Caroline Myss - The Saboteur (The Power of Archetypes)

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but if you face The Saboteur and you say you know what this is just me again procrastinating because I don't want to do it but I'm going to do it I'm going to force myself to go through that barrier it is a barrier of it's it's like the most rewarding thing in the world when you take on your Saboteur it is this this is how self-esteem is actually nurtured within you [Music] hi everybody it's time for another uh archetypal um video uh this is our third I think I can't remember um the archetype I'm doing this week is The Saboteur and our first one was um the victim and I'm going to jump to The Saboteur because this is an archetypal pattern that everybody has and so I think there's some archetypes obviously that some people have and others don't for example you will not find the athlete anywhere near me not at all not not in a million years um so not all archetypal patterns are in every single person in the same way but it's been my experience that The Saboteur is universal and here's the reason and that's that power is the name of the game in The Human Experience every single thing we do everything we think everything everything is a power negotiation when you shop you think oh is this gonna disempower me or is it going to empower me you may not use that word you'll say is this going to look good or not I mean but translate it is will this take power from me will it draw criticism to me every single thing we do and it's so fascinating to me because the subject just on power alone is something I could go on and on about forever which is our relationship to the journey of becoming empowered and how we sabotage that along the way and the and the way that I truly observed this archetype um in people was when I started as a medical intuitive I I got the things that I believed at that years ago one of them was that everybody wanted to be well and that when we become not well ill challenged we everybody will automatically do everything to make themselves well no matter what it is no matter how hard no matter the effort I could not have been more mistaken I was shocked at how many people would say when I talk to them or or or my my wonderful colleague beloved friend Norm Sheely would say you have to do this this this and this and you'll get your health back your health not pair of shoes your health and the response of so many people was all that I have to do that I have to work that hard work that hard I mean you're course correcting what is taking power from you draining your health you're finding the map to get your health back and the response was oh wow geez you know change my diet and give up this wow oh ouch unbelievable I I and then I'll tell you as I really became enthralled and Enchanted and just endlessly intrigued with it with human consciousness with the way we are and the way our intuitive system works and it does it works early on early on in my career um Norm Sheely and I taught classes on how to develop intuition and if I ever do that again any one of you is free to push me off a bridge but in the early days and this was in my 30s so um I I wasn't as convinced about the nature of intuition as I am now and the idea that it had to be developed and that there are practices and uh anyway the long and the short of it is that what I realized was intuition our intuitive system is a complex wondrous interior operating system that simply operates you don't have to be a vegetarian or om and on sit under trees and do all of this stuff it simply operates it's high functioning and it is on 24 7. it tells you Non-Stop it it provides advice non-stop Counsel on on don't eat this don't do this don't do that because it's tied to the law of balance it's tied to the laws of the universe this is the way organic Divinity works this is God in your blood and bones and in your cell tissue and in your in our basic design we are designed to survive and to thrive and that design is this microscopic pulse that includes the way our intuitive system works it says you know again that's enough of this or you stay away from this don't do this this system is so extraordinary that you know you don't even pay attention to the fact but if I if you were in my class and I'd say you know what I want you to pay attention to how many inner instructions no matter how small you may think even down to that's too much salt stop it you know even that that you are always responding to little instructions like that they just come in all the time all the time all the time this is that organic Divinity intuitive system that's always working on your behalf so why would we sabotage that why why why would we do things to repress that system why that that became my question I ended up writing the book white people don't heal um ultimately um and today I mean I would write one three times as long considering because I didn't then what I identified as woundology then I would expand on tremendously beginning with the what I believe is that the Journey of life is only about us becoming comfortable with the creative force of our soul the creative force of what we are of how creative every word we say is every thought we have the force of our power and and we start out with identifying and maneuvering that power in the physical world with stuff you know stuff is power to us if I have if I have more stuff if I have that kind of stuff if I have this kind of stuff I just want more stuff stuff makes me powerful but eventually you have all the stuff in the world just loaded up look how many books I have just all this stuff it peeks out and you go into that next level of power which is the self which is the self and you start that Journey and we've named that Journey the Journey of self-esteem and what what I realized was that what makes a great intuitive is not you know like your diet or your how many trees you sit under and meditate and all that stuff it's self-esteem it's the capacity to truly truly regard yours to hold yourself in esteem and to live by that not tell people you can't talk to me that way that's not self-esteem self-esteem is realizing that your you your power is really power and that it means something when you give your word that that's just not a bunch of verbiage coming out of your mouth it's actually an energetic thread of commitment that says my Consciousness is strong enough to actually make a commitment here and you can count on the whole of me it's a power agreement so what do people why do we sabotage our our empowerment Journey and I think my observation is that The Saboteur let me describe it is not like a gargoyle that shows up at the foot of the bed some external force that sabotages you that's not what it is The Saboteur is a mechanism in us that activates every time we have a opportunity to empower ourselves or someone else or someone else every single time even in the tiniest conversation when someone may ask you a question question means there's multiple answers and you can give an answer that really reflects how you feel or what the truth is or you can think if I answer it truthfully what will happen to me so maybe I'll give them the answer that makes them happy and you sabotage yourself you sabotage what you're thinking you betray yourself because you don't want to deal with the consequences of actually speaking something more truthful people sabotage themselves in relationships all the time because they don't have the esteem the self-esteem to fully be themselves and so they begin to be a reflection of the other person do whatever makes that person happy do whatever that person whatever will keep the relationship together and behind the scenes the self-loathing gets engaged the resentment gets engaged passive aggressive behavior starts because you can't lie to yourself you can't you you you not forever it's not possible so The Saboteur is that part of us that engages when we know that we are innocent situation A circumstance a relationship a conversation anything that represents an opportunity to to speak a larger truth a greater truth to be honest to be to use light instead of Shadow to use light instead of shadow and and why why why would we so fear that why well if you if you my experience is that the more empowered you become other behaviors fall from the Wayside to the Wayside like the more empowered you become the less access you have to excuses for why you are not doing the best you can why you are not fulfilling your dreams you you can't be a procrastinator once you deal with your Saboteur you you you start realizing this is I'm sabotaging my opportunity here I'm not doing something as well as I could do it you become conscious the fact that I am deliberately doing this to myself and you cannot blame other people anymore so one of the reasons we people cling to this Saboteur in them is that it comes with a package of excuses and blame ways to blame life blame other people blame childhood blame lunch blame whatever for not fulfilling whatever it is you even knew the slightest task that you were supposed to do today but you sabotage that you say I just don't feel good I just just you give into excuses but if you face The Saboteur and you say you know what this is just me again procrastinating because I don't want to do it but I'm going to do it I'm going to force myself to go through that barrier it is a barrier of it's it's like the most rewarding thing in the world when you take on your Saboteur it is this this is how self-esteem is actually nurtured within you it's not about I'm just going to tell everybody you know they can't talk to me this way and they can't that this nonsense that that's self-esteem self-esteem is when you take on yourself and you take on The Saboteur inside of you and you actually um challenge your own patterns that you become aware are patterns you give into because you don't want to try that hard you actually don't want to you like to think about something but actually doing it only you start doing it when The Saboteur comes up and presents you with lots of excuses you had such a bad day you deserve this you deserve to relax that's when you stop and you say this is it this is the voice of The Saboteur because if I succeed at this then I'll I'll be expect I will expect myself to succeed again and to try harder the next time it won't be that easy for me to let myself off the hook if I become a stronger person then people will might want to rely upon me in ways that I have relied upon them they may start leaning on me and I will not be seen as as vulnerable as as vulnerable as I have been in before because vulnerability allows us to reach out for help in a way that becoming stronger does not and people fear that we don't we don't get to complain as much if we take on our Saboteur so that when someone says you know why don't you try this why don't you do this instead of saying that'll never work that'll never you which is sabotaging suggestions even before you think them through even before you reflect upon them as you develop this sense of self and this commitment you make to yourself to not allow The Saboteur to get to you you are able to truly access capacities in yourself that you didn't even know you had because you you blocked it you just sabotaged access to your own inner talents your own inner strengths your own capacity to to reach higher and higher Potentials in yourself the temperature also is a part of us that because we struggle with our own empowerment one of the things we also struggle with is empowering others because power I'm telling you is the fundamental ingredient in everything in every conversation you have with people in every there isn't anything every single thing even shopping for groceries is a negotiation for power everything is this good for me is this not I mean everything everything how you speak to a person what you allow yourself to perceive in the other person to it the grace of understanding I love to talk about Grace I love it love it and the grace of understanding is such a spectacular Grace here's the difference the word understanding is usually used like do you understand me do you understand what I'm talking about do you understand do you understand me now here's Grace the grace of understanding works like this when you when you're with somebody and you really finally get the truth that nothing is an accident nothing is not negotiated managed somehow I don't know how but it is did you sit back and think I wonder how I can Empower this person in this moment even briefly in this conversation I wonder I wonder God grant me the grace of understanding let me understand what it is I can what what gifts in me I have that I can contribute to this person's life how can I Empower them that's how Grace Works how can I use my gifts to empower this person instead of sabotaging a a conversation you have to assume that every relationship has this level at which we are either empowering each other or we're not when someone's insulting you when someone when you feel when you feel unsatisfied when you walk away from someone you think ah something's wrong here you can feel that you haven't been empowered by an encounter with someone but if you go into if it's even slight conversations with people at work thinking even a smile is a way of empowering someone even even the kind tone of voice that you are consciously consciously shining your light upon them and I think it is incredibly challenging for people to empower other people that's sabotaging other people is something we do all the time now let's shift this to the collective and look at our society look at not just ours look at societies and look at how they how many rules regulations policies politics are all about the balance of power and keeping power here and keeping these people disempowered taking power away from women and putting it in the hands of the men particularly so they the more pregnant women the more women are burdened by unwanted pregnancies the more men have access to the workforce to positions of power to moving up the ladder if they could just clear away educated women who who um are in the pregnancy years we keep power away from other groups of people are constantly emphasizing the qualities in those people that people think you know we don't we don't want those people in this country we don't want this we don't want that because we we don't want our power to go to them so it takes a lot of effort to spin sabotage sabatorial thinking that people latch onto and you latch on to that when you feel like you don't have enough power if you deal with your inner saboteur you really clearly see you really really really reach a cosmic perspective hopefully where you get this is a very short Journey this life this business of life is very very short nobody gets off this planet alive and what matters is not the accumulation of power and stuff but what it is we do with the power we have on behalf of the whole what it is we do to make a difference to not sabotage the the life the life of others or yourself or yourself so let me leave you with this and that's that pay attention to the micro size of the Dynamics of your life tiny conversations um the way in which you think I I could could I have used a more empowering word with this person could I have added a compliment did I consciously choose not to from now on think I've just sabotaged that because I I didn't want to compliment them I didn't want to say Well done I didn't want to say you're looking really good I don't want to say that because I don't want them to have more power than me you have to hold yourself accountable for Where You Are and work from there and work from there and and trust me everybody is on this journey there isn't a person you will meet who is not on this journey The Saboteur is a universal archetype that has so much Authority because the business of empowerment is the business of life it is the business of life okay well you know as as you can tell squeezing one archetype into just 20 25 minutes is I mean really I could do we could do a whole workshop on just dealing with our Saboteur that's how rich this is but um that's not realistic at least not for now but what is realistic is a little bit of Truth goes a long way so I hope you enjoyed this and next week I'm not sure what archetype I'm going to do it's I'll surprise you but it'll be good thank you everybody
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 62,966
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Id: 07lsXiWF3kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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