The Week of Meetings | Teacher Evolution Ep 8

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this is the week of meetings these are my sub plans for this afternoon and good news is I had a student bring me a cupcake today how sweet is that it is 10 o'clock and I am just now getting home from school good morning YouTube as you can tell I have wet hair and I have no makeup because I am not feeling any better than Friday in fact I'm feeling a lot worse than I did on Friday so let me kind of back up and tell you about my weekend because I wish I could say that I had a nice relaxing weekend but that's not really the case I got home Friday afternoon and Billy and I quickly packed a bag and we left we had to drive to Salisbury where we used to live originally we were gonna drive there on Saturday morning but because I was sick I didn't have to film on Saturday so we were able to leave Friday night so we drove we got to her hotel like 10:30 at night sorry then we got out Saturday morning and we drove to Ocean City because I had to go to a surprise birthday party for one of my old team teachers then we left us and said he drove back to Salisbury we went to Billy's mom's house because we had to help her get stuff ready for a yard sale for Sunday morning thankfully on Sunday morning I ended up not going to the art sale I slept and Billy went to the yard sale afterwards we left we drove to my parents house and we had dinner with them last night and then we got back to our townhouse at about 8:30 so it wasn't like super relaxing unfortunately and I just feel a lot worse like my allergies have been horrible I feel like it's probably a sinus infection I get those like very very frequently so I think that's what it is but yesterday driving home I was like literally in tears because I felt so bad my I just might just I just my left I think not buzz just my left one would not stop watering I was literally blowing my nose every like five seconds and I'm just over it like I hate feeling like this and ideally I would have taken today off like I feel that bad I wanted to take a day but because we didn't get home until 8:30 last night that would have meant I would have had to my whole sub binder ready which it is not whatsoever and I thought about it and I was like okay I can quickly like make my plans for tomorrow within a half an hour or I can spend like two three hours trying to make some plans I was like I'm not prepared to spend three hours working so I just made my plans for today we're going to power through it tomorrow afternoon I have professional development so I can't really take a day tomorrow Wednesday there's something going on I don't even know what Thursday I have and I know Thursday I have a 504 meeting in the morning so unfortunately it's a little bit of a busy week Oh Wednesday night I have more PD after school so it is a busy week and of course I feel like not good is a different word so I'm gonna go get coffee even though a bunch of people on my video that went live this weekend told me that you shouldn't have sugary drinks and you need to have hot drinks and not cold drinks I really don't care I want something that's gonna make my throat feel better and I want something that's gonna make me just feel better like comfort kind of food so I want a sugary tea cold beverage from Dunkin Donuts hi can I get a medium frozen Dunkin Coffee please that'll be it thank you so I come into my classroom remembering that I still need to fix the border over here on the poster and then these have all decided to suddenly fall down I think because they're laminated they're just a little bit too slick for the sticky clips and then two of the sticky Clips actually came down which is weird but it's very humid in my room so it's not surprising I'm going to just slip them back up and then I'm gonna use like clear tape to kind of tape them down and hopefully hold them up there [Music] good news is over the weekend I kind of forced Billy to go with me to like four different dollar trees since we were out of town I did find three more of these lock top sandwich containers so I still need about four more but that's okay in his progress I've had a lot of people tell me oh we'll just order them online you guys these are not available online trust me I have checked and then I also got these little things as snack containers because these are pretty hard to find too so I figured I'd go ahead and grab them and I did get just like three more packs of the face scrubbers [Music] my head is heavy to y'all [Music] I need that story [Music] all right so it is now lunchtime I was planning on catching up with you guys during my planning time but it ended up that some lady was coming to help us with like math which I appreciated but that took my entire planning time and honestly I really could have used that today because last night when I did my planning it was not like the best planning I've ever done and I needed today to kind of like look over it and I didn't get to do that but it's okay it's not lunch time so my black one is almost over my block - I'm not too worried about because they're usually pretty good and like they're not going to test my patience as much as my black one but I don't feel good at all and all of my kids like are you okay and even like kids in the hallway who I don't even know or like are you okay so I can just tell like I don't feel well at all I can't hear out of my ears which is making things really difficult so I'm gonna eat my lunch hopefully food will help me at least a little bit I'm gonna finish my frozen coffee that is not frozen anymore and I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed until the end of the day so this is my level of sickness right now I have resorted to clipping a little container of hand sanitizer onto my badge and lanyard because I am literally blowing my nose sneezing or coughing every five seconds and I have to sanitize my hands okay I'm gonna see if I can get through this without sneezing or coughing or blowing my nose it is for ten my kids obviously are all gone the afternoon was interesting my ears are so blocked that I literally can't hear my kids like they're talking to me and I'm just not not hearing it whatsoever but today is over I'm hoping that overnight I'm accualy get better because I cannot take a day tomorrow because I'm already having a sub in the afternoon because I have to go to a professional development on CDM which is collaborative decision making because I am my team's new like facilitator so I have to get trained so I have a sub tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna have to drive to the Board of Education which is in Annapolis I'm gonna end up being late because my sub isn't gonna come until 12:15 and I'm supposed to be there by 12:30 that's not gonna happen and then Wednesday after school I have more PD and I don't know you guys I just feel like I'm drowning right now like it really threw me off not having my planning time today and Wednesday during our collaborative planning we have someone else coming to meet with us and I don't know it's just rough like not having that time because I feel like this week I really really need it and I just feel like it's been an off date which is probably my fault because I wasn't as prepared as I should have been although I feel like I did the best that I possibly could right now with how I feel but I feel like all day I've just been off like during my block too I had a phone call from the office or like have you put in for your sub yet and I'm like no like I wanted to do that during my planning time but we are meeting with the math lady for our entire hour of planning so I don't know I'm getting out of here though that is what I do know I'm gonna get out of here because I need to go the post office before they close at 5:00 and as I learned last week it takes me over a half an hour to get there even though it's only five miles away and I feel like I need to just go home and like get in bed and stay there because I don't feel good and I don't need to be getting other people sick so I'm gonna go the post office go home get in bed and like get work done because I do have a lot to do I have to get sub plans ready for tomorrow so it's not like I can go home and do nothing but if I'm gonna do work I would rather do it at home [Music] together and tell me [Music] [Music] so this is happening you guys are gonna get like a mini grocery haul and yes I am sitting on my floor because I am way too tired right now to be standing up and doing this I'm just gonna show you the things that are like related to my life as a teacher cuz I don't think you guys really care about seeing all of my groceries first of all I got some good Kleenex tissues I got the Kleenex soothing lotion because the other tissues are tearing up my nose and it's like super super raw and uncomfortable so those were necessary and then tonight for dinner I think I'm gonna have ramen and I know someone's gonna comment they're gonna say ramen is horrible for you it's really high in sodium eh I don't care and B I actually need foods that are high in sodium it shows what you know because I have really low blood pressure and I get lightheaded like really really easily and I actually need sodium to help me maintain like my water and hold on my water so that probably didn't make sense to you but I swear my doctor has actually told me to eat more salt so that is gonna happen and actually you guys are probably gonna think I'm weird I really like to put apple cider vinegar in my ramen try it before you knock it I swear it's good I've been doing that for like years since I was in like middle school I've always done that so I'm gonna have chicken ramen and some apple cider vinegar and I'm pretty sure vinegars like good for you when you're sick it's good like Cleanse I don't know even if it's not I'm gonna have it anyway I did get this little bag of Skittles these are just like wild berry and tropical mix those are to hand out to my students because they're driving me nuts so I'm gonna bribe them with skittles I'm a horrible person you guys these I got to keep in my classroom because I've gotten these little pretzel things from home goods and I don't like them at all they're really spicy and I cannot do spicy food whatsoever like mild salsa is my limit and these are really hot so I'm gonna take those home give them to Billy and I got these instead these are just like Wheat Thins toasted chips the veggie flavor and then these are like white cheddar cheese it's but they call them cheese crackers cuz I got two off-brand because I'm cheap now for my lunches these are not usually the tunicates that I get although I have had them before I usually get the ones where you actually mix like the tuna and the Mayo and the relish but they were all out of those so I got these instead I think they were like a buck 50 I stocked up and got like six of them but it comes with six crackers so I have this usually and then I have some kind of like something salty either pretzels or I couldn't find pretzels so I ended up just getting this like smart food popcorn the white cheddar flavor and this has a 12 bag so that'll last me for a couple weeks and then I like to have something like sweet at the end so I really like these like sweet and salty granola bars and that's literally all I pack for my lunch that usually ends up being enough for me Luna don't even think about it between the tunic it like the popcorn or pretzels and then like a granola bar that's usually enough to hold me over and then for breakfast I have really no I don't eat hot dogs for breakfast I really like to have like Greek yogurt and I really like these flip ones just because it helps like with the texture I'm not a big fan of the texture of Greek yogurt so I like these because it has other like crunchy kind of chewy things in there so I have mint chocolate chip perfect peach cobbler which I had never seen this layer before notice it says new I'm gonna try that I think I got two of those and I also really like this flavor salted caramel crunch I'm gonna do a little mail haul for you guys I realized that I don't need to show myself like opening all of them and obviously that takes longer so I'm just gonna go through and like show you what was in each thing this first box this is actually to me from me I ordered this off of Amazon over the weekend so this is a wireless doorbell and this is one of those things that I've seen teachers have for like probably years like since I started teaching I've seen teachers have these and I put it off and I told myself I didn't need it and finally my team teacher got line I was like okay now I need one so so this is from Amazon I will link it for you of course in the description box it comes in white and I think it comes in like blue and maybe a couple other colors I personally went with black you guys know I just really like black cuz it's very crisp and clean looking so basically this part plugs in so you don't have to worry about batteries for the actual like doorbell and then the little remote I think you do have to have like batteries for maybe I don't know I don't know if you do I'll have to look yeah I think you do I think you need batteries for this part but basically I will be able to carry this around with me and I'll be able to ring the doorbell to get my students attention tell them like a warning for cleaning up I don't know I haven't decided exactly how it will be in my used in my room but I know that it will be used in my room so again I will lake it for you it wasn't very expensive at all so if you're looking for a way to like get your students attention or make transitions easier I would recommend trying this out this was the first package that I opened this is from Hannah in South Carolina and I thought this was so sweet but she like type the letter and put it on the little clipboard and first of all you guys yep black and gold polka dots I love it actually I have seen this at Target and I've almost bought it like at least 10 different times so I'm so excited and I need more clipboards because I have my one right now that I'm using for clipboard cuisine but ideally I'd like to have two different ones for that so I could have one for my back one one for my block two and then I need one to take with me to like meetings and this is perfect and that's actually what she mentioned in her letter but here she just talked about having like a really rough year her first year which I can totally attest to but how like she finally fell into the right place with like supportive Co teachers and TAS and mentors and all that and how it makes a world of difference and I can completely agree with that you definitely have to be surrounded with by like-minded people so super sweet and she also attached like a page about her two cats and then her and her brother and I just thought that this was super sweet so thank you and I'm so excited to use this oh and I love like the turquoise teal color that goes with it yay Thank You Hannah so this next package is from another Michelle in California and how sweet is this this is a bookmark of course black and white striped and it has a monogram to em I'm so excited she remembered that I've been using a tissue as my bookmark which actually is still happening I'm still using a tissue so I'm really really excited to have a bookmark that I can start using tonight because I am trying to read like every night before I go to bed and then she also got me these black and gold thank-you cards which I saw these and I almost got them so I'm really really excited that I have these now and I can use them to write thank-you notes to you guys yeah he's so excited Thank You Michelle and she talked about in her letter just how she was very unhappy she has taught first second fourth and third grade and she was very unhappy with where she was teaching but she changed district schools grade levels all that and now she's much happier and you guys like if you're not happy with where you are something is wrong like if you're miserable as a teacher I can guarantee you something is not right either you're not teaching the right grade level you don't have the right team teachers you don't have the right school you don't have the right districts something so if you are able to make a move if you're able to change grade or you're able to change schools or you're able to change districts do it because you need to worry about yourself and I guarantee you teaching us not the problem something else is the problem and like hearing other people tell me the exact same thing that they also were unhappy and they just couldn't figure out what it was and then they changed and they wit somewhere else and it solved all of their problems you guys if you're able to make a change do it I promise when you're in the right place you will know 100% so Michelle I'm so happy that you found like your teacher heaven is kind of what I've been calling it like that just right environment where you're right with the right team teachers and you have the right grade level and the right school in the right district like I'm so so happy for you because I feel the exact same way and thank you I can that way I'm gonna write you I think you know with these thank you notes thank you so much next package this is from Ashley in Minnesota and I am showing her last name because it's actually part of her Facebook group so Ashley talked about how she first found my video on teacher interviews and how that really helped her she didn't end up getting higher but she is subbing and she also said she believes everything happens for a reason and Ashley I'm so happy you said that trust me you subbing is going to help you so so much I recommend like when you're subbing go into the teachers rooms make notes of what you like what kinds of things do you want to bring to your own classroom and the time comes trust me you are gonna be so thankful that you subbed I honestly have never subbed but I can only imagine how much easier my life would have been as a first year teacher if I had subs so honestly it's going to serve you so so well be happy that you're getting this experience before you get into the classroom and I promise you the right school well come along so let me show you what Ashley got and then I'll come back to this paper um first of all Ashley I'm so sorry but unfortunately the mug which is beautiful it did break but it's okay you guys you always have to look on the positive so the handle broke off oh it's okay it's okay you guys here's what we're gonna do we're just going to use it as a cup either in my office my studio or my classroom probably my classroom because I really like this and I'm just gonna use it as a cup and I'm gonna turn broke and handle this the other way so it's all good but I love this look at you guys it has like the white and the gold stripes it's so so pretty she also got me these for my kitties which is perfect cuz actually I need wet food for this is great they say Thank You Luna was already like sniffing in the box so she could tell they were in there thank you and then look at this notebook you guys literally perfection black white and gold and it says girl boss like I am so excited about this book like oh that's just so perfect and then she sent me some makeup stuff which she talked in her letter she asked if I used eyelid primer which I have but I usually forget to put it on and I didn't realize how important it was so I'm really excited about this I'm gonna try this elf eyelid primer and actually the kind I had I didn't really like it I don't even know where I got it from but it was not working for me so I'm really excited to try this and she gave me directions on what to do thank you because goodness knows I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to makeup and she is a makeup artist so thank you so she also got me this is setting powder and so she told me to use this with the eyelid primer so I'm really excited to try that out and look so this is a mascara so this is a Marc Jacobs the lumen the luminizing is that how you would say volume yabba luminizing I don't know you guys I'm really tired and I'm sick so I'm sorry if I said it wrong but this is a mascara which I love trying different mascaras because I feel like every girl has to find the one that like works or them the best or the one that they like the most so I'm really excited to try this because honestly I've only ever tried like two different mascaras in my life so this is a wet and wild matte lipstick so I'm really excited I love this color like it's like a peachy pink kind of color so I'm really excited to try that oops and then also this this is like a duo one and so it has fig and then date on this side I love that they're like neutral but they also have like pink tones to them so I'm really excited to try those and then she included this sample pack of oh goodness you guys I'm probably gonna say wrong Road in rotten Roden wrote an infield sproutin infields I don't know I probably said it wrong I'm so sorry but she gave me a sample pack of this so it's a skincare and you guys I'll be honest I do not okay I'm sorry bye Kat do you guys see this I'm sorry are you hungry you have food no no come on come down Zoara come on go on all the way I don't trust you thank you sorry you guys so I'll be honest I don't do anything for my skin and you guys are probably gonna yell at me for that like don't even wash my face before I go to bed I know I'm horrible so I need to get into like caring for my skin better so I'm excited to try this and in her letter Ashley actually linked harp what was that Ashley linked her page on Facebook so I'm gonna go on and I'm going to try this and I'm going to join that group and she also has a Facebook page for like her makeup artist so that's really really cool Ashley I'm so jealous of you know because I don't know what I'm doing with makeup whatsoever so I cannot wait I'm gonna go on I will link these for you guys in the description box and thank you Ashley I cannot wait yeah my phone's blown up I cannot wait to try all of this stuff and you know what no one's gonna even know about the mug besides people who watch this like otherwise they're just gonna think it's a cup it's all good it's all good but thank you I'm so so excited do you guys see this um yeah it's as amazing as it looks hold on a second so this is from Stephanie in North Carolina and Stephanie is actually a grip coordinator at a sports agency which is really really cool I love seen like other people who come to my channel who aren't even teachers and like what they're able to take away I just think that's awesome so she told me she has access to like anything Mars so you guys hold on a second um yeah this holy guacamole I don't even know where to start okay first of all there are these goodness knows and they're like the little snack squares I've actually had these and they're so so good this is perfect I'm gonna take these to my classroom and these will be for me they're not for my students or for me for when I get hungry so yeah thank you I'm really excited about that y'all know I love my snacks there is this a mug so it has like M&Ms it's skittles I'm so excited this is actually perfect I need more like coffee mugs because I want to get into a habit believe it or not I wanted to get into a habit of drinking coffee in my classroom and not getting Dunkin Donuts every morning so I need to stock up on like mugs like this so I can have them at school drink take them home wash them and then bring them back so I'm really excited about this and it's like black oh look you guys know I love my black you guys do you see this like this is the heaviest box I think I've received thus far literally the person at the post office handed to me and I was like oh my goodness what is in here yeah candy that's what's in here which uh I have a really like bad weakness for candy I wish I didn't like candy but I did so it's okay I will just pace myself and I'm gonna give some to my students and oh my gosh okay so first of all orbit I love orbit gum it's by far my favorite gum so I'm so excited every single day I drink I drink them oh my gosh you guys I chew gum when I go to the gym and I also chew gum like after lunch cuz I hate like having bad breath from eating so I always chew gum so I'm so excited about that peanut M peanut M s oh my gosh peanut M&Ms are one of my favorite things so I'm really excited about that and peanut butter M&Ms by far my favorite like even more than peanut M&Ms so it's so excited and lifesaver gummies which I love oh my gosh you guys okay these I will give to Billy because Billy loves the crispy M&M he's not a huge candy person but he does love him some crispy M&M so you know what we're just gonna have to have a lot of like movie nights coming up so that we can eat all these oh and the pretzel ones I love the pretzel ones oh my gosh you guys okay when you see me gained like 50 pounds over the next few weeks yeah you'll know why you can blame Stephanie oh this is so awesome and Twix I loved I love all of this you guys Oh gummies and they're sour yes oh my gosh okay I've never had these but they look like malted milk balls am i right they look like malted milk balls and if they are I love multi Pro Falls oh my gosh and there's still like you guys okay so I think I can do and they're skittles wildberry my absolute favorite I think in said eye candy for like the next five years but this is actually great who knew Oh caramel yes I know it says sheer size but Billy doesn't like caramel so I'm gonna eat them all myself hi I'm so excited cuz this is great I'll be able to give them to my sis for these submit ones I'm sorry you guys I do not have a long attention span but oh and so excited okay before I ruined my dinner and eat all of this I'm gonna have to wait until Billy gets home but this is perfect I'm so excited because I love candy and Billy never wants to buy candy so we don't really have candy in the house but there's sometimes like especially when you're sick that you really just want to eat candy so thank you Stephanie I'm so excited I'm also mad at you because you're gonna make me like gain a bunch of weight but I'm excited oh my gosh and my students thank you and my team teachers thank you and like everyone else that I'm gonna end up sharing these with thank you so so much so now I will show you guys the letters I think I only had like four this time so this is from Frank from Canada and it just says hello Michelle I've recently discovered your YouTube channel you have given me so many amazing ideas on how to organize my classroom thank you very much and sending you two little post-it notes because as teachers we can never have enough of those and this is actually good because I don't have a lot of like the small post notes but there's a lot of times where you don't need like a full post I know it so I'm excited thank you and it says I'll keep on watching your videos in the future and I love first of all it's on like lime green paper and how sad is this you guys I can look at that and I literally know that that font is century gothic which I love because it's a very just clean a crisp spot so thank you Frank this next one is from page and page is a twelve year old in Missouri and this was so sweet like she just said she's a huge fan and she wants to be a teacher and girlfriend I'm loving your handwriting like for a 12 year old your handwriting is fantastic and it says her favorite year was fourth grade so she's excited that I am teaching fourth grade and she's still friends with like people in her class and she has said that I'm like inspirational and she can tell just from watching my videos how much I care about my students and like that I love hearing that like that other people can tell how much I love teaching and how much I love my students and want the best for them so that's just so sweet Thank You page and yes I will make sure that I write you back it will be actual like written letter rather than in the email I promise so I will write you back as soon as I possibly can I promise thank you so much for taking the time to send this to me so this next one is from Jenna and it actually said can you open this in a video and that is what inspired this mail haul so yes I am opening it in my video so it says dear Michelle I love your channel and all your videos I am gonna be a teacher when I grow up I want to teach per second or third grade don't count out fourth I promise fourth grade is an awesome grade I have an entire classroom set up in my basement including a desk spinny chair and easel my dad made for my birthday and crate seats that I made him last more that is awesome I'm so jealous I used to run school like on my front porch it was not nearly that fancy today was my first a fifth-grade I can't wait for tomorrow that's awesome I'm so excited that you are so excited for fifth grade it says can you please read this letter in one of your video so yes here I am reading it and it says you were so nice and cheerful all the time trust me it's not all the time but most of the time for the most part I love to watch your videos your classroom is always set up so organized and neat I love organizing you were so awesome Thank You Donna you were so awesome thank you for taking the time to send this to me so this next letter is from Tyrell and they actually asked me several questions I'm gonna go through these now I've already kind of read through them and a lot of them I mean I can't answer for everywhere cuz like it's different depending on where you are but I will do my best number one what should I expect for when I start student teaching personally where I was student teaching was meant to be co-teaching so you were actually teaching with your mentor teacher so you're supposed to be teaching together and a lot of times it's like a gradual release of responsibility so the first week you may just observe and then the second week you may take over teaching like one subject and then the next week you take over another subject and so on at least that's how it was for me number two how does student teaching work again it's totally different everywhere personally where I am I actually had two different placements so I started in a 5th grade class and then I ended in a first grade class and I spent about 2 months in each so I would say about 8 weeks but again it's totally different everywhere you are number 3 will I learn how to lesson plan yes you will learn a lot about that in college but you'll also learn a lot about it when you're student teaching because your mentor teacher will probably show you how they lesson plan and if you do any other like placements because personally I was in a classroom starting my freshman year of college claws when you actually get hired by your district or your school they will actually tell you how they expect you to lesson plan and you just figure it out as you go like you'll figure out what works best for you so don't even worry about that I promise like you will you will figure it out number 4 do I sit in a class to see how it feels yeah so my freshman year and again this is totally different depending on your college but my college your freshman year you actually take an education class and then you are placed in a class and you have I think it was 20 hours of observation where you literally just sit in there and you watch and you take notes and that really will give you good sense of like whether or not teaching is actually something you want to do and then your next placement you get to go in and you teach like one lesson and then after that you go in and you teach like one day a week and then you actually do your full show in teaching at least that's how it was for me how long is student teaching does it last for six weeks again totally depends on your school personally I had two different placements each one was for like seven or eight weeks so I actually did student teaching for a full semester so like from January 3rd roughly until May so it's a very long student teaching number six when do you graduate um it's honestly kind of up to you it's when you finish your credit so personally I was able to graduate in three years most people it would take them four even five years number seven how would you greet your students on the first day of school I personally although it depends on what grade level but with fourth grade we actually stand by the door every single day so not only in the first day of school but every single day when they are walking to their lockers we are all standing by our doors we greet them good morning as they come in the room we greet them good morning and I just kind of keep an eye on them while they're working on their morning work number eight how would I handle meet the teacher night do I give them information then or wait I like to give them some information I personally like to get them like my classroom handbook that gives them my expectations a little bit about how homework will work a little bit about classroom rules and just stuff like that but I don't like to overwhelm them so I like to give them a little bit of information and meet the teacher night I obviously give them a letter about myself and my classroom Handbook and that's usually it the rest of it I save either for like open house which is like back-to-school night or just the first week of school to like send home to their parents number nine do I create rules yes and no it's totally up to your school your school may actually have like certain rules in place that you have to have or you may get to create your own personally I recommend checking out whole-brain teaching they have a set of like five rules that honestly just work really well with me and how I want my classroom runs so look into whole-brain teaching I recommend if you do have classroom rules I recommend you do not have more than five because it gets to be too many for your students to remember I also recommend telling your students what to do rather than what not to do so your rule for example could be be responsible rather than don't be your responsible or don't forget your things or don't be disrespectful like tell them what you want them to do rather than telling them what not to do because think about like if you walk by a yard of grass and you see a sign that says don't walk on the grass what's the first thing you want to do you want to go walk on the grass so instead tell your students what you want them to do like walk on the sidewalk not that that's gonna be a class rule I'm just talking bout that grass field in the side tell them what you want them to do rather than what you don't want them to do number ten how would you record your students grade so every district that I have been in they have an electronic grade book that you have to use whether or not you keep your own like paper grade book is totally up to you personally I don't just because it's a waste of time to me like I've never had anything go wrong with my electronic grade book so I haven't needed a paper grade book I know some teachers are old school and they have both totally up to you personally if something ever does go wrong with my electronic grade book I probably will start keeping a paper grade book but that hasn't happened personally I just don't really feel the need to have both so I just have an electronic grade book and that's or a system that my County actually uses how do I organize things you have to figure out what works for you you guys see how I organize stuff but it's not the only way to do it so I recommend your first year just being open to change and being open to trying different things and you'll figure out like what works for you and what doesn't if it works keep it if it doesn't get rid of it number 12 will I ever have behavior issues yes guarantee you 100% you will it's you know it's just part of teaching you will have behavior issues and you just have to figure out how to handle them and honestly you have to get to know your students because when you know your students you'll know how to handle them because even if the same incident happened with two different students I'm a handle it two completely different ways just depending on the student so get to know your students build relationships with them and it will make your behavior issues of that much easier and last but not least number thirteen how much time will I have to put things up in my classroom totally depends most the time I'd say you have like one or two days to work in your classroom but you're usually not given a ton of time you usually have to put in a lot of time like in your own personal time but it's okay for your classroom not to be 100% at the beginning of the school year so you will make your classroom better as the year goes on and that's okay get the major things that have to be done done during that time and whatever doesn't get done it's okay like your tongue as a teacher is never done and you'll always be able to put more time in later and get it done as you go good morning YouTube so I had planned on telling you guys that I felt better because last night after I ran all of my errands and I was home and I ate dinner like I actually started to feel better but then I woke up this morning and now it's just different like my throat hurts and my voice is kind of raspy again but my nose is better so that's good unless it's a cycle because it started with my throat hurting so I'm hoping like maybe I'm at the tail end of this but overall I do feel better than yesterday I knew still have one hair but I did my makeup at least I spent three minutes doing my makeup so it's not like great but it is better than it has been and hopefully now my kids will not insult me and I had people comment in my last video and they're like your kids aren't insulting you guys I know my kids are not insulting me I'm being sarcastic I need to be fast because I need to get to school and get stuff done because don't judge me when I went to bed last night like I had my sub plans ready but I went into bed and I said I have no idea what I'm doing in block one did morrow and usually like I would just teach the next lesson and I do have that prepared but yesterday's lesson was like we're working on the standard where students have to realize that the next place value over is ten times greater and they just did not get it like I mean they kind of got it but they weren't making like the application connection so we need to go over that again today as I was laying in bed I couldn't fall asleep until I at least figured out a little bit of what I was going to do so I at least have an idea during this morning time I do have team planning but during my actual planning time I'm gonna go like rapid fire and try to have everything ready but I'm gonna go grab some coffee because it's already like 7:30 for and I need to get on the road [Music] good morning can I get a medium iced pumpkin latte please yes that'll be it thank you hallelujah I did manage to have everything ready for the afternoon and my block on math during my playing time with about 10 minutes to spare so I'm gonna show you guys my sub plans for this afternoon I started to make my sub binder last night because even though I haven't like from second grade a lot of the procedures and stuff are different and obviously I've changed the rosters and the seating chart and all that but I did not finish it last night however it's okay because my sub is actually going to be my TA so she doesn't need to have like super in-depth like information about the procedures because she already knows most of that so all I'm leaving are the actual sub plans if you were interested in this template it is editable it's in my TPT store I will link it for you in the description box I have it available with like different clipart and different size boxes and actually some of the boxes you can actually change the size of so these are my sub plans for this afternoon and I just have like getting ready for lunch with you know very detailed information I'm very detail-oriented so I like to give more information rather than less lunch recess they're gonna be finishing block one science but I will have already given them the direction so it just tells them like what to do at the end all the directions for block one math wit they're actually doing these little task cards that are around the room these are from mister elementary math I can link them for you there's like 30 of them so they're just all around the room kind of taped up and these are supposed to be like I guess flipped together like on a ring like you're supposed to assemble them on a ring and then students flip through them but I'm just using them as toss cards because these were like the best ones that I could find last night that went over factors and multiples so then under my sub plans the first thing I have is the answer sheet for that then they're just gonna play games at the end which my students already know how to get for block ones science they are going to present these posters that they made last week about carnivorous plants and then they're going to do this article and answering the questions like unfortunately sub plans are just boring uh-huh but I'm using these with my block one first so that's why they're here once I'm done handing them out to block one I will take the rest of the papers and put it underneath I always like to put my papers for the substitute like in a pile in the order that they're going to use them then I have information about deer time and dismissal so my sub plans are actually only three pages which is pretty like short for me at least but those are all ready to go I don't have the actual binder but that's okay I don't think she really needs it and good news is I had a student bring me a cupcake today how sweet is that and he said it's filled with something and so I'm like I cannot wait to eat this this will be my reward for making it through the morning before I have to leave for PD oh and I also had students bring oh and I also had a student bring me candy corn which I really appreciate because I love my candy corn and then these are the skittles that I got at the store last night and I'm gonna leave them for my TA and tell her to use them as bribery and then I just wanted to show you what I'm doing with my black one so we're working on the standard for MBT dot one basically it's students understanding that as a number moves to the left in place value it's ten times the value and I did the lesson that went with my curriculum yesterday and my kids were just so lost like it counted on them having a lot of background knowledge and they just don't like they were so lost so today I'm literally just kind of doing my own thing I put together my own little lesson because the curriculum just did not help them so you got to do what's best for your students so this is just a basic place value chart up to the millions that I found on TPT and I did not have enough like dry erase leave so I just put them in page protectors and here's my little PowerPoint it's the same kind of setup that I have every day and I actually have the same essential question as yesterday for their warmup I'm just having them get out dry race sports that they're ready to go I'm not even going to worry about an actual warmup we will read our ICANN's statement and then I'm starting like simple like what digit is in the ones place what digit is in the tens place what's in the hundreds what's in the thousands and then the next one just a new number but this time I kind of mixed it up in the order so tens thousands ones hundreds then going over what is the value of the digit so like a four in the tens place what is that worth it would be worth forty a one in the thousands what is that worth it's worth 1,000 so we'll do a little bit of practice with that and then they're going to have these place value chart sout and let me show you I have my group baskets all ready to go their place value charts are in here and then I just have like a mix of place value blocks in each one which actually it's really annoying because they keep falling out the holes but that's okay they are ready to go and my students are just going to work with a partner and like we're going to start basic they're gonna take the number one and then they're gonna show me ten and show me what block they can trade that for same thing they're gonna show me ten tens and they're gonna show me 100 and we're just gonna go through it like that kind of do a little bit practice and then we're going to watch a video so I have this on safe share and it's actually linked right here but I'll just show you on my symbaloo so this was on YouTube it's called hiking the place value chart and it's about eight minutes long we're not gonna watch the whole thing we're gonna watch about six minutes of it because then it starts to go into like dividing by ten and I don't even want to confuse him with that but she does a really really good job this is like the actual video title if you want to like copy that but this video did a really really good job of explaining it so we're gonna watch the video I'm gonna pause it along the way we're gonna do a little bit more work on our place value chart and then this is actually part of our curriculum we're gonna do this little check for understanding how does the value of the digit in the tens place change when the number 53 is shifted to the left so hopefully after today's lesson they will get it just a little bit better also I wanted to show you my doorbell is all set up so I just plugged it in here and then I had the little remote and then just to show you for right now I just picked a really simple like charm but there's actually a button on here and you can pick from tons of different like songs and little charms I may end up changing it for right now that's just what I'm using but I cannot wait to actually use it with my students today it is 12:05 as you can tell I'm in my car but came in to cover my class for the afternoon so I'm not headed I'm out of browser I'm not headed to CDM training collaborative decision making it for the afternoon it's from like 12:30 to 3:30 and I need to hurry up because in order to get to Annapolis that's gonna take at least 20 minutes and I may end up being late my CDM facilitator training is done and actually finished about 20 minutes early which I'm not complaining about whatsoever so it's currently 3:10 I have two options number one I could go back to school option number two I could go to the dollar trees here in Annapolis since I'm already over this way you guys can probably already guess what I'm gonna choose I'm gonna go to the Dollar Tree since I'm already over here I could go back to school laughter I don't know if I will from being honest like last night was really stressful getting home and like having to prep everything for the sub and all that bad thing is so I would love to have like a night kind of relax a little bit but at the same time tomorrow I'm gonna have to leave right from school and go to this other like seminar training something I don't know some kind of PD from like 4:45 to 6:45 so like I can't really stay after school tomorrow I could say after on Thursday and I don't really like to say after - too late on Friday so I don't know I don't think I'm gonna go to school I do need to do grading I'm really behind on grading but all of that is at school so I think tomorrow when I leave I'll just like take that with me and then when I get home tomorrow night after like the training or PD or whatever it is I don't know I have to go somewhere I don't really know what I'm doing oh then I will have like a grading party at home but it's okay like it will get there for now I'm just gonna go to Dollar Tree and fingers crossed that they have those sandwich containers and $2.00 trees later we still have no sandwich containers so here's what I'm gonna do you guys from what I know about Dollar Tree usually that means they're not gonna get any more in stock at least for a while like several weeks even several months so I'm probably not gonna find them around me if you find them around you please let me know either send me an email send me a message on Instagram leave a comment on this video I will reimburse you for the cost of the sandwich container and the cost to ship it to me plus I will give you like free stuff from my store like really whatever it is that you want just let me know but I will pay you back for the container and the shipping cause and I will give you like something else because I'm that desperate ideally I need four more like four more is the minimum but I would really like to get like five or six more because I do have an incomplete set of fraction blocks and I would like to have an extra just in case like one breaks or something so if you find them around you let me know because I'm pretty desperate for them at this point so for those of you who watched my vlogs over the summer you know of how my bed vlogs which is basically where I just flog in bed I'm in bed and it's 10:20 which you guys know that is super early for me and I'm really really proud of myself I can't even lie but as I was getting my lesson planning done tonight I realized I wanted to kind of talk to you guys about my lesson today because I talked you about how I was doing a lesson just like completely separate from the curriculum which were supposed to follow the curriculum but we're also told to do what's best for our kids and I did the curriculum lesson yesterday and it just failed like my kids were laws they were not getting it whatsoever so I said okay I'm gonna step away and I'm gonna do my thing I'm gonna teach the way that I like to teach I'm going to introduce the topic the way I like to introduce it and I showed you a little bit of like how I was doing that this morning you guys with my block one I think that has been my best lesson so far like all of my students were engaged because I'm very high-energy I like to like go really really quickly and it works for me like I know some of you it may not work or may not work with your students but for me like being high-energy and going quickly works and really breaking down the topic and just building each part from the next part like worked so so well I was so stinking happy literally sorry a little bit more I was earlier it always happens at night literally when my students did their exit ticket I think I had one out of the entire class who like needed help the rest of them did it entirely on their own some of them I just had to say like will clarify your explanation for this but they took it back they did it I was so sick and proud of them and just thinking about it like I'm so happy I'm just I feel good like I feel like you need those lessons every once in a while because sometimes your teaching can become like stale where you're doing the same routine every single day and it just it gets stale and you have to kind of change it up and yesterday getting to completely create my own lesson and then seeing it yesterday that was today seeing it actually work and like make my students be successful is the best feeling in the entire world now that being said tonight when I was lesson planning I was looking at tomorrow's lesson for my block one and I could just tell the way the curriculum had it I was like it's not gonna go well they're not gonna get it because I feel like our curriculum expects them to have a lot of background knowledge that they just don't have so I took the curriculum and just kind of modified it and did my own thing I put in some clickers questions which I will show you guys a little bit more about clickers tomorrow I have talked about it in the past but it's been a really long time I think since I've talked about it so I will go over it again because if you have never used clickers it is a life changer yeah feel good I miss my black t students because I didn't get to see them today and I'm excited to get back in there with them tomorrow I'm excited to teach another lesson with my black one because now that I'm I guess just get a better grasp on like fourth grade and what they know and where they need to be and all that like information I feel like I can adapt my lessons just to be that much better and seeing today's lesson like I'm just excited like I love that I love that feeling I've seen the kids get it seen the kids have fun seeing the kids who never participate actually participate and be excited to participate it's just the best feeling but on then don't like I said I need to get to bed because I'm proud of myself for getting in bed early but I need to actually fall asleep early so I'm going to read my book try to fall asleep and then I will catch up with you guys in the morning good morning YouTube so I realized this I was getting ready this morning and I already knew this but I realized it even more so that this is the week of meetings Monday during Michael anytime some lady came to talk to us about math yesterday I had to meet with my team teachers in the morning and then I had to go to PD in the afternoon today I have a faculty meeting and then a mathlete he's coming to talk to us again to him I feel anytime and I have an after-school PD tomorrow I have a 504 meeting and I meet with my team teacher after school to plan out next week and then I'm supposed to have PD this Saturday it was something I signed up for its optional like I don't have to go I do get paid if I go which is always nice but the same time I'm starting to think about it I'm like I really don't want to give up my Saturday like working six days in a row and only having one day off just does not sound desirable to me so we'll see how I feel like later in the week on Friday if I'm actually going to go I know I should be a good person and I should go but at the same time I really don't want to give up my Saturday stop being sad because I have a faculty meeting I need to make sure I get to school because I do need to print out a couple of quick cup is good morning can I get a medium iced coffee with the maple pecan flavor and cream please yeah yep that's it thank you it is lunchtime and I was gonna sit down and say I feel very overwhelmed but I feel actually better right now I will tell you why in a second however the morning was just hectic the faculty meeting we were talking about pontus and pinnell bass and just like expectations for the assessments and all that and then during my planning time we had to meet with a lady from the board who is in charge of the Alps which is the advanced learner program so is a lot about how to fit in like the Umbridge meant activities for the above level learners which is good and I really needed that information but at the same time that took all of my planning time and for cultural arts today I actually have media but they had to have it in our classrooms because they're setting up for the Book Fair she was five minutes late getting to my class and then I came back five minutes early and I was gonna like get myself together for those five minutes but I came back in and she just like left so I really missed ten minutes of my playing time plus I was in a meeting for the entire thing and then I left the meeting just feeling even more overwhelmed because I have so much that I have to do for my block too and like trying to fit it all in and like not having my play any time it's just a lot however when I was walking back from the cafeteria just now to come back to my room admin was in the hallway and they said they're actually gonna cover our recess duty for today to give us some of our time back which I so appreciate just having admin that is supportive and like they realize that we're overwhelmed so they're like okay what can we do to help you and they just like volunteer to cover recess that we can get more stuff done so I really really appreciate that plus during the planning time today when we had that math meeting our assistant principal was in there and she was like okay what copies can I make for you like what can I do to help like because we missed our planning time today what can I do to help you and it's just like really really nice to have that support so I'm extremely grateful right now I'm gonna hurry up eat my lunch and then hopefully get some planning stuff done for my afternoon class while my students are at recess so it is the week of meetings but it's also the week of treats which I'm super fortunate for one of my students probably in this pack of gum today it's extra peppermint and I told him he was extra special and then one of my students in my black one right before lunch gave me this Ghirardelli chocolate I told you guys that I was gonna talk to you a little bit about liquors if you've never used this before I highly suggest you check it out the website is just plickers calm and I'll link it for you guys in the description box you're able to make a free account and once you have your account you can make classes so I actually have a separate class one for black one one for pot 2 and you can pick a color so this is where it comes in handy my black one is always pink but two is always blue so I have all of my students imported in there and when I import them in there it assigns them a number so their number corresponds to their card so I just put my students in alphabetically and then their card is assigned based on that so my first student alphabetically is one my last student alphabetically is whatever the last number is for that class so they each get a card now these are just found on the website so up here it says card click on it and you can just download them here so I just use the standard where it's 40 cards 2 per sheet so they're like half size you can just print these off for free you actually can get a mat laminated set off of Amazon I'll link those for you guys in the description as well here's what I do I literally print them out on printer paper cut them in half I give them each their plickers card and I actually have them glue it in their agenda that way they always have it with them and when I tell them to take out their plickers card they're ready to go but each one is different so it's like a QR code each one is different and you'll notice around the edges there are letters so a B C and D so when they are answering a multiple-choice question they hold it up which ever letter they want to answer they hold that one up so for example if they want to answer a they would hold it this way if they want to answer B they hold it this way if they want to answer C they hold it this way and if they want to answer D they hold it this way the great thing is because those letters are so small they can't really see how other students are answering so you really get their true answer not influenced by their peers and here's what the questions look like so let me go to library this is where you house your questions so I mostly just use plickers for math so here I have unit 2 open it up and that I have lesson 2 so these are all questions that I created based on the lesson they're just multiple choice questions you also can do true/false questions once you put them all in there which is super easy I'll show you like new question you literally type it in here put in your answer choices and then click which one is correct once you have those you add them to your queue so you click this little calendar and you would click Add to queue and then I could choose which class when I cue them over here like if I cube block one you'll see the question pop up over here in block one this is one we didn't get to today so they all pop up over here and then when you're actually ready to do it with your class you would do live view and it's gonna look like this until you use the app so let me show you guys so the app is free it's just called plickers you click on it and it's gonna open up and you're able to choose your block so like I could choose block 1 block 2 I'll just go to block 1 and it has those two questions that were in my queue on my library so if I go here those are the exact same questions but if I go on live view when I click on it here the question pops up on here and it's also going to pop up on my screen so over here is the question now on the right side it actually has all of my student name so I'm not going to show that but the students can see the question up on the board they will answer by holding up their cart and then I'm gonna click scan and I would literally just scan the room and it picks up on the cards super super quickly so like if I have this one here and I scan it and it scans these really really fast you guys like literally within a half a second it will scan it so all I have to do is take my phone and I just quickly scan around the room and it will pick up on everyone's as long as they hold it the right way like they can't tilt it and I can't hold it diagonal but as long as they hold it the right way it will pick up on it so this is a really quick and easy way to assess your students and the great thing is the students won't be able to see who's right or wrong like you have the graph over here so it will show you how many students answered each one but it won't show you like who was right or wrong and then you can actually reveal the answer and it will show you which one is right and that bar would light up green so this is a really easy way to assess your students and then I'm not gonna show cuz it has student names but you will actually have data and it will show you who got each question right who got each question wrong and then you can actually access the data here when you go into reports up at the top I'm not gonna do it only because there's Student Information but you can actually get a report of who got which questions wrong sorry my phone ringing but you guys get the point if you need more information just like leave a comment and I'll try my best to answer you and I will have the website linked in the dish and like I said it's free to sign up you can print these cards for free and it's a really easy way to a assess your students and get data and be it's engaging for your students like I asked my students afterwards who enjoyed it and every single one of them said they loved it good news it is the end of the day bad news I have to leave right away to go to a training I don't even know what it's on I think it's on like formal observations and like what to expect and info on that I don't really remember because I signed up a while ago so I talked to a two other like new new teachers that are at my building and they're also going so we're gonna leave and go over there together and we decided to go right after school but I am gonna bring stuff too great so hopefully while I'm gone I will be able to get some grading done and catch my breath because I feel like I haven't been able to catch my breath today I am officially free for the day I am done with my obligations I still have work to do but I'm done and I feel like I can finally catch my breath now so this session was useful because it went over formal observations and like the formal lesson plans that you have to write for that which in my evil district all of my observations were surprised so we didn't have to write formal like lesson plans and show them because we never knew when they were coming and our admin obviously never asked to even look at our lesson plans so that will be something different for me like having to write a formal lesson plan but honestly I'm excited to be able to do that because I feel like you get to show off like if you know your observations coming I'm gonna make sure that that is the best lesson that I've ever taught and I like getting to prepare for that and like getting to show my admin like hey this is what I'm actually capable of rather than them just walking through just random times of the day and they see like a little chunk of your lesson and you want to tell them like I promise it was better than this like before you came in and after you leave the room like it's better I feel like they always end up seen the worst times of it so it will be nice to actually have them in there like for a full lesson that I've planned and I'm able to like collaborate and get feedback from them and all that so I am excited however I was not excited that our session brand overt we supposed to end at 6:30 and I didn't get to walk out until 6:30 8:00 not that that's a huge deal but at the same time like that's a huge deal because that's eight minutes and I could have spent lesson planning or grading papers or whatever but okay I am now at my car and actually right before I got my car I was actually talking to a lady who follows my vlogs and I will never ever ever get tired of people like coming up to me and saying like oh I know who you are oh I watch your vlogs like that is so cool to me and I never thought that it would get to that point I never expected it to get big enough that people would actually know who I am but it's really cool at the same time like it's really cool talking to people who have followed my vlogs and like you know they feel like they know me and they do it's also kind of hard cuz I don't know them but it's just awesome I love like getting to meet people and just all the connections that I've made through my blog so I'm in a really good mood now I guess I'm gonna drive home Billy will probably be getting home like a little after 7:00 but I'm thinking him and I are probably gonna meet somewhere for dinner because we did cook last night we made hotdogs if that Guardian cheese but I don't think we're gonna cook tonight because like I've had training I don't feel like cooking and if Billy doesn't feel like cooking I think we're gonna grab something out so maybe I will go kill time at like t.j.maxx until he calls me in five Austin who's maroon 5 [Applause] good morning YouTube but so I actually woke up early this morning I got a bit 6 which is a good like hour earlier than I having to meet up lately I actually did my hair I got dressed in a dress I got this off of Amazon because I have a 504 meeting the smart in it I always think it's important to look very professional during meetings so I tried to put in a little bit of extra effort this morning I did spend some time last night talking on the phone to one I did spend some time talking on the phone last night to one of my former students I taught her two years ago which is weird to me hate to even say that that she's in fourth grade now but I have kept just like in contact with her and her grandmother she was like one of those students I just really really bonded with and I love her like to dad I miss her so so much you know like last year I still got to see her she'd come visit me in the mornings but now I don't get to see her but I talked to her on the phone I'm gonna make plans like go down there and see her again in like January but I love that I love building relationships with my students and like I always tell them you know you're my student now but you will be my student forever like I love keep you in contact with my students I love building those relationships and like I actually gave her my address she's gonna like write to me so we can be pen pals and I I think that's the best part of teaching now Emma leaving earlier than normal I've been leaving around 7:30 7:35 and it's actually about 7:10 right now so I'm leaving 20-25 minutes early because I need to get to school and I need to finish up my little like data page for the 504 meeting this morning not that I have a lot of data but I need to be able to put in like current grades and I cannot access my gradebook at home I don't know what it is but like it will not let me access it so I have to get to school to be able to do that and I have to print it out I also have to make just a couple of copies that I need for today I'm gonna go to Duncan and I'm not gonna get an iced coffee don't yell at me I'm actually gonna get a frozen hot chocolate eh my throat is still hurting be my team teacher who also teaches math science and social studies she got the same sickness and I have and she's miserable right now and I know exactly how she feels because that was me like over the weekend and on Monday so I offered to get her like a frozen coffee but she doesn't drink coffee so I'm gonna get her a frozen hot chocolate and I decided just to make it easy and get myself one too because I've never tried it and I don't see how it could be bad but I'm interested to see how it is hi good morning can I just have one second please um I see you have the hot chocolates do you have the frozen hot chocolates okay can I get two medium frozen hot chocolates please Danielle that'll be at 8:46 thank you all right the 504 meeting is done it is 841 so I have about 15 minutes until the kids come I always get nervous for meetings like 504 meetings IEP meetings anything like that I don't know why because I always leave and like I always feel good I enjoy like the conversation having like admin there and parents there and just you know I want what's best for all of my students so any kind of meeting that I have to go to to make sure that they are gonna be successful I absolutely love but I get nervous and I don't know I get nervous but I feel fine now I'm going to try to get my life together within the next 15 minutes because let me show you guys my desk I literally just have papers like everywhere this is stuff that was in my mailbox yesterday afternoon these are copies for today and I need to cut like these ones in half and get them binder clipped this is a plickers card for a student who wasn't here I don't even know what this is I think this is from the Alps meeting that I went to yesterday so like the advanced learner stuff and then this is just a hot mess like I cannot function with my desk is like this it is lunchtime the morning has actually gone really really well on Thursdays we do not have our cultural arts time which is usually from 935 to 1035 so usually we switch four blocks right away but we've actually talked about keeping our homeroom classes on Thursdays until 10:35 because our students have chorus during that time so we're usually missing a lot of students and it's really hard to like carry on with instruction during that time anyway so today we had to keep our homeroom class because we actually had Book Fair browsing but I think we're gonna continue doing that in the future but the morning went well we had to elect our SGA representative for our class and then I picked the other one so we did that boat and then we had Book Fair browsing for 20 minutes so our students go they look around the Book Fair find books that they like write them down and then they'll actually get to buy them next week during media time if they bring money and when we came back we went ahead and switched for block one and my block one has actually gone really well math was short today we only had for like I don't know half an hour 45 minutes something like that I think it was 45 minutes and then we had Chromebook time so I'm gonna show you guys what I did with my class for Chromebook time I did something called Kahoot which I've showed you guys before but I'm gonna show it to you guys again just in case if you have never used Kahoot I highly recommend you try it out you do need some kind of electronic device whether it's computers tablets you can even have kids use their phones if you teach like a higher grade like middle school or high school but it's a really interactive way for students to practice like answering questions you can use it for assessment so we did a Kahoot and then we started science which you guys can probably see there we're looking at like animal skeletons and they have to make inferences of what they think the animal is but let me show you guys Kahoot so again I save all of my websites on the website symbaloo so I have it right here you can just google Kahoot it spelled where is it there you go okay aah oot is or Kahoot just google it and you will find this website so you can make a free account and the great thing about this you can actually create cahoots now these ones I'm gonna show you I actually didn't make these I took them from other people but you can create your own Kahoot you would just come down here it says new Kahoot and then you can create a quiz jumble which I've actually never done before discussion or survey I just create quizzes and then you're able to input this is like the title the description and you can input like multiple-choice questions now the great thing about the hoop is you can actually go up here and go to find kahoots and there are thousands of quizzes that other teachers have already made so for example we are working on plant structures so I just type in plant structures hit enter oh it would help if I spelled it right so then when I search plant structures I have all of these quizzes and I can just quickly look through them and find one that works for me now let's say I look through this this is obviously not the right thing is this is cellular structures but if I look through and I like it I can just save it so I can go up here I can hit favorite and that would save it or if I like some of the questions but some of them are like too high of a level I can go to duplicate and I'll just show you guys it's gonna save it under my Kahuna's so down here you'll see it says duplicate and then can go in and edit you can change any of the questions you can delete questions if you don't like them you can change the time limits for them all of that so I actually did that with these quizzes let me get rid of this one okay both of these were quizzes that I found other people had already created them but like this plan structure one the first like six questions were good and then the ones after that were just too high of a level it was beyond what we were working with so I went in out of it deleted those questions and then kept the rest of them and then this one the five themes of geography some of the questions were out like location and it had the name of a different school so I went in and changed it to the name of my school just to make it that much more interactive with my students so you go to play and you select which mode which most the time we use classic but sometimes they can use like team or shared devices so my students had Chromebooks so I go to class it and then you'll see this game pin pop up and ignore the music let me just turn that down hold on okay so it gives you this game pin so it's a six digit number your students go to the website Kahoot dot it so on whatever device or if they're using like a tablet there's actually an app for it they go in they type in the game pin they put in their name and then they are in the game and the questions will pop up on there well the questions will pop up on this screen but they answer on their computer they'll see the four insert races they just click the one that they want and it keeps track of like their points so when they get questions right they earn points the faster they answer them they earn more points it keeps track of it it shows you like a scoreboard it's so fun and interactive like my kids when I told them we were playing Kahoot like they were cheering because they loved it that much so I recommend you check this out I have played before with like groups where each student just has or sorry each team has one iPad and they just pass it around the group and each student gets a chance to answer a question thankfully we do have a Chromebook cart and we get Chromebooks enough for each student to have one once a week so I definitely want to start working more of these in there because it's just a really fun and interactive way for students to practice skills and like I said you can create your own quiz so even if you cannot find any even though there's like thousands of them on here if you can't find any that are what you need you can actually create your own and have it within minutes so I will put the link for Kahoot in the description box like I said it is free to make an account obviously it is after school it is already like 5:45 right after school my team teacher and I met because our planning time was taken this week we didn't have a chance to collaboratively plan we had to go over math science and social studies for next week which I feel good about like we we spent about an hour hour and 20 minutes I think planning together and I feel good about like what I'm doing next week but the problem is we are gonna be so crammed trying to fit in all of this content and all of the curriculum before the assessment and that's why I hate assessments I hate putting like a timeline on their learning I just think it's stupid if we're being honest like we are introducing them to new concepts and we're spending like one or two days on them and then we have to move on in order to fit it all in like this first test has prime and composite numbers it has rounding it has long division it has like place value stuff it's oh hi and it's just like I'm stressed for my kids like I already feel bad for them because we're gonna have to be really pushing the pace and like I just don't feel right doing that when I know that my kids are not getting it in that short amount of time and after her and I met I came back and I had to answer a parent emails which I don't mind doing it just takes a while like I can't send a short little email like if someone emails me I end up sending them like several paragraphs back just because I like to be thorough I like to like fully explain everything and just give them all the information they need but it's very time-consuming like I just spent a good half an hour answering like two emails but I am staying after today and I'm excited about that because all week I've had to like rush out of here at the end of the day and I don't like that I honestly like saying after school I like getting my life together and just getting all my stuff organized and I don't like to feel like I'm in a rush and all week I have felt like I'm in a rush so I'm actually enjoying like getting to just sit here and actually catch my breath and I need to clean up my desk I need to clean up those ridiculous piles of papers like do you see that I have so much grading to do it's not even funny and this whole area hold on this whole area by the table let me like walk all the way around here is a hot mess like I just have stuff stacked on top of each other I've had to push this table up against my air vent because I literally don't have room like do you see how close that desk is to it so if I pull it out I can't like get behind it because there's so much going on so I want to clean this area out and get all that stuff like put away that way I can pull my table out but it's just so like tight trying to fit all of these desks in here [Music] so this is the after shot I cleaned up that whole area I feel so much better right now so I had these little containers with some of the extra like fraction towers and there's also little like fraction strips and stuff like that for right now I've just put them over here I don't ideally want to keep them there but once I end up getting enough sandwich containers to package all of them and I get them all put away I will like condense these containers and probably put them somewhere like over on top of that cabinet so I don't have to look at them anymore this is also totally delayed but I did get another Apple today like I've literally gotten more apples in the past two weeks and I've gotten my entire teaching career well that's really awkward the person in front of you stirred their brake lights on so now my face is all red we're gonna attempt to film this in a dark hard hopefully this like red tint goes away very soon I am in the parking lot of Target it's about 7:30 I left school around 7:20 I had to drive over here cuz I have to get buns and tartar sauce because Billy and I are gonna have fish sandwiches for dinner and I would really appreciate it that person would leave thank you oh right now so at school you guys saw I cleaned out that little area kind of on like the front side of my desk between that in my small group table you guys I got rid of there's so much stuff that I made from second grade and it's kind of bittersweet because I feel like in doing that I was letting go of like me as a second grade teacher and I know that sounds cheesy but it's also me like accepting that I'm fourth grade and that I love fourth grade so much more than second grade and you know I it's still hard for me to say that because second grade was my love and I thought that that's what I was gonna do for so long of course now someone's pulling in in front of me hold on you guys but I do I love fourth grade so much more now obviously I could change grade levels at any moment like admin could just move me I don't think that's gonna happen fingers crossed but technically it could however all those like centers that I had laminated and made and all these different activities I don't need that even if I went to 2nd grade where I am now because this county has a curriculum that you follow all that stuff that I had made because we didn't have a curriculum where I was before I just wouldn't really need now so I decided to get rid of it I know I could have given it to other teachers in my school but again they're all teaching the county curriculum so they don't really need it I did hold on to some stuff that they could use for like early finishers or stuff and I'm gonna offer it to them I know I probably could have given it to some of you guys like I'm gonna have people saying why did you throw it away like you could have given it to me but you guys like there's such random things that like if I did send them send them to someone it would take me hours to like explain what every little thing is for and how I used it and all that so I'm sorry I threw it away and it was very nostalgic for me it's like you know how people will like burn stuff like if they have a really hard college class at the end they like burned all their notebooks or whatever it was kind of like that but in a very just bittersweet way of like letting go a second grade so I just want to update you guys and let you know that I did that and really quick story so something hilarious happen this morning every morning we have students on the announcements so right now I'm like my class is cycling through and I had this girl that was Auto I love her to death he's my homeroom class and she had told me that she was gonna do our class like symbol I don't even know how this started but somehow like my classes decided that our class like secret symbol and I can't do it cuz I'm holding my camera but like you put your two hands together like interlock your fingers and then you like wave your hearts and I jokingly told her to do it on the announcements and she was like okay I will and I was thinking there's no way she's gonna do it now the announcements are like broadcast throughout the entire school like over video on our projectors she did it she got on the unit said she liked it a little wavy thing with their arms so cute I seriously could not stop laughing so on that no I'm really hungry and I need to get home I'm gonna I'm gonna run into Target and I'm gonna go get some buns and some tartar sauce and get home good morning YouTube so I am wearing a vest and I'm wearing boots in hopes that it's getting colder today it's like the coldest day it's been a week I think the high is like 72 which is so really warm and I'm ready for it to be like in the 50s that is my favorite weather hurt and it has been so hot this year and I'm just ready for fall so hopefully wearing my vest and my boots will bring on fall so I did not get all of my great he done last night which I kind of knew what's gonna happen I got my plans done for today and then I graded like one thing of quizzes for my exploratory class and that took me until 11 o'clock and by the end I was like nodding my head because I was so tired so I was like you know what I'm just gonna go to bed don't worry about it tomorrow so I'm actually gonna be staying like kind of late tonight because there is movie night our schools playing Moana it's free for like kids to come and then they sell concession so I'm gonna go because a lot of my kids are asking me if I was gonna go I will be there I don't even know what time it is but I think it ends at 8:00 or 9:00 so it's probably be a late night for me because I'm gonna have to eat dinner and then I'm gonna have to and hit my vlog but that's okay I'm excited for like movie night I want to be able to spend more time with my kids build those relationships but right now I want coffee so I'm gonna go get some and then get to school good morning can I get a large iced pumpkin latte please yeah that'll be it thank you it's now about 10:35 my students are at cultural arts and I need to get crazy done because even grading last night I still just have a huge pile like you guys couldn't see it over there yeah that all needs to get graded so I did get a little bit done during the time this morning before my students came in I'm gonna just sit here and spend an hour just grading trying to knock out as much as possible and whenever I don't get done I can do during after school before movie night because that doesn't start until 7:30 it is now lunch time during my planning time I didn't get like as much greater than I thought I would partially because we had a fire drills so I had to go out I defined my class and that took away about like 10 minutes of my planning time but I was able this morning as my students completed their exit ticket for math in block one while they did a brain break I quickly got those graded so at least I don't have like any new papers add it to my pile I am gonna put some into the grade book like during my lunch because I'm planning I got self graded but I didn't have enough time to put it in the gradebook and I want to get it off of my desk out of my pile and just away so that I don't feel quite as overwhelmed while I eat my lunch I'm gonna enter those grades and then I will catch up with you guys this afternoon hallelujah it's Friday it is now after school I have to tell you a couple of things that up in this afternoon that just cracked me up first of all last night when I was cleaning and going through those bins on the other side of my desk I found you guys this is a rounding rap that I wrote when I was in like college for a lesson plan I had to write like a third grade math lesson plan on rounding and I wrote this rap you can tell even like way back then and that was several years ago I was into like the cutesy fonts and the boarders so I found this and I said that's perfect like we're working on rounding right now and math so let me hold on to it in my single subject today because we're working on rounding at the end I was like hey I'm gonna show you guys this it's not like the best thing in the world but I thought it was cute and maybe it would kind of help them and so I like wrapped it I had one of my students she had a hat out in her locker so I had her go get it put on the Hat backwards I had a microphone hold on I had my microphone and I wrapped it and I was standing there the whole time like please do not let anyone walk into my room because I would be so embarrassed but of course hold on but of course my kids like really really enjoying it you know I dropped the mic at the end and they were really into it and I had one of my students who really enjoys rapping he actually volunteered to wrap it for us and he did such a great job and the class was like so so proud of him because you could tell like he was nervous he didn't really want to do it I mean he did like he volunteered to do it but then when he actually got to do it at like he was nervous but my class was so supportive of him and like I love seeing that so that cracked me up and that just made my afternoon like that's what learning is about like seeing my kids get into it we wrapped it together like I just I love that then I dismiss whole hold on again we have a student walking in this debate Azhar alright then at the end of the day during dismissal my students who are in my room at dismissal which it's a totally different group of kids some of them like I don't teach or have in my room at all I take students who are be door walkers van riders an open door so one of those students saw my box of all of my stuff that I was throwing away from second grade and they're like what's this box for and I said it was stuff that I just didn't need anymore and they're like well can we can we go through it so I was like okay whatever floats your boat like go right on ahead and this girl her face lit up she started grabbing stuff out of there as fast as humanly possible because she loves to play school and just seeing how happy it made her like she got so much stuff and then after the other kids were kind of done picking through it like she took the entire box she just took it went on her way like filled it all up and the parent was just so happy for her and then she went to open doors so she stays here for like an after school program and she was in the hallway and she came up and ran and gave me a big hug and she's like thank you so much for giving me that stuff I'm like thank you for taking it off in my hands so yeah it's Friday afternoon I'm in a great mood I'm somewhat less stressed than I was earlier this week my meetings are done so I feel better I'm catching up on my grading slowly but surely so I feel better I am gonna be here late tonight because movie night does not end until 9:30 and I am now volunteering to work the concession stand so thankfully I don't have to go down into like seven so right now it's about four twelve I have a little bit less than three hours to try to get stuff done try to get my grading done and let me show you guys what I got today so it meet the teacher night we had these apples out for things that we wanted and one of the things I had asked for was coloured printer paper because it doesn't hurt to ask and you know I've never had a parent like donate that before but I said what the heck I'll just ask and I have no idea who this even came from but outside of my classroom this afternoon was this huge thing of colored printer paper that a parent or someone donated to my class I'm so so grateful right now it is 10 o'clock and I am just now getting home from school I did not vlog for a while so let me kind of back up around 5:30 me and a couple of other teachers from the school went to Chipotle to get dinner before movie night and then we left Chipotle and came right to movie night so I was Manning the concession stand with my two of my team teachers and one of the fifth grade teachers from about 7:00 until 9:30 and then I stuck around and kind of helped clean up so I'm just now getting home as a result there is a chance my vlog is not going up on Saturday obviously by the time you're watching this you already know if it did or not if it didn't I apologize but getting home this late and then having to edit an entire video that ends up being like 45 minutes an hour long it takes a long time and I just don't know if I can stay up until like 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning so I'm gonna do my best but if my video ended up being delayed I'm sorry know some of you guys have said like why don't you just change your upload schedule to Sunday and as the week's go by cuz this year's just been very hectic I'm really considering that I will let you guys know like if I do decide to change it just so you guys are aware that it goes up on Sunday I don't really know yet I'm not gonna change it for like certain but that may end up happening now movie night I loved I didn't need to actually see the movie which I'm gonna sad because it was Moana and I haven't seen that yet but Manning the concession stand and just getting to see like all of my kids and I sorry but there's no better feeling than like hearing one of your kids come up and then I kind of spray and it's just it's such a good feeling and I every day that goes by I'm falling more and more in love with my school just the community and it's like they're one big family the staff the kids you know everyone and I love that I just I don't know it's such a great feeling and I feel like I've done a really good job of building relationships with my kids in all of my groups my homeroom my block 1a my block 2 and it's just such a good feeling like when you really have that cohesive class and they really are like a family it's just it's a great feeling and I love getting to meet more of my kids parents and I'm just mentally in such a better place than I have been for the past couple of years and that's a very good feeling like I'm getting home at 10 o'clock on a Friday night and I'm in a tremendous mood like yes I'm tired yes my feet hurt all of that but like I'm happy I'm genuinely happy so I know you it's probably gonna get sick of me saying that but hopefully it makes you realize that that's what you should feel like and if you're not feeling like that then you know figure out the words figure out why you're not feeling like that because something isn't right if you don't feel like this genuinely happy with your job so I know I am gonna end my vlog so I can go go inside and start editing it so if you did enjoy this vlog please give it a thumbs up and helps this video be able to reach more teachers and don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already go ahead and hit the little bell next to the subscribe button that way you get notified every time I post a new video as always you guys thank you for watching I love you all so so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my other videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here the links to my social media sites and my teachers pay teacher's store are in the description box or you along with my piano box if you are interested thank you for watching and I will catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 373,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, sub plans, teacher life
Id: spvksM1OxOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 41sec (4961 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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