Best Hallmark Romantic Movies 2023 - Romance Movies

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[Music] okay Becca can you tell us why you want to be on the little gourmet you kind of nervous that's okay it happens to everyone it looks like someone's been studying up may I rustic plates farm to table by Chef Steven Harris he's the best chef in the whole world the best he has two Michelin stars wow my parents took me to his restaurant for my birthday this year wow must have been a pretty special birthday my dad had the subie chicken but he couldn't pronounce it we just pointed to the menu I have the wild mushroom Zod out it was the best thing I ever [Music] ate so do you think she'll be able to make it to the end oh yeah she she's just a little camera shy well there are two cameras out there on that set big ones she deserves to be here she's a great chef and and she wrote a five-page handwritten letter about how being on the show is for dream sometimes you have to make the hard call Kelly you can't please everybody but you can try right [Music] [Music] okay so that's our group let's make this the best season yet [Music] okay good morning than looks great than [Music] heyj good morning Emily good morning the little Chef's all miked up and ready to go they are it's going to be a great season it is oh I might have spoken a little too soon wait William just leave the mic where it is okay hun good morning little chefs morning are we all excited yeah woo me too okay let's uh bring Chef Betty to set we have a problem come on okay okay you know what okay no I think it's getting better I think it's getting better go no I I I hi what happened well she she she bent over and didn't quite get back up again please stop fussing I just need to stretch it out a bit Eddie I think we better bring you to the hospital and get it checked out I don't need a hospital Kelly please for my peace of mind all right but I am telling you I am F okay F it's a slip disc she'll be okay with some rest but she needs to stay off her feet for four to 6 weeks well we don't have four to 6 hours Kelly we were supposed to start filming 90 minutes ago wow I picked a heck of a season to make my last you're you're leaving the network has offered me an executive role I'll be developing a number of new shows which means it's time to pass the torch but the little gourmet is your show for the time being yes and then next year someone else will be at the help um who well the network decides specifically John Simpson you should spend this season showing him just how invaluable you are I can't believe you're leaving yeah it's going to be tough to say goodbye but losing your host on the first day of production might be the universe's way of telling me that I made the right decision so what are we going to do we're going to find a replacement how do we make the little gourmet without Chef Betty I guess we're going to find out well team it seems like we're in a bit of a bind well we're working on a solution John and I'm glad to hear it but I think I've got one of my own perfect timing this is Jeremy Walsh Jeremy is somewhat of a rising star here at the network we brought him in when our late night show was facing a rating slump and he just well he just turned that right around for us it was a team effort when I heard about our situation I knew that I had found the perfect man for the job well welcome aboard I'm Amanda Amanda steel of course the creator of the little gourmet and this is Kelly Mater she's a producer on the show Kelly has been with us since the beginning nice to meet you Kelly I'm a very big fan of what you do and I want you to know that I'm just here to help navigate these rough Seas Jeremy has already scouted our replac oh hzy Patty Hogan now Patty hosts the cooking segment of the morning show she is sweet as pie and she's very popular now I believe that we can just slide her right in not even miss a beat but what about Steven Harris he's a name incredibly accomplished he has a line of successful cookbooks all bestsellers and his restaurant has a lineup miles long yeah excuse me you need to leave I haven't finished my dinner I take this to leave on Appetit that was filmed in Steven's restaurant last week 500,000 views in one day all the major Outlets have picked it up in fact the media has dubbed him hotheaded Harris oh yeah I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet did you say 500,000 views yes but it's all very netive the ratings for the little gourmet have always been strong but what we've wanted is a greater social media engagement you don't really want to replace Chef Betty with hotheaded Harris this could be great publicity for the show really get people talking besides it's only until our host is back nice work Jeremy [Music] just ready no no no remember a Julian cut is 1/8 in no more no less remember team perfect plate every time hey then it's a children's show look it's a great chance to rehab your image I don't like mushrooms you need the earthiness to counterbalance the sweetness of the onions I don't like onions okay I'll eat around them look Adam I couldn't do the show even if I wanted to supposed to go on tour for the book next month tour is canceled um I'm sorry what the publish just got spooked in the whole world saw you use a food critic as a garbage can he deserved it look right now Your Name Is Mud nobody's picking up my calls and trust me I'm making them let me ask you this how's business just fine really because I had to walk through a half empty dining room to get in here look it's just for a few weeks okay show the world you're not such a bad guy then we can talk next steps ooh you got any ketchup okay no ketchup all right little chefs before we start today I have an announcement Chef Betty won't be joining us this season what unfortunately she heard her back who's going to be our host now well actually it's pretty exciting Chef Steven Harris yes all right let's get to our cooking station everyone okay let's get Stephen to set in five we have a please don't say it a problem okay come [Music] on hi Stephen I I'm Kelly I'm one of The Producers on the show I just wanted to thank you so much for coming in and giving us a hand this season I'm not wearing it okay sorry Kelly they brought you in here to get me to wear that monstrosity I'm telling you it's not going to happen start it's it's part of the costume I'm a chef not a clown I'm not saying that you are it's it's just that the hat is toque what's that it's called a toque it's just the toque is very popular not with me listen Kelly this is temporary for me okay it's 6 weeks to fix some bad press and I'm not going to sabotage my career by making a fool of myself on National Television Stephen I hear you truly just keep an open mind it won't be as bad as you Kelly can you come to set please just try it on there you go there you go thank you pleas sure that how's our pinch hitter oh great just some first aid Jitters but I think I got through to them he's excited good me [Music] too got it so he'll just be right over here yeah good luck okay oh careful Chef cables everywhere let's see may I get a sound check please he's very comfortable he's not wearing the Hat testing one two oh uh three sure that'll do hey Chef you're not wearing the hat and I won't be oh really I I love that hat everyone loves that hat well we decided against it who's we there he is how's my star how you doing you good good good ah we have another problem you have the wrong pants we've been using those pants for the last three seasons so well you've been cooking the wrong pans for three seasons these are stainless steel they don't conduct heat evenly I prefer to cook with copper does it really make that much of a difference of course it does you can't have an elite Chef using these substandard pans you hired me to do a job I intend to give you my best okay yep we will look into the pans good you know I had some other thoughts I'm hear him I'm St [Music] today we're going to be demonstrating the proper technique for dicing an onion for what Sloppy Joe's Kelly is this a thing are they wrong with the cards or are we doing sloppy is it any of this even usable just the parts where he's not on camera good I'm sorry this is this is my fault I I never should have suggested when faced with a challenge we can either Wilt or we can rise to the occasion I prefer the latter so he's going to need a little extra attention I want you to run the promo script with him tomorrow coach him up a little oh I'm I'm supposed to be doing the introduction segments tomorrow Jeremy is going to handle that Jeremy mhm John wants Jeremy to shoulder more of the production so you're going to produce half the segments and he'll produce the other half but I've always done all of them John wants to see how Jeremy handles the responsibility my guess is that they're eyeing him to be my replacement oh he's smart clearly motivated what do you think yeah yeah he he seems like a like a good fit but of course that will all depend on on what on if we even have a show after this is over good not you just go again please two Michelin stars I'm doing this I guess I just thought that if Amanda ever left I'd be next in line to run the show but they've already crowned the new guy air apparent Amanda said there was still time to change their minds make them see they made a mistake it's not that simple why not well Steven Harris is why not I'm the one who suggested him if this doesn't work I'll be the one who ruined a successful show I'm I mean I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it I think you're looking at this all the wrong way oh you do you're linked to this guy right his success is your success yeah so make them a success what are you doing one week from tomorrow L do I get the feeling that you have an answer for me two words speed dating one word no why not when was the last time you went on a date uh what's today Friday about 4 months ago see just you know how busy I've been I I don't have any time hence the speed dating come on it'll be fun I promise just the last thing I'm looking for right now is a relationship come on this is pretty basic we are going to be recording some voiceovers for commercials so we practice it a few different ways just give yourself a chance to get familiar with it mhm you have a pen you don't need a pen these were written days ago it's all been approved not by me NOP no no you can't just rewrite [Music] it well maybe I'll ask Jeremy well jemy is not [Music] here how about a trade what kind of trade I'll read whatever you've written for me mhm and you give me control over the show's menu that's not going to happen why not between the two of us I'm the one with two Mission Stars well because the menus have all been carefully crafted based on what kids like to [Music] eat input we create the menu together 50/50 6040 I retain veto [Music] power deal no going off script no ad libs and no last minute changes well now that that's settled get your coat let's go go go [Music] where now this is how you create a menu you let the ingredients speak to you bet the lettuce is real chatty come here every morning before I head to the restaurant I build my dishes on the best locally grown produce farm to table ah white pearl onions could be good for a nice buff B let's stick to things our contestants can pronounce okay ah could do a lot with Rico grilled roasted a nice slw no ridicu okay why not have you seen the show yeah matter of fact I watched a few episodes from last season oh really the menus were completely inadequate inadequate mhm pedestrian hamburgers macaroni and cheese those are all dishes that people love those are all dishes that people see on their dinner tables every night exactly it it's relatable kids can relate to more sophisticated food if you introduce it to them correctly I mean honestly what is the point of having a cooking show if you don't showcase new and interesting Cuisine this is the point Tommy Waton the very first winner of the little gourmet and one of the sweetest boys who ever meet he was the underdog going in but he ended up winning the whole thing the audience they root for Tommy Waton they don't root for potato salad don't no one would root for potato salad you know what I mean it's it's not about the food it's it's about the kids and in order for the show to work you need to connect with the kids which shouldn't be hard since you already have so much in common really like what well this you're all chefs well if they're really chefs I think they'd appreciate the ridic you [Music] all right chefs you'll have 2 minutes in the pantry and then 90 minutes to create your dish using today's mystery ingredient ridic that's supposed to be carrots oh I changed it you what Steven had a note that's not what we agreed on I cleared it though Amanda she loved it I I love [Music] carrots all right chefs you have 30 minutes left to complete your [Music] meals and Becca what are you making today I'm making a cheese sule with a roasted balsamic rikio M now suet can be very temperamental I've been practicing [Music] ah so uh you're going to want to fold the egg whites in not with this but with this gently gently okay not so gently [Music] yeah right um you know what Becca let me just cut cut okay keep cooking everyone hey can I talk to you hey you can't just jump in like that yeah but her egg whes were going to collapse then let them you need to give them a a chance to figure it out for themselves so I'm just supposed to watch them while they make mistakes yeah it's through those mistakes that they learn grow become better chefs they can't do that if you're always taking the wheel also I'm going to need you to smile I was smiling nope you weren't can you it's just his hair is is doing the the thing yeah I know it is yeah my hair is not doing a thing my hair doesn't do a thing you look great it's fine just we're good well you know there's always the uh hat we need to give the audience a reason to fall in love with you just a genuine smile there it is MHM better better better falling in love with me listen are you falling in love with me no okay uh reset camera's rolling and action all right kids uh we have 30 minutes left to complete our [Music] d sorry it's okay uh reset uh hey uh Stephen you can lose a smile thank you yeah you tried the balsamic oriko delicious no I didn't get the chance hey Kelly sorry I had to go over your head earlier oh it's okay it's just I have a set of standards and not going to lower them know nothing personal just business yeah of course no our feelings none whatsoever [Music] wait what is that oh um that that is Photoshop have a nice night it's [Music] nice I mean did you see the reaction online last night I I lost count of how many times the word uptight was used well it's just the first episode there were always going to be growing pains people will warm up to him I can't help him if he won't trust me I'll be right back hey Cody hi hi what you working on I had an idea for a recipe and I wanted to get it down while it was still fresh in my mind well when you're done what about joining the group looks like they're having fun I don't think so you know on the first day of school my mom used to pack my lunchbox with a few extra cookies so that I could share them just they were really good cookies it always gave me a little bit of extra confidence so I could talk to new people were you nervous when you tried out for the little gourmet feel nervous but I wanted to be a chef my whole life how long has that been 10 years well you took a chance and look what happened you're here seems like taking a risk might have been worth it [Music] huh well since you're already being super Brave why not try giving it a [Music] chance [Music] okay use it we should use it [Music] you know most people knock I'm not most people what can I help you with so we're supposed to Dem with three different dishes today but I was just in the pantry and we're missing a number of key ingredients okay I'll get my key to do a run what do you need I should probably just write it down [Applause] how many ingredients are we missing what is this you're supposed to be writing not reading [Music] scholarship program Food Bank tyin former contestant update Hometown themed episode they're just ideas that I have for the show when they come to me I jot them down have you shown Amanda Amanda is the creator of the show she likes things a certain way and my job is to help her with that vision you know if a sue Chef approached me with a better idea to do something I'd listen you won't even cook with a new pan come just drop it okay why won't you show her because this is important to me okay if I put this out out there and it's rejected then that's it it's over and I'm not ready for that yet huh you know you gave Cody a pretty good speech earlier about uh taking risks you heard [Music] that you should really sh these me there but after you get me what's on the list thank you Kelly he's honestly the most frustrating person I have ever met he's really gotten under your skin huh no matter what I do to rain him in he finds a way to go Rogue now Jeremy's cozied up to him it's constantly feels like two against one and I am the one I'm sorry Cal what would you do if you were I'm you're not going to like this but maybe he has a a point wow you can't be serious you have Amanda's ear she might be open to shaking things up in the middle of a season why not it's her last one she might want to go out with a bang you Gra the kids will make an assortment of chocolates and then we'll display them in a box like this we'll also decorate the studio with hearts and flowers Perfect all right well let's keep this train on the tracks we only have three more episodes to go before the finale uh any other business to tackle before I track down that PA with my latte I I think that's it great um actually uh yes I I do have an idea for the next three episodes okay let's hear it I was thinking that we could do something special to Spotlight the contestants families okay we already filmed the getting to know you segments right but I'm talking about leaving the studio and filming entire segments on location that seems like a lot of unnecessary work if you ask me well what did you have in mind well Cody's dad is a firefighter what if we did a chili cook off in in the firehouse and Becca's mom has a bakery so wait you want to take an entire film crew with the equipment into a firehouse to to cook chili It's a fresh new perspective we get to see the kids in their element you know connecting with their families I think it'll be a really great chance to see them shine I don't really like it I do really really yeah let's do it get me logistical breakdown by the end of the day yes absolutely [Music] fantastic thanks again for agreeing to let us home here happy too boy's been on cloud n since he started the show got to could help out Cody's a very talented kid well he gets that from his mother I'm all plums in the kitchen this is Rick he'll tell you all about the station Rick M Mater Chef Harris it's Kelly Rick welome to ladder 43 me commissary what's you commissary I'm afraid we don't have all the bells and whistles you're probably used to oh it's fine it's all part of the challenge certainly the right word for it try cooking dinner for 14 men on that tiny little stove you cook the meals I do wellow I'm not busy save the occasional cat out of the tree I love to try new things you know and I'm as adventurous as the crew will let you know they're mostly meat potatoes kind of guys but occasionally I'll sneak something in oh in fact last week made Hackus permentier it's a shepherd's pie but with ground beef really hits the spot after a long day on call I bet huh hash the are a s French oh well however you say it it's good right okay so right over here you see the pots and pans feel free to use as much as you like we're going to use some of the firefighters as a judging panel today so you'll just be on hosting Duty okay that hardly seems fair just one segment no I mean for the kids doesn't that give Cody an unfair Advantage it it'll be a blind taste test so no one will know who made what dish sure Rick wouldn't play favorites anyways who said Rick was on the panel he's not on the panel of course he's on the panel that man is a ray of sunshine also did you really need to correct his pronunciation well he was wrong so you know sometimes being kind is more important than being right thanks Mister oh hey Emily a real set hey not exactly oh what's up I'm only counting four little chefs where's Cody yeah I don't know let me go check the back room thanks uh I'll follow you Cody we're all set to start I changed my mind I don't want to be on the show anymore you know I would never make you do something that you didn't want to do but I'd really love to know what changed your mind did someone say something to you no it's just my Dad's here with all of his friends and what if I let him down you know Cody I've uh cook for celebrities foreign dignitaries even president but most nervous I ever was was the first time I cooked for my father really really yeah it's just about your age actually and uh I asked my mother if I could be in charge of Thanksgiving dinner I'm sure I was ready wanted to impress him but when the day came couldn't stop my hands from shaking what happened oh I burnt the turkey you did oh I did I did I was mortified and I thought a ruined Thanksgiving for everybody you know what my father said what he said it was the best turkey he ever had but it was burnt yeah but it didn't matter he knew how hard I worked on it so he put on some extra gravy and he even asked for seconds now we should always strive for Perfection Cody but whether we reach it or not is irrelevant there so many things we can't control you know but we can always try our best you do that you're a winner so what do you say Chef should we go make some chili let's do it all [Music] right so you burned something once [Music] you all perform remarkably well in difficult conditions but the crew at ladder 43 has decided on a favorite bowl of chili the winner of this week's challenge is Chef [Applause] Cody congratulations thanks for watching little gourmet I'm Chef Harris and as always bone Appetit and we're out good okay let's take it all down all right guys we're on the transport on the good episode it was it was think we make a pretty good team a truce [Music] truce we're in this together right we are look at that cake has like macaroon pieces it looks so good I hope the de clears okay so we're going to start with you demonstrating the three desserts I was thinking we could have the bakery staff model could be a nice opportunity for them to show what makes this place so special I've actually sent them home by one of them out of the way just what the firehouse kale Incorporated the fir Fighters into the epis yeah you know we're going to do things different it's going to be really good there's an issue with the oven what kind of issue the burners won't turn on that happens sometimes but there's a way to fix it yeah how do we how do we do that Becca my mom usually does it should we go talk to her my Dad's here today can he fix it no he's a lawyer right he's a lawyer do you guys have any idea how far this is going to put us behind are you are you okay I mean we can just call Kell no no no no no no no I am I am good and I've got this I've got this it's going to be good he needs a brownie my mom says chocolate helps with stress welcome little gourmet I'm Chef Harris and this is Ladder 43 hey how was the bakery well there was an issue with the stove and it took Jeremy 2 hours to find someone to fix it o um why can't you produce every segment again because I need to sleep oh right hey Kelly here's your pizza oh okay thank you yeah um what is it lunch no okay well it's actually I guess closer to dinner if you're in a nitpick I mean no you're not eating that oh actually you can't tell me what to do actually you tell me what to do every day that's my [Music] job I'm sorry Kelly I really know but this is out of the kindness of my own heart what no yes it's not happening Kelly and don't you I'm telling you so are you going to enlighten me to what's going on isn't it obvious um you're making me dinner no we're making your dinner oh no thanks I'm I'm I'm good why not well I don't cook anything no well I make a mean tray of ice no no no that won't do Kelly Mayer I'm about to introduce you to something very special and what is that the joy of cooking I think that's TR be marked just put the apron on okay um so what's on the menu you wanted Pizza we're making [Music] pizza [Music] okay go ahead mix it up uh okay with with which one your hands okay okay no no no not like that funny it's quite funny hey you're doing great so when did you know you wanted to be a shefer well I was an Army brat so my family lived on all over the world seems like every few months they would pack up and move someplace new it must have been hard yeah it was i' make new friends settled into a routine and then we'd be off again my mother saw that I was taking a toll so she uh she started this tradition first day in a new place she'd take me to the nearest market and we Trav all the Local Foods I mean everything and I don't know what it was but every single time one of them would make me feel like I'm home give me this S no appreciation for the power of food you know connects us to each other doesn't matter what our differences are where we are in the world food brings us all together that's really beautiful here try this wait yes try this if I don't like it are you going to dump it in my [Music] lap ah the video yep I wondering when that was going to come up we all have bad days well what you didn't see was 5 minutes before that when that food critic made one of my waitresses cry why didn't you say anything it was everywhere before I could even blink after that I just thought I just ignored it it would go away you know you're actually more handsome in person oh you have a little [Music] uh sorry flower Kelly sorry to interrupt this but uh Amanda would like to speak with you oh um you're not interrupting [Music] right working on a new recipe for the show mhm yeah amand's over in the editing Bay thanks come on have you seen Kelly what do you need oh it's just she left her Notebook on set you know what uh I'm actually on my way to see her so why don't I just take it to her thanks thanks mine now remember with candy temperature is key Becca I'm making caramel we take the sugar to what stage fball temperature 118° F woo woo nice one oh my gosh flower pretty messy huh William oh yeah wow this was great thanks yeah he's winning them over the kids have always loved them no I meant the audience today's fan included three marriage proposals really mhm I don't know how you did it did what well you've tamed the Beast he was all bark oh that's going to be a nice garnish oh right in there look at youo I thought that was going to be just on the end you got a second sure I thought you might like to see this seems like you have a new nickname uh-oh sh Jeff Charming mhhm it has a nice spring to it yeah it [Laughter] does there it is what a real smile I knew you had one in there somewhere I'll uh I'll send you the link Kelly uh what do you what are you doing tomorrow night do you have you have plans uh no but I assumed that you did oh no no I'm not seeing anyone really mhm oh great 8:30 I will be there well looking forward to it [Music] great Che Steven hey what you guys still doing here Telly let to stay late in the kitchen so we can make you this this is for [Music] me it's a gift to say thank you sorry so messy we a have much time you know I think these are perfect thank you see you tomorrow Chef bye bye okay bye [Music] hey there you are looking for something I can't find my notebook did you leave it on Set uh yeah it might be there I I'll check before I leave what's up tomorrow I was going to check in on Chef Betty and then grab some drinks with the girls you want to join oh I would love to but I I can't oh spill there's nothing to spill I'm just meeting Steven at his restaurant you have a date with hot-headed Harris he is not called that anymore and it's not a date Saturday night restaurant cute guy it's a work thing oh okay well what are you going to wear to this work thing [Music] I all right I have lipsticks lip stains lip glosses pick your poison no no you can't wear jeans to an upskill restaurant even if it is a quote unquote work thing okay uh let me see how about no looks like you're going to a funeral here wear this Curry go and then I'll do your makeup okay but something subtle okay Cal subtle is out of my vocabulary okay [Music] okay good evening welcome to L do you have a reservation with us um yes I I I think so I'm Kelly I'm sorry Miss I I don't see that here oh uh maybe try Mater [Music] Mater sorry I don't have anything like that on the list oh did you say Kelly of course Chef Harris estate I apologize no we're not at come with me right this way can you please take her jacket hey [Music] thank [Music] you oh and you won't be needing this we have a menu plan de oh what is that exactly it's a tasting menu That's selected by Chef Harris oh so he decides everything I'm going to eat yes well can you tell him to please be nice I wasn't joking [Music] okay good huh very what are you doing eating you're joining me of course I am but you're so busy my staff can handle it besides we are celebrating what are we celebrating a successful [Music] partnership so you know why I became a chef what put you on your path H editing footage of chili cookoffs oh you get more than that now you're uh you're really good with those kids to obviously care about them my mother was a social worker growing up I didn't really know much about her job except she worked late and often but she loved it she passed away uh a little over 4 years ago I'm sorry a a few days after she passed there was a card in her mailbox it was from a young woman that my mother had helped years ago and then the next day there were three cards and then 10 they just kept coming and those cards were my mother's Legacy she helped so many kids changed so many lives [Music] well I think she'd be very proud of what you've accomplished I hope so you know with the show we we meet these kids and we get to Showcase their talents for a season and then it ends and we send them off into the world seems like you keep in touch oh I do but you know I'm always thinking what if the show could do more what if I could do more more you know not just give them a start but help them cross a Finish Line I just like to know that I've made an [Music] impression Kelly you're pretty impossible to forget H got the caramel I'm who was looking for that one oh got this one here well if I bite into this and there's coconut inside actually that might be extra coconut ah flower for your lovely date oh oh he's not made we not um actually I will take these here wonderful choices have a great evening to you as well thank you these are for you just as a way to say thank you for all your help why two colors well different colors mean different things see purple is for admiration M and the yellow the yellow is for friendship oh so we're friends now heck just as surprised as you are thanks for dinner I seriously that was the best meal I've ever had I had a very nice time my previous night's plans included take out and a stack of FR notes my job keeps me so busy I don't have much time for relationships these days yeah it's uh it's hard it's tough to balance at all lately it doesn't feel like much of a balance at all but I like to believe that love finds you when you're ready for it well uh this is me good night good night Kelly hey uh Kelly I know we didn't exactly have the smoothest of starts but uh I'm glad I agreed to do it the show me [Music] too so I just heard from the network this here's finale is going to be live live mhm that was my suggestion actually yeah well we've never done a live show before well it's it's a Sure Fire ratings Grabber you know youve got high stakes lots of drama people wondering what could go wrong okay but we don't actually want something to go wrong no it's about the anticipation of something going wrong he's right it gives us an opportunity to end a very unusual season on a high note I'm going to scout a couple of locations tomorrow we pack it with an audience make it a real event oh hey if you need a second set of eyes or something I can definitely go with you and Kelly you can hold on for it right actually Amanda I have an idea for the finale Farm to Table a celebration of food and where it comes from tell me more mushrooms can't foret the garlic Beef Wellington huh huh not a recipe for the faint of heart chef chef Becca Mrs do hi chef Harris nice to see you it's my dad's birthday today and I'm going to make him dinner Beef Wellington is his favorite oh have you thought of a side dish a sparus with the holidays H might be a bit too rich oh but you know I saw some baby carrots that would pair nicely and the arugula also looked quite good maybe a a salad with a simple vinegarette can you help me find something Becca I'm sure Chef Harris is very busy no no no actually I would love to really mhm if it's okay please of course all right let's go make you a menu come on show you where all the good stuff this now this one here is the exact right furnace you kind of squeze that yeah that's it there we go now for your star ingredients always grab two you never know when you may need an [Music] extra now have have to remember to rest the Wellington after rapping okay I will oh and I picked up the last bottle of this earlier ruffle oil mhm now use it sparingly only a drizzle thank you you let me know how it turns out okay are you sure you have everything I think so but I better double check the recipe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] hello uh why are you sending me pictures of spaghetti and meatballs at 10:00 because I made it you made it voluntarily I did and from scratch I mean not the pasta but baby steps I'm sorry I thought I was uh talking to Kelly Mater maybe I dialed the wrong number it's actually really good well I told you homecooked meal is always going to be better than something you find in a box and there's more there's more in about 8 minutes I am going to have chocolate chip cookies for dessert wow Color Me impressed if you're nice maybe I'll share well I'm always nice yeah sure don't you remember I'm Chef Charming so I've heard well I'm glad your first solo attempt went well I knew you had it in you thank you oh and check your cookies soon some ovens run hot you don't to burn them I am not going to burn them better to be safe and sorry so uh see you tomorrow I'll be there all right good night Kelly good [Music] night let me guess you burned them burned what oh uh hey Adam sorry I uh thought you're someone else um it's a little late to be calling everything all right well do you want the good news or the bad news [Music] first oo cookies you sharing [Music] those Betty Kelly oh oh what are you doing here all healed up told you they couldn't keep me down for long 4 weeks on the dot oh is this for me how thoughtful such a lovely gift [Music] Betty's back yeah isn't that great just in time for the finale a grand return I couldn't have scripted it better myself but what about Stephen well it's Betty's show Kelly it always was and he was a very good replacement but it was never supposed to be permanent right don't you think he should at least finish up the season well I offered him the chance to stay and he stepped aside he didn't want to step on BET's toes hey this is a good thing we got through a tricky situation successfully it's what we wanted I just I wish you would have told me sooner oh you had a thousand things on your plate so I just thought it was it better that I dealt with it Amanda I have been producing this show with everything I've got since day one let me prove it to you and John that I am ready I am so ready to handle the big things [Music] too at this we have four more hey Kelly I was uh I was planning to come see you i' just been on the phone all morning to deliver the wrong order and book solid tonight you don't have to explain well looks like you got your host back it's nice to see Betty up on her feet again yeah it is she'll be great I mean you know she won't have my attention to detail but oh who does well I knew what I signed up for I was always a temporary fix and uh and it worked you know people stopped talking about that video and uh my restaurant's doing better than ever well sounds like you got everything you wanted yeah yeah um well I I want wanted to invite you to the finale we're filming it tomorrow and we'd love for you to be there I wish I could but I'll be on a plane tomorrow night to Los Angeles oh oh yeah um they offered me my own show oh wow that's that's that's exciting yeah yeah my agent thinks it'll be a good tie-in with my new cookbook wow congratulations thank you I mean it for everything you're the reason all of this is [Music] happening well we make a good team yeah we [Music] do I should get back things are pretty crazy at the studio I bet glad you came back [Music] have a safe light thank [Music] you yes what I need to actually fix up where have you been I've been texting you oh I I've had my phone on second Amanda's office I bought you as much time as I could thank you yeah yeah I'm on it and then I thought that we could have guest chefs come in every week and it would really hi sorry it's it's been a bit of a busy morning Kelly come in you're going to want to see this Jeremy was just laying out a very impressive vision for next season Kelly you are going to love this oh former contestant updates a potential tie in with a local food bank and don't forget the scholarship fund that was my favorite it could make a real difference in the children's lives you know I just I just think that there is so much more that we can doing with the show and I have to tell you I am very excited to take it in a bold New Direction what did I tell you this young man has Fine leadership potential well done thank you [Music] [Music] oh easy there those were my ideas excuse me the scholarship program the food bank those were mine I don't know what you're talking about Jeremy did you read my notebook your notebook yeah Kelly I I don't have the s a clue of what you're referring to so you just happened to share my exact vision for the future of the show okay look I don't know what to tell you if you had those ideas maybe you should have shared them sooner [Music] sorry Sten Amanda hey I was just uh dropping off some letters for Cody and Becca wish him luck for the finale well that's very nice we're really going to miss you around here I have to admit I had my doubts but Kelly was right on the money with you yeah she was saddled with me sure she's probably happy I'm out of her hair well you were her pick what do you mean she pitched you in the room John loved it she really stuck her neck out for you I mean lucky for her it worked out I mean lucky for you too she's always had great instincts she's special that one yeah she is uh she around no you missed her she's at the site preparing for tomorrow's finale we're just up at the Sanderson Farm about half an hour Upstate if you're curious [Music] [Applause] [Music] okayy your mail oh thanks Kathy din tonight just myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kelly I did it I got into the international culinary institute's summer program I'll get to spend my vacation learning from some of the best chefs in the world thanks for all of your help couldn't have done it without you Tommy [Music] Waton here it is it's a 6mon shoot and it films in La so pack your sunscreen you lined up an executive chef to run the restaurant while you're filming yeah yeah I got a few options oh you need to make that call The Producers want to start right away to capitalize on the success of your little gourmet run uh thought you might be a little bit more excited about this uh yeah yeah it's just um just happening so quick I thought we were just meeting with the producers tomorrow Stephen this is a great opportunity it's your own show I know I know um and I'm happy I'm happy I am Steve this is a dream gig you signed that contract and it's yours for the taking so take it big day's finally here you ready of course you're ready you were going to go out there and you were going to give them the best darn live show they have ever seen because you are strong and capable and frowning what's wrong huh oh nothing um I don't know it's just I I guess I wish that Steven was here it doesn't feel right doing all of this without him you know he probably would have stayed if you asked him to I invited him to the finale I'm not talking about the show I'm talking about telling him how you feel I don't know how I feel are you sure or are you just afraid of the [Music] answer what does it matter that I think he's incredibly kind and talented and amazing he's leaving Jess and we have a finale to film so come [Music] on the little gour oh Kelly Kelly there you are how's my hand it's perfect good we're going live oh my shoes Kelly on my way Stephen what are you doing here I thought you were getting on a plane well I am but uh I wanted to give you something before I left what is this a promise well it's a contract between my restaurant and the show is it any contestant that takes part in the little gourmet can come an apprentice under me after culinary school it's just a just a way to help we cross the finish line This is thank you Kelly we're ready to go the show is about to go live so I have to okay hey Kelly how come you never told me that you suggested me as Betty's replacement well I would have but you were threatening to quit over a hat a toque seriously why me this show is about empowering these kids and I thought you could be someone who inspires them I was right welcome to the season finale of the little gourmet I'm your host Chef Betty today our two contestants Becca and Cody are going to battle it out using ingredients from the beautiful Sanderson Farms fresh produce from the fields right outside straight to the judge's table oops well that's live television for you anything can happen oh no oh uhoh okay okay oopsie okay yes first let's take a look back at the season that got us here and cut oh my gosh py py are you okay oh I'm sorry Kelly I don't know what I was thinking it was just a reflex it's okay we're good through this what is happening why are we off the life Fe how much time do we have left about a minute and a half can you run the contestant interviews what's the plan we bring Steven in okay okay Chef Betty you you you can power through this you can be a good sport right no she can't and I'm not going to force her to need I remind you that this is live television we don't just throw out the script trust me run Mikey can you take that to her doctor [Music] MH hey all set yeah Steven Steven wait hey what's up I really need you well whatever it is it'll have to wait uh Betty can't do the show and we need a host Steve if we want to make our flight we got to go I know it's asking a lot Stephen but I really need you I'll do it great uh sorry I'm going to get some cute cards written up on the slide but in the meantime I need you to riff wait a minute I thought you said no adlas I'll allow it I get that in writing hey my hair still there thing you're good all right we're at the halfway mark chefs should be getting your desserts into the oven Chef I forgot the chocolate can I go back to the pantry I'm sorry Cody you're only allowed one trip to the pantry for supplies those are the rules what am I supposed to [Music] do here I grabbed a second bag you never know when you might need a backup thank you what are friends for [Music] and now the moment you have all been waiting for but before we announce the winner I just want to say that you two possess an enormous amount of potential you're both very talented chefs but the judges have decided on their favorite dish the winner of this season's little gourmet [Music] is Chef [Music] [Applause] Becca [Applause] congratulations congratulations Becca from all of us here at the little gourmet good night and healthy eating I'm Chef Harris and as always and cut we're out that's a wrap everyone Bravo thank you fantastic thank you yeah really congratulations thanks this is hands down the best finale this show has seen and I've been informed you other one to than it's absolutely right Kelly's quick thinking kept us out of a real Jam an invaluable skill when running a show well we really pulled it off team Jeremy Walsh just the man I was looking for Amanda gave this to me earlier fascinating read although I have to say it did give me the strangest sense of deja vu these ideas in Kelly's notebook are a lot like the ones that you pitched at our meeting exactly I was trying to Champion her you know I may have pushed you just a little too fast Jeremy walk with me let's talk about where we go from here okay great work [Music] Jeremy Mikey found that in Jeremy's office and it's a very good thing he did because you're going to need those notes for next season I'm your replacement the job is yours if you want it I do good this job is all about speaking up taking control and finding your own voice I'm very happy to be leaving the show in your hands really well done thank [Music] you notice anything different about me H hint I've been promoted what congratulations next season of the little gourmet I'll be running the show well you deserve it Kelly thanks oh your flight oh left 20 minutes ago I'm sorry ah don't be told that I'm going turning down their offer [Music] why my heart just wasn't really in [Music] it you see red means I [Music] know you know the thing [Music] is I could say goodbye to New York I don't think I could say goodbye to [Music] you you know I'll be needing some help with the menus next year do know anyone I might know a guy did I get his number oh yeah he's closer than you [Music] think City Light St sh Bri in the the night we take flight neon dreams so clean in between what's unseen We rise we Glide under sky so white hearts beat so fast moments Never Last echos bounce around in the sound we are found up high we try touch the sky flying by We rise we Glide under Skies so wide hearts beat so fast moments never last it goes bounce around in the sound we are found up high we try touch the sky flying by when you rise we fly underne on signs so bright young and loveing fre chasing the s day light we ring bright under sky so why hearts beat so fast moments never last but the memory stays a fire in our G A fleeing glimpse of magic in a concrete Maze We rise we Glide under neon signs so bright Young and Wild and Free chasing the City Light We rise we Glide under sky so wide hearts beat so fast moments Never Last with the memory St a fire in our case a fleeing the Magic in concrete We rise we Glide under knon Sun so bright young and walk free chasing the S We Like We R we like under disg so wide hearts beat so fast moments Never Last the Morning Light will come steal the magic from the drum but tonight we'll fly beneath the city [Music]
Views: 181,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QvxI-IVWVcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 2sec (5222 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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