The War Against Video Games

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This is pro video game propaganda!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/nuclearbronco 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Act Man for the win!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
well do violent video games cause violence underlying fear expressed by parents during public hearings that video games lead to violence the gun violence has more to do with video game weapons than real ones right are they going to become violent just by playing grand auto theft and halo in these games there's been plenty of research out there which shows a link between violent video games and aggression violent video games increase aggressive behavior these video games to me are murder simulators is what they are he was trained to kill with call of duty and other video games boy that escalated quickly i mean that really got out of hand fast it's a tale as old as time a new craze or idea catches on in societies across the world many people approve of it and many others condemn it going so far back as the first century when christianity started popping up and the roman empire had banned this new religion that they feared or in the 4th century when aristotle claimed the earth was round but his theory was still opposed by people who believed it to be flat the same thing happened when newspapers started getting popular and they were accused of ruining social interaction just as the smartphones and mobile devices we have today are claimed to be doing the same thing there's always something in this world of ours that is destroying the very fabric of society centuries ago it was the pamphleteers who were scolded for dragging down society in the 50s it was comic books and in the 60s it was the beatles and at one hearing a so-called forensic scientist said one comic promotes sadistic fantasies to kids that comic was superman to try to blame shakespeare and the violence in shakespeare and the violence and art uh for violence that happens in the real world is something that's been tried for years and is always wrong whenever a new form of media comes out that particularly older generations don't use and don't understand it's very very common for that new media to be blamed for a variety of social ills it's the same old song and dance you know rock and roll and everything that you want to pick from the throughout the years and now in the modern era the new craze that has faced opposition for the last 40 years is video games there have been an enormous amount of reports articles discussions and research into the correlation between video games and real life negative consequences the key words violent video games are often at the forefront of these reports some of them would have you believe playing grand theft auto will make you want to steal a car or that watch watchdogs teaches gamers how to hack into tablets and spy on people in their own homes this game is teaching people to hack in to that to whatever is docked in your bedroom some articles claim there really is no problem but if you've ever read a darwin awards book you know that there are a lot of dumb people in this world that do stupid [ __ ] die and or kill people because they are [ __ ] stupid you know i don't think video games make people do stupid things but sometimes they make stupid people do stupid things i've gone through tons of different articles videos and research on the subject both for and against violent video games and both sides no matter the source are always phrased differently but with the same message video games are responsible for real life turmoil and video games are not responsible with such massive coverage and in-depth research into the subject join me as i take an in-depth look at both sides and examine this 40-year war against gaming the graphics are so good this attack is eerily realistic essentially be a terrorist and kill people for hours playing violent video games like doom cold-blooded murder is making mortal kombat the most popular video game a full-scale battle has been joined between the video game industry and its opponents it's hard to think of anything that has changed so rapidly and quickly as the video game medium aside from the technology itself coming from something as simple as two rectangles hitting a square to a full-fledged interactive movie that can look as real as any hollywood production with characters that make you care a universe you can feel immersed in and a fun factor you can share with your friends and family as technology has improved so has the level of realism that video games create but there is something within gaming's lifetime that hasn't changed something beyond the graphics the controller the platform it's played on or the gamers who buy it what hasn't changed is the war against them while games in this 40-year time period have evolved into a legitimate art form and business that employs thousands of people the same old tired arguments are used to vilify video games and the people that buy them the examples are countless since the days of pinball machines and pong in the 1970s to the current age of grand theft auto call of duty and numerous other franchises these people we'll call them anti-gamers have maintained a constant war against video games they believe simulate and promote murder rape robbery and other despicable crimes in 1976 an arcade game called death race was criticized by the media for having the player run over gremlins that apparently resembled stick figures which could resemble real people given if you could somehow see this indescribable series of pixels as a human being in hindsight this death race could be seen as the progenitor of the grand theft auto series in the early 1980s ronnie lamb sought legislation that would control the proximity of which a gaming arcade could be created around schools a legal restraining order against video games in 1992 the original mortal kombat was released being one of the first highly publicized games to portray blood in gore to such a degree it sparked a massive media outrage that led to the creation of the esrb in the united states and various other game rating systems across the world the entertainment software rating board a company whose sole purpose is to regulate and assign ratings to video games so that people who buy the games know what type of content they will be seeing in it's important to note that video games have been targeted and attacked by a metric [ __ ] ton of groups gun enthusiasts and the nra feminists sjws religious folk pastors and christian leaders criticism has come from the government of the united states and probably some european countries and down and from careful or paranoid parents and of course the conglomerate of news media video games have been so controversial that cases and laws have gone as far as reaching the supreme court these are the ones we'll be taking a look at except feminists and sjws that'll be its own video so we've taken a look at a brief history of the war on video games in the past and there's so many examples that it's unrealistic to list them all in a single video but now let's look at the actual arguments and people who sought to condemn video games video games those things are taking many people to hell ah religion the great opposition of nearly every scientific or artistic advancement in the last 2000 years just as they took a stance against the round earth theory so too do some religious leaders take a stance against video games there are young gals in this church beautiful beautiful beautiful young gals and you know why they can't get a date because that [ __ ] spirit got on the young men he then went on to curse the xbox in the name of jesus oh my god now that's just [ __ ] ridiculous and don't even get me started on the xbox [ __ ] voice remote control for your television there are many people who seek religion for advice and guidance on their lives to hopefully lead them down a better path but would you believe that in recent years people have sought answers from the bible on video games he says i was wondering in today's world of video games is there any insight to this in the bible what does the bible say about video games you heard that right there are actually people on this planet who sought advice about video games from the freaking bible now while this video and channel has everything disabled the insight he gives is actually not bad basically he says if you're addicted to video games and if they're detrimental to your health job education or relationships then it might be best to avoid them and if video games don't cause problems with those areas of your life then you're probably fine with playing them now we can't overtly say that video games are a sin because the bible doesn't speak of video games it was written long before video games however this next man is far less reasonable stating an ultimatum that would make obi-wan cringe if you were playing a video game in that video game contains things that are sinful then that is that's wrong sounds like all the gears in this guy's head were working at maximum speed in order to articulate this basic as [ __ ] sentence in that video game contains things that are sinful now let's turn this on guys logic against him if you are reading a book that contains things that are sinful then then that's wrong this man probably doesn't even know that there are video games based off the bible but we'll just gloss over the animal abuse in super noah's ark 3d this finely dressed gentleman seeks to prove that video games are a causation of violent crime let's hear what he has to say well first of all john god uh god understands violence okay you could have picked a better or you know even relevant opening statement but continue his son jesus christ was nailed uh to a tree uh for our sins and died for our sins and god raised him to life god understands uh violence all right as much as i'd like to respond to the absurdity of this statement and the lack of relevance it has to the subject i'm just going to say that religion any religion has absolutely no authority on the video game industry none but we certainly can tax them john we can tax violence why don't we try that we do that to cigarettes uh alcohol why not wanna tax violence right because taxing addictive substances known to cause cancer and are two of the biggest preventable causes of death in the us is the exact same thing as taxing a video game where you shoot people i should have expected such profound undeniable logic from a religious zealot but here's the most important statement he makes listen i've had guns all my life my father gave me my first gun when i was nine years old now far be it for me to criticize the cultural norms of our beautiful confederate southerners but as he seriously arguing that giving a nine-year-old a violent video game is more damaging than giving him a physical handgun everyone i grew up with had guns but we didn't go around shooting people yes you didn't go around shooting people because you weren't [ __ ] insane just as most people who play violent video games don't go around shooting people because they aren't insane and their parents didn't give them a firearm at nine years of age the majority of the christians who speak on video games are overtly negative but there are a couple like this guy pastor bob who actually have interesting and important things to say on the matter and i think if we followed things that everybody told us that christians should or should not do we'd be exhausted and we'd be paralyzed you know some things you really have to decide for yourself and this is one of those kinds of decisions the unreasonable ones advocate for blind restriction while the more compassionate christians say it's up to you and i think that's more important this channel right here is probably the worst of them all 10 facts about hell you're not being told 10 facts about the mark of the beast satan doesn't want you to know someone should check the bible and see if clickbait is a sin because if so this dude is gonna burn if we set our minds on things which are not godly which are worldly which are sinful they will have a negative impact on our character and i think that's a plan of the devil he wants to bombard us with violence so that we are so desensitized that when people hear the gospel it has little effect on them the devil wants to desensitize us well what about those games where you actually you know [ __ ] kill the devil or some evil forces i mean is a game like doom so bad for having all that satanistic imagery inside of these video games is actually the devil and the demons they're they're they're they're their influences there their presence is there but you can't sing with the natural eye dude we're [ __ ] killing all of that [ __ ] it's a good thing if anything we're preparing to kill demons when the rapture comes who's to say satan isn't going to make a move eh the most ironic part of these christians being against violent video games is they talk about how detrimental that violence is but at the same time they wear a necklace of a man nailed to a cross they preach the bible but fail to make the connection that violence can be a source of learning it's a tool used by storytellers and the very same ones that wrote the bible i mean is the story of david and goliath detrimental to society because he cut off goliath's head with the crucifixion of jesus had been a source of powerful imagery if he had just been buried alive would we all be wearing necklaces of dirt instead of the cross my point is you can't just condemn any violent medium because it contains violence especially if you use religious texts as a source and then ignore the violence within your own beliefs teachings or religion now what these religious folk seem incapable of understanding is the separation of church separation of fantasy from reality and to summarize this religious section i found the perfect comment i am a christian and i play video games like battlefield and grand theft auto but i don't let it affect me because it is a video game i i really i don't play video games i don't understand video games games i've never played a video game i hate to tell you that what is it what are the kids i don't know anything about the dopey game i i don't do this kind of stuff if there's anything that discredits most of the anti-gamers and their arguments against gaming it's two things their inability to understand the difference between fantasy and reality and their lack of experience with video games that makes them look severely out of touch these games rewire your brain they rewi we don't even know what they do yet this is brand new stuff like bill o'reilly who can't even be bothered to memorize a three-word title that's tossed around in every discussion about violent video games are they gonna become violent just by playing grand auto theft grand auto theft grand auto theft grand order it's even the name of a crime dude come on many of these people try to pass themselves off as experts in the field but anybody who actually plays video games can see right through their facade like this guy right here so if you're just out like hitting mushrooms and like going super big and playing super mario brothers who the [ __ ] has ever used that type of terminology when referring to a mario game nobody least of all those that have actually played it a lot of these people sound uneducated they speak to the ignorant masses who don't play or understand video games and they form their own circle of ignorance but gamers will immediately know they are full of [ __ ] if anybody watching isn't a games folk and if so rude i want to point out the games can do a lot of stuff that isn't murder there's the sims there's minecraft that's all i can think of off the top of my head now is this guy just [ __ ] out a video or is he really even a gamer you honestly can't think of any other video games that don't contain murder besides minecraft and the sims what about nearly every sports game ever made crash bandicoot custom robo kirby air ride sonic pac-man what about puzzle games which account lego star wars is a game that has murder in it what about guitar hero rock band all those rhythm games instantly this guy has lost all credibility because he looks out of touch generally we all seek advice on things from people who we believe know what the [ __ ] they're talking about a source needs to be credible for us to even consider believing its validity but even if someone has the credibility they can still make [ __ ] arguments it's easy to understand why gamers get so outraged when they see these people acting like they know what they're talking about because to them they're simply trivializing and generalizing gaming culture a large portion of the anti-gamers are probably people that grew up in the 70s and 80s and they obviously don't have any personal experience with games or gaming culture but for some reason they all think they're an authority on the subject and that their thoughts matter like this turd nozzle who isn't even sure if video games have a rating system and i believe there is warning on a lot of these games what's there for adult content only like dude have you ever even bothered to look at a cover of a game or go into a store and talk to the people or a 30 second google search before you come on the news and start spouting your ignorance while on the other side in some of these videos the people we see defending video games are in an arcade with their kids or talk like they actually know what they're talking about you know let's be honest the 20th century with comic books and um and movies and those came in every time there's a new medium people who don't as who don't have the experience you have of playing them as they grew up they don't really know what to make of them so they find them confusing and they find them a bit alienating when people when the novel came out not everybody could read a book so they didn't have they weren't literate so they couldn't understand it fully in the same way not everybody can physically use a controller so they have a literacy problem so they can't really directly engage with the medium so they can't really understand it i'm not going to claim to be a psychology expert because i'm not but you get these psychology experts and i don't believe they've ever played any of these video games and they're sitting there telling us telling the world what they say video games are going to make people do or not new and it just seems all backwards people fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer and it is mostly these people who do not understand video games or gaming culture that feel so empowered to speak out against it the bottom line parents wonder if kids can separate fantasy from the real thing the second piece of this puzzle is knowing and understanding the separation of reality from fantasy and a lot of these news reports and the inane ramblings of glenn beck they claim that games like call of duty battlefield and others have trained people how to shoot and be killers but i ask everyone watching this right now who has ever used a firearm before was there any shooter you played that has perfectly simulated what it's like to shoot a firearm a game that perfectly simulated the recoil of a pistol or assault rifle does call of duty teach you how to run with a firearm does a controller have as much weight to it as a shotgun and to the older nes crowd that might be watching was duck hunt a game that trains you how to shoot plates out of the sky of course not because they're just games that do not and cannot represent reality exactly as it is you can't use a pair of nunchucks in a video game and then buy a pair of nunchucks and do crazy bruce lee [ __ ] just as you can't shoot a gun in a game and instantly buy a gun and figure out how it works right away so the argument that shooter games train people and children to be killers is completely absurd in fact it's absurd across the board now let's just take a second to look at how out of touch this guy right here is so what's he gonna do is he's gonna pull the door open and knock the guy out yeah whoa it's just fun to kind of engage in mayhem i don't know uh in new york whoa what are you running did you just remember that guy who is that guy how'd that guy get that's not the thing i threw out a car no he was just like wandering in the road so you just ran over that guy for fun look there's blood all over the front all over either this is a faked reaction to simulate the shock for the ignorant grandparents watching the program or this is a grown-ass man who has been sheltered his entire life had no friends that played video games and this is his first experience seeing it i don't understand how it's fun to ram into someone [ __ ] maybe because the game itself is fun to play maybe it's super popular and sells a lot of copies for a reason maybe people can do these crazy things in video games because the only consequences occur are in the game and not real life maybe running over aliens is fun for the same reasons running over people is maybe we shoot our marines in halo because they say funny [ __ ] thank you sir may i have another not it's not like because i do that that i'd actually shoot a real-life marine you daft neanderthal let's let's keep using this logic does playing rollercoaster tycoon train me to be a competent architectural engineer or an expert in business does this game train me how to open my own theme park does it train me how to construct roller coasters of course not because it's a game it doesn't represent reality if you've driven the fastest cars in a forza motorsport game does that mean you could hop into a stock car and race in the nascar circuit as a professional there are some games made to be like simulations but even then no simulation can prepare you enough for doing something in the real world you know i don't know why he would want to simulate this if there was a video game where you got hit in the head with a snow shovel would you want to know what that really felt like you cannot learn martial arts by simply playing mortal kombat or watching dragon ball you need to physically do and perform these things with your own body because it is muscle memory it's as simple as that one of the biggest reasons people play games is because they can do things they wouldn't normally be able to do in real life but it is this lack of understanding the difference between reality and fantasy that causes so many of these anti-gamer arguments to lose all validity there have been many lawsuits proposed throughout the years which would hamper the game industry's abilities on what they could put in their games and who could buy them i reckon most people don't care for the legal mumbo-jumbo but gamers should rejoice because most if not all of these laws were never passed along with california nine other states passed laws banning the sale of violent video games to children but legal challenges stopped any of those laws from ever taking effect most of the justices uh really thought this law is too vague it could be too broadly applied and would be too onerous both on the game developers the game publishers and too restricted for you know first amendment rights of even the miners in the court of law the judges would often times find no reasonable or provable correlation between violent or obscene video games and violent actions or that they were damaging to minors nor were any of the proposed laws written clearly enough for judges to take them seriously most of the time they were just too vague and the restrictions they proposed were a violation of the first amendment that glorious beautiful first goddamn amendment and to paraphrase one court observer today thomas jefferson didn't have an xbox but when it comes to violent video games no matter how graphic the government cannot ban their sale to kids because of course what jefferson stood for also protects video games probably the most notable opponent of the video game industry was a lawyer by the name of jack thompson who had been featured in many of these news media videos and discussions and had filed tons of lawsuits against video game producers retailers companies you name it this guy's wikipedia page is filled with numerous lawsuits he has filed with him constantly casting blame and claiming video games were responsible for certain shootings and murders all of them were struck down what's funny is jack thompson was disbarred which basically means he is fired from being a lawyer in the united states for the rest of his life this usually happens because of unethical or criminal conduct and i think that says a lot when gaming's biggest opponent had his law license revoked and it says a lot about the cases jack thompson tried to make against video games it all ends up the way it is now because nobody has or could sufficiently prove the causation of violent and obscene video games with real world crime and from a legal standpoint that tells us a lot about the war against video games the judgment from the court was crystal clear that california statute was flawed in every legal regard today the nation's highest court in a 7-2 decision ruled that law is unconstitutional the games are protected by the first amendment today's ruling by the court is a clear statement that video games are entitled to the same degree of first amendment protection as motion pictures music and books of course one of the major concerns these anti-gamers propagate is how will all these games affect the impressionable minds of the children the more children are involved with violence on the screen that their own behavior may become more aggressive and more violent a lot of parents are wanting to know what those games are doing to their kids definitely not for children definitely not for my children that new factor that was never there before is violent visual imagery inflicted upon children particularly the video games but crime is down youth offenses are down maybe it's good for kids are we afraid of our own children do we forget that they are citizens too and entitled to the essential freedom to read or do we think our children so evil so vicious so simple-minded but it takes about a comic magazine story of murdered acceptance of murder of robbery deception for timey dude you [ __ ] nailed it do we think our kids so susceptible to evil that all it takes is a video game about killing to set them to kill naturally adult and teens are able to comprehend things better than younger minds so of course the more obscene material shouldn't be accessible to kids but whose job is it to regulate what the children digest in their heads what do you say to parents who worry it's too violent it's not good for the kids what i recommend is your kids are going to play games play it with them you know so that you can really be there to answer questions and help them through that jefferson says it all boils down to good parenting let me just say kids hurting other kids isn't some kind of new epidemic like this guy would have you believe i know a lot of little kids who are playing these games they're nice little kids and they're not going out and hurting anyone now so i see that's not true bill they are hurting they're hurting their brothers and sisters they're hurting themselves as if siblings never fought over who got to go on the swing set first that's just kids being kids dude that's what growing up with brothers and sisters is like anyone can testify to that look i think we can all agree a lot of games out there shouldn't be played by children just like how they shouldn't watch certain movies or tv shows or how we don't want to swear and do stupid [ __ ] in front of them it's the parents job to have control of their children and know what they are playing and doing in their younger years i think it's a wise idea to not have a child play a violent video game but that recommendation is not because doing so would turn that child into a killer it's simply because doing so is exposing that child to something that's going to scare him or her and as parents our job is to protect our children if parents are so concerned about violent media affecting their children they are responsible for what they allow their kids to see deflecting blame to the forms of entertainment around us is just bad parenting it's really that simple would you rather play video games that are violent or go out and beat each other up it's better than getting involved with drugs or something you know it's something to do with your time when they don't have something to do when they're walking the streets that's when problems are created not because of machines the lack of machines causes problems other experts say kids need a mix of all kinds of experiences and that every medium including video has something to offer an example of a violent video game would be gta 5 mayhem killing grand theft auto playing grand theft auto grand theft auto 5 or grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto grand theft auto in all my research the most commonly cited game that allegedly promotes real life violence is yep you guessed it cory in the house on the reel though there's a couple reasons why grand theft auto is the most commonly referenced game it's because one it makes a [ __ ] ton of money two it's widely popular and recognizable by the ignorant masses and three it allows players to do and experience a lot of cultural taboos but what i can say is that so much attention is pinned on this game because in a few incidents of carjacking or violent crime the perpetrator said something about grand theft auto and when there's a shooting oh he played grand theft auto yeah it cost this that's not really a fair thing to say it's it's a it's a popular escape goat but is it really fair to demonize this series of games is it fair to claim rockstar is run by a bunch of sociopaths and they need to be permanently shut down i'm out to shut down rockstar because oh yeah because they're they're run by a bunch of sociopaths uh and they're a one company crime wave are these handful of cases amongst the millions of people who have bought and played these games worth all of this commotion of course not but that hasn't stopped people from making bombastic claims such as this a callous corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people through vicious violent video games isn't fantasizing about killing people as a way to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography the irony of this statement is this dude is the vice president of the nra and he is blaming real world violence on video games right because the nra doesn't have anything to do with guns or or violence they don't lobby for more lenient gun policies no no no see it's those violent video games that are to blame i think in reality this is just a way for him to deflect any sort of blame from the mass shootings that have been happening onto video games i really think that's all it is you see the argument against restricting games like grand theft auto is a slippery slope because if we as a society make arbitrary decisions in what developers can put in their games what is acceptable if the government is creating legislation and laws on what is acceptable then this just creates a tight stranglehold on free speech and freedom of expression because there's a difference there's a very slippery slope between freedom of speech and art because then kind of who sits judging jerry now obviously there are some independent games that can't be regulated and that can be pretty [ __ ] up like kindergarten killers but those are independent games not made by people within the industry and there are some games out there that have been in the industry that deserve all the criticism they receive and even gamers can vouch for this for example the infamous atari porn game custer's revenge a game that no joke is about having sex with a native american woman tied to a poll or ride to hell retribution with it portraying you having sex with a woman in the same room you murdered the people who apparently kept her captive and its overall shitty gameplay or something like chiller which would have been available to play in a public arcade by anyone a game that showed graphic torture and as i said mortal kombat was criticized by the media and other outlets and it became the catalyst that led to the creation of the esrb a company which should exist because there does need to be some form of regulation but just as it was with alcohol in the prohibition era too much restrictions and regulation will invariably lead to problems pretty much every single negative report on grand theft auto fails to mention any sort of positivity within the game what if the story provides valuable insight into real world issues what if players learn more about a particular culture what if they made some friends playing through the game of course they wouldn't mention that number one because it doesn't make for a juicy dramatic story and two it doesn't fit their agenda gta in all its incarnations has certainly become the poster child for many of these news websites and organizations to put on a platform and condemn and they do this as if grand theft auto represents gamers in the industry as a whole what made grand theft auto 3 the first major breakout hit in the series so memorable wasn't the fact that you could go around clubbing people with baseball bats or shooting him in the back of the head with guns but the fact that it was an open 3d living breathing world where you could do whatever you wanted at any time find your own way to have fun and that the characters were so deep and so interesting in recent years playing violent video games has been portrayed as a causation of mental instability a causation of mass shootings violent crime you name it people have even compared it to drug and substance abuse they say that the connection between game violence and aggression is as strong as the medical association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer well we don't let our children drink beer or smoke cigarettes and really hard to avoid and then once you start it's hard to put them down yeah so is crack cocaine now i haven't physically ingested any of my n64 cartridges or game cds i imagine it's not recommended but are they seriously suggesting that drug abuse is as dangerous to the mind as playing violent video games they are comparing a physical substance that alters the chemical makeup of your body to a visual and interactive medium of entertainment i think this goes without saying but that's [ __ ] stupid to be fair doing any one thing for too long can be bad for the body and mind but i ask how many cigarette alcohol and drug related deaths and crimes are there compared to video game related deaths and crimes how many people check into rehab for video games compared to narcotics alcohol and other drugs i don't need to bring up the statistics we all know the answer there's also the idea that violent games and media desensitize us to real violence and that may be the case but i think we can all agree that our societies are nowhere near as bloodthirsty as they were in the past i mean world war ii the roman coliseums the crusades endless examples of human brutality that far exceed anything we have today the idea that we are desensitized by violent media isn't really surprising considering it is part of what makes us human it's part of our history and that history is taught to kids teenagers and adults across the globe children's books are full of gory violence in grimm's fairy tales he said hansel and gretel bake their captor in an oven high school reading lists he said contain violence from homer dante and virgil to the savage murder of one of the maroon children in lord of the flies fox news even linked these mass murderers together through the common trend of them all playing video games but too often does the media focus on the most non-important factors that young man who locked himself in a basement and played video games hour after hour after hours watching uh you know and simulating murder hour after hour after hour after hour didn't desensitize him wait how long was he locked in his basement hour after hour after hour after hour after hour after hour and he's been locked in his room playing violent video games for the past several years and has no human contact gee maybe the fact that the guy went years without contacting another human being was a more important factor than him playing violent games isolation can do terrible things to the mind you're insane isolation can do that to the mind but i mean i would guess that the bigger cause of these types of situations are the shooter i mean it's already the news reports coming out that means probably was paranoid schizophrenic and so forth and looking for rather not video games contributed to that really seems to be looking at perhaps the smallest effect here of any in fact it'd be more unusual to find one of these shooters that they didn't play video games so really finding that they play violent video games is not particularly surprising considering if you take a random sample of any males most of them are going to report playing violent video games perhaps it'd be a better use of our time to look at this person's medical and criminal history and find answers through there maybe dylan clebold and eric harris shot up columbine because they were bullied because they hated school maybe they were prescribed drugs that negatively affected their minds or how easy it was for them to obtain the weapons maybe it was just the perfect storm of so many factors and not just a single one that is the root cause of any tragedy it doesn't matter how many psychological case studies you do into these people because the bottom line is it takes a very disturbed and disconnected mind to carry out this type of atrocity i think the important question is not what role did video games play in this shooting the important question is what role did the media play in this shooting because they would love to have you believe that they are just reporting the facts of these shootings these murders that they're doing their journalistic duty but why then do we have and need such extensive coverage into every minute detail of these murderers lives and broadcast them hour after hour after hour after hour it's a form of glamorization publicity and infamy that these psychopaths seek and the media gives it to them why does the media give out the names and faces of the perpetrators far more often than those of the victims because it makes for a better story i would argue the media's effect on mass shootings is far greater than that of all violent video games had 20 years of mass murders throughout which i have repeatedly told cnn and our other media if you don't want to propagate more mass murders don't start the story with sirens blaring don't have photographs of the killer don't make this 24 7 coverage do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story do localize this story to the affected community and make it as boring as possible in every other market because every time we have intense saturation coverage of a mass murder we expect to see one or two more within a week now i'm no crime or psychology expert but i believe most violent crimes are carried out because the person in question is in desperate need wants attention is [ __ ] in the head or really really pissed off about something i say leave the details for the investigators and focus more on the victims giving them the support and attention that they need to move on with their lives if these media outlets claim to be doing the right thing in what they cover they should be helping the victims and giving little to no information about the perpetrator so at this point we're going to talk real statistics real studies and pry open the scientific truth of the matter in my research many scientists and psychologists believe in the correlation of violent video games and mass shootings and many others do not believe in that a lot of reports found or suggested a link between playing these games in aggressive behavior which i think is a given for almost any type of game i mean just about everyone is going to get aggravated or frustrated when they land on boardwalk this latest study says no finding quote that aggressive thoughts and actions don't come from violent contents in games instead it's being bad at playing difficult games that gives rise to real world aggression maybe if you're predisposed to aggressive behavior you're interested in theoretically in in violent video games because it speaks to your aggressiveness yeah and as the old saying goes guns don't kill people lag does i'm sure everyone who's ever played an online game has run into lag glitches rubber banding hackers or any number of frustrating elements and naturally those things are going to make you frustrated which could lead to aggression but aggressive behavior isn't inherently bad when i play mario party you bet your ass i'm going to get aggressive and going for the star even so correlation is not causation and just because something triggers aggressive behavior does not automatically mean it triggers real-life violence as well now originally i planned on listing numerous sources which would confirm what i'm saying in here but this video is going on pretty long and i think it's about time for me to wrap it up what it boils down to everyone is violent crime is down fact juvenile arrests are down fact and video game sales even for violent ones have skyrocketed in the last 20 years fact and that is the truth of the matter i can't imagine what more study we could have other than the fact that the games are more popular and crime is down in conclusion all these anti-gamer articles and reports have yet to actually prove a correlation between the violent video games and violent real world consequences this archaic opinion that violent video games cause real-life violence is mainly held by people who don't understand the medium by aging politicians out of touch reporters people without credibility authority or experience and even [ __ ] snakes until science proves otherwise most reasonable people and especially gamers themselves will believe what science truth and reliable research says we should believe unless they come up with some revolutionary new evidence that changes what we think these anti-gamer articles and reports should fizzle out this 40-year war against gaming should come to an end in the unpredictable future until the next big thing comes around to threaten the very fabric of society as it always has [Music] this video was sponsored by jp fitness if you're interested in practical and scientific knowledge of keeping your body healthy working out nutrition jp fitness has an incredibly underrated youtube channel and i highly recommend checking him out links will be in the description and on screen leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below this is the act man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 2,803,345
Rating: 4.9264369 out of 5
Keywords: War, Video Games, anti video game activists, anti video games, Mortal Kombat original, anti video game cringe, anti video game propaganda, Hillary Clinton video games, The War Against, GTA, Rockstar games, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto 4, The Act Man, anti-game, fox news games, news media on gaming, video game controversy, violent video games, video game industry
Id: 5zXLuXOV7Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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