War of the Worlds Most IDIOTIC Alien Species Explored | How did they NOT develop Germ Theory?

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since the dawn of time there has been one question asked by mankind more prevalent than the big three why are we here what are we doing and are there others out there the question that has resided about all these is why does Tom Cruise run in all of his movies we may never know but what we do know is old cruisy boy must have found the Fountain of Youth because have you seen the comparison of pictures between him and his co-stars from Top Gun back in the day good Lord in the not so distant past when life was cool because I hadn't learned about taxes and the concept of my own mortal coil invariably being shuffled one day others mortal coils would be immediately shuffled and a storm would be kicked up with the wind going towards it which actually isn't as weird as you think because tornadoes do that all the time at the conclusion of the storm giant mechanized tripods would rise up from underneath the city's streets and in general all over the planet Humanity would attempt to fight back with their resistances would last about as long as Goose's testicular fortitude when he held on too tight and lost the edge seemingly Annihilation was all but assured for the homo sapiens race until as quickly as it started it suddenly ended so what exactly happened well let's discuss that in today's episode and understand the Immunology behind why these aliens must have just completely lost their minds I mean come on you're telling me that a space-faring species is like never heard of a microbe literally too dumb to be alive but hey it's a classic so let's get to it what first this episode is sponsored by Factor what is Factor well Factor makes meeting your diet and nutrition goals a snap by delivering fresh never frozen dietitian-designed meals right to your doorstep the team of world-class culinary experts use only the freshest ingredients and all Factor Mills are free of hormones antibiotics refined sugars and GMOs so look we're all pretty much getting busy with the holidays coming up and uh we also are about to eat like a ridiculous amount of food and in some cases it's gonna probably be pretty unhealthy now at least for me I don't know about you guys but that pushes me away from my fitness goals by using factor I have been substituting my lunch with healthier options and as a result I have more energy I've begun actually toning more and in general feel healthier as a result so for me personally that helps me keep my focus this and basically just means on Thanksgiving and Christmas I'm just gonna eat whatever I want and it's because my meals up until this point have been extremely healthy and delicious gotta focus on those gains you know and by taking out the guesswork of what I'm eating it also makes life much more simple just two minutes in the microwave let it sit for another minute and boom meal ready to eat so that's something that you are also focused on then by heading to go.factor75.com or slash roanoke60 and using Code roanoke60 you can get 60 off your first Factor box all right let's get back to it we kick off our story and I know I always say this but God bless it it's Paramount warped frame incoming also if you didn't know why I have to warp the frame well companies don't really operate inside of the actual law of copyright and fair use laws thought about but our story starts as always with microbes and Morgan Freeman talking to us basically that humanity is number one which is true and that microbes swarmer water which is also true and that we are awesome which is you know true and that aliens are about to come beat the hell out of us which is false well maybe a little then we kick off our real story a man in a crane Ray farrier is unloading shipping containers at a large dock you know imports and exports and whatnot and I would like to point out that Scary Movie 4 has completely ruined this movie for me because the spoof version was absolutely ridiculous his boss is trying to get him to come back at four instead of 12 which that's what you want a crane operator moving thousands of pounds of material overhead being super tired as Ray leaves for work we see the movie does have one major redeeming quality the absolute Cherry 1966 Shelby gt350h Mustang Fastback with a 289 CID Cobra V8 engine making 106 horsepower and 329 foot pounds of torque now if you ever want to know the difference between a 65 Mustang when a 66 Mustang is you basically just look at the front the 65 will have the Corral and bars on the grill whereas the 66 will just have the Corral the gt350h however is special with only 1002 Hertz style fastbacks actually made it's exceedingly rare and the car really goes for almost almost three hundred thousand on average at auction right now with it going as high as four hundred and sixty six thousand dollars in one of the auctions there's no way this dude has this car and there's no way he's driving it like that in the Rust Belt living where he is not where was I nah yes I gotta shift gears my brain so basically Ray drives what amounts to pure gold in the streets like a complete idiot and like okay hold on I have a 67 Impala just Baseline but it stays living in my garage it's not even worth like a tenth of what this mustang is the immersion is just completely ruined for me because of this scene that ran over on that one but just no super rare car worth a lot and it's uh amazingly ridiculous hard to get so when his son steals it later immediate and Swift in for this guy would be appropriate so rant back on as he gets home there's another one of these things in his garage like the dude is literally sitting on 600 to 900 000 right now and Parks one of them outside where this thing can get jacked at any moment it even looks like he still has room in his garage like I mean I get it rule of cool but nobody is doing this moving on for real this time his ex-wife is in the driveway no doubt wanting one of these cars and dropping off the children Ray makes fun of their car not knowing that he's basically taking a dump on the cars that he's leaving in the driveway his kids get out of the car and his son basically walking by him because the Teen Angst as you know and his daughter going up to get her bag as they go inside there's a 302 V8 in the living room and he mentions how it will be out next week I can only hope he plans on fixing it for someone else because if he's putting that into the gt350h that would be like replacing a mansion with a shack and thinking you somehow upgraded in living quarters so his ex goes to smell his milk phrasing I know and it shows that Rey literally has no food the kids are already upstairs the mom complains somehow that they're still sleeping in the same room but what is Ray really supposed to do magically make a new room up here it's a two bed house Mary tells Ray to take care of the kids and then leaves later on in the news they're talking about freakish lightning storms in Ukraine with seismic activity happening in the UAE but all electricity in the area is knocked out after the storm so nobody can really talk to them so Robbie and Ray go in the backyard and have a father-son game of catch which invariably turns into throwing it way too hard until Rey then breaks his own window never throw in front of a window right at this point heads upstairs go get some sleep while his daughter orders food as Ray gets up for his shift like like an hour later I guess we get two instances referring to microbes the Splinter that Rachel's body will apparently push out when it's ready which no and Ray coughing all seemingly no big deal unless you somehow knew about 2020 in 2005 but later it will be a big deal I mean who hasn't read or at least knows or doesn't know about War of the Worlds also retro statement she says that they should get TiVo Rey then eats some of the hummus and pretends like hummus isn't delicious Rachel informs Rey that Robbie took the car and if that was my son I would probably have to murder him as Ray runs outside everyone just is sort of looking at the sky he turns around and takes off running to the back to get a better look with a giant bridge in the way as everyone comes outside it's not looking too great he remarks how the wind is blowing towards the storm which again it's not really that weird as Ray then does the smart thing and calls his child outside to come look at the cool storm then suddenly the wind stops and the lightning begins so Rey and Rachel also go back inside as Rey launches into a statement about how lightning doesn't strike the same place twice which it absolutely can man this guy is just like the purveyor of knowledge when it comes to weather events but as quickly as it starts it then stops the power is now out with even the cell phones not working as he walks outside all vehicles have stopped working as well and Robbie says the car just stopped which the Alien Invasion would be the least of his worries after taking that car Rego is running off as the mechanic asks what's going on right tells him to change the solenoid and continues on as apparently he knows like everyone in the surrounding area two guys start talking to him as they all go to one area where the lightning hit the ground in the middle of the street Rey picks up one of the rocks to find that it's ice cold but then it begins something under the ground is moving which takes a large chunk of the street with it along along with the front of a few buildings as all this is happening this is the epitome of now would be a very good time to leave and leave they don't the tripod that emerges and immediately begins the ashification process of multiple meat Suits now everyone is running for their lives which will be the theme of this movie everybody run you know there is a much more efficient process than this because feasibly you know how long this would take to destroy all of humanity extermination epic style with beams of energy ridiculously long and I'll talk about at the end of this video about what is a way quicker way to just totally wipe out Humanity but then again who would want to do that so Rey is covered in human ash now as he has back inside to his loving kids they asked what happened but he's sort of in a State of Shock he comes too and says they are leaving the house in 60 seconds his kids protest because they don't know what's happening but bro just say Alien Invasion also I have no idea how this neighborhood hasn't been attacked yet he was literally two blocks away and even with all that happening the mechanic is still working on cars people are running around freaking out like there's so much chaos and he's like okay whatever I'll just keep working on cars committed to his job I guess Ray tells the mechanic to get into the car as he's gonna die but the mechanic says Ah you know what I'd rather just stay here and get totally got to which as Ray pulls away he gets got by one of the beams so now everything is getting blown to Smithereens with Rey having the only working vehicle Rachel starts screaming in the back like a total turd and Robbie tells her about her safe space which calms her down oh my God we were warned in 2005. life is dangerous there is no safe space more so when aliens are attacking Rey launches into trying to work out how these things are and where do they come from rather poorly Rachel continues to scream in the back please God make it stop Rey takes Robbie and Rachel to their parents house as they have every light on in the mansion that they reside in and good Lord the energy bills come to think of it what do they do for all this that's pretty expensive but at least the power is on so the aliens haven't really been there yet Rey elects to stay there as he talks about food and that they need to eat neither the kids are hungry so they just elect to go to the basement and sleep kids protest by saying they have their own beds and I still don't get how the gravity of the situation hasn't hit them yet but turned out to be actually the right move as they go to sleep the wind outside begins rustling a little more ferociously as beams of energy are seen outside the window this results in a massive explosion and here's the thing the attack begins technically the day before so you're telling me that nobody could get any info anywhere with major city centers being attacked and there's still planes flying around like no way bro but this one plane that was flying overhead got hit by one of the tripods and brought down on the house that Ray and the fam were staying at but because they were in the basement they are safe the next morning as he heads out to see what's left of the house that's where he finds said plane there are no survivors from the looks of it but one guy is looting the plane as he tries to talk to him we find out that he's actually deafened by the attack but his camera saved him from a shell that exploded near him during the counter-attack the reporter talks about how they can't affect any of the tripods with modern bombardments but the whole planet is under attack one once they show up in an area the area goes dark we also see that inside of the lightning there is something coming down with it and it appears to be organic the machines are under the ground and something is activating them Ray gets confirmation that they are under attack by aliens as if he needed it but Rachel and Robbie look around and see that everything is destroyed and they're pretty bummed out about it this activates Robbie's almonds just a little bit as they take off Rey does the smart thing and sticks to the back roads and turnpikes as he doesn't want anyone seeing that they have a car also wondering how much fuel they actually have at this point they drove virtually most of the afternoon to get to Mary's house and now they're driving to Boston I'm not sure about the mileage on that thing to be real with you like surely it can't be that much but now Rachel has to pee at a very inopportune time and if that's not my wife on road trips after like 20 minutes I don't know what it is I swear that woman hydrates on purpose just prior to us leaving Rachel gets out and then heads behind some trees to get it done where a river is as she looks out for some reason there's just like a ton of meat mix floating in the river ask yourself why exactly I mean I guess a bus could have fallen in but for all of them to be released in a group like that also considering in no way shape or form does the alien tripod even leave a body behind just seems odd after that fun time which I'm sure she won't need years of therapy to get fixed the military is finally mobilized they're passing through with Robbie trying to join them no training doesn't appear to actually know how to fight and likely can't aim sure hop on board son Ray stops Robbie which results in a fight to ensue as Robbie says they need to get back at them Robbie hasn't even seen anything yet all he saw was this house destroyed by a plane Rachel then yells at Robbie for trying to leave also the audio in this scene is hilarious because they couldn't separate the voices from the actual noise of the you know driving by military trucks so it is so scuffed so they get back in the soccer mom mobile as Rey lets Robbie drive because Rey is beat they drive again into the night as this car would most definitely be out of gas now and as they go a crowd notices them because well they have a car they're heading to Athens to board a ferry to get across the bay at least I think it's a bay I'm not familiar with the Northeast but everyone wants ride as some people want to hijack them Rey then turns to avoid a mother and baby as he hits a telephone pole and everyone just kind of breaks in this results in a right proper domestic with Ray pulling out the force multiplier but Rachel being stuck in the car Ray gets Robbie but gets another Force multiplier pull on him from behind Rey is allowed to get Rachel as all three of them then head into the diner with Biden taking place outside over the car and I really am starting to hate how it's Rachel Ray and Robbie just too many alliterations everyone now has a rumor as to what's going on as they walk along some say Europe had it worse some say it's not even there if some say the US is the only country hits but as they walk along they are cut off by a train on fire showing that the Evac effort isn't going too well as everyone walks along the military is directing them to the ferry they've been making trips all day so there's no need to panic unless all birds start flying in one direction to escape something which then Rachel sees something in the tree line in the distance another tripod has found them this starts a Mad Dash to the ferry with the boat captain trying to GTFO before any of those things get to them Rachel Robbie and Rey blessed these R names make it just in time but their friend is Left Behind she wasn't important at all like you just met her two minutes ago it doesn't matter as they set off watching people get got all as well except not really because something is under the water well well well if it isn't another tripod here to ruin the escape attempt as they go past it the thing Rises up and knocks the boat over everyone is thrown into the drink with basically everyone meeting their end also it's snowing so that water is likely ice cold how these three were able to swim back to just an abandoned Hillside and survive not only the temperature change but also the tripods attacking other people like all around them is beyond me plot armor but they get on land which is now raining again basically freezing to death as others in the distance are running downhill also getting got again they continue to walk the whole night and somehow don't freeze during that night which no way they would be in mega rough shape and uh doesn't matter how much you're walking you're done though they just keep walking with the group though because again plot armor the military is currently engaged with the battle with the aliens atop a hill but it's not going well Robbie decides it's time to go a full Frontline infantry as the soldiers fighting aren't too jazzed about what's happening as they have literally zero effect on these things regardless of how many concussive force detonators that they use on them but they need to keep going as there's a ton of civilians who are also running towards the fight like bro what like you'd probably catch me going the other way because if the military can't stop these things what am I gonna do I'm completely unarmed so as Ray tries to choke out Robbie for being an idiot Rachel's getting grabbed by other people Rey lets Robbie go to play Soldier like a complete dunce as then he runs back to Rachel the people were actually just trying to help so no big deal but as he turns around the military line was completely obliterated and with it assumedly is Robbie now some random dude with a pellet dispenser gets Rey and Rachel's attention having a basement for them to hide in this guy's name is like aglavi or aglavai or something I'm just gonna call him crazy dude and that's because he's really not the most stable of individuals but it beats being turned into Ash outside Rachel asked her old man to sing her lullaby which again scary movie before or nailed it you want this money then you gotta be a bad those movies have completely ruined my sense of humor but crazy dude calls over Rey and gives him a drink Rey says that they're going to meet in Boston so it's not a big deal crazy dude apparently lost everyone as well so they're both pretty sad about it crazy dude then launches into a monologue about how the aliens buried the machines right under their feet they've been planning this for millions of years and they are here to exterminate them which you know what maybe he's not crazy he knows what's going on as Rey then goes to tuck and Rachel though some of the building collapses in the machines outside are tearing up the ground almost tilling it actually crazy dude talks about how they're going to be the ones coming up from under the ground which you know what maybe he is crazy so later on Rey finds this weird red plant growing all over the place it almost appears like blood and meat crazy dude talks to Rachel about how he will take care of her if something happens to Rey little bizarre to say I wouldn't trust that as they talk back and forth a camera then goes down into the basement it's the aliens looking for any survivors and now it becomes a fun game of keep away where if you're caught you're turned into meat paste president then goes to basically chop up the camera as racist not to do it so he elects not to and continues hiding they hide behind a mirror keeping away from the camera as Rachel's foot moves but they just leave a boot there which makes it seem like they weren't really there eventually the camera does leave satisfied that there is nothing in there but now the real nerds get there the aliens themselves looking at these things it's no wonder that they needed machines because I feel like I could totally take this thing in a fist fight their bodies are slender they are tripods themselves with short torsos with another set of Limbs on their chest serving as grasping limbs they also have three longer limbs used for walking and rather large heads they actually do look like huge nerds great Engineers horrible biologists crazy dude goes to take a shot as Rey stops him which results in a quiet struggle for the force multiplier eventually a horn is sounded as the aliens leave as they begin seeding the land with plants and showing they suck the juice out of people to use as fertilizer crazy dude at this point freaks out and goes to start digging making a ton of noise along the way reikos to quiet him down as he's freaking out about it and yelling won't help crazy do then smacks Ray with a shovel as it becomes clear they're going to meet their end unless Rey ends crazy dude from giving away their freaking hiding spot Ray closes the door and takes out crazy dude ending that annoying just absolute Babble that he was doing thank God so as I go to sleep that night with a body no more than 10 feet away Rachel wakes up to a camera having found them what fun Rey attacks it but that's not gonna do much Rachel runs upstairs like a Chad to confront them head-on yelling like a banshee the whole time Rey heads outside to find her but can't seem to locate her despite her just screaming the whole time as he crests a field though he sees how far the fertilization process has gone with a tripod finding him and going after the truck he's in Rachel keeps standing and screaming for some reason like bro use your words but it grabs her and takes her up and then just kind of completely forgets about Rey for some reason finding a leftover military Humvee that was clearly on fire but somehow didn't destroy the Munitions inside he grabs some concussive force detonators and then throws it at the tripod as he's then grabbed and brought up into the cage with all the others so everyone's Ultra sad about this fact as Rey then see is Rachel the roof on them then opens up as a tentacle monster comes out and grabs a dude with like nobody resisting and he just gets pulled up in and nobody cares but I want you to remember this because the next one that gets grabbed is Rey he grabs the grenades as he's pulled up and everyone now decides to finally help they're able to pull him out of the sphincter in the roof as he pulls the pins of the grenade and counts to what blowing up the tripod and then saving his life so I guess the guy before that just completely screw him right so now they begin their march to Boston however and things are a little different the Red Vines are turning to White and reducing to Ash a tripod in the distance has crashed into a building as Rey asks what's going on apparently it just sort of started wandering around and losing Effectiveness as they all go to hide inside another approaches and birds are flying around and showing that it doesn't have a shield around it that it once did the military now mobilizes to take down the tripod with javelins due to the lack of Shield it's effective though this part makes absolutely no sense and you'll see what I mean in a moment as the tripod Falls the door opens with fluid coming out one of the aliens halfway falls out ring the whole time however his eyes turn white showing that he's getting got what that has to do with The Shield's functionality on a tripod is beyond me you think that would just kind of be an auto feature but they're able to get to Mary's parents house with Rachel and somehow Robbie made it out and still hadn't changed out of the clothes that he originally I guess got bombarded in I'm guessing because maybe he just recently got there so they're One Big Happy Family the human population has likely been reduced significantly which means pretty much as a guaranteed collapse of the modern world with rebuilding taking quite a while all the while that may have just been an invasion Force so that means the aliens could still be out there and aware of Earth next time they probably will do the smart thing and not just exit their ships without proper decontamination measures in order like PPE I mean how dumb can you actually be but Earth is saved for now with microbes having destroyed the Invader and man earning the right to exist on this planet after billions lost over our species lifespan thanks for the outro Morgan Freeman the intelligence exhibited by the alien race when invading Earth is likened to that of a toddler falling into a gorilla enclosure there was absolutely no plan and no understanding of what they were descending into this just absolutely boggles the Mind concerning what this species was or was not thinking and it's relatively difficult to grasp how this large of an oversight could have even happened so let's discuss their physical morphology first and then move on to life in general to understand the evolution of these creatures which may suggest a few things about the original Planet and why potentially they may have wanted Earth in the first place to get to what they were even thinking when invading Earth in the first place man it really has been a while but we all know where we have to start because these guys like the machines that they were using which are tripods and phrasing started with the feet we see this species has three of them walking on their finger-like toes these are clearly grasping limbs that in some aspects can be used to walk seeing as they are long like fingers and can be used to move around the basement seamlessly this would suggest that the home planet they hail from likely has extremely dense foliage or at one point during their evolutionary process that evolved in this environment each foot has three finger toes with a back single leg a very to have the smaller finger toes suggesting that it most likely is used more as a walking appendage with the two front arms being used for Locomotion and manipulation of the environment moving further up the more dominantly leg appendage it's interesting as the leg is shaped a lot like ours they appear to have a heel and Ankle where the long toe protrusions come out of and the long bone connecting to the knee to the heel it's hard to tell if it's more than one bone but I would Hazard I guess as to say it probably is only one their knee looks like a lot like ours which runs up into the thigh area which you may not be able to see as they don't really appear on screen very long and this may require pictures is that there's actually a divot in the middle of the leg near the pelvic region which may suggest that at some point these creatures could have been bipedal but over time became more tripod though this is not 100 assured given their head posture indicating by pugalism so actually quadrupedalism may have been what they actually were moving up to the abdomen it's incredibly sucked in with the pelvis itself not really being too apparent heading to the thoracic area is where we see most of the life sustain training structures or could assume them to be here the chest is large most of the internal organs would be here and likely they have lungs in some capacity that we do given their ability to growl and make noises to one another using the expelling of air kind of like how we do on this chest are two smaller arms that would likely be used for feeding or fine motor manipulation again the dense foliage hypothesis works here as the two arms that are attached to the chest would allow for the creature to hang onto Limbs and branches while the smaller arms would be able to allow it to feed or hold on to whatever it was holding given that this creature is highly intelligent it may be that it would need protein like we do but given the cellular hypothesis I have later this may come from plants rather than from other animals and this Falls in line with the Red Vines they were planting on Earth as this is postulated to be their food source and I use the word postulate because in my last video somebody got really butt hurt about me saying apropos because apparently saying there's essentially a benevolent coincidence is me trying to sound smart he's right let me Flex on you with my vocabulary skills don't make me break out the thesaurus bro anyhow it all makes sense later why these creatures may not be meat eating but still get their nutrition from these plants moving up to the Head we see something pretty interesting they have a forward head posture where the muscles hold up the head which usually would limit intelligence as there's only so much weight that muscle can hold up but in this case it is possible the crest on the back of their head helps to counteract some of the weight on their neck this has allowed them to have a sizable brain to allow them to develop their own language and subsequent society which led them into the Stars to get wrecked on Earth the face of these creatures aren't exactly one that inspires fear like I really think I could actually take one of these in a fist fight they have mouths with teeth like we do with really more of a ridge of a large upper and lower tooth there appears to be a central opening above the maxilla of their face or what could be considered the max cell of their face which is likely the nose and two large black eyes that are forward-facing but that might not necessarily mean that they're Predators honestly they're not really that horrible to look at and appear to just really be the Nerds of the universe now that we have a good look at their physiology let's move on to how this relates to life and and why it was horrible for them to think that they could actually invade Earth life down to its smallest point is a single-celled organism and this was given rise from amino acids which came from the ancient oceans that were highly acidic with a dense amount of minerals from the crust having recently just born that swirled in the water throw in a few lightning strikes and the chemical reaction of life began now as always take with a grain of salt because for all we know life on Earth could have been seated on this planet sticking with the original thinking though as materials began to mix and form amino acids iron sulfur minerals which are still found at the base of proteins today would continue to form creating proteins until eventually a set of genetic material would enclose itself in a phospholipid bilayer creating the first exceedingly primitive prokaryotic cell from here we all know the process prokaryotes would dominate the oceans for an expansive amount of time until eventually one would eat another that was producing more energy than it needed and rather than break it down it would enter a symbiotic relationship with this absorbed cell which would go on to be known as the mitochondria or the PowerHouse of the cell as you know from here you eukaryotic cells were born eventually those cells would get tired of getting Dunked On by larger cells and would form the first multicellular creature that creature realizing that it could eat another multicellular creature we then begin attacking those colonies of cells that Colony would respond by reproduction and surviving and then go on to basically make more of itself which those surviving copies would develop some counter and so on and so forth until you result in the Pinnacle known as man don't at me I know it's popular to hate on Humanity currently we can be a little dumb from time to time but there has never been anything quite like us on this planet before and our ability to think abstractly and create is unmatched orders of magnitude higher than anything from here it's almost odd how far we outclass everything on this planet now where was I that is the stupidity of this alien race so we being the lowly not really space-faring species that we are currently have an understanding of germ Theory I would argue that any Sapient species that proclaims to be intelligent would know this life unfortunately is nothing but a struggle to stay alive in fact so much so that if you take a look at Earth's oceans not only is it horrifying because whatever down there is biting off the heads of great white sharks but also almost 40 percent of all bacteria in the ocean is destroyed daily by viruses infecting the prokaryotic cells causing the rupture once enough of the virus has been created so what does that mean exactly well it means life is honestly kind of a crapshoot an argument could be made that Earth is a hostile place because now for lack of a better term it kind of is we are only marginally in the Goldilocks zone of our star because of our slightly elliptical orbit and every second of every day your body is under constant attack Every Breath You Take in mull spores attempt to seed your lungs due to the dark warm moist nature of the environment any cut you get immediately has bacteria into it and attempt to flourish you ever scratch your eye for a minute congrats you just seated your eye with bacteria oh you ought past that random person coughing or sneezing nice bro you're infected with a virus that causes your cells to explode basically down here it's a constant War a War of the Worlds if you will just between the prokaryotic World viral world and multicellular world how is it possible a species that is space faring that would likely need similar events to start life on its own Planet come to basically invade our planet and not have a fundamental grasp of this concept well for this to happen it's possible they chose a different route than humans did or potentially the quarian theory exists humans at this point in time have somewhat of an understanding of the importance and detriments of having microbes around us on the one hand we discover things almost daily concerning our gut brain or the microbiome that has formed in our intestines that can influence nutrient acquisition and go as far up in some cases influencing depression and the development of depressive episodes should the nutrition not be coming incorrectly like think about that cells that aren't even yours appear to influence your mood by directly talking with your body and causing you to respond appropriately so who's really at the helm supposedly us I mean it's hard to say in some respects but there is one thing we can't agree on invasive microbes on the other hand and our total clowns I would argue that the space-faring species due to their technological level may have actually eradicated invasive microbes at some point in their past and left the beneficial ones it may have been eons prior that they accomplished this and although they already knew how to do this it may have just been one of those things that was put on the back burner and forgotten through time there also is another idea floating around which we'll get to in a moment as their species advanced in technology and time eventually they would have just virtually forgotten about invasive pathogens still having existed in the universe due to their own home planet having eradicated this issue this would mean that Earth-like planets are extremely rare and when they find one they have to conquer it otherwise their own species may not survive but this is a dual prong issue because it left them with a weaker immune system in dealing with microorganisms that they came into contact with due to basically their immune systems becoming vestigial after Generations being born into a sterile environment things like cancer which if it can exist in our species it likely can exist in others would still be prevalent but again better technology better methods of correcting it this ultimately left them in a mental state that possibly they just wouldn't even consider the aspect of microbes being a problem because let's be real here species is likely sending its military wing of its power to invade a planet not its scientists and doctors who may have knowledge about microbes it's possible that the invading force was told not to leave their machines but then they just kind of did which resulted in them being exposed after all for them to become space-faring they still have to be a lot like us and curious about the universe in order to explore it so coming across human structures they likely became curious and wanted to check things out the quarian hypothesis suggests something different however you see once again Earth is a war this whole planet and everything on it wants to kill you and as a result your body has to kill everything it comes into contact with that's not supposed to be there in fact a case could be made that those who say war is unnatural well I mean considering it's what organisms do on a cellular level War itself is just a higher expression of what is happening all the time that's why they likely call it denying your base or instincts and seeking peaceful Solutions when you want to go fight somebody but you kind of are like no I'm not going to do that anyhow it's possible other planets do not operate the way Earth does and if they don't I mean wow what's it like living on easy mode a species that evolved on their home planet may have done so in an environment where cells cooperated rather than attacking a multicellular organism was just a natural expression of more efficiently Gathering nutrition that was naturally occurring in the environment rather than having to take it from other cells over time this meant that multicellular organisms grew into complex creatures their bodies still having a symbiotic relationship with other single-celled organisms as they cooperated with one another rather than attack this would mean the need for an immune system would relatively be null and really only responded in the way to attack things like potential cancer cells but even still cancer cells by natural compulsion didn't take up nutrition from the body because the evolutionary pathway never needed to take from other cells now this Make Love Not War thing if it does Translate the same way our cells did you would think they wouldn't want to invade on Earth and get their raggedy ass Fleet blown up but that's kind of what happens this left them though in a completely defenseless situation against the ass kicking machine known as Earth's microbiome welcome to the suck my guy that's why we only lived for like 80 years or so if we're lucky down here as soon as they were sent down the lightning itself that may afforded them some protection superheating the air and sterilizing it as they went plus they were likely in a capsule of some sort so the impact of the ground didn't just make them splatter once entering the ships however I also see another possibility for what may have happened it's clear these ships or tripods were placed here long ago likely what happened was the planet had drones thrown at it at some point in the distant past at least not within the last several hundred years because there was no record of anything happening likely it would appear as a meteor shower but the entire planet had these tripods placed it's possible it was sort of like a shotgun method a previous generation sent out the ships in order to get a new planet ready for Invasion should the need arise and they had to leave their own Planet then Generations later with faster ships these alien species would arrive to take over Earth or any other planet that they seeded however there may have been an issue that they didn't account for now planets were likely chosen due to the atmospheric composition which you can see using a spectrometer and position around the sun which considering the images that we were getting from the James Webb Telescope this is seemingly something that is more and more likely and something that we may be capable of doing rather soon actually but once a planet was located that seemed habitable for these creatures again the drones were sent out to get ready what a spectrometer does not do however is tell you what's in the actual atmosphere that could be organic once the ships landed on the planet it's possible this species never dreamed of hostile microbes and assumed it was all symbiotic much like how humans never dream of microbes on another planet being anything but hostile when the ships landed all they knew is is the atmosphere was habitable to them so the ships were not sealed properly or as tightly as they should have been through the decades and Century these tripods would sit causing them to be seated by the bacteria in the soil here on Earth when the aliens landed in them they would be immediately infected which would lead to their ultimate destruction but what happens from here exactly well it depends on this species in general should they have sent a colonizing force and those that were in the Tripod were supposed to basically get everything going and there's no other operational ships above Earth currently it may take them hundreds of years to return back to Earth and at that point we would have reverse engineered the ships and likely become a space fairing ourselves with a population that has largely recovered and then we just wipe them out and then go colonize their home planet and be like haha get reverse UNO card bro but it's also possible that they may not even return it may have been somewhat of a shock to see their Force wiped out by some invisible force and either they know what it is and will deem the planet uninhabitable given which side of the fence they fall on concerning if they eradicated their own microbes or if it's more of a symbiotic relationship or they think Humanity has access to something technologically way more efficient that affected the actual bodies of the specie which again they may not want to mess with either way as Will Smith said back when he was actually cool and not slapping people on stage for making a GI Jane joke about his cheating wife Welcome To Earth but on top of all of this there still is a third option but the problem is it just does not work well with the concept of this species not understanding microbes on Earth remember if we can understand it they should be able to understand it too if we were to come into contact with an alien bacteria or an alien virus our body may not know how to deal with it as effectively which could lead to our end much like the war of the world species but the problem is we have germ Theory we understand what microbes are so how could this species not it is possible that they were just careless but considering that this would take a ton of planning to orchestrate all of this Invasion I kind of doubt it but before wrapping this up I always find it funny in movies how we expect aliens to like come down here and fight us for the planet when really they wouldn't have to do any of that really if a species wanted to eradicate man they could do so so quietly that we wouldn't even know that they were here in the first place all they would have to do is design a virus that infects ourselves and destroys our immune system so there wasn't any real resistance making it fast infecting and once it has infected cells having it use the cell for the standard function of creating more of itself with maybe a two-week limit on it and by destroying the immune system a response wouldn't be as severe so people would walk around maybe not even really knowing they were infected then after a while they have the virus attack their DNA and then just chop it up leading to Quick cell death making an Airborne our species would have virtually no time to respond to this infection with it floating around the atmosphere it would just be game over you could even have it refined to the point that it doesn't take out other animals if you say one of them there for some reason just have it take out humans then the species would only have to wait like a few weeks for it to take effect then come back and boom the planet is clear to humans any species that is space varying would likely be able to accomplish this rather easily and there would really be no threat of them having to fight us for the world or us even turning the nuclear weapons because we couldn't do anything which again is why we should probably stop broadcasting our whereabouts on a habitable planet it's just too easy to take us out considering we are a single planet species currently anyhow I want to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed then leave your life would be great and subscribing is great way to stay up to date on when I post I'll drop my Twitter twitch Roanoke games Discord and patreon links in the description and speaking of patrons I'd like to thank mine real quick first you take your two astrophysicist death dancer and Phoenix I'd also like to thank our scientist Countryside limbo and a resident Amadeus Rivera and Trey whittenall thank you guys and the rest of my patrons I think you as well who helped us on our way towards keeping things running and is greatly appreciated all right so that's gonna do it for me I hope everyone enjoyed and see y'all in the next one
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 1,639,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war of the worlds trailer, war of the worlds tripod sound, war of the worlds game, War of the worlds 2005, Roanoke Gaming, War of the worlds explained, war of the worlds explored, war of the worlds aliens, War of the worlds tripod scene, war of the world ending explained, war of the worlds ending morgan freeman, war of the world ending scene, War of the worlds aliens, war of the worlds alien ending, war of the worlds horror movie, war of the worlds radio broadcast
Id: l2ItsHoFZRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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