God's Club | Full Drama Movie | Stephen Baldwin, Corbin Bernsen | MyTime Movies Now

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[Music] [Music] good luck tonight hopefully it's not a matter of luck you finish the dishes sure hey Michael you almost ready hey guys I can get those dishes honey we do not have time you cannot wear that to the meeting it's okay cuz I think I'm just going to stay home but no I need you there I don't want to go well I want you there you will be just fine without me besides I have like a ton of papers to grade oh please who's graded your papers for the last how many years Dad please hun this is important important to who to [Music] me tell you what you come with me and maybe we'll stop for some dessert after please I'll go get ready I object to public resources being used to promote religious clubs why is ours being singled out because your Club has no place in our Public School District do you understand and quite frankly I find it offensive why we promote peace love and tolerance Mr Rivers I understand how you must be feeling but obviously you don't understand because you keep pushing for this little Club of yours it's not my Club well it ain't mine it's not mine it's God's Club there is no place for God in a public school don't you get that Mr Littlefield it's a free country you're certainly intell to your opinion I really don't see the harm look it's indoctrination okay I'm not a Christian what about the Buddhists the Jews the Muslims where's their Club as long as there are other clubs on campus then our club deserves the same rights that is correct Billy will not be going nobody's forcing anyone to go Stuart ain't going I think everybody just needs to calm down it's getting late I think we need to go [Music] you okay yeah sure you're okay to drive I need to take my mind off of things I don't understand those people this whole thing's been a waste of time babe it's just not worth it if I could just reach one kid I was talking about your career do you not support the Bible club I'm not opposed to anything you support it just it's not my thing littlefield's daughter is talking about what to do if she gets pregnant and Victor Rivers he walking around listening to music that glorifies drugs and violence and our little bible Club is going to change all that maybe it will maybe may it won't but we are leaders teachers makes us accountable for leading but it doesn't make us accountable for the parents accountable to God I want to focus on the nature and character of God teach biblical precepts like love forgiveness Joy respect for authority selfworth you know what you're pretty awesome I think I love you [Music] baby you okay stay there bab come I'm coming babe babe Bab bab are you okay you're going to be okay just let me get you out of here okay you ready careful now is that hurting you all right don't move you're going to be okay I'm sorry babe don't move okay don't move you're okay dizzy I'm so dizzy you're going to be okay let me just call 911 I got a find my phone hold on I can't find my phone babe I I can't feel my leg okay don't move just just don't move no you're fine my love I'm here with you I'm here with you can't do with anything no you're okay don't move just don't move Michael yes my love I'm here pray with with me me you're going to be okay I love you so much you're going to be okay babe okay just don't don't move just keep breathing let me see you breathe all right babe babe God please don't I'll pray with you I I'll pray with you right now babe honey I love you I love you so much no don't go don't go [Music] hey Dad hey babe guess what what took a minute and 8.2 seconds off wow that's great babe dad how long have you been wearing that shirt for I like this shirt well let's go shopping come on I'll get you some new cool stuff dad what I think you should get out of the house no thank you I'm fine I want my dad back hey I'm here for you no dad you're [Music] not hey Mike well we've all missed you at school Mike you leave is up you either come back to work at the the district we got to find a replacement well maybe I can finally get that fast food gig I was always dreaming of want surpris with that fatty Miss freedmont send you no we're a small school being out two teachers that's a that's a big deal now this is a visit from an old friend the union says I have a right to a bement leave you do Mike you been gone for 12 weeks bement leave is 7even days I never really like school that much as a kid maybe this is just all for the best what's it going to take man snap you out of this she was young she was so are you I don't think think you understand Max you keep going like this you're going to lose your job you're going to lose your daughter you're going to lose your friends Mike you're going you're going to lose everything that matters to you what am I supposed to do how about honoring Legacy of your wife huh think about that [Music] okay let's do [Music] this let it oh me your River let it hold and let it rain let it rain sh in your heart got one large half pepperoni half cheese do all right [Music] tonight keep the [Music] faith sh in your heart come on River let it let it down let it down let it sh Heart come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on don't let them get to you I know I know remember what I taught you bitterness will poison me okay babe love you Dad you too dad looking good good morning I believe all of you know about the accident my family and I experienced several months ago so if your parents sent cards or flowers please thank them for me and I thought it would be a good thing to start out this morning with uh a moment of silence in honor of Mrs Evans unless that's not your thing then that's okay too thank you Becky wait hey hey yourself where have you been homeschooling I texted you a lot I know I'm sorry everything's been crazy I hear you now you have someone to play with again loser hey I'm talking to you bite me you're going to have to stand up to them someday here here piggy piggy piggy here piggy that's unbelievable my dad bought a pig farm seriously that's kind of weird I know well when did that happen last week you didn't text me that I'm surprised they haven't gone after you why would they cuz they're cruel they're bullies well I have a feeling they're going to get get what they do sooner or later hey Dad hey babe how was it good how about you it was all right I still can't walk past the room without wanting to look inside it's like I can still feel her presence there it's weird it is weird I know how you [Music] feel that night your mom she knew where she was going dad [Music] stop okay no it's okay but was she afraid no she knew where she was going I try not to think about that night too much but when I do I realize it strengthened me your mom she had this look in her eye like a glow yeah like a glow like this Joy unshaken Faith like in one of the Psalms 62 he is my rock and my salvation he is my Fortress and I Will Never Be Shaken this is all still sinking in but that night showed me [Music] God truly is faithful [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I don't want to own a [Music] raccoon can't believe he starting that up again you want to go mess with the Bible man how Follow My Lead that's similar it's a weird word isn't it hey guys how you doing you Mr Evans Bible Club huh you heard about it no well would you like to I don't know whoa they had weapons in here they sure did but in other stories of the Bible it's the invisible weapons that are really cool wait what you ever hear the story of Joshua no with God's help he was able to destroy a city no what city Jericho incredible story it involves spies and Espionage and pretty girls well I mean you sold me when's the first meeting soon I'll let you know okay hey let's go check out hiking Club thanks I thought we were going to mess with it oh we will just wait till the first meeting [Music] oh hey what's up why are you here right now I just want to talk I don't want to talk to you uh okay fine what about Trudy what about her she's your girlfriend but from what I heard she wouldn't like this would like what us talking what is that I've heard things um like just just stuff from people people like Allison for one okay well Allison doesn't really like me and Trudy doesn't really like her so yeah why is that what does she have against Ally I don't know well you should why come on you guys no we we broke up so okay so now you're trying to find someone else to move on to no I just want to get to know you better Vick we've known each other since elementary school true so I hear you're fast uh I running I hear you're a fast runner why do you care I don't know maybe we could run together you'd probably slow me down I'd slow you down I can run the mile in under five minutes so really yeah mhm so what do you say just one run okay tomorrow after school cool hey uh try to keep up whatever all right so what about the 5: club how' you think it went yeah Mom said it wouldn't be easy well we did get two more recruits right yeah do you think they'll stick with it well not if their dads have anything to say about it it's playing with fire hey Becky Hey look it's weird and weirder is it just me or is he a little strange in the most interesting way I think there's something wrong with him are you serious used to think he was cute I used to be 10 what are you do is bring about Evans Mr Rivers so I heard you your first day back at class started with a prayer I thought you were the sensible one actually it was a moment of silence in honor of my wife I see that's nice but uh doesn't sit well with me I think religion has its place and where would that be in private not in a public school well then you ought to get yourself ready for a little disappointment me in 2 days we launch our new Bible Club well that's going to have some consequences well I remember this still being a free country what if people don't believe in what you believe in you think it's fair to shove it down their throats no one's forcing anyone to come to the Bible Club well if they do I'd be very careful for what you do or say to those kids I don't want to hear about any illegal brainwashing brainwashing look this really isn't the place so at some point if you'd like to have a rational conversation there's nothing that you have to say that I care to listen to that's it no let's go Victor now or you tell me you're the lawyer unfortunately the law is on his side what about separation of church and state no as long as it's an extracurricular and there are other options nothing about it against the law he believes in creationism that shows content for science my boy loves science we're just going to have to find some other ways to apply pressure we need to watch him like a hawk if there's anything we could use then we go after him bring them down we're going to have to get creative you have to understand this affects people religion politics I understand and I have to do what's best for everyone even if that means making a tough call legally I have the right yes but you have to understand there are people who are very generous and influential to the school always comes back to that dollar doesn't it I'm asking you to reconsider if the school board allows other clubs to use its facilities then it has to allow ours yes and legally I can't stop you but as your friend I can ask you is that it okay there are rules you better follow attendance is voluntary and it must be clear that the group is in no way shape or form sponsored by the school is that it welcome everyone to our first bible club meeting Billy steuart good to see you your parents are okay with this well uh they didn't really care okay well I thought we'd start out by doing a little Biblical history now archaeologists believe that religion goes all the way back to the Paleolithic period Stuart paleo what it means millions of years ago correct people have been going to church for millions of years well thousands but not like we go to church now you know there aren't any churches in Echo Grove right yes so where did they go what do you mean so where do they go you know to to find the Christian God the Bible and the Bible is about the Christian God yes it is the Bible is about God the father Jesus his son and anyone who believes in him has the opportunity to become a Christian or a Christ in which is where the word Christian comes from God had a son yes Jesus so what about Muslims and Hindus and Jews and Buddhists and stuff like that I mean do they believe in Jesus some do yes wait really sure how I'm confused about what well if the story is millions of years old how is he still alive today because he came back from the dead and that's called the resurrection what's a resurrection all right wait stop we're jumping ahead and I'm going to explain all this eventually but the resurrection is how three days later Jesus rose from the dead but it was after he was crucified crucified means nail do a cross whoa okay that's messed up who would do that to him well we all did what let me explain you see we're all Sinners that means we have rebelled against God but Jesus God's son was the only one without sin which is why through him we can be forgiven of our sins receive salvation and eventually become Christians and go to heaven okay that makes no sense whatsoever will someone please just explain what's a resurrection all right so let me get this straight If This Were A Movie it'd be God Jesus crucifixion Resurrection bam Jesus back from the dead like a zombie no not like that like The Walking Dead cool no not cool Jesus Is Our Savior he's not a zombie now Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later like 28 Days Later no like Zombie Land I love that movie it is a great movie the cast is incredible yeah uh Bill Murray Bill Murray's always Garfield have you ever seen a movie where he's bad well Garfield no Bill Murray obviously he's a great man Jesse Eisenberg you know great [Music] start with cool Bible stories you okay I don't know can't be that bad dad I don't know look they're teenagers what do you expect can you believe some of these kids have never even seen a Bible well I guess it's a good thing that they have you to show them one I don't know look start with the basics I did they're kids you got to appeal to them differently you know the Bible has a lot of cool stories in it talk about [Music] that okay I will [Music] thanks Dad mom always said you work harder I believe in you thanks getting dark be back soon I won't be long okay [Music] you got everything I like when you smile and say hello I hope we don't go you got everything I like when you say hello I hope you say hello when you say hello [Music] please please say hello [Music] cuz you got everything I like when you smile you okay yeah I'm fine you know mil's not cross country yeah now you tell me this is fun though you know you confuse me what do you mean we're just so different we have nothing in common I get it you're smarter than me I know that's not what I'm talking about though well then what we're just different what we believe in I mean is that such a big deal yeah God's a pretty big deal yeah but what's got to have to do with us we'll look around Vic God has to do with everything I don't know I just there's just something about you that I like you know I see a glow in your eyes a glow my mom used to tell me that a glow resembles Faith yeah well maybe we could do this again sometime it's fun right I don't know it's you and Trudy you've been dating for so long we're completely different people I mean our parents were just friends we just sort of hooked up when we were kids it wasn't like Vic we're not hooking up yeah I mean I get that but we could be friends right for now for now I don't know I just I want to learn more about that glow it's kind of a God thing yeah you know maybe it'll help help with what nothing I just it's it's stupid it's no tell me uh I just I get depressed sometimes it's not a big deal everybody gets depressed I get that but you not like me I get angry I don't know it's just sometimes I just want to go to sleep and just never wake up you know just like disappear have you been to a doctor yeah they gave me pills just makes me worse Victor it's my dad I got to go what's wrong nothing it's nothing are you sure I said it was nothing okay well you don't answer your phone what are you doing I'm running running I'm running you don't know what running is right Dad don't get smart with me I don't want you seeing her anymore get in the car get in the car now you're going to regret [Music] it you know what just let me out okay you missed your doctor's appointment today yeah I know he charges me for those don't you think that's inconsiderate is that all you even care about don't start that with me you know I don't want to take those pills anymore well that may be true Victor but you have to and I better not find out that you're not taking them you are aren't you yeah you're not lying to me no you better not be because you know what the other option is you know what you know maybe I'd rather go back there keep me locked up away from you Victor I had to do it I had no choice do you understand that maybe one day you'll realize how much I love you I just I didn't know what else to do son I love you so much I just want you better well good afternoon to the three of you Billy Stuart good to see you your parents know you're here they don't really care ah all right what you got Mr Evans well I was wondering if we are going to be a club then we need a shirt right cool cool right yeah yeah good can I have one of course you can and Perfect Fit will you help me and hand out some of these to the gang mhm thanks you must be billion Su yeah I also have another really cool thing here what do you think of that for a Bible sick it's a comic book it's a graphic novel idiot yes go ahead and hand one down to Rebecca and then for you as well wow I've never had my own Bible before well now you do thank you Mr Evans you're welcome okay today I wanted to begin with reading about the Apostle Matthew Matthew he's one of the dudes that hung out with Jesus right I think I saw him in a movie Once yes he was one of those dudes that hung out with Jesus and those dudes were called Disciples so let's turn to page 32 and Rebecca would you please read for us sure and he chose a small boy and he had him stand upon them then he said who said what Jesus I thought we were talking about Matthew yes what you're reading was written by the dude disciples followed Jesus he's the one that wrote these words but what he's talking about is Jesus oh okay makes sense good Rebecca and whoever welcomes the small boy welcomes me but if the small child decides to sin who believes in me then it is better for him to be hung with a large millstone around his neck to drown in the depths of the sea wow your dad's neck is going to hurt shh good job today thanks pal right back at you thanks Dad I told you to buy American go give it another try I'm sure it's it's good now go on Evans did you tell my boy I was going to hell not at all but way did you get such an idea huh there must be some misunderstanding I want this away from my son understand we didn't know you were an evangelist I'm a teacher yeah well why are you trying to recruit our kids you're turning this into something sinister no those Bibles belong in a church not a school it's a club religion and public schools don't belong together that's what Catholic schools are for yes but the Bible enough with the Bible wait a minute the Bible has thousands Bible again I swear you know it's good for you you keep you beliefs to yourself I think you folks are overreacting we'll calm down when Mr do here gets off his high horse nobody forced your son to come what kind of Christian are you telling our children about sinning you're teaching them hate and intolerance walk away come on let's walk where you going to your God Club huh where was God when your wife died huh don't do it don't hold that for me Max what are you going to do christening that's that's it that's it mik that's it you're done hey hey what me feel better take this Qui not let it go stop break it up how to get you man you're in trouble you just you wait what you said about his wife shame on you Dad all right let's get out of here I'm calling the cops come let's [Music] go yeah I don't think this is a good idea you're the one who told that you're dead so we needed to do something pretty sure this isn't what he meant he hurt my dad yeah maybe your dad deserved it what's the matter with you he thinks Becky actually likes him they think they're better than us thck that right doesn't that make you mad [Applause] [Music] come on fixer hey come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops who do you think this did this I can think of a few candidates lots of hate from the way they tore up the Bibles I've never seen anything like this kids acting out most likely this is more than a school issue I'll contact Chief roas from the school police guess I can't say much the way I lost it with Littlefield speaking of which you need to go to the Office Max and some other board members need to speak with you about that hey Piggy here comes your BFF she's going to make you feel all better she wouldn't steal your boyfriend if any boy would even want you Piggy you two are cliche of D what's that supposed to mean she's saying we're stupid I'll show you who's stupid loser Bice Littlefield you sit back down I will take you directly to the principal's office now sit down this isn't over hey when you get back to school you should ask Vic what he was up to last night he's been a very bad boy it's okay Ellie DEC do you realize do you realize Max that this is not going to look very good in front of the board tonight done anything for the school okay hey the Bible Cub's done and so were you that's a little premature Mr Rivers Bible Club is legal you know it and I Know It that may be true but as a parent and a board member I'm concerned with the safety of our kids what are you talking about I'm talking about an out- ofc control teacher who hurts innocent people wait wait wait wait Littlefield is anything but innocent you were there tell us Mike was provoked from what we heard Mr Littlefield was just expressing his concerns I definitely overreacted he went C crazy he did not you did not overreact you were actually fairly calm considering theum that you took the board didn't know he was provoked it doesn't matter Mike it does matter Littlefield disrespected the memory of your wife it matters look this is Dum I'm going to kick you inside and out loser are you sure about this yeah you call him lizer what are you going to do about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this [Applause] onar all I love the that's neither here nor there the point is Mr EV Mr Evans you got to come quick what is the meaning of this young man they're beating up Becky we have a zero tolerance or violence I was defending myself somebody could have gotten hurt you're going to have to apologize apologize for what I didn't do anything you heard what I said no I won't the issue is neither you nor your daughter can control your tempers you Becky you are suspended suspended that's not fair that's enough and you Mr Evans you are off the Bible Study Club pending review by the school board quite honestly you are lucky I am not asking you to submit your resignation do we really do this my brother is all wrapped up in this club and my dad is still mad well yeah he got beat up by the Bible guy and she's stealing your boyfriend forget it let's do it let's te them a lesson my head hurts so bad dad why is it that girls pull hair when they fight babe that's a mystery take some aspirin you sure you're okay fine I don't think this is going to work for Mom remember yes of course you can do it dad you're strong I'm trying try harder it's just that look what's been happening you get into a fight and I lost control control they vandalized the classroom something not right and I can't afford to have anything happen to you well what are we supposed to learn from all this maybe the lesson is there's no lesson at all mom always used to go to the bite [Music] Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are called according to his purpose amen I got it Mrs Rema is your dad home um yeah he's inside come on it well this is a nice surprise don't worry Michael I'm not here to fire you the good folk of Echo Grove may not be as Pious but it seems they do have a sense of fair play more than a few parents figured your family has been through enough they have no idea next week you have your chance to say your piece I'm not sure that I even can should have seen the way Little V kid looked at me funny you shouldn't mention him he spoke with Victor and Ally in a cafeteria said something about Mark 11:25 said you would know Stuart said this Mark 11:25 and whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyone forgive him for that the Lord in heaven May forgive you your trespasses you reached some Michael and frankly you've reached others including me I'll see you next Thursday at the board meeting thanks so you met a girl yep tell me about her she runs what do you mean she runs she's a longdistance runner what's she like well she's really pretty but I don't know if she likes me how you going to find [Music] out I'd have to ask her what are you waiting for are you here to talk about girl with me or are you here to try to like fix my problems no rush relax take it easy Babe Ruth was 59 before he played for the New York Yankees really no but I figured you could uh use an example like that so uh Prozac they prescribed you Prozac is it helping what does it look like I'm not going to find out unless you take it look I don't want to take any more pills okay they don't work they just make me worse everybody's just trying to help you Vic do you believe in God you're trying to deflect the conversation no I'm just asking the question okay she's Christian she's a Believer and you're not does it matter oh yeah big time why what do you think I think why should it matter well for one thing there's not going to be any um Hanky Panky before marriage oh yeah Christian girls wait many of them wait yeah I don't care about that I'm just just answer my question do you believe in God doesn't matter what I believe in you're the [Music] patient I just wish they were different do you believe in God have you ever prayed for anything isn't that just the same thing as wishing for something sort of only you're talking to God yeah I don't see I don't I don't get that how am I supposed to talk to someone that I can't see or believe exists you don't believe God exists I don't know what I believe her dad gave me the Spy one why did you do that this Bible Club at school did you read any of it yeah a little bit does reading it make you feel better uh I guess that's great read it then cuz I believe it will help cool we [Music] done what's the rush remember Babe Ruth yeah it was a terrible joke steal my boyfriend will you if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen [Music] [Music] Becky get up now there's a fighter we have to get out of this house hurry hurry watch out behind me careful go get some help hurry [Music] Mr Evans do you have any idea who might want to do something like this because it was definitely ours you're kidding no we could have been killed tonight okay if you think of anything that might help the investigation just give us a call ask for crenchaw thank you the police will have more questions for you I'm done with this town and everyone in it Dad I can't believe your mother even thought there was a spark of humanity here Dad please don't say that try to be nice this is what you get in return look I'm sure they'll figure out who did it come on I really don't care anymore [Music] on hey hey wait up wait up we need to talk after what you did I don't think so look I'm sorry it was a stupid thing to do okay you could have killed us look what are you talking don't touch me sorry just go away Vic hey look just let me explain okay you tried to burn our home down how could you think I would do something like that to you because the same graffiti in my dad's classroom was on our car well I had nothing to do with what happened at your house so you admit what you did in the classroom yeah look it was a stupid thing to do all right I'm sorry all right I'm sorry will you just forgive me just stay away from me Vic hey Mark 11:25 hey I'm really sorry and I'm not going to let anything else like this happen again okay no we're not going to quit I don't think I could sacrifice you for all the Bible studies in the world we're not going to go up mom wouldn't want that you sound just like her what are you doing in my room you've been lying to me the whole time you're not taking your meds yeah so what I'm trying something else what does that mean trying something else trying what this this isn't going to help you son you have chemical emotional physical issues that's not going to help you yeah well Rebecca told me that prayer works and that God heals in miraculous ways oh she did did she yeah yeah well Rebecca's a [ __ ] do you understand that take your medication Michael hey buddy surprised to see me so early sorry I didn't call you back I did notice she called me three times this morning oh I three times really well look I'll make this quick uh I just wanted to speak to you give you a couple of words of encouragement this is going to be tough tough day maybe pretty ugly now think of yourself as uh David going up against Goliath I'm not so sure I'm ready for this fight you better be ready for a brawl and I mean that figuratively huh well trust in the Lord and don't forget your slingshot Dad yeah babe dad they found out who did it it was shoting Bernice well how' they figure it out Billy told the police he said it was a Christian thing to do looks like our little bible Club is really touching people your mom would be proud oh and um I think you reached Victor to you did good dad you know I'm real angry right now I just feel like dying how often are you having these thoughts why do you care when you have these thoughts about iron how do you think you're going to die shoot myself take a bunch of pills and jump off a cliff do you have a gun in the house yeah my dad has a few you know I thought you said that reading the Bible would work it's a fact that reading the Bible helps a lot of people yeah you know there's no mention of depression in the Bible you know that right it's a different time you know what man thanks for the help Victor Victor hello Mr Rivers this is Dr Gallow I'm very concerned about Victor I appreciate you being here thank you thank you PA Michael are you ready no get out that slingshot what do you know Rivers is a noow let's get this meeting started first order of business Michael lans's job now this is a vote amongst board members wait wait wait wait I thought we had a say in this the topic of the Bible Club will be open for public comment not the matter of Mr Evans job that's not right he's got to go okay let's vote so I put it to the board do we vote to keep Mr Evans on staff here at Elco Grove but before we say our Y and I would like to remind the board that Mr Evans has never so much has been accused of official misconduct in fact just get on with the vote will you all right yay one two three there you have it Mr Evans you will remain on staff here at Echo Grove you guys are confused next order business the Bible club now I understand some of you parents have voiced opposition and recent events surrounding the club have made us question whether or not this club is uh in the schools or the students best interest to allow it to continue how can we let it continue if he's in charge of it he attacked Littlefield attack he nearly killed him that has nothing to do with the validity of the club itself I don't recall being asked when the school started a religious Club well you never asked to approve the science club or the karate club either those are different they're not based on a book including non-christians if you'd like your child to be a part of a club based on some other religious book please feel free start one I don't want any clubs based on religion well I don't particularly like the idea of a French Club because I don't like the idea of eating snails either but that's not for you or I to say excuse me Max I was told I'd be given an opportunity to speak and if it's okay with the board I'd like like to do that now by all means let me guess you want us all to put our heads down and pray right Mr Littlefield please I just want to say that this isn't about me or the Bible Club to me this is about all of our kids and you wanting to preach to them no I just don't want our kids to how is this conversation happening look this is a school not a church I just want to start by saying first Mr Littlefield what happened between you and I was wrong and it was my fault and I hope someday you can forgive me bad chance pal and I also want to share with all of you that on the night my wife passed away I was with her and she made one simple request of me she said Michael will you pray with me and you know [Music] what I couldn't I just couldn't but what I know now that I didn't know then was that if I had been more prepared if I had been in a greater place in my faith a greater place of wisdom and knowledge you know what I could have been a better I could have been more of a comfort to her in that moment now I agree with all of you about one thing any one Faith should never be part of the curriculum of a public school that should never be mandatory but a separation of church and state was never intended to be a separation from God it was intended to prevent our government from ever deciding for us what we choose to believe it's ironic you know In This Very Room my wife once said this isn't about just a Bible Club because it's God's club and the truth is statistics show that young people who have a solid foundation of Faith you know what they make better choices in life and they live happier and healthier the purpose of the Bible Club is to share with all of our kids that God loves them and he cares for them very much and he's watching out for them in miraculous ways each and every day intervening in their lives well thanks to your Club I got a son who disobeys me every chance he gets and a daughter who's in trouble with the law sir your daughter's actions Works Mr Littlefield you don't have to worry I've already forgiven your daughter and I'm not going to press any charges you see that's what I've learned from my wife and my faith [Music] please what's wrong I really don't feel good what are you doing look I came to say bye okay what do you mean where are you going it doesn't matter come here no I'm sick of everyone I'm sick of everybody that lives here I'm sick of this town I'm sick of everything right now okay did you stop taking your medication you know what I really don't care [Music] anymore VI you know I forgave you for what happened thank you thank you Michael now I think with all due respect we should open the floor to your daughter is responsible for this Rivers what's going on here my son Vic is missing and he stopped taking his medication oh me makes you think Rebecca's involved because all he's been doing for the past 2 weeks is hang out with your daughter studying the Bible and now she's got him brainwashed into thinking that he can replace his medication with prayer it's you man you've caused this whole mess what kind of medication is he going to be okay he's on anti-depressants and I don't know he can become violent without him where do you think Vic took her why do you think Vic took her anywhere let me try to call her [Music] she's not picking up you know what happens if you and her wife hadn't moved into this neighborhood Mr Rivers this is not a time for personal attacks do you have any idea where they could have gone Park maybe Jefferson Park well let's [Music] go be careful [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are you [Music] [Music] Victor Vick please what are you doing go away no I'm here for you leave me alone you and your daughter have derailed my son's mental health and if anything happens to him I'm holding you personally responsible for it I hear you Spencer but right now what I need to know is could he be dangerous with her he's been violent in the past but I don't think he'll hurt Rebecca look I'm here to help but how can you be so sure he's with Rebecca cuz he left a suicide note and in the note he said Rebecca's the only one he could trust trust F thick come on hey this isn't how it works God answers our prayers in many different ways hey okay like for me if I wouldn't have gone to Bible study class my dad would have quit yeah exactly then maybe no one would to try to burn your house down Vick stop please no maybe I deserve to die you don't have a choice look at me Hey listen you kill yourself you can't go to heaven yeah how do you know it says so in the Bible plus I wouldn't lie to you Vic come on is [Music] VI please don't do this I'm worthless you're not worthless Vic I vandalized your dad's classroom look everybody makes mistakes I forgive you God forgives you Vic you have to forgive yourself remember Mark 11:25 whenever you stand praying forgive if you have anything against anyone so your father in Heaven May forgive you your [Music] trespasses I can't get anything right you know my Dad hates me no he doesn't if he hated you then why does he car so much about you Vic come down please calm down calm down let go C down don't touch me okay pray with me then you know I've tried it doesn't work that's not true Vic if it didn't work I wouldn't be here right now God has never said anything back to me pray with me though please I pray to let M see that this isn't how he wants to end his life [Music] Victor please help to show them that they're bigger and better [Music] things they're going to be [Music] okay Dad Victor [Music] Dad I'm sorry me too Dad you did good Bel thanks Dad [Music] good afternoon and welcome to Bible Club it's really amazing that all of you are here today please allow me to introduce Bible club's newest leader Victor Rivers thanks Mr Evans uh I'd like to start off today by reading a scripture that uh changed my life be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realm therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything to stand stand firm then with the belt of Truth buckled around your waist with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the Readiness that comes from the gospel of peace in add addition to all this take up the shield of Faith with which you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God Ephesians chapter 6 [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] see oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see you [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: MyTime Movies Now
Views: 11,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mytime movie network, mytime movies now, mytime movies, mytime hallmark movies, mytime hallmark movie, mytime movie network movies, hallmark movies, full hallmark movies, mytime hallmark, full hallmark movie, hallmark thriller movie, romance thriller movie, romance thriller, full movie, full movies, film, god's club, god's club full movie, god's club full movie 2015, gods club full movie, gods club 2015 full movie, faith movies, full faith movies, family faith movies, faith
Id: AsFEY0khvI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 37sec (5377 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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