Encounters of a Heavenly Kind | Rodney Howard-Browne

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the following broadcast is brought to you by the friends and partners of revival ministries international [Music] [Music] [Music] I want you to take your Bibles and go with me please the book of Revelation chapter 1 Revelation chapter 1 and I want to read from verse 10 I've called this foundation message today Encounters of a heavenly kind I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet same I'm Alpha and Omega the first and the last what they'll see is write in a book and send it under the seven churches which are in Asia verse 12 says and I turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like under the Son of Man clothed with the garment down to the foot and gird around or about the paps with a golden girdle his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow his eyes were as flames of fire and his feet were like undefined' bras or as you would say brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was as the Sun Shine ahthe in his strength how many have ever seen the Sun at noonday and when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not I'm the first and the last I'm he that liveth and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore amen and have the keys of hell and death write these things which thou has seen and the things which are and the things which shall be Hereafter the mystery of the Seven Stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the Seven golden candlesticks the seven stars of the angel of the seven churches and the candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches which I won't get into that today I want you to notice verse 10 John said I was in the spirit of the Lord's Day the amplified says I was in the spirit wrapped in his power wrapped in his power then go down to verse 12 then I turned to see whose was the voice that was feeding to me and on turning us all seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the lampstand one like under the Son of man days he was seen Jesus clothed with a robe which reached down to his feet and with a girdle of gold about his wrists his head and his hair were white like white wool as white as snow and his eyes watch this now flashed like a flame of fire see people ask me will you get all this fire from in the scripture I mean basically I just happened to read it's not hard his feet glowed like burnished bright bronze as it is refined in a furnace and his voice like the sound of many waters in his right hand he had seven stars from his mouth came forth a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in full power at midday and when I saw him I fell at his feet is dead and he laid his right hand on me and said do not be afraid I am the first and the last hallelujah hallelujah glory to God and different translations all about his face was shining like the brightness of the blinding Sun says that his feet were gleaming like bright metal as though they were glowing in a fire his voice was like the roar of many rushing waters his eyes were like flames of fire now maybe you didn't grow up like I did I grew up in Pentecost but you grew up in in nominal traditional Church it's very hard for ministers to even understand this even when they read the scripture to try to conceptualize what it's actually like to see Jesus to have an encounter with God the Creator of heaven and earth I think one of the things that shocked me to the core that Hollywood in all of its music and moviemaking abilities has done nothing of description nothing while they can create a fantasy world they've done nothing to portray and I can only say it must be they don't want to go there because if they do then they have to worship it's fine to build temples to a mouse it's fine to build temples to some Disney creation some fantasy thing with the tale that talks but when you come to description you begin to look at I still the great movie makers in Hollywood have never come I mean just the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal would be a blockbuster movie out a chariot of horses I mean where do you want to go with this look at the bots up job they did on Noah are you with me I mean the closest portrayal and even Christians the Christian movies are terrible they are so hokey they're the worst things on the planet nothing of the power of God you cannot talk about God and make him like some and I don't want to get on something here but I mean I went to the Museum of the Bible I tell you I I was fit to be tied let me tell you right now I I wanted to take a whip and beat everything in there turn over everything there is nothing of my heavenly father manifests there but a religious image is portrayed but I tell you what if people think that they can keep pushing down the supernatural and pushing down the power of God and making the Word of God of none effect because of the tradition let me tell you they smoking some incredibly bad weed I Got News for You God is raising up an army of men and woman in this hour those that know that God will do exploits it is named people that have seen Jesus as he really is and that fire from him will come to them and they will not broadcast a bra band a bra condo Reiki stay they will come totally there will be it a class it will be between the forces of darkness and lights it will be the showdown between good and evil let me tell you right now and we are heading towards death and the only way that's going to take place is with the fire of the Holy Ghost without the fire the Holy Ghost you will capitulate you will throw in the towel you will quit you will acquiesce you will join forces with the wicked to save your own skin so when you hear them talking about God you know they don't know him because of the way they speak about him when they speak about the Holy Spirit you know they don't know the Holy Spirit because if they knew the Holy Spirit they couldn't talk about him the way that they do and you know they don't really know Jesus because it's impossible to know Jesus and just be the same see the devil knew he couldn't stop anything but if he could could find it if he could contain it I mean I don't want to jump into Tuesday Wednesday Thursday but I mean no no just listen to this okay I mean I'll show you just listen look at this in Revelation chapter 4 this is not where I was going here but this I just want to throw this out in the amplified after this I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which I had heard addressing me like the calling of a war trumpet said come up here and I'll show you what must take place in the future at once I came under the Holy Spirit's power and behold a throne stood in the heaven and once seated on the throne and he who sat there appeared like the crystalline brightness of Jasper and the fiery sadhus and encircling the throne there was a halo that looked like a rainbow of emeralds and then he goes talked about the phone and if twenty-four other Thrones and they were rating white clothing with crowns of gold upon the heads out from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder and in front of the throne seven blazing torches burnt which are the seven spirits of God there's no there's no movie that could even recreate this and in front of the throne there also what would look like a transparent glassy sea as if crystal and around the throne in the scent of each side of the throne were four living creatures who were full of eyes in the front and behind with intelligence as to what is before and rear of them the first living creature being was like a lion the second living creature like an ox the third like the face of a man the fourth creature was like a flying eagle and the four living creatures individually having six wings were full of eyes all over within underneath their wings and the day and night and day and night they never stopped saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty omnipotent who was and who is and is to come and then goes on the people are not really ready I think their first moments on the other side will just be on your face to cry holy holy holy this is why the devil hates meetings like this he hates holy ghost meetings he hates when you talk about the power of the Holy Spirit today he'd rather you say that was for the days of the Apostle well I Got News for you it's for today it's for today it's for today the God would not give the early church something that he would not give you a not even the book of Acts of declares the promise is unto you and to your children and all them that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call that's including every single person here in this room today and I understand that there are many here today that have had an encounter with God people were saved miraculously people on their way to hell and then there was a divine interruption of their way of life there was a encounter of a heavenly kind how many could say with the apple of the hand pastor I had an encounter of an heavenly kind yeah but as you begin to travel and you begin to move around you find there many that have no even understanding they didn't even know that it was available they read the scripture but it seems far off it seems something away like some kind of a fairy tale yet they'll gravitate towards anything and the natural any experience any amusement park the latest rides something that they're gonna go and do the latest movie something that Hollywood could put out but they don't understand something happens when you come into the presence of Almighty God the Creator of heaven and earth something happens when you come in and you broke and oh he comes and manifests himself to you and he becomes real to you it's something that will grab ahold of your life that the years of time will not be able to take away it does not matter who you are or where you from when he comes and he touches you your whole life will never be the same again and the Lord is gracious to us he doesn't just come and do it all at one time otherwise we don't go to heaven immediately he gives us what we can handle but you're the one that chooses I know people little me like I'm special cuz the fire fell on me 40 years ago please I got desperate I got hungry and you've heard my testimony saved at the age of five baptized in the Holy Ghost one is eight but in 1978 my oldest brother passed away I've two older brothers one 14 years older than me who's now with the Lord and one 12 is older than me and took him out this launch weekend celebrated his belated 70th birthday you know and we just had a great night I met him there at about 6 o'clock and we left about 11:30 and he said now he said through he said because I call him big brother he calls me little brother he said hey little brother I'll take you here for your 70th but he said you probably have to chew my steak for me at that Sun yeah so it was just hilarious but so my oldest brother went home to be with the Lord and it wasn't something that was you know a long-term thing it was a chemical that got into his system carbon tetrachloride that got into his system he didn't know that cause leukemia so from totally healthy to dead in six months so that devastated all of us and I can remember standing at his deathbed with my older brother at that time and we praised we prayed for him to be raised from the dead you know and select the Lord said to us said the he didn't want to come back which you can't blame anybody if I cross over right now they hit you you ain't getting me back you can pray all you want to it would take no it would take Jesus having to say you have to go back now you have no choice but I I'm not stupid once you get there that's it bad are you with me and don't look at me like that because some of you would did the exact same thing are you with me like who would actually want to come back are you with me think about it I'm only here so we can do the work that God's called us to do but I don't have someone said well you must have a bucket list of things to be totally frank with you the Lord has blessed me I've pretty much done everything I ever wanted to do I mean if whatever I do is a bonus I'll just tell you that so there's nothing you know I thought before I die I'd like to do this before I die because I'm you see with when you die you're not dead that's what people don't understand plus there's a millennial reign of Christ I'm coming back for a thousand years with Christ we're gonna rule and reign with him and do again have a glorified body we'd be able to move around the planet and do whatever so I ain't you know but if you just a natural person and you don't even know that there is a heaven and you know you think well maybe I have to go to purgatory and burn for five hundred years to pay for my sin well then we have to tell you you don't Jesus died so you could be free you don't have to go to any purgatory are you with me but I stood it and my brother's death pit and I made a vow and I said and I'm just like that you know I don't know these things come naturally to me I'm like the person here to push me at the corner you know I just I'll be easy along but you push her in the corner I'm coming out I mean that's just the way it is and I said to the devil you'll rue the day that you touched my older brother and then I said I make a vow today and I said this people will laugh at you all of around the world they're gonna laugh at you I didn't even know God would give us a Ministry of joy I did not know that it was only later on when I realized that the Lord gave me a Ministry of joy but I made that vow in August of 1978 but that event triggered something on the inside of me that was a hunger and a desperation 1978 I'm played every kind of sport I I was involved in everything you can imagine you know when when he went home in August I lost interest and about everything I just locked myself in my room with my Bible and just for hours and just you know just like really press again and getting desperate and hungry for God and just crying out because I knew God would calm in the ministry and I knew that I had to go with the fire because how you're gonna go into the ministry if you don't have the fire meant many preachers that I didn't think they had any fire I thought you know they give a good message they give a good talk but surely there has to be something more are you with me it's not about a nice message or one-liners with hashtags that you see today it's about what's being imparted not from minds to other minds not mentally from one mind to another mind spiritually what's being what's being imparted what's being transferred spirit to spirit things that which you receive mentally can can go as other things come how many have forgotten some of the stuff that you learnt who's forgotten some of the things that you do you know I do that it what time well and you know the problem is some of you blame it on a senior moment but you actually not even that senior so that doesn't even fly are you with me I'm having a senior moment no use you're still young it's got nothing to do with that but what comes into the spirit of man what comes into the hearts of man is something that will never be lost that's why I try to tell people if they're having a problem in their mind and stuff I said get out of your head start living out of your spirit something says here but I can't remember there's some things just thank God you don't remember you're not I mean just living out of your spirit learn to live out of yours you're in a man can you say men and I you know I'm uh I'm of the mind that if I can't remember it it couldn't be been that important anyway so this is really better and then if I'm supposed to remember the Lord will bring it back to my memory what I'm supposed to remember otherwise I'm not gonna sit worrying about the fact that I can't remember what the thing was that I could remember what it was don't clutter yourself with details fill your spirit with the Word of God so I got I'm not hungry I learned this but now of course my critics of uses against me because they said that I threatened the Lord first of all you don't threaten God you you read what I read in Revelation you're gonna get somewhere and stand in front of him and threaten him really you must be on crack well then the critics say howard-browne was suicidal first of all I've never been so shocked never ever had thoughts of suicide I was desperate and I was thirsty almost hungry and I prayed when I came down and and and desperation doesn't come overnight it's not something like you go to meaning you know I'm gonna get hungry I think I'm gonna get desperate and then I want everything God has for me and then you get mad because you didn't get it because you went to the service this is not a drive-through when you pull up to the window and make an order I'll give me three shakes and I'll take a roll spiritual appetite is not something that you just sit here with you're hungry for God know I could promise you this somebody's down the road from you that's a little bit more hungry than what you are whose help me tell them you heard me tell the story we we were in some podunk holler place I think you guys was with me I can remember back in them early days and end um it was a hotel there was now the restaurant in town but they had a Shoney's remember and and so you say there and then you go for breakfast at Shoney's anybody been to breakfast at Shoney's all right so anyway so I go down I can't I don't know if you want the trip with me or whatever brother Richard but anyway son I'm sitting there and I looked out of the window and there was a homeless man and he was pushing a cart like a shopping cart and he had this huge coat on him and he had the cart filled with stuff that I looked at and thought this is rubbish you know but he was collecting what he found and obviously I didn't every salt things a scrap or what he did but I didn't obviously think that there was anything of worth but you know when you have nothing then anything's worth something are you with me and so I could see him he was pushing bond he looks through the window so I thought man he's probably hungry because I was hungry for breakfast but I thought he must be hungry than I am so I thought let me again I'm gonna go out I'm gonna bring him in and I'm gonna feed him breakfast so I went outside said sir come here I want to feed you some breakfast here so we walked into the the into the Shoney's and the manager saw me coming with him I said no no he's fine he's on me I'll pay for him and he's gonna eat breakfast the other day and the manager like nah I said I'll give you double but whatever the all-you-can-eat buffet I'll give you double for that and he moaned I said I'll give you three times much just don't worry about it you know whatever you want I'll give daddy meat so I went and sat down and then he had this big beard I mean only the Lord knows he didn't really talk much he just kind of nodded and thanked me he really say anything and then I went and said then I was watching him and he came he took the plate and he went at the buffet and he loaded up it must have looked like 45 pieces of bacon like he piled the flavored bacon then he piled the plate with eggs then he piled the place with hashbrowns any pound to play with toast I have never seen anybody in my life piles so much food on a plate I didn't even know you could get that much food on a plate and everybody in the restaurant stayed away they look the the relaxed standing always just like you know it's a wonder he didn't just pick up the trays and go to his table he went and sat down and he begin to eat and he ate he inhaled everything on that plate then he went back for seconds and while I was watching that the Lord said to me there's degrees of hunger they did reason hunger because I didn't I died grabbed a couple of eggs and two pieces of bacon and some bread and that was it that I was done he inhaled everything I eat must be eaten and maybe several dozen I don't know what he had but he I never seen anybody eat that much it was probably like a 18,000 calorie meal or something so I really had to slip money into the manager's hands and of course even he wasn't happy but I learned a lesson there's a degree there degrees of hunger some people are hungry other people are not some people are desperate other people are not some people are thirsty other people are not and so from August of 1978 August September October November December January February March April May June and then into July of 1979 this month will be 40 years 40 years ago it was over those months of desperation crying out to the Lord lying on your bed God just crying out to him I need your fire and I and I so remember on the day that the Lord touched me that night the Lord touch me was on a bus with about 18 young people we were actually at a conference there was the the groundwork for the dismantling of apartheid in southern freaka and i was representing my high school because I was in the final here of the high school I actually worked with youth for christ which is a Billy Graham organization and I went as a representative I ran that organization in the area called the transcon and so our wind isn't representative so I'm on this bus and we stay in a campgrounds about an hour away and this was not a Holy Ghost meaning these were you know Henry sessions and workshops and different people were speaking Bishop tutu was speaking there were many different Anglican Methodist dust reformed you know really I didn't think there was any charismatic and Pentecostal there but you know and I worked amongst every group I've never been closed people are close to me but I'm not close to the body of Christ you know somebody's just wants to baptize with water and that's it hey I'll take him you know what I'm saying I mean you know he's someone said I don't want the baths and all this Fred that's fine as long as he doesn't stop me we find our you isn't it I'm never being closed somebody said well you know they're not really baptized on foot who cares who cares do they love Jesus yes then we work with them are you with me so you know if they'll work with me I'll work with them I don't have problem in that and so on the bus there were all these young people and we are driving backwards it's an hour to go to the campground to restain which was the youth for christ headquarters in southern Africa and so they've got dormitories and everything over there and of course January the 1st that's what I went I went to joined them and became part of a band and I was the lead guitarist in the band and we traveled we did over 150 thousand kilometers we preached three four meetings a day we were in schools retirement homes we were in military bases we we every way all across southern Africa in to Namibia right up into the border areas where there was conflict between you know South Africa at that time and and and Angola you know I was preaching we were praying for military people there getting baptized in the Holy Ghost you know of course when I joined the group when I joined them there were 54 young P and four of them were baptized in the Holy Ghost three months later 40 were baptized and old egos and I didn't push anything I just started a prayer meeting in the bus at the end of a field every night and I just go in the back and just shop fori kind of just praying in the bus and I felt the bus move and and then I could see people with kneeling and stuff and people just started getting baptized in the Holy Ghost so I mean I will confess that I wrecked that organization they here often 1980 it was no longer a Baptist organization it was totally open to the Holy Ghost it had no choice everybody got smacked you know so and then we were crossing devils out in Methodist churches and anyway I mean let me let me back there let me let me move back just to the previous year so you you you build up this hunger this this this thirst is crying out for God so yeah I am on this bus and there's a whole bunch of girls from a high school in grain stone which you know that's what you do if you 18 and you hang around all these girls I mean because that's what 18yo people do you know so I mean I read this scripture blessed off thou amongst woman so I just hang out with all these girls in the bus and we were driving back and this was an Anglican high school it was not a Pentecostal captives as the Anglican high school for girls and so I just said there we gonna pray we're gonna pray all the way back and we will use these times to pray Olympus that's what you do if you're Pentecostal you pray that's the that's the quickest way to get people under the anointing is this there we gonna pray you know and so it was on one of those if probably maybe this Tuesday of the week forty years ago now this month and could even be this week I you know prozac concretely remember the days I actually think well it was from about the 8th through the 15 so we just passed that time you know if we go back last week was probably more on the exact 40th here of a taking place but this month is very significant for me nonetheless and so on I made the decision that for whatever reason that too is my night overtime why that night I don't know but no one told me tonight's your night no one said tonight Rinna I'm a decision tonight is my night and I was so desperate and so hungry that I even said to the Lord I said Lord either you come down and touch me tonight or I'm coming up there to touch you now of course the critics look at it like you threatened the Lord you can't threaten God it's are you with me it's like the woman with the issue of blood she pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of His garment I wasn't threatening the Lord at all I mean the way God could do things he could come down and touch you and then you'd be with him anyway if you don't believe it girl look what happened to he knock huh Enoch walk with God and what's not for God took him so don't come tell me he told me some said what happened to you no Clara he just was walking with the Lord so much then the Lord just took him Moses girl of women Moses they can't even found the body of Moses Moses disappeared huh you look at Elijah what do you think happened a lie do you think they buried him somewhere huh no they didn't very many where he was talking to Elijah and a fiery chariot came and parted them asunder and he went up in a whirlwind glory to God so you know we know Moses and we know Enoch and we know your life I mean you go look at the Mount of Transfiguration I'll get into that this week but they you know who do they see Moses and Elijah talking your Peter said Lord it's good for us to be here let's build three Tabernacles one for Jesus one for Moses and one for Elijah and that's typical of man the moment God moves then they want to build some kind of a denominational group that's why we're so careful here at the river because the moment you build something to where you feel like you are the only ones that have it or you have controlled it first of all you no one controls the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost goes where he's wanted the Holy Ghost only comes he only comes to the hungry he only comes to the thirsty the moment do you feel like you know everything he will move he will go down the road he will find people he will bring them out of obscurity no one earns the anointing you do not have any control you could try to control you can build the denomination you can put the rules in the regulations but let me tell you the eyes of the Lord run to throw these same eyes that are like flames of fire these are eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth God is looking for people that he can show himself strong in their behalf and I'm so glad that 40 years ago this month of July that his eyes came and found me [Music] and so I just started to bribe you know son to sit them pray nice phrase father's we gathered here this place Lord Lord I'm so hungry Oh God that thou would reach down my hand and come and touch me Lord didn't draw me nearer nearer Lord to thee this day of you know I mean it was past then it was pasta gosh I want you fire I need me frightened everybody in the place hey little anglican missus people didn't pray like that Anglicans and missus you're not free God I want you fire i shelled it at the top of my lungs i shouted so hard my boys started to go how many of shattered that you you lost your voice he was like this I often say I shouted so hard and my voice got hoarse and then he got on the horse and rode away that doesn't translate well into the other languages so you know he took pretending that in Japan yeah I shouted that my boys got hoarse and I need to go on the horse and rode away Japanese people just look at you like so some of the things I've had to change because they don't translate that well God [Applause] god I want you fire [Applause] and I probably shouted it must have been closer to 20 minutes and then the most amazing thing happened it was like somebody took gasoline and poured it over my whole body and then took a mesh and set it on fire from the top of my head did the soles of my feet it was like electricity it was like pins and needle but not pins and needs a pizza these are uncomfortable this was but like pins and needles this only way I can explain it it was it was running through my whole being from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and instantaneously like you would snap your fingers I was beside myself I was laughing uncontrollably and I was weeping uncontrollably at the same time how do you laugh and cry at the same time but that is actually listen to me that's a natural response how many in this room have ever laughed and cried at the same time wave your hand and I'm talking about outside the church it's got nothing to do with God are you with me that's a natural response for somebody to be overwhelmed with the laufen the crown I laughed and I cried and I spoke another tongues and I thought this would be about 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes one hour but no one hour and by two hours went by three hours went by four hours went by five hours went by six hours went by and of course I just grabbed everyone in the bus I started laying my hands on they were falling under the power the bus pulled up at the headquarters the bodies were lying down there they were lying down the stairs you know when you walk down a bus it was people lying down on the stairs there were people hang on the garage and I thought this will it will ease off of me if I can just get it from me but it didn't it got stronger and people will overcome and I only found that out several years later because donek and I took a couple into our house they were gonna go to England this mission reason we were sitting around in the living room talking about revival in the anointing and and and and they said well how did you come into it and I talked about the fire of what fell on me in in in in in yes I talked about the fire that came on be July 79 and the young lady she said I was there I was on the bus she was part of the team that came from the city of Grimstone her daughter's actually come me and graduated our RBI and they live in England now and she said what you don't know was we went back and a revival hit our high school that went for three years well sure had nothing to do with me I mean I just was like this a stick of wood that lit the fire and they went back and all these girls that just hit for three years that's why people don't understand what this is is not just about the moment were you in the meeting and you fall on the ground and their ball goes oh I wonder what that's going to do it's about what God's going to do with you in the days and weeks and months to come and what the Lord's going to do through your life to touch the lives of other people and in extra fact impact whole nations the devil the devil hates us he want to calm you down calm down calm down don't go overboard now come on calm down if you're gonna be accepted amongst these quarters you got in there to change some of your vernacular you have to change some of your speech and you've been around that River too much who do you think you are which is what you'll hear commonly when the fire comes it burns out all the dross it burns out everything that's been holding you back the fear of man that brings us tear and it's almost like Jeremiah saying worries me I'm undone I'm a man of unclean lips but an angel took a call from off the altar and place it on his lips and immediately had a conversation with God for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak on these people this is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest even today this very Sunday morning can be the day when you step out of the natural into the realm of the super dancer today today this very Sunday morning I know everybody thinks we start tonight we actually don't for whatever reason everybody in the ministry thinks that this meeting only starts Sunday night it does not it starts Sunday morning it doesn't matter how many years I tell them we starting Sunday bond they always think it starts Sunday night this day to be the day that you have an encounter of the heavenly kind that sets you apart for the rest of your days for you to function in what God's called you to do and there's one be a sweat there won't be any striving to it you know people think that I sit and strive and work ever it seems I just do will you get up every day and just keep doing what you're doing and God keeps doing what he does are you with me it's not like sitting home scratch my head I've got to come up with some kind of a plan or idea well the Holy Ghost has many plans and many ideas and these plans and these ideas will come with the assignment and the call and that's what the fire is there for is for the assignment the call over your life whether you in the ministry or not in the ministry that doesn't even matter God did not make this available just for people in the ministry this is available for every single believer every mother every father every grandparent every grandchild every daughter every son for every single person his power his anointing is not just there for a service it's there for service it's there for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday it's not coming it's year we'll need the Holy Spirit oh if only would come again like he did he did he already did we don't need him to come again he already did you just have to get a hold of me you you there's like I was just gonna make so much noise that the Lord just please get him out of his misery please he'd make so much noise down there and then suddenly halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah that's why we run into 300 cities of the world right now the Lord said run to 300 cities with the message of Pentecost and bring the people for so many it becomes seeker-sensitive so many are trying to become acceptable and so many are trying to push the holy spirit into some backroom somewhere less that if he came out that people would be offended but I'll tell you what it doesn't matter where we go we have government leaders we have people running for prison of their country they come to the meeting I don't change one thing we don't water one thing down it's the fire of the Holy Ghost let me tell you that's what's gonna shake our nation that was gonna shake America that was gonna say every country represented here [Applause] and God doesn't need many people he just needs one person one individual that's hungry one person that's thirsty and then he'll come at the same time that fire will come burn out cancer out of your body burn out every kind of disease burn out sickness and disease burn out every bit of oppression depression fear bondage anything remember a fly cannot sit on a hot plate summer said pass I had a couple of Flyers sit on me yeah cuz you went into cooling mode but today we turn up the heat today we turn up the heat and really in reality it all starts with the attitudes basically trust me these 40 years I've been to many things things I'll tell you about and some things I'll never tell you about hallelujah but thank God for the Holy Ghost thank God for the Holy Ghost of fire this whole week between now next Sunday nights [Applause] so when the fire fell on me that way I I was I actually realized at that moment why are we gonna have to have it lower if I bodied because you don't know what to do with it you know you don't know what to do with and there's only so much your body could take and people call it slain in the spirit but it's not that's falling under the power and an ice and Sapphire were slain in the spirit that's terrible if you get slain in the spirit that means you did so we don't want anybody to be slain in the spirit but falling under the power or overcome by the presence of the Holy Spirit John said I saw him and I fell at his feet his dead he wasn't it but he felt like he was dead and it means your body goes no your body just your body goes tilts like a pinball machine when you shook it to on it wouldn't work anymore your body just goes you get in the presence of the creator of heaven another hallelujah Oh [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah that's how they do you hallelujah the fire of God is falling in this from this morning the fire of God is falling in this place so we said well I'm a little afraid if it falls on me what will people think about me when the fire falls are new to where you don't care what other people think about you then you'll know the fire fell on you as long as you worry about what other people think I stopped worrying years ago about what other people think I realize many people don't even think so I stopped walking a long time ago I only care about what God thinks hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God thank you thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus when the natural comes into contact with the supernatural something is going to give way [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] certainly be ask your question how hungry are you not for a manifestation for God we don't seek the manifestation we seek the manifest or we don't seek the healing we seek the healer we don't seek the provision we seek the provider how hungry are you how thirsty are you how desperate are you [Applause] [Music] the Lord said to me you have to get thirsty for me like a man that's been in the desert for three days no water he's lips apart and bleeding his tongue is stuck to the roof of his mouth he's walking all he he is going around water this is his Americans water I see seven water water water water if somebody showed up with a briefcase and they opened up and there's a million dollars Cassady he would knock the man out of the way he would knock the money out of the way and go order water it comes a time when that means nothing to you what's in the briefcase you you use you need water you need water becomes a time when there's nothing else that you need all you need is Jesus all you want is him you're not looking for fame you're not looking for fortune you're not looking for the accolades of man you're not looking to receive some commandment and some award or whatever you don't really care you're just hungry you just thirsty you just want him you want him more than life itself life means nothing to you are you with me when you get hungry he will come he will visit you he will come to your house he will find you when you live you might live alone he will come into your house he will raise you up he will bring you out of the pit he will bring you out of the tongue he'll he will raise you up for the glory for the glory of God that shall be made manifest through your life you say but pastor I've been through this I've been through that yes but you got to come through this [Music] and bring the transformation into life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord Oh hallelujah feel the fire of God all over this place my greatest desire for this church for the people of the river church for the people that are here today is that every single one of you wouldn't have an encounter with God whether you receive it here in the service that's one thing but even when you go home from this place when you go lie on your bed when you're in your private moments that you would cry out to the Lord and that he would come and he would touch don't worry about the noise these are people you you can't go to one of the muses and pumps and see if you get by roller coaster nobody's making any noise we talk about greater than any natural experience we talk about individuals encountering God I know many ministers they get nervous because they want to control everything you can't you can't control one thing I can't get hungry for you I can't get thirsty for you I'm just here to tell you what's on the menu you the one the place is the order [Applause] I've had ministers tell me over the years you can't have a church that has the fire of God on a Sunday morning you cannot have it we twenty two and a half years into this and I will say yes you can but it's not just about the church it's about the four thousand graduates it's about the people that have come through here it's about the hundreds of ministries that are now circling the globe it's about individuals that are now doing mass Crusades in the foreign fields it's about all the new churches that is springing up [Laughter] [Laughter] I look at it this way and um I'll close my message and we'll carry on tonight but I looked at it this way it's like a cattle farmer a cattle farmer will take those new calves and amongst other things that will brand them that everyone that will see them will know they of that Circle K ranch or whatever are you with me and that's what the five the Holy Ghost is for so that no matter where you go everyone will see that you've been branded by heaven because you carry heavens brands you carry the flame you carry heavens flame and many want to steal somebody else's flame there's a flame for your name and when it taxes you you'll never be the same and all the plans of Hell will go down the drain hallelujah hallelujah glory to God thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus now during the course of the week we'll be praying for people but let me tell it's not about be just lining people up and yeah everybody lying on the ground I prayed for many people over the years you know literally many many many many many many many many it's about that hunger so somebody said pray for me I need the fire I pray you get hungry I pray you get hungry for God because when you get hungry for God you'll get the fire [Music] [Applause] [Applause] fine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hungry and thirsty hungry and thirsty hungry and thirsty hungry and thirsty desperate hungry and fast [Music] it's got nothing to do with the meetings I wasn't touched in a meeting some of you might have to go from the meeting to go get touched so you didn't go have a meeting because he's so busy focused on the meeting you can't have a meeting I was up in my office before the service and I heard you singing soundcheck and I said up at that door and they opened the door and I was gone in the soundcheck I was meeting with the Dean and his wife I said this is like Holy Ghost tres leches for me I said people think I picked the songs for them I pick it for me I was sitting up in my office totally smashed and he was just doing a sound check and one of the strings is out of tune on the violins or something I heard it upstairs tell him to turn the instruments I can hear with my ear you can't hear in the building that's moss but when you watch online you can hear I [Music] don't want people flying in here with a parking lot running the instrument in and the things out a tooth model will bring an Aflac duck in the end squeeze it in it you don't have to be a violinist or Chilewich to know when something's attitude Amen hallelujah I want everybody to bow your heads cross this place there's only one move only ones moving or the Astra's please today as you've come in this place even those watching my way of television I want to give an invitation maybe a friend brought you came here for the first time and as you're sitting here today you know that you don't know Jesus but today you want to accept him as your Lord and Savior what is so important to realize that the Bible declares what is your life it's even a vapor that appears for little time and then vanishes away the Word of God declares it's appointed and the man wants to die and after that the judgment what would happen if today was your last day on the earth where would you go would you spend eternity I want you to know there is a heaven to gain and the hell to shun and you don't have to go to the devil's hell because 2,000 years ago on Calvary's cross the price was paid and the blood was shed and just like that old song said there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty staying today the power of sin will be broken the power of guilt and shame will be removed from your life you might have walked in here one way but you'll leave another way today Jesus stands with arms wide open and he says come come unto me all ye that Labour the heavy laden I'm gonna give you rest take my yoke upon you learn of me my yoke is easy and my burden is light will you surrender to Him today would you say Jesus come and be my Lord and Savior he loves you so much secondly maybe you've come to this place and you gave you a lot for the Lord in days gone by but you've grown cold you're not serving God like you should there was a time when you were radically on fire for God but something happened you lost their first love you lost their passion that you once had but today you say I'm coming back today I'm going to fall in love with Jesus all over again will you do that when you say Lord please maybe it's something hidden that no one can see pride unforgiveness bitterness jealousy anger lust hidden things that clog the heart of man your wife doesn't know your husband doesn't know your children don't know your parents honor no no no one knows and you've never dealt with it because you feel safe and secure in the privacy of your own imagination but today you say I want it gone I want him gone from my life he said I will take out the stony heart and put in a heart of flesh he said a new spirit well I put within you will you surrender to him today will you say Jesus come maybe it's not hidden maybe something outward that everyone could see and now the enemy uses against you to keep in a place of guilt and condemnation you feel like God will never usually because of things that have happened in your life the devil is a liar and gods a God of a second chance God's a God of a new beginning and today you could surrender your life afresh and today he will restore you today he will revive you you say but I've wasted many years the scripture declares that he should restore to you the years of the locals have eaten the caterpillar the canker woman the Palawan he will come and resort God can make the next three years be as 30 years maybe it's not hidden I would as we describe maybe it's a storm they came against your life a sudden divorce a bankruptcy the loss of a loved one a sudden illness the betrayal of a close friend the loss of a job something happened that rocked your world the Bible in Revelation chapter 3 talks of three temperatures hot lukewarm or cold this is not the hour definitely not our to be cold and is sure not the hour to be lukewarm and you can set your heart ablaze today if you surrender to him he loves you and then lastly if you in this place you love the Lord that's not even a question but as you're sitting there right now you don't have the assurance that you were saved you don't know if it was just you and me in a room and I asked you if you got right now with do you know where you're going and you you sound I don't have the assurance I'm not convinced I do not know beyond a shadow of a doubt if you would like to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you died right now you're gonna go be with the Lord then I want to pray with you as well if this is you and you fit into any one of these categories I want you to right where you are quickly without any hesitation whatsoever put your hand and say pray for me I need Jesus today God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you all the way to the back god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you over here bless you over there bless you over there bless you over there bless you over here quickly raise them high let me see if every right at the back over there on this far side god bless you god bless you anybody else just lift it up high and say here you could put it down and want you to look at me now please look at me now everybody in this section if you didn't raise your hand but you want to be included in the prayer we're gonna pray right now put your hand up say include me bless you bless you this section here you didn't raise your hand but want to be included put your hand up right now bless you anybody else bless you under the overhang bless you this side you didn't raise em but want to be included put your hand up right now I want every person that raised your hand I want you to stand to your feet stand up right now everyone that raised your hand everyone that raise your hand stand all across the building all across the building if you find yourself I want you to bring your personal belongings and come to the front we're going to pray together come come come come today is your day come [Music] come now [Music] come now the father trees no turning back no turning man [Music] the cross before me [Applause] the world behind me the cost before me [Music] the world behind me the crust before me the world behind me no turning back no turning back you can take the whole world but give me Jesus [Music] you stay with him [Music] you can take the whole world but give me Jesus [Music] no turning back [Music] no turning back I want every one of you if you'd look at me for a moment we're gonna pray a prayer and those that are watching in your homes as I pray with them you pray with me if you don't know him you want to surrender your life you can pray together with us today if you mean business with God God means business with you and standing here all three groups of people does that it come for the very first time just surrender your life those that have come to come back to that place that you had with alloyed and then those that have come to make sure and I've had the privilege now I'm doing this for thirty nine and a half years in 78 countries and I have people that come to me and they will say pastor I prayed with you and they'll tell me what year where it was at an altar just like this that they prayed and then what God's doing with them so I know what God's about to do with you you might say yeah but you don't know my story no I don't but I know his story and his story will council cancel out your story if you believe today [Music] I'm talking 78 countries so it's not like the Lord only favors one group of people he doesn't he comes to the hungry and he comes to the humble and so today we're gonna pray and then I want to do something at the conclusion of the prayer I'm gonna take you and put you in the hands of the Holy Spirit that the Holy Spirit will carry you all the days your life like he carried me he's gonna carry you so I want you to close your eyes right now and just raise your right hand to heaven and those watching in your homes do that right we all just pray this out loud often we say father I come to you in the precious name of your son Jesus Lord you said in your word if I confess with my mouth jesus is my Lord and my Savior and I believe in my heart that God has raised you from the dead I will be saved so father right now I confess jesus is my Lord and my Savior come into my heart right now take out the stony heart put in a heart of flesh wash me cleanse me change me fill me use me let me never be the same again I turn my back on the world I turned my back on sin and I follow you Lord Jesus thank you for dying for me thank you for shedding your blood for me thank you then on the third day you rose from me and thank you that you're coming back again for me they're from this day I'll never be the same again I confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh he is my Lord and my Savior and right now by faith in the finished work of the cross and by the shed blood of Jesus I am saved thank you Lord for saving me now now lift both hands and just thinking right now now father I pray that you would seal them now by your blood and by your spirit that on that day not one would be missing raise them up to be mighty men and woman of God and use them to impact this generation we pray we take every one of them now and we put them into the hands of the Holy Spirit that you who began a good work in them will finish it and on that day every single one of them we hear the words well done well done well done well done good and faithful servant well done let the fire of the Holy Ghost come on everyone right now I break every bondage every addiction everything of hell broken off of you now in the damages I break every curse I send it right back to a place of origin in the name of Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus fill them now with the Holy Ghost or a combo rig is steep or a pacaya just close your eyes and let him just fill you to overflowing just not in your English language or Spanish or German French or Dutch whatever just let that heavenly language begin to come not out of your belly he said out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water Kurama ricotta la sombra van de come on just speak it out Broco DeLeon delivering capaz de Brabant Oh Rock and Alicia prepper reckon dilemma so red boundary at all run a meringue in jindo Rock and ELISA prasie Bravo mum best Robin de su papá wrangles bran lowly man gross bran gastro minguk mando rista or on dopa para pakiya mango low saw Mandy LaVon day Menon and Rosa Brackenbury Cathy Brackin an idiot all reckoning among also fill filled with the Holy Ghost filled with the power of God Freud no radios Fredo radios la palabra de Dios Oh Casa de Dios Rio de Dios mas mas Fredo Co bracha pardon archivo pardon gang Donald endo Saba para Daniel Nando de poco so Peron and abandon label supply Rolando recap I East Oh professor prepend of rock until evil saw Sara bondo Terra Danza Bravo so yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hallelujah now look at me if you would please as a servant of the Most High God by the power of the blood of Jesus by the power of the name of Jesus by the power of the word of God and by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit I tell every single one of you right now your sins are forgiven you right now forgive it forgive it thank you for watching today on youtube please press the subscribe button and also the notification button and like and get the word out so I just can watch
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 15,170
Rating: 4.8845143 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation, Encounter, Fire, Moses, Elijah, Revelation, Anointing, Cornelius, Hunger, Thirst
Id: sCwfBWddyyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 34sec (4954 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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