The Warriors - re:View

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Jay and Culk are a match made in heaven.

Culk out-Jays Jay at times, and it's beautiful.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 237 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

To summon Culkin, you have to ring a bell and chant "Culkin, come out to plaaaaayyyy".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 173 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BattleUpSaber πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I love The Warriors. I'm actually surprised RLM is just now talking about it lol, seems right up their alley

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 77 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Boxxcars πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NakedLoki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

We can all talk about the Culk all day,

But I fucking love The Warriors and I wish that Rockstar had the license back to have the game on current consoles and PC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NorrisOBE πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s back! He better be in a new BOTW too, their chemistry was great the last time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 121 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asa014 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nerd Alert! Mac's wrong. It's not the Odyssey, it's Anabasis).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Great_Knuthulhu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This isn't Star Trek.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 92 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Marcusofyoder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If there has to be a remake of the Warriors it should be a hard cyberpunk adaptation. All the colorful gangs, but with some street samurai and corporate goons running about.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 117 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cyvaris πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Welbeck Jesus your your back here on review yes yes I am I was thinking we can talk about another film today what do you like about well I think we could talk about the Warriors from 1979 Oh perfect that's much better do you just always have that with you yeah anything I am an [Β __Β ] [Music] so back we're gonna talk about the Warriors yes breaking character for a moment this was actually your idea yes and why did you want to talk about the Warriors because it's a fantastic movie yes it's a cult classic actually I found it relatively later in my life I mean I was gonna my late teens wears a lot of my friends were like you've never seen the Warriors I didn't see in Seoul as in my earth like early 20s you have affection for it in any kind of way I do yeah I it was one of those movies I'd always heard about growing up and I always intended to see none of the video stores in my area had it for some reason so surprisingly controversial when it came out a lot of people upset about all the violence in it even though yeah it's not that violent I mean no it's gangs in New York yeah gangs in New York his fantasy film yes universe it's actually quite colorful like you know when it comes to like things like gangs like the baseball Furies things like that but yes we will address at the top are the gangs well that's the we should say the the basic setup of the movie the plot of the movie mm-hmm is there's a big all the gangs in the city are meeting up in the Bronx and actually I really loved how they explained it in the movie because it's just so simple we even been to the Bronx before don't sweat this Conclave that's gonna be a real big item [Music] because they kind of keep on cutting back and forth to little conversations [Music] we're going in there like everybody else and it's all intercut also with the the subway map so you can actually fall like the track that they're on so you see how far away from home they are right that's what I wanted to point out is that it's all because the movie is it's like a gritty urban fantasy but yes it's the Odyssey is yeah and so you see that map it's like in the Lord of the Rings movies when they pull out to the map of middle-earth he's like here's the subway map of New York exactly this world it's like this this fantasy kind of you know journey go on so all the gangs are getting together to hear this guy Cyrus speak it's a little vague on where he came from and why he is sort of speaking for every supposed to be like a street prophet gang leader what do you know about Cyrus it's fine yes exactly it's enough you get just enough fee like I said Biggs come the one and only and they revere him so you get it look you get it real quick all we have to do the general truth Cyrus gives an amazing speech the can you dig s and this is all the different gangs from different parts of the city yeah it's like nine members of each gang and they're all and they're all dressed up some of them are mines some of them some of them are our skinhead II kind of tied to their skinheads but they're not racist skinhead no cuz there's black skinheads yeah yeah yeah exactly in baseball bats now there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town can you dig it there's only 20,000 cops the you know the cops are 20,000 deep we are 60,000 strong and we can take over this city one block at a time look in the app so you know they get gets everyone riled up everyone's like yeah we're gonna take over this city unified yeah all the gangs are protagonists Tartu antagonist rather it's a character actor always plays a bad guy David Patrick Kelly who was born to play this role it has played it many times yeah yeah crow yes I always think of him from Twin Peaks okay Jerry Horne another piece I remember him from the video game the Ripper it was one of those point-and-click kinda games the Christopher Walken's in it and everything - it's it's pretty amazing it's it's a mid-90s goals [Applause] so yeah he takes a he pulls out a gun even though they're not supposed to be packing at the meeting and he shoots Cyrus shoots him dead and then the Warriors get blamed for it and so yeah next thing you know the cops show up oh the cops show up like all of them all at once start scooping up people and everyone's making a run for it so the Warriors get blamed for it and now they have to get home they have to go all the way from the Bronx down to Coney Island which must be like 50-100 miles away now they got to get back to their home turf avoiding the cops and avoiding the other gang yes now all the gangs are about to cuz they keep on getting information from the radio that's a great little kind of Greek chorus yeah you just see her lips you know yeah mm-hmm it's a woman I can't remember her name she was the one from a Carmen Sandiego hello and welcome to acne I'm the chief but you can call me well the G oh really yeah yeah detectives or something bad all right detectives looking Mia here's a here's your here's your assignment gumshoes there we go yeah all right come shoes these voice yeah thanks thanks Greek chorus so yeah that's that's the rest of the movie then is there journey to try and avoid the cops avoid the other gangs because they're kind of confused like because there was a truce supposed to bleed yeah they're like it's the truth still on we don't know we need to avoid these gangs and get back home yes exactly and a very very kind of simple setup exactly and again like I said it's the Odyssey yeah that's what it is I mean there's even you know there's even sirens in there the female gang the Lizzie's the Lizzie's yeah yep yep definitely definitely no lesbian undertones the all-female gangs yeah a couple of the Warriors fall by the wayside as we go yeah you lose some I was surprised one of them is Ajax is his name yeah by James remar yes and two zillion things I always think of him as a Dexter's dad on the show yes yeah there's a who who is it that's like the undercover cop on the park bench I think it's Mercedes yes it is yeah yeah total entrapment to see New York that might be acceptable yeah exactly she's like huh I like those muscles but she's my fan favorite looking again yeah he's like everyone's favorite yeah nobody likes fox or Swan or snow I couldn't even tell you I get they're all interchangeable to me Ajax and the leader which is that's one that is one okay yeah yeah Swan yeah yeah and you see the Ajax gets you know handcuffed the cops show up to take him away and you see two of the other warriors are like watching on you know like I think the movies gonna kind of go into a little path of like oh we got a breakout Ajax no no no no she's gone out of the movie yeah it's the movies that sort of laser focus yeah it's about getting home I mean I love how Jackson's always calling everyone wins yes it's such a guy it's such a of it's time kind of insult we am so that's that's like I said earlier how the movie is sort of controversial when it came out about its portrayal of gangs even though it's so unrealistic yes it's it's a comic book II fantasy worlds mm-hmm which I guess we should talk about the director's cut or you seem familiar with that a little bit yeah there's there's some animation in there and they throw in its Walter Hill directed the movie you I think is kind of an underappreciated yeah yeah very good at these sort of gritty kind of street crime movies like New York he comes yeah yeah yeah but Walter Hill also similar in the kind of tone to the warrior is he directed a movie called Streets of Fire musical film Dafoe isn't it it's really [Β __Β ] bonkers Diane Lane Ramanan you had me at musical Willem Dafoe yes well it's like the Warriors tonally but there's also musical numbers I have to see this yeah it's it's pretty great [Music] but I mean he Walter Hill also did 48 hours which jump started the whole buddy action movie yeah exactly which is funny because if you watch that movie they're not buddies they [Β __Β ] hate no [Β __Β ] a teacher Nick Nolte is like a horrible racist yes and usually get holding out holding everything over him yeah but that's I mean that's that's Walter Hills kind of style sort of and then you know that could have kind of hateful misses in the character of like Ajax yeah but like likable like somehow yeah yeah some be portrays him as the likable and like Nick bilities like oh he's little he's likable yeah well that's yeah by today's standards like horribly you know politically incorrect but these these are definitely movies from a different era yeah yep but yeah that kind of like fantasy aspects with the the comic book panels and he doesn't directors which is like it it's already reads as fantasy yeah you need that like yeah like I'd remember watching it once maybe about 10 years ago or whatever I was like it's kind of unneeded like what's the George Lucas situation now too because that's like the only readily available version oh really I think you might be able to find like an out-of-print DVD of the original Cod oh really I have a German blu-ray that's the only way I really yeah I have a digital copy but it might be an old one well yeah I think if you rent it digitally it's the director's cut these ugly comic book panels yeah no need no no to you because I mean like it already had it already kind of starts off with a really kind of neat tone anyway just to show the Wonder Wheel like you know just moving really slowly you like kind of get to know like like nighttime Coney Island yeah and then it picks up you know the music pickles and that awesome theme song yes [Applause] [Music] the only products are like graffiti fonts yep like a repo man a little bit with the opening code I know you're afraid of them I love repo man I know second repo man reference in the last two days also yeah yeah and you get to see each one of them like they're individual characters you know there's cowboy you know there's vermin yeah yeah cocoa cheese the Indian oh yeah he's wearing like Indian ah yeah Indian gear like yeah they all have very specific looks you know yeah Rembrandt with his big afro yes yes and like I love because he's like named Rembrandt cause he supposed to be like you know the artist ones he's kind of a puny wimp yeah and they asked him to do like one thing in graffiti once in the movie it looks absolutely terrible it takes him forever and it looks terrible like you know god bless him maybe we don't know what the other warriors are capable of artistically maybe wasn't the best yeah maybe he knew how did you that maybe he was like he knew what a w-was I don't know what you're talking about that how could this be a big meeting a few orphans wasn't there ya know like yeah let me talk about some of the gangs there's the orphans that's my favorite game there they like the pathetic one they didn't even know about the meeting yes and then you see them and they're just wearing like green t-shirt like we're the office we're the orphans nobody messes with the oil is not good enough for your meat I love the actor because you've got like that lazy eye also which is great like yeah they look really schlubby yeah and that's what we get introduced to the the young lady that they that kind of tags along it becomes a there's a sees the love interest yeah exactly that can't think kind of you're gonna like that it never it never gets like schmaltzy with it yeah they kind of bond but they always because they're like street thugs they always have that kind of front yeah they keep themselves guarded yeah oh yeah always talking about oh you know you'd love it if I were in a train on you gonna jump me maybe we ought to put a train on you you look like you might even like wow and Jesus connects the romantic dialogue yeah exactly there is one touching moment though between the two of them it's at the end of the movie when they're on the train and they're like they're finally like on the last train to Coney oh yeah and they're all like dirtied up and everything like that and you know Pindo these like young kids coming from the prom oh yeah get on the train and they're all like laughing and stuff and everything and a completely different world different world yeah eggs Anna but they're all like the same age and she like tries to fix her hair and swan-like stops her hand kind of like no you know look pretty for the there yeah [Β __Β ] these guys looking at I was like it's actually the closest thing to touching that you actually kind of get and then one of them drops or corsage or something yeah I think any guy he gives it to her what's this for I just hate saying anything go to waste we always get that kind of edge job yeah mm-hmm his front Don yeah I forget the name of that actor also but he was a he with the lead in Xanadu I was gonna say Michael Beck yes there you go the leader in Xanadu and Megaforce two of the worst movies ever Daisy I think the most famous gang in the whole thing is the baseball Furies yeah yes like that's the one I've seen people dressed as the baseball Furies at Halloween yeah like that that's the one it's it's so distinct because it's they're not just wearing like baseball uniforms and have baseball bats for some reason they also have this like split face paint yeah it's like half like yellow have blue yeah like black around their eye but very very exacting they're really good makeup artist like considering yeah considering their gang members it doesn't tie in with the baseball team at all is they carry baseball bats and retinol but yeah the makeup has nothing to do with things like let's just do this - yeah you think maybe their face from you painted like a baseball with the stitches slick or something like that like no no they they just look just look wacky but they're very very memorable because they're wordless but that's the whole thing [Music] as one chase scenes on foot chase scenes well the action of the movie it's similar to I would compared to escape from New York which is where it's like it's technically an action movie but the action is kind of the weakest part yeah yes the oricon and then this too or it's just lots of kind of running does that whole action scene where they're just like let's run away yeah they just run for a while exactly then kind of split off and then kind of come back together and then they have a leg there there's the leader of the baseball Furies who kind of just like you know he throws the bat out like Oh like kind of like cool and stuff and then gets his ass kicked look in two seconds yeah I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle I will say instead of a sword fight there's a baseball bat fight like a lot of Bam Bam and then the kind of well choreographed fight yeah you can tell they had like an hour to do the whole sequence but if the world surrounding the action yeah they got like a skate from New York is really about that so if the time when it's like it's the the color look it's the you know it's the basic storytelling look again and again and I like that structure to of where a movie takes place over a very kind of limited amount of time yeah over the course of one night or over the course of a day I really like that is sort of a framing device yeah I mean cuz it's also it's a good way to then you know just kind of trim the fat off of those kind of things like yeah it's kind of just you don't have enough time to to veer off from them from the path yeah they're the only kind of time they diverged a little bit is when the some of the Warriors yeah start hanging out with the lizzi's yeah cuz they all got split up yeah but they just wanted to put the lazy's in there because there's no way that situation is gonna go wrong yeah oh no no we're gonna hang out here yeah girls wanna party yeah exam oh hi baby yeah my name is vermin yeah but again and so but you know it's the it's the sirens like they have to hit that beat you know kind of thing because they all get split up cuz the cops you know cops are after them and they get split up with another another chasing another running running or not a lot of running away and yet Fox gets thrown in front of a train and the actor didn't show up to work that day so you can see there's this thing where he's running away and just the back of his head Oh God and it's like yeah it's kind of amazing it's just yeah oh yes oh yeah you'll see look India he's the one who plays Windows in the thing oh my god that's him I didn't realize yet that's that's Fox okay yeah yeah and yeah I think he had it more of an expanded role in the original screenplay and I think the love interest is originally supposed to be his and all that kind of stuff so he didn't want to stick around and so they were just like we're gonna kill you off he's like cool if I'm go ahead kill me yeah I won't be there so this is actually based on a book yeah I was gonna ask you if you had ever read it no but I'm familiar with it okay because it is very different it is it's in there like 12 and 14 years old and so like that and yeah it's a lot it's a lot more like cruel and crass you know it makes me wonder then if some of the kind of controversy surrounding the movie when it came out of people upset about it if it was more informed by the bunkers yeah exactly you know yeah cuz it was you know it's it's actually not even like a well-known book no it's yeah I think the movies far surpassed it as far as when you think of the worry yes completely different yeah look yeah there's no baseball Furies in it there's no there's no roller skating game there's no mime game I'm not yeah on it I will say that yeah like when it comes to at least like the variety of gangs they didn't do a foot you can tell they were having a lot of fun with that same thing we think the opening meeting wouldn't actually you see like there's a lot of extras like I think it's a lot of people to dress up like really [Β __Β ] stupid like yeah like really silly yeah I just love the uniformity of just every gang but nobody has any like you know real kind of personality or some like that except for our warriors warriors yes focus and also and also our lead bad guy [Music] he's the one that chases them down at the very end the the thing I was saying this thing about the movie is the the beer bomb the beer bottles and apparently that was like it's just a weird like improv thing where he was just started doing it and they're like I think it's just who he is that's well that's if you've seen Twin Peaks or other things that's done you're like okay this is that guy just let him off the leash yeah give him some bottles he's really great I don't know if you've seen the the return Twin Peaks he spends most of the season just kind of wandering around in the woods talking about the kind of like ice mentioned the the actions sort of the weakest part of it what though the world that it builds is so strong again a carrot like the different gangs it makes sense I don't know did you ever play the video game a little bit it makes sense cuz that's it kind of came out isn't it sort of like a Grand Theft Auto week it's written the rockstar games yeah or are you sort of exploring the world and yes perfect for those comes yeah it's yeah a little bit of backstory kind of thing it was kind of unneeded a little bit kind of like I like how this is self-contained you know where's the video game was a little bit like did you know vermin and Cleon where you know the ones who started the Warriors it's down in Coney Island and I know it's a back story and everything and I cleon is actually the name of the leader the one who gets killed like in the beginning of the first act I love the way they kill him talking about like great action it's if they else around him and they elbow him like this it's it's kind of I've never seen a fight scene we got elbow to elbow to death and because he's barely in the movie but I know his name is Cleon because my brother named his cat Cleon so I have a Cleon in my extended family I'm just letting you know yeah so yeah there you go yeah how many cleon's are in your family I don't know a single clear plenty of vermin though yeah yeah my name is vitamin bourbon - I'm Cochise you might want to take off that uh Indian headdress Satan's yeah it's not appropriate today it's warriors wasn't concerned about that yeah not concerned about that kind of no no no because it was about 1979 yeah yeah well it that's the time period is interesting too because this was in New York at the time that was of course crime was on the rise getting out of control so you had a lot of movies that were kind of focusing on how it was sort of like grimy and dark and great New York you know like on a more realistic level you have like Death Wish you know even taxi driver you can say taxi driver yeah I love that era that kind of like grimy New York yeah before Disney came in and cleaned up cleaned up everything okay okay I miss the graffiti on the subway train looking at like just covered you know never you know every inch of it yeah and that but just like it's like instant atmosphere all you have to do is film like a street corner yeah right from that era yeah and that's like escape from New York to which course it didn't actually shoot in New York but that kind of idea of like the the rising cool yeah in the at the rot of New York yeah mm-hmm a lot of if you're familiar with Frank Hannon ladder like the movie basket-case no no the best example of like guerrilla filmmaking on the streets of New York he's just like filming out of a car window is as actor walks just like everything looks like you want to take a shower after looking at the students looking and just looking at the style of it even look new mm-hmm but yeah I mean it was all those types of movies or yeah really informed somewhat informed by what was really going on and just kind of how old like the crime you know right the reaction of the time mmm-hmm going back to like the names of the some of these guys I mean why would you need like what like you looking for a cool nickname why would you go with snow yeah I use it here's a pretty cool rapper [Music] it was he cooler Wow I mean you know the time-tested he's thrown Informer that's still cool I'm saying yeah yeah I think he was in jail when that song came out is that true yeah he was actually in jail like you know and like it was like a hit song sounds pretty cool yeah I see there you go would you recast this movie if you did it again right now who would you who would you cast like a modern version yes let's say they had a terrible idea to remake this movie who would you who would you make a school they have a terrible idea I'm sure somebody's talking about remaking oh I bet you a zillion bucks is probably like yeah like it's already in pre-production yeah yeah I honestly Channing Tatum no that's just a - Magic Mike you know um well I guess David Patrick Kelly again just modern days yes absolutely and character actually you should make him Cyrus hey there you go that would actually be great okay actually make him like a manic street feature kind of a baton yeah exactly that could be cute but it actually be terrible but it'd be adorable just get like you know a Robert Pattinson type or Taylor loner type they're all too old now it's true I mean these guys are supposed to be teenagers clearly in their early 30s yes yes [Music] so uh it was fun talking about the Warriors with you yeah we covered all the bases and everything about and I could tell you're a true warriors fan so I'm gonna give you your own colors bro oh my god yeah here you go you are now officially a warrior [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,041,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, warriors, walter hill, macaulay culkin
Id: jwFRNeTfIR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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