Why Was Call of Duty: World At War SO AWESOME?!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RictorVeznov 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 đź—«︎ replies
(Old record playing.) (Gun shots – Explosions) My COD! That intro gives me shivers every time I see it. Call of Duty: World at War was the last game in this enormous franchise to be based in the 1940’s, until… that other game came out. I don’t remember what it was, I – I heard it sucked balls though. World at War harkens back to a time when the COD series wasn’t an assembly line production made just to print money, when it had soul. It’s fondly remembered by fans for being the last World War II COD game and for replicating the same things that made Modern Warfare’s multiplayer great and implementing them into the World War II setting. Alongside it’s gritty, unapologetic depiction of the 2nd World War and the addicting Nazi Zombies game mode, World at War is arguably the most important game in the series besides COD 4, which I think we can all agree is a masterpiece that changed the FPS genre in more ways than we can count. The reaction to the Infinite Warfare trailer was a plea for good ol’ fashioned, BOOTS ON THE GROUND combat to return to the series, and return it did… But it was always perplexing to think how a franchise that was made to honor the veterans of the past and their call to duty, could go from this: “I’m McCullin. Two rules. Rule One: You’re no good to me dead. Rule Two: What difference does it make? You’ll all probably end up dead anyway…” To this: (Train crashing and exploding into 8 bajillion pieces with 5x the number of explosions in a Transformers film.) From this: “He wants mercy!” “You do not deserve mercy!” “What mercy did you show to our people!” “Time to die.” “Wait… Wait! He may help us!” “Help us?! He can DIE for us!” To this: “I am infiltration recon unit model IR-15.” Was it the demands of the publishers? The lack of vision and originality? Did COD become corrupted over time? Whatever the reason, COD WWII was a massive disappointment for me and many other long time fans. To go back to their roots, to hype it up so much after milking the futuristic warfare style dry, and to fail in the eyes of the hardcore fanbase and veterans of the series, was reason enough for me to take a trip back to the last WWII COD game. Was it really as good as we remembered it? Did we all judge COD WWII through rose-tinted glasses of the past? Or was there something valuable to COD’s formula, something worth looking into the past hidden in World at War? Whatever might be found in this game, it’s time we go back to uncover what, if anything it was. So lets link the mainframe, take out those f*cking PT boats, and raise the Russian flag straight into this. There’s a certain misconception that Call of Duty was always a multiplayer first type of series. With the campaign being a shallow, tacked-on necessity used only to market the game and show off. But this wasn’t always the case, in fact it was the opposite. The franchise, in my eyes, began as an homage dedicated to the veterans who sacrificed their lives for the preservation of liberty. At least, that’s how the credits put it. But the games also served as a vessel for destructive fun, responsive controls and fast-paced gameplay. So COD was something that could get you interested in history, teach you something about it, while also simply being a fun game. The war quotes when you die, man… that sh*t was deep. But my point is Call of Duty initially was a campaign-driven game, with multiplayer being somewhat of an afterthought. This all changed, of course but just keep that in mind. Many people wonder why we compare World at War to COD WWII so much. Some think it’s unnecessary to look at the past so fervently. But I say it’s important to understand where we come from. I say, look to the past so you can act in the present to make a better future. F*ck, that’s what history class is all about, that’s what World War II is all about! So you can expect a little bit of history in this video. And hopefully we can look at what the franchise has done in the past, that made it so popular in the first place. Because sometimes we lose track of what got us where we are, and we lose track of ourselves… Anyways, I said World at War has an unapologetic campaign, now what do I mean by that? Well, it doesn’t give a f*ck about your feelings, it-it could care less if you’re offended by Nazis, the Swastika, by mass killing or any of that sh*t. The game says, “f*ck your feelings!” “You’re gay!” All it wants to do is portray World War II with no restraints. I’m going to share with you, an immensely important and relevant quote, and I want you to remember this sh*t as we talk about the story and campaign. This comes from Tim O’ Brien’s book, The Things They Carried, a novel you might’ve had to read in high school. So here it is: “A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie. There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.” This just means when you write, film, or depict a war story you must have NO reservations about what you’re telling. If you tell a war story, you need to have the f*cking balls to portray it without concerns of morality and virtue and what’s right and – oh how’s this gonna affect the children? Nah f*ck all that! And this is what World at War does, it doesn’t give a f*ck. Now obviously this quote doesn’t apply to EVERY War story fiction or non, and you could argue I’m not using it in the right context, but my point is to use this quote because it highlights what feels more authentic and what feels more Hollywood. The game is very different from the other COD games because the tone is much more serious. Light-heartedness and comic relief is ditched in favor of driving home a dark, unsettling atmosphere. This is in stark contrast to WWII’s positive, upbeat and “safe” campaign where America is portrayed as the greatest heroes that ever lived. COD WWII purposely shied away from the controversy that is inherent and integral to the 2nd World War, it didn’t have the balls to portray a horrific War story. It did not have an absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil. To put it simply, this is good ol’ fashioned Call of Duty, but it’s not as archaic as the old WWII games. This is the era of COD where they were in the f*cking zone, man. This is when the series was cool, before it became infested with the MLG tryhard 360 no scope 7 year olds that joined in during Modern Warfare 2.The early days were what I call the era of Humble, Inspired Beginnings. Then the next era was the badass, confident, is cool because he doesn’t try to be cool, rise to fame and power. And in later years it’s become the era of manufactured garbage without a soul. Anyways, back to the campaign. It starts off with this fantastic cutscene that uses real World War II footage and molds it with some fancy editing. It shows you the horrors of war, brings you up to speed on where we’re at. Production levels rising, men gearing up for battle. You almost forget you’re playing a game at this point. This is a brilliant way to remind us what was going on at this time, set the stage, and to create a unique visual style for the cinematics throughout each level. And above all else, the intro it gets you f*cking hyped. “Members of the Senate of the House of Representatives. Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” The campaign shifts between two fronts and two perspectives. You play as Private Miller, an American soldier fighting the Japanese in the Pacific theater, and then you play as Dimitri Petrenko, a Russian soldier fighting the Nazis on the Eastern Front. You begin as a POW and you your fellow American getting tortured and his throat slit. Jesus Mary that’s brutal! So you get a gun, and you take out those DIRTY JAPS! YEAH SHOOT EM IN THE – oh, sorry… was that offensive? Well who gives a sh*t, it’s World War II. F*ck your feelings! So I talked about this before in my COD WWII review and I want to switch gears and discuss the gameplay in the single-player. World at War has the annoying invisible walls just like every other COD game, but here’s the BIG difference, what separates good level design from bad level design, no matter how linear, is player freedom. It was only occasionally that I bumped into a barrier I thought I could go through, and there were moments of frustration here and there, but I never felt like I was restricted in how I moved around. And that’s a big lesson modern FPS games need to learn. You can have set paths and linearity, but keep your invisible walls and barriers to an absolute minimum. Give me multiple ways to move around. Create levels that FEEL expansive, open and free and I think World at War does a good, but not perfect job of that. One thing that stood out to me, cuz it’s been about 7 years since I played this campaign, is the lack of Quick Time Events. I had totally forgotten what it’s like to have complete control in a COD game, aside from a few scripted moments World at War doesn’t waste your time or slow down the game with this dumb sh*t. But what really blew me away was the unique scenarios and encounters throughout the levels. For example, when you fight the Japanese, it’d have gotten real boring if you just ran through every mission shooting the guys behind cover. But they use the time location, battle tactics of the time to create interesting gameplay. The Japanese don’t just shoot at you from behind cover, they Banzai charge your ass! “BANZAAIIIIIII!” Kamikaze their planes, play dead, set traps then ambush. They use guerilla tactics that make them unique and surprise the player at every turn. They got ghillie suits to hide in the grass and jump out to surprise you, they snipe you from atop the trees, pop up from hidden holes in the ground. It’s just - it’s just awesome! In a series where gameplay can be monotonous straightforward, and often flat out boring, these twists and turns along the way spice things up! Anytime a mission feels like it’s about to get dull, it ends. So they’re all just the right length. On the flipside, as a Russian when fighting against the Germans it’s pretty by-the-books gameplay, but they put more emphasis on story, the characters, and the motivations of the Red Army. So essentially we’ve got two halves of the campaign, one that focuses on more unique gameplay, and the other that illuminates the horrors of war aspects. Which makes for a nice mixture, mmm it’s like rum and coke. COD games usually have some type of tank, turret sections, and flying missions, etc. But now here’s another example, you got this level where you’re flying around shooting at planes, those f*cking PT boats and whatnot. At first glance it seems pretty simple and on-rails, but again they use this opportunity to create interesting gameplay. You’re not just sitting on a turret for 20 minutes, you move back and forth through the ship on different turrets. So you’re looking at different things! You start off in the air, but then are forced to land on the water. Alongside this, now you’ve got to shoot planes out of the sky and rescue other soldiers trying to swim to safety. So instead of being a boring on rails turret section, Treyarch added elements that differentiate this type of gameplay from it’s most basic iteration. There’s more going on than just the shooty-shooty. “TAKE OUT THOSE FUCKING PT BOATS!” A final example, they take this scenario of sniping one guy and turn it into an experience that teaches you to be patient, and wait for the right moment. A lesson you’ll need for the rest of this mission. They use this setting of being a survivor amongst slaughtered Russians in Stalingrad, and use it to teach you about stealth and sniping. You even get an opportunity to assassinate a high-profile German officer. “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” Now that’s a sniping mission done right. This is Call of Duty: World at War’s gameplay in a nutshell, it’s exactly what you’d expect from a COD game with all the cliché types of levels, but at the same time, it totally surprises you. Whether it’s with the story, or the unique mechanics/gimmicks, World at War is just a blast to play through. And with all the COD games out there, with how many years it’s been, that’s saying a lot! Oh yeah, and the shooting feels great too. Something about these old weapons and being harder to hit your targets than normal, it just feels right. It’s like, it’s World War II and the guns are kind of sh*tty, but it’s good kind of sh*tty. It’s a rugged, sh*tty. Rugged Sh*tty, never thought I’d say those two words together… but anyways! Quick note, I really don’t like seeing hit markers in single-player campaigns. “OHHH! OHHHH!” Reason being, I want to be immersed in whatever it is I’m doing. Now if I see a little marker in the middle of the screen that tells me I killed somebody that takes me out of the game. Without hit markers you become a much more thorough player, you play more carefully because you never know when an enemy might still be alive in a last stand or if you didn’t blast enough holes in him to finish him off. And hit markers take that exciting feeling, the tension, the immersion, and the fear away from the game in a small, but noticeable way. The soundtrack of the single-player is REALLY good. And lemme tell ya I don’t often remember or listen to Call of Duty soundtracks outside of the game but this one stuck with me. You got real somber, unnerving songs that slow things down and give you the chills. Oh! The chills… Ohhh I got the – I got the chills, boi! Then you got badass guitar riffs that gives it a bombastic feeling when you’re running around shooting people. The music enhances the campaign and gameplay in all the right ways. The difficulty is pretty good and mostly fair but people have asked me for tips on how to beat it on Veteran. The trick is… don’t play it on Veteran. NADE SPAM 4 DAYZZ But anyways, back to the story. On the American side, things are pretty simple. The characters and dialogue could’ve been written better, more unique. You don’t really feel attached to Roebuck or… that other guy, but I look at it and see the American side as more of a vessel for immersion in the Pacific Theater and for gameplay reasons, so it’s passable. The Russian side of things, god damn is it brutal. The game really dives into the Russian perspective, how they view the war and the Germans. And Viktor Reznov is just a beast. This side is all about pushing into the Heart of the Reich, FOR MOTHER RUSSIA! You’re just some soldier who’s been left to die in the middle of Stalingrad, but you cheat death and link up with Reznov. “Demetri Petrenko! I saw this man cheat death… Time after time at the siege of Stalingrad. As long as HE lives, the heart of this army cannot be broken. He makes us all proud. The overarching plot & story is simplistic, gets the job done, but more importantly it serves as a way for players to imagine and experience war themselves and think about the decisions soldiers had to make back then. Keeping in line with that Tim O’ Brien quote, World At War doesn’t romanticize these huge conflicts. The game is not so much worried about whether you’re rooting for the Americans or not. It’s only goal is to depict these battles in the most grounded, yet brutal way possible, it has BALLS! When you awake amongst piles of dead, and you see Germans shooting the survivors, you’re like, “Well sh*t damn that’s f*cked!” When you’re creeping through the jungle and one of your fellow soldiers gets hung in the air and explodes, “wow! That’s f*cked up!” And these moments are scattered all throughout the campaign. From the Russian perspective, you start off with the goal of just surviving, but over the course of time, Reznov and the other Russians get more and more bloodthirsty, merciless, there’s in-fighting. Some soldiers wonder if it’s really worth it to be as merciless as the Germans. And Rezno thinks it’s the right thing to do. “Dimitri? Finish those rats… Once again, you cheat death. Our tanks are ready to smash this line and… CHERNOV! I am not hearing gunshots.” “There is no point, Sergeant… They are already bleeding to death.” “Then maybe our friend will help them to bleed faster.” You as a player understand you gotta end the Nazi regime, but that doesn’t excuse what the Russians are doing to achieve that. Killing men who surrender in cold blood, lighting them on fire, man it’s – it’s just… messed up, man! The observant player will notice these moments are shown more and more often the farther you get into the heart of Germany. And they’re not always in your face, my advice is take your time and look around, you might see something interesting. So the story carries a certain weight, a feeling of how War changes people… Reznov is proof of that. “Which do you think will lead us home? Writing about this war or fighting it? No one will ever read this. If you lack the stomach to kill for your country… at least show me that you are willing to die for it.” “Dimitri! Someone should read this…” A few years ago I took several fiction writing classes, and one thing we learned is that violence, gore, sex, drugs, all that taboo, controversial material must serve a purpose to the story. If it’s just there for gratuitous sake, then it adds nothing. World at War doesn’t fall into this hole of “violence for the sake of violence.” When you shoot some dude’s legs off and watch him writhe in pain, it gives you the shivers. That’s war, it’s messed up! The level of gore, blood and violence is perfectly in line with World at War’s dark atmosphere and really enhances the experience; it unsettles the player. The finale is epic as hell! You, just a Private in the Red Army, one among millions… Rises above death, destruction and carnage. And you are the one who carries the Russian flag atop the Reichstag. Being able to play through and experience what is depicted in this famous photograph, is such a chilling experience that leaves an imprint on you. That is something you will never forget doing in a video game. And at the end of it all, after the dark, depressing and depraved experience you’ve just been through. World at War reminds you what this was all about. See, COD WWII made the mistake of showing this message at the beginning, when it’s far more powerful at the end. And as you see the credits roll, you reflect on what you’ve just been through, the fun you’ve had, and the atrocities you’ve seen. You put down the controller, you’re glad it’s finished…. (Heavy breathing) Bro, the first time I saw this and was transported to some abandoned house I basically sh*t my pants. And I don’t feel any less manly saying that, I sh*t. My. Pants. Revealing an entire new mode after beating the campaign just - just wow! “Surprise, mother*cker.” Brilliant! And it’s Nazi Zombies, just bravo. Bravo. But how does the mode hold up after all this time? Well, pretty dang well! To be honest, Nacht Der Untoten is pretty dated compared to the other Zombie maps, but when this came out, man EVERYONE wanted to see how far they could get. And it wasn’t just for the high score, it was because it was fun. World at War zombies was the talk of the town, and the map was a great entry point for what would become a staple of many COD games down the line. Honestly, the vast majority of my time spent on World at War was in Zombies, I got to like level 20 in multiplayer, but if Zombies tracked my progress? I’d have been like 5th Prestige or something. And here’s another point, I basically only played Der Reise and Nacht Der Untoten. The fact that I could spend so much time playing just two maps with a single game mode with only one objective, goes to show how addicting and fun it is no matter when or who you play with. Repairing barricades, getting powerups, evading the zombies, hitting the mystery box as Zombies close in all around ya, it’s heart-pumping Zombie defense at it’s finest. Now I thought about getting the other two DLC’s to play the other zombie maps, but goddamnit! Activision is still charging 10$ for that! DUDE, that’s what I paid for them like 8 years ago! Just make em, free! Come on! And one thing to mention is Zombies was so freaking cool due in large part to it’s characters. Who were funny, well-written, and just plain old silly. It’s my intense love for these old zombie modes and maps that makes COD WWII’s take on it so disgusting in my mouth. Because the newest game rips away that option of repairing barricades, fortifying your position and holding out till the end. It forces you to run around and do stupid sh*t, but that’s never what made zombies good. What makes it fun is the simplistic pleasure. When you know you can use a self-revive or call in a nuke because you paid real money for loot boxes, it takes away every drop of intensity this mode has to offer. Zombies didn’t try to scare you by offering jump scares at every f*cking turn. It was scary because you were holding out. You didn’t know when you were gonna kick the bucket. Nazi Zombies, at it’s core is just about surviving as long as you can, in any way you can. And all that excessive, useless sh*t all those extra mechanics and 77 quests like it’s goddamn Skyrim, it’s unnecessary. It doesn’t need to be so structured and linear. It’s funny to think about how much Nazi Zombies has influenced the franchise since World at War. Hell, it’s got a whole treasure trove of lore and stories to tell with it! It was like an experimental mode that could’ve just been a one-off gimmick if people didn’t like it, but it blossomed into a core part of the Call of Duty experience. On the multiplayer side of things, I confess I really didn’t play much back in the day which I 100% regret not doing because the player populations are so low you can basically only find Team Deathmatch games. But I was able to host some custom game nights and play all sorts of modes on all of the maps. Now COD games always have that ONE thing that is super overpowered and people hate it. That one thing, is the Mp40… and bouncing betties. But aside from that, the game is pretty balanced and fun. Shotguns and snipers are a bit harder to use correctly, hit detection seems a bit off but maybe that’s the lack of strong aim assist. Class customization is fantastic! You’ve got so many options. It doesn’t feel overwhelming but there’s enough here to really mix and match and experiment with a bunch of different builds. Where World at War really shines is in it’s maps. You’ve got a pretty much perfect variety in terms of design, size, layout, and visual aesthetic. Dome is one of my favorites because it’s basically Nuketown before Nuketown. Then you got Cliffside which is just a perfect map for long range encounters. We played all sorts of crazy, stupid game types like free for all shotguns only, snipers only with no zooming, and it was such a blast because the game is simplistic at it’s core. There’s no unnecessarily complicated customization, ridiculous killstreaks or absurd mechanics, it’s just good, simple Call of Duty greatness. I talked about map design a lot in my WWII review, and I’d like to elaborate on that. See, I gave that game a lot of flak for having only 3 lane maps, and truth be told most FPS maps are 3 lanes or a variation of that. But heres’ what you gotta remember, the most important thing newer Call of Duty games NEED to understand. There is a difference between having a 3 lane map, and a map that forces you down those 3 lanes. What do I mean by that? Well, sure World at War has plenty of maps where the action goes down 3 paths or lanes. However, you have so many options to move around. Vertically, side to side, underneath… So many directions to take, that you don’t feel confined to 3 lanes. Now here’s an example, the map, Makin. Makin Bacon. Sure it’s got 3 general paths to go down, although, you have this area below the docks and you can run down that instead. Then we’ve got Dome, very small map, yet gives the players plenty of options. It has elevation, bit of low ground, and no matter where you are, you can always cut through the middle. And it’s a tough thing to explain and show it to you, but it’s something you feel. And that’s what’s important, I felt like I had freedom no matter what map it was on, no matter how big or small. World at War takes all the best things from COD 4 and adds them here to not only build off COD 4’s formula, but put a unique spin on the World War II era of gameplay. One last thing to mention about those three eras of COD games I talked about. The franchise was at it’s best, it had the most positive reception in this era and I think I know the reason why. Because Call of Duty was providing both new and old to fans of the series. You had Modern Warfare, a more modern take on Call of Duty, and you had World at War. Then Modern Warfare 2, then there was Black Ops, set during the Vietnam War. You see the pattern? At this point in COD’s life, even though they were creating a new game every year, there was something for everyone. If you didn’t enjoy the more modern games, well you had World at War for that old school charm and Black Ops 1 as a nice in-between. A fresh take on the Vietnam War. But if you had gotten tired of the World War II setting, you had Modern Warfare 1 & 2 which told unique stories and used weaponry from a more current and relatable time. And I think this style of new – old – new – old, is why the COD community was getting more and more upset with every new game, because they were getting burned out on the modern futuristic era. World at War’s multiplayer is fantastic on it’s own terms, and it also holds this secret to Call of Duty’s constant success year after year, in the palm of it’s hand. Pacing is the lesson here, variety. And understanding that COD fans want to experience what the series has to offer in at least two different time periods. All in all, Call of Duty World at War is one of the best COD games out there. It’s truly fun in all modes of play which is not something that can be said for the rest of the series. The campaign and story holds no reservations, and has the balls to depict World War II in the most brutally, honest way it can. While the overall story and characters aside from Reznov could’ve been written better and in a way that makes us care, I see that wasn’t Treyarch’s goal with this game. It’s not so much character driven. They wanted you to think about this war, they wanted to show you what it was like. Nazi Zombies spawned from this game, so much lore, fun and creativity that has blessed the COD series for many years. Having the last truly good WWII multiplayer in the series, and the way it took the best elements of COD 4 and replicated them, turned it into a multiplayer that pretty much every fan could enjoy! And that is why Call of Duty World at War was SO AWESOME! But what did you think? When was the last time you player World at War’s campaign? Do you plan on going through it soon? Lemme know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below! Now lets see what some of my patrons thought of Call of Duty: World at War. Android Elite says: My mom loves CoD campaigns, but specifically had a lot of fun with World at War. Some memorable moments include: --The baffled look on her face when she first fired a bolt action rifle and realized she had to pull the bolt back for each shot --Screaming, "TREES!!!" when a group of camouflaged Japanese soldiers sprung up and attacked --(jokingly) Complaining about always being given the most dangerous tasks while everyone else hangs back And generally just loving Reznov, partially because she played Black Ops first and enjoyed seeing his origin. Danger Wasp says: Cod WaW is an amazing refreshing take in the WWII genre by Activision after their last WWII game: COD III. WaW is able to use the Modern Warfare ID tech engine beautifully and tell a gritty and graphic story with memorable characters way before COD took the more over the top rollercoaster ride seen in the later Modern Warfare Games and even in COD WWII. Such fun even carried over to the multiplayer with the various classes and WWII take on the COD 4 kill streak system. Finally let's not forget the classic mode where it all started: Nazi Zombies. pure carnage and fun in its simplest forms before it evolved into the more complex and story driven mode that grew in Black Ops and beyond Grizzly Gamer says: I think really Word at War was the first game in the series that encapsulated the series as a varied multiplayer shooter. Between the multiplayer and fantastic zombies mode with an equally brilliant campaign it just gave you the most bang for your buck at the time and still in my estimation stands up well today. Helljumper says: Call of Duty World at War has been my favorite Call of Duty game ever since I first played it. A lot of people just see it as a lazy clone of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but I strongly believe World at War has the better weaponry, killstreaks, game modes, map design, and Nazi Zombies was basically the cherry on top of an already delicious cake. Not to mention it actually managed to have one of the best campaigns in the entire series, if not the best Jfreak says: World at War is one of the few post Moden Warfare CoDs that respectfully handled the tone of war. There was no cartoonishly evil villian, just soldiers in a war. And the RZI Guy says: After the success of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, World at War took a huge risk with going back to World War II, but it paid off. Treyarch took what Cod4 did right and applied it to WaW with it's killstreaks and custom classes, but also introduced Nazi Zombies which has now become synonymous with Call of Duty and a staple of the series. Along with that, it gave us a well-told story, repesctful to World War II, and wasn't afraid to show the Nazi symbol unlike most games nowadays. So thanks to all my patrons who gave their thoughts. If you’d like to have that opportunity, feel free to support me on patreon! That’s all I’ve got for today. This is The Act Man signing out. PEACE!
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 6,306,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cod, act man, the act man cod, cod waw, world at war, waw campaign, world at war multiplayer, treyarch, cod wwii, call of duty world war 2, sledgehammer games, activision, world at war veteran, world at war 2, world at war remastered, call of duty, cod multiplayer, world at war campaign, cod fanboys, mp40, black ops, cod black ops, zombies, world at war zombies, black ops zombies, wwii zombies
Id: Q2w9QNNfEeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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