Jake Paul Has Lost His Mind

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Do I think Logan Paul is an alien? Maybe. What am I gonna do? Everybody's starting to realize that my last video was all fake! (Voiceover) "This is so fake." "You are fake af." "Oh my god, so fake." "Fake. Fake. Fake." "That's freaking fake. Fuck you!" "I got kinda scared in the start." My career is over. How could I possibly have thought that I would be able to pass up such a ridiculous video as true? Logan Paul, an alien? Newsflash, Danny: you're an idiot. I'll never make it on YouTube now. Everyone thinks I'm a fraud, a con artist. I have to show everyone that I can be truthful. From now on, I'm sticking to the truth. What's up, Greg? What's going on? It's me Danny, back with another episode of Guys, I just want to apologize for the last video, okay? I don't know what I was thinking, trying to make a whole video of a whole fake documentary about Logan Paul being an alien? I feel like an idiot. Everybody realized that the whole thing's fake, but rest assured, Greg, it will not happen again, alright? We're going- we're going straight facts just for you. So I just heard about this video that Jake Paul posted like four days ago That's uhh The title of the vlog is 'A Conversation With My Ex-Girlfriend', but the majority of the video is apparently Jake Paul just going off on RiceGum. If you don't know who RiceGum is, it's this guy. But he makes videos of like roasting people, he does diss tracks, He vlogs sometimes, I think? Anyway, apparently him and Jake Paul have some kind of beef. We all know who Jake Paul is, obviously. *scoff* He's uhh, he's a hunk. Err wait no he's uhh He's a vlogger. I just want to watch this video because I've heard that it's insane But it's just Jake Paul, like, going off on RiceGum or something. (Jake Paul) So guys time to get uhh to get a little bit serious, to get a little bit juicy Oooo, juicy. I'm..I'm excited What we got? What's what's gonna be juicy? What is this? So, I get home from from Los Angeles.. and uhh I'm doing my thing, whatever, and someone asked me They asked me if I have seen Brian Lee's new video And if you guys don't know Brian Lee is, a lot of you guys know him by his alias name of RiceGum, his name is Brian and that's how I'm going to address him. They were like yo, dude, have you seen Brian's new video? It's kind of weird. He's just gonna call him Brian instead of RiceGum? I've never heard anyone call him Brian before. It's weird. And they tell me that it's a video about them reacting to our new Team 10 house Any house with an elevator just makes the house automatically cool The thing is, though, their house is only two floors, right? Like, take the stairs Our house has eight floors so sometimes going up and down it's, like, kind of hard so we get an elevator Okay, so apparently RiceGum is making fun of Jake Paul for having an elevator in a two-story house. This is- is this just gonna be, like, rich people beef? Is this what YouTube is now? It's just like millionaires beefing with each other? Your house only has two floors Why do you need an elevator then? My house has eight floors! And that's totally fine, but then they proceeded to tell me that within the video, he was making fun of of- of- suicide? Of people committing suicide. And then a rope hanging down with like the swirly thing and then like a chair underneath. Just right around there somewhere. Oh, whoa. Okay. That's- that actually is pretty fucked up. And then he was making fun of Nick Crompton and Tessa Brooks And body shaming them and calling them fat. Okay, that's- that was pretty mean too Okay, so I'm I'm kind of on Jake's side here actually. RiceGum seems like he's kind of being a dick Everyone has seen recently that Brian is a terrible, terrible person. He is a scumbag. His Mom, iDubbbz, made a video about him His Mom, iDubbbz? What? His Mom? Dude, you are a terrible, terrible, terrible human being. And you guys know me, I never respond to the hate, like I have more than enough hate to respond to and I never respond to it because that's not the way to handle things. People shouldn't be, like, beefing over the internet and, like, going back and forth and back and forth. People shouldn't be beefing back and forth over the Internet? Wait a minute. Are you sure? You are a piece of shit. And Brian Lee supporters, there is more to the world then dragging people down and being negative. That won't get you anywhere. And he does not stop. He continues to do this on a case by case basis. There is more to the world, and it's not too late to literally join a positive YouTuber and change your mindset on life. Positivity makes the world better, that's what I preach Why do I feel like Jake Paul's trying to, like, sell me a self-help book right now? He's giving off that vibe right? He's like, trying to change my life and shit? Dude, don't try to change my life. Don't try to turn my life around. Dude, sometimes, I just wish people like this would just shut up and just let my life spiral down into darkness. Like, please. Don't try to change my life. Dude, I'm perfectly happy living in misery. on a day-to-day basis. I'm not saying become a subscriber to me, although, We are the strongest flippin' team on YouTube, smash that subscribe button. No! No, you are not the strongest army on YouTube. Greg is, okay? I'm sorry, I was sort of on your side for a while, but that is not true. Don't you ever disrespect Greg like that again. I can't believe it. He's out here preaching positivity, and then he goes and disrespects the name of Greg. I know a ton of Jake Paulers. I hate to be showing this side of me, and I hate to be responding this stuff like this, but, Jake Paulers, we need to stand up against this shit. All of us are positive. We smile. "We smile." That's us Jake Paulers, we smile. Nobody else does, no one else smiles. Jake Paulers do, we invented it actually. Ever seen this before? It was invented by Jake Paul. We work hard every single day. We create our own original content. We create our own original content. We create our own "original" "content". Heh. And Jake Paulers, I apologize ahead of time because I never respond to hate. Cause Brian is my son, I am his Daddy and iDubbbz is his Mom. Whoa, what the fuck? What? I am his daddy, and iDubbbz his is Mom? This just got weird. Is this becoming a porn? I am your Daddy, and iDubbbz is your Mommy, and you're gonna listen to us. I am beating this dead horse into the grave because this kid needs to be stopped. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but that was a pretty solid reference right there. This kid needs to be stopped? That's like ri- that's like RiceGum's thing. It's like it's like the series of videos that he makes where he, uhh... makes fun of kids, I guess? He is kind of an asshole. Unless he wants to make a change, I'm all for people making mistakes and becoming a better person. Nobody is perfect, but this kid has not changed. Dude, this isn't even like fun beef. I'm all for watching people on the Internet get in fights. I think it's hilarious. This is just Jake Paul yelling at his camera alone in his room. I feel like I shouldn't be watching this. This feels like watching like a couple at the mall get into an argument. It's just like, I don't- I feel like I shouldn't- should I look away? I don't feel like I should be seeing this. This is kind of sad. He's getting really worked up. I feel like this is this was all just so pent up and he didn't have any plan he didn't like write anything down before he started talking and now he's just like exploding with anger. I'm a little bit cringing. But am I giving off that vibe? Cringing a bit. So, Brian, you can hate on me all you want, talk shit about my house, whatever you want to say, but in your video you started comparing us. You started saying that "Oh, our house is this, your house is that." Don't ever compare me to your sorry ass! I bought this house with my own damn money. You're paying rent for one room within that house. You don't even have enough money to buy a house in California. Holy shit, the flexing has begun. God damn. I love how quickly that went from like, 'you shouldn't bully others, It is wrong', to like 'I have more money than you!' But going back to my point earlier, that wasn't the Team 10 house because you can't do anything there besides make content your fucking room. He's getting so aggressive and he started swearing, and he's still using a dolphin sound to bleep out of swears. If that's not art, I don't know what is. My backyard has a backyard! And once again, you're renting it. You made a video about your AdSense, earnings let's check it out. So last month, I made roughly $60,000 for one month. Wow, you made $60,000 in a month Brian? If I make $60,000 in one day, I come here to my bed, and I cry myself to sleep as a failure. $60,000 for me is a bad day. And I know your merch sales aren't shit. Pshhh Yeah, me too dude. $60,000 in a day? I'd be trippin' man. Peasant alert. Beep! Heh. If you are wearing his merch, that means you support all of this negativity and all that bad stuff which makes you not cool in my books. Not cool in Jake Paul's book? No! I'm not cool and Jake Paul's book? Ugh. I wonder what Jake Paul's book looks like. Is it like a novel? Alright, everyone, gather round for a reading from Jake Paul's book. It's it's a picture book because of course it is. Jake Paul took a deep breath and called RiceGum a fool and said "in my book RiceGum, you are not cool. For my book is for winners, smilers and friends. England is my city, so come join Team 10." Amen. Furthermore, my page has three billion views. I've been doing this for one year. You've been a youtuber for like, since I can remember. Holy shit, dude. He's, like, shaking. He's got so worked up that he's shaking. Jake, dude, why don't you just dab on this guy like you do to all your other haters? What happened to that? What happened to "dab on the haters", man? You don't have to get so worked up. You're having an aneurysm on camera. Just dab on him for God's sake or at least twist his nipples, at the very least. But wait, hold on, if we add up all the videos that you've ever made about me it equals 200,000,000 of your views. Which means 20% of your channel is because of me. He's still shaking. Dude, I feel like something's wrong with Jake. Can someone check on him? He's snapped. He's done. Jake sounds like he really needs to relax. He should watch one of Tessa's vlogs. Your biggest video is because of me. I am your dad. Dude, I hate when people use this argument, like when people are like "you're using my name to get followers, dude, you would be nothing without me. My name is in all your videos, so you would be nothing without me." It's like yeah, no shit. That's how you do it. That's how the YouTube algorithm works. You make videos about popular things, so more people see your videos. That's just how it works. You don't see fidget spinners and slime complaining like, "stop using my name and your videos to get more views". It's just- it's what's popular so people make videos about it, dude. And if you don't like that you should stop making YouTube videos. People talk about things that are relevant, that's how everything works. You don't see like serial killers being like "Psh. The news is only popular because I murder people and they talk about it. The news would be nothing without me murdering people." It's, like, dude. Just stop murdering people. Speaking of 20%, if you want to sign to Team 10 so you can become relevant again, I'll be glad. I know you want to join Team 10, except I'm taking 40% of your career because there's a lot of fucking work to do. And while we're on the topic of Team 10, it's crazy how you guys want to copy us and create your little Clout Gang when I have made everyone that is in Clout Gang. I am the owner of Clout Gang. I'm the CEO of Clout Gang. I have given all the clout to Clout Gang. Stop saying clout. Please. My ears are bleeding. Stop saying clout. That was too much clout. And if you look at it, I think Clout Gang actually spells Logang because why not throw Logan into the mix? Logan and I are your dads. We gave birth to you. No more iDubbbz. It's Logan and I. Call us daddy from now on, please, whenever you address me. Call us daddy from now on? Dude. What? No. Stop. Please. Why? Why is this what YouTube is now? Call me daddy? Brian, You don't have a car, while I'm out here in California riding around in cars that spit flames. All of the Lambos that you flex with are rented. And anybody else that is watching this besides Brian, guys, I'm not trying to brag, I don't need to brag. You're not trying to brag? Dude, at least own up to the fact that you've been like flexing on us for the past five minutes. You just talked about your multi-million dollar mansion, your cars that spit flames, $60,000 in a day. Remember that? Wasn't that br- was that not bragging? If you're really not trying to brag, then you're doing a really bad job of whatever you think that you're actually doing. We are in two completely different leagues. Brian is a Youtuber. I am an actor, a businessman, a CEO who happens to vlog my life on a day-to-day basis. I run a multi-million dollar company. I'm a Disney Channel star. You were a Disney Channel star, right? I believe that the correct I believe that the correct conjugation is. Were. As in past tense of is. And, Brian, this is between you and I. We don't need to involve anybody else, so tell your friend Chantal to leave herself out of these reaction videos or whenever you talk about your Dad like this. We don't need to involve anybody else, which is why I'm posting it on my YouTube channel with 11 million followers, bitch. But, enough with the nonsense, and I'm sorry for wasting anybody's time that did not want to hear that. It is time to create some fire content, let's flippin' go baby. Guys, lookit! Lookit! We finally have our first piece of furniture! That's how you're gonna end it? That's how you're gonna end that whole rant where you screamed at your camera for 20 minutes? "I'm richer than you I'm more successful, so don't speak to me ever again huu." That was a lot to digest. That was a lot. Is this just what YouTube is now? It's not even like, beef anymore, it's like, it's just exploding with rage? Guys, I feel like I started this video saying that I would stick to reality and stay real and all of the rest of my videos, but, I don't think I want to be a part of this reality anymore. All right, guys, well that was a very heavy video and to be honest, I really feel like I shouldn't have seen that. Guys, if you're not Greg yet, Greg is our family here on YouTube. Greg is our fan base. We're the strongest army on YouTube. We're the fastest growing channel on YouTube, don't look that up. It's true. Don't look it up though, all the websites are broken. Alright, shout out to Cora Anderson! Thank you for turning on my notifications. Guys, make sure you hit that little bell next to the subscribe button. Thank you for watching this video. I will see you next time, goodbye.
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 4,590,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, jake paul, reaction, funny, lost, his, mind, rant, ricegum, reacting, rice, gum, hilarious, humor
Id: rGHxCqRjniU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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