The Unluckiest Web Developer Ever + More

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calm your boys back and out and did it again one more time from beautiful sunny ass florida okay so today i want to talk about multiple different topics man okay so last night i found a channel that youtube recommended to me right just randomly you know sometimes i'm just like you guys sometimes i'm just like browsing through youtube and i found this channel from a guy named joe webb right and you guys should definitely check him out and tell him coding face sent you so his name is joe webb and go watch all his videos he don't have that many videos i think he got like 500 subscribers so it would be nice if some of you guys subscribe to him just to show him some love um but yeah definitely tell him that you came from coding face um but like i said man on the title i think he's the unluckiest web developer that i've seen on youtube man so his story just to sum it up right he didn't know how to code right he didn't know anything and he signed up to a boot camp when he got to the boot camp he was struggling the whole way okay from what he shares he was probably in last place compared to everybody that was in the boot camp and also too is because he didn't know anything you know he didn't know how to code i mean he was still calling you know programmers like computer code like you know like he didn't know anything right he just decided hey you know what i'm interested in development i'm gonna go to a boot camp and i'm gonna sign up he signed up and then from there uh somehow he finagled his way he got to get over the boot camp and pass it but even on his final project most of his code that he worked on was overwritten by another developer another student okay so in reality he barely worked on the final project but he still got through the boot camp they still pass them they still you know gave him his certificate whatever it was that they gave him right and then from there when he comes out of the the boot camp he's still scared because he knows that well he don't got the skills to like really get higher at a bigger company right and so he gets a job from like a family member he goes in gets fired from that job they gave him a task that you know it was over his head okay it was over his head you know and they realize you know what we don't think he could really build this project and then let him go then they hire him at another company and at the same time they still you know there was a lot of stuff that he didn't know there's a lot of stuff that he was working on that he didn't know how to do it there was a lot of stuff that um were like older ways of doing programming or web development like they were using ftp and you know there was a point where he deleted one page off the the main website and and like there was no way to to recover it because you know they're not using get like a nightmare right and this dude is crazy the amount of stuff that has happened to him right but i'm not putting no blame on him right this video is not really to to talk bad about him or to highlight his bad situations it's more about [ __ ] man this type of things happens every day but nobody talks about it right nobody talks about the failures that happen when you're trying to become a developer and that's why i like his channel i subscribed right i like his channel because it's a realistic view of what's happening okay a lot of people when you come to youtube you might just see the highlights you see the highlight reels the guys they just come in like well i just got hired at google hey i just got from lambda and i'm just got hired at it uh freaking and i'm getting paid a hundred thousand dollars and this this and that right you're only seeing the highlights but it's very important to see the moments of failures and the moments of being tested as a developer okay and the things that happens okay because everybody wants to give you a a positive view of everything but the truth is that this industry is it's hard right it's hard it's something that you really have to dedicate yourself right it's not for everybody right there's people that might not have the gift of thinking logically or to breaking down uh uh a you know a problem you know be a problem solver or you know there might be a million factors that you you might not realize why you are not good at programming right everybody only tells you hey man keep working hard keep doing your thing but the truth is that not everybody has it okay not everybody has it and yes there's a lot of opportunities in this industry i mean even from him his story he could tell you hey man his first job he was getting paid double the amount that he was getting paid in his previous job and then his second job he was getting paid you know double the amount plus 25 more than what he was getting on on the previous job before that on his first developer job so he was making about 75 more than his his job as a regular civilian right without being without being a developer right so by him learning how to code that gave him 75 increase in his income he was able to pay his for for his rent he was able to pay for his car he was able to pay for the long that he took for for the boot camp he pretty much paid for everything in a short amount of time so that lets you know there's money in this game okay there's money in this game you can make a lot of money just even just being you know uh you know a low tier developer right that's just still learning you could still make some really good money okay now i'm bringing this up because like i said it's important for people to to know these things and to see that this thing happens too okay and again i put blame more on the you know the culture of the boot camps and the culture of everybody telling you hey man you could do it right away and you could do this and that and and reality is like sometimes people struggle right you know like he was saying in in one of his videos there's guys that are like wizards and you know for the person who doesn't know how to code you might think damn these guys are so smarter than me and and these guys are like geniuses are this this and that but let me tell you a little secret about boot camps right this is what happens in boot camps right boot camps target everybody right boot camps target people with computer science degrees boot camps target people with math and science degrees right boot camps target people that have been coding for years at home right and boot kim's target people that don't even know how to code right now those people that you say they're wizards they know everything oh my god they're so smart little do you know most of these people they've been coding for years they just never had the courage to actually make a career most of these people have been getting training online for years at home right and then from there they go to these boot camps and they look like they wizards and they geniuses they're not geniuses they just have more time than you right if you spent three four years five years at home learning how to code or even while you're going to school you're still dabbing into different type of programming languages and different type of things and building little projects here and there and taking little youtube videos and this is this and that and then you go to a boot camp the boot camp didn't make you a good developer you already had that right you already had that okay the booking comes in and gives you validation to what you already know it might teach you certain little things here and there okay but bootcamp does not make you a good developer keep that in mind and just because you see somebody that's really good at a bootcamp that doesn't mean that the book can prepare them that was an individual that was already prepared or really took this upon themselves to learn this skill right and to try to master it right and go super hard right that doesn't mean that the boot can't prepare them at all right so then the biggest problem is when an individual that doesn't know how to code that doesn't know anything joins any boot camp right you're gonna feel like [ __ ] because you have no knowledge the boot camps are not preparing you to teach you enough stuff at a you know a a at a good speed rate right you're just learning [ __ ] they just throwing things at you super fast super fast super fast and that works great for the people that already know how to code or already have some idea of how this thing works but for the guy that shows up to a boot camp or any of this online trainings that you might see out here and just pops up and be like well i don't know anything all i know is here's the computer and teach me how to code the boot camp is not for you the bootcamp is not going to teach you that okay it's not going to teach you that right they're not going to prepare you so when you go to to these boot camps you're going to feel like [ __ ] because there's guys that are insecure like there's no no way around you know how this imposter syndrome imposter syndrome is freaking ramping throughout the whole industry there's guys with master's degrees right that show up to a boot camp and they're insecure inside they could code they could build a whole bunch of [ __ ] they've been doing it with java they've been doing it with python to be doing it with with uh let's say uh objective c uh uh c sharp whatever they're working on they've been doing it but they need that validation to tell them you could do web development and that's where a boot camp comes in and says easy pray right give me that give me that easy pray he needs that validation we're gonna give him you know a little bit of the learn stack give them some react teach them the the basic stuff how to use git this this and that the guy already know how to program he could learn those things on his own he could go to and spend twenty dollars or he could go to a bootcamp where they're gonna tell him you're going to get validated we're going to give you a certificate and little do you know is that you're going to get a job but the individual doesn't understand that he's going to get a job regardless because he already has the skills all he has to do is basically learn web development a boot camp comes in and takes advantage of that again there's the guys that already coming in and they're insecure of their skills and they need that validation and then there's the guys that come in and say man i keep seeing that there's guys getting hired for a hundred thousand dollars or more at big companies and i don't know how to code i would love to get a hundred thousand dollars i don't know how to code [ __ ] i'll get myself in there for twenty thousand dollars or more right i'll pay it if it could get me to a hundred thousand right and what happens is that the guys that get those 100 thousands were the guys that were they already had the degrees they already put in the work they already have years of experience they just needed to get a little pat in the back to say hey buddy you can code you can build web development apps right but you got suckered in you came in you got into this boot camps not knowing anything and you the one that ends up losing out of this right so it's just a shame right so definitely go check out his channel um now what i like about him too is that he grew from it right he understands that you know what he might not be the best programmer but he's here for a bag right so i like that mentality like he he knows what he came here for he understands like yeah he might be the unluckiest developer in the world right but he understands i'm here for back and you know what he's doing right now he's actually freelancing he's actually uh reaching out to members of his family or you know other members and you know people word-of-mouth and putting himself online and now he's doing web design now he's doing web design he understands the basics of html css javascript etc right but now he's like yo he's grinding he's getting his money he's good you know he's making his bread and at the same time it's like hey you know what he learned from this but he's doing web design because he realized he likes the web he he enjoys creating content for the web but maybe he might not have what it takes to be a front end developer or maybe he might not have the passion for that maybe what he likes is is creating the websites and creating the design of it okay maybe he he don't like the programming side it's not for everybody right so what i like about him is that nothing is stopping him he's like yeah i might have some you know little bumps on the road but you know what i'm still gonna make it happen so i think it's a really important story to tell in here because a lot of you guys might be going through it you know and that's one one of the reasons why i created this course right the entrepreneur developer for that specific reason you know when people come here you might think like you might see this from the outside right you might say damn don't create another course of course it's going to talk about something that's related to to the course and and talk about how oh this course is so great it's gonna change my life we we know that [ __ ] joe right that's what you might be thinking in your head but the truth is that people do need this type of courses because to be honest with you guys not everybody's gonna get that a hundred thousand dollar job but do you deserve it yes of course you do so with the skills that you already have you can make money i mean joe webb is literally an example of that okay not everybody's gonna get those big offers right now everybody's gonna come in and and and basically be the the genius or or the prodigy to go in it's like yeah man we need this guy on google we need to pay him 250 000 plus bonuses and this isn't that not everybody's gonna get that but you could make that 250 000 you can make the half a million dollars on your own without having to go in and learn so much right so what i'm trying to do even with this course is just give you guys an alternative way because the truth is that not everybody's gonna get those top paying jobs that's just the truth i myself didn't get those top paying jobs till almost three years after i became a developer right i'm getting a hundred thousand dollar salary until like almost three years two years and a half into the game but i was already making a hundred thousand since the first year because i was already making thirty forty fifty thousand dollars with side income and it's so important for you to understand that okay like what i try to do here is provide you guys with you know the tools to make you succeed no matter what and when i mean succeed i'm talking about getting a bag getting paid i don't care what you do i don't care if you become ce cto i don't care if you become uh you know a junior developer or a company i don't care if you become what master are you at a university i don't care if you become a product editor at a company just changing freaking prices i don't care my measurement of success is how much you're gonna get paid in the long term how much money can you make on your own that's where i see that's the success right because a lot of people that come into this industry they come in because they want to see a change in their life they want to be able to have new opportunities they want to be able to to not struggle to not have to uh worry about man i gotta pay my bill and i'm only making two thousand but my rent is eighteen hundred now i gotta survive with two hundred dollars in my pocket you get what i'm saying like so that's why i'm doing all of these things and talking about a lot of stuff that you know what let's be honest they're not popular here right the videos that i dropped recently is nothing but gems those videos should have literally thousands and thousands and thousands of video video views but you know what a lot of you guys have been so institutionalized and people here have been institutionalized that they believe this dream that everybody is going to get a hundred thousand dollar plus job they think that everybody is going to go and be able to freaking go to fang and go to all the [ __ ] all of that is limited right so are you leaving it to chance an opportunity to succeed in life or do you want to hold that [ __ ] and grab them by the freaking horns and say you know what i'm still going to make my money i'm still going to be driving that brand new benz i'm still going to get that brand new crib i'm still going to be driving to freaking miami i'm still going to be doing all this [ __ ] that i want to do i still want to travel the world i still want to get what i need to go to you know what i mean i still want to blow a bag in a strip club i still want to go out you know what i'm saying i still want to ball out you want to be that guy [ __ ] you got to make money you got to make money and it's not about leaving it to opportunities to to chance and to the destiny to to come in and say oh my god this maybe god and the destiny is going to sprinkle a little something of a buffy the little fairy the little what developer fairy is going to come in and make it happen for me nah it's not going gonna make it happen for you bro it could but now you're leaving it to a chance of like it could you don't want to have something i might make a hundred thousand i might get hired i might do this and that you don't want nothing that says i might you want to say i'm making it happen you get what i'm saying so at the end of the day this is why i'm creating this type of content and i hope that you guys understand that and i hope that you guys really go in because you know thank god there is a guy like joe webb that is not scared to show his face and show like yo this [ __ ] is failing me this this whole system that people have been teaching me is failing me it's the same thing those situations in in his job right uh you know that that he went into and i'm not i'm not disclosing anything that nobody knows right it's on his youtube channel go subscribe to him show him some love show him you know support you know we need to hug him show him supportive like yo you got this bro right i like his channel because he was just transparent there was things in there that are so simple like things with ftp you know uh working on uh on dashboards and things like that there are just so simple but you know what those are not the things that people are teaching you they're teaching you what what they're teaching you where they're teaching you freaking story book this they're teaching you uh gatsby gas they're teaching you apollo they're teaching you uh graphql right are they teaching you about uh freaking uh how you call this uh doing deployment with gate only but and those things are good but at the same time it's like they're not really preparing you for the real world they're not really you know preparing you to become a web developer so it's like they giving you a one-sided view of things of like you go to any boot camp right now you go to any bootcamp right now and you tell somebody yo you need to use ftp you got to upload those files to here or you got to connect to this application or you got to do this and that i guarantee you percent of the people they'll get stuck they don't know what to do right for the same thing that i've been saying since like i don't know for a few months already remember i did that video about the merge stack the mirror stack is horrible for junior developers right and it's because they keep it keeping in one single ecosystem okay if you only learn javascript and you only stay in javascript world in javascript land because that's what's trending and what's happening on the web and what you see on youtube and everybody's talking about it doesn't prepare for the real world it doesn't prepare you for the real world most companies are not using that stack the companies are using that stack are bigger companies or startups and those type of jobs are limited so most likely the majority of you guys are not going to be working on that stack you got to be realistic you got to start working and learning things that's practical you know what like why haven't i focused in any of those things because they're not practical then once you learn web development you understand web development you can always learn those things but it's difficult for you to learn web development with just javascript and then from there go in and switch over to now let me go in and learn about php let me learn about dealing with with servers right let me go in and and work with my sequel oh my god but my sequel is is completely different from mongodb yes it is now you got to learn something completely different than what your boot camp or your online instructor or your youtube star has been teaching you this whole [ __ ] time and then when you go into these jobs you know what happens they let you go they might say oh cool we're going to give this person an opportunity when they go in there they get let go they get let go right because the boot camps and all these people they're not preparing you for practical skills like like working with ftps and things like that it's like basic it's like it's like older oh it's not even older technology it's a different way of doing things right but if you only learn what i say is like the latest things or the latest ways of doing something right you're missing out on a huge majority of the jobs keep this in mind when you go and get hired at a at a company right and most companies here are not using the latest things like somebody comes in like i remember somebody came in and and um and told me in one of my courses for the react course and said why are we learning with uh react with classes i thought now it's no more classes so people are using react hooks and only functional components and i'm like i'm scratching my head i'm like this poor [ __ ] doesn't understand how this [ __ ] works right he really thinks that when he shows up to a company they're only using react hooks because people made him think online like that's it class components are gone the only thing that's left is react hooks mind you we do go into react hooks in the course right but we go into it later on because we're teaching you the fundamentals so when you go to most of these jobs and they tell you hey go work on on page on on you know on this contract page or this dashboard page for a report for the the ceo and they tell you to go into that page and you go into that page and you're like what is this this isn't react hooks this is matt old this is part of development you're going to be working with legacy code you're not going to be working with if you go to a company that's been established you're not going in there and going to work on the latest things they're not working like that people don't work like that companies don't work like that a new version of it's like somebody comes in and might say well a new version of larabelle just came out do you understand that when you work at a company they're not even using the latest version of laravel right you might go in and learn laravel eight but you know what when you go and get hired at a company they're probably using laravel 6 or larabelle 7. nobody jumps into the latest version of any programming language or framework or anything right so if you show up with only knowing how to do things of like whatever just came out in the the last month you're missing out on a whole bunch of things that's gonna actually make you productive in a company legacy co pays the bills shout out to kevin perez you know like these are people that are working like you know what i'm saying like this isn't like i feel like sometimes people don't come here and just be honest man people don't be honest people come in and do things for the views man and i wish the people that actually are bringing value to this game could go up more meaning like we could get more views or get more exposure or people will actually understand that we're actually helping you out more than the guy that might have a million subscribers 2 million subscribers 3 million subscribers he might just be providing you with what you wanted to see but not what you need you get what i'm saying that's something that people need to understand that okay and joe webb's situation is the perfect example that's happening to a lot of people you're only seeing here the highlights you're only seeing the freaking highlight reels of the guys that come in and be like well i'm super successful in the next six months yeah that's a highlight reel how many people you see on this youtube channel i mean think about it i mean shout out to my boy traverse media traversing media has a million subscribers right a million subscribers how many of those million subscribers do you think have a job how many of them right now the reason why i say this is because i use traversing media as a way of measurement of how many people are actually on youtube trying to learn how to code okay now when i go into this and i'm like okay how many people are on traversing media which is a representation of the whole landscape of development and you start thinking about how many people actually work as developers right and if people come in and only follow certain ways and certain things you start noticing you're like yo wait there's so many people doing other things and learning the latest things and the latest trends and doing all this [ __ ] they know how to build every they know how to build the most complicated application in the world but can't build something simple you give them something simple when they can't build it or they go you go in and you give them some legacy coding and they're lost because they never learn the fundamentals they only know how to do things on a certain way and that happens all the time man people are losing their jobs people are getting fired people are getting let go because they're they're not learning the fundamentals and you know a lot of people here just give them whatever's trending that [ __ ] is is detrimental to people man like it's really like messing them up okay that's just how the bayless code just said it phpa is out and we still using php5 at the company yeah that's how it is okay that's just how it is man um let me go in so yeah man like i was saying you know last few videos that i dropped them just should have like we got what we got like 70 something thousand subscribers on youtube right click through rate is horrible right meaning people are coming in they're seeing the video and they're like wait marketplace versus your own website ultimate passive income guide i don't want to learn this [ __ ] i want to [ __ ] get a job at google thinking that they're going to be able to get to that [ __ ] like not being realistic that there's enough people that's also trying to do that and then not only that that they don't they don't even have the the foundation to get those type of jobs and it's like are you just gonna wait until that dream job comes to you or do you want to get it yourself now to me i don't care i'm still gonna create my content because it's like i could go in and you know it's like being in front of a a building that's burning this uh this uh i don't know 2000 people in that building and i'm screaming out from outside yo the building is burning the building is burning if i could get at least out of those 2000 people in there if i could get 20 people or 10 people on the building i got to save their lives cool i'm happy with that right i'm still going to do what i got to do but if you're in there in that building and that [ __ ] is burning and you're just like nah this [ __ ] is good this is a freaking three-story building this shit's not going down all right cool stay in there i could only try to save you or help you out you know what i'm saying i'm giving you guys this alternative ways so you could succeed no matter what the majority of people are gonna come in they're not gonna get those top paying jobs on their first year so if you can have a way to make an extra 30 40 000 you're gonna thank me later okay and those thirty forty thousand dollars that you're making on that first year on the side is gonna double up every single year because you're already on a trajectory of creating content creating uh value for yourself and and being able to make money on the side that within three four years you're not gonna have to stay at that job that you're working at if they didn't give you that that promotion you could easily say you know what man thank you i appreciate it guys you didn't give me that promotion i'm out of here i could walk away oh when somebody comes in and tells you hey man you know what we don't like your code or whatever it could be it could be [ __ ] office politics and you know what you could be in there and say you know what i don't need this job thank you i'm out of here why because you already have money in your pocket you already have a flow you know what i'm saying you ever been in this situation of sometimes you have to take the first job because you don't got no money in your pocket right so i'll give you guys an example this used to always happen to me right when i was applying to jobs um in initially right even like [ __ ] jobs i ain't freaking parking lot attending you know supermarket and type [ __ ] like that warehouses right i will go and take the job i don't care how much they pay me i don't care what type of job it was as long as i could make some money i would just go and take the job and the reason why i was like that is because i didn't have no money in my pocket but the moment that you have money in your pocket and you have that little you know a little pillow where you could just relax and be like no you know what i don't need to take this job if i wait two more weeks more i could get a better job but you need money to survive those extra two weeks now what if you're trying to find that dream job or prepare yourself for that dream job that you want right and you're like man let me prepare myself let me take six months to really like go in hone my skills get my [ __ ] together right how are you going to take six months off once you're working and your life is moving and you got bills and you got mortgages and you got all this [ __ ] how are you gonna be able to take that six months off you're not gonna be able to do it you're not gonna be able to do it the only way that you're able to do it is if you have savings and you have side income on the side okay that's it that's the only way i'm telling you this [ __ ] from experience guys like i'm i don't come in here to talk [ __ ] and just to be like well i'm just gonna talk [ __ ] on the internet and hopefully we'll get some sales and nah stupid like i'm i don't need this [ __ ] i'm doing this because i'm trying to save people time so the [ __ ] that i accomplished in seven years eight years you guys could do it in three years two to three years but the only way that you're going to be able to get to that point is by actually starting now starting now even if you don't have a job you start now you start making side income if you make five hundred dollars right now once our income that 500 in a year from now is going to be two thousand every single month on a consistent basis that two thousand in a year from now is going to be three four thousand five thousand in a consistent basis by the time you're you know your second third year you're in if you have multiple sources of income now you're making 10 20 000 a month how you think i'm here i don't know how like i come here and talk to you guys but i don't think y'all understand like how the [ __ ] do you think i'm here like seriously you thought it was because i just became a developer and i just got hired understand that even if you get paid a hundred thousand dollars this life creeps right you got [ __ ] that you gotta pay more you're going to you know bigger restaurants you're going out and you're doing all this stuff the same 100 000 comes in and goes okay so for you to keep up with that you want to make extra income so you could make moves when opportunities come you know when people say the risks keep getting richer it's not that the rich keep getting richer is that the rich got the money to take those opportunities when they come to them it's like right now you see what happened in tesla you know there's a lot of people that be like man the tesla stocks blew up in 2020 right all of you guys could have gotten if you had a hundred thousand dollars extra that you could have just put in a hundred thousand right would have caught it when it was like three hundred dollars four hundred dollars tesla stocks went to like two thousand dollars and then they split it up into multiple pieces and then that's just still going to a thousand dollars so when you think about it it's like a three thousand dollar stock four thousand dollar stock so with three hundred dollars you put in oh no man if you go in you put in like a hundred thousand you're a millionaire instantly right but what happened why you couldn't take those opportunities because you didn't have the money on you that's it you probably knew about it but you didn't have the cash on you right it's the same thing it's like right now you might have an opportunity it must come your way but why you can't take it you don't have to cash on you it's not because you're not smart or because uh you know [ __ ] is like damn you're you're not supposed to get it or whatever it might be no it's because you didn't have the resources at that moment when the opportunity came to you right if i were to just continue being just a regular developer and working on this this pathway of just learning and learning and learning and learning and to become senior developer and from senior developer to become you know architect and then from there freaking architecture's designs and then from there go in did my 10 years for 12 years then from there become cto at a company if i were to continue doing that same [ __ ] i wouldn't be where i'm at right now chilling i work whenever i want to work i make as much money as any of these guys that are working on huge companies right like i wouldn't be where i'm at i would have still been on the ground right now probably earning like 140 150 000 a year right maintaining myself and yeah it's a good salary but you're not balling you're not bowling you're not moving around like that you're not saying you're just a regular dude with a good job if that's what you want to do you could be a regular dude with a good job that's it with a little benefits and you got your little social security that comes in at a 65 year old nah i'm trying to retire by 40. why you think i'm grinding as hard as i'm going to right i don't want to be out here working at 55 i don't want to be working here until 64 or 65 years old now i'm trying to retire at 40 years old i'm going to be a bum ass dude at home i'm going to be a bum ass dude by the beach just chilling relaxing that's why i'm working hard strategically right playing chess not checkers okay to get to that goal and there's a lot of people that have gotten to that goal earlier right i came in and got all of this knowledge really you know in the last few years all of the things that i've been doing all the things that i'm telling you guys about like if i would have known that at 20 years old i would have retired by 30. now i gotta retire by 40. right but again you don't get to do this type of things if you don't set yourself in that path okay that's why i'm trying to like preach to you guys like yo how important it is for you guys to make side income man this idea that you're just gonna be you're gonna be one of the lucky ones when was the last time that you was lucky this is the question like sometimes you know sometimes you got to be realistic this is like the moment when you gotta just have like a real talk you gotta have like a real talk with people when was that time that you walking down the street you found a thousand dollars when was the last time that you played the lotto and you want fifty thousand dollars when was the last time that the baddest chick just gave it to you on the first night like when was the last time i'm just throwing you [ __ ] that is just real right when was the last time okay when was the last time that your wifey came through and told you hey man see that girl she look good let's do a menage you're not part of the lucky crew right you're not part of the lucky crew right you're not part of that right but do you wait on until one day i'll be lucky nah bro you make your own destiny you make your own [ __ ] happen bro like you don't wait for destiny to come in and sprinkle the the web developer fairy comes in like now i'm lucky now i got that hundred thousand dollar job now i got that i'm working that thing i'm doing all this [ __ ] it's like nah bro you can [ __ ] make that type of money on your own you know and that's why i like this kid joe webb definitely go check him out i like him because he kind of realizes like yo you know what i might not be the best developer i might not have all of the skills i might not have even gotten trained properly from this boot camp but you know what i'm grinding and i'm making money i'm grinding and i'm using the skills that i do know and make money from that you know which is like one of the things that you guys should really think about there's a lot of you guys that know html css javascript just enough to make enough money for yourself you're not the guy that's going to write a library you're not the guy that's writing the documentation on on node.js you're not the guy that's freaking uh you know creating the the the cure from cancer cure for cancer or using machine learning and this this and that you're not that guy but you know what with what you already know you can make money and you can make a good living right but you have to do it strategically you got to be smart a lot of the times when you go to work for companies you'll realize one thing the guys at the top are not the smartest guys that's the number one thing that you got to always remember when you go to any company go in and talk to the guys that you you might say you know that's the ceo if you could bump into him in an elevator or talk to him or on a lunch or talk to him somewhere etc right you'll notice one thing they're not the smartest person in the company the smartest person works for him okay the smartest person in the company works for him is not the other way around so don't let limitations or or things that you might know and things that you might not know or things that you might say i gotta wait until i get my dream job but i gotta get this nah bro you can make it happen on your own and that's what i'm trying to provide for you guys and show you guys by example right so right now um basically i have i don't know if you guys heard of child codes he's a developer here on youtube right he's applying to jobs he got the skills he's pretty good he's a good kid right um and i told him like yo you know what i want to help you out because i understand how it is sometimes you might have the skills but you might not get the opportunity to get higher because nobody hired you so i said you know what you're going to work with me at 87 lux so child codes right now is working with me on creating themes and and um he got his first theme that he got a built uh this week right just to show him you know show him how it is and i'm gonna show him how we make this theme for it go saying he builds the static site html css javascript then from there i come in and i start building you know the other parts of it which is going to be for uh shopify the the theme rank so using liquid liquid web and then from there we're also jumping into building it with woocommerce and then we're also going to jump into building it with magento the same thing right so from one theme we're going to make four different products we got the static website right html css that gets sold we got um the shopify theme the woocommerce theme and also we have the magento team right so from one design we make four products right and i'm gonna show him how this whole thing works so he can understand like how to get into the game and and at the same time there's to be a pain gig right to help him out because i feel like he's a good kid he's he got a lot of potential and you know he's been applying to a lot of like this [ __ ] technical companies and this stuff and that and like they keep passing on him because he probably doesn't have the experience and you know what i said you know what i'm gonna give him the first experience i'm gonna give him his first job with us okay um but you guys are gonna see how this [ __ ] works you know so definitely check him out too child coach uh he's gonna i think he already started on on twitch he's actually you know live streaming uh the project in there so it's gonna be cool if you guys want to check it out um but yeah man like what i'm trying to tell you guys is like don't slack man don't slack don't come in thinking like you're just gonna go in and you're gonna get all this this lucky opportunities that's gonna come to you it's like nah bro you just gotta work hard right which is like one of the most [ __ ] thing that somebody can tell you just work hard which is true but it's also [ __ ] when somebody tells you just work hard you got to give them something else work hard and then at the same time you got to go in and and think about how you can make income for yourself regardless like yeah maybe a company might give you a job and that'll be cool right but if they don't give you a job what do you do do you sit down right here excuse me guys um yeah freaking i watched my face just woke up i was late last night working okay i work from my hours is from eight o'clock at night to four in the morning right now uh that's when i could have some peace and quiet i could work at my house um but like i said you know i mean like you got to go in and um you know work hard but you got to do it strategically like you got to make your own bread if you're waiting for that dream job to come in and give you the opportunity who cares about that dream job make it happen for you i'm i'm giving you guys all the resources man i'm giving you guys all the resources even right now like you know in the last few videos i put the link there it's a hundred dollars for um you know basically the entrepreneur developer where we're teaching you everything from going in choosing a product choosing what to build right talking about software as a service talking about applications right we're basically teaching you all of that and how to set up your business right and for those of you guys that might think like joe but if i'm not making no money how why how should i set up my business okay it's like the number one thing is that almost everything that you do is tax write-off okay so even though you're not making any income from it right initially there's a lot of stuff that your guys are buying computers right you're paying for internet you're paying for um you know transportation to go to a job interview or go to meet up with a client whatever it might be there's a lot of [ __ ] that you spend money on right a course on all this [ __ ] is taxable you could go in and be like hey give me that deduction right so why should you set up a business because of that right because you can now at least deduct a lot of things you're no longer in the world of like the regular civilian right when you're a regular civilian right let's say for example i'ma give you a good example right let's say you you earned a hundred dollars right we're just gonna keep it a hundred dollars so you could really have an understanding right you earned a hundred dollars and you have a hundred dollars in your pocket right now when you get taxed you get taxed on that whole hundred dollars when you're a regular civilian if you're working for somebody they're taxing you on that whole 100 okay now you made that 100 but then you bought a cell phone now you spent let's say we just this is fictitious numbers think of it as a thousand or it could be ten thousand but i'm just keeping a hundred so let's say you bought a cell phone the cell phone cost twenty dollars right now you got eighty dollars in your pocket you went out to eat it cost you six dollars okay so then now you have what you have like 84 left then you went out and you bought yourself a couple of sodas that's another four dollars so now you have eighty dollars right or no seventy dollars right uh so then from there you go in and you say you know what i want to go and drive to meet up with this this client right it's 20 of gas okay so now you're you're left with 50 dollars okay then from there you got to pay for your i don't know your electric bill and your internet bill right both of them are ten dollars and the other one is another ten dollars too right both of them are ten so now from that hundred dollars you're left with thirty dollars in your pocket okay when you don't have a business set up you're getting taxed on that whole hundred dollars as if everything that you did to try to make another hundred dollars right everything that you did for for getting that next 100 dollars because you went to the client you pay for your cell phone you pay for your internet you pay for all those things all the services and you pay for your food to go to the client and you got to eat all this [ __ ] right as if that whole hundred dollars was profit it wasn't profit because you was doing all of this extra things right to be able to make another hundred dollars so you don't get taxed on the whole thing you only get taxed on the thirty dollars instead of you paying thirty dollars in taxes right now you're paying maybe four or five dollars understand that right so the money that you're you're spending to grow your business and the the things that you're you're doing like right now you're you might sign up to right and you might say oh what am i doing here i'm paying for this right cool but do you know that's a freaking tax deduction right there that's that's education you're actually growing your business by actually training yourself it's online training all of this is tax deductible right i spend a lot of money in education right to pay for courses right i got to pay for courses to see what my competitors are doing i got to pay for courses when i want to learn about business what i want to learn about how to grow my business with facebook ads and google ads when i want to go in and grow a business from half a million to a million and plus right i have to spend money on that but you know what that doesn't hurt my pocket because technically i'm using that money to grow my business right now if it was like for my cash that i get to keep i'll be like damn bro i can't be spending this type of money like last year alone i spent about like fourteen thousand dollars in education just from taking courses and from [ __ ] uh you know going in and paying for masterminds and [ __ ] like that fourteen thousand dollars i don't know about you that's a lot of money to just pay like you know somebody comes in but well i just paid two hundred dollars at i pay 14 000 to to be able to do what i do okay so that's a lot of money bro for me i don't care that's just still a lot of money fourteen thousand but you know what instead of me let's say if i made a hundred thousand dollars in june and let's say i spent a fourteen thousand dollars for education and education materials right and then i went in i bought the brand new macbook pro and then from there i bought a brand new macbook pro for one of my subscribers here on and then from there i bought new cameras and i bought new new lenses and this this and that then now i'm down to fifty thousand dollars that i made right i'm not paying taxes on a hundred thousand dollars i'm paying taxes on fifty thousand dollars so you get what i'm saying you get to keep more of your money so things like that just of that alone like building your own business and starting it up puts you in a different ball game because you're no longer a civilian you're no longer spending money like you know it's like you you're paying twice you're gonna say you're paying for the things that you have to grow your business or grow your your yourself right investing in yourself and then from there they taxing you on on those things even though you didn't get to keep it it's not like you got to keep it's not like you went and you went to uh to the beach or something or you went to stay in a five-star hotel and and you know what i mean like you didn't get to ball out you just invested into your own business and to yourself to continue to grow so that's just that all along like it's like little things that i wish somebody would have told me because if not bro i should have set up my llc a long time ago like i set it up my first llc i set it up in what was it like 2015 2015 like five years ago if i would have known all this [ __ ] i would have set it up in 2011 when i first started learning how to code because even at that i was selling products on ebay and i was selling things on amazon and when i look back on it i'm like yo i paid mad taxes there was a point where i paid in like in in 2012 i paid about like 30 000 in taxes and now knowing what i know i could have probably just paid four thousand dollars like it's just little [ __ ] that nobody tells you and like you know i'm saying like if if i would have known land it would have been a different thing and that money i could use it to invest in on my business or use it to to invest on other things to grow uh so anyways man reading reading through here oscar reyes what up uh let me see digital shaolin says i took a jose vice and learned wordpress and got a job within a month yeah i mean that [ __ ] happens all the time bro like people come in if if they listen to what i'm telling you i'm giving you guys practical advice like this is like a friend telling you guys yo this is what you guys got to do you do understand that like a lot of times like you know some somebody might come in here and be like well joe got he has to give us advice that's going to be able to sell his courses and it's like nah was created because people wanted me to create it i was giving this advice before it you could go back into time 2017 videos the same [ __ ] that i'm telling you right now i've been saying it for a long time okay um then at the same time it's like yo yeah we have it's just a business just like anything if you create a service that i need and provide value to me i'm going to go in and i'm going to use it i'm going to pay for it right if it provides value to me if it doesn't provide value it's not for you you know what i'm saying so at the end of the day that's why i always tell people that you know if the [ __ ] is not for you [ __ ] if you happy with where you at you happy with not getting a job you happy with uh you know being the smartest guy in the room without getting paid coho you could be that guy right you could be the guy that knows every framework any every library every single thing that just came out you could be that guy right but you're still gonna be broke in your house you still can't find a job you'll come back to me when when you really want to get a job and you really want to get paid as a developer okay let me see andrew garcia if you got the program saying will you learn any language framework yeah uh well that's another reason why i work at startup now we decided to use latest tech amir as me says um yeah and look more power to you a mere you know and then that's cool if you got a job at a startup amen congratulations man but what i always tell people is you're the exception not the norm okay so that's where it really comes down right and also two how long did it take you to get that startup job right those are things that people don't talk about people come in and say i want to learn how to code i want to get a job i want to get this isn't that but they don't even realize that a lot of the people that get in the quote-unquote dream jobs that they really want and they're not really dream jobs it's just jobs that they specifically want like i mean or might say i just specifically want to work on the latest things but then the same thing is going to happen because a year from now you're not going to be learning or you're not going to be working on the latest thing you're gonna be working on the things that happen in 2020 same [ __ ] that's gonna happen again and again and again you go in and you work out on the same tech startup two three years from now you're gonna be using the same technologies from 2020 okay sometimes people come in and they don't understand that they don't understand that this is how this industry works once you go in and you though you do the initial investment to pay for developers to build your whole company or a whole project a whole application it doesn't pay off to keep updating the application every single freaking month that a new version comes out it doesn't work out like that and that's why i tell people if you're only looking for i want to work where i could only work on the latest trends and this isn't that you're stupid because you still don't understand how the game works because even if you choose the same company from today you say well today they're using react 17 at this company and they're using graphql they're using apollo and they're using this this and that i guarantee you in three years from now graphql apollo and all this other [ __ ] that that you think that's cool right now it's not going to be cool no more but you're still working at the same company and you're still working on older technology it's the same cycle over and over and over again so that's where people mess up at people think like oh i need to only do this and and like i want to learn or work on the latest things it's like bro this [ __ ] is a [ __ ] infinite loop which you're you're thinking about this thing the wrong way you're you've got to be thinking about this as a career it's like a guy that shows up it's like yo i'm a truck driver right think of yourself like a truck driver the truck driver shows up to to a company they give him a truck the truck is a 2020 truck it works great right and he's excited it's a 2020 truck but now he's in that company for five years is he still driving the 2025 truck no he's not he's driving the 2020 [ __ ] truck like you get what i'm saying like that's just how it is okay the business owner is not gonna be like yo well we gotta get the truck drivers the latest [ __ ] truck just because nah this is an investment we're already investing in those trucks that's what you're driving that's it i don't care if the new trucks got the the [ __ ] the the laser vr headset now you got to drive it with your hands now that's it until that truck runs down and that's what happens with the same industry you come in and you think oh i only want to work on on the latest technologies like bro it doesn't matter what you're into in two or three years it's still gonna be the same [ __ ] it's that [ __ ] is outdated to the internet of course let me get my my charge in my phone about to die look at this fat baby [Music] so yeah man like i was saying guys you know it's just i feel people gotta understand how how life works in general you know because that's what people are missing people are missing practical advice like real advice like not superficial not online [ __ ] online trendy [ __ ] it's like real advice either when you close that door there's that door right there so kids are not so loud so yeah man um let me see i know uh really really this is a serious pep talk joe i needed yeah game stopped by like 348 today and last week it was 38 i don't know what's going on with gamestop i don't even want to look at it because that's just [ __ ] like i mean how can gamestop be going up like like who's going to gamestop like you're going to say like i'm i haven't been to gamestop but man alone bro maybe to buy one controller that's it but everything else i just go online and download the game so that's that seems like a bubble let me don't see i'm just reading reading through this georgie simulus says will you have a wix course yes um that's something that we're working so uh you know i'll give you guys a little bit so wix reached out to me to basically do a sponsorship and also to sponsor um one of my courses so they see what i i've been doing for for shopify a lot of people you know i brought a lot of interest to shopify and because i'm sharing like you know what i mean like people think like you you might see like joe's just at home she's a regular dude i am just what i'm gonna do but i make waves like when i talk about some [ __ ] here people throughout the industry they pay attention so a lot of people started to really pay attention to shopify and then now the people at wix are reaching out for like you know so i could go in and and do some sponsorships for them and and talk about their platform and their marketplace now i would like to get paid ahead right so right now this is just me being honest with you guys i'm trying to see how i could get paid for me creating their course and then i could provide it for free for you guys you know what i'm saying so that's where i'm i'm at with wix but i'm still going to do weeks because a lot of the the themes and things that i'm working on i mean not really themes but the shopify apps i'm trying to convert them to work with um with wakes and other uh like salesforce marketplace and things like that so at the same time it's like i'm trying to get it back you know what i'm saying i'm trying to do some business moves kids you know i mean like it would be cool if i could go in and drop it out for free and they pay for it you know what i mean because at the end of the day it's like it's going to bring a lot of developers to their platform and wix is actually pretty good because there's not that much competition like in shopify shopify is a well-known e-commerce uh website and wix is a well-known uh basically website builder okay now they're trying to jump into the the marketplace of like creating apps and things like that but there's not that many good people in there you get on saying so by me creating a free course it will go in and bring in all of those good developers like you guys to go and start making apps with them so i mean it's just business you know what i'm saying like if everything goes good i'm just gonna drop it for free and it's gonna be sponsored by wix um [ __ ] doesn't go good then it's gonna be for the yearly yearly members lifetime members and you know what i mean because it takes time to build an application and then from there to show it you know working with with a marketplace et cetera like oh that should take time that could be like two three months of work uh bill master says i see why so many of you guys come over here bill what up bill uh let me see uh bread tripping says but you paying child for this and not for free that's the difference i can help them out right and uh and yeah and that's how what we're doing you know i mean because also too this project that he's working on is a project that i'm keeping for my company like it's a pro it's a real project it's a real theme that i'm gonna sell um most of the things that i say for the internships and in the interns all that [ __ ] is i'm releasing it for free like whatever interns is working on i'm not making a dime from it okay so and and that's the point and even though i could make some money because i'm i am spending time and creating this this structure for the internships and and all this stuff and i'm giving the interns the projects and the type of things that they got to build on it like it's all of my ideas right they're just building it and they're getting experience if i wanted to i could sell it i could sell those themes right but i'm not i'm just going to sell i'll put it for free now the thing that that child co is working on is something that i'm going to make money from so i'm paying him right as i told him just say the same thing as everybody else hey i'll pay you a set fee we could you know uh we could discuss that later on right or i could give you a percentage of the theme that we create now of course the theme is going to be into multiple themes you're going to understand like that first static website that he's building is the same static website that we're going to use for woocommerce shopify magento right and we're also selling the html css now of course you know he you know he chose to get the first payment is you know he wants to do it like that and that's fine that's like me paying for a contractor you know what i'm saying i get to keep the bag you're going to say like it's like now i don't got to give a percentage but i always give people the options i tell that even to the designers i'm like yo do you want a person you want to get paid for this or you want to get a percentage of this right and this is the best way to do it with anybody right it's the same this is the same concept of like music producers or or or anything it's like yo if you work with somebody and this is something that's going to make money in the long term you should the right thing to do is to give them the option and say do you want money right now or do you want to get a percentage now most people i mean i told this to cam the other day i'm still waiting for cam perry to hit me up and shout out to my boy cam but you know everybody's in different situations and this is why i tell you guys so important to make side income right and to make money right like me i could take a hit i could go in and say if somebody comes in and tells me joe i have a great idea i have something that i'm gonna put money behind it and i'm gonna sell it and they tell me joe what you want money right now we'll give you a thousand dollars two thousand dollars right now or do you want to get um you know money from the percentage of of the sales of this product you know what i'm going to say give me the percentage i want to get that money forever as long as that product is being sold i own that part of it right basically because you're getting a percentage of it not everybody's gonna take that option because they might not be in the same situation as me where i have that freedom where i can say you know what i don't need the money right now i'd rather get paid you know if i go in and somebody tells me hey i'll pay you two thousand dollars for a website you want two thousand dollars now or do you rather get paid two hundred fifty dollars every month what you think i'm gonna say i'd rather get paid 250 dollars a month you know what i'm saying because two thousand dollars in a year i've already got my two thousand dollars right but in two three years that's all profit the second year the third year the fourth year the fifth year but most people don't get that you know it's the same thing with uh i tell like you know like other youtubers and stuff like this has nothing to do with chat codes and this other conversation i'm talking about um but i'll tell other youtubers like yeah you should be a affiliate to a lot of people like well you know we should get a sponsorship you know i'd rather get the money up front and this this and that and i'm like i don't think i understand like most of these people understand like is solid and it's gonna be solid for a very long time because this [ __ ] gets results and this [ __ ] is straight word of mouth we got over 70 000 members at and people are getting [ __ ] results and people are getting they're bagging people coming in and sharing their stories you know saying like this is not some [ __ ] this is not you know like a [ __ ] service like you know what i mean like a hosting girl hosting your hosting like this is like real legit company right but they're like no i'd rather get a sponsorship which is like 500 and i'm like you know what i'd rather not even do it with you because if i pay you 500 it's like like you don't you don't understand what you're actually giving up because at but let's say for example somebody's an affiliate right if you're a youtuber and somebody signs up through your link you get paid every single month that that person is a member of every year that that person is a member of you're also getting paid so you might go in and say well i want to get paid 500 for my post but little do you know that out of you know the 10 000 20 000 people that might watch your videos you might get 500 people now 500 people times 10 how much is that somebody do the math for me right 500 times 10 if if i'm not mistaken that's like what that's like 50 5 000 right that's like 5 000 so you rather take 500 then instead taking freaking 50 uh taking five thousand dollars and that's where it's like to me i'm like there's a big difference there's a big disconnect right it's a big disconnect between how i think and how most people think and it's because like i said since i have that freedom i could take that money in the long term i'd rather take you in the long term because i get paid every single time so you might go in and get 500 people on that first year that's 5 000 in your pocket but because you're creating content every single day or youtube videos or or blogs or whatever it might be that video is still gonna be there a year from now two years three years four years so even three four years from now you're still getting paid from that first time that you shared a link from you know what i'm saying like but again you know it's it's business moves you're saying that's where i'm at man it's not uh i'm like talking down anybody anything it's just people don't understand the power of of of long-term income man it's like royalties if somebody comes in and tells you hey man i want you to be uh you hear this [ __ ] all the time right you see guys who are rappers and singers and things like that they go to a record label and they give them a million dollars right they go and sell 10 million 15 million 20 million 30 million dollars of of music but they sold their rights to their music for one million dollars you wanted to get paid up front you didn't see your own vision you didn't even see the vision of what the company could do for you so you lose the the money long term so i give that option to all of anybody who's working me employees i give it to you know the designer developer right anybody that's working with me i give them the option because i'm not a grimy dude like i know what i'm about to do with this you know what i'm saying like i know what i'm gonna do with these themes in this applications that i'm working on right so when people i don't like it when people are bitter you know what i'm saying because people could get better in the long term when they be like joe but you just made 150 000 from one theme that i worked on in in july of 2020 like i only made 500 well that's what you wanted to make i asked you you know what i'm saying like i'd rather say hey i got 10 percent of that 150 000 that's 15 000 you made but you decided because you was desperate at the moment or maybe you didn't see the vision in the long term or you didn't understand how the business works you only chose to take five hundred dollars you're gonna be saying so and in reality it's like once i come in and i pay you that's my investment i invested in you to do the work it's the same thing that happens for any company when you go into a company and you work and you create a new idea or create something that's revolutionary whatever something that's gonna change the world they were paying you for your time they had you on a salary you can't say well this is my idea i should i should get paid you know you guys made a billion dollars no you don't make a billion dollars you make you a hundred thousand dollars that you got paid that's it you're not a founder you're not an owner you don't get a percentage of the company you got paid for your services you can't cry it out this is [ __ ] that i learned over time you know so i that's why i try to give everybody that i work with a percentage so you know but now everybody sees the seize division man now everybody knows but i know because i've been doing this [ __ ] for so long man i know how this [ __ ] works like right now this whole year my goal is to make a hundred thousand dollars for my uh you know my company 87 lux right a hundred thousand dollars and i think it's doable right but even if i don't make it right even if i only make 60 that's still a win because that same 60 next year we're gonna make 60 plus whatever new work we do on the company right so that's gonna double up right three years from now that company might be another half a million dollar company for me you know what i'm saying so it's just that's how [ __ ] works man you invest in yourself and and you gotta think long term you can't think short term okay that's why it's so important to for you guys to do like side income and get into things like this because it gives you a freedom like if somebody comes up to you right now and tells you hey man i'm going to give you 10 of a product that we're going to build together right most people if they don't have no money in their pocket what they're going to say well you know i got to pay my cell phone bill i got to pay this doesn't that give me 2 000. right but what happens now now you didn't have no money in your pocket so now you're not a founder you're not uh anything you are somebody who got paid for it uh your skills you're a contractor you're doing a gig you're doing whatever so that's something that you guys got to keep in mind that's why it's so important to always have money on you so you could take those opportunities because you don't know where the opportunity might go you know if a guy tells you hey i'm going to pay for the advertisement i'm going to promote the [ __ ] out of this i'm going to create the service i'm going to create this this and that and you're part of that and you didn't take no money you're part owner of that because you didn't get paid for it right you already told that talked out to basically get a percentage of that so when that makes 10 million dollars and you got to get paid 10 how much is that that's a million dollars that you got to get paid now the average person that didn't have no savings and didn't know how to move around and make no business move he just got paid thousand dollars and now he's punching the air thinking like damn man that's [ __ ] up those people are grinding they only gave me two thousand dollars nah that's what you wanted to take they offered you ten percent you just you was in a shitty situation where you had to take the 2000 okay yeah man let me see is shopify still a good skill to learn to get a job yeah definitely for sure i mean look it up look in your area shout out to sanji uh cynthia what up cynthia i love cynthia i've been waiting for cynthia i don't know why cynthia don't hit me up cynthia cynthia fry man i don't know cynthia's bougie now cynthia working with some big people now and cynthia i'll be hitting her up on instagram like yo call me here's my number call me and cynthia you know cynthia got got enough clients this is like when you know when somebody good like when they got enough clients and they're like yo joe i'm not even answering your calls like i [ __ ] with you but i got other [ __ ] that i'm doing right now shout out to cynthia sandoval i'm waiting on her man i gave her my number and everything like yo hit me up help me out with some stuff that i need for uh marketing because i can't do everything right i can't do everything right but of course don't hit me with no no [ __ ] astronomical numbers you know what i mean don't hit me over the head you know i'm a small business owner you know what i mean so let's keep it at that you know don't don't hit me with the [ __ ] uh fortune 500 numbers we're like well joe well you know there's a retainer fee of three thousand dollars and then i'll manage your account for uh two thousand a month it's like no give me the playboy prices you know what i mean i'm trying to make a profit ma you know give me some playbook prices and let's work it out i know what you do man i know you're nice with the marketing i need somebody like you come on hit me up i'll be here cynthia on instagram i said we were supposed to do a meeting me and cynthia i missed the meeting because i i couldn't do it i had something with my my son i think it was like um when jason needed to get like some shots so i couldn't do the meeting and since then i never heard from cynthia again cindy's like yo you missed the meeting that's it i ain't [ __ ] with you i need you cynthia howl at me man [Laughter] yo for real man uh anonymous people is joe webb the guy with 613 subs yeah man you gotta you gotta check him out man online what up man uh let me see it mine over matt says they are used to dealing with crooks so don't know how to approach a good deal yeah that [ __ ] happens too how can i become an affiliate i'm gonna set you up email me kevin yeah man shopify is following joe yeah ain't that some [ __ ] though like yo when you got big companies following you like yo i got i got a lot of big companies that follow me like just off the wreck and i'm just a regular dude you know what i mean i'm just moving out here look bro just give me some time man like the [ __ ] that i'm talking about here i come here like yeah i do coding phase yeah i do the youtube channel yeah you know what i mean like yeah seeing the growth but this is nothing compared to what i'm about to do next bro this is nothing this is just the beginning right this is what i needed i needed this type of money just to play around and be able to take a large investments into bigger things like as you guys can see like now i'm hiring other developers to do the work that i was gonna do to basically same thing with designers like there's a lot of [ __ ] that i could have just designed myself people acting like i didn't go to school for a communication design like that's what i know you know it's funny uh alum and i even say this story but yeah so [ __ ] um but i'm i'm doing moves man little by little it takes time when you come from the bottom as you guys can see i don't get no support from nobody like i don't get no there's there's no big youtuber they're like yo let's give support to coding face let's go in this isn't that nah bro i get my [ __ ] off the mud right everything that i i do is off the mud i build it from the ground up so i know what i'm doing right i know that i have to go through the struggles i know i have to invest in myself i know i'm gonna lose money i know that this [ __ ] happens right it happens with everything that i've done right but when the [ __ ] hits it hits big okay that's just how it is right i'm getting into this agency game man which is creating digital products right majority of you know our services that and then from there we're also doing like you know little clients here and there and those clients i'm just giving it out to to the interns like a little [ __ ] like i don't need 500 for that just give it to an intern you know what i'm saying so they could get their hands wet you know what i mean um but at the end of the day where the bag is at is just digital products bro it's digital products man same thing with you know even this this new course this this course entrepreneur developer like this course is going to change the game i mean shopify course is a game changer so many people are coming in every single day that's like the number one course right now on every single day i'm seeing people taking the php courses i'm seeing people taking the co course uh seeing them taking the uh the shopify theme developer course the shopify app developer course a lot of people that sign up to the yearly subscription that's what they're at right um a lot of the people that came in monthly subscribers or subscribers they come in they get the things that they need in the front end then they realize like yo [ __ ] joe's talking about some real stuff after they do their own research because if i tell you here guys there's jobs in shopify there's jobs in and um you know and html emails if you don't do the research you'll be like joe's [ __ ] once you do the research and you see oh there is jobs oh there's jobs over here exactly where i i live at range nearby let me go apply let me learn this thing they get the job that i owe then now they realize that everything that i've been saying is legit so then now they come back in and they start taking the courses which is to make money online right which is like the you know the freaking entrepreneur developer the freaking shopify theme developer shopify app developer right all of those things and then now once a year from now like we just started getting getting into this game like in the sense of like telling people remember when i came in here in 2017 right 2017 people were always telling me joe you don't have no no back end courses you don't have business and that i needed to teach people the front end right 2018 we started giving them a little bit of the backing boom getting them in there but there's a lot of people that has already been hired as developers right then from there 2019 2020 we started talking about what is shopify those people that have been working already in companies now they're realizing like yo wouldn't it be nice if i could just sell a product or you know make some extra income doing some freelancing so make some extra money because they might be making seventy thousand eighty thousand but then now with extra thirty forty thousand that would get them into a hundred thousand dollar game right so same thing is happening now now we're coming in 2021 and it's like okay i'm bringing the community with me right you're gonna say like as people grow because if i teach you all of the [ __ ] that i know on the first year most people are not going to be able to take advantage of that i learned that a long time ago when i created the first php course there were so many people that were like joe i don't even know how to code do you guys remember that who was here from 2017 yeah i remember when i was talking about learning the back end becoming a full stack developer most people didn't even know how to code joe this [ __ ] i don't even know any of this right now everybody's ready the majority of the people at they already know the full stack now i can give them the exact same things that i'm in right now live like creating digital products themes uh static websites assets all of those things the exact same [ __ ] that i'm i'm building and it's making me money right i'm teaching it right back to you guys live and as things come up in my own business that i see their success here i come right back and put it right into those same courses you know what i'm saying so we're doing a lot of [ __ ] that this is like a based channel you know somebody asked me the other day on discord joe like do you enjoy doing the live streams more than doing the videos and it's like yes because this is a community based channel like we go back and forth on things that's happening in different topics it's not just like hey guys here's the top 10 programming languages oh cool i'm going to get a hundred thousand views i don't get nothing from that [ __ ] i'd rather have you guys come in and get results the you know the little amount of people that we're getting here a thousand two thousand people per video right [ __ ] if i could go in and find success for all of you guys i'm good i don't need to have a hundred thousand people and at the same time it's like we have the biggest probably the biggest audience of us developers like literally like look it up like most people have like a whole bunch of developers from india pakistan from africa right like most of my audience is from the us so that's why when i give an advice here and i show you guys things that's really gonna work out for you i'm giving it to you guys because i know my audience i know who i'm talking to and the things that i'm giving you guys is if it's working for me i live in the u.s it's [ __ ] gonna work for you guys okay let me see cody face when you get more interns are you strictly with team a well team a just finished their project their first project i'm trying to figure out if they want to continue or you know they want to continue or they want to go in and um you know get into another team because what i'm gonna do is so team a two people quit right so because they quit what i'm planning on doing is maybe bringing in two other interns and putting them into team a okay i was thinking about doing team b team c but at the same time i'm like i don't know like the people quitting from from the internship left a sour taste in my mouth so i'm like i don't want to go in and be bringing random people like i have to go in and vet them like give them a test so people to see who's going to stick around because i don't want people going start a project and then don't finish it uh let me see beats by vinyls i'm doing the php course payless calls like yup i remember you know laura hayes uh i see do people buy shopify apps or get the free ones yeah people pay for subscriptions it's not subscribing it's a service because really it's like a so far as a service that you're creating right so each application is a service it's just like an electric bill right if you have a uh application on shopify that helps you get more customers right or get you to get more sales from the customers that are already visiting your website right you're willing to pay for it for that service just like an electric bill you need that service to continue to to make business so people are willing to pay ten dollars fifteen dollars a hundred dollars fifty dollars whatever it might be you know i mean so that's just how it is ram says indian audience is the worst type of audience i don't think so i don't think that they're the worst um you know i don't think that that you know they're the worst audience it's just i think um like for me the number one thing is that i feel like i can help more people here by giving advice that i do know like i can't i don't know what's the what's happening in india right i don't know what was popular what can people find jobs from india in the us or how what's the process for a visa i don't know any of those things right um and i also too i don't create tutorials for free on youtube right so when you create tutorials for free on youtube you get a huge influx of um indian developers you know because they they don't have the means to pay for a course or things like that and that's totally understandable they're the ones that they control youtube they're the ones that give those big numbers to a lot of youtubers here and you were like man like how the hell did this guy get a hundred thousand views or this and that and it's like yeah it's like once you get into that indian indian market but to be honest with you like i have a lot of indian fans here but they're not the majority i think it's like they're like a four percent four percent of um indian subscribers like probably my style the way i talk the way how uh uh you know the way how it looked the way how i [ __ ] move around right might not be for the indian audience right they might just be like yo might get scared like yo what the [ __ ] is going on like yo yeah i mean but for here for the u.s audience like they understand what i'm talking about they understand how i move out here they understand how i talk out here right so at the end of the day it's like this my audience you know i mean so uh let me see you know what up ryan park island paris says i think leonard was one of the people who didn't get in but got a dope gig at nasa yeah internship is still gonna be a thing yes alan so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna give like a project like a landing page and then from there what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna say hey you have three days to build this okay so it's not gonna be a difficult landing page but i'm gonna email every single person that has already emailed me and i'm gonna send them an email with this this project and then the first person that can go in or the first few people that can go in and build it by the certain deadline that shows me who really wants it you know what i'm saying so at the end of the day like because the problem is that people get excited right so it's just like the same thing that happened with christine and manolo right people get excited to be part of something everybody wants to be part of something but no one wants to put in the work when they realize how much work it takes to be part of this they realize like wait i gotta do this [ __ ] i'm not even getting paid for this but they don't understand that in the long term the skills that you're gonna have from this is you can't even put a price on it right like the things that i was doing for people in the mentorship program right giving them tasks going in and holding them accountable going in and looking at their projects and helping them out they didn't see the value in that they didn't see that by they doing that it was going to get them on a path to get the job that they really wanted to to get till this day we don't know what happened to christine we don't know what happened to manolo and god blessed them but they came in with the wrong energy of like i'll do this whenever i can and it's like it's not about whenever you can it's like yo you signed up for this you knew what you was getting yourself into same thing with the internship people came in signed up and then quit and it's like yo you wanted to do this i didn't ask you to do this it's the same thing that i you know i was like i'm not telling nobody to go in to uh to become an intern right i don't want you to become my intern that's something that you want to do i don't need no interns to be honest i don't need any interns the people who already have my team like i'm going out of my way to give people an opportunity to look at how working as a group and also too uh working on some real projects right how it feels like right because you've never worked at a company you've never done this with a team you don't know what it is to work with a project management tool you don't know how to do any of these things and i'm giving you that first inside look so you could be prepared for when you go to those job interviews you could have something to really talk about instead of you saying hey well i took this online course and yeah i watched youtube and like now you're gonna go in there hey we built this project it was a team of four there was a designer there was three developers we used git we worked on nextgs we built this this this and that right uh those themes we we also made it into a theme for wordpress we also made it for shopify we also made it for this thing that right you don't say we use this technology we connected to uh the apis of shopify which uses graphql like now you really have a whole range of things that you can really talk about but but if you're like you know i mean like you feel like oh you're thinking about it well i'm not getting paid for this you're stupid this is why you stay at home this is why you stay at home you don't say like that's just how it is there's people that be like oh interns are internships are bad and this isn't that and it's like nah internships are an apprenticeship when you want to become a carpenter nobody goes and hires a carpenter that doesn't know how to do anything they have an apprenticeship that carpenter shows up to that company every single day and they teach them how to build a chair how to build a table they teach him all of these things he's not getting paid for that some people think like because they see oh well google interns get paid that's at google they're choosing the best of the best of the world are you part of that because if you were part of that you will be at google i'm just being realistic right if you were in the ivy league school you don't have to have an opportunity for the apple phase or eddie seven lux you don't need me [ __ ] you go straight to you gonna say like i'm just being real you don't need me right but people might come in and be like well every intern gotta get paid no they don't you know why because look at all the [ __ ] that has happened in just in the internship there's people that showed up and quit there's people that didn't even know how to do the basic stuff and they learned it within this project what you think that companies need to pay you to learn no a company or business owner need to pay you to learn right that's something that you need to come here and provide to to a company now companies like google they have the budget to say you know what these kids already have are you know they're like in the top of the class they're like the best of the best we're willing to invest money for them to stay with us that's why people pay for internships why that that's why they paid those internships a lot of money is because those are the best of the best they they've already proven to be like really good they got you know top grades they're going to ivy league schools you know they know the type of students that's coming out of those schools right but a regular dude like i've seen a video who was it something like from like joshua or something like that where he's like telling people like yo people shouldn't take no internships or something like that and i'm like bro i'm thinking in my head i'm like that's not a good advice and it's not against jobs but i don't think internships are bad at all when you don't know anything like internships are perfect when you don't know anything you're stupid if you are really good if you like job ready you're stupid if you're taking an internship and the reason why i say that is because a internship is not a job an internship is a place where you're going to learn certain things that you didn't know if you're not getting to learn anything and all you're doing is is just being part of it that's not a good internship you're supposed to be working you're asking to be applying for jobs okay and if you're not getting a job right because you have no experience then how do you get experience you're gonna have to invest your time enjoying an internship sometimes people give really bad advice here on youtube because to be honest with you like the problem with internships is when people are exploiting you like look how i'm doing my internships right i'm not using any of the work that interns are bringing in number one the quality of code is okay they're not bad but i don't know these dudes right i don't know you know i don't have time to go through every single line of coding and and to maintain it and then from there me to sell it to a customer so a year from now i could go into the code and be like damn this [ __ ] look like [ __ ] now i sold it to people i got to maintain it i don't want to do that so i'm actually just giving projects to interns that i'm not going to use in production right i'm not going to be using in in you know in in my sales and in my products it's just literally um like stuff to for people to practice and to give them an inside look of how it feels to work in an agency right now in india i see that a lot of people they they abuse it they'd be like oh i'm gonna have interns work here for free and do my work that's not how you do it that's wrong but the truth is that if if you have no experience you have nothing no stamp on your on your resume you're you're getting something out of an internship man internships are important but the problem is that everybody's so entitled that they want to get paid they think like they're every company is at google's level they think everybody's at google's level and they need to pay me because i'm bringing value to this company and i need to get paid it's like nah you're not bringing value if we gotta train you you ain't bring [ __ ] you did not bring [ __ ] i saw somebody left a comment on one of those videos and it was like oh if if they gave us the if they hired us it's because they saw value in us and this isn't that and it's like nah maybe they were just giving you an opportunity maybe they were just giving you an opportunity some people are so entitled that they think that because someone gave you an opportunity and you didn't know anything right there's people that don't know how to code and they get higher at companies because people give them an opportunity that doesn't mean that they [ __ ] need to get paid top dollar for doing an internship when they don't know anything you you're gonna say like you don't know anything how the [ __ ] you're gonna get paid the the p the company's spending more time on looking over your work then you actually providing value that's why a lot of companies don't even do internships because it costs more money to have like a senior developer or have a mid-level developer to go over whatever the the the junior developers is doing or the interns is doing you know yeah man but let me see yeah wipe some wax off let me see i'm on the live right now i will have to figure it out sometimes you have to take what you got and you can get yeah mine over madison i only see this entitlement attitude in the software development arena nowhere else do people behave like this yeah that's like bro that was like um like a previous company i work for one of the reasons that i was so pissed off at that company was there was a dude that was a designer right there was a dude that was a designer he comes to the job interview he tells us oh he knows angular and i'm like okay we know we use react here uh can you learn react he said yeah you know it shouldn't be that different javascript or that then we tell him okay we're using php larabee so this is what we really need from you and you know he goes like yeah man you know if you give me the opportunity you give me this chance to get into this job you know i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go to lara cass and i'm gonna learn laravel i'm gonna go through youtube and and learn the basics of laravel that i was like on a tuesday okay that was like on a tuesday and we said you know what this guy was like an older guy he seemed like a responsible individual right and he was like he's gonna learn it we hire him specifically because he said that he's had experience with php he's had experience with angular right and he's gonna learn laravel and he's also going to look over react throughout the whole week so when he comes in on monday he's gonna have enough knowledge to be um productive to be productive right this individual shows up on monday the next monday after i hire because i'm the one that vouched for him shows up and then i'm telling him all right so uh spin up a server set up we're using php uh map uh to set everything up da da da i gave him a quick documentation on how to do things then from there i leave him alone i'm working because i got [ __ ] to do i don't have time to be looking over people's work i come back at 12 o'clock and i'm like cool so that you set up the first um the repo and then you i store everything and he goes like no well you know right now i'm learning laravel and i looked around and i said what you mean you learned lara well right now i'm using on you know watching the lara cavs and watching on youtube how to use lyra and i told him but didn't isn't that what you were supposed to do throughout this week because we hired you because you said you was gonna learn the basics of this he's like well you know some things came up and this this and that and then that [ __ ] had me so pissed off because we hired a guy to be a php laravel developer or even to just help us out with certain things like i didn't need him to be an expert like i was going to do all the difficult things but i needed him to be able to take static pages build them and at least use laravel blade to put in the data inside of this uh this pages he got hired to be a help he didn't get hired to get trained on laravel and [ __ ] spent a month and a half this [ __ ] dude spent about almost two months of just learning larabelle it doesn't take too [ __ ] months to learn this [ __ ] getting paid top dollar now i was pissed off and i'm still pissed off because at the moment i had a lot of stress and i needed an extra hand that's what you got [ __ ] hired for right and this type of [ __ ] individual i hate this type of people with a passion i hate them because this you're a [ __ ] leech this [ __ ] type of people who come into companies and lie on their resume they [ __ ] their way into a job not knowing that you're holding the whole [ __ ] team down that's like a guy who goes into the nba and says i could shoot threes and then they put him in a position to shoot a three and he never shoots the [ __ ] three you don't know how to shoot a three he never makes it now the guys that were depending on that three point they losing the game because of him i hate people like that and i made a video about it on youtube and so many [ __ ] people from reddit they came in they bashed the video like oh it's a video i did like in 2017 talking about it and so many people like oh oh you it's like a company's supposed to train you companies this isn't that a company is supposed to train you if they hire you as a like let's say for example they hire as a front-end developer and they say hey man we would like you to learn more about the back end you could get paid for training but if you go into a job specifically a laravel job or you go to an angular job or react job or whatever it might be and you say i'm gonna learn the basics before i get to the job right because we don't need you to be an expert you can learn things as you go right but if you don't know the basics why the [ __ ] do you lie on the interview you get what i'm saying you let the whole team down it's the same [ __ ] with with the mentorship program and the internship program like there's people when they i hate when people do that you can't quit because if you got into this position it's because you wanted to do it same thing as that [ __ ] guy if he said he was going to learn this thing and he got higher because of that everybody else that came into the interview they're like oh i don't know lara i don't know this thing uh and we asked how long do you think that you could you could learn it's like well i don't know the back end another guys i got i don't know how to do backhand i don't know about databases i don't know about this this and that and this [ __ ] old [ __ ] who came in and was like well yeah um you know i know php i know my sequel and i know angular right you know i know the front end so i can go in and you know go over uh laravel and this isn't that and within this week and by monday i'll be ready so i go out of my way because i need help on this little [ __ ] side projects that i need to get done and i go and vouch for this [ __ ] idiot and this idiot shows up and doesn't even [ __ ] know how to how to spin up a a laravel new app like what the [ __ ] was you doing this whole week like you got hired for one specific thing and that's what i'm saying it's the same thing as interns you can't get high you can't get paid if you're not bringing value if you're not doing the work that is required of you if you're showing up of like oh i'm gonna i want to get paid because just to get paid because i'm doing some type of work this is not mcdonald's mcdonald's don't need you to know how to make a burger they'll teach you how to make the burger because they don't give a [ __ ] they're paying you ten dollars eight dollars an hour but when you're paying somebody 40 an hour that's that's money you got to go in there with a expertise like you got to have some skills you can't get paid to [ __ ] show up and be like well i'm going to start doing youtube on on the job not stupid it's a business she thought this [ __ ] was so like but i get pissed off when i think about that because i'm like yo there's people that's like that that's why companies test the [ __ ] out of people you know they test the [ __ ] out of people and they don't like to give opportunities to random people that's why i tell you guys don't think like you're gonna get into the industry just because it's like nah you gotta have if it's a good company and they know what they what they doing they get they're gonna touch the [ __ ] out of you i spent a few thousand last year just on certificates out of pocket nobody gave me any any training oh let me see cartoon says i'm in discrimination i think now man if you got the skills and you could do the work you're going to go in there man boston bob says sounds like bosses i've had off and on at jobs man that's just how it is man it's it's because even when i came into the game i came in with respect i came in when i go to a company i do my job i don't even quit the job until i finish my pro like i'll be honest like i don't stay at companies for math long i get bored but i finish my projects i don't quit a job until i finish my project i don't go into a company tell them i could do this and i can't do this okay cartoons so you know i don't think you will be discriminated yeah man you good uh yeah man laura ace what course are you looking down things guys uh let me see yeah man yeah try our calling face man if you want man you know it is what it is if you wanna wanna go in and learn that you know you learn what you want to learn but i would say go to coding face man is it's not even just that it's my problem my [ __ ] now my my own [ __ ] product and [ __ ] but it's like i built it for people like you right like sometimes people go and create courses and don't take into consideration consideration like who's gonna be their audience like my audience is strictly people who are starting from xero people who don't know how to code right my courses are built for that okay people who want to get real life experience as a developer who's going to be building things that's going to be very similar to what they're going to be doing at the job and that's what i like to do for people so that's why i recommend my own product you know a lot of people create great courses right uh but they take different approaches they take approach of let's create a course that's gonna be popular is gonna be able to sell or hey let's create a course that is gonna teach people as if they were taking a computer science course and then you as a regular dude you might be taking a course and you might just lose interest you're like wait what why are we building this this ugly ass project this project that looked like shane this thing is that that's not good so i try to make it engaging and give you guys like real projects that you're gonna enjoy i mean it's only twenty dollars right uh that's another thing too about this guy joe webb shout out to him that i said in the beginning you know he paid for um a boot camp and paid probably paid like 17 20 000 or more and in reality when you think about it he could have saved himself the headache like he realized that he's into more of like a web design role he likes building web design he liked to freelance right but he went to a boot camp and spent thousands and thousands of dollars to learn how to code and to learn this stuff and and to go through the problems right but when you go to a website at your biggest investment is twenty dollars okay it's twenty dollars you ain't spent twenty thousand dollars you don't sign up a contract you didn't do anything you cancel whenever you want so if you're interested in learning how to code you go in and you test it out and see [ __ ] is this for you is this not for you maybe if joe webb would have came in and did um nine months at and then realized he like about uh he like about websites is the web design part right then right there his biggest investment would have been what a hundred and eighty dollars was it two times uh two times nine yes eighteen hundred eighty dollars right let's see that's the biggest investment that he did right um but then again if he did a like a coupon code from like the description he got 50 off that's like what that's ninety dollars he spent you know what i'm saying like he didn't have to spend twenty thousand dollars to learn what he really wanted to do his biggest investment was just ninety dollars so that's like something that a lot of people don't take into consideration where you know you don't want to go in and spend so much money on something when you might not even know if that's for you or not you know so again you know that's like why i tell people it's like yo try it out if you like it you're getting a benefit continue doing the courses there's a timeline in there and learn everything that you need to learn if it's not for you or you don't like the teaching style or you like i don't know you want to focus on a [ __ ] trendy stack or whatever it might be cool or you just might say i just don't like jump that's it you could leave i'm this is not i don't take it personal this is fine hey you say i don't like it joe cool that's it a lot of people like it but there's also going to be people that don't like it that's completely fine that's why there's a seven day money back guarantee if you go in there and be like oh i don't like this [ __ ] you cancel it then you get your refund and there's even a three-day trial that if you go in there with a three-day trial that's it you try it for free for three days if you liked it you liked if you didn't like it you go to your account settings go and click cancel i don't want to be in this [ __ ] i say it doesn't really make a difference for me i know for sure that we're helping people out and getting a lot of results and as you can see here in the comment section in the live chat like there's a lot of people that can vouch for it if you come in with the right mindset and you understand what you're going to get out of this you're going to have success if you're coming in here i want to go work at google i want to do this and that i'm not teaching you to go work at google i'm teaching you to get a job get a job at any company and get you paid right away that's what i'm here for if you want to go on that journey you got to go on that journey on your own you got to go read a couple of books or how to crack the interview whatever freaking go to the cold wars go through all that [ __ ] that's a journey you gotta go on your own i'm gonna prepare you to be able to get a job and make some side income with the skills that you already know so the moment you know html css i want to show you how to make money with just html css just straight up practical right sometimes you don't you don't need a guy it's like right now you might say who the [ __ ] is this guy saying who the [ __ ] is this guy right who the [ __ ] is this guy saying who the [ __ ] is this guy this is not what you're gonna find here on youtube everybody wants to be mad professional and mad this and that i come here as you can see i'm on the floor chilling in my office right i got brand new freaking monitors i just bought i'm just chilling right super like laid back we're not trying to sell ourselves as uh experts and you know all this [ __ ] like i don't want to be that guy i'm just keeping it just real with you guys and the things that's going to help you guys uh you know give you guys like real practical advice that's going to get you into the game because this is what the average person needs this is what the regular guy just like myself needs i don't need no guy with a mit degree to come in and tell me hey this is what programming is this isn't that uh this is hexadecimal and like i don't care about that show me how i could get a job show me how i could get paid from this if you can't do that for me then you're not doing anything because programming i can read a book and learn programming yeah man so definitely all right guys i'm about to head out of here um getting back into the new course the entrepreneur developer if you are a member of as a yearly member or a lifetime member you have access to this um if you are not a yearly member and you're a monthly subscriber i will advise you guys to upgrade um you actually save money long term okay you save about 40 or sometimes even more than that when you sign up for a whole year um on and even at that you could split it up into two so you could sign up for a yearly membership and only pay for six months right so say i want to do get the yearly membership access and pay every six months so it's a hundred dollars for every six months and there's a great deal okay you get a uh access to all the courses and all the new courses that we are adding to to the website and it's gonna be really cool for you to to get access to all of them you know uh because the monthly subscription is to teach you guys how to get a job and give you all of the programming things right all the languages everything that has to do with programming is in the monthly subscription so you're good if you only have 20 or 10 dollars whatever it might be you're good you can start with that you know damn well that you really enjoying the content you really loving what you're getting here and you have a hundred dollars there sign up for the yearly membership and do it every six months okay you're saving money you're actually saving uh more than 50 percent of what you will pay on a monthly subscription plus you're also getting extra content that's going to help you start getting paid right away so that monthly subscription that you're paying or that yearly subscription that you're paying is is basically oh you're you're learning the skills to pay for it automatically from the beginning okay so you're not just stuck with i know the skills but i only could get a job it's like nah i know the skills and i know how to use the skills to make money for myself so i could pay for this course or this membership here and it's like it's paying for itself like that's the goal that's the idea of it okay so anyways man guys thank you for coming through uh love you guys kevin perez holla at me um cynthia holla at me you already know she put joe back at it again yo boys backing out them dude again yeah
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,565
Rating: 4.8036809 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,
Id: MwLFtDivHOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 23sec (7583 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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