Caroline Myss - Your Greatest Adversary is Yourself

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good morning everybody good morning to all of you watching thank you for joining us I always I honestly every time I'm with a live audience I feel it I cannot tell you the buzz I feel it is so different sometimes when I'm teaching from my little office in Oak Park and I'll say if I only had you in here and it's and and the difference for me because I I can I can feel aligned to you and I can tell when I'm teaching something if I'm off the mark which is so rare but it's but but you know what I mean I I love I love because you talk to me with every part of you your energy talks to me your eyes talk to me your soul talks to me your heart talks to me and I just I feel it I feel it I feel it so good morning I want to begin there's so much to teach so we're going to condense and go straight up I it it is so exquisitly important for me and for Robert but I'll speak for me first um to communicate to you how powerful getting to the symbolic archetypal level of your perceptual system is so that's our goal our goal is to get you to maneuver at the High Altitude of your perceptual system to be a Jedi okay but there's not there's not a simple formula you are going to try and do that by think by mental by thinking there must be a way and that's not it this is a lifestyle this is a living relationship to your power this requires you understanding the world differently yourself differently you establishing a very different relationship with how you understand the construction of life itself and how you conduct yourself within every decision you make and every choice you make this isn't like you asking me to teach you mathematics so that you stop going into debt I am going to try and help you not to go into energetic debt but that requires that you take on your greatest adversary and your greatest adversary is yourself and so we have to go into that you are your greatest adversary for me learning about the archetypal realm accessing the archetypal realm took years and years and years of doing readings of doing readings and I progressed I didn't even I didn't even it I didn't even know anything zero zero I zero so it it progressed for me from starting readings in 1983 1983 from and I approached it the way you approach everything as well you approach everything you're walking in my footsteps through logic and order thinking everything including ourselves including illness including healing follows a logical and orderly map because that's how our banking works that's how we want relationships to work but if I hit a pause button I would ask you how many of your crises follow logic zero absolutely zero and you get into a crisis because you assumed logic and that was your error so the error the source of so much of your crisis comes through that assumption and it is archetypal because you all do it it is a pattern it is a control pattern that you last Sue around something that says this is how I want this situation this conversation this contract this to unfold I want it to unfold logically according to my system of of Justice your system of fairness is based on what has happened to you in the past so you think if you're owed something that should be worked into how this works itself out well I suffered in the past there I am do you do what you're not do anything in my court I'm not do anything in your court so what are you talking about exactly what are you talking about but for you you will factor that in except it is meaningless and that's what you forget it means nothing except to you and then when things backfire you will scream this is unfair oh my God it is so unfair and then you will yank out your history and again and again drip over it in therapy but you don't understand what happened to me to which I would respond and I don't care I really don't nor does anyone else I don't know how to break it to but I am the Emissary of that news from on behalf of everybody else stop it now are you understanding the confusion with which you have created your life you archetypally have gotten into patterns that simply are catastrophic for you they produce nothing and yet you insist in your relationships that they produce something fairness for you sympathy from others the best seat in the house because you suffered I remember one time when I was in Moscow and for some reason I always ended up in Russia in the winter time who does that me and it was so bloody cold it was 30 below zero without the windchill 30 below zero and you know what this how crazy those Russians are I was walking across red square with someone and the Russians were eating ice cream and it wasn't like freezing to their mouth and I don't know how that happened but I was following them and I was looking at that and saying what's wrong with them and now we were waiting at a to get on a bus and I don't remember why the hell I was waiting to get on a bus but there I was with all these other Russians and they're all in these big Furs and those fur those black Russian fur hats you've seen them yeah with the flaps and all this and I was mesmerized I thought I'm actually here and I was so mesmerized I wasn't that cold I couldn't believe it there there was the Kremlin and there was I was enchanted even in the cold until I was waiting so long on this bus and I was I was with this dear friend of mine who is a Russian astronomer and how I met him we'll do that for another time but although it's a great story and this Russian came up and he passed everybody waiting in line and he grumbled something and everybody stood back and then he got on the bus first and it was this crowded bus and the rest of us couldn't get on and I said what was that about and he said he fought at Stalin grad so he pulled out the wound card mind you a worthy wound if you know anything about the Battle of Stalingrad which I do but they the Russian wounds okay who suffers more now I want ahe to pause button here when we talk about the era of transformation what are we talking about one of the big biggie biggies that we are talking about is how we conduct ourselves within our psyche and therefore with each other and how we change the rules of how we live life and one of the rules that we have to change and we must change because the world can't take it anymore the world is exploding because of this archetypal pattern is that suffering should give us a reward by whom who's supposed to reward you because you've suffered exactly who who who owes you who and by what right do you have to hurt anybody else because you've had a bad day or a bad childhood or a bad anything and mind you I am not coming across with an unsympathetic heart what I am saying is we have to Route our understanding of The Human Experience to a new level that says you know what this is The Human Experience nobody gets off Scot free and if we have any understanding at all about Karma about multiple lives we have no right to about all that happens in a lifetime we can't have it both ways we cannot say oh there's Karma there's this or that but look at the burden of this lifetime and then you cannot expect to incorporate Knowledge from other lifetimes lifetimes you have lived lifetimes you have yet to live and expect that that energetic Cosmic knowledge can assist you if you cannot bear what is happening to you in this life because that is how you jam the circuits by bitching about what's happening in this life and yet expecting Alli ship from the other Realms there is a reason why all spiritual Traditions every one of them the the mystical path in every spiritual tradition is so arduous and what makes it so arduous is that you are shedding the small self in you that expects so much from one lifetime from one lifetime I expect love and comfort and health and this and explanation and you have to figure out why everything happens that it doesn't then I want more more more more more from one lifetime one lifetime to fill your bucket one lifetime I want to understand why every pain happened I want to understand this and how come I'm so unhappy and and I want to be born for something great but I don't want to I don't want to pursue it unless it's guaranteed safety and I want a lot of money and where's my attention and I want to be something special look at your bucket list and you can't do a damn thing without some kind of guarantee that you won't lose money look at the guarantees that you want that you won't fail you won't look at it have I made a point here I always wonder like how people pray people will say to do you have any prayers that work and I'm like [Laughter] Jesus Children cherubs this is hard ball if you knew how powerful you were you would accept the one task you might have which is to be fully you however that fully you is and that you have to shrink yourselves back down to size to being content to be grains on the ocean of life and not want the whole ocean and to actually start getting that an act of Love is more powerful than buying a city that you start measuring things by how much light this will cost you instead of how much money you can recover money in a few months but you will take a lifetime to recover your light and even then not do a good job and you might need lifetimes to recover the mismanagement of your light the mismanagement of your light to send your soul on a mission of darkness is the most foolish thing you can do do like when Jesus was in the desert and after he was just about to start his mission his brief three years three years in a lousy little dump in the middle of nowhere a sand pit with a handful of illiterate people and he changes the world forever I mean when I think about that it that makes my jaw dry it just makes my jaw drop and the Simplicity and beauty of his message will you just love each other and if I'll show you the power of that love because it is the power of the life force it comes from this universe from the place that I come from and if you call upon this force it will come through you because the father that that force that made all will come through you the more I did readings on us the more I got it not to become a Christian but to become a cosmic force a holy Cosmic Force that's when I got on my knees and I said oh my God that's who you were it's not about being a Christian or a Catholic but boy oh boy did I get it I got what Buddha was about there's so much to teach you it's like I'm on fire with it so point is that this is who you are and I'm telling you right now the more you shrink yourself down to bite-size level the more powerful you are all these Mystics who went into all their their Journeys it was all about them getting that I am really the more invisible I am the more quiet I am the more I use the power of my heart the more I use the power that is invisible the more powerful I am so if I said to you and this is what I've learned through healing when you're in trouble and you come to me and you say I have a terminal illness what do you think you need to heal your money your houses your reputation every physical to your Jewels every physical thing you have is useless everything your dress every physical thing you've acquired is absolutely useless what your toolbx if you open it up should be fully Buddha empty what should be in your toolbox is where's your endurance I can't see it but you better know you better Discover It endurance Integrity hope faith Trust these are the things you can't see but you better know they're more real than anything that you can show up within that box there's nothing in the physical world that can help you absolutely nothing so what's real what's actually real what's actually of value your light not anything you can touch nothing you can touch can save your life is that not incredible so what is God God is light God is love not schmalz love big huge all there is and when we can feel it if God said you want to feel what I what you what I feel like go hold on to someone you love and that's as close as you can get to me while you're in the physical world which is why when you love someone that much there isn't anything you won't do for that person because there's nothing I won't do for you there's no I am in all things I am in all things I am all things I'm not in all things I am all things which is why molecules dissolve into light when you get this it's like my God oh my God you are every I am breathing you okay and God is law so what is consciousness about it's about deciding what rules am I going to play by the laws of matter or the laws of energy and eventually the laws of energy become the laws of Grace the laws of Grace
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 47,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8wLe-jcRfMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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