The Vision for America | Rodney Howard-Browne

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the following broadcast is brought to you by the friends and partners of revival ministries international [Music] [Music] lift your hands right now father anoint every ear to hear and leave your heart to be receptive today in jesus name we pray everyone said amen thank you you may be seated i want you to take your bibles now and go with me to the book of habakkuk if you have the same bond as me as page 123. i'm back at chapter 2 and i'm going to read verse 2. and verse 3 and the lord answered me and said write the vision ever say write the vision you know that's important for every single one of you how many have been writing down what god's been speaking to you how many know what's happening on the 11th of july who knows what's happening on sunday night the 11th of july we're going to deal with the next giant because three months ago we dealt with the first one 11th of july i didn't forget we're going to do with the next one it takes 90 days get rid of a giant so you better kill whatever is still bothering you between now and 11th amen and then we'll deal with the next 90 days but who's written down a vision write the vision make it plain upon tables or tablets that he may run that read of it and then he says something which i really had to learn it says for the vision is yet for an appointed time why does god give you a vision when you're not there right now because you write it down and then you walk in the direction of the vision because the scripture declares without a vision the people perish so many people they have absolutely no vision for their life their ministry their business or anything they're doing it's just kind of whatever life deals with them and you know this is how it is how are you doing this month being read low blows and this thing attacked me and blew up and there's no there's no vision and what happens is you start to focus on the devil's vision for your life and other people's vision for your life to where you write that down and you moan about it and you complain about it are you with me and then you wonder why your whole life said a mess because you didn't write the vision that god had for you and that the lord has over your life god's plan for you is greater than the globalist agenda they want to merge you with a machine and some have already merged all they do is sit in front of the television all day so you've already merged now you've merged with your phone you can't really talk to people they don't know what it's like to even have a relationship with somebody else anymore especially the young ones the young ones are just giving the tablet that and they bone if they don't get it they scream you know it's like the end of the world okay yes and then the kid is immersed it's already emerged with the machine write the vision make it plain so that when you read it and everybody around you you can run with it the vision is for an appointed time but at the end it will speak it will not lie though it carry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry why because when god says something it's going to come to pass you you look at abraham when god took his name he was abram and she was sariah and god said i'm changing your name your name is going to be abraham it's going to be father many nations and she's going to be sarah mother many nations and they didn't have a child for 25 years they didn't have a child but every day he was calling mother of many nations and she'd answer his father of many nations and in the natural there was no there was hell we don't even have a child but god gave them something to speak out you write the vision you speak the vision you walk towards it are you with me i have a vision for america i don't care what's coming out of washington dc i heard from heaven we're gonna see a great spiritual awakening that god is gonna shake america he is not finished with america i'm looking at the nations of the earth right now in turmoil in sydney australia they told them you can't even sing to a camera in sydney no they just said they told everybody if you sent your camera you'll get arrested in south africa this last week they went to back to lockdowns that you can't have church you can't even have church but there's taxis packing 30 people in the taxi but you can't have church in england the same nonsense is going on but you look at wimbledon it is packed to capacity you look at ascot the races back to capacity oh no they said that's a government experiment all those people have all been they've all taken the shot and we're just testing it to see if people do get a virus they won't know the experiment didn't work what a bogus bunch of garbage i mean who do you think you're fooling because we've already heard people that got the shot have already got the virus again so how is it possible please i'm not stupid we're not we're not dancing to your tune you can call it a government program we don't go by government programs we go by the word of the lord the word of the lord for us was not you're going to lock down shut down and not go anywhere because you're afraid you're going to die because he said with long life i'll satisfy you and i read the vision and i speak the vision he said with long life i will satisfy you and show you my salvation the bible says only your father mother that it may be well with you that you may live long on the earth if for no other reason i will live long because i honored my father and my mother and the bible says that's the first commandment with promise so that's the vision are you gonna allow television are you gonna allow politicians are you gonna allow governors and mayors and presidents to come and set the agenda for your life of what the vision is for your life is that what you're gonna do you're gonna you're gonna buy that you're gonna swallow that hook line and sink and say yes sir science it's not even science when god called us his menstrual needs to america and my wife and i came here december 1987 landed there with three hundred dollars we didn't we didn't know all of what if i knew everything that would be involved i'd have said let's get on the next plane and head back but god never tells you everything he only tells you a little bit and a little bit more and a little bit more a little bit more and then you're so far in it you can't get out you don't need far out of the boat walking on the water that you look again you can't find the boat there isn't a boat and then you wonder was there ever a boat so all of you that are impatient because he said yeah the vision is for an appointed time but he said at the end it will speak and not lie though it tarry wait for it we are now seeing things that i had in my spirit even as a teenager that i had in my spirit the very first year of ministry in 1980 i'm starting to see things happen now somebody said pastor come on that's too long no i'm just telling you it's coming to pass everything i had in my spirit is starting to happen now it's starting to pop like popcorn on a daily basis it's popping everywhere you better get ready and jump on you you you better jump on this train i'm telling you right now you better you better hook your caboose to this train you better jump on the bandwagon i'm telling you right now can you say amen hallelujah we're not planning little things around these parts big things are being planned around these parts hallelujah so you know i looked at the condition of the church back in 1987 and when we when we first landed there it was a nightmare there had been claps and major ministries there was an apathy i'm going around from church to church it looked like a funeral parlor really i'm a happy person i get out there i look at everybody and you think are you standing there and you're listening to the music and it's like dead everything's dead the choir's dead the usher's dead the past is dead he gets up he says well we're so happy the lord david let's all just pray father we pray oh god that would be and i'm thinking oh jesus help me please and then he tells you he gives he gives you the mic at 11. he said we need to be finished at 12. and i go but i just i say hello it takes 20 minutes to say hello so basically all i could do is get up and go hello goodbye i said why do we have to finish at 12 because the buffet line opens at the holiday inn and if we don't get their 12th the baptists take up all the seeds and then we have to wait till 1 30. so i think i'm chasing the time clock for a piece of chicken at a holiday inn you have to be kidding me i must rest the service to make a buffet a stinking buffet line and a holiday inn would be a dream at those days they would take us to what's another place golden corral oh my god thank you the golden corral [Laughter] hurry up the service for what and you're sitting there and you're eating the food and it's like you know and you think i i throw away that whole service just for this it's a bad day of cooking in anybody's language you can hear them throwing pots and pans in the kitchen speaking in some language you don't even know what's going on back there and some of the food you're not sure what it is if it really is food is this actually chicken it tastes like fish so the whole of 1988 just crying out to god lord just come do whatever you want to do and god did in april of 1989 on the tuesday morning the glory of god come in there like a wave of the sea and everything changed everything changed and you talk about grabbing a tiger by the tail that's what it felt like every place was a shaking and upheaval and we'd go into place to stay for you know a week or two or three by 1990 it was exploding back in our home country where we came from thousands of people were coming people were getting hit by the joy the persecution went to another level i never i never understood that you could be persecuted that much just by the church i didn't know that i thought everybody be happy about joy i didn't know they didn't like it i didn't know people some people are sad and they love torture and they sadistic and they they hate happiness i'm talking about christians now ministers we had a revival in one city we're there for four weeks the place was shaken we outgrew the venue went to a tent to see the thousand people the next sunday the pastor gotta be saying okay the fun's over now let's get back to work the fun is over and then he taught for six weeks on martin luther i'd rather have three root canals and basically lost his church god sent a revival in 89 that swept across america in that decade which went down as the decade of the demonstration of the supernatural of the holy ghost the decade of the holy ghost signs and wonders and sparked it across america and went around the world and then that gave way to the next decade which was the decade of the harvest now into the second decade now into the third decade all about souls because that's what revival's about god revives you and then you revive your other brother and then you go out and raise the dead which that's an awakening i said that's an you go wake people up your job is to wake people up you know that's hard when they're sleeping nobody wants to be woken up who's ever been woken up from a deep sleep you don't like getting woken up the thing you hate probably the most in your room is the alarm not that thing again isn't that right how many how many could say with application you don't like who's ever thrown an alarm clock honest now whoever threw who's ever thrown an alarm clock let me see let me see why did you throw the alarm clock the alarm clock doesn't know you said it for that time you said it for that time how dare you punish the alarm clock when all it's doing is what it's supposed to do alarm clock is there to alarm you you can get mad at your alarm clock who set the time there you did what was why did you sit the long run to wake myself up and then you mad because you woke up and you didn't want to wake up i was laughing the other day it was early morning we were down and lauderdale went down for three days and we were staying there with uh kenneth and jessica and the kids so i walked through just getting myself some coffee and i'm looking aj's like he's just laying on the couch and the twins of course you know the twins when they when they start moving they start very quiet everything's like very strong quiet voices and then suddenly they'll get louder and louder and then it goes to shrieks it'll it'll go to full volume but it starts slowly everything's soft and then and then they move around and they move like a hurricane they come like a tornado and they just move in and so the sun was shining into the room and so the twins started coming and asher got up and he looked at me and he said the morning has come too quickly he says i said well son you don't have to get out of bed lie down and cover yourself with a blanket i'll keep the twins away so i said no i say no no leave your brother he could play there and so he slept a little bit longer and he was happier the next day when i woke up he was he was up i said did the morning come too early no no it's fine today fine today some of you this morning looks like the morning came too early but alarm clock is there to wake somebody else up and in the great awakening you are the alarm clock that god sets to wake other people up from their sleep and their slumber that they might be sleeping but when you get there there's going to be a shaking and there's going to be an awakening because some people you have to shake him out of this slumber you have to grab him and shake him my wife laughs at me because if she tries to wake me up quietly like just touch me i'll jump and fly about and then if she grabs me and shakes me i'll jump i'll fly right up out of nothing so she lost she said i can't do it quietly i can't do so i just leave she doesn't wake you know because once i'm awake i'm up you know and so she always laughs at me because i'll i'll you know because when i knock out i knock out i'm gone you know what i'm saying and so if she just tries to like just tap me i'm i'm like she'll run her fingers like that and i'm like you know anyway okay so my job is to wake up the church which is an irritant a total irritant my ministry is to irritate everybody i can everywhere i go so people say please come to our church i said no no you don't want me to church no no please please we'd love you to come no please you don't understand i beg you not to have me come no we want you on a sunday morning no i wanted to tell them i looked online i watched your sunday morning service you don't want me on a sunday morning so revival is to revive the church if somebody passes out have you ever seen people pass out not under the anointing but they passed out you know heat whatever you have to revive them a boxer gets knocked out he has to be revived they use uh smelling salts they'll come and and they'll do that in front of his nose to bring him back you've got to revive him you've got to bring him back we use the anointing oil of the holy spirit to bring people back you heard what the lady said about the joy you heard what she said the joy hit her and now she can eat and then why aren't you and we say revive so i'm called to revive people in the church and i'm called to wake people up in the world you wake them up to jesus now when we see the condition of america today it's no different from what has happened in america a hundred years ago or 200 years ago or even in england in the 1700s because everything is cyclical it all comes around in cycles everybody thinks you know that what is happening has never happened before and probably today what is happening has never happened before because today it's all combined with technology which they didn't have 50 or 100 years ago are you with me so what we would say is today it's more advanced it's a technological we sing bio weapons we see all kinds of things take place that people have no clue what is being perpetrated upon them and what the enemy is using against their life they are being bombarded on a daily basis from the outside in so that's why we need the power of god even stronger in manifestation today than if we were living in the 1600s or the 1700s yet you still needed the power of god but it didn't take much at that juncture are you with me but now everything's advanced people are so into entertainment right around florida right now because florida's open the parks park's open everything's open like it was before and now keep telling a body do not take for granted the freedom that we have at the very best we have a window of two years with our governor the moment they replaced him with somebody else you have no clue what's going to happen so we have a two-year window let us not get relaxed and say oh well everything's just great because you have no clue what's coming down the road let me tell you right now we have to stand and that's why we do in the stand 300 387 nights and we're going to continue standing for our brothers and sisters around the world that cannot stand do you know that i'm having to people text me although how long is this stand going i said indefinitely i said as long as the nation's shut down we're going to keep going it's not because we're looking for a job it's not because we've got nothing else to do it's because we have to and we're increasing the footprint of television with 300 million homes now every night we're going to believe god even the next two months to see that go to 500 million homes we're going to increase the footprint of it because people are hanging onto this like a lifeline and they saying we this they watch every single thing that happens they would give anything to be here they would give anything to come to healing school they will give anything to come to river university they will get anything to come to the school of worship they want to be involved but they can't because everything in their country is upside down so let us please i beg of you do not take for granted and listen i i say this all the time and i'm not because i'm looking for you know or blessed pastor or whatever but i should be on my annual vacation right now i told my wife it's very hard to even move at this juncture because of everything that's happening on the field inside the building and even at our property and just all the things that are taking place that you can't just take off there's things that are happening we've got things coming through here we've got the canada day that we just did on the first and i've got uh um uh pastor james dr james morocco going to be with us not this week but the following week tuesday wednesday thursday and it's going to do a whole thing on deliverance and cast out every devil if you know anybody has a devil be yeah the not this next week but the following week because we're going to get people delivered because they're people being tormented in their mind by every kind of nonsense and he said he's coming through he said i want to come spend some time with you i said well preach when you're here and we turn you loose on television he said no i just want to hang out i said no absolutely not you're going to preach and he said what do you want me to do i said just come here and cast out every devil you could see and yeah so there's gonna be a time of getting people set free so but anyway let me speed this up here so the 17th and 1800s why back in england in the 1700s they they were slave trade was at all time high political corruption was through the roof from the king all the way down through the royal family it's no different to delay drunkenness was rife they were worshiping animals they were worshipping animals gambling was rife immorality was rife the literature the song the place was filthy lawlessness abounded and the occult and there was england in the early 1700s and then god sends the wesley brothers and the thing explodes it explodes in england and then jumps the pond it comes to america and god flips this country 13 colonies become one nation under god and now we have 50 states and that's why the rest of the world thought we would roll over and cave over they didn't realize the states are sovereign even though america is one country each state is sovereign and you can't push a narrative from dc and demand that each state comply it does not work that way it does not work that way when the founding fathers penned that bill of rights and the constitution they gave up everything that they had so that you could be free here we are on the fourth of july everybody's eating hot dogs and fireworks and they don't even understand the price it's paid yet they walk around with a mosque i'm free no you're not you are walking around with the slave symbol on your face you are you have capitulated somebody said pastor come on don't be like that no i'm telling you the truth because let me that doesn't protect you from anything that virus is so tiny it'll go in and out your mask the same hole 10 times before you could say president biden [Laughter] but if you think it does go ahead and put it on your head then look like a slave somebody said well i'm protecting others around me i said please spare yourself gag me with a spoon i'm protecting myself you weigh 400 pounds what do you talk about you're protecting yourself you should have thought twice before you stuck that extra doughnut in your in your mouth i mean you're protecting yourself don't talk rubbish yeah protecting myself then in the 1800s finney comes along charles granderson finished shook america so i have a vision and i'm not i'm not changing that not for anybody on the on the planet you you know even if i died today if they took me outside and killed me you can put on my tombstone there's a great awakening there'll be a great awakening there'll be a great awakening there's going to be a great awakening there'll be a great awakening there'll be a great awakening there's going to be a great awakening there's going to be a great awakening there's nothing the devil can do to stop it he cannot stop what is coming because men and women ordinary men and women full of the fire of the holy ghost are marching through the land they'll not bow to worship false gods and they're not moved by fear daniel and the three hebrew children would not eat of the king's food because they didn't eat they wouldn't bow it's the same thing as all these regulations you have to do this you have to wait excuse me i don't have to do any of this stuff we're not going to compromise we are not going to compromise i feel this on me so strong let me tell you i went to sleep last night my wife says 11. i think it was 10 and i dozed off i was up at 3 30 this morning i mean i was like ready to go i thought okay it must be six five you know i normally get up 5 30 whatever i i drive down to the church i get there by 7 7 30. and i thought it must be five five thirty i look it's 3 30 i go what really seriously how did that happen so i just went to work in my office i thought you know i'm not lying here i'm not gonna go lie down again already lay down and i'm trying to sleep and i feel good i feel good [Music] it's like a shirt right now the power of god is shaking everything you see this upheaval you think that this is just the devil doing that huh god is ripping he's he's taking the governments of the world and he's shaking them loose and let me tell you what's going to happen whatever they plan will backfire on them and it will drive the people it's going to drive the people into what we call a perfect storm for the coming together of these weather systems there's going to be like a cat 5 hurricane from heaven that what the enemy thought he was going to do is not going to happen not right now not on our watch now i want my wife to come up here and she shared something the other day that conference about america you might wonder why we are from africa and we feel this way about america but remember god sent us his missionaries to america and so we see things maybe a little different than what you do you born here and so you take for granted most americans pledge allegiance to the flag but they don't know what the flank stands for it stands for freedom but what gives the flag that freedom tank [Applause] hallelujah you know when we came to this country all those years ago december 87 we knew some things we didn't know as much as we knew now but there were things that we recognized and we could see because we knew that there was an agenda and so we could see the basic agenda we could see what was holding it back you see the bible talks about your eyes being flooded with light and that's what happens when you get born again right you get flooded with light i i remember when i got saved that's what happened to me it's like i had been looking for something that was real and when i realized it was jesus and i got actually born again instead of just being a religious go to church you know go to powerless church and sit there and and think you're a christian but you're not actually born again right so you're looking for something that's real and you you you reading all these books and you're trying everything out you're looking at all this this you know spiritual stuff that goes nowhere it all just ends up in the same place and that's hell amen because the way to hell is wide but the way to jesus is very narrow it's very specific i was trying to say the way to the father is very narrow it's jesus amen but it was like i remember experiencing that being flooded with light and under realizing that before that i was feeling around in the dark like a blind person that you know it's gotta rely on this their other senses because they can't see and then it's like my he opened my eyes and it's like i could see and i knew and i knew he was real and not only did that happen on a spiritual level but it happened in in every level of my life and the bible says that the spiritual person the person in other words who's full of the word and and full of the holy spirits allowed the holy spirit to do a work in them they've had their senses trained the bible talks about by a reason of use they've trained themself in the word of god they've renewed their mind the spiritual man can see things can understand things can discern things but the unsaved man can't look into the spiritual person and and and understand what they're about amen they could they don't know what we're about they they think how many of you know you've got unsaved relatives they it's hard to have a conversation because you say one thing and they think you're saying something else you know what i mean anyway so you'd rather be quiet because everybody's always offended but anyways but that's just this generation so um anyway i didn't mean to talk about being offended and all that kind of stuff but just just talking about how we are filled with light and we see and we know so these things we know because we know what the word says so it's like god opens it up to us and there's been different things that open things up to us um we know we learned just things on a practical level we learned about america we learned about you know that the federal reserve wasn't federal wasn't a reserve it was a private bank things like that i mean that's like your first revelation and then we began it began to unfold but all of that came and of course uh specifically when uh the lord gave us rodney that message on on merchandising and trafficking i mean it's like when you when you can see it in the spirit suddenly in the natural it like all opens up to you and you can see it so you have to first see it in the word amen before you can see it in the natural and so um we the god gave us just pro progressive understanding you know and then you know people he sends people your way to like you know open your eyes people who have like you know with chris san and they came and gave us more revelation of you know what it really means to stand up for the constitution what the what it's all about now liberties all that kind of stuff but i remember before even all that when we came to america and we began to you know teach our kids history began to learn more of the american history we learned a very little bit about it but we didn't know a whole lot about it and because we learned south african history right but right in the beginning i remember being very aware because we knew that there was a global agenda a one world government agenda we knew that we knew that from the word we knew that they're planning the ultimate agenda which is a demonic agenda and there's many people they don't even know that this is the agenda they're just like blindly working towards it because they're being led by demons and so it's culminating in this government that they propose they want to do an overarching government to control every nation and every person in the world they want one money system because that's how you control people and then they want one world religion because that's how you really control people amen because people will do the most horrendous things in the name of their religion look at what islam does look at what people look at people all around the world whatever the name of their religion is they'll do horrendous things in the name of that religion that they will feel no remorse for because they fully believe that they'll be rewarded by whoever their god is and of course there's some people that are flat-out luciferians worship the devil and you know they're obviously deceived and blinded because hell is not going to be one big party and when they get to hell there's going to be no rewards for them only torment so that you got to be really stupid to worship the devil but anyways but but people are deceived because of what because of their own lusts it's like that gang leader that pastor rodney was talking about the testimony of the guy that got saved in the chiapas mountains the gang leader who he saw jesus and he saw the devil and obviously he'd already he chose he had made a choice for for you know money and and things like that whatever the devil offered him the same as devil the devil offered jesus he offers each one of us remember he offered jesus he said the the nations you know and the glories of it what's that the power and the money and jesus you know flat turned him down with the word of god and we needed every person's offered that same thing and we need to flat turn the devil down and rebuke him with the word of god because you know that's why you got to know what god's word says my people perish for lack of knowledge they also perish for you know because they're full of apathy and so and so he saw the devil and he saw jesus and he and but jesus showed him hell and said it's your choice and then it was like i'll give you this i'll give you more i'll give you more money i'll give you more power give you more of everything and thank god he chose jesus he got delivered of demons his wife was saved because he planned to kill her that day and the lord only knows what awesome things god's going to use that man to do in the chiapas mountains amen because there had been a genocide in that area they killed every christian years ago they murdered every christian in that town but you know what god the devil never pulls one over on god god will stomp the devil's head in in the chiapas mountains amen hallelujah and that whole place is going to get saved in that house we building is going to be a light on the hill to that entire region of mexico amen and if you look at where it is on the map it's like on the way it's on the drug route between guatemala all the way in you know all the way up through mexico all the way up into america and so we realized that the constitution was the thing that was holding everything back now let me just let me just say something here quickly about that because you know right now in america people are talking about cultural marxism and all this kind of stuff and you have to understand that the brainwashing of americans has been going on for absolute generations for sure from the 50s 50s 60s 70s they tried to bring a you know communist party openly and they were they were squashed down you know why because people still went to church and people still knew that communism was evil and wrong and so they stood against it just a few stupid people you know so anyway they went underground and began to do their things and they headed straight into the education system now the education system in america was actually created by the church everywhere you go in the world the church is behind education why because we have to train our young people to read so they can read the bible amen islam doesn't promote i'm not picking on them just you know specifically today but they don't promote learning in most of the people because they don't want them to know the truth you see when people don't want you to know the truth then they have to control your access to what you are to what you read that's why on facebook and all twitter and all of these things they have to save us from ourselves and and censor every bit of information well if you have the truth on your side why would you need to censor any information if you have the truth if all the stuff they're saying about covet and the vaccines and the everything that that the government propagand if that's all the truth why don't you just put out openly because it's the truth the truth can stand on its own but allah you have to shut the truth down in order to promote a lie amen you've got to steal the truth from people you've got to you've got to cut off the truth from people you've got to deny it to them and that's why they stopped teaching history and it you know what it's some of these videos are funny they're not funny to me they're i want to cry when i look at these people go out on the streets especially like california and they go awesome you know just down on the beach or you know why do we what's independence day what it's all about and americans don't know what july the 4th is about it's picnics and barbecues and fireworks they have no clue what it's about they don't know the war that was for the lives that were lost the blood the constitution the history of this nation it was not founded in slavery it was founded in liberty and freedom hallelujah that's a lie from hell and so they removed history and then they put some replacement history and that's not true and i can tell you coming from outside america and looking in america represents liberty to the entire world hallelujah and it embeds because of the constitution so the constitution was instituted basically by the church listen the church has more power than we know that we have and the devil knows our power and that's why he's always trying to shut us up and shut our mouth and get us into that that apathy again and back us down and get us people pleasing tickling ears instead of humbly but boldly speaking the truth into people's lives because it's the truth that makes you free amen hallelujah and so we are responsible for that we you can get mad at us all you like you people watching out there but when we stand before god we're not gonna have an excuse for why we didn't tell you the truth so if the cat's full gets right the wrong way let the cat turn around i want to throw something in you spiritual authority spiritual authority is is a lot so when when people go against what the lord says through those that god has put in place they rebel then they take the law into their own hands and they will suffer the consequences of it you can't you can't say oh pastor rodney's lost his mind now suddenly so i'm not going to listen anymore because there's nothing that i've said that hasn't come to pass everything is happening and there's a whole lot of other stuff that i could tell you that is actually happening but i am pulled back because people they stunned it's like take a fish out of the water and they just look at you so i'm trying to get i try to give things in bite sizes because there's a lot of people that have been around a long time but they don't understand how how deep this thing is even my own wife didn't understand how deep this thing was and she probably thought i'd gone over the edge as well but i tell you i'm not making any of this stuff up and what comes comes by revelation and i can't help it when god speaks to you in a dream i wish that he'd just leave me alone in in many ways and i could just be a normal uh pastor and then everybody could you don't ruffle fear this but when it comes on the inside of you and there's a fire that's on this side you cannot switch it off you don't put the switch on and off you don't put the switch on to come to church i'm like this at three o'clock in the morning i'm like this yesterday i'm like this on a friday there's no oh okay he's gonna get into preaching mode no this is the mode and we're not backing off but listen you better human the holy ghost is speaking [Applause] so let me just read you a scripture quickly this uh ii timothy 3 1 through 5 says this generate this this is the generation this now also then in these in this last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy how many of you think we're there now without natural affection no empathy truce breakers breaking covenants breaking promises false accusers incontinent in other words uncontrolled fierce despisers of those that are good creators heady high-minded arrogant lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away so these people that are masquerading as christians but this is the fruit of this is the fruit of their life and the thing that i don't understand is is the pastors i can understand people in the pew sometimes not knowing everything but i cannot grasp that the pastors are swallowing all the stuff hook line and sinker do they not know what the end of the book says do they not know the agenda now now you know we know some things because we know some things because you know we talk about natural things i'm talking about natural things but just just from just from the bible just from a biblical perspective just from an end times like end times teaching or anything like that do they not underst do they not see this agenda taking place does it not do they not what what i i just that is more disappointing to me than anything listen unsafe people are unsafe people they don't know any better they're full of the devil amen and that's why we got to preach jesus to them and get them saved and get them turned around but there's no excuse for the church and there's especially no excuse for these pastors amen so listen people who know the bible who know the word because i'm not just saying christian there i'm saying people who know the bible because we should hope christians do but anyways we know that god created us we know that our liberties are given by god we understand that the constitution simply affirms those rights and that no man has the right or the power to strip it away right so this nation was created by the church it was instituted under the hand of god by the church now because look at this look at this i just what i just read to you here these rebellious people this generation this is the thing i don't understand it's like the rebellious okay so every generation's got to be rebellious right so 60s and 70s they rebelled against uh you know the church basically against authority against against any level of decency right and everything that's like you know to sleep with whoever you want to go nuts do drugs and and and go crazy to be a rebel in this day is actually to be a conservative almost isn't that funny it's like you have to be rebellious against the establishment that the conservatives are the ones that are now that the rebels against the establishment how things turn around but anyways so but there's there's a they're standing up for what's right and then there's just a rebellion and people before they are rebellious against their parents there or or any human institution they are rebellious in their heart towards god it always starts before god but what amazes me is they're so rebellious and yet they welcome and embrace tyranny they welcome and embrace dictatorship should that does that shouldn't in and out it shouldn't even make any sense i mean if you're going to rebel against everything why are you masking up so fast why are you turning your neighbor in why are you oh just let's line up and get vaccinated i thought you were a rebel no you know why because they're rebellious against anything that is good now when you have people who raise their kids you they train them in the word they spank their bottoms right so people who are trained to respect and obey authority who have learned to exercise self-control are more likely to respect the rights of others then children that are allowed to be rebellious kick their mother on the ankles when they don't get what they want kick and scream and and throw tantrums and everything else those people are spoiled brats they have no respect no empathy don't care about anyone else's rights and that's what happens and it starts where in the home it starts first with the church and what's being preached from the pulpits and then in the home and that's why there's been such an attack against the family against the black family especially because amen it's been an attack against them because they were they're very close-knit they stick together they've got a very strong sense of community and so these evil people had to break up the black family break up the culture get them away from church get take the dads out of the home and and leave the kids on the streets to just be eaten up by the wolves and and into gangs and everything else it's it's terrible terrible terrible what they did and so this narcissistic generation and people who view themselves as as victims they have no empathy or respect for anyone else and that's why they keep pushing this and i think it's and you know what listen i come from we come from a nation where you could get murdered because of the color of your skin because we were the minority and you could and to this day i mean ask anybody that was in africa with us that comes from africa they will murder you just because you're white it's like that in america now they they're feeling they're empowering these people who are full of the devil and don't know any better they're empowering to feel like they're they're doing everyone a favor when they just walk up to a cop car and shoot a cop in the head or just kill someone because they were white this has already happened it's already happened if you pay attention to the news already happened that this people starting to walk around and they know they know if they keep let's you know the bible talks about if you ring the nose you're going to produce blood so that's what the media does that's what that's what the government does they keep on ringing this thing they keep on they keep on stirring the stuff up stirring this this non-existent hate up stirring it up until someone who doesn't know any better gets up and actually does something and then there's there is even more strife and everybody's fighting listen we refuse we refuse to fight with you because you're another color we refuse to fight with you because you speak another language we refuse even you listen you can you can believe what you don't even have to be a christian you can believe whatever you want to believe that's your choice and we can agree to disagree so we're not going to try and take your liberties away and you don't take ours amen and that's all we ask just leave us alone and let us worship let us do let us live but you know what they're not going to do that because that's not the devil because the devil can't leave you alone and he can't leave you free and he's got to put you in bondage so you have to understand the spirit that's behind it and so we have to tackle it from the spiritual angle first with prayer listen all those all-night prayer meetings there was some stuff spoken over there was some stuff went out in the atmosphere why do you think florida stayed free not because of our governor even though he's a good governor but because the church in florida stood up and prayed and wouldn't take no for an answer hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and that could be in every city and that could be in every state and i cannot tell you how disappointed i am in the pastors of america i am so disappointed i'm disappointed that they're weak i'm disappointed that they're ignorant i'm disappointed that they're fighting anyone who stands up look at david when david stood up to rescue the soul goliath was waiting for saul and he was hiding shivering in his tent the coward david rescued israel he rescued saul he rescued his people he rescued his family and guess what his brothers were the ones going who do you think you are who do you think well thank god david didn't think anything of himself but he knew his great god he knew his big god he knew that god was on his side hallelujah he knew that god was on his side and that's how we're gonna are gonna have to stand in these days it's like the lord spoke to me on the day that they arrested pastor rodney and said run to the roar humble yourself submit to god and then you resist the devil so we always we got to check our own heart make sure we have a right attitude make sure we're walking in forgiveness and love and forgiveness listen we can you can still be bold and speak out and still be walking in love do you know what i'm saying amen we don't hate anybody we love everybody we want everybody to come to know that jesus is lord amen we want everybody to be saved we want everybody to go to heaven and so but we're but love isn't permissive love isn't oh just do whatever you want to do love is going to tell you the truth amen love is going to spank your bottom when you're needed and so we've got to speak the truth in love with all humanity and so church that's what we need to do anybody out there any politician anybody if you get lifted up in pride if you're arrogant or if you try and do it in the flesh you're gonna fail if you try and do it in the flesh you're gonna fail i don't care what realm of influence that that you are whatever your job whatever god has you whether you're in political office whether you're a teacher or a nurse or anybody else or whatever business person or a minister you we have to humble ourselves before god submit to him and then we have to stand up take authority spiritually over the devil and then take authority over over any person who's not doing their job so hold people responsible amen so we need to hold people responsible in government but we can't sit back and wait for someone else to do it and we have to stand up and we have to do whatever god's telling us to do so that's the most important thing that pass rodney says all the time you know you pray ask god what he wants you to do and then you do that thing listen look at how our our church goes out and win souls on the streets what if every church in town did that what if every church in america went out on the streets and once do you know america could be changed in a matter of weeks in a matter of weeks in a matter of weeks america could be totally turned around if every church would win souls hallelujah and so i know he's not ever going to keep quiet he's going to keep on he's going to keep on saying the same thing he might go that again but you know what you have to keep saying it until people get it amen we have to keep saying it until people get it and we're going to keep on and we i'm the thing that encourages me is i i know i believe that there's a younger generation that has grabbed a hold of this and they've taken it personally amen and god is raising them up and putting them in positions and that they're going to take the next generation until jesus comes amen but that this is our job this generation this is our job in this nation this is the final bastion this is the last stand this is the last step and like i've said to you before the entire world was in slavery the entire world was in bondage till america till the constitution america changed the world every other nation was measured up against america after that and so you cannot take you should not take you or to not take america for granted and what she represents and what this constitution represents educate yourself find out what you have the most the saddest thing is these spoiled brat kids that grew up in america people who are even people who held highest political office trying to act like they've been hard done by are you kidding me you're a sports person you earned millions and millions and millions of dollars you're you're you you were elected to the highest levels of office you you have all you have your own businesses you have all this money you have this influence you you're you're famous on television and you've been oppressed are you kidding me are you delu you're delusional are you a liar i have to believe it's the second one amen and so we we are here today honoring this nation honoring the flag the constitution what what it represents and remembering that this nation was created by people who had respect and you and for liberty and they learned it from this book they learned it from this book this is the only place that liberty comes from is from this book it doesn't come from the the mind of man i don't care how smart the founding fathers were how intelligent and they were very intelligent let me tell you they used some big words you know like that's just how they spoke every day they were much smarter than we are they did all this without computers and spell check amen and they had gorgeous handwriting they were much smarter but it wasn't because they were smart it was because they believed the word of god amen hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] how many believe how many believe god can do it one more time [Applause] i wrote this poem i want to ask all the singers to come up now if you would please i wrote this poem years ago we were actually flying out of new york and i looked out the window and there was a statue of liberty and i picked up a yellow pad and now we're going to write these words from the harbour brightly shining the lady who beacon beams to all those tied in where we come to freedom's dream and now their freedom threatens revival her only hope america your time has come to fulfill your heavenly goal from the grandeur of alaska to the blue of the florida keys from the aloha of the islands to maine it's plain to see 50 nations it seems to fill your shores as where we travelers come to seek the joy the freedom brings and the boss beneath your son the crime my heart desires as one born out of due time the burning cry of revival from one of your newest sons america america may your eagle saw again high above the clouds of darkness back into his glory once again once again i want everybody to stand if he would please and octavia's going to do the star spangled banner and then we're going to go through the different songs if we do a tribute this morning this is about america and i know these people out there think that we've merged politics and religion we haven't but this is our country last time i checked there's no other place for us to live and i have no desire to go live on mars i'm sorry all of these idiots want to go live on another planet i have no desire i love living here on the earth i enjoy the planet i love the oceans and the deserts and the mountains and i love everything about it i don't like anything about a red planet i don't like wearing suits spacesuits i don't like breathing out of oxygen tanks i like just standing and going oh i like that i like fat i have no dream to go live in some planet somewhere else i think god did a phenomenal job right here on the amazing and i've traveled to 85 countries and i tell you there's no other place like this lands [Applause] there's no other place like america the devil's not going to have this land i'm sorry sorry for him he's not going to have this land [Music] oh say can you see [Music] we failed and bright stars [Music] these [Music] is let us oh oh [Applause] [Music] as the storm crowds together far across the sea let us let us as we raise our voices in this god bless america stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans [Laughter] my [Music] god [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is my heart lord god [Applause] [Music] if tomorrow all the things are gone i've worked for my life and i had to start again with just my children and my wife i thank my loving lord to be living here today [Music] stands for freedom and they can't take that away i'm proud to be an american defenders [Music] god [Music] from the lakes in minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shiny sea from detroit down to houston new york to lay this pride in every american heart and it's time to stand inside to be and i won't forget the man who died who gave that right to me [Music] god the man who died who gave that right to me and all that he said next to you and defend her still today i love this [Applause] [Music] oh beautiful i is [Laughter] across the wilderness my comfortable is is [Music] oh [Music] till and every day oh oh beautiful is [Music] is comes [Music] america from this place men and women shall go forth and shall sweep across this land in all 50 states and even to puerto rico to the island nation of guam to american samoa even into the caribbean and everywhere they go the fire of god shall fall and that which the enemy was about to do shall be stopped for men and women even coming under this roof shall be set ablaze by the hand of god and the plague shall be stayed from off the land everyone shall be used from the littlest among you to even the senior and shall be a part in that which god shall do in this hour and it shall be a quick work it shall not carry it is now even now upon us now so prepare your hearts don't allow the voices of the enemy to drown out that which you hear in your spirit but know this even this day that he has preserved you for this moment that this is your time this is your moment this is your hour for you to rise up and take your place and accomplish heaven's purpose in and through your life for some even among us in ministry it shall be others in business realms and others in governmental realms and many other realms but everywhere you go the light shall shine and the darkness shall flee and the heart shall turn even that was you thought was impossible and even people that you've even written off and said no it will never happen but they are closer now than you think and the hand of god shall touch them and their lives shall be transformed [Music] while heads abound eyes are closed across this room maybe you came here today you've never given your life to jesus you've never said lord be my savior what would happen if today was your final day where would you go today you can come and surrender your life to him maybe once upon a time you had fire but something happened you got around the wrong people that left but today that fire can be reignited maybe a storm came against your life and it knocked the wind out of your sails you were doing great and then this thing came out of the blue but today god says come and maybe you stand again you don't know with all assurance i'm a child of god but you want to know i want to know maybe you want to have the fire like some of the others you see around about you here will you surrender to him today i'm going to ask you to do something right now if you need god's touch in your life in this regard i want you to step out of your seat and i want you to come and stand right in front of me we're going to pray together quickly if you brought a friend i want you to invite them if they don't want to go bring them with you come come just stand right there in front of me all across this room quickly do not stay one moment just quickly today is the day of surrender today is the day you say yes lord yes yes yes quit the time quickly come stand right in front of me right here come come all across the front come right here right here there's others god is spitting you all across this place it's about surrender jesus is coming very very very soon we don't have much time left there's an urgency in our spirit there's an urgency in our hearts just come right here bring it right here come on come just come right here come there's others the lord speaking right now quickly maybe you want to turn to the person on either side of you just invite them to come come come just pick at my arm and just help him bring him quickly before we pray [Music] thank you jesus [Music] for you that are watching in your homes we're gonna pray one simple prayer as we pray with them you pray with us i want you to close your eyes and just raise your right hand to heaven and pray this after me say father i come to you in the precious name of your son jesus lord you said in your word if i confess with my mouth jesus is my lord and my savior and i believe in my heart that god has raised you from the dead i will be saved so father right now i confess jesus is my lord and my savior come into my heart right now take out the stony heart put in a heart of flesh wash me cleanse me change me fill me use me let me never be the same again i turn my back on the world i turn my back on sin and i follow you lord jesus thank you for dying for me thank you for shedding your blood for me i thank you that on the third day you rose from me and thank you that you're coming back again for me from this day on i will never be the same again i confess jesus christ of nazareth is my lord and my savior and i receive by faith right now the free gift of salvation thank you lord for saving me now now lift both hands father i pray that you would see them by your blood by your spirit that on the day not one will be missing raise them up to be mighty men and women of god and use them to impact this generation we pray in jesus mighty name i set you free right now by the power of the blood of jesus every bondage every addiction everything of hell broken broken off of you i set you free in jesus name for he whom the son sets free is free indeed thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord jesus yes yes a new day a new day a new day a new day a new beginning a new beginning a new day a new day a new day in your life thank you lord hallelujah come on lift your hands in the congregation thank you thank you lord oh we worship you we worship you blessed be your name blessed be your name blessed be your name blessed be your name hallelujah it's the power of god coming on you right now that's the fire of god coming on you right now it's the power of the holy ghost it's the fire of god on you right now thank you lord that's it from this day brooke i set you free jesus right now thank you lord thank you jesus yeah thank you lord thank the lord thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord praise god praise god praise god praise god thank you lord jesus thank the lord jesus there's some standing here today you you really have to find out who you are in christ your answer every altar call from now to jesus comes but you've got to find out who you are in christ you can't live in your head and identify with your thoughts identify with what he did for you at calvary and identify with your stupid head your stupid head ain't gonna get you anywhere it's not gonna do anything for you you identify with your identity in him in him we live and move and have our being takes us fire from the top of your head at the very souls of your feet that's the power of god all of you yeah that's it that's it that's it right now that's it right now you'll never be the same from this day you'll never be the same from this day never the same yeah that's the anointing you can live like this you can live under this you can live like this you can live under this you can live under this anointing you can live under this anointing that anointing is free it doesn't cost you anything amen hallelujah thank you for watching today on youtube please press the subscribe button and also the notification button and like and get the word out so others can watch
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 48,736
Rating: 4.9187417 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation, July 4th service, July 4th celebration, celebrate America, main event river church, vision board how to, how to write the vision, speaking the word of God, hearing from heaven, great spiritual awakening, is America finished, is there any hope for America, countries in lockdown, arm of the flesh, humility, submission to God, the American church
Id: FiaPZapqH7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 13sec (5593 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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