Healing Practices for Your Soul

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hi everybody welcome to my first reflections class of 2019 healing practices for the soul this is a major class for me I mean I'm always excited about all my classes every year but as I said in a video did too for all of you that this I'm introducing a theology a kind of a major project that it has been brewing in me for years actually so this is my first class to discuss what I think of now as bio mystical ecology and how a time for a new theology and that's actually how I want to begin this but first I always start all my workshops with a prayer because I think of it as a way of all of us getting together energetically and in our souls so I want you to just kind of sit with me as I read this to you lord I sometimes feel the glistening feel of my soul I cannot see this interior castle but I have finally found my way in I would not have imagined that such delicate perceptions were possible but it's true the soul has eyes of its own and every now and again when I'm quiet enough or perhaps graced enough I catch a glance of the world as my soul sees it and I am in awe that there is a part of me that so easily recognizes that I am bound to all living creatures through life itself I am in awe of the conscious community of trees of animals of flowers of all of nature it is an effort sometimes to contain that vision and boundless goodness in my heart it is too vast and too big and when I'm forced to return to my ordinary eyesight I have to admit I am sometimes breathless with grief there is no way to prove this truth I can scream it out loud I have no words to convince anybody that they are connected to every living being but I now believe so much of our suffering comes from making choices that fear that fear this very connection that make us seek more so that we are separate from others or to seek so that others have less that make us think that we will survive while others do not what fools we are for having such thoughts what harm we often do to ourselves we can never be whole while fearing other human beings and yet Lord the illusions of life are very clever just when I think I've conquered one I'm beset by another and I must begin that journey back to my soul all over again hover over me Lord on this brief journey that is my life I am content to learn what I can to live the truths that I learn as best as I can and to make graceful choices I find that love is the best treatment for stress and generosity of heart alleviates most of my worries and now I'll leave you to take care of the rest I'm in ok let's dive in I want to start with an overview I love to give you a great big huge overview of where I'm coming from and I and I always start this with my classes because I want to test the fabric of your imagination I like to stretch it and I tell every one of my classes to use the metaphor of a building in fact I'm going to draw it because it takes here it is this is what you're going to do this is your base can you see this well I've just drawn a building some day I'm going to have illustrations just imagine a building and if you've been with me in my classes you've heard me you've seen me draw this illustration but picture any building and here's the thing that in a building the only way you travel is up and down the floors a building once bill is permanent excuse me and I really had this experience one time and it just was one of those game changers I was visiting a friend in New York and it was a hot day it was a summer day in August and New York sometimes in the summer can be so you know hot and thick and the noises were loud and the taxis were screaming and and I got into this building and I got up to the top floor and and my friend lived on the top floor and she had a small balcony which is very coveted real estate in New York and as we sat there the whole world was different and I could see the Hudson and I could see this beautiful the city looked completely beautiful it wasn't loud and it wasn't crowded it was a completely different place and I thought you know if I lived on if I was talking to someone on the first floor and I said you know you live near the Hudson and you can see New Jersey and you could see the Empire State Building and you can see this or that they could say to me no I don't live anywhere near a river and I can't I don't I don't know where the Empire State Building is and I they we could argue about the reality that both of us shared from the very same address and that really became a kind of a vision that I worked with because that's what's true about our lives depending on the view that we take of the reality we live in we could go up to our 4th floor or a fifth floor depending on how bold we want to see our life and just like living in a high-rise every time we move up a level every single time it costs more money so to speak it's more expensive it's it's a it you have to work harder to earn the next level but when you do when you get up the se address you've always been living in you see the world again completely different you get up to the sixth floor and all of a sudden you're not blocked by that building or you're not blocked by that and a whole new Vista opens up in the very same address you've always been living in so the higher you go in your own building the better the more clarity you have but if you'll notice no you know the people in the lower level aren't interested in the beautiful views you have any more than you're interested in their views and if you it takes a lot of effort to earn that extra income so to speak symbolically to get up to the next level and and when you start living at the higher level of your inner building the views that you get of your life and how you understand the world around you is becomes a language that is different than the language you speak on the first floor it's a mixture of archetypes and metaphor and symbols and because it's you're no longer using street language because street language doesn't apply it's not unlike when when people have a profound experience if you ask them to describe what is love like people refer to poetry they they do metaphor well it's like this because the language of the street doesn't quite describe it so in that same way as I start to describe the places I want to take you in this particular series oftentimes we're going to go up several floors to stretch the imagination to because there's concepts and thoughts that we'll be talking about that aren't discussed at street level of life but that's what makes the that's what makes I think learning things so exciting actually so we're going to begin by my introducing the idea that that from my point of view what what is happening I think is that it's time for new a new theology that's a that's a word very few people use and it's not very often used in common parlance but it's time for a very different understanding of the nature of God to come into our lives and there's so much on this I could say I could talk about it for the next three days this on this alone but I'll start by saying that I have observed for quite some time that there are so many changes that are happening in our world beginning with the you know breakdown of all the traditional religions and they're they're going through what I would call a collision of the gods now if you're on the first floor you you can hear conversations like well isn't that just typical of this church or isn't that typical of this religion or you will hear people criticize the organization's of you know the the organization's any organization but that's the caboose on the train and you'll never understand anything if you're looking at it from the first floor if you're you're above a building you have to the you have to rise to a higher level in order to understand anything including about your own life as a comparison imagine if someone was walking into a problem in your life and they didn't know you and they saw you throwing something and screaming at the top of your lungs and let's just say it happened to be the day that you reach a breaking point and if they decided on that when they met you and that that was the hole of who you were without understanding that maybe maybe you'd been carrying the weight of 15 people on your back that maybe in fact you were the most rational person ever but on that particular day the government was shut down for 40 days and you you couldn't find the money to buy food for your kids that that was your breaking point that it wasn't in fact madness you had a reason to be crazier than than crazy but if they looked only at the first floor they would simply judge the action and this is my point that if we look at events happening on the earth by just the event you'll never grasp the energies behind the events that are actually the engines of them and that's where I want to take you is what are the energies that are actually fueling the events that are happening around us and within us and what has that to do with the need for us now to consider that maybe part of what's happening in our own evolution is that the consciousness that's emerging in us is a very different understanding of our own nature of our own creative authority of our own in fact relationship with the structure of life itself and that in order to get to that relationship in order to get to the heart and core of this relationship of the core of our power the the way that we are that religious mythologies have to come down the way we have always thought we were designed has to shift that we don't have five senses we have numerous senses that the way we thought creation operated is very different that in fact it's it's thought comes before form that that our relationship with nature is in fact very conscious that there are numerous operating truths that we have never incorporated into our understanding of life and that what's happening now is that those truths are in fact incarnated in as the functioning principles of life and that these truths that are not precipitated by a anthropomorphic religion but by a cosmos a cosmos a cosmic structure that is basically conscious law that is transcendent of religions but rather is a collective conscious law that incorporates all of life that this is a conscious living bio spiritual ecological theology that this is where we're going that this is what's emerging now and because this is what's emerging now it is it necessitates that the old mythologies come down it is like the end of one one archetypal drama and the next emerges this is what I want to examine with you in this series why I think that how I've come to that and what it means for us to even consider that and then apply it to our lives so and what it means to examine the soul outside of a religious context but as in fact excuse me with a galactic size cosmic life battery that it actually is within you that and attract it as this force that is in fact the part of you that is compelling you to ask these rich profound questions about what what is this purpose for my life that and what does it mean when you ask a question like that how are you supposed to answer that question we'll get to that that's not for today but that that's coming but when you do ask that why and how are you supposed to answer that and we'll get to that it's just so rich it's so good okay so one of the signatures that of this transition of in this profound time you know something I want to say is that I consider it an extraordinary privilege to be alive now by the way because we are living in this incredible time of transformation and you know that's a word that that we can toss around a lot a time of transformation or whatever but really this is exactly that we really are transforming from one type of species to another and and I deeply want to take that apart with you so that you get that this is actually really happening that's not a word a casual word this is actually a phenomenon that's happening and whether or not people consciously participate in this or they say oh no I don't want to go along with that they have no choice it's not unlike when when you know just discoverers realized that the world was round and not flat and cartographers could have said no no I'm not going along with that I've invested all my ink and flat maps and the world is gonna stay flat so far as I'm concerned well it was too bad because the time had come for people to realize the world was round and like it or not that's where everybody was going that's kind of like this moment that whether or not a person wants to get on board this age of energy it has arrived so whether or not we like the fact that we've become a global community energetically through energy technology that moment has arrived whether or not we can't cope with the fact that that means we must proceed with becoming a global community for all sorts of reasons that that that is a next step for a lot of people that is a hurdle not a step and it is a wall and they want to put up a wall no we're not going there but we are going there because that's what evolution demands and there's no amount of walls or hurdles that it's going to stop the force of evolution it is time and not only is it time your own bio spiritual ecological immune system is moving in the direction of whole so all of us are moving in that direction it's the signature message of our age to that extent and with that in mind when you look at when I look at I should say when I look at the classic religions it is apparent that their theologies cannot keep up and have been unable to keep up with the essential teachings of modernity what the shall we say global human the person who needs to be instructed in in what it is to become a global human being the type of theology when someone needs to understand the global ecology a global community the type of theology that one needs to have is no can no longer be sustained is not coming from the traditional religions at their political level and this is an important part of this whole evolution it is coming from their mystical traditions but not from their political religious and that's one of the reasons if this was a class on history and anthropology and and social crises we could go down why fundamentalism rises at moments like this but this is all I want to say about it at that level that this is the typical kind of response when rumblings of change happen like this but it is a kind of a classic activity at the earth level at the same time it sets almost the classic ground groundwork for the transition to a very different order of consciousness so before I proceed with with the breakthrough point I wanted to address a question that is essential what is the soul so to kind of give you a little passport with that word that is a big question what exactly is your soul because that's that is the issue that I think that's a question that has been you can imagine debated questioned examined for centuries and centuries and centuries I personally think this I think the soul's been the great jewel that's been hidden away what makes a mystic let me put those two things together you know mystics are people like Francis of Assisi or Teresa of ávila or Padre Pio these these people the Catholic mystics fascinate me fascinate me because they've had these extreme experiences of God they've had extreme experiences of the nature of God and they've had extreme encounters of visions or apparitions or encounters with with angels or by location where they would be two places at once like Padre Pio and and that's and also I think that Indian Saints have had that as well so it's not unique to do Catholicism but these these incredible mystical experiences these in the key the thing about the Catholic Church is that the Mystics were always people that the Catholic Church wanted to hide away they never they always made life very difficult for them and you would think well maybe not you but I always thought well wow I mean if you've got a mystic if you've got a saint you ought to you know like cash in on that they always do when they're dead but not when they're alive but you know you would think wow it kind of proves everything that they say in their faith but in fact these incredible people intimidated the church intimidated the politics of the church people like like mother trace of India or or Padre Pio most recently in Italy they scared the heck out of the church and the reason was because they are people who managed to get to the power of their soul and it was so profound not unlike the Indian Saints not unlike the saints of other traditions it was so profound that there was nothing they could do politically there was nothing they could do at the earth level that could possibly stop the power that those people had in their soul it was absolutely nothing they could put them sent you know you know order them to stay in their their convent or their monastery and never leave and it did not contain the force of that soul there are so many stories where the power of people just knowing they were in there drew people to those monasteries by the thousands and thousands and thousands the point being that the soul the power that's contained in the soul is so mysterious and so phenomenal that it is not unlike the the poet's Rumi or the or the way Jesus described it it is the mustard seed that could move the mountain it is that mystical Authority that has the power over matter now I'm carrying on about all of this because we're living in this extraordinary time of transformation in which the world that is so familiar to the Mystics this profound power is has made its encounter with the world of science the world of science and mysticism have met and I know you're familiar with that in terms of quantum physics and and the the fact that the physicists are now talking about energy and quantity the quantum level of life but I need to position this in terms of its significance within well in in the way the way in a more mystical understanding of it so I have to actually follow my notes these days because I've made so many and if I don't I'll go all over myself now there's a point I want to make about the soul as well that before I get to the significance of this moment of transition a way that I want you to relate to your soul is that for the longest time I think the soul has this association of being a religious object or something that kind of maybe goes on after we die or something like that but actually what I've learned through my work particularly as a medical intuitive and then eventually getting into my own mystical path and healing is that it's the loudest part of your life it is the loudest most relentless part of your inner being it is the part of you that is compulsive about making you restless to understand the reason why you are here it is the part of you that craves to be significant whereas your ego craves to be noticed so I want to kind of discuss that for a moment the soul in you craves desires to matter to to really make a difference to to mean something to someone the ego simply craves attention craves acknowledgement wants to be important for the sake of being important but it's not the same thing as this deep desire to make a difference the soul has this yearning to what does my life matter can I make a difference while I'm here to somebody to something will the world be a better place because I lived the ego wants to be noticed and acknowledged just because it is you see the difference one is this deep passion of surely I have some greater purpose than to be noticed there's a difference you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 85,443
Rating: 4.8957138 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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