A Typical Week in Fourth Grade | Pocketful of Primary

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I am raining a little bit late this morning I definitely slept in I'm the person that sets like 30 alarms the morning as you saw I came into my classroom with lots and lots of stuff as I typically do have dirt break I had these two big boxes delivered to my classroom I have no idea what is actually in here yeah are you ready for it this is like best Thursday [Music] good morning YouTube but this is our first week back from Thanksgiving break we have four weeks between now and Christmas break but I wanted to quickly talk about coming back from breaks because often times that can be really difficult because you get so used to being at home being and comfy clothes not having to wake up early getting to spend time with your family and loved ones getting to actually get stuff done around the house and all those fantastic things and then when it becomes time to go back to school you start to get that feeling of dread and it's okay to admit that like I love my job I love being a teacher but it can still be difficult for me to come back from breaks and it doesn't mean that I don't love my job and it doesn't mean that I don't miss my kids coz I miss them like something terrible but there's that comfort factor of being able to be at home being able to get things done like that's fantastic and there's nothing wrong with admitting that it's done difficult to come back but ultimately you have to come back that's how it works and I wanted to talk a little bit about what I do to make that better for me so first of all one thing is last night I packed my lunch so that was done I didn't have to worry about it this morning I picked out what I was gonna wear so I didn't have to worry about that this morning I allowed myself to sleep in as late as possible this morning because I've not been getting up early over break and I have something fun planned for today because I think it's important to have something to really look forward to so I will talk more about that once I get to school I am gonna go get me some coffee because I deserve it and then I will catch up with you at school good morning can I get a medium hot white chocolate latte please [Music] as you saw I came into my classroom with lots and lots of stuff as I typically do have to break I did open some packages from my p.o box over break and one of my subscribers I believe it was cassia I hope I'm pronouncing that right if I'm not I apologize but she sent me all of these amazing birthday gifts there were these two sloths so of course I will be adding those to my collection that sits up on my shelf and then she also sent me some of these erasers from the target dollar spot they're Halloween so I'll just save them for next year and then some pencils which is always appreciated one of my other subscribers sent me these at multicultural colors in the markers I already have the crayons from Lakeshore Learning they're called pupil colors and I kind of knew that there were markers but I think I had forgotten about it so she sent me four packs of those each pack has eight markers so super excited for those and I know that my students will love them as well so thank you so so much and I got myself these from the target dollar spot so each one of these were $1.00 these are building blocks they basically look like little hashtags and the students can use them to build with so I really really like these there are some that are like multicolored and then some that are like Christmas colored I'm just going to like mix them all together but these are perfect for stem bins and they're really really cheap so I got eight total packs and that was eight dollars and then I bought these for myself but I wanted to share them so these are the Velveeta breakfast biscuits I think is maybe what they're called but these are the gingerbread flavor which like our limited edition for the wintertime and I absolutely love them I went to the store and bought all the boxes they had because I liked them so much kind of like the pumpkin spice ones that they had in the fall time I just really like the limited edition flavor so I wanted to share this with you if you are looking for a breakfast option these are delicious another way that I help to ease the stress of coming back after break is just feeding off of the energy of my students because whether you think so we're not your students are excited to see you they missed you they are happy to be back in school for many of them you know school is the most stable environment that they could possibly have so they really feed off of that and even though they're always tired like a lot of my students this morning I've been very tired very sawsan you can still tell if they're excited to be back and getting to talk to them this morning and share my stories from break and hear their stories from baked like just brought so much genuine joy to me and like I had a huge smile on my face and like that is what I love about teaching is those connections with my students so I definitely feed off of that and take full advantage of that to help kind of pump me up as I come back plus it is always awesome when I come back to a couple gifts for my students one of my students made me this so it's basically magazine pages but she made it into a tree and I just thought that that was so amazing so I'm gonna have that on my desk during the holiday season I also had a student give me like a thank-you card with a Reese's and then I had another student bring me muffins so like that obviously helps but above anything else I just love singing my students again I also mentioned that it helps to have something that you are excited about a lesson or an activity that you're doing with your students I had briefly mentioned this before we went on Thanksgiving break that I have a parent coming in to teach a lesson today on codes which I am so excited about we actually have a unit in science all about codes and the parent reached out to me back during like back-to-school time and said that she would be willing to come in so I was like I will take you up on that and we have coordinated so let me show you like this slides to kind of go over what exactly we're doing so this is the first slide this is a gift for jiff however you pronounce it I just went onto Google I typed in coding Jif or gif and then saved it and imported it into the side this is just to kind of get my students intrigued get their attention this will be on the board when they come in then we're gonna go through we're gonna talk about cryptography and they are going to be learning about this Caesar shift cipher and we're gonna talk about how we can in cipher and decipher messages so we're gonna start by reviewing some vocabulary because there's some terms that they probably won't be really familiar with so we're gonna talk about cryptography is a study of keeping information secret talk about why we would want to do that encrypt or in cipher is turning a readable message into an unreadable message and then decrypt or decipher is turning an unreadable message back into a readable message and then plain text is the readable message ciphertext is the encrypted message and then cipher is the algorithm it used to encrypt and decrypt messages we're gonna talk about the history of it so Julius Caesar used a substitution cipher to send messages to his troops and he used a rule to replace each letter with another letter of the alphabet and then he substituted it three places are there along in the alphabet so for example a was replaced with D B was replaced with E and so on so they're gonna have a table in their worksheet that they will complete then I will kind of reveal this just to make sure everyone's on the same page like this is what your table should look like then they're going to take the name of our school and yes I'm familiar that I am sharing the name in my school it's okay if you google my name it comes up I'm not worried about it they're going to encrypt that name using the substitution cipher and they're gonna check and make sure they have the same cipher text as the person next to them and then we're gonna talk about how easy it is like if you intercepted a secret message using that cipher to be able to figure out the original message I'm gonna talk about how we could make it more difficult and then talk about how there's other variations you could shift it by more places and that's called a key so then they are actually gonna make their own Caesar shift wheel so basically there's two circles and a brad so I have directions here and I actually had the grandparent of some my students offered to cut these out so there's a smaller circle and the larger circle they've already been cut out I have all of them right here all hundred and twenty of them and they will be given a brad to secure them so then they can spin the wheel and shift it to create different keys so then they are going to in cipher their name using three different keys to kind of see how it can look different and then we're gonna talk about how many different keys are actually are and this is a Jif or gif as well you can see it actually like rotates through the different keys then they're gonna be given this message and they're going to decode it and then they are going to write a message of their own and in cipher it and then we're gonna talk about how good a cipher is at protecting messages and ways that we could improve it we're going to talk about breaking ciphers so if you intercepted a ciphertext without the key how you can figure out what it says and at the end we will talk about careers in cryptography so this should be really really fun lesson I'm happy that I'm going to have an expert in the field actually in here to help guide the lesson and then answer questions and that's one of your responsibilities as a teacher is also being able to connect your students with people in the community and start to get them exposed to different career options so we're having a lockdown drill today which is pretty standard and like all schools you do that throughout the year just to practice but I wanted to share this with you because this is something new that I got this year that I absolutely love is this window covering so obviously I have this window on the door and it has to get covered so instead of scrambling and trying to figure out some way to cover it during a drill or god forbid an actual lockdown I actually got this curtain off of Etsy so I'm gonna link it for you the seller was absolutely amazing highly highly recommend I'm so happy with this purchase and it is so worth it so basically I have the curtain hanging on command strips which you can kind of see right there so it's just hanging on these little hooks I have this up here because my curtain which I'll show you in a second when I put it all the way down does not cover the entire length of the window because I have a very very long window if your window is shorter then it would work much better mine is longer so all I did is this is actually like a magnetic pocket that I had gotten from a teacher store and since my door frame up here is magnetic I just hooked it on to help cover the area at the very top where it's not covered what I love about this curtain is it hangs on this ribbon so when a lockdown happens all I have to do is slip out both sides like this it will roll all the way down and then I actually adhered a piece of velcro here and then on the door frame so I can actually just pull it down and attach it so that I don't have to worry about it like flapping or dangling or whatever so that way it covers the entire window and then afterwards I have to do is pull off the velcro roll it back up and then I secure it again in those little ribbon hooks so I will link this for you in the description box highly highly highly recommend this was one of the best purchases that I made all summer and of course to fit my personality it is black and white stripe it is the end of the day I had girls on the run practice after school so I got back to my room around 5:30 and kind of cleaned up a little bit because I'm holding a PD session in my room tomorrow morning so I'd like for it to not be a hot mess and not let my co-workers see that sigh I have two lesson plan tonight for what I'm doing tomorrow a funny story during my block to the science lesson ran over a little bit which I was totally fine with because I was like you know what like this lesson should be easy we can move through quickly and as soon as I started the math lesson our guidance counselor came in for a lesson and I was like Oh totally forgot about that so I did not really get to math in block two today but I will get to it tomorrow and that's all that I can do like it's totally fine so I need to do some planning to kind of adjust because I didn't get through everything today but overall it was a really good day and I enjoyed the end to see my students again besides lesson planning tonight I just need to make sure some other things for the PD are squared away for tomorrow but I will give you more information on that tomorrow morning and I'll kind of show you like how I'm setting up my room I'm gonna go ahead get out of here go to the gym all that good stuff and I will catch up with you at tomorrow so good morning YouTube I am leaving a little bit earlier than normal and by that I mean like 7:20 he's a whole lot earlier but I do have to set up for my PD them doing this morning so I will show you all that I'm also gonna try to show you an outfit of the day because it's a little bit different for me and we're just we're gonna have great day I'm not getting coffee we're just gonna wing it today but I will catch up with you when I get to school [Music] so my two best roles when it comes to professional development is feed them and let them go or holies so this is a setup when you walk in the classroom I just have my basic like sign-in sheet because I have to document who is here and then I created this handout so what my PD is on class link which is a web page that we use is basically like a way to bookmark all of your websites so I'm gonna go over like how to customize it how to add new apps and then how to connect your Google Drive or onedrive so I created this handout kind of goes through everything step by step and it's got lots of visuals and arrows pointing and all that so they will be able to take one of these and then I will put these in the mailbox of all of the staff that do not come so they can take one too and then of course I have some breakfast goodies because I think that's always an extra incentive for people who are coming to these things cuz it is optional so I have it some Apple Cinnamon scones of blueberry muffins and then some basic like assorted melon and fruit and all that good stuff so I just picked this up from the grocery store last night I want to say was like 20-ish dollars for all of it but I don't know like I don't do a lot of hosting at my house but when that time comes I will feel like I will really enjoy Hosting's and I feel like this is like a mini way to kind of be a host I have a few extra minutes so I'm gonna go ahead and quickly do like an outfit of the day because I don't do these very often so I tend to wear the same clothes all the time but my outfit today is a little bit different so sorry end up here with this scarf no clue where I got this because I got this back when I was like a freshman in college so it's been a long time I got it for pretty cheap I'm like a good sale I liked it it has all these different like patterns and it has like the blue and the maroon and the black and then the cheetah and I just thought it was kind of funky and I liked it so then I have this black shirt now this came from Amazon actually and it's a basic black t-shirt with the exception of this little detail down at the bottom and I really like this because I feel like it just fancies it up so it's perfect for work because it's comfortable and it's stretchy but at the same time it looks a little bit nicer these pants I want to say came from American Eagle but again I've had these for like I don't know seven eight years something like that and I have these black boots which I got as a Black Friday sale like five six years ago I want to say they came from bass I had to do a life update because I have not vlog since this morning but the PD this morning went really really well definitely like presenting is out of my comfort zone but I'm okay when it's a small group and when it's just a group of teachers in my classroom I don't mind it so I enjoyed that the day overall was really well I was able to convince two science lessons into one day which is fantastic because technically I'm supposed to be doing that pretty often in order to fit in all the material but it's really difficult to make that work but today it happened and that felt good math I definitely feel like we're making progress we're talking about equivalent fractions so we actually use fraction towers which look like this if you do not use these with your students I highly recommend them they are awesome and today we talked about how if two towers are the same height then you know that they are equivalent so they would hold the towers and then break them off to make them the same height if they were able to make them the same height and we had good discussions about that then during dismissal time I have bus duty so I take the bus riders out and of course we're waiting on one bus and it was like super late didn't get here until like 405 so I'm just now getting back to my classroom it's about 4:15 I need to go ahead and head out of here because I am doing a podcast interview tonight and I've got to do that at 5 o'clock and it's gonna take me probably go in half an hour to get home because of traffic so I need to leave now but I will catch up with you at tomorrow morning and once the podcast actually comes out I will be sure to link it on my Instagram good morning YouTube it is absolutely freezing outside today so I brought a hat for recess duty and I brought my big coat to try to keep warm because I swear like I like the cold weather but when you're just standing there in it in recess duty not fun last night I did get to bed a little bit early I got into bed around like 10:45 ish which for me was pretty good but I'm still pretty tired if we're being honest today is just a normal day nothing too special going on this entire week is normal which is good we have a CDM meeting this morning that I have to go to and then I'm planning with my team teacher so I may or may not be able to vlog a whole lot today but I will show you what I can and I will catch up with you when I get to school and just like that it is the end of the day like I said I just knew that I would not be able to vlog a whole lot today however I feel good because I had a graded assignment in science in both my blocks and a graded assignment in math in both my blocks I was very productive because during science I had to show my students this video and it was like 7 minutes long so I was like quickly grading like while they're watching the video and then during dear time at the end of the day I was quickly grading and I just got those all put in the gradebook so that always feels good when I don't have to leave papers and worry about them tomorrow I love to get papers graded the day that my students turn them in just to get them out of the way done and then that also helps me to play an instruction for the future if you hold on to grades for several days before you grade them then you don't know how your students are performing on them and then you can't really plan your instruction obviously you have like observational data but I think sometimes students perform differently when they're doing something and you're just observing them versus when they're actually doing it on their own for a graded assignment all that being said it's a little bit after 4 o'clock I actually have to get out of here early because I have a business call and I need to drive home for it so I've got to get that done but I will catch up with you tomorrow sorry it's kind of a boring week like it's a very just normal week and nothing too exciting going on but I am doing something with Chromebooks tomorrow so I will be sure to show you that good morning YouTube I am raining a little bit late this morning I definitely slept in later than I meant to I'm a person that sets like 30 alarms the morning okay 30 is a little bit of a stretch but I definitely set at least like 10 alarms in the morning and this morning I slept through all of them until the very end so I did not wake up until 7:10 I'm leaving at 7:30 I'm gonna get coffee and I know it's not Friday and I don't care but I do not have any meetings this morning so I have some time to myself this morning and I have my planning time and I think that coffee will just make me that much happier so I'm gonna do that for myself this morning and then I will catch up with you at school [Music] I had previously mentioned that my students we're gonna have Chromebooks today and I was giving them a Google classroom assignment which was a Google Form one of the reasons I love using Google Forms is because you can make them so they are self grading obviously that only works for like multiple-choice true/false those kinds of questions it won't work if there's a written response but at least it can grade any multiple-choice so this is the Google Form that I gave them today I actually purchased this one off of TPT cuz I just did not have time to make my own but I am gonna show you how you can create your own because it's actually not that difficult so this is the title equivalent fractions introduction assessment then you can see this is actually an image that was inserted so this font right here this cursive font that is not a five ailable within google the creator of this actually created a JPEG of this title and then inserted it in so my students had to type in their first and last name that's how I kept track of who had submitted what response and then they had to select the models equivalent to one half so you'll notice this is multiple choice these ones are multiple choice multiple choice and so on and so on so I'm going to show you how to actually create this and make it so it is self grading so if you go into your Google Drive and you create a form this is Google Forms which maybe I'll put an exact link to where you can create Google Forms in the description box just so it's less confusing but you would put your title of it here and you can put a description then if you want to add an image for maybe the title kind of like this you can do that but that's absolutely not necessary that's just extra for you then you can actually create your questions so you will notice this question is multiple choice but I can change it to text boxes drop down short answer paragraph and so on but if you wanted to create this very basic you would type in your question and then you can type in the options now you will notice on this Google Form there were actually images so you can insert an image like if I go right here I can actually add an image but you could just do what written out like text answers you can add as many options as you want in order to make it into a quiz so it is self grading you actually want to go up here to settings and then you go over here to quizzes then you have the option to make this a quiz so automatically this will actually be off you have to go into settings go to quizzes and then turn this on so you can have them either get their grade immediately as they submit it so that's what happened with my students today as soon as they submitted this forum they were able to see their score or if there's something like a short answer that you have to go in and grade then you would choose this later option and then you can grade it and release it to them at a later time you also can choose whether or not they can see which questions they missed if they're able to see the correct answers or not and then the point values of every question so once you make it into a quiz and then you create all of your questions so if I want more questions I can add in more you can choose whether the question is required which if you're making it a quiz you would want oops sorry you would want to make it so they are all required in order to put in the correct answer you go to this answer key button and then you would choose which one is correct and then you can even add like answer feedback on there and you can change the point value of each question so I know that that was kind of a real quick like tutorial but if you're wanting to add another question you just go here to add question you can drag and rearrange them put them in different orders you also can add just titles like throughout so if you want to have different sections you can add images throughout you also can add videos and then you can add like section breakers I know that was really really fast so I can do maybe a more in-depth like tutorial but real quick in order to send this to your students you'll go up here to the send button and then I go over here to the link which is the second one right here and then I copy and I paste this into my Google classroom so when my students go on to Google classroom they have that link right there they click it they complete the form submit it and then I'm able to see their scores right away they're able to see their scores right away and all I have to do is input it into the gradebook so while I was at girls on the run this afternoon I had these two big boxes to deliver to my classroom as you can notice from the label it says structured play fourth grade so we are supposed to have structured playtime now it's not really like worked into our schedule so we kind of have to find time for it but we've been waiting on the materials to come in for that and they finally arrived so I'm gonna kind of quickly go through and just show you what all came well anyhow this box I quickly wanted to talk about like structured play and what exactly that means the whole point of it is to teach your students some of those skills in terms of cooperation its firms of sharing and taking turns and all of that and that can be really hard to kind of work into your day obviously your students have recess time but it's not really structured you're not telling your students to place your themes they're able to pick and choose what they want whereas with structured play you're just giving them more guidelines and you're really teaching them and showing them and modeling for them how exactly to work with other people how to play with other people and honestly I wish we had more time for this because I do think it is really important for students even in upper elementary even in middle school I think we often think that those kids don't need time to play anymore but they do now I will say I have no idea what is actually in here so I'm excited to actually look and see how it's kind of talking to my team teacher about it because I know she had already opened hers but I have not officially seen what is in mine so you all will figure it out with some of the first things I'm seeing I'm really excited about these are these colored Jenga sets which I have seen these all over social media and there's so many fun things you can do with these not only structured play but also getting students to be answering questions about the curriculum and you can do different games with like the colors and based on the color that they pull out they have to answer a certain kind of question and all kinds of awesome things so I'm excited about these it looks like there's one two three four sets of those per class which is awesome super excited about that okay we have some more 24 cards which I love 24 cards if you have never used these with your students highly highly recommend students really like them and it really gets them thinking about the different operations there are four boxes of those okay here's another Jenga set so let's take there's five of those set the family game of visual perception okay never heard of this before and I've my heads cut off there we go so I'll have to try this out play it with my students because I've never played that before we have these explorers card game which this is actually for our social studies curriculum part of it is about explorers and so our students do different activities with those so I may end up giving these mighty teacher there are also some at just general like decks of cards so there's several of those one two three four five okay we have a twister I'm excited about this and again all of these are things that you can tie to the curriculum so when I said it wasn't exactly like we don't have a set time for structured play but you could actually find ways to make this come into your cram low no you're 5 ok I have to laugh because we're like in-between custodians right now so that's not my normal custodian and my normal custodian knew like ok she does this YouTube channel like she's often in there talking to herself and this cuz said hey why didn't he was so confused but it's all good so while he was in here there were more decks of cards like kind of buried at the bottom so there's actually 10 decks of cards which there are so many different games that you can play with decks of cards are super like versatile which is good now I was going through there's also at just some basic like dice which you can never have enough dice so that is awesome and then there are some beach balls don't really know exactly what they're for yet but I like to do a lot of things with math with like skip counting and as they pass the ball they will skip count things like that there's a big box of these like paddles which they're white boards on them so I don't know exactly how I would you I mean I would use it just has a white board and like with students to hold it up but I have to kind of wrap my brain on that there also is this lattice I've never really heard of this can't really tell it looks like there's a board game and tiles so I don't know but we will figure it out we will play it and see okay there's a lot of good stuff in here I'm like really excited there also is this crime club the beautiful colorful mathematical game so again never really heard of this one but I'm excited to try it then there is this design studio I don't know what this is but it looks cool sorry most of these things like I've never really heard of before so I can't talk about them too much maybe I'll have to do like an update of like how we're doing structure play towards the end of the year once I've had some time like try it out but whatever this is we're gonna try it okay that is it for this big box but now I'm going to go to this other box yes ah okay are you ready for it we got three sets of math strapped like classic mousetrap really excited about this I remember playing mousetrap as a kid actually I remember setting up the game to play and I would always get tired before I would actually play the game because it takes so long to set up but I'm excited to play this with my students and we have three sets of them which is fantastic because how many people can play in one two to four players so if I had four people playing each game that's twelve people and that's like a third of my classes half to a third however much that is but anyway so I'm very very very excited about this and that's definitely a game where you have to cooperate with other students so be coupled it like I apologize though it's not able to talk too extensively on like any of the stuff specifically cuz a lot of it I have not necessarily played yet but like I said if you are interested and like you want to know how exactly I'm using this or how I'm feeding it into my schedule leave a comment down below and maybe I'll do an update video later on in the year but tomorrow we have study hall and I will probably spend that time like trying to put this all away and find in a way to store it all I'm probably gonna need some more like plastic containers and stuff but I'm excited I'm super excited this was like best Thursday ever that being said I need to get out of here because I was that girls on the run and I did not get back to my room until 6:05 because we had to wait for a parent to get here because they were stuck in traffic and practice went way over practice ends at like 5:15 and I didn't get back to my room until 6:00 at 5:00 so I'm going to put this up away at least like on the counter so it's not on the desks and then I need to go to the gym go home and I will catch up with you tomorrow [Music] good morning YouTube it is Friday we're gonna make it through the day I am tired I am gonna go get me some coffee but I'm excited I'm pumped made it through a full week after this week we just have three more weeks until Christmas break which is absolutely insane I'm gonna go grab some coffee like I said and then we actually have a short staff meeting at 8:15 this morning so I got to go to that and have my goal because I don't really have planning time today is to get all of those structured play games and materials and all that put away during study hall which means I will be able to have students help me which is always great so fingers crossed I can get that done if not it's fine I'll get it done after school but I'm gonna get there and I will catch up with you laughter good morning can I get a large hot white chocolate latte please and just like that it is already the end of the day I hope that you got some good information from this vlog because I know this was a very standard week a very following or scheduled type of week I mean there was nothing too out of the ordinary which is nice to kind of have that consistency but at the same time I don't have a ton to share because like for example today's math lesson we were talking about comparing fractions it was very basic we talked about different strategies using fractions hours you see number lines using area models and that was basically all you know there wasn't anything super fancy to share it was pretty basic teaching but hopefully you still got some good information this week such as using Google Forms if you have not tried that yet and your students do have access to a Google classroom highly suggest you try it out make that your goal for next way you can get that try it out obviously if you don't have the technology that wouldn't work for you but maybe it's something you could use in the future if that technology ever does become available also hopefully you got some ideas of some things for structured play obviously like I said I will do a video later on if you all want more information on it and just to clarify because I felt like last night I was super brain dead and I may not have made it very clear structured play is essentially play with purpose so it can be things that you work into the curriculum or you could have designated time for it like I said I can give you more information on that later I need to end this vlog because I'm doing another podcast interview tonight and I need to get some things done around here prep homework for next week get some grading done get out of here go do the podcast interview go to the gym all that good stuff so as always if you open get an email if you enjoyed this vlog please please please go ahead and give it a thumbs up also hit the subscribe button if you haven't already and hit the notification bell that you are notified every time I post a new video as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you all in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my YouTube channel if you want check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store and my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 300,019
Rating: 4.9119382 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, lifestyle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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