"The Way Forward" - Stephanie Ike

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hey family pastor touré god bless you listen this message that you get ready to hear is going to change your life I want to remind you about another message it's a message in my new book wholeness winning in life from the inside out that is going to be released on February 6 but you can pre-order it now I'm excited about that book it's going to change your life a lot of times and things that you're expecting or hoping for outside in life has to do with what's going on inside of your life and so the book is amazing it's incredible you can pre-order it now at a discount but for now let's get into this message god bless you Sunday I sure the word that God has revealed to me about this season that we're in and that is the abundance and the increase that is a sign to our lives it's gonna come in partnership with God through us because many times we have an expectation of what we want other people to do and God is saying in this season what is a sign to your life they increase assigned to your life is that which will be produced by you with me we see in that same path the crazy thing about you know believing in what God can do is when it is challenged by a counterfeit that you can see because on one end you know you're believing that okay God is gonna do this with me through me and then the counterfeit pops up and you can see it you can touch it you can feel it it's like a ransom and you know I call this message the way the weight forward because temptations is is a given it's always gonna come and as we study the word for today we're gonna see how oftentimes actually most times the temptation will come before the provision and so how do we come to the place where we are able to overcome every temptation that in our life because when temptation comes it is offering a counterfeit and the power of a temptation is that it is connected to something you desire it could even become connected to a legitimate need that you have you said once heard a man say that an illegitimate need through an illegitimate means is sin and so even though the need is legitimate if though if the way to procure it is illegitimate it is sin and it is it is missing the mark it is misalignment you are going a different direction that God never ordained you to be on but you see the thing about a counterfeit why is so easy to fall prey to it it's because the counterfeit it it speaks to a minut percentage of what God has for you but because you can't see it it becomes magnified you say for example we are in the cuddle season right and on Netflix and chill is better when there's a chiller Maxia so this is just an example right this is example and so now in this moment even though you might believe in God for a spouse a partner a counterfeit could appear and all they have to really offer you is companionship listen it's a lot of people pray for a sponsor here but check this way all they have to offer is companionship but because you can see it touch it feel it it becomes magnified like this must be the promise but when you examine it closely you begin to realize this does not speak to my destiny this does not speak to where I'm headed does not feed me spiritually nor does it stimulate me mentally why am I here and the more that we are giving to that the more that we are led by that that is time that God could have been revealing someone to you that is time that God could be making you whole that is time that God could be preparing you for what he has for you so with a counterfeit because it offers just a little percentage of the blessing that thing becomes so magnified that we are easily it's so easy to fall prey to and so today's word we're going to look at why temptations come what do they represent and what I believe is a key to overcome every temptation in our lives you see when I think about temptations it's so interesting because on one hand the Lord says that you know when anyone is being tempted they should not say that I am being tempted by God for God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone but on another hand you see how when Jesus was lettuce was going to be tempted by the enemy he was led by the Spirit of God so how is it that God is leading him the father is leading him to be tempted but then he is not the one that tempts and so in thinking about that I'm like okay so what does God specialize in and God specializes in testing and I began to see a connection with temptation and something being tested and ultimately what is being tested is the key for you to overcome what is being tested is actually the very thing that would give you access to the promise you see the Word of God says that his blessings make it rich and added no sorrow so his blessings it increased and it doesn't add sorrow but if God will give you a blessing before your time that blessing instead of it increasing you it could crush you and so there are certain principles that before God can even release a provision to you there are certain things that ought to be tested to know okay is this person ready for what I actually have for them you see I think about Abraham for instance and we see how Abraham was tested by God and at the end of his tests the tests dealt with God asking him Abraham give me your son give me your only son even though Abraham had two sons but it was the only son in God's eye because that was the son of the promise he says give me your only son and and basically God is telling Abraham to kill Isaac give it to me give give him to me as an offering and at the end of this we see that Abraham literally at the brink of eNOS slaying his sons neck and Angel screams and says nothing they'll stop Abraham no no no no no and the angel says to Abraham now I know that you fear God you see in that moment what was being tested in Abraham is his reverence for God and our fear for God plays a role in our lives because I believe that the fear of the Lord is in the balance of understanding his love and his judgment and when I see judgments is not like a bad word is just is literally the correction of God but you see sometimes in life we are too swayed on the love and the grace that we abuse it and other times we're so swayed on the judgment of God that we live in little fear but there is a balance and I believe that balance produces reverence because that balance you see Abraham in the balance in the love of God he understood that even if my son dies the Lord will resurrect him in his in his understanding the judgment of God and the correction of God it's an understanding of cause and effect my disobedience will have consequences and it's not because if I disobey that God is gonna look from heaven and be like oh my gosh I am NOT doing that for you God is not petty right but it is literally that your obedience has a sound your obedience is what releases things to you you see Abraham it's not evil when when Abraham when the angel is yells from heaven the Abraham stop I believe his obedience had a sound to heaven that is I learned that the angels that said oh my gosh Abraham is really about to kill his son they're like hold up and they're like Abraham don't do it now we know that you fear God your obedience has a sound your obedience has a sound that calls forth the things that has are assigned to you and so how do we live in this place of Perpetual obedience how do we live in this place where we're not easily swayed by the things that we desire how do we live in this place where when temptation comes we have the ability to conquer because even though a counterfeit looks like a thing it's not it you see in the Garden of Eden they were there were fruit trees all over the place but they had a different makeup the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they were both fruit trees you know according to the word but but depending on what you chose the outcome is different depending on the path you choose depending on the path of obedience or the path of the counterfeit the outcome will be different and when we recognize there is cause and effect I can't just do anything that I want to do because there is a consequence connected to that act and they're there there are times where the correction of God is not something you're ready to afford sometimes when God is correcting you it will cost you something you may not be ready to give and that is why the word says obedience is better than sacrifice because there's some things that would have to be sacrificed that you may not be ready for and so in looking at how is it what what what are the things being tested what is it that it is really in the in the light of temptation what is God looking at and so I thought about the ultimate story Jesus being tested in the wilderness and I want us to look at that passage you see it says then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil he has a child of God he orders our steps and when temptation comes is to understand that actually God led you to be tempted he ordered your step to be tempted even though he's not the tempter he's leading you to it because there's something he's watching out for and then it says and when he has fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterward he was hungry now when the tempter came to him he said if you are the son of God command that these Stones become bread you see the first thing I see being tested is Jesus his humility if you are the son of God if you are if you are the son of the Most High if you are the son of the of the all-powerful God show yourself do something about it you see pride is arrogant its boastful it was everybody to know who he is humility is the ability to contain your power when it doesn't serve the one you serve humility says I have the ability to do this but it's not gonna serve my father's agenda you see sometimes we are tempted to prove ourselves or attempted to prove our points because even if you might be right if proving your point does more damage than good then that's pride because it is to say that I want to be arrogant and boastful about my rights humility says look I know I'm in the right but if this doesn't change anything it's okay for me to be silent there are times that you could be in the right and God will have you pull back it is a test of humility because if Jesus fails the test here then imagine when people were provoking him on the cross oh my gosh he would have to turn up you know what all of you died just just all up here just everyone who with me just get lashes right now by the Angels he didn't have to prove himself dan because he passed the test here and so the test release access to the purpose and the promise connected to his life God would test your humility then the death of the enemy says command these stones to become bread God will test your hunger what are you more hungry for what feeds your spirit or what feeds your flesh you see this was a real-life temptation for Jesus because when he was led to the wilderness he wasn't told how long he was gonna be there so when the 40-day markets and he's hungry he's not aware how much longer he's gonna be hungry for you see your what what what feed your natural hunger is your comfort Jesus was not was not gonna die because he was hungry but he would be uncut the bull being hungry you see when God is testing your hunger this is why sometimes you might be in a low place in life and it feels like God is still requiring more of you he's requiring more service from you he's requiring you to give more he there things that are being asked of you and you feel like God I'm barely making it and you want me to keep pouring out and pouring up because he is testing what are you more hungry for are you more hungry for to feed your stupid to feed your spiritual need or to be comfortable you see God will test you in the low place in the wilderness to know if he can trust you in the high places because if your hunger is not in check then you cannot be trusted to make certain decisions on platforms that would be given to you because when platforms come and the decision seems uncomfortable it's like Bing sir he will test your hunger that's why Jesus will always say my food is to do the will of God doesn't mean he was hungry I mean he was not hungry but he says no no my what that the priority of my hunger is my spiritual hunger it is not what feeds my flesh it is what feeds my spirit and this comes in the temptation of what what many will call the lust of the flesh whether lusts literally things that just look good and you just want to I want that but if it's if it's taking you away from if it's leading you astray from that which God has called you to do then you're giving in to a natural hunger over your spiritual hunger God would test what are you more hungry for he will cause you to keep pouring out in a low place and you're just like God when is something gonna happen but even in that low place you're being built spiritually he will bring things that would tempt your flesh I mean him you know the enemy a you desire but it's the test will you say yes or no because I want to know what are you more hungry for Jesus was more hungry for the word was more hungry for the will of God versus his natural hunger and we see that even in the Garden of Gethsemane way he says okay Lord you know if he if you he'd want to take this cup away from me you can do it but if it is your will I will submit he was more committed to his spiritual hunger than what would make him comfortable you see when I was thinking about this verse I thought about our senior pastors and when they chose to make Denver you know to be leaders over the Denver campus that is a very uncomfortable situation they just bought a new house out here and then now you're going to be pastoring in Denver as well you see they were trusted on that platform because their hunger was for the will of God over there comfort God would test your comfort what what are you what what is it or is your comfort bigger than the will for my purpose and then the word says but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God then the devil took him up to into the holy city set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of God throw yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you and in their hands they will bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone his surrender was being tested you see the devil is basically telling him Jesus throw yourself and let the Angels save you and this spoke to me about the cross because ultimately he is going to be crucified and his only Savior is in trusting that that the spirit would resurrect him from the dead when is his surrender is being tested because in this moment is Jesus would you need to know would you need a physical evidence that the Angels could save you to know that in the end the Holy Spirit will resurrect you are you surrendered enough to God to know that you you don't have to put out some Maiden's on him you see sometimes God will call you to a place and the circumstances of the situation even though you know deep down you know that God called me here got positioned me here then you start wanting to give God ultimatums God if you don't do this I'm moving back home the angel is saying Jesus throw yourself down obviously if you threw himself down that was to say God I mean if you don't catch me I'm gonna die but I believe what that what was really being tested here is are you surrendered enough do you trust me enough to know that even when you are crucified and you're dead when you every time Jesus would say I would resurrect on the third day to believe that truly my spirit will resurrect you from the dead are we surrendered do we trust God's Word you see the crazy thing is about giving God an ultimatum is that first of all is forged by doubt there's a difference when you're asking God for a sign from a place of trust and when you're giving him an ultimatum because you need an answer right now and the Word of God says anyone who asked me a thing in doubt should not think they're gonna receive anything and so in that moment of saying God if you don't do this I'm leaving and nothing happens you literally remove yourself from a position that God has planted you under frustration of what God you didn't move God would not respond to doubt and so if he has positioned you somewhere if you want to know that if you're seeking God for a sign from trust that is it is evidence in the fact of God whatever you say I'm good with it if you tell me to stay here in this circumstance in this situation I'm good with it if you tell me to go I'm good with it but when you give him an ultimatum to change the circumstance to fit you being there that's doubt because you're literally saying that okay God I can I don't know how this is gonna work with what's happening right now he will test your surrender he would test your trust studying things will come to you and you will be challenged by studying things to know do I really trust God do you really trust me do you really trust my will for your life do you do you feel like you have to I have to prove myself to you in a way that fits your circumstance because when you're asking God for a sign from trust he will give you a sign but when you are in the position where you're already questioning I don't want to be here I don't like how this is you know what God maybe you never called me here and if you don't do this I'm not doing it he will not respond to doubt he'll respond to trust but never doubt and so we will be tested with our surrender and the word now says Jesus said to him it is written again you shall not tempt the Lord your God again the devil took him up up on up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed him at the kingdoms and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and he said to him all these things I will give you if you fall down and worship me your worship would be tested you see worship worship I believe is about weight what has weight in your life the the posture of bowing down we worship God because of the weight of who he is to us when we think about everything that God is to us it is it is weight it has weight to it and so the posture of bowing down there is something that we are carrying there is a weight of his essence there is a weight of his glory there is a weight of his identity what has weight in your life you see when the enemy is saying look Jesus just bow down to me I will give you all of this is the weight the glam of the purpose because sometimes we could be after a thing because of the look it gives us and not the actual purpose of it you see blessing a blessing is a weight because a blessing is a responsibility you're responsible that there there are things connected to the blessing it's a weight on its own and that is why God does not rush to do things in your life because either you are able to carry it or it will crush you and so the test here is what has weight in your life Jesus do you want the glam of how things look because hey I could give you the kingdoms right now but if he gave in to this you see this this was void of the redemptive work that would be done at the cross that would be out of the picture completely there would be no Savior only for those who were on the earth at that time maybe and so what what would it what has weight is it the glam of things or the purpose in it you see purpose takes guts glam is just for the show you see I'm reminded by my time in this country I remember so many times it did not make one sense because when I compared my life in Nigeria and my life here in the beginning I said this is a very mediocre life Lord what is going on I left a country where there was a driver to be jumping on the bus in this country I said God why it made no sense to my family they're like Stephanie you should come back to Nigeria there are so many opportunities for you if you want to preach listen you could have a TV channel a show you could preach you could touch the people in Nigeria there were so many opportunities of glam but not purpose there were so many opportunities to to look like a thing but have no impact you see there's a passage that say that they talk about people that have the appearance of godliness but they are void of the power I don't want to look like I'm doing something for God but I'm making no impact because you see your purpose is geographical there are places that God will call you to and so function outside of that place is death and so you could look the part I could be Nigeria on a TV show talking about Jesus ain't nobody getting saved because the power would only back up what is him I'm a so just be motivating people and so I stayed in this country not because it was glamorous because it was not but I stayed in this country because God called me here the weights on my life was not for the glam it was for impact god I want you I want I want to have I want you to use my life to create impact for your kingdom you see sometimes when we get distracted and and that's why you know this whole social media you know culture can can also be you know sometimes quite sad because we we see glam glam glam glam glam but we don't understand is it impactful is there any impact behind this beauty right now the kingdom of God is about power the weight on Jesus's life was impact it wasn't about acquiring the kingdom's just to look like he's doing something just to look like you know what I came I showed up I got the kingdoms boom a shortcut that would not be backed up by heaven you see the burden you carry is the burden you will serve if you carry a burden to say God use my life for impact you will serve that like God you know what it does not matter how tough things get I'm not leaving this place until you do what you said you would do through me but if you carry a burden for glam you will give in you a compromise find yourself in all sorts of compromising situations but there will be no impact you see as I studied these things and thinking of how each and every one of these tests literally gives us access to the promise my question now was how is it that we overcome every time you see the Word of God talks about blessed is he who endures temptation then in another scripture it talks about how no temptation has come to you that you cannot bear but that God will make a way so that you will endure it the key word there is endurance and the Lord Jesus says something that that really blew my mind he said you know that for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross family if you're gonna overcome temptation there has to be a joy set before you what is it that you're looking towards to so you're not easily drawn away from it when you don't have a clear vision about what it is that what your aim if you don't have an aim for your life if you're not in the presence of God seeking God what is the joy set before me anything can stray you away you see sometimes we have to take inventory of the patterns of our temptations and bring it before the Lord and say God what is this really costing me because oftentimes what I've understood with this passage literally no temptation comes to you that you cannot handle so when we give into temptation there is something wrong with our perception it is not that we are not strong enough to say no but there is nothing that is is more it is is more attractive or is more appealing to us for us to deny it Jesus had a joy set before him he said there's something I'm looking at that I don't think nothing can nothing can take me away from this joy you see when I think of my life I cannot afford to be distracted because there is an enemy after my soul there's an enemy after my life and to be honest with you I am aware that my calling is not just for the people that God will lead me to it's for my family I am very aware that they were there there are issues of life and death in my family that if I stray away from my call that blood would be on my hand and so there is a joy set before me not just for my life not just for the people that God has called me to there is a joy set before me to see my family be all they can be the scripture talks about be sober and be alert because the enemy is just it's just wrong it's just looking you know let me just paraphrase it he's just looking for someone to devour there are times that family members would call me and talk about an illness and to this sermon I'm like this is a spiritual thing let's pray about it and in prayer that thing is healed what if I was distracted what if I was just learned by temptation and Saul says let's you know call me about an issue oh you know what um it's gonna be fine and then something else happened that was not supposed to happen as a child I remember that what God would speak to me about things to warn my mother concerning and I'm like mom tomorrow this person's gonna call you please don't go there were issues of life and death that was connected to my obedience to my calling I remember a dream that the Lord gave me and I will never forget this dream literally I'm standing in the middle and on one line is just a bunch of people I don't know and on the other line I see like my family members and and just being transparent my family is my heart and he and he says to me who would you die for and in the dream you know so I'm not really having control of the dream and I point to the strangers and he said by dying for them they will live and it's not literally like I'm gonna die and you know it is that I would be a living sacrifice to my call for my family to see my family also be all they can be [Applause] so there's a joy I know the joy set before me and it cannot malign it's not worth it I've been there done that in hand here and worth not much when God showed me the joy set before me I said God it's me and you in this thing because I would not be held guilty for something that could have been prevented by being alert by being sober I remember when I used to read that scripture be alert and sober that wasn't my drinking days I thought I was just about being sober I was like God okay I'm not gonna drink today no it's about being sharp in the spirit family I want us to take time this is not an answer that you may have right now this will come from meditation from prayer God what is the joy set before me what is this thing really costing me you see Esau when Esau sold his birthright to his brother he didn't realize the cost that's why when his father was praying that when he found out that his brother tricked him and received the blessing of the firstborn son he was upset but heaven backed that up because Esau literally gave him his birthright for some food he chose food over the blessings of being the firstborn like God made a mistake to push him out first he didn't see it right he had a perception problem and that is why it was so easy to give it away because he didn't recognize what he had when we when we are lured by temptation weird we don't recognize what it is is taking us away from we don't recognize the value so we don't protect it what you don't understand its value would not protect and so I'm learning that temptation is not a problem of weakness falling into temptation is not because you're weak it's because there's something you're not seeing right because the Word of God will not lie God would not you would not be tempted beyond what you can bear that is the Word of God there is a way for you to endure but endurance is not fun endurance is your your-your-your literally you're you're you're sitting with something that could be if you're like resisting it but what gives you the strength to resist is understanding the value of what you're protecting and so family my call to you is to take some time study the patterns of your temptations this thing with God this walk with God is a very intentional walk growth does not happen by you know accident with him study the pattern of your temptations come before him God what is this really taking me away from show me the joy set before me because when you know that you would never be led astray you can overcome every temptation because you recognize what you're really protecting family stand with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus family I really just want us to cover this in prayer to that where you where you've been feeling like you know what this thing just keeps overcoming me if there's if there's something in your life and you're like this thing just keeps overcoming me but it's not that you're a week it's a perception issue and if that spoke to you I want you to calm down I want to pray for you that God will reveal what you up to protect thank you Jesus if there's a pattern that is taking you away from obedience to God because obedience is the sound that unlocks things for you obedience is the way forward it is the sound that heaven responds to obedience so anything that comes against it anything that that that causes us to be led astray has to be checked it has to be dealt with we cannot play games with it we cannot be in bed with the enemy that is trying to destroy us because you cannot save yourself from someone you're in bed with thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord and you see the beautiful thing about life is even when we talk about the fear of God and we talk about his love and his his judgment or correction because sometimes when we hear judgment they just think like you know just this bad even though you you you might be here and you feel like okay you know what what happens if I've been messing up no God was just God will correct it he will realign you and so and that is why the beauty of it is that he is the restorer of time you see this it's so interesting there's a passage that you know when I I remember reading this all the time when it talks about God will restore the years that the locust and the dis and that has Eden right but there's another passage in the scripture where God actually calls the locust his great army so he's restoring what he allowed to have access to you but it's not that he's like you know bipolar no he's correcting things and even oftentimes what correction will cost you he will restore and so if you're here and you feel like god I've been messing up trust me I was there you know I talked about my drinking story so lord that was just embarrassing to the glut you know to have it they're just like what is this child doing over here I'll be just Hertz and prophesy oh jesus loves you pass me the drink right there if you feel like god I've made so many mistakes and literally how you feel is I don't even know if you can use me I don't feel good enough I don't feel and for someone the word you even uses I don't feel holy enough guys like no look I specialize in this I'm testing you to also reveal to you where where we need to tighten up and so if that's you and you're here come down let us cover this in prayer when you look at you know when you look at the life of Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord the the lion age that brought forth Jesus was not perfect there was a prostitute in there there was all kinds of people in there even the Lord says no one is good except the father if you feel like man I've just been back to back back to back he can correct it and restore what the correction cost you God specializes in using broken people this this this idea of perfectionist is so flawed the only that what we what we what we you know what is due to him is our surrender not our perfection it's surrender because surrender says God like this just take all of me my mass my my good my bad and and show me how how for how to how can that reveal your power your grace your love your mercy I don't want to it's not about abusing the grace know God show me show me how to walk with you show me how to live by you show me show me how to live a life that is pleasing to you thank you lord there's someone and maybe only a few here but if you're not in and you're battling with yourself to come down you're being called there's a you you're very aware there's a caller in your life and it's for its for ministry in the literal sense of the word you know and your be and you know that God is calling you to proclaim the Gospel and you question yourself so much because you just feel like I'm not the person for the job at all no it's not by your power it's not by your might it's by his spirit it's by his spirit and he will show you what that also means in your life sometimes your calling is what will save your children sometimes your calling is what will save your your parents sometimes the decisions you make is what allows those connected to you to live in the decisions connected to heaven let me say that better the decisions that you make with your life God can show you the impact in the lives of those around you to live a whole life to live an abundant life there will be a joy that he will show you that it's connected to for some of you even as we as we're talking about this this this element of being tested by God I don't know who this is for but even when we talked about to surrender your wisdom there are things that you're dabbling into and if you're honest with yourself deep down you know it's wrong but you keep trying to give yourself a reason for why it's okay but deep down you don't have peace about what you're doing but you're trying to make this situation look like oh no no no it you know God gave me this so I think this is all right I don't want to say exactly what it is but I know that the Holy Spirit is ministering to your heart you're dabbling into something you know it's wrong you see family even when once you're presented by a god thing it has to be God's Way the way you you take care of it has to be his way if it's gonna reflect his power if if he would even breathe on it if he's gonna support you in it if he's gonna move with you in it it has to be in his way with him if that is you and these words are revealing things to your heart I want you to come down and let's seal this in prayer thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus partnership with God is the greatest thing that would ever happen in your life and if we really want to see ourselves live in an abundant life there are things that we have to surrender you have to surrender your wisdom because God uses the foolish things the Word says he uses the foolish things to confound the wise it doesn't have to it you it's not about how it logically and how you know scientifically sometimes it's taking those science formula for it but when you know God is speaking to your heart you don't want to do anything that your peace is not in because where your peace is not your destiny cannot afford it thank you Jesus thank you God for what you're doing in this moment thank you Lord that for many of your children they thought they had it was a it was a weakness problem but how can it be when your word says let the weak say I am strong know who you are you're an week thank you Jesus lord I thank you for everyone who said father help me in this pattern of mine I thank you Lord that you would reveal to them the joy set before them you would reveal to them at the what is at stake by being lured away you would reveal that to them and they would see that and if they will hold out so dear for that thing Lord God they were protected with everything that they would have the ability to end yours they would be able to resist the enemy because they know the value of what they are protecting lord I thank you I thank you for those who even felt like God I've been messing up over and over again like the Tim McGraw song if anybody knows that song but God the beauty is that you are a restorer of time you are a restorer of resources you would restore unto them even through the correction Lord God you will still bring restoration and so I thank you Lord that in you they have lost nothing I thank you Lord they will not put a limit on themselves but they will be identified by who you say they are not what passed or not their experience or their choices in the past no no no no because you need to put new wine into new wineskins and so every old habit every old destructive habits Lord how we break it right now in the name of Jesus that they would be that new wineskin they would have take on the identity of who you say they are and not what their decisions their past decisions has has has echoed about them I thank you Lord that you're renewing their minds even right now I thank you Lord for the callings on the lives of your children Lord God ministry and and everything is a ministry but Lord Jesus we just thank you because in everything Lord God we are proclaiming your name whether whether it is through the word whether it is to our lives because we are a Living Word I thank you Lord God that we would do it in boldness and trust in surrender Lord God our hunger would be for you that we will come before you in our humility because you raised up the humble we thank you Lord that the weight on our lives will be the weight to do your will will be the weight for purpose father God we say have your way have your way Lord Jesus take control do that which only you can do I thank you Lord for the testimonies that it would not be by mites or by power but by your spirit in Jesus name [Music] hey my friend I pray that that message blessed your life it blessed me for sure I want to also encourage you to pick up wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is gonna change your life god bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
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Id: AnRAFwA1zpk
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Length: 51min 56sec (3116 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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