The Vampire/Pessimist - Archetypes with Caroline Myss

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so this is really important because the vampiric energy is all about coming into your sphere and taking your words taking your thought part weakening you taking your thought process taking your belief system take weakening you so that you are unable to function fully as an energetic being [Music] hi everybody it's time for another archetype video this time I'm going to combine two archetypes because it's the only way I can describe what I'm about to describe to you and it started up this way I had a conversation with someone a few days ago and so you're all familiar with the the pessimist right the and the combination I want to put together today is like the vampire pessimist and sometimes we need two archetypes to describe a pattern in someone because one just can't hold it sometimes a person is a warrior mother and sometimes a person really is a adult child I mean you almost need The Duality to explain a person's Behavior or to understand it or see it more clearly so I'm going to start with the pessimistic part of this person which is what inspired this I'm having a conversation and a characteristic of a pessimist is that they complain they're complainers and that's part of their the pessimist world view is that nothing makes any difference nothing will ever change anything everything's always going to be the same old same old what difference can I make and this is the narrative pessimists always often I should say how they speak to themselves and and it's and it's extraordinarily difficult to kind of inspire a pessimist you may as well I may as well try and swim the English Channel I mean it's like not going to happen but we try and we try and we try and so in this conversation which was one of several I've had and I said well well have you thought about this no yeah may you thought about this yeah I thought about what it's not going to do any good well what about calling this person at never answers the phone I mean the list when on and on and that's when I F I F I realized that I was feeling as if I was hemorrhaging like I was I was like this and I thought oh my God I need to get a shot of caffeine fast I mean I am just like under a spell here but the other person was quite energized was thinking you know that wouldn't work no I don't think that'll work no I don't think I this but one of the characteristics of a pessimist is that for as miserable as they are sleeping in a rotting bed of hay the idea that we go across the street and maybe see if you can get a mattress ah what I mean what difference would that make it was it probably would be lumpy and it's like right and and what you find yourself doing is saying you know you got to just believe in this I mean you've got what it takes you You've Got Talent you've got this you've got that you've got you know people love you da da da and what happens is they kind of get all the positive feedback or all the positive nourishment from that little conversation with you that they need they don't have to change anything in their life because they kind of get get that that kind of pessimist complainer tactic of saying well you know I tried that and it just didn't work and I try and it's like people who try something once and I said to one person one time you're going to need to go to a chiropractor you're going to need to to um change your nutrition you're going to need to get a little more exercise and mind you the nature of healing as I'm sure so many of you understand is that it's a long term commitment it's not one and done you don't go to a chiropractor once and then come back and say well that didn't work I mean you've suffered from back pain for years and you go to someone and you think one little adjustment is going to put you back together again you're mistaken you have to make this commitment to realign your whole body which means you have to realign your thinking and realign your interior it is a whole complement of realignments that go with it and and it is a a a commitment where you realize I am going to go into realignment here and it will require several appointments with a chiropractor it will require my realigning my thinking and reigning my inner myths and realigning I'm going to realign myself it's not just about going once to a person who cracks your lower body and then you go back back home I I mean and then you say the next day well it was fine when I walked out of the office and then which is exactly part of this conversation and then you know the next morning W there I was again there go the mattress part of this and so I had this conversation several times made several suggestions this wasn't the first go ated but this particular time I became so aware that I was feeling psychically drained as if I was hemorrhaging I mean as if I really was hemorrhaging and in that moment I kind of detached completely detached from this person as if I was just talking to someone I had no connection to and that kind of Detachment allows me allows you to to see a situation with more clarity um not judgment but Clarity like what's really going on here what is the mechanism what's the archetypal Dynamic that I am now involved in that I feel like I'm just being sucked into like this psychic black hole where I'm kind of thing and as is often the case with with in relationships when you know somebody you put your guard down you're not the same person as if you were on stage teaching and you have your guard up you have your your professional eyeballs in so to speak but I quickly put my guard up and it would and it allows it allowed me to get a clear sense of what the archetypal Dynamic was that I was now involved in and um I realized that I was engaged in a conversation with a pessim with a pessimist archetypal pattern and that there was no way in because that's not there was just no way in it has to almost run its course it has to exhaust the person and in the process it exhausts people around because part of what a pessimist does is that it it here comes the vampire is that the person becomes is very good at saying they're trying but not really or they try the minimum or they try to the extent where do you ever here work with someone in the kit I don't know how to do this and if you say well here I'll do it I'll show you they back off and that's exactly what they wanted they wanted you to do it for them and if and I learned long ago with the kids that what I say is I'll back off and say well pick up up the spoon and stir the butter until it's soft well I don't know how learn learn I'm not doing it for you I'll stand here and watch you but I will not do it for you it's not going to happen and that well I've but it's not but the Butter's hard and it's not going to work and then well let's wait for it then you know I I never gave in with with the kids with that whiny kind of thing and and the last thing you ever want to do is say well then I'll do it for you because how will they learn and with that pessimistic trait where sometimes in the conversation it will come up oh I called that person and they didn't return I mean do you know them and and that's when it was in that moment that I thought oh my God you want me to do this for you now I'm going to hit a pause button here because this is a big deal from an energetic level I hope I can explain this the vampire and the pessimist I'm going to put them together now what I recognized as soon as the question was posed to me can you do this for me was that you know the vampire archetype is a long and has a long history a myth history stories Legends it it's it's it's a character from from from the Dark Side of our mythologies and one of the characteristics of the vampire of course is that it bites it needs to feed off of human blood or blood but mostly human blood and that it accesses that blood through the neck well that's you know the our power center this is choice this is our fifth chakra this is is our our vulnerable Zone but as a human being your greatest power is Choice when someone says no my greatest power is love no it is not no because before you get to love you have to choose love your your greatest power is is understanding that love is a choice and you're conscious of it and to not love is also a choice to withhold love is also a choice it is a choice and so this is this is your power center with this is the reason why think about how often when someone speaks for you you're like right or they finish your sentence and you go right or they do things that are kind of like mild irritant violations of fifth chakra protocol that's what I would call it Fifth chakra protocol when someone finishes your sentence or or which by the way I sometimes do now that I think of it but that's a conversation for another day my point is that this is a very precious power Zone and you know that when someone puts words in your mouth that you didn't say and says you said them right because this is power and words are power and this is your power Z so this is really important because the vampiric energy is all about coming into your sphere and taking your words taking your thought part weakening you taking your thought process taking your belief system take weakening you so that you are unable to function fully as an energetic being now put these two together when you're with someone who's a a vampire pessimist and I think that's the only way to put this when a pessimist is really really deeply entrenched in that they must Thrive off of other people's energy they require it why is that and this is what's important to understand it's because we are creative creatures we must give birth we must give birth to ideas healthy conversations um give birth to ways of helping people give birth to ways of being of service give birth to Children give birth to what what give birth to ways of celebrating a beautiful day give birth just keep it going where what you create and here's the operative thing I want you to get where what you create comes back to you in a Rich Harvest so that if you're creating good ideas in yourself uh positive ideas in yourself they produce a harvest in yourself they produce the next level of inspiration if you create you create a you decide to create a wonderful dinner I frequently my creative time is often in the kitchen and which explains why I've gained weight but it but you create and you have friends over and you share that and it's I'm not talking about like creating art masterpieces I'm talking about creative ways to see things creative ways to do things creative just keep that going because it brings things back the other day I had all these vegetables in the in the refrigerator and I just can't stand to waste food it's just it's just so I thought well and I took all these vegetables and I had all this stuff you know I had mushrooms and I had leaks and that you you can't have a refrigerator without leaks and I had shallots and I had what else did I have parsley and oh you name it so I made a marinara sauce and then I I had some chicken and I prepared that and I threw it together and I thought I'd have chicken like a chicken catatory I'm telling you it was the worst thing I ever made I can't and I don't I mean I'm a fabulous cook so I sat there mystified how did this happen in fact I called friends and I said how did it happen how did it happen I do not make mistakes in my kitchen but I did but even that was creative I even that was creative I I I thought well at least I tried and it won't happen again except I don't remember what I did but it was the the joy of trying to create something new is what I'm talking to you about it brings back here's the point it brings back and energy it it pays energetic dividends it it feeds your soul it feeds your your nature it feeds your mind it feeds well what else can I do it just Creative Energy invested in Creative anything creative conversations kind conversations loving conversations um anything anything it brings back a divid it pays a dividend it pays a dividend but when you don't invest your life force in something that pay pays you well pays an energetic dividend it doesn't pay you well when you invest your energy in complaining when you invest your energy in pessimistic thoughts when you invest your energy in Acts of self- sabotage you have got to go and get that energy somewhere else because nothing's coming back to you nothing nothing is coming back to you and think about that all these ideas like with with a pessimist no matter what why have you tried this well what about this even before they they look at it and think H well maybe I don't know I'll give it a shot I mean who knows what's behind the gold door right it's like n i yeah they find a reason so the way the universe works is that it is forever supplying us with ideas and um Inspirations and thoughts and in intuitive hits that are meant to enhance us to keep us healthy to keep us going to to just keep us on the life path to to and and and when we do not engage with these opportunities we become depleted and how we feel that energetic depletion is you you you are um become very sleepy eventually depressed eventually very lethargic and then you can't think creatively at all so eventually the idea of someone saying well why don't you do this why don't you go here why don't you I just you know what I don't have the energy it's true they don't here comes the vampire and the way the vampiric they have to get that energy somehow somewhere from someone so the relationship becomes very vampir where you find yourself constantly um reinforcing them saying you can do this you can do this you can do this and let me say something everybody Cycles through challenging periods of time so let my let me not come across as though I'm saying you know everybody should be a highend Optimist I have comments about optimism too but I am saying that there's a difference between going through a dark time and being a pessimist where everything's a dark time and and nothing's worth trying which is a way of allowing a where a person allows themselves to start living off the energetic fat of someone else's land of someone else's energy field where they call up and they'll you know I just can you just listen to me for a while and da and you'll say you'll be fine you'll be fine instead of getting that message you'll be fine now follow this instead of getting that message of you'll be fine from your interior where it should come from where it should come from you know you know I'll be fine I'll get through this you have to get it from someone else well she she says I'll be fine and therefore I'll be fine and you can live off that for maybe 20 minutes or maybe two days but eventually you need to hear it again you you need to hear it again whereas when you get a deep piece of guidance and intuitive truth that comes from you that says you're going to be fine you you kind of snap and you realize H when you get a jolt message that is Grace gra a jolt of Grace because you you have been trying and you and and and it's just maybe it wasn't the right moment maybe it wasn't the right person maybe something rejection is protection remember how this how Heaven works it wasn't the right moment the right time whatever Heaven comes in and says no no no no stay stay on the course you'll be fine and you get that so even in your moment of pessimism your moment of of of of heaviness you are recharged because you think all right I'll give it another shot I'll give it another shot that's the difference between deciding I'm never going to give it a shot because what difference does it make which means you then have to rely on the energetic good graces of other people well yeah I I'll help you out I'll do that for you here let me pick you up and drive you there da da I'll take care of this and the pimus vampire and in this particular time when I was walked away from this person I came home and I sat down and I thought oh my God I was actually dis I was actually kind of laded feel like I am so tired I'm so tired I'm but it wasn't an ordinary tired it wasn't like the ordinary tired i' get after a day's work and walking my dog and doing my obligations and it was like a psychic tired it was the kind of tired I used to get used to get when when I was doing workshops and um before I realized that I cannot really let myself be hugged by people it's not that I'm not huggable it's just that what I think I can't prove this but my sense my sensory experience is that because I am known for doing medical intuitive readings because oftentimes in my workshops I do readings little tiny little readings still because I I work in that multi- energetic multi-sensory orbit I think a lot of people come with a lot of questions that it's not that I don't want to answer them it's not possible to answer the questions of two 300 400 people it's just not possible so they want to hug me but in the hugging the agenda transfers there something transfers it's it's something transfers and I realized that years ago because I'm like a plane that can fly at full force for you know 500 miles an hour until there's no fuel because that's exactly what a plane can do as soon as there's no fuel down it goes I'm exactly like that and so at these workshops I found myself being very social very gracious and then and that fast that fast all of a sudden I was like get get me away from these if one more person touches me and it actually hurt it didn't hurt as if you you know smacked me it hurt like an electric shock like that it hurt that way it hurt that way and then I found myself sleepy not just sleepy like sodium penthol sleeping and I'd get to my room I one time I actually fell asleep at a dinner at a dinner at the table while I was eating after a workshop I was so drained from this this and I I would go to my room and I would lay down and I would fall into a quality of sleep that was like a drug State I mean just deep deep sleep where I couldn't even move my body I would get on the bed and that was it I couldn't bear to hear another sound I didn't want another conversation I didn't want anyone near me and after a couple of hours I got up I would shower and get ready for dinner and I would feel recharged not fully but better still very drained finally I realized you know what it's not my teaching that drains me it's the energetic world of which I'm just learning I'm just learning like you are but that much I figured out and similarly with the Vampire pessimist it was the same thing and I'm telling you that it will do the same thing to you if you're with someone with that vampiric pessimistic n archetypal pattern where they complain but they do nothing about it nothing ever changes nothing ever changes that's one of the signatures nothing really ever changes they have a lot of excuses well I'm waiting you know I'm waiting for this to happen I'm waiting no what you're waiting for is for everyone else to do your work for you to carry you along you will never change and so the only thing you can do is what I did which was you know what I've given you a couple of suggestions and as soon as you can report to me what happens after you've invested your time but I will not have this conversation again I will never ever have this conversation again I will never encourage you to do something I've already suggested you do because you're not listening and so it doesn't do us any good I'm not helping you and you are not responding so somehow there's a disconnect and so I shut it down I shut it down so the vampire pessimist that is a very real force and I have to tell you that I suspect a lot of you have experiences with this particular duel a duet archetypal duet and it's difficult and it's especially difficult if you're living with these people with this kind of archetype or dare I even ask can you recognize this in yourself if you are a pessimist if you're somebody say well I I don't even try I I try and you're constantly cutting opportunities off I have to tell you take a look at that because that your only way to energize yourself is to complain and to live off the positive enforcements from other people and eventually that will be cut off because eventually they will feel drained because they're in it's like a bad investment I'm investing my life force in you and it's going nowhere it's going nowhere and it's it's not an easy pattern to take on but the thing about and this is what our archetypal patterns are exactly what we're meant to take on it's a it's exactly what we're meant to challenge and get through in our life so when you're pessimistic you think well I don't know I'm actually going to give that a try I'm actually going to stick it out and it's going to be difficult because you will end up facing every single part of the sabator that loves the pessimist the sabator and you loves the they are buddies they love each other so the the sabator voice in you that says I told you this wouldn't work uhuh that's where you have to say I'm going to try again I'm just going to stick with it how do I know I'm just going to stick with it you have to really really work to to turn tune out those voices that are like a chorus on the inside but if you are with somebody who is is a pessimist vampire it's up to you to plug the leak in your fifth chakra to say I've given you all the counsel I can I I have nothing else to say maybe it won't work for you I don't know but there it is how's that for one obviously I had an experience so anyway I hope this helps you out because I'm telling you it helped me a great deal to actually recognize the pattern which made the person still someone I love it didn't change that but I saw the depth of the struggle and then I knew what my part of it had to be and maybe let me end with that that's an important part because I as soon as I recognized you have a a strong vampire pessimist I could not feed that pattern I couldn't feed it and even though the person might have in the moment felt rejected or whatever I wasn't going to feed in to that individuals vampire pessimist and it wasn't personal I got it it was not personal I was simply not going to engage at that psychic level you know I'm doing a workshop next week on archetypes and these patterns there's so much to teach and I I probably could teach it all year long but if if you are interested check it out because I just I call them our silent psychic Partners which is exactly what they are so check it out and hopefully I'll see you next week at my class if not there'll always be more archetype videos archetype dcom which is now our our uh platform for this so thank you everybody
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 14,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3FpLPc8fMRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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