Ep #031 | 3 Types of Intuition And How to Identify & Use Them in Your Life | Sonia Choquette

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Welcome to our second mentoring episode with Sonia shaket the remarkable teacher of human intuition she has written 27 internationally best-selling books on intuitive Awakening personal and creative growth she's been published in over 40 countries translated to 37 languages she's also an intuitive teacher that I listen to and that I've learned from greatly and I've written about her ideas in my book the code of the extraordinary mind a come to believe that intuition is one of the most powerful skills we can utilize in the world today we don't fully understand to this day how intuition works but we know that it does work think of the Sun for thousands of years we used the sun to grow crops for warmth for navigation but people didn't know what the sun was some said it was the Egyptian god Ra flying across the sky only today in the last 100 years ago we understand that the sun is a giant termal nuclear reaction in the sky but think about where Humanity would be if they waited for that conclusion before they started using the sun don't worry about the fact that science doesn't fully understand intuition you still get to use it today to make better decisions in life and if you can just improve your decision-making ability by 5 to 10% that is a remarkable Edge in everything you do so let's get started in this training Sonia is going to put intuition into three different shades red green and white easy to remember and you're going to learn the meaning of these Shades and how to tap into intuition at these three different levels so let's give a big mind value welcome to Sonia shet thank you I'm so excited to be back with you always excited to be back so let's get started with this training and and thank you for for actually being back well first of all I want to say how intuitive you are because the way you introduce this actually is a lead into some of the most important information I have about intuition which is our biggest obstacle is so easily remedied and that is that we don't language our intuition comfortably if you don't name it you won't claim it so the first thing to do is to come up with what works for you in terms of the language you want to use when you are feeling or experiencing an intuitive energy most of us don't know what to call it so we ignore it call it Vibes call it your gut call it your hunch but if you don't call it something comfortable you have an almost 100% chance that you will ignore it to your detriment in this world I don't think it's optional to succeed without intuition you can't I I just feel our world is working too fast it's it's too connected we are too saturated with information that if we don't have that that discernment that intuitive Edge we will be mediocre we won't be great and we won't be happy and we won't live true so to me this is a non-negotiable skill for our age and and that's very true in my book the code of the extraordinary mind I I share a story which is the story of how I ended up in this field what happened was I was in phone sales after I lost my entire business during the dot bubble bursting in 2001 the only job I can get in Silicon Valley was Dialing for Dollars I had to pick up a phone and call attorney selling them software now everyone else would head to the San Francisco library get the yellow pages and call every law firm in their area mine was San Antonio had to start with the attorneys at a and then move to B then move to C it could take like several weeks but after taking a class on intuition I understood that I could fall into a relaxed State close my eyes run my finger down the Yellow Pages and just feel a gut impulse on who to call now interestingly enough in one day I doubled my closing rate it just seemed that I was making the right choices and my boss couldn't understand what was going on and he asked me how did you just start closing so many more I said I think they call it intuition and his response was that's exactly but keep doing it I love that story because it shows right now we're at a Tipping Point in terms of our understanding that we as human beings actually are endowed with six senses and we have we've negotiated that out with the Age of Reason and the rational mind and we're beginning to reintegrate it back in and once we we can shift the Paradigm of like you know what this isn't out of the Wheelhouse of normal this is the center right of my new normal this is my because your the most intuitive part of your body is your heart the first organ in the human body when it develops is the heart when you recognize life it's the heartbeat and it informs the rest of the body the second organ to develop or the second aspect of the of the Fe is What's called the cier which is the inner ear and it is shaped like a spine and it picks up all the information that all the senses give it and run it into the heart so The New Normal needs to be the very first thing is this is not optional not weird well actually it is weird you know why the weird weird do you know what the word weird means what out of this world so I love that we that being being intuitive is weird because it's out of this literal physical world but it's our human design and it's not natural that we have these experiences universally and I've been teaching for a long time around the world I have never met a human being who has not had an intuitive experience never but I have met hundreds of thousands that are very uncomfortable talking about it true and there's a danger in that Newark College of Engineering did a study by a professor called John measi and he wrote a book about it called executive ESP and they studied CEOs they asked they did a simple test for CEOs to see how intuitive these CEOs was this was a basic Zena test study where they had to guess what was the symbol on the other side of a card now what he found is that CEOs who scor the highest in terms of intuition also were showing the highest growth in their companies but here's the interesting thing Professor mki found that certain CEOs were guessing the wrong card Beyond probable chance they had negative intuition their mind was tripping them up MH and these CEOs coincidentally also had the worst performance in their companies so if you didn't so the funny thing is if you truly believe that intuition doesn't exist it truly will not exist for you for you as an executive decision to filter it out yes as in a decision to ignore it now one of the reasons and this is something interesting um people say how did you get so intuitive Sonia I grew up in a f people have asked me how come this is so comfortable for you now I grew up with a mother who was deaf she lost her hearing when she was 12 in the war in in Europe so she felt and needed to feel and find her way through a a different form she didn't have the language she didn't have family so she used feeling energy and it became her main language so I was raised in a family that said you can pick up communication energetically it was simply put trust your Vibes and so that was the main the main statement of our family is not what you read what' you say what they say was always what are your Vib say you can feel them and so that's where I started and I developed it over the years I worked for 45 years in this field and what I have realized is we have different levels of intuition and they work on different Arenas of our life and they feel different and it's like learning to discern notes on a scale or flavors in a stew or like you said shades of blue so it's red green and white those are the on basically because we relate those colors to certain experiences red is a stop sign so that's why I called the red intuition which is the basic intuition most people have and the basic intuition most people'll have is survival that we'll be going along without paying much attention but then get the hairs on the back of our neck standing up when we're walking down the street and we're being followed okay that's a red light intuition that's a strong intuition because our instinct to survive is so big for us so if we ignore that we really regret it you don't ignore it you have something to say comfortably and you need to practice in advance so in my family it was what do your Vibes say that was it because it described the actual experience vibration science has come up to to meet us now on that says we pick up and then interpret vibration but vibration that is menacing threatening starts with a thought now I worked with this with this um policeman in Chicago Tough Target and taught extra classes on people how to protect themselves because you can feel a Predators intention to hurt you because they have to build it before it comes at at you and you can feel that energy but it's only the people who are comfortable to say stop so that's your first red light intuition you can just say stop bad vibes and if you can't say that you won't stop you'll walk right into it so how do we exercise red light intuition well the first thing is to come up with your list of I'd say five ways to explain your intuition to to yourself and not need anyone else's approval that's the other big trip we get the vibe we might even say I have a bad feeling but then we shop it around right and and the feeling can come to different people in different ways right it'll always come in your gut and there's a reason for that we have What's called the vagus nerve it starts at the back of the brain that is this the intuitive nerve of the body it is the parasympathetic nerve it goes through the throat it goes to the face the heart and the gut but it really centers in the gut the strongest because it keeps you safe that's why this red light is gut Vibes you don't pick it up here you pick it up here like punch it's like and it takes your breath away so listen to your gut now how do we but not only listen give you give me five words if you had bad vibes what would you say if you were with a group of friends and they're partying and they're having fun and you have bad vibes it's like let's get in this taxi let's go right what are you going to say to stop those five people I'd say something just tells me this is wrong and then that's crazy we're drunk we're laughing we're teasing you and then I'd say my intuition is telling me not to do this yeah at that point you need to say stop that is the word that's going to get attention stop stop stop I have bad vibes stop is the word and the minute you say that it gets respect stop I have bad vibes I was with my family we boarded a flight from Chicago to PO to London for Thanksgiving I got on that flight with my family we boarded and I said stop have bad vibes and they're like a and you got off the pH we got off what happened well we didn't know what happened we didn't hear about any crashes but what we did here is that they somehow ran into some turbulence and ended up completely re-rooted to another city in Europe spent another four 40 hours there before they got to L and we only had a weekend right so it wasn't a crash and burn but it would have been for us and that's really interesting so I had a crash and burn type scenario and it came to me in a different way I was driving a car and I was listening to a song and I remember it was the black ey pece My Humps cuz that that moment was so so this to so and literally as I'm listening to this song and my my my that song had just come on it just hit the Billboard charts I was I love the blackeyed piece so I was so into this song and I hear this voice saying pay attention to the road and as soon as I hear this voice I'm now looking at the road almost wondering where that voice came from and a truck on my right hit a car the car flips up lands directly in front of me and I had just enough time to break wow but what was that cuz I heard of voice now here's what I think it was we pick up vibes okay we pick up energy we have to interpret it so we're getting the vibration and we interpret it with our own strongest internal system that was the voice of your own higher self you picked up the energy of the car you're cruising along but you picked up the energy and it's happening while you're here but your body feels the vibe receives the energy and then you have to language it so you internally language it it's so remarkable how how the mind works now tell us about green light intuition so green light intuition is the intuition that actually points your awareness in the direction of creative opportunity so this is when you're going down the the the phone book with names that's green light intuition do this that's the yes and green to us like the green light is the go for it intuition that's why I call it green light now what you need for this is a quiet State of Mind good luck with that right and the other thing you said was space those are two things you need but I have learned a tool that will put you in a quiet spacious State of Mind like that want to do it yeah absolutely okay so the first thing you need to do is you need to look around the room and notice one or two things right in front of you and the reason for that is it pulls you out of your head and into the moment so and then you name them so name two things you see so I'm looking at the strap of my watch okay and give me two more okay I'm looking at the back cover the back leather cover of my iPhone case okay and give me one more I'm looking looking at the texture of my denim jeans okay and notice what's going on inside you're just doing that in terms of your brain in terms of your inner chatter so you bring three things in and then the next thing I want you to do is I want you to breathe in very slowly without raising your shoulders put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and exhale like you're blowing out candles and empty all the energy you're holding on in your body like this so you have to blow out the candles you can't just think it you have to actually right breathe in again slowly one more exhale Okay the third breath is I call going down the slide so you breathe in and then you go down a slide ah and let out the sound notice where you land in your body do you feel the quiet yeah it's instant quiet you are in the instantly you are in the place in your body and in the inner state of quiet that meditation takes you you're instantly there can you feel that oh wow yeah toally so it's a tool I found because first you empty then you go down the slide and you end up at the end of the breath in that place in your body that is the most receptive intuitive place there is now think of a question that you want intuitive guidance on that you want to share I'm thinking about what to call my third book okay breathe in exhale the candles breathe in go down the slide loud and I got a I got an Insight okay you don't have to share it with us it'll be a surprise yeah I don't want to cuz I don't want anyone buying the domain name okay but if you practice that on a regular basis now now I've got to make some distinctions you have to breathe out like you're blowing out candles then you go down the slide because you shift your awareness then my question is and it has to be an authentic question if you do this 10 times you're going to get it pretty quick so you so I'd say my question is yes and my heart says my question is I do it 10 times but the key is this green light intuition doesn't work the reason you have to speak it out loud is if you don't you're in your head right in your head isn't your intuitive place so you speak it out loud to yourself exactly even if you're in a room alone exactly always to yourself that is the one thing I grew up with my mom was always as an intuitive person speaking to her yourself all the time all the time my vibes say this my vibes say that so we can use green light intuition when we're in any a situation where we need to make a decision a creative decision amazing I like the it and I'm I'm shocked at how rapidly I feel relaxed so let's now go on to White intuition our white intuition is the intuition of our spiritual path we are spirits that animate our physical body we have spiritual Integrity our spirits come in wanting and needing to express themselves at the highest level white intuition is an energy that's with you that is is sort of like we could call your higher self your higher Consciousness and it is the self that is always traveling with you and letting you know if you are in Integrity which means wholeness it's so subtle but it's like the fairy tale the princess in the pee you know it's there and when you start saying it's there this doesn't feel like me I'm doing this I'm making money I'm going through the motions but it doesn't feel true it doesn't resonate it doesn't it it's off that's white light intuition and it's like it's like shoes that don't fit but are there any practices you can think of that can help us tap into white light intuition white light intuition is this you we have to we're used to describing our experiences we're used to describing our our education but we're not used to describing our spirit so my favorite exercise in the way I start every Workshop is to a and this is a good one name your spirit now my spirit's name is bright light huh and I have conversations with bright light all the time that is my highest self and so what would your spirit's name be I would go for an visioner okay so that's the way to start because if you name it you can start having dialogue Yung had filimon Carl Yung he would go on long walks with his higher self filon and he W all his books talk very much about so name your spirit and then here's the second thing this is fun and this is something to do with your friends and your family We complain all the time change the channel and ask people what is your spirit love you're inv Visionary what is your loves really great food and discussion with amazing people on how to change the world now everybody watching this mentoring watch it more than once because your face changed when you were talking about your spirit it lit up right and that's visible your spirit dropped in and absolutely took over and if you can start integrating and letting your spirit be your decision maker and express can you feel how your own energy expanded you're right it feels so different can we try that exercise with the audience can we get them into a state and can you ask them those three questions okay so here we go first take a breath in through the nose and exhale like you're blowing out candles good you empty name your spirit and take the first name that comes what does your spirit love name it out loud and if you're not already doing this which I doubt you won't be smile now can we how do we utilize this wh light intuition in the world well here's the most important thing because I've been doing intutive counseling for years and the number one question people have is not how can I money even how can I be in love it's like how can my life have meaning that is a fundamental Primal need for us as human beings once we're out of survival okay survival is basic then meaning I want meaning so white light intuition allows you to be who you were born to be and bypass all the obstacles influences and imprints of your culture like that because not only are you tapping into who you actually authentically are it takes over now is this something that we do once is this something we do regularly how do I think you do it so much that pretty soon you identify as your spirit I identify as so one question is what does my spirit love are there other questions we can ask to identify ourselves with our spirit the other question you can ask is here's a good one that I would introduce to your company every day instead of saying how are you say how's your spirit today o because you're quicking you're changing rooll to roll and you're going Spirit to Spirit so that's a game Cher right yeah I always ask people how's your Spirit today love that so you shift the whole conversation up an exponential Notch CU people are like wow thanks for asking because it implies your most authentic creative self how is that person today how's that part of you and then if you make decisions that are difficult and you're confused simply say well what does your spirit say I love that idea son beautiful idea I've worked so hard to make as simple as possible because if it's not we won't do it that's amazing but that one all these tools work but that one changes the culture let's go back to a recap of everything we've learned today we've learned about the importance of intuition we've learned why sometimes we choose to suppress it or not believe that it's there but a lot of it has to do with Nuance intuition isn't one thing there are many different nuances to intuition red light intuition is our body's warning system often felt within the gut and a key way to create more red light intuition is to set your rules for what you're going to do when you feel that that situation in your and find the language that you'll stick to even when people laugh at you until you forget about it you like no stop mhm it gains respect and then green light intuition is the source of inspiration it's that the space and quiet yes ah so the the quick way is go down the slide notice three things why why do you make us notice because it gets you out of your head it gets you out of your head you're immediately present take you're starting to be present and then the breath down the slide puts you consciously your awareness centers in your heart in the last breath you let out a and then you ask the question yes and answer and the question is um what what is the most whatever the creative question is and my heart says is and you reply with and my heart says and my heart says and my heart says now and then feel how you feel now why is it that in this technique the the reply is and my heart says in our first interview you would ask and my mind says and my heart says and my spirit says why here focus on the heart because I've improved my technique since we talked last and I fine-tuned it and found let's get let's give that intellect even less attention I like it there's so much head space going on and then finally there's white light intuition which is where you name you give a name to your you transform yourself into your expanded self right and you check in with your spirit by asking yourself what does my spirit love doing what lights my spirit up what are some other questions what is your spirits say when I grew up as a teenager my mom I would ask my mom we were seven kids in my family we'd say to my mom can I do this or that of course we want to go party and doing bad things and she'd say well it doesn't matter what I say what does your spirit say m it's like ah I like that and again there we're talking about Nuance by by bringing in spirit we are seeing ourselves as a dualistic being right body and spirit and do you know what else we're doing which is the most important thing you are becoming the leader of your life instead of following others I like that that's what you're doing all of a sudden my spirit is leading me not you and you and this and that my spirit and that's integrity that's wholeness and that reminds me of quote from Tesla instinct is something which transcends knowledge we have undoubtedly certain fin of fibers that enable us to perceive truth when logical deduction or any other willful effort of the brain is futile and this white light intuition is helping us perceive our own truth exactly and when we language it and we're willing to stand for it even though everyone laughs at you and says that's I don't believe that then you are a truly empowered person amazing Sonia if people wanted to follow up on your work what would be a great book that you would recommend they start with trust your Vibes trust your Vibes I've read that amazing book so check out trust your Vibes and your website is Sonia show cat.com awesome take care guys so I hope you enjoyed that episode with Sonia shat on tapping into your intuition intuition creativity whatever you want to call it it is the the idea that our brain doesn't just process information internally our brain acts as a receiver and when you can tap into this idea of your brain as a receiver you open yourself up to so much potential now Sonia shakat is probably the greatest teacher of intuition out there she's written over 20 books on the subject and Sonia's official course on intuition called six sense superpower is available in mind Valley and I encourage you to check it out it is a month-long program that guides you through the right exercises to slowly but surely open you up to intuition so if you're looking to go down a path to become a more intuitive human being to accelerate creativity to have that inner voice that can guide you during crucial times to have a beautiful gut instinct that gives you an advantage in work in life in love in relationships you're going to love this program and as you can tell Sonia is an incredible teacher I'm going to play for you a trailer on six sense superpower so you get an idea of what the course is about and if you find this interesting simply go to mind val.com and enroll mind Valley acts like the Netflix for the world's greatest programs in human development so when you sign up you don't just get Sonia shet 6 Cent superpower you get hundreds of programs that can transform every aspect of your life here's the trailer for sixc superpower and if you find this interesting go to mind val.com check it out and enroll if you're not using your in intuitive abilities you are doing a huge disservice to yourself and the life of your dreams so many Geniuses and their successes have been attributed to this often mysterious form of intelligence called intuition from Albert Einstein to Steve Jobs to Henry Ford they have used intuition for scientific hunches for large scale problem solving in businesses or making creative calls that would change entire Industries if not the world some call it a superpower I think it's closer to being called the truth and this inner truth and knowing is accessible to each and every one of us whether you believe it or not I'm Sonia shokat I'm the author of 27 New York Times bestsellers my books have been translated into 37 languages and read by over a million people worldwide if you haven't explored your six sense this is going to be the most amazing quests of your life in week one of the six s superpower I'll teach you what intuition is that it's not your intellect that it's in your body and how to get the intellect out of the way and feel the flow and understand how intuition Works in week two I'll teach you how to recognize your Vibes and get rid of your obstacles and learn that intuition guides you in the areas that you really love which is your authentic self and how to get into the flow of that and get out of any hesitation so you can start seeing results quickly in week three things really begin to change because this is no longer something you think and do it becomes a way of life I teach you how to check energy quickly and accurately I call it a Vibe check and you can Vibe check everything from what you eat for dinner for what you're going to do with your life to who you're going to spend time with what world you're going to explore and it helps you maintain sustain and amplify your ability to make choices in the moment that align with your most authentic and and most creative self after completing the 21-day Journey you will have real experiences you will be a different person for one you'll be connected to your highest most authentic Spirit your inner knowing and not head knowing bone marrow knowing it'll be effortless your decisions will come quickly and they'll be accurate and you'll feel confident because you're congruent you are in alignment with your with your expanded [Music] self you will overflow with Inspirations because your intuition comes from your spirit and the word inspiration is my spirit is leading so you will have this confident outer energy that matches the inner expression so basically you're going to be the person with the Good Vibes actually it becomes so magical you'll almost wonder whose life it is and it'll be yours how about it want to start now follow your intuition it brought you this far hopefully perhaps I'll see you in the quest [Music] he
Channel: Vishen Lakhiani
Views: 211,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindvalley, personal growth, vishen lakhiani, personal development, extraordinary life, sixth sense, the sixth sense, what is your sixth sense, how to get a super power, sonia choquette, sonia choquette intuition, inner power, awaken your inner power, intution, creativity, how to boost creativity, genius, how to be a genius, authentic self, how to be your authentic self, how to change your mindset, secret of my success, the secret of my success, how to set goals
Id: B-gIpaE-cLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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