonaut it was likely still in its like wispy form with smaller arms as it was able to cram itself down the esophagus and towards the stomach now it may sound bizarre how the arms were practically under-formed or unformed at this point but considering that we have seen its growth patterns the reality is whatever was in space would have to be able to contend with a normal human esophagus without ripping it completely apart and this is why i would say it's essentially in its infancy stage or larval stage quickly after the feedings commence they learned that this thing actually ate people's heads it was able to continue to grow until its main set of arms would be comparable to our own concerning soldier joints and humerus and radius and ulna bones along with hands and this would form allowing it to manipulate the world around it but a new pair of arms would also begin to grow at this point these arms were attached at the bottom of the presumed rib cage near what would be considered the abdominal area however based on the mouth that opens up on this creature these arms are likely intended to just hold on to prey when feeding think of it as a sort of mandibles of like a praying mantis attaching and bringing in smaller prey or holding on to larger prey at this point the bond with constantine would start to become solidified while constantine had knowledge of the creature and what it was doing and that it was in fact attacking people it would appear the bond would be getting stronger and stronger as the creature continued to grow which in turn allowed him to control it as it reached what would appear to be more in line with its final form continuing on these arms would also grow over time going from what appear to just be small singular points to becoming much larger but still dwarfed by the upper and lower set of limbs and we will refer to these creatures as hexapods because these limbs i think would be long enough and would in fact be limbs rather than just mandibles and if you didn't know the back limbs are largely still there even when the creature is younger the lower body does appear to form last as the upper arms would be more useful in terms of environment manipulation but would also appear the legs form at the same time as the tail is however the creature does not have access to them in terms of usability at the beginning this is likely due to the fact that because again the creature must incubate inside of other animals it is still considered larval and its limbs have not fully come online so to speak with the regular feedings and time passing the creature would continue to grow even inside of the esophagus and stomach which by the way definitely ruined constantine's caloric sphincter because that area is like mega stretched even if it's repaired talk about acid reflux for life oh and uh by the way if you do have acid reflux there's this stuff called a meprazole it is a proton pump inhibitor so it just reduces the acid in your stomach straight up cash if you have like beer or something highly recommend it now i'm not sponsored by acid reducer medications but considering my advanced age now i wish i was you can call me at any time so anyways as the creature continues to grow it will gain access to all these limbs making it more lethal as time goes on eventually it would appear that considering it leaves the host's body for longer and longer times this would possibly be a permanent arrangement in the future however what i can't seem to figure out is if it has to stay in the host but wants to leave each time would it eventually be something of an arrangement if only it needs to be near the host to stay alive we know both their vitals drop without the other but what is clear is the creature does leave the body my thinking on this could be that it simply does have to eat in under normal circumstances it would leave and then return back to the animal with no issue the problem is humans are supposedly highly intelligent some humans let me clarify because of this we would notice a 3.5 meter cobra monkey crawling in and out of our body's mouth at night which you know might be a little disturbing but we will get to the bond with this creature and what the humans share when we talk about the nervous system and internal changes to the body in order for the creature to be considered symbiotic with the host so with the life cycle out of the way apart from the permanent arrangement considering constantine takes himself out before we can fully understand the later adult years of this creature let's take a look at the physical morphology including internally what's going on which will likely give us a clue as to what may or may not have been its prairie of choice and also how it may have been able to survive out in space so the first thing we know about this creature is it has the capacity to stand upright but that does not mean its native stance sort of like how bears will stand upright to fight and also chimps and gorillas from time to time will walk around on two feet so too does the sputnik alien however it's more of a natural form of locomotion to be quadripedal i know i said it's a hexapod but the abdominal mandibles likely do not aid in walking like what we would see with ants instead the four and hind limbs are used in walking and running the creature will grow from being mr slug trail dragging himself across the floor leaving goop everywhere to eventually a creature who freaks me out because it scares too much as an adult it will stand roughly 3.5 meters tall or 4 feet 11 inches but once it heads back inside of constantine it will shrink itself to just 30 centimeters in order not to damage the host to the 10th degree because that thing is definitely a jaw snapper at that point if it didn't although even at 30 centimeters or 11 inches it would still cause damage to the host which is why it secretes chemicals to prepare the host which we will also talk about when we get to the endocrine system it also houses itself in a sac within the host and this is likely for a multitude of reasons the first thing is that this encapsulates the entire body this would protect it from the constant exposure to a host stomach acids because likely the body can still be damaged despite it having survived in space but this capsule allows it to also likely interface with the body itself having this membranous layer may make it selective in terms of what it's taking in say for the instance like how cortisol is mentioned prevalently throughout this movie well these hormones including others may be able to pass through the membrane of this capsule which also gives a reading as to what the host is feeling or doing allowing the creature to become more in tune with the host it's almost as if the sputnik alien becomes something of an organ becoming one with the host which much like if you lost an organ your body would likely suffer as well but there's another side to this concerning what the alien does it's clear that the hormone it releases also affect the body of the host which i know we will get there but let's kind of wrap up the morphology real quick so we don't get like too sporadic if you didn't see it's easy to miss because the creature is either covered in blood or needs the darkness but remember those abdomen mandibles that i was talking about well that's because the mouth continues through the central chest cavity of this creature the throat would be around mid-thoracic and the actual top portion of the mouth where the teeth unfold is simply probably what holds on to the front of the prey's skull the teeth actually line the opening of the chest the entire way down and this is how it's able to completely rip off human heads in fact you could almost compare its physiology to that of a head crab from half-life to give you a similar point of reference the creature also possesses eight eyes gross and they're also jet black meaning that they are pretty much taking in all light possible but this allows it to see the world in a way beyond what humans are capable of as it's not a compound eye but this would give more points of reference then we have the wings that flare out from each side of the head this is interesting as it initially doesn't have it or any auditory functions but likely this would change over time and these would direct sound allowing the creature to hear prey from extremely far away so the jet black eyes allow it to see in darkness and then the large ears direct sound so now let's discuss the space survival for a moment seems odd right well looking at this thing's skin it would appear as though it's somewhat soft and it's susceptible rounds as when colonel sanders ends up blasting him however if you notice which you should have as when they open the box later this thing gets right back up indicating that severe damage is not even close to being achieved this creature acted like nothing happened now this would be because of the healing factor that it also lends to its host but this would suggest a few things first its skin may actually be a form of exoskeleton resisting damage beyond what her own skin provides this thing almost also appears to be adapted to space as it drifts around which means the barrier would have to be airtight to be able to shut off areas of its body from a vacuum you might guess this means it would be much more hearty of an animal than anything on our planet the second option is is the same mucous capsule that allows it to survive in the human body is also secreted when it's in space but rather than exiting it it instead clings to the surface of the body providing it with moisture and protection from the elements i'm inclined to believe that it's actually a combination of both in reality mainly because of the damage that is able to receive and also survive but also because it's not completely desiccated in space but there are internals in this creature that i believe help it survive like ionizing radiation from the sun because in space there is no protection of a magnetosphere that allows it to survive and this may be an adaptation from where it originally evolved believe it or not not every planet has a giant magnetic field protecting it from the wheel in the sky that keeps turning take venus for instance considered to be earth's twin the fact is it has no functional magnetic field to protect it from the sun's aggressive radiation emissions because of this not only is it like really hot because of runaway global greenhouse effects but it's also getting blasted daily with radiation life here even if it was like habitable and it was a lot cooler of a planet it would require a form of dna polymerase much stronger than what we have on earth because it needs to resist the effects of the radiation you see we have adapted to earth's conditions but it's possible other life could adapt to much harsher parameters than what even we could survive this may also explain why the creature is able to survive in these environments when exposed to space should the sputnik alien had evolved on say like a moon or planet without a magnetic field for any life to form it would be capable of dealing with periods of radiation that otherwise would sterilize earth life for this to happen its genetic coating would need to be preserved or something within its skin needs to be able to reflect or even the capsule itself protect it from this radiation which may also in turn explain its entire hunting pattern so here's what i propose are roughly the origins of this creature based on its physiology the reason it crawls inside a host is because likely wherever it is from has no magnetic field to protect it however there were animals on this planet who may have had thicker coating or something within their skin that reflects radiation and could offer protection to the parasite while it was forming the creature comes out at night because of the natural cycles of awakening and sleeping for the host much like we have the sputnik alien comes out at night to feed as that side of the planet isn't being blasted with radiation from the sun as the creature grew it would become more and more successful after the growing period is over at surviving by itself and this would explain why the creature would be a symbiote as well the survival of its host is absolutely critical for it staying alive on this hypothesized planet as should the host meet its end then so too it as the radiation would destroy it during its growth period in fact it's completely possible that whatever host it's usually attacking actually welcomes this symbiote because it helps it this almost makes me think that the creature on the outside of the earth reentry capsule that the cosmonauts were in might have been an adult and the creature was implanted in them but that's just speculation on my part this may also suggest that as an adult the creature would have a better form of dna polymerase and proofreading abilities concerning its genetic coding because the body is more stable as an adult but when the creature is young considering the rampant cellular division due to growth demands should it be damaged this would cause it to receive too many issues which could lead to a maladaptation being a symbiote this keeps the host alive and bonds with it becoming a permanent part or possibly a permanent part which allows it to continue its life cycle but being apart from the host means that it becomes like something of an organ as mentioned previously much like how a male anglerfish attaches to a female and basically becomes just a testicle for the female as the rest of his body becomes vestigial likely this creature attaches to a host and continues to grow but becomes a critical part of the host so the question is how is this accomplished and what actually happens with the host well as mentioned previously i believe the membrane that surrounds the creature is a critical point of interaction by attaching to the tissue it can serve to facilitate transfusion from the host bloodstream into the bloodstream of the creature thus giving it the ability to know what the host is communicating within his body and this is why the creature only comes out at night did you know personally that your cortisol levels are at their lowest in the middle of the night considering the creature has an innate ability to detect cortisol this would be the signal that the creature is waiting for it exits the body when the cortisol levels dip this tells the creature it's safe to release chemicals to knock out the host and paralyze its muscles in fact our brain does this when we go to sleep chemicals have been found in rats known as gamma aminobutyric acid and glycine which switches off cells that promote movement this is why sleep paralysis is so horrifying because you wake up but you can't move as these cells are switched off but you are actively awake so it's always good when like a sleep paralysis demon whispers your name to you not a problem at all but anyhow this chemical would be released into the bloodstream via the capsule membrane which would paralyze the host further once cortisol minimum levels were reached but it also has other abilities when interacting with the host it would appear that one of the hormones the creature releases keeps the host running at a higher metabolic rate allowing them to heal faster the mitotic pathways in the body would be tripped and turned on should injuries take place externally but likely this is an adaptation for when the creature enters the host's bodies on top of this it does appear to suppress the peripheral nervous system and this is how it actually interacts with the nervous system by suppressing this things that might cause the host pain or injury such as picking up hot tea are not felt so that the host does not react aggressively towards it and this might be a byproduct of considering that it's entering a host's throat causing pain to the host is not what it's going for so likely some injury does take place as the chemical is released which will allow the creature to heal his host as well these proteins that the creature likely releases are known as cyclin which are responsible for communication amongst some other hormones and proteins this would speed up the healing process in the body but what's interesting is the alien symbiote in another way take over the metabolism of the host if the creature has the ability to take over mitotic pathways it may also be releasing inhibitory proteins to prevent the host naturally occurring mechanisms from remaining active this would be critical for the host to maintain connection with the parasite as otherwise they'll expire but without the host the creature if early enough in its life cycle may also expire because it seems to have no problem leaving the host eventually these proteins stick around after the creature leaves and should enough time pass they begin affecting metabolism of the host causing their vitals to begin crashing so why is this well it's clear to me that firstly the sputnik alien has an oxygen-based metabolism why do i believe this well because of the cortisol requirement i think it's a little odd that the creature makes its prey see them before attacking well the argument is well it uses the cortisol and i'm going to have to disagree why not eat just the adrenal gland then i think they're looking at the wrong aspect so what does cortisol actually do well under stressful conditions cortisol provides the body with glucose by tapping into protein stores via gluconeogenesis and this takes place in the liver this energy can help an individual fight or flee a stressor basically they don't call it the stress hormone for nothing it releases more glucose into the bloodstream and drastically increases the glucose in the brain of a person as they are about to have to either fight for their life or flee for it and it's important for the brain to be running at top capacity for this so here we have a creature that apparently relies on cortisol and makes its prey afraid and then commences to attack by heading towards the head with its huge mouth what i believe the creature is actually doing is increasing the available blood glucose i can hear you now well roanoke it's an alien why can't it just use cortisol well the reality is there's not really that many energy stores in the actual steroid hormone of cortisol but you know what does have a lot of energy in it glucose and you know who absorbs oxygen upon leaving the body making it readily available to break down glucose the sputnik alien and you know who is already likely having proteins and hormones available in his body to break down glucose considering it may be running its host metabolism you guessed it the sputnik alien the alien has all the workings of an oxygen-based metabolism and appears to use cortisol as an indicator for increased glucose availability in the bloodstream and specifically in the brains of animals this would imply that this creature lived on a planet with other animals that had similar physiology to those of our planet but they were much more capable of surviving ionizing radiation considering the creature can live out in space and finally the consciousness link to me not only does it have hold on the metabolism of an animal as well as hormones but the central nervous system as well i don't find it shocking that it would choose an area close to the spinal cord and brainstem of an animal this symbiote is essentially fully in when it comes to choosing a host for us personally i mean this would be something we don't want in our bodies but in reality it helps and bonds to the point that it may even begin copying our neural patterns in our brains essentially it becomes an extension of our nervous system so there is this concept just to kind of give you an idea of what i'm talking about that our spinal cord is really just a bridge with the orders given by the brain right well this actually isn't entirely true a man who was paralyzed actually had a spinal stimulator attached to the detached portion of his spine and it was activated after not moving his feet for years he was able to do it by thinking about moving his feet with the spinal stimulator providing the electrical shock needed now it's not a perfect process but what this shows is even detached from our brains portions of our nervous system can be activated by thinking about it the same may be able to be applied to this creature if the distance is great i think it is able to move by itself however in close proximity to the host it becomes an extension now the issue is there is unknown science here how it is able to communicate in distances is beyond our current understanding of neurology but we do know that the brain does in fact produce an electrical field whether the creature is fine-tuned to this field or not is not currently understood but considering he is able to control it this is what i believe would best explain the nervous system interaction taking place the electrical field of the brain must have some proximity control over the creature and vice versa so i believe this creature is adapted to radiation on a planet where it was forced to seek refuge inside of other animals ultimately it could interact with the human endocrine system before completely taking it over it would release inhibitory enzymes in order to manage it but upon separation the host body would no longer be able to function without this newfound organ however it may be completely possible that this creature intends to live its entire life inside of the actual host until either meets their end which in turn would be the end of both them the benefits it offers allows the host to be able to be seen as a symbiote in some ways but for a human this would not be desirable at all mainly because of the fact that even if it's helping we tend to get weirded out by things living within our bodies like regular tapeworms helping to calm our immune systems for instance
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 548,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sputnik, Sputnik Movie, Sputnik explained, Sputnik alien, Sputink Explored, Sputnik trailer, Sputnik Recap, Sputnik english, Sputnik alien attack, Sputnik alien ending, sputnik movie alien, sputnik movie trailer, sputnik movie full, sputnik movie review, roanoke gaming, sputnik 2020, sputnik 2020 movie, sputnik 2020 movie explained, sputnik 2020 explored, sputnik 2020 alien, sputnik english, sputnik, sputnik alien explored, halo infinite alien, halo infinite, halo lore
Id: ZVmJQ0s-9yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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