Dead & Forgotten Game Franchises - The Act Man

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This dude embodies the edgy high schooler hurling racist insults on COD Black Ops.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] oh what's up everybody this is the act man here and today i'm paying tribute and respect to some dead and forgotten video game franchises now some of these don't deserve to lie here others i'll admit are past their prime and really don't deserve a shot at redemption but one thing is certain there are far too many dead forsaken or forgotten game franchises in this world so get your f key ready maybe a leader of mountain dew and let's jump straight into this when i say dead forgotten or forsaken it could mean a couple things maybe the series hasn't gotten a new entry in several years or perhaps the latest title was on par with fallout 76 16 times the detail or maybe these franchises simply turned their backs on what made them so popular and beloved in the first place in any case these franchises have seen better days for one reason or another so we're gonna run through a bunch of different game series and i'll tell you why i thought they were awesome or not and what they could possibly bring back to the video game industry let's begin with a series that has layers shrek games with the last entry shrek forever after releasing in 2010 is it any wonder why the last 10 years have been so terrible just kidding but not really let's begin with a famous duo that's near and dear to my heart ever since banjo-tooie released 20 years ago fans have eagerly awaited a new game that didn't involve [ __ ] cars after microsoft's buyout of rareware in 2002 the once beloved company took a nosedive into a relevance these two games were some of the most kick-ass 3d platformers and seriously gave mario 64 a run for its money with amazing level design and iconic soundtrack that i've used in countless videos and the most carefree genuine sense of humor the bear and bird have been among the most requested characters for smash and after 19 years hope was finally delivered you know what seeing banjo-kazooie and smash it's all i needed i never expected them to get a new game because let's face it 3d platformers that don't have mario in the title are a rare breed nowadays but in a shocking twist steve males the creator tweeted this when we were working on banjo-tooie a certain game was released that involved nintendo characters duking it out 20 years later it could well be the game that saved banjo-kazooie what will next year bring for baron bird steve my man i cannot wait to find out 2k games would you kindly develop a new bioshock already a man chooses a slave obeys you could argue that bioshock is not a forgotten franchise shut up atlas i know who you are and i'd agree with you honestly with bioshock 2 infinite and the burial at sea dlc it feels like the story is pretty much wrapped up i'm not sure if i'm asking them to dredge up a corpse that gracefully went out on its own terms but at the same time bioshock was such a masterpiece that revolutionized the fps genre so why not give it another shot would you currently would you kindly get this would you kindly find that would you kindly find it did you kindly head to ryan's office and kill the son of a [ __ ] remember when rockstar used to develop video games i do [Music] the xbox gamecube and ps2 were probably my favorite generation of consoles because there were just so many oddball titles nobody gave a [ __ ] and everyone was experimenting enter bully yet another rockstar game that allows you to be a total piece of [ __ ] and have fun doing it bully was a more pg-13 take on the grand theft auto formula putting you in the shoes of high school douchebag jimmy could ride skateboards shoot slingshots get into fist fights it was filled with juvenile humor and gameplay but what really sold it was the setting bully was so rebellious man it was filled with the type of stuff every kid wishes they could do at school it wasn't as big as gta but you'd expect it to have at least one sequel while there have been rumors of a bully 2 in development there's also been news that has been cancelled in favor of gta 6 likely to come out when gta 5 stops making money in the year 2069 die monster you don't belong in this world is what must have been said to the castlevania series because dracula hasn't been resurrected in quite some time 2d side scrollers are not a dead genre by any means i mean heck both indie and aaa studios are still pumping out amazing titles with shovel knight ori raymond legends cuphead hollow knight the list goes on it makes you wonder why the gothic king of 2d sidescrollers hasn't dipped its toes into the water maybe simon and richter's appearance in smash bros will revive the series who knows just give me symphony of the night too [Music] marvel ah conker you only had one game but god damn did you leave quite an impact disguised as just another kid-friendly 3d platformer conker's bad fur day has earned a well-deserved cult following over the years released during the end of the n64's lifespan and with limited advertising conker never got the chance he really needed at least microsoft gave us a kick-ass remake with a full-fledged online multiplayer easily one of the funniest games ever made i mean who could forget the great mighty pooh and i'm going to throw my [ __ ] at you conquer the squirrel is a classic gaming icon in my mind and i find it so amazing that he's as well known as he is with just two games under his belt although phil spencer has recently come out and say that a new conker or banjo-kazooie will depend on rareware so there is hope for this lovable alcoholic squirrel to get a shot at redemption i see you a sailor fella you better get this fat ass [ __ ] off from my back promo what would you get if you mixed gundams with beyblades custom robo baby [Music] what's this a series that only had one release outside of japan and it was a gamecube exclusive that never re-released on any other platform you bet your ass it belongs on this list custom robo allowed you to fight and customize robots in an arena battle it's insanely fun to play with four people easily one of the most unique fighting games ever made they had guns that shot out [ __ ] dragons or blasted swords into the sky and the soundtrack full of banging slappers [Music] custom robo lived and died in the era of couch co-op games so i don't have any faith that'll make a return especially since you know 12 people know about it but i would kill to play a new game like this in some online multiplayer little star how i wonder what you are when video games try to copy other successful formulas they're usually just cheap imitations we are concerned that dead space may be replicating the experience that resident evil 4 is known for never let the meme die dead space took the same things that made our e4 so awesome and brought it to space amplifying the horror aspects and forcing players to use surgical precision when fighting the terrifying necromorphs the first two games are fantastic iterations on the horror genre but the third completely derailed the franchise into an action-adventure game with pay-to-win mechanics yeah thanks for that ea with resident evil still going strong after countless years you can't help but think if maybe dead space could claw its way back and take a bite out of that same pie i hate you you're a bad person despite releasing two games in the last nine years dragon age fell hard and fast after origins devolving into a shitty medieval clone of mass effect origins was bioware at their absolute peak in my opinion even if you didn't enjoy the janky combat the dialogue story and companions were so amazing i've dumped hundreds of hours into origins and never regret it dragon age 2 and inquisition on the other hand you couldn't pay me to play those games origins forced me to make some of the hardest decisions ever in a video game and when i picked the wrong thing i felt terrible there are few titles out there that i have such a deep emotional investment with while there is a new title set to release in 2022 i have no faith that bioware is going to be able to capture that same lightning in a bottle that they did with origins it's time to kick ass and disappoint everyone and i'm done kicking ass would the world be better if duke nukem made a return the answer was no in 2011 duke nukem forever true to its name was the most notorious piece of vaporware ever in development for over a decade the once iconic badass found his welcome mat covered in [ __ ] now what [ __ ] finger painting to be honest i don't think the duke deserves to make a comeback forever left such a terrible taste in everyone's mouth and with the doom series reclaiming its throne i can't really think of a reason why he should return look todd you've been re-releasing skyrim for the past nine years but if you re-release it one more time then then we better take a station break but now i'm announcing a new skyrim port right here well i think that you you probably won't announce it again i bet i do all right then skyrim vr okay so elder scrolls isn't quite dead forgotten or forsaken but jesus christ man nine years since skyrim came out as i've talked about before we're pretty much in that age where game developers are just trying to milk their existing products as much as humanly possible of course elder scrolls has gone the same route as kotor in that they've been focusing on an mmorpg instead of a mainline single player boy this is going to be a controversial take vola has been all over the place during its tenure transforming from an isometric rpg to a first person shooter rpg to yet another mass effect clone and then 76 a title that sits nice and comfortably next to ride to hell retribution but fallout strayed from the formula that pretty much everyone loved with new vegas and three in favor of i don't know regardless 76 tarnished bethesda and the fallout brand and they need to figure out what fans want and meet that demand if fallout is gonna have any chance of reversing its status as a laughing stock oh my god that's great ah f-zero one of the few franchises that's had its representative in more smash games than its own series everyone knows who captain falcon is yes but probably one percent of those people have ever played an f-zero game captain falcon was meant to be nintendo's cool new mascot back in the late 90s but it never really caught on f-zero was this fast-paced adrenaline-pumping racing series that may not have stood out or caused shockwaves when a new game released but the series was special because of how it pushed the technology of the time with every new installment and no mario kart is not a replacement for f-zero its high-speed racing ran at 60 frames per second on the nintendo 64. what how at least the series died with honor and grace every title is a technological marvel there's not a single bad f-zero game out there so why has this series been forgotten by nintendo well there's an amazing video by no strings prd who essentially says nintendo doesn't want to develop games that don't push the boundaries or reinvent the wheel and since gx was the perfect send off they have no reason to make another but in this humble acting male's opinion the captain deserves another chance to blow people's minds with ludicrous speed i've had the same dream every day for the last 10 years a new gauntlet game it'll never happen but everyone who grew up in the 90s and early 2000s knew about midway games and must have played one of these arcade machines back in the day so much fun with four players a true dungeon crawler with epic bosses and a satisfying grind this is like playing bubsy 3d at barack obama's house gex isn't known for much outside his meme worthy status nowadays and truth be told his jokes are really outdated note to self don't drink tap water at cherry garcias but the first game was one of the most challenging 2d platformers i've ever played is that a reason for him to return nope gex is best left in the 90s [Music] in the age of skating games none stood out more than jet set radio future boasting one of the dopest soundtracks known to man cell shaded animation and gameplay that oozed style spraying graffiti sticking it to the man jet set radio is a true rebels game in 2017 though sony had expressed interest in a new game jet set radio evolution but sega turned it down for unknown reasons the fate of this franchise may not be largely important in the grand scheme of things but it doesn't look like sega is going to be breathing life into it anytime soon you cannot hide from what you once were recognize that you were once the dark lord and know that i have taken your place honestly i could pretty much put every bioware franchise in this video because they are a shell of their former selves the first kotor was a brilliant masterpiece one of the goats the second somehow had better writing gameplay branching pads and characters despite being blatantly unfinished because of its year-long development cycle that's right they made kotor 2 in one freaking year yet for some god forsaken reason they decided to go the mmorpg route instead of turning the series into a trilogy kotor 2's story left off in a completely ambiguous state and it's not like star wars games don't make money it's not like people don't know what knights of the old republic is but bioware had their chance and they chose something different they went down the dark path there's no redemption the kotor 3 i'd want to see doubt it will ever be made in my lifetime remember when i said remember when rockstar used to develop video games who could forget la noire an absolute slam dunk that pushed the boundaries of technology with every line of dialogue being recorded with motion capture the visuals are timeless if a bit hilarious at times not the most action-packed rockstar game but a humble dive into the detective noir genre that is rarely seen in the world of video games again the story was pretty much wrapped up but hey performed really well even without the stunning cole phelps i think we'd all love to see rockstar give this formula another shot like bioware pretty much every franchise that valve has made could be in this video too it's mind-boggling how they released two left for dead games in back-to-back years and have done almost nothing with the franchise since far be it from me to criticize valve's methods of madness but come on dude left 4 dead 3 would sell like hot cakes but hey if valve isn't going to do anything with their ips at least someone else is willing to try back for blood is a new spiritual successor and is being made by some of the original creators with similar gameplay it's looking to be a real treat i can't wait to sink my hands into some intense 4v4 zombie killing action mass effect much like fallout is coming off a glitchy technical nightmare that spits on the legacy of previous games see no reason we can't be civilized the original trilogy was a master class in immersive storytelling branching paths likable companions and solid gameplay all the bioware trademarks you expect it's no wonder why so many other franchises copied the shepherd-esque main character dialogue wheel and style of mass effect like bioshock the story is pretty much complete and andromeda was nothing more than a lazy cash grab waiting for a new mass effect i wouldn't hold your breath you've heard this story before an incredible series of games beloved by millions is capped off with the worst entry possible and it's just left in that state they played us like a damn fiddle metal gear is the premier stealth series that everyone knows and loves so it was a real interesting choice that konami fired hideo kojima and made a shitty zombies game instead of working with him that's why we have death stranding so we're all for two in that regard interesting tidbit i just found but sony is looking to buy the rights to metal gear silent hill and castlevania from konami i hope they sell all of them because [ __ ] konami the future of metal gear depends on those negotiations but even if sony doesn't get the rights solid snake had a solid run samus has been stuck in a rut for a long time despite being one of nintendo's most celebrated ips unlike castlevania metroid kicks ass in both 2d side scroller and fps genres what is there to say about the prime trilogy that hasn't been said about bob ross and mr rogers unfortunately this is one franchise that nintendo keeps [ __ ] with other m was a cringe fest and aside from the remake of metroid 2 there hasn't been much to get excited about so it comes as no surprise that nintendo has no idea when prime 4 will come out a potential 2023 release date gonna be a long wait metroid fans paper mario is the most heartbreaking franchise i'm a fan of banjo-kazooie nuts and bolts may have spat on the series but that was only one game intelligent systems have basically made nuts and bolts one two and three why are we still here they just have no concept of why people loved the first two games at all a series that used to be a dynamic turn-based rpg with some of the best writing in the industry has turned into nothing more than paper jokes and gimmicky gameplay it's so predictable and played out after origami king i have no faith that a good paper mario is gonna ever make its way to shelves like squidward i've laid my hopes and dreams to rest hey act man you played any good puzzle games recently [ __ ] no i haven't and you know why cause puzzle games belong on mobile devices at least that's what we've been led to believe in the last decade portal was a home run straight out of left field the portal gun and glados became gaming icons overnight honestly it can't be that hard to develop a new game it was a nice change of pace to slow things down and play something that got you to think critically and we really could use it because puzzle games are a dying breed but yeah just just keep building up that dota 2 card game that's what the fans really want hey valve if you're gonna take half-life to vr um why not try that with portal speaking of mobile a lot of these once divine franchises have been relegated to mobile games that nobody shakes two shits at remember prince of persia hot damn this was like tomb raider and assassin's creed combined even got its own film starring jake gyllenhaal back in 2010 older gamers will remember this series as being the precursor to assassin's creed and since that series gets a new release each year there ain't much room for prince of persia dear kathleen kennedy disney and george lucas what happened to sev that's all i've wanted to know for the last 15 years and i ain't gonna read a book to find out republic commando is the most competent star wars fps game counting single player only a squad based shooter that had you whoop some separatist ass with your elite group of commandos and it ended on a cliffhanger man there were rumors of an imperial commando game a couple years ago but i doubt ea will use the rights to star wars to invest in something like that ironic the cancellation of kojima's silent hills in 2015 was a wrench up the butthole for gamers everywhere this trailer blew people's minds silent hill defined a new generation of horror games focusing on psychological terror instead of cheap jump scares it paved the way for games like amnesia bioshock and dead space despite its influence the world has not been kind to this series and it's a damn shame while spyro and crash bandicoot both got a remastered trilogy crash was the one that made a real comeback in a brand new game aptly titled it's about time but the lovable purple dragon could use some attention too while his games after the first three were a bit shaky spyro offers a more lighthearted atmosphere that is sorely missed today bring back spyro in a market oversaturated with first person shooters time splitters was a breath of fresh air that had players battling across time in the past present and future what a premise future perfect executed this perfectly pun intended with its diverse array of weapons enemies and locations the series has always been known for its irreverent humor time to split i'll get the next one so you get to play as a parody of the rock for god's sake they were on crack when they made future perfect it has the most ridiculous lineup of characters ever now it appears that co-creator steve ellis is currently working quietly on an unannounced time splitters product hopefully this product is an actual video game because that would be awesome last but not least beautiful joe god damn these two games were brimming with style and charm followed the story of joe whose girlfriend is captured while watching a movie and he's thrust into movie land where he becomes a hero this was a unique cel-shaded 2d side-scroller for the gamecube and you can string together the sickest combos slow down time reflect bullets and just whoop some ass at first glance beautiful joe seems like one of those characters that's trying hard to be cool and fails but uh this man is a legend dare i say it deserves a spot in smash well as i pay my respects to many dead forgotten or forsaken game franchises i wonder what the future holds in 2021 perhaps the new dragon age will be a return to form back for blood could revive a genre that valve didn't care about and i never thought i'd say it but there's hope for a new banjo-kazooie but many of these franchises will simply exist where they are now some deserve to be laid to rest and others perish before their time the game industry is always changing and it's never too late for an old classic to bring us the joy we experienced so long ago now just make one more conquer game and i can go home okay thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did let me know your favorite dead forgotten or forsaken franchise in the comments below and subscribe to the act man for more awesome content alright everyone that's all i got for today this is the act man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,015,601
Rating: 4.9490318 out of 5
Keywords: act man, the act man, forgotten video game franchises, dead franchises, f zero, video games, silent hill, dead space, elder scrolls, banjo kazooie, bioshock, bully, conker, castlevania, dragon age, fallout, portal, republic commando, star wars, star wars kotor, kotor, spyro, timesplitters, jet set radio, la noire, metal gear, metal gear solid, metroid, paper mario, left 4 dead, back 4 blood, viewtiful joe
Id: q0ExenSoqso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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